Friday, May 11, 2007

  • Friday, May 11, 2007
  • Elder of Ziyon
For the past couple of days, I've been seeing Google News references to an article at the Cornell Daily Sun with some paranoid insane Bush-bashing anti-semitic nonsense, but the link was always broken. This was to multiple URLs at the website. It appeared that someone has managed to post their screed at Cornell and Cornell keeps deleting it, but not before it gets propagated to Google (and possibly RSS feeds.)

I just grabbed a copy of this long-winded, incomprehensible document. A sample:
2/24/07 Words secret and sealed until the time of the end. (Dan. 12:9) Bush Daddy was talking last night about cutaneous Anthrax which they had again tried to infect me with. I went looking for my Antrax: An Ancient Scourge article and found the only available copy on the second page; thus they still scheme to conceal the truth of the matter, that Anthrax is a Biblical Greek word from Exodus 9:9; Deut. 28:27. As I have mentioned, the Karposi Sarcoma of the early AIDS epidemic was contact Anthrax, and I witnessed similar sores on an Irish lad who was apparently infected by handling dead animals at Cornell Vet School, which was illegally producing the stuff. Now Bush Daddy claims that they make it in the laboratory from dead flesh and use it in AIDS medication, flu vaccines, what not? Just as the first plague of Ex. 9:3 produced the dead animals that produced the spores (soot) Ex. 9:8 of the second plague, Ex. 9:9-10, the dead horses of World War I produced the lethal flu epidemic of 1918 that infected one-fifth of the world population. This favorite method of operation from ancient times has been bolstered by the secret "power food" of the Moabite women of Shittim (Numbers 25:1-4), giving us a word that means feces. (Seek out my Coprophagia Rules article while it may be found. I inspected recent toxicology textbooks and found that all references to Anthrax have been eliminated. I did find that 250 ppm of arsine is instantly fatal. See below) 2/21/07 This is for the transgressions of the lawless Jacob, George Herbert Bush, and for the sins of the house of the lawless Israelites, the Nazis; i.e . the Niggardly Asinine Zionist Idiots. And what is the sin of the house of the lawless Israelites? Is it not Jerusalem? (Mic. 1:5) The Lord God declares; "I abhor the pride of the lawless Jacob. (Amos 6:8) The day of their watchmen, of their punishment, has come. (Mic. 7:4) Make yourself bald and cut off your hair, make yourself bald as an eagle. (Mic. 1:16) Because the daughters of Zion are haughty and walk with stretched forth necks and wanton eyes, walking and mincing as they go. The Lord will take away all of their finery, their hoods, and their veils. Instead of perfume, there will be rottenness; instead of well-set hair, baldness; instead of a rich robe, sackcloth; instead of beauty, shame. (Is. 3:16-25) The watchman says, "Morning has come, and also the night." (Is. 21:12) Zion shall be plowed as a field; Jerusalem shall become a heap of rubble." (Mic. 3:12)
Apparently, creating websites isn't enough for the wackos, now they are trying to increase their readership by hacking others.

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