Ahead of U.S. Election Arab News Outlets Depict Anti-Semitic Stereotypes
"Ahead of the U.S. presidential election in early November the ADL released a new report Tuesday highlighting anti-Semitic election-themed cartoons from Arab news outlets. The many cartoons portray Israel as overly influential in U.S. politics, as well as depicting candidates Barack Obama and Mitt Romney as catering disproportionately to the Jewish vote."
CAMERA: The ABC's of Settlements
ABC News' online "Cheat Sheet" on foreign policy issues posted before last night's presidential debate states:
“Obama's relationship with Netanyahu has been rocked by several public strains in the past four years, including disagreements about Israel's expansion of settlements in the Gaza Strip.”
It’s all at the Co-op … unless it’s truth about Israel you’re after ...
"Then when it was pointed out to him that there was no consensus over whether the settlements are illegal – eg the United States does not think this so – a visibly agitated Len Wardle argued that the US's view is worthless because the US ‘occupies’ Guantanamo Bay! (The truth is that the Guantanamo Bay site is leased by the US from Cuba in a commercial arrangement).
Cooperative member and Brighton resident Daniel Matthews said: “The Co-op’s boycott is out-of–step with the opinions of many of its members here in Brighton. A number of us attended the Area Meeting and let the leading figures in the Co-op know that we are opposed to any boycott of Israeli companies."
Obama's real record on Israel By Anne Bayefsky
"The president’s move is reminiscent of a similar game played by the United Nations. The organization trashes the state of Israel 364 days a year, and pauses on the anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz concentration camp on January 27th for an “International Day of Commemoration.”
Study finds no anti-Semitism or anti-Israel activity at most North American colleges
Investigators report absence of incidents on 97 percent of campuses, conclude that divestment movement ‘backfired’ for anti-Israel activists
Gazan reporter aims to keep thorn in Hamas' side
"A secular, feminist Palestinian journalist, al-Ghoul, 30, has been harassed by Hamas. She's also been beaten and arrested by Hamas police for protesting its Islamist policies and suppression of human rights."
IDF Nabs PA Terrorist with 8 Pipe Bombs
Border Police prevented a large-scale terrorist attack Tuesday by nabbing a Palestinian Authority terrorist with eight pipe bombs.
France ‘botched’ Toulouse gunman investigation
"French authorities on Tuesday made public a scathing report of the country’s domestic intelligence agency, criticising its investigation into the man behind the Toulouse shootings, Mohamed Merah, as a series of failures."
Taiba inaugurates Ilan Ramon space center
“Ilan Ramon was the first Israeli astronaut in space and ‘everybody’s astronaut.’ For me, dedicating a center in the Arab community is the fulfillment of a dream. There are things that are stronger than any politics, and that is the understanding that we are here together building one society and state. We are proud that with these centers, we bring the language of science and peace to all parts of the country,” Herschkowitz said."
Europe opens market to Israeli medicines
Passed in European Parliament by vote of 379-230, pact will contribute to the elimination of technical trade barriers.
“At its core, this was not a debate on the merits of the agreement. This was about politics,” Schwammenthal added.
“Some members of the European Parliament were putting their disagreements with Israel ahead of their obligations to ensure their constituents had fast access to the best and most affordable healthcare.”
Israel Daily Picture: Rachel's Tomb
We Present a Special Album of Pictures to Commemorate the Death of the Matriarch Rachel about 3,600 Years Ago
Peter Jenkins and the Bloodthirsty Jews (JPost)
At times, however, Jenkins is not a particularly good anti-Semite. The less-stupid ones wrap usually their bigotry in modish political anti-Israel rhetoric. Occasionally, they let slip their real feelings. Jenkins, it turns out, is a traditional anti-Semite who thinks of Jews as perpetrating medieval cruelties and amassing influence and power.Hezbollah Prepares for a Wider War Than It May Want (Bloomberg, h/t WarpedMirrorPMB)
Israel's Horses and Bayonets (history at Mostly Kosher)
PA TV parody mocks how Palestinian Arabs blame all their problems on Israel (PMW)
For Iran, no red line means green light (Ledeen)
From Adam Segal, "Rockets Keep Falling On Our Heads"