Hezbollah would be ready to transform its armed resistance into a political movement, if all occupied Lebanese territories are freed, a Spanish representative to the European parliament said Sunday.A little more context on Hezbollah's peaceful intentions can be found in this article from today:
"One of the positive elements of our meetings with Hezbollah was that they declare that they would like to become a political movement ... when the occupation of Lebanese land end," David Hammertzein told reporters at the end of a three-day visit by an EU delegation to Lebanon.
"When asked when the occupation ends, they said clearly the 'Shebaa Farms'," Hammertzein added. "We all clearly support such an idea of placing Shebaa under the temporary jurisdiction of the UN and urge Syria and Israel to cooperate with this idea which will end the tension at the borders between Lebanon and Israel," he added.
Lebanon's Hezbollah group on Tuesday accused the Lebanese March 14 majority coalition of seeking to "normalize" relations with Israel and backing an alleged scheme to create a U.S.-controlled Middle East.The first thing to understand is that the Lebanese claim to the Shebaa Farms is completely and utterly worthless. There is no "dispute" - the border was as clearly drawn as is possible, by the UN based on overwhelming map evidence. See Wikipedia for a fair and exhaustive discussion of all claims and their worth.
Mohammed Raad, leader of Hezbollah's parliamentary bloc, said that the Mustaqbal parliamentary bloc of Saad Hariri, leader of the parliament majority, "went too far with a scheme to reconcile with the Zionists and the Americans who want to create a new Middle East by describing the resistance weapons as illegitimate."
Such a new Middle East, according to Raad, "is based on recognizing the Zionist entity's (right to exist), normalizing relations with it and abolishing any opposition to or resistance of Israeli aggressions."
The second thing to understand is that the crux of the entire problem Arabs have with Israel has nothing to do with refugees, or "apartheid," or "occupation" - it is all about eliminating the shame of inferior, dhimmi Jews controlling land that the Arabs consider their own (namely, all of Israel.)
When Sadat was negotiating for the Sinai, he insisted on every grain of sand - or he would start another war. Every negotiation with Israel is based on the idea that the Arabs want the amount of land that Jews own and control to get smaller and smaller. The entire existence of the "Palestinians" as a separate Arab people was a fiction by the Arab powers as a means to force Israel to give up land. (Today, there are indeed a Palestinian Arab people, and the only thing they have in common is the fact that they were thoroughly screwed by their brethren.)
Land is the key.
So there is no contradiction between Hezbollah telling the EU that their only desire is the Shebaa Farms, and them accusing the Lebanese government of the hideous crime of wanting to actually have peace with Israel and not another war. In both cases, their goal is to get some land away from Jewish control - politically, by getting naive EUdiots to consider their demand for Shebaa Farms to be a reasonable and tiny request, and militarily by insisting that they will keep attacking Israel indefinitely.
The cynicism exhibited by Hezbollah, and especially the Syrian government supporters vis a vis Shebaa Farms is breathtaking. Syria is trying to say both that the Shebaa Farms should be returned as part of UN resolutions 242 and 338 (which would imply that they are Syrian land) and also that they are Lebanese lands. Again, the intended result is not to gain land, but to ensure that Jews lose land. Hezbollah and Syria don't want the land - chances are pretty good that they would agree to giving it to the UN.
They just cannot accept the idea of Israel controlling it.