Nor does the anti-war International Action Center have anything to say.
The only "human rights" organization that I could find that does condemn those rockets is Btselem.
Speaking of "human rights," there is an NGO in Israel itself called the Arab Association of Human Rights. Its purpose is to advocate for Israeli Arab human rights in Israel proper, which is a fine and worthy goal. Its English website is here.
When one enters its Arabic-language website, however, "human rights" becomes the furthest thing from its mind. Almost every article is about the 59th anniversary of the "Naqba." For Israeli Arabs, the "naqba" was just trading British dhimmi rule with Jewish dhimmi rule - it wa

The entire Arabic website is not advocating peace - it is nothing but incitement. Here are the results of a poll (Arabic only!), showing the types of people it is attracting:
How must the Palestinians inside Israel to revive Israel's Independence Day?Not surprisingly, of the peaceful human rights advocates who visit this Arabic site, 87% want Israeli Arabs to consider the establishment of their nation as a catastrophe.
*Commemorating the day like other Israelis being citizens in Israel
*Ignoring celebrations and lack of participation by
*Remember Catastrophe and participate in activities that contribute to the marches and visits to villages deserted.
And, of course, this organization is registered with the same Israeli government that it is inciting against.