Friday, December 07, 2018

  • Friday, December 07, 2018
  • Elder of Ziyon


UNIFIL Head of Mission and Force Commander Major General Stefano Del Col, along with a technical team, today visited a location near Metulla in northern Israel where the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) has discovered a tunnel close to the Blue Line.

Based on the site inspection, UNIFIL can confirm the existence of a tunnel at the location.

Accordingly, UNIFIL is now engaged with the parties to pursue urgent follow-up action. It is very important to determine the full picture of this serious occurrence.

UNIFIL will communicate its preliminary findings to the appropriate authorities in Lebanon.

What is missing from this press release?

The word "Hezbollah," for one. These tunnels just magically appeared on their own.

In fact, the UNIFIL website has not mentioned the word "Hezbollah" or "Hizbollah" since the 2006 war!

UN Security Council Resolution 1701 mentions Hizbollah a number of times. But somehow UNIFIL, whose mandate partially comes from that resolution and which is tasked to keep all non-government armed groups out of southern Lebanon, cannot stomach mentioning the only such group's name.

For twelve years.

It has long been obvious that UNSC 1701 and UNIFIL have been a joke. Under the eyes of the very organization meant to limit its presence, Hezbollah has grown into what is almost certainly the most powerful non-government army in the world.

UNIFIL's refusal to even use the term "Hezbollah" is all you need to know about how useless the organization is.

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