Monday, May 20, 2013

  • Monday, May 20, 2013
From Ian:

The Palestinian industry of lies
The Muhammad al-Dura affair has been one of the cornerstones of a lengthy delegitimization campaign against Israel, whose sole purpose is to portray Israel as a nation that kills children and perpetrates genocide. Once this premise has been accepted, at least by some among the Western elite and the international media, acts of terror against Israel have been legitimized all the more forcefully.
CIF Watch: A blood libel is born: Fisking the Guardian’s original report about Mohammed Al Durah
The following is my fisking of the original report in the Guardian on the Al Durah incident, written by Suzanne Goldenberg and published on Oct. 3, 2000 and titled ‘Making of a martyr’:
South African MP: Pro-Palestinian ads misrepresent apartheid
On my recent trip to San Francisco, I was deeply disturbed to learn about the posters in The City accusing Israel of apartheid. As a black South African who lived under apartheid, this system was implemented in South Africa to subjugate people of color and deny them a variety of their rights. In my view, Israel cannot be compared to apartheid in South Africa. Those who make the accusation expose their ignorance of what apartheid really is.
NGO Monitor: Due Diligence and Accountability? The Negative Impact of U.S. Government Funding for Mideast Political NGOs
This NGO Monitor report relates to U.S. government funding for non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that operate in Israel and the Palestinian Authority, specifically to groups whose activities contribute to the political campaigns designed to demonize and delegitimize Israel.
Exclusive: Facebook Promotes Palestinian Propaganda in Jerusalem
Internet companies are forcing a biased Palestinian narrative onto users. First, Yahoo artificially divided Jerusalem into Israeli and Palestinian sections. Then Google made headlines by creating a Palestinian state. Now Facebook is promoting “East Jerusalem.”
Church of Scotland 'Revision' Report 'Old Wine in New Bottle'
The Church of Scotland's "revision" of its April report "The Inheritance Of Abraham? A Report On The 'Promised Land'," is insufficient and continues to rely on the anti-Israel group Sabeel, said Jerusalem-based research institute NGO Monitor.
"The revised report is the same tainted wine in a new bottle," said Yitzhak Santis, NGO Monitor's Chief Programs Officer. "Though some of the more hurtful language was removed from the main body of the report, much of its original offensive theology and ideology remains."
Berlin Anti-Semites Seek to Destroy Remembrance Project
Anti-Semites in Berlin have been intimidating community and local officials who are behind a project to preserve the memory of Holocaust victims who lived in the city.
The project entails the placing of the names residents on monuments on the sidewalks of streets where they lived before being deported by the Nazis to concentration camps. The project is several years old, and was undertaken with the full cooperation of the municipality and the Jewish community.
Z Street IRS case to be heard in court
Z Street, which is intended to counterbalance the left-wing group J Street, has claimed that IRS officials delayed approving its status because its views on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict contradict those of the Obama administration.
Israeli Exports to Turkey Hit All-Time High
Although there is still plenty of tension in the relations between Israel and Turkey, Israeli exports to the country reached an all-time high in the first quarter of 2013. The total amount of Israeli exports to Turkey, not including diamonds, reached $560 million in the first three months of 2013, 44% higher than a year earlier, the Israel Export Institute said Sunday.
France in talks with U.S., Israel to buy drones: minister
France's existing hardware is outdated and its military intervention in Mali this year has exposed its shortage of surveillance drones suitable for modern warfare. The United States provided French commanders with intelligence from its drones based in Niger.
S.Korea deploys Israeli missile on border with North
Satellite-guided Spike missiles can "destroy North Korea's underground facilities," South Korean army official says.
"Dozens of Spike missiles and their launchers have recently been deployed on Baengnyeong and Yeonpyeong islands," a South Korean army official said.
"They can destroy (North Korea's) underground facilities and can pursue and strike moving targets," he continued.
Acquisition gives Mellanox ‘speedy’ tech for data centers
In a twist on the usual scenario, Israeli networking equipment manufacturer Mellanox will be opening a research and development facility in the United States.
The new Mellanox facility is the result of the company’s acquisition of California-based Kotura, a pioneer in silicon-photonics, a new technology that promises to significantly speed up network data transfer.
Ecuadorian Ministry of Environment Invites Israeli Experts to Assist in Island Preservation
A Ben Gurion University delegation from the Jacob Blaustein Institutes for Desert Research (BIDR) recently toured the Galapagos Islands in April. The delegation, led by Professor Ariel Novoplansky, signed a cooperation agreement with the Directorate of the National Park to promote the conservation of the endangered biological diversity of the islands.
Scientists test experimental chemotherapy drug
One of the greatest fears of younger women who have to undergo chemotherapy to fight tumors is possible fertility damage. But the mechanism responsible for the destruction of the eggs in their ovaries and the resultant infertility has not been understood until now.



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