Israel to UN: Send Humanitarian Boat to Syria, not Gaza
Israel's Ambassador to the United Nations Ron Prosor has asked the international organization to convince pro-Arab activists not to try to sail the "Estelle" boat to Gaza and try to break the maritime embargo on Hamas. Syria is need of the aid, he added.
Abbas is right - Education can incite
In which case, he may want to take a closer look at what Palestinian children are learning in their classrooms
“Israel's educational curriculum – the official approved textbooks by Israel’s ministry of education - actually includes an overwhelming amount of messages that vehemently oppose racism and violence towards our Palestinian neighbours.”“Sadly, a similar search in Palestinian textbooks did not uncover equivalent quotes. The newest Palestinian textbooks hardly acknowledge the existence of the State of Israel. Take, for example, this quote taken from the Al-Sham grade five history books, stating that “The Levant countries presently consist of the states of Palestine, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria.” Israel remains absent in the vast majority of textbook maps as well.”
UN agency funded with Saudi money wants to edit worldwide textbooks
The UN agency that promotes education wants a say in how future textbooks are written, and Saudi Arabia -- a nation whose own school books have been criticized for promoting hatred of Christians and Jews -- is helping to bankroll the effort.
Feeling judgemental? Think twice
"At HonestReporting, we are often dumbfounded at how blind to logic some commentators can be. As if living under a rock during a Hamas missile assault on Israel last year, some media led their coverage with Israel’s attempts to prevent continued attacks by firing on terrorists and their weapons caches.
Those journalists inverted the chronology of events to the point that a news consumer would reasonably infer that Israel fired at targets in Gaza, which met with a response of rocket fire on Israel’s civilians."
FBI: Man Pleads Guilty in New York to Conspiring with Iranian Military Officials to Assassinate Saudi Arabian Ambassador to the United States
Time to impose sanctions on Scandinavia?
Sweden and Norway have a long history of courting radicals and anti-Israel sentiments.
"Other than their latent – and sometimes blatant - support for radical Islamists, both Norway and Sweden have a history of spearheading the BDS (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions) movement. So for those of us in Israel, perhaps the time has come to think twice before stepping into Ikea and purchasing that conveniently flat-packed sofa."Iran further expanding enrichment capacity – diplomats
Irish ties to Israel hurt by NGO funding
The Irish government is either oblivious to Trócaire’s extensive anti-peace activities, or knowingly carrying on a long tradition of anti-Israel bias.
The answer may have something to do with the fact that Trócaire’s “Occupied Palestinian Territories/Israel Programme Officer,” Garry Walsh, was previously employed as the National Coordinator for Ireland Palestinian Solidarity Campaign – an openly partisan and biased organization far removed from any humanitarian objectives.
National Geographic Channel 'bombarded' with terror threats over bin Laden raid movie
The National Geographic Channel has beefed up security at its Washington headquarters after being 'bombarded' by threats over its upcoming film, "SEAL Team Six: The Raid on Osama Bin Laden," a source has said.
MEMRI: Muslim Brotherhood General Guide Muhammad Badi': Jerusalem Will Be Regained Only Through Jihad, Not Through Negotiations
IDF Blog: 3 Breathtaking Stories of Injured Soldiers Who Returned to Service
Stand With Us: StandWithUs Pro-Israel ads to go up on San Francisco buses
"...encourages the public to "Tell Congress Not to Support Palestinian Groups Like Hamas Because They Don't Want Peace."
CIF Watch: Unchosen: Memoirs of a Philosemite
“..Julie [Burchill] is going to write a new book. Like me, she’s a gentile who loves Israel, and she’s going to write a memoir based on this theme, entitled Unchosen: Memoirs of a Philosemite. Given her deep and longstanding love of Israel and the Jewish people, together with her outrageous sense of humour and unrivalled literary dexterity, it won’t be anything less than a fascinating read.”
Arab Lawyers Union honors Palestinian suicide bomber
The Arab Lawyers Union on Friday awarded its highest decoration to the Palestinian woman who carried out the 2003 suicide bombing at Maxim’s Restaurant in Haifa, which killed 21 and wounded 51. The Cairo-based union, which represents lawyers from 15 Arab countries, dispatched a delegation to the home of suicide bomber Hanadi Jaradat in Jenin to present her family with the award.
Jeffrey Goldberg on How to Beat Obama in next debate (h/t Omri)
Biden said the U.S. would know if the Iranians had begun to manufacture a warhead. But the U.S. didn’t know its ambassador in Libya would be assassinated. It didn’t know that the World Trade Center would be attacked. American intelligence doesn’t know a lot of things. Such is the nature of intelligence. Biden’s sanguine approach to weaponization suggests either that he strayed far from Obama administration policy, or that the White House is more relaxed and confident about stopping Iran than it should be.
Obama’s record in the greater Middle East had already provided Romney with ample opportunities in the next debate on Oct. 22. Biden just gave him another.
CiFWatch: Guardian contributor tells Palestinians to boycott Western aid if it ‘disempowers’ terrorist groups
Morsi’s warm letter to Peres sparks anger and denial in Egypt
And Challah Hu Akbar doing what he does best.