The Palestinian Authority will fundOf course, the PA has no money of its own, and lives on donations, mostly from Western countries.the building of a museum dedicated to the late Palestinian President Yasser Arafat, the cabinet decided Monday.
The PA will assume the costs of construction and operations of the new museum, which will play home to documents and artifacts from the history of the Palestinian National Movement, including many articles that belonged to Arafat.
The collection will take the form of a retrospective on Arafat’s life, and has a budget of 2 million US dollars for its first phase. Palestinian architect called Ja’far Tuqan is set to design the building.
So we are paying Palestinian Arabs to build a huge incitement to terror.
Just a couple of days ago, Fatah's Mahmoud Dahlan proudly told PA TV that Arafat deceived the world when he said he was interested in peace. Which is exactly why Arafat is a hero in the Arab world - not because he was an alleged peacemaker but because he was a terrorisdt.