Wednesday links part 2
From Ian:
Iran's Fake Super-Stealth Jet Takes to the Fake Skies, Now with Nice Photoshop
“Iran's homegrown, radar-evading stealth fighter jet is flying the very cinematic skies, according to state news agency/Iranian propaganda machine Khouz News, as the nation's defense minister continues to fend off the non-believers as false news/Western propaganda. Well, we've got news for him: The only technological miracle in this alleged flight of the Qahar 313 fighter over Mount Damavand is that someone at the Iranian defense ministry appears to have upgraded to Photoshop CS6 since the last copy-and-paste job went viral.
And how do we know it's Photoshopped? Well, look at this mountain shot from the stock-image site PickyWallpapers, which we found through a Google Image search, then lightened:”
UN envoy urges EU to add Hezbollah to terror list
Be brave like Richard, not blind like Napoleon, Ron Prosor says at UN Security Council
“Israel’s ambassador to the United Nations on Tuesday called on the European Union to take a bold but simple step and designate Hezbollah a terrorist organization.
Speaking at a UN Security Council debate on the protection of civilians in combat zones, Ambassador Ron Prosor told world leaders that “calling Hezbollah a charity is like calling al-Qaeda an urban-planning organization because of its desire to level tall buildings.”
“One does not need the fortitude of Richard the Lionheart to do the right thing here,” he said, referring to the legendary English crusader king in an attempt to convince the EU to change its policy.”
European-Funded Palestinian News Agency Publishes Article Denying the Holocaust
"Just a day after issuing an apology for an anti-Semitic article published to its website, the European-funded Palestinian news service Ma’an News Agency published an article denying the Holocaust, presenting it as a Jewish lie used by Jews around the world to achieve various goals.
Palestinian Media Watch spotted the article which was published only a few days after Holocaust Remembrance Day. Among its many hateful claims, the article calls the Holocaust a myth. “The Zionists are marking the 68th anniversary of the creation of the ‘Holocaust’ myth” the article contends. Further claims made are that “there is no basis for [claims about] what happened to the Jews in Germany and that they were cremated in gas chambers.”
Local row breaks out over UK council twinning with Palestinian town
Officials and locals in the borough of Pendle, UK, have expressed concern over the twinning of the town with Beit Lid in the West Bank
"But the Pendle-Beit Leed group, represented politically as the Pendle for Palestine Twinning group, also has some explaining to do regarding its links in the UK. On January 28th 2012, the group announced a partnership with the Camden Abu Dis Friendship Association (CADFA), a group led by a man who has expressed support for Khader Adnan - a jailed terrorist leader from the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ). The PIJ is a banned terrorist organisation under UK law, whose car and suicide bombings have murdered hundreds of Israeli Jews and Arabs.
CADFA stands accused of propagandising for the eradication of the Jewish State, with one screenshot of their presentations showing 'Palestine' as the entirety of Israel and the Palestinian Territories. Munir Nusseibeh, CADFA's Chairman, has also led the group in supporting Hana Shalabi, whom they describe as a “political prisoner”. Shalabi is also a member of Palestinian Islamic Jihad."
MEMRI: Egyptian Human Rights Activist In Open Letter To President Obama
'Your Administration Ha[s] Given Political Cover To The Current Authoritarian Regime In Egypt'; 'Further American Statements Supporting The Current Egyptian Regime Will Only Lead To More Egyptians Being Beaten, Raped, Tortured, And Killed'
“In his open letter in Al-Ahram Weekly, Hassan requested "that spokespeople and officials in your administration stop commenting on developments in Egypt" and that "as long as they cannot speak the truth about what is happening in Egypt, they keep silent." Their statements, he said, only give "political cover to the current authoritarian regime in Egypt" and to its policy of violent repression of demonstrations, including the tactic of raping women.”
Hundreds of Egyptian police hold protest
Low-ranking law enforcers demonstrate against the way they are being used to suppress opposition voices
"Hundreds of Egypt’s low-ranking policemen staged protests on Tuesday demanding they not be used as a tool for political oppression in the country’s ongoing turmoil.
Dozens of policemen rallied outside local security administration headquarters in at least 10 provinces. Some of them carried signs reading, “we are innocent of the blood of the martyrs.”
Although small, the protests marked a rare instance of dissent by Egypt’s police force. The rallies reflect fears among many policemen of a public backlash after weeks of violent crackdowns on anti-government protests."
Analysis: Pyongyang nuke test may also be Iranian
Expert warns Tehran may be bypassing int'l inspections via North Korea, says Iranian scientists may have been present at test.
"North Korea is making progress both in its nuclear weapons capabilities and its ICBM missile research, Dr. Alon Levkowitz, coordinator of Bar-Ilan University’s Asian Studies Program and a member of the BESA Center for Strategic Studies, told The Jerusalem Post.
“The most disturbing question is whether the Iranians are using North Korea as a backdoor plan for their own nuclear program. The Iranians didn’t carry out a nuclear test in Iran, but they may have done so in North Korea,” Levkowitz said. “There is no official information on this... but Iran may have bypassed inspections via North Korea. If true, this is a very worrying development.”
Iran Denies its Officials Will be Questioned in Argentina Attack
Iran denies that Iranians facing arrest warrants for their roles in the AMIA bombing will be questioned by an Argentine judge.
"Iran denied on Tuesday that Iranians facing international arrest warrants for their alleged roles in the 1994 bombing of a Buenos Aires Jewish center will be questioned by an Argentine judge, AFP reported.
"The matter of questioning of some of the Iranian officials is a sheer lie," Iranian foreign ministry spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast said at his weekly press conference, after Argentina's foreign minister had indicated the opposite."
What chutzpah!
As convicted anti-Semite John Galliano attempts a comeback at New York Fashion Week, the city’s outraged Jewish community still thinks he’s a schmuck
“Dior brand ambassador Natalie Portman said at the time, “I am deeply shocked and disgusted by the video of John Galliano . . . In light of this video, and as an individual who is proud to be Jewish, I will not be associated with Mr. Galliano in any way.”
The French courts later found him guilty of “public insults based on origin, religious affiliation, race or ethnicity,” and he was fined $8,400 and enrolled in an Arizona rehab clinic for alcohol addiction. While in Paris, he’s been seen regularly at AA meetings held in a church down the block from Dior, according to a source.”
Holland seeks EU heritage label for Nazi camp
Step would honor Westerbork’s ‘key role’ in European history
"In total, nearly 100,000 Jews, or 70 percent of Holland’s pre-Holocaust Jewish population, were transported from Westerbork to Nazi extermination and concentration camps, including Auschwitz, Sobibor, Bergen-Belsen and Theresienstadt, according to Yad Vashem. The premises of the former Nazi camp have been made a national memorial."