Wednesday, February 13, 2013

  • Wednesday, February 13, 2013
  • Elder of Ziyon
Egypt's Al Mesryoon newspaper discusses the threat that Shiite Islam brings to Egypt, and goes through a bizarre history of the sect.

Naturally, since Shiites are evil, Jews must have something to do with it.

According to the article, Sunni scholars are warning against the growing Shiite influence in Egypt. You see, after the Jews killed many of Jesus' apostles - and tried, but failed, to kill Jesus - they decided to create discord and divisiveness in Islam by influencing the creation of the Shiite version of Islam.

After discussing some strange Shiite customs, like temporary marriages only for sexual pleasure, we learn that Iran's seeming success in scientific and cultural endeavors has nothing to do with Persians being smarter than Arabs or anything like that. No, Iran got its smarts from - all together now - the Zionists! (And the Crusaders, by which they mean Christians.)

As far as I can tell, Al Mesryoon is a mainstream newspaper.

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