I forget, which side do we want to win again?
Following are excerpts from a video-clip featuring a Syrian child singing a song of praise for Osama Bin Laden. The clip was posted on the Internet on February 9, 2013.
Syrian child: Allah is what we strive for, and He is our goal.
Our Sheik Jolani has raised the banner.
Our Sheik Jolani has raised the banner.
Our Emir Mullah [Omar] did not renounce his religion.
All the soldiers have pledged their souls to Allah.
All the soldiers have pledged their souls to Allah.
Our leader is Bin Laden, the Americans’ worst nightmare,
with the power of faith, and our weapon, the PK machine-gun,
with the power of faith, and our weapon, the PK machine-gun.
We have destroyed America with a civilian airplane.
The World Trade Center was turned into rubble.
The World Trade Center was turned into rubble.
Just wait, you Alawite police,
we have brought slaughter upon you, and there will be no compromise.
We have brought slaughter upon you, and there will be no compromise.
They call me a terrorist – this is an honor for me.
Our terrorism is blessed, a divine call.
Our terrorism is blessed, a divine call.
Just wait, you Alawite police,
we have brought slaughter upon you, and there will be no compromise.
We have brought slaughter upon you – it is a divine call.
Say: “Allah Akbar.”
Crowd: Allah Akbar.
Syrian child: We will defend this village, we will not sell it out.
We will slaughter the Shiites in the towns of Kfariya and Fu’ah.
We will slaughter the Shiites in the towns of Kfariya and Fu’ah.
We will defend this village, we will not sell out Taftanaz.
We will slaughter the Shiites in the towns of Kfariya and Fu’ah.
We will slaughter the Shiites in the towns of Kfariya and Fu’ah.
Say: “Allah Akbar.”
Crowd: Allah Akbar.