Barry Rubin: They got it right: America is their enemy
One of President Barack Obama’s main themes is to convince Middle East Islamists that America is not their enemy. But the reason this strategy never works is that the radicals know better. The United States is their enemy.
"They will never run out of reasons to hate America or ammunition for their efforts to convince others to do so. One conclusion that can be drawn from this assessment is that the traditional arsenal of diplomacy – credibility, deterrence, power – is what’s important, not popularity. The same principle applies to allies, of course, who must feel that their friend or patron is strong and reliable."
French FM: Iran appears on track to reach nuclear weapons capability by mid-2013
"Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius told Europe-1 radio Sunday that unspecified experts "have established in an absolutely indisputable way" that Iran has compiled a full array of centrifuges that "apparently will allow the ability to go toward possession of the nuclear weapon by the first half of next year, the end of the first half." He did not elaborate."
New Security Council line-up better for Israel
Five new Security Council members considered to be pro-Israel; longtime Israel critic South Africa leaving organization in December – move which could take pressure off Israel
"Rwanda along with Australia, Argentina, Luxembourg and South Korea won a seat on the UN Security Council on Thursday – a move which could improve Israel's status in the organization now that three of the countries to join are considered to be pro-Israel."PMW: Terrorists who killed 6 labeled "heroes" by PA TV in its annual praise of two terror attacks
BBC Watch: BBC gets facts right – and then backtracks under pressure
"The BBC therefore had it right when it stated in the above article that “Hamas seized control of the coastal sliver in 2007″. Not only did Hamas do so by means of violence, but it also eliminated its political opponents, creating what Dr. Jonathan Spyer has described as “an Islamist one-party statelet” in which democratic elections (which should have taken place in 2010) are nowhere on the horizon. "
Swedes rally behind Jewish community in Malmo
Local police institute hate crimes hotline following increase of attacks on Jews and Muslims
Syria accused of blocking BBC broadcasts
Syria was facing accusations last night that it was using sophisticated satellite "jamming" technology to block BBC broadcasts across the Mediterrean.
Egyptians: We Want Nuclear Bombs and to Break Treaty with Israel
Most Egyptians want their country and Iran to have nuclear bombs. They also favor ties with the Islamic Republic, according to a poll.
‘Reopening Egypt’s embassy in Israel disgrace to Islamists: Moqtada al- Sadr
Libya Grand Mufti: Remove References to Democracy and Religious Freedom From School Textbooks
3,374 East Jerusalem residents received full Israeli citizenship in past decade
Israel’s medical device prowess goes on display in Haifa
A polymer that its maker says can preserve implants in the body longer will be just one of the technologies on display at MDDMI 2012
The one anti-Israel industry that will never boycott Israel
What is it about Israeli violations that NGO bodies like so much? In part, the answer to that involves another question. What is it about violations in Muslim countries that NGOs have an aversion to? After all, that is where people are beheaded; where choosing the wrong religion is a death sentence; where women are beaten, raped, and enslaved; where gays are strung up on lamp poles. NGOs keep away from that violation-rich environment and favor Israel for some very good reasons.
Among them, risk to life and limb would be paramount. The last thing autocratic rulers want is to have foreigners -- infidels -- poking and prodding around for human rights abuse. Israel, on the other hand, allows operatives to poke, prod, and pry to their hearts' content. Israel is an NGO paradise; the Muslim world an NGO hell.
Then there is the risk-reward trade-off. Who would put up money for an NGO to dig up abuse in Gaza, or Iran? Name a European government or another George Soros who coughs up for a commodity in such abundant supply. But Israel, the stand-alone democracy in the region, dangles a low-risk-for-high-reward carrot. And who could resist? The New Israel Fund gave $200 million to 800 NGOs operating in tiny Israel and the West Bank.
(h/t Sam)