Gaza’s ‘Al-Aqsa’ television channel, which is affiliated with Hamas, continues to faithfully serve the fundamentalist line of its political masters. The channel frequently calls for the violent killing of Jews and for popular struggle against the ‘Zionist regime’, until it has been completely destroyed.
Check out these three clips, which nicely illustrate Hamas’ ongoing incitement against Israel:
Religious leader Wael Al-Zarad asks God to support global Jihad fighters in their attempts to “liberate Haifa, Acre, Jaffa, Safed and Lod, Ramle, Jericho and all of our cities” from “this group of cancerous bacteria” [Israel].
In a Friday sermon from Gaza broadcast on March 1, the preacher calls on his congregation to “admit and proclaim to the entire world that what we truly seek is to remove the so-called “State of Israel” from existence”.
The anchor of an Al-Aqsa TV news show reports that Hamas has called for a terror attack on Jerusalem.
Hamas proves once again that its claims to legitimacy and moderation are false. Hamas’ true goal is to destroy the State of Israel.