According to Wafa (Arabic only):
Ms. Coomaraswamy was pleased to hear about a deal to exchange prisoners, and that the deal would include the release of prisoners of children.
She added, "I am also happy to hear from Mr. President and his commitment to promoting the culture of peace among children and the development of sports activities."
She said : "Peace is the most important thing at this moment, we in the United Nations support the Palestinian president in his efforts to bring peace to this region."
A small reminder of the great efforts that Mahmoud Abbas has undertaken to promoting a culture of peace among Palestinian Arab children: (all examples from Palestinian Media Watch):
- Mohammed Al-Dura music video includes
Narrator: "How sweet is the fragrance of the shahids [people who have died for Allah]. How sweet is the fragrance of the earth. Tts thirst quenched by the gush of blood flowing from the youthful body. How sweet is the fragrance of the earth."
Vocalist: "The boy cried, 'O father, 'til we meet, O father, 'til we meet, 'til we meet, father, 'til we meet. I will go with no fear and without crying. How sweet is the fragrance of the shahids. I will go, father, to my place in heaven. How sweet is the fragrance of the shahids. O father, 'til we meet, O father, 'til we meet."
[PATV 2000-2003, and PATV June 28-29, 2006] - Interview with an 11-year old girl on PATV:
Interviewer: You described Shahada as something beautiful. Do you think it is beautiful?
Walla: Shahada is a very beautiful thing. Everyone yearns for Shahada. What could be better than going to paradise?
Interviewer: What is better, peace and full rights for the Palestinian people or Shahada?
Walla: Shahada. I will achieve my rights after becoming a shahid. We won't stay children forever.
- PATV February 2006:
"Daddy brought me a present
A machine gun and a rifle
When I am big I will join the liberation army
The liberation army has taught us
How to liberate our homeland"
[PA TV, February 26, 2006] Tarashibo, a talking chicken:
Girl: If a boy comes in front of your house, where a tree is planted, and cuts it down, what would you do?Tarabisho: I have two trees in front of my house.
Girl: If a little boy cuts them down, what will you do to him?
Tarabisho: What will I do to him? I'll fight him and make a big riot! I'll call the whole world and make a riot! I'll bring AK-47s and the whole world. I'll commit a massacre in front of the house.
[PA TV, October 22, 2004]
The UN representative had a golden opportunity to pressure Abbas to do something about inciting children to war, and instead she praises him as teaching them about peace.
Once again, the UN is shown to be a worthless organization on every level.