Khaled Abu Toameh: Who is Really Desecrating Holy Sites?
Those who are now using the visits by Jews to initiate violence and incite violence against Israel and others are hoping that Arab and Islamic armies will launch a war against Israel over its "desecration" of the holy site.London goes the way of Kabul
If anyone is desecrating the holy site, it is those who smuggle petrol bombs and stones into the compound to use them against visitors.
Last year it was Mohammed Merah, a young Muslim of Algerian decent who was mesmerized by jihadist ideology and started off deciding to kill "traitorous" Muslims who fought alongside the infidels against his brothers in Afghanistan, before cementing his legacy in the murderous terrorist attack on the Ozar Hatorah Jewish school.“Terror” Only Happens in London
London's Woolwich neighborhood bore witness to a jihadist attack on Wednesday. Unfortunately it was not the first of its kind. Youth, enchanted by the jihad, are implementing the methods displayed in the gory videos currently circulating the Web.
So far as the British media’s concerned, Palestinian suicide bombings, shootings, and knife attacks in Israel are never acts of terror. And the people responsible for the blood and mayhem are never terrorists.Thanks to Kuperwasser al-Dura report, truth is on its way By Philippe Karsenty
The nine-letter word of choice is militants.
But when British soldier is hacked to death by Muslims in the streets of London — right outside his barracks — UK media uses the six-letter T-word. And correctly so.
For over 10 years, I’ve been fighting, along with many friends, to get out the truth about the al-Dura blood libel.Richard Landes: The Al Durah Affair: What Makes Journalists Behave so Badly?
For many years, the strongest argument of our opponents has been the silence of the State of Israel when my efforts were sometimes undermined by Israeli diplomats. So getting the support of Israeli public diplomacy was an important objective.
The scandal today is, thirteen years later, the journalists themselves not only have not confronted this outrageous initial failure – dupes of a cheap fake – but their continued refusal to reconsider even as they continue to fall dupe to subsequent hoaxes. On the contrary, the go on practicing the kind of “lethal journalism” that the Al Durah affair epitomizes – injecting the information circulation system with malevolent lethal narratives designed to incite hatred, vengeance and war.Honest Reporting: Is CNN Lying About al-Dura?
The headline, “Did Israel lie about child’s death?” sets the tone. But the kicker comes midway through the video, when we meet none other than cameraman Talal Abu Rahma, the one who shot the infamous footage of al-Dura and his father cowering behind a barrel broadcast by France 2 in 2000.CAMERA Launches New Website to Aid Pro-Israel Students
Turns out, he now works for CNN.
“This project grew out of repeated requests by students for a site that would provide them very specific information they need, with campus speakers, films, and books,” Aviva Slomich, CAMERA’s campus director, said in a statement.British 'Animosity' Toward Israel 'Disguised Anti-Semitism'
The website will be resource for students looking to educate themselves about the complexities of the Arab-Israeli conflict. It includes a “Middle East Issues” section that addresses many hot topics such as Jerusalem, the BDS movement, Israeli construction beyond the 1949 armistice lines, and more.
A senior Israeli minister described the "animosity" shown towards the state by British media, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and academics, as "disguised anti-Semitism", in an interview published in Thursday's Daily Telegraph.Man Linked to Boston Bomber Killed by FBI
Evidence mounted linking one and then both of the Boston Marathon bombing suspects to the murders, but a developing story today is complicating that narrative. Earlier this morning, 27-year-old Ibragim Todashev, a Chechan man linked to Tamerlan Tsarnaev was shot and killed by the FBI in Orlando, Florida.Prizes to Samaria, Golan Wineries at International Event
Israeli wineries in the Golan region and in Samaria (Shomron) are among the winners of the 2013 DECANTER competition for wines. A record 14,362 wines from 52 countries were entered in the event.Bring them together
Stef Wertheimer, an octogenarian Israeli tycoon whose company produces cutting tools and who has financed the project to the tune of $22m, wants to get more Arabs into Israeli high-tech. Start-ups have helped lift Israel’s GDP per person by nearly a quarter in the past decade, to $32,000, and account for two-fifths of its exports.(h/t L.King)IDF Blog: Safe and Sound: Mauricio’s Journey from Venezuela to Israel
Few people will ever have a life or death experience. This young Venezuelan soldier has already had several in his mere 21 years. Few would be able to overcome the obstacles he went through, but he did it and thrived.IDF Captain, One Hand Prosthetic and the Other Paralyzed, Still Yearns to Defend Israel
Pvt. Mauricio Glucksmann was born on October 10, 1991 in Caracas, Venezuela. There, he studied at a Jewish school and led a normal life. But normalcy would not last for long.
By supporting FIDF, Komisar and Silverman help Israeli children and families whoRepurposed Rock Brings Hope to Massachusetts Church Vandalized with Swastikas
have lost a parent or relative in uniform, among other projects. “The FIDF really takes care of the human side of these kids being soldiers,” Komisar said.
Established in 1981 by a group of Holocaust survivors, FIDF supports IDF soldiers through a variety of educational and wellbeing programs, including academic scholarships to former combat soldiers, financial aid to soldiers in-need, help for bereaved families, support for Lone Soldiers with no immediate family in Israel, aid for wounded soldiers, and more.
At the Victory Assembly of God Church on Sunday, the rock, which was inscribed with the words of Isaiah 54:17, “No weapon forged against you shall prosper,” became the centerpiece of a renewed and undeterred Jerusalem Day celebration at the church.