46 of @AmnestyOnline's last 100 tweets were about last year's Gaza war, overwhelming majority anti-Israel. Priorities.http://t.co/vmVOASrcLG— ElderOfZiyon (@elderofziyon) August 5, 2015
That is quite an obsession with a year-old war.
And Amnesty's comparative social media silence on Yemen, Syria and other areas is not only telling, but chilling.
Although a few of the tweets mentioned Hamas rockets and execution of "collaborators," the vast majority of Amnesty's Gaza anniversary tweets were against Israel. None of the tweets about Hamas linked to any relevant stories - on the contrary, they linked to the Gaza Platform that does not have a single episode of Hamas violence mentioned among several thousand anti-Israel items in its database.
I sent a series of tweets to an Amnesty-UK's Kristyan Benedict when he said he had nothing to apologize for by retweeting Hamas:
Because they know that they cannot argue with the truth. They'd rather bury it.