Wednesday, May 08, 2013

  • Wednesday, May 08, 2013
  • Elder of Ziyon
In 2010, there was a major publicity campaign from the Geneva Initiative showing reasonable looking Palestinian Arab leaders in suits insisting to the Israeli public that they are their partners in peace.

Here is the video featuring Jibril Rajoub, Member of the Fatah Central Committee.

In the video, Rajoub lies easily - claiming that the Palestinian Arabs are ready to accept "two states for two peoples" (which they have always been solidly against) and that the Arab world is ready to recognize Israel.

This week, however, Rajoub told Lebanese TV that for Fatah, “resistance to Israel remains on our agenda....I mean resistance in all of its forms."

That is a key-phrase to mean "terrorism." Rajoub elaborates that at this time, "popular resistance" is doing more damage to Israel, but there is no moral reason why Fatah wouldn't revert to suicide bombs if they calculated that they would make more progress that way.

Not that this is the first time Rajoub espoused violence since making that video. Palestinian Media Watch also documented his saying "Out of loyalty to your blood, Yasser Arafat, you who died during this month, we will not return the sword to its sheath until there is a state... Resistance is Fatah's strategic right - in all its forms." And "“This is a popular struggle. We still believe in all forms of the struggle. No one has removed the rifle from the equation. However, for us, the struggle is a means, and the end is freedom and independence.”

Plus this lovely thought about playing sports with Israelis:
I understand by normalization that the relationship between me and you will be normal, that we'll play [sports] together and there'll be a joint program. I say to you: Under no circumstances will there be normalization. Next time we are prepared to bring the Executive Committee in helicopters… so they will see no Jews, no Satans, no Zionist sons of bitches.

(h/t Josh K)

UPDATE: Rajoub, on April 30, said "Listen. We as yet don't have a nuke, but I swear that if we had a nuke, we'd have used it this very morning."


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