They get this little factoid from a Facebook post by Ahmed Mansour (presumably no relation,) an Al Jazeera reporter who is clearly a fan of Mosri.
According to the post, Adli Mansour is really a Seventh-Day Adventist. This means, according to this well-informed journalist, that Adli is really Jewish.
If that isn't evidence enough of Adli's guilt, Ahmed says that Adli approached the Coptic pope for baptism and was turned down. I'm sure that's relevant.
Ahmed Mansour ends off his post by saying "Congratulations, [Egypt], you are now ruled by Jews and Christians."
UPDATE: Everyone is denying everything, and Ahmed Mansour says that his Facebook page was faked. It has been around for over a year, with tens of thousands of "Likes," so this is a pretty elaborate deception and surprising that Mansour never complained about it before.