Al Wafd, the newspaper of the liberal Wafd party, has already been shown to report a bizarre story about a US medical research center in Egypt that, they claim, is creating pathogens to kill Egyptians and cause birth defects, among other horrendous things.
On the lighter side, al Wafd also reported that Madonna was helping Zionist take over the world.
Now, the newspaper publishes an extended rant that says, repeatedly, that the US is a Nazi state, that it supported the Muslim Brotherhood, that it funds sedition, and that it supports terror groups and calls it a War on Terror. These terror groups are meant to take over Egypt.
The facta are crystal clear .. Egypt will not accept to be a field for experiments in failed U.S. policy .. We will not leave the future of our country, to an America anomaly that has fallen under the influence of the World Zionists .. It has also become clear to everyone that Egypt would not retreat from fighting terrorism .. terrorists and their presence in Egypt is unacceptable ..How can any Western country navigate an Arab world where each group is nuttier than the next? Especially when they seem to make it a competition!
Egypt imposes closure of ports from people coming from Syria, Iraq, Libya, Palestine and Yemen .. Egypt's security is more important than anything...
Those who chant slogans "To Jerusalem we go ... [martyrs in the milions]" are a Trojan "donkey" for the implementation of the Zionist scheme of transfer and the evacuation of Arab land to Jews ..