Bethlehem – Ma'an – The political advisor of the Palestinian prime minister, Ahmad Yousif, on Monday refused to halt the launching of homemade projectiles at Israeli towns.
The resumption of projectile launching was the Palestinian factions' response to Israeli violations of the ceasefire agreement.
Yousif depicted the projectiles being hurled at Israeli targets as "fireworks which alert the world that there can be no solution except forcing Israel to halt its hostilities."
Yousif told Ma'an that he does not expect Hamas to cease launching projectiles as long as Israeli aggression and the international embargo on the Palestinian people continue.
He considers the homemade projectiles part of the Palestinian right to self-defence. He said, "They represent a message which says 'no to siege and no hostility' and they do not contain nuclear heads."
Yousif condemned those who call for an end to the launching of projectiles, especially, he said, in light of the Israeli aggression in the Gaza Strip. He added, "The Palestinian government exerted efforts and convinced the factions to cease fire, yet the Israelis did not stick to that and so the projectiles will continue."
Well, he's right when he says that the Qassams don't contain nuclear heads. Got to give him some credit.