UN Watch: Victory: UN Reverses Course, Condemns Richard Falk
Falk defenders lash out: “UN Watch crafted the smoking gun, better watch itself”
Falk’s defenders, outraged at UN Watch, have now begun to rally, lashing out against us in lengthy manifestos. “UN Watch crafts the smoking gun,” screams a headline on Mondoweiss, a leading anti-Israel website. “UN Watch Better Watch Itself,” warns the headline of an essay by Jeremy Hammond, the publisher of Falk’s article.UN’s Disgraced Richard Falk to be Honored Tomorrow by Famed US Financier in Beirut
Why are they so angry?
Because thanks to UN Watch pressure, their hero, the world body’s most vicious hater of America, Israel, and Western democratic society, was exposed, denounced, and shamed by world leaders—including by the head of the United Nations himself. And rightfully so.
A famous San Francisco tech finance pioneer is being called upon to cancel his sponsorship of a lecture tomorrow night that will honor a UN official who was denounced by world leaders last week for suggesting that the Boston bombings were somehow the fault of the U.S. and Israel.Richard Falk’s Publisher ‘Foreign Policy Journal’ is just a 1-man, Truther-run website
In reality, “Foreign Policy Journal” appears to be a one-man website, dedicated to extremist anti-American and anti-Israeli rants, with that one man, Jeremy R. Hammond, who describes himself as self-employed and living in Cross Village, Michigan, being a prolific 9/11 Truther.VIDEO: Ken Livingstone makes excuses for Boston bombers
Labour's former Mayor of London, Ken Livingstone, has used his Press TV pulpit to make anti-imperialist excuses on behalf of the Boston bombersBombers’ mother told older son to go to ‘Palestine’
In a conversation tapped by Russian authorities, Zubeidat Tsarnaeva suggested that her sons go to Palestine during a discussion about jihad. The Russian security service intercepted the 2011 phone conversation as part of a wider monitoring programme, the fruits of which have now been turned over to US officials.Glenn Greenwald on the sage foreign policy wisdom of the ‘Underwear Bomber’
In addition to smearing as ‘Islamophobic’ anyone who suggested, in the early hours and days of the investigation into the attack which left 3 dead and over 200 injured, that the culprits may be Islamists, his reaction once it seemed clear that the terrorists were radicalized Chechnyan Muslims was to argue, in a fashion similar to Richard Falk, that such attacks should ‘inspire’ us to reflect on US policy in the Mid-East.European activist attacks IDF officer in Hebron
A Palestinian youth and a European activist were arrested by IDF soldiers near Hebron on Sunday for throwing rocks.Hamas terrorist gets 24 yrs for shootings, bombings
According to the IDF, the foreign activist resisted arrest and attempted to grab an officer’s weapon. He also reportedly attacked another IDF soldier before being subdued.
IDF announces the Samaria Military Court convicts Muhammed Haruyash for involvement in and attempts to carry out terror attacks.Syrian PM 'Survives Damascus Car Bombing'
Syrian Prime Minister Wael al-Halaqi survived a bomb attack that targeted his convoy in central Damascus on Monday.Oren: Syria Military Action 'Very,Very Complex’
Oren said air strikes on chemical weapons bases pose a risk of collateral damage to civilians if agent is dispersed, and under international law the attacker would be at fault.What is the Motivation Behind Erdogan Visiting Gaza and Snubbing Kerry?
"That's why Israel is not making, urging any action by the United States in Syria, because we understand the complexity of it and we share the concerns of the United States and our neighbors," Oren said on Fox News Sunday.
In the same manner as countless Middle Eastern leaders before him, Erdogan figures that going on the offensive on the Palestinian front will win him back some much-needed credibility. According to Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu, the purpose of Erdogan’s trip is to secure precisely the outcome that the U.S. and the PA fear will be set back—namely, reconciliation between Fatah and Hamas.