Following are excerpts from an Egyptian TV show featuring a child preacher, which aired on Al-Rahma TV on May 4, 2012.
Child preacher: Oh Muslims, oh leaders of the Arabs, who convened for the sake of the Al-Aqsa Mosque…
The procession of pure blood that was spilt on the land of Jerusalem must be clearly understood: We have resolved to raise this cause once again, but this time in a new color, the color of blood, the water of honor, and the determination of he who marches towards paradise.
The master of rhymed prose, Al-Qarni, once said: We were visited by a man from Palestine. He sat down in the dirt. We said: Why don’t you take a proper seat? He said: How could I possibly have a seat, while Jerusalem is being held captive by the brothers of the apes and the pigs? We asked if he was carrying a message from Jerusalem. He said: No, but I have a question from Jerusalem in need of an answer.
Jerusalem is calling: Where are the real men? Where are the descendants of [the Prophet’s companions] Khaled, Sa’d, and Bilal? Where are the heroes of war? Where are the lions of battle? Where are those who memorized the suras of Tauba and Anfal [about Jihad]?
Ya gotta love their use of echo while he talks.