Rabbi Shmuley Boteach throws cold water on some post-high school yeshiva/seminary programs. (hat tip Life in Israel)
Charles Morse has an interesting take on Saddam's "Palestine is Arab" statement. I'm not sure if his statistics are right (saying the majority of Israelis are full or partly Arab Jews) since the Russian Jews came in the 90s.
Israel Matzav has a good analysis of the Sunday Times piece claiming Israel is planning to use tactical nukes on Iran.
Daled Amos reviews the year in Islamic terror, over at Soccer Dad.
The Jewish History Channel came by here and gave me a compliment, and I am returning the favor.
A completely nonsensical and bizarre rant about Illuminati, Jews, Wahhabis is at EtherZone. I only mention it because this is another of those insane conspiracy sites that Google deems to be "news."