Carter and Tutu won’t bring peace to Holy Land By Abraham Cooper, Harold Brackman
In 2003, Tutu became a patron of Sabeel International, founded by Palestinian cleric Rev. Dr. Naim Ateek, who has declared: “It seems to many of us that Jesus is on the cross again with thousands of crucified Palestinians around him... The Israeli government crucifixion system is operating daily.”Israellycool: Death To Israel Facebook Page
“Elders” like Carter and Tutu, who demonize the Jewish nation, who deny the Jewish people’s past in the Holy Land, who refuse to acknowledge Israel’s right to defend herself, are neither peaceseekers or peacemakers. Apartheid slanderers and boycott campaigners will only succeed in further emboldening the extremists who have already turned much of the Middle East’s Arab Spring into an international nightmare.
Although many people have indicated Facebook refuses to take down the page – despite it openly calling for genocide and containing vile antisemitism like the previous photos – more people reporting it might just do the trick.Temple Mount: Jews Strip-Searched to Avoid Israeli Flags
Three yeshiva students were strip-searched Tuesday when visiting the Temple Mount, Temple Mount activists have reported.BBC says it won't use "anti-Semitism" because the word is... too long?!
The students were reportedly pulled aside by a commander of the police unit for protection of holy sites. They were asked to remove clothing and their bodies were searched for an Israeli flag.
Many queried the BBC's reporting of the incident at the time. In fact, the odd headline, "Labour peer Lord Ahmed suspended after 'Jewish claims'" is still currently live. Instead of using "anti-Semitism", the Beeb opted for "Jewish claims", making the story seem like there were claims by Jewish people leading to Lord Ahmed's suspension.Wiesenthal Centre Demands Cancellation of Pro-Barghouti Rally
Call it clumsy journalism, intentional stupidity, whatever you want - it doesn't explain the following e-mail exchange that one reader of The Commentator had with the BBC complaints team. Check it out:
The Wiesenthal Centre has sent a strongly worded letter of protest to the Association of French Mayors after learning from Arutz Sheva of their planned rally for Marwan Barghouti - and its guest list.Paris suburb Wednesday to honor Palestinian who killed Israeli minister
The Centre's press release on the subject was vehemently phrased, saying, "On Israel's Independence Day, the Suburban Paris Municipality of St. Denis will Host and Honour Convicted Palestinian Terrorists - Stop this Outrage as a Threat to Public Order".
A French town is scheduled to host a ceremony on Wednesday honoring several Palestinian terrorists.Michigan Arab Editor 'Tarnishes Integrity' of University
Among the terrorists are Allam Kaabi and Salah Hamouri, who are are scheduled to appear at the Bourse de Travail building, which belongs to the municipality of St. Denis, a suburb of the French capital.
Michigan State University urged to reconsider induction of Arab American newspaper editor into Hall of Fame due to anti-Semitic diatribes.
“The fact that Osama Siblani consistently allows his publication to be a forum for hate should call into question his fitness for the Michigan Journalism Hall of Fame,” said Abraham H. Foxman, ADL National Director. “The Arab American News has repeatedly published anti-Semitic diatribes and rhetoric and Mr. Siblani has publicly stated support and sympathy for terrorist organizations, including Hamas and Hizbullah.”Brooklyn College Criticizes Itself Over Anti-Israel Event
To repeat: at a public college, in an event co-sponsored by one of its academic departments, four students were likely expelled from the event because of their political beliefs. Presumably this finding will cause even the president of the college, Karen Gould, to publicly apologize to Brooklyn’s student body. But given Gould’s performance to date, this may be expecting too much.ADL Downplays Controversy Over Anti-Israel Texts in Curriculum of Newton, Mass.
The Schaffer Report also brought to light at least four previously unreported facts:
According to the Newton School Superintendent David Fleishman, the Arab World Studies Notebook was removed from Newton’s public school curriculum. Nevertheless, many parents and other citizens have expressed concern about other anti-Israel materials they say remain in distribution. Local ADL leaders, however, are downplaying the uncertainty as to which anti-Israel texts are still being used in Newton classrooms.65 years of innovation, from Rummikub to the ‘God Particle’
This research, which was obtained by, reveals the presence of controversial texts in the Newton curriculum that include the following: A Muslim Primer, which claims that astronaut Neil Armstrong converted to Islam, but that the anti-Muslim U.S. government warned him “to keep his new religion to himself or he could be fired from his government job;”
While a great deal of international and media focus has been placed on Israel’s military conflicts, the country quietly has become an energetic, ambitious incubator of entrepreneurialism and invention. What follows is a timeline chronicling some of the most important and interesting innovations produced by Israelis during their country’s 65-year existence.Teshome Solomon’s arduous, triumphant trek to the Knesset
In Ethiopia, his parents gave him an Amharic name that means ‘he got promoted.’ He certainly did. Now Shimon Solomon is battling for the Ethiopian community, and against racism, as a member of parliament for Yesh AtidHow an unwieldy romantic poem and a Romanian folk song combined to produce ‘Hatikva’
When he was 10 years old, Shimon Solomon and his family walked for weeks from Shire Indaselassie, a small town in northern Ethiopia, to the Sudanese border — the start of a journey they believed would end with the life they were meant to live in Israel.
Romanian oxen and a chronic alcoholic are not the likeliest progenitors of the Israeli national anthem. But that’s “Hatikva” for you.
The globetrotting Galician poet who wrote it died over a century ago from drink, but his words live on despite numerous attempts to oust them for more socialist, divine or nonpartisan verse. As for the oxen, more on them later.