Muslim writer touts Israeli tolerance of minorities
Ahmed discussed her experience working in Saudi Arabia – the topic of her book, In the Land of Invisible Women: A Female Doctor’s Journey in the Saudi Kingdom, which documented the rampant anti-Semitism in the country and lack of women’s rights.NGO Monitor: Blood Libels & BDS – NGO Monitor’s Report to the 2013 Global Forum on Antisemitism
She said that Muslims she encountered saw Jewish intellectual prowess as particularly irritating.
The network of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that claim to promote human rights and humanitarian agendas in the context of the Arab-Israeli conflict often use antisemitic themes and imagery. These groups include international NGOs (Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch), Palestinian NGOs (MIFTAH, Badil, Sabeel, Kairos Palestine, Electronic Intifada, Gaza Community Mental Health Programme), and Israeli groups (Coalition of Women for Peace, Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions).Jewish Virtual Library: Myths and Facts 33: Zionism is Racism
The myth of the ‘Zionist Crusader’
The Muslim holy war to expel the Christian invaders did not begin until almost a century after the initial Crusader conquests.
The Jewish connection to the Land of Israel is organic and ancient. Jewish redemption and the Jewish future are centered on the Land of Israel. Anti-Israel propagandists can continue to rob the State of Israel of its legitimacy by portraying Jews as a foreign, imperialist element in the Land of Israel, yet in the end, the truth will win out. The Zionist movement – an anti-imperialist movement to the core – returned the Jewish people to their homeland.The London Beheading: A Betrayal of Britain, Not Islam
The myth of the “Zionist Crusader” is a distortion of history that has only yielded lies and misery.
The Islam that killed Lee Rigby is growing and gaining confidence day by day. It’s time that Britain woke up to the fact that it’s already too late to fight it on the beaches. The battle is already here on the streets.Commentators slam Glenn Greenwald for claiming ‘it’s our fault’ when Islamist terrorists attack
Here are a few suggested posts which effectively take on Greenwald, or at least fisk the logic he employs to arrive at the conclusion that it is our fault when Islamist terrorists murder civilians in the West.Richard Kemp: Michael Adebolajo's dangerous ignorance about Afghanistan
Michael Adebolajo, the knife-wielding, blood-soaked brute who is suspected of killing Drummer Lee Rigby told passersby he was fed up with people killing Muslims in Afghanistan. If that was the reason for Wednesday's attack on Drummer Lee Rigby, Adebolajo should have travelled to Helmand and started wielding his knife against Taliban fighters. It is they who kill most Muslims in Afghanistan.Surrendering freedom to the violent: ANU censors student paper for mocking Islam
The Australian National University has cited international violence in the wake of the Danish cartoon and Innocence of Muslims controversies in justifying its decision to force student newspaper Woroni to pulp a satirical infographic which described a passage from the Koran as a “rape fantasy”.Concert-goers chant anti-Semitic slurs at Beyonce show in Germany
The university also threatened student authors and editors of the infographic with disciplinary action, including academic exclusion and the withdrawal of the publication’s funding.
The piece was the fifth in a satirical series entitled “Advice from Religion” which had previously discussed Catholicism, Scientology, Mormonism and Judaism.
No complaints were received about any of the earlier instalments.
Israelis attending a Beyonce concert in Berlin over the weekend were met with anti-Semitic chants from the audience.Man wearing pro-Israel shirt attacked in Berlin
The incident took place when a group of eight Israelis, including two soldiers on leave, arrived at Germany's O2 stadium for a Beyonce concert. The group managed to arrive early and succeeded in seating themselves in the first row, to the dismay of local German fans.
Three people attacked a 26-year-old Jewish man in Berlin early on Sunday morning, lightly wounding him.Jewish children hidden twice over by the Church
The three men insulted and hit the man in front of a disco in the Mitte district, a neighborhood with many clubs and bars. He was wearing a T-shirt with a pro-Israel emblem on it, and the assailants learned that he was Jewish in the course of a conversation.
The formal Church directive outlining how to deal with requests from Jewish organizations looking for hidden children throughout Europe fails to mention the atrocities of the Holocaust.Jews leave Swedish city after sharp rise in anti-Semitic hate crimes
“Children who have been baptized must not be entrusted to institutions that would not be in a position to guarantee their Christian upbringing,” the document says. “For children who no longer have their parents, given the fact that the Church is responsible for them, it is not acceptable for them to be abandoned by the Church or entrusted to any persons who have no rights over them, at least until they are in a position to choose themselves.”
In 2009, a chapel serving the city’s 700-strong Jewish community was set ablaze. Jewish cemeteries were repeatedly desecrated, worshippers were abused on their way home from prayer, and “Hitler” was mockingly chanted in the streets by masked men.Israelis give a double punch to triple-negative breast cancer
“I never thought I would see this hatred again in my lifetime, not in Sweden anyway,” Mrs Popinski told The Sunday Telegraph.
“This new hatred comes from Muslim immigrants. The Jewish people are afraid now.”
Malmo’s Jews, however, do not just point the finger at bigoted Muslims and their fellow racists in the country’s Neo-Nazi fringe. They also accuse Ilmar Reepalu, the Left-wing mayor who has been in power for 15 years, of failing to protect them.
Israeli researchers from the Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot are opening a new window of hope for the daughters and granddaughters of women diagnosed with triple-negative breast cancer. The cancer carries a strong genetic link and it is also found in people of Jewish Ashkenazi (Eastern European) ancestry.Marks and Spencer to Sell ‘Sweet Green’ Tomato First Discovered in Israel
The British retailer Marks and Spencer is benefiting from Israeli agriculture with what it claims is the first ripe and sweet green tomato on London’s High Street.Easy laughs for visiting comedians
The tomato, named the Sweet Green, was first discovered in Israel and has sugar levels of up to 12 on the Brix scale, a scientific measure developed to assess the quality and sweetness of fruit and vegetables.
The crowd was friendly at Jerusalem’s Beit Shmuel theater Sunday night, eager to laugh and hear what four American comedians had to say about Israel, Jews, and just about anything else that came to mind.
It was the third show out of seven for Comedy for Koby, the bi-annual event that has brought some 30 comedians to Israel over the last 10 years, raising money for the Koby Mandell Foundation.