Wednesday, September 26, 2012

  • Wednesday, September 26, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Ian:

UN Watch: "Hate Israel Day" at Human Rights Council on Eve of Ahmadinejad's U.N. Speech
"The debate opened with an Update on the Implementation of the Goldstone Report (download here), presented by U.N. Deputy High Commissioner for Human Rights Kyung-wha Kang, who also added her own statement accusing Israel of human rights violations." (video)

Abbas Tells Jewish Leaders He’ll Increase Sensitivity to Jewish Claims to Israel
"He was told that insensitivity to Jewish claims helped fuel the demand, and was reminded that last year in his speech to the U.N. General Assembly, he noted only Muslim and Christian claims.
Abbas told the group to watch for his speech to the General Assembly, scheduled for Thursday at noon, saying that he would also note Jewish claims."

Melanie Phillips Simon Hughes's Final Solution
"As the Jewish people prepares to usher in Yom Kippur, trembling in the shadow of Iran racing to build its genocide bomb while perceiving aghast that the so-called civilised west is either indifferent to or even hostile towards the regime’s intended Israeli victims, I wish my Jewish readers gmar chatima tovah ­­­– may the judgment of heaven seal us all for a year of peace."

The Middle East Believes in American Weakness
"The assault on symbols of America in Libya, Egypt, Tunis and Yemen is not an expression of “rage” against some random anti-Islamic act. It was carefully orchestrated by Arab media controlled by the Islamic extremists, with one clear purpose – to show the United States that it has no influence in the countries it “helped to liberate”, to quote Secretary Clinton. If the Salafis get what they want, the future of the whole region, the security of Israel and American national interest will be damaged beyond repair. More and more, the Middle East of today believes in American weakness. This belief must not stand."

How 'Religious Defamation' Laws Would Ban Islam by Raymond Ibrahim
"As the Islamic world, in the guise of the 57-member state Organization of Islamic Cooperation, continues to push for the enforcement of "religious defamation" laws in the international arena—theoretically developed to protect all religions from insult, but in reality made for Islam—one great irony is lost, especially on Muslims: if such laws would ban movies and cartoons that defame Islam, they would also, by logical extension, have to ban the religion of Islam itself—the only religion whose core texts actively defame other religions."

In Sweden, the kippa becomes a symbol of defiance
Rallies and solidarity actions are having a marked impact — notably in Malmo, a hotspot of anti-Semitism
“Across Scandinavia, the kippa is becoming a symbol of Jewish defiance. On Sunday, about 70 Danish Jews took a double-decker bus from Copenhagen on a 10-mile bridge across the Strait of Oresund, on the Baltic Sea, to go to Malmo in a show of solidarity with the embattled Jews of that Swedish city. All the men on the bus wore kippot, a rarity in Scandinavia.”

MEMRI International Union Of Muslim Scholars: The Pope Must Apologize To The Muslims
The Pope Should Apologize To Muslims "As He Apologized To The Jews"
Hizbullah's Al-Manar TV Honors French Holocaust Denier Roger Garaudy In Ceremony For Outstanding Students

Kissinger staffer: Ex-secretary of state didn’t make ‘no Israel’ quote
Inflammatory prediction had appeared in New York Post gossip column

Syrian mortars fired into Golan Heights
No injuries or damage reported; fire believed to be spillover from Syrian army battles

Facebook under fire
“Facebook has come under simultaneous criticism from both the Aboriginal and Jewish communities in Australia for allowing its facility to be used to promote racist stereotypes.
In the last two months, Facebook pages promoting ‘Aboriginal memes’ and ‘Jewish memes’ have been established, with content that includes derogatory generalisations about Aboriginal and Jewish people respectively, supposedly in the form of “humour”.”

Pappe’s poor performances
From Executive Director of the ECAJ Peter Wertheim:
“Ilan Pappe’s much-heralded visit to Australia turned out to be a fizzer. Audiences who had perhaps hoped to hear original in-depth analysis from Pappe based on authentic historical scholarship were instead harangued with ready-made slogans, light on the facts and heavy on rhetoric. This should have come as no surprise. Pappe himself has acknowledged that he is an advocate first, and an historian only to the extent that the facts fit his point of view.”

Israel Successfully Treats Palestinian Arab Suffering from Parkinson’s Disease
"While medication is normally used to treat the disabling symptoms of Parkinson’s disease, which include tremors, rigidity, slowed movement, and walking problems, within 12 years, Abu Baker had stopped responding to Parkinson’s medication.
Consequently, the Palestinian Authority directed Abu Baker to the Movement Disorders Center at Haifa’s Rambam hospital, lead by Senior Neurologist Dr. Ilana Schlesinger."

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