Friday, April 11, 2008

  • Friday, April 11, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
ESPN published a large excerpt from a book called " "Triumph: The Untold Story of Jesse Owens and Hitler's Olympics" that gives details on the American decision to participate in the 1936 Summer Olympics in Berlin, even though Hitler made it clear that he was discriminating against Jewish athletes. Parts of the story are striking in seeing how willing people are to believe lies if those lies reinforce their own wishes:

Despite the assurances of American Olympic Committee president Avery Brundage to the contrary, anyone could see that the Third Reich had no real intention of allowing Jewish athletes to compete fully on its Olympic teams. Almost since the day the Nazis had come to power, it had been clear that they planned to discriminate against Jewish athletes, despite their assurances to the contrary. Those assurances had first been offered in Vienna in June 1933, at a meeting of the International Olympic Committee. The committee had convened in part to decide whether Germany would still be allowed to host the 1936 Olympics. If the Germans refused to promise to treat Jewish athletes fairly, the committee would move the games. Initially the Germans offered merely to abide by all the laws regulating the Olympic games. "The German Olympic Committee had arrived with this promise from their government in their pockets," John MacCormac reported for The New York Times from Vienna. But when several American members of the IOC demanded a specific assurance that Jews would not be excluded from the German Olympic team, the German legation had to cable superiors in Berlin for instructions. Finally the Germans agreed to the broader guidelines.

"What has happened is another proof of the spirit of fellowship that sport engenders," said His Excellency Dr. Theodor Lewald, the chairman of the German Olympic committee. MacCormac was duly impressed. "This development represents a complete backing down by the Hitler government," he wrote. "The straightforward character of the promise obtained from the German Government came as all the greater surprise, and the opinion was expressed that a real blow had been struck in the cause of racial freedom, at least in the realm of sport."

Of course, no such blow had been struck. The Nazis, typically, simply made a promise they had no intention of keeping. Still, the IOC went to the trouble of entrusting the task of enforcing the agreed-upon regulations to Lewald and the other members of the German Olympic committee: the duke of Mecklenburg-Schwerin, Dr. Karl Ritter von Halt, Carl Diem, Dr. Heinrich Sahm, and Hans von Tschammer und Osten. The Viennese reporters covering the story were skeptical. They thought, quite rightly, that "nothing but formal and empty assurances on the question of Jewish participation in the Olympics could be expected from the committee, which, it was remarked, consisted of 'diplomats rather than sportsmen.'" The Austrian press already knew how much stock to put in Nazi promises.

Just a few days after the convention in Vienna, at a Nazi party meeting in Berlin, Hans Von Tschammer und Osten, the German minister of sport, made it clear that the Austrians were right. He told his fellow Nazis, on the record, that the pledges made in Vienna would not hinder the national agenda. "We shall see to it that both in our national life and in our relations and competitions with foreign nations only such Germans shall be allowed to represent the nation as those against whom no objection can be raised," he said. Everyone in the room knew which people were to be objected to.

Von Tschammer und Osten said virtually the same thing at another meeting, in Cologne. He wanted his fellow Nazis to know exactly where he and the German Olympic officials stood, despite Lewald's public statements. To clarify the German position for its readers, the Associated Press asked him to answer several questions. Responding to a question about a German decision to deny Jewish sports clubs "all special facilities," Von Tschammer und Osten wrote:

"It is hardly fair to expect that state support be given to purely Jewish organizations, which, being composed almost exclusively of Zionists, are even today in sharp political conflict with the government. Just as Nationalist sports organizations during the past years continued to enlist and engage in activities without any material assistance by relying purely upon themselves, so, too, no other treatment can now justly be meted out to Jewish organizations. That certainly won't create any difficulty for them, for in their circles substantial private means are available."

For three years the Germans engaged in similar rhetorical games with the international press and diplomatic corps. No, they said, we would never discriminate against the Jews. They have every right to take part in our Olympic trials. But of course, like everyone else, Jewish athletes must be sponsored by local clubs. And of course we cannot compel the local clubs to have them as members. These clubs have rights, too. And they must also abide by our laws. Which bar Jews from non-Jewish clubs. What about Jewish clubs? They are all either Zionist or Communist fronts. You cannot possibly expect them to be allowed to send athletes to our trials. And so on.

AOC president Avery Brundage saw no evil...Brundage said he would see for himself how the Third Reich was treating its Jewish citizens, including, of course, its Jewish athletes, several of whom were among Germany's best, such as the high jumper Gretel Bergmann and the ice hockey star Rudi Ball. But his tour of the country in August 1934 was merely a public relations stunt. Hitler wined and dined the prickly construction magnate. Over the course of six days, Brundage spoke to several Jews -- but only in the presence of Nazi chaperones such as Karl Ritter von Halt and Arno Breitmeyer. Not so shockingly, no one told him how bad the situation had become, and he failed to witness any overt displays of Nazi hostility to Jews. Dismissing Mahoney's concerns, Brundage declared that the Olympics "are an international event and must be kept free from outside interference or entanglements, racial, religious or political." He also said, "Certain Jews must understand that they cannot use these games as a weapon in their boycott against the Nazis." In other words, Brundage was saying, as he would famously say after the massacre in Munich in 1972, that the games must go on.

Despite the obvious -- and well chronicled -- games the Germans were playing, Brundage went out of his way both to praise their efforts to include Jews and to insult Jewish athletes. "The fact that no Jews have been named so far to compete for Germany doesn't necessarily mean that they have been discriminated against on that score," Brundage said on July 26, 1935.

Most famously, Brundage absolved himself of all moral responsibility when he said that organized amateur sport "cannot, with good grace or propriety, interfere in the internal political, religious or racial affairs of any country or group."

Seven weeks after Brundage's statements, Hitler made an important trip to Nuremberg, the quaint medieval city that the Nazis considered their spiritual home. It was there, on September 15, 1935, that he announced the new anti-Semitic decrees that came to be known as the Nuremberg Laws. In an instant Germany's Jews were stripped of their citizenship, deprived of protection by the laws of the land, and forbidden to marry Aryans or to employ Aryan women as servants.

Everyone with any sense knew that the Nazis were lying when they said they wouldn't discriminate against Jews. But Nazi attempts to paper over their hatred - by saying that they were only against Zionism, not Jews, for example - were eagerly accepted by people whose self-interest coincided with the obvious lies.

Today, much of the lukewarm reaction by Europe towards Iranian genocidal speech ("only against Zionists, not Jews"), obvious nuclear ambitions ("for peaceful nuclear power") and long-range ballistic missile development ("for an Iranian space program") is powered by the same desire to overlook clear lies for short-term self-interest.

In some ways, this is a useful way to look at the entire Israel/Arab conflict. The Arab case - the destruction of Israel - is fundamentally one of aligning Arab wishes with the self-interests of the other nations of the world. The incentives are both positive (the huge petrodollar economy) and negative (the threat of terror,) but they are clothed in the language of morality (Israel's treatment of "Palestinian refugees.") The lies are obvious but they get lost in the static generated by the buzz of other nations' self-interest.

Israel's case to the world audience - that Israel has the right to exist in security- is primarily a moral one, and from a purely moral perspective it is correct. But the moral argument alone does not contribute as much towards the audience's perceived self-interest as the incentives and disincentives of the Arab world.

This is why we see the world give more weight towards the moral arguments of the Arabs. By themselves, they are close to worthless, but combined with the implicit threats and economic rewards of their proponents their value becomes inflated to appear to be on a par with, or superior to, Israel's moral claims. Any perceived moral infraction by Israel gets exaggerated, yet much worse violations of morality by Arabs get downplayed. In this fashion, the audience - primarily the West - can use the convenient moral cover to justify their ultimately self-serving actions (and it is of course in their self-interest to appear to be acting out of moral considerations rather than naked selfishness.)

The ironic part is that Israel's interests really do conflate with Western self-interest more than those of the Arabs. The Islamist threat - powered by oil money and Western fears of terror - would not end with the destruction of Israel but with the Islamization of the world. Unfortunately, most nations usually sacrifice long-term interests in favor of the short term.

What this means for Israel is that it cannot rely on moral arguments alone to make their case. Israel's leaders and supporters need to show how Israel's case is in everyone's - Western and Eastern alike - self-interest.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

  • Thursday, April 10, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
This letter to Al-Ahram is unusual, to say the least.

There is no way of knowing how many Arabs share this person's views, and of course they are not in complete consonance with those of many Israelis, but if there is a chance for peace it would be because of the minority of Arabs who think like this:
Sir-- It has become a ritual to blame all our misfortunes, from sectarian feuds to natural disasters, on hideous Zionist strategies. I am neither qualified, nor willing here to confirm or ridicule any of the globally spread conspiracy theories on Jewish dominance over our world, but I can simply say that passing this legacy of hatred from one generation to another could very well bring our fears to reality, with our bare hands.

No conflict should last forever; there must come a time for reconciliation, which might not ever convert hostility into passion, yet could pave the way for a certain extent of mutual acceptance.

What if we choose, as Arabs, to live in peace with Israel? Would not that consolidate the Palestinian case, putting extra pressure upon the Israeli government to recognise the Palestinians' right to live decently on their lands? Would it not deprive Israel of legitimacy for massive armament, including nuclear weapons? Furthermore; it would eventually strip down all the regional leaders that have been fortifying allegations on the necessity to abort democracy while preparing for the sacred struggle to liberate Palestine.

I have had the opportunity during the past few years to correspond with some Israelis via the Internet, and it was amazing to find out that we have much more in common than differences. They have dreams for their children to grow up and live in peace just like we do.

I cannot understand what makes the Arab and Muslim conscience capable of absorbing and tolerating traumas like the invasion of Kuwait, the genocide in Darfur, Chechnya, Kosovo, Iraq, Lebanon, and Palestine itself, yet reject the concept of living with Israel, a status quo that has been going on for 60 years.

I am pleading hereby, for the sake of our nations, for the inhumane suffering of the desperate Palestinians, for the future of democracy, economy and human rights in our region, to stop the mainstream of violence, a multi-billion dollar business that should have been invested instead in providing Palestinians with decent education, modern infrastructure, healthcare and appropriate dwelling. We can obviously continue ignoring the conflict for it doesn't directly affect our lives, as we can go on repeating the passionate anthems of war we grew up chanting over and over again. We can remain being ostriches, but can our consciences do, too?

Ali Shakir

The ability to understand that Israel is not going anywhere, that Palestinian Arabs have not benefited and in fact have been hurt by the "support" that Arab governments have given them, the importance of democracy and human rights, the distaste for using Palestinian Arabs as an excuse to avoid real problems, and the conscious recognition of Arab anti-Israel mantras as a form of brainwashing - these are all points that seem obvious to Westerners but are rarely mentioned in the Arab world.
  • Thursday, April 10, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
There have been many stories in the past couple of days about Hamas demands of Egypt to open the Rafah border and threats that Hamas will try to destroy it again as they did in January.

One interesting detail is mentioned in a report in Palestine Press (Arabic). The paper claims that armed Hamas militia are shutting down gas stations in Gaza today, in order to put Gazans in the mood to storm the wall (which some reports say are already mined.)

Al-Hayat al-Jadida reported today that Gaza fuel wholesalers had refused fuel deliveries for three days before the Nahal Oz murders, as a strange protest of the limited amount of fuel that they were getting.

If this is true, then the intelligence that other Arabic papers were reporting yesterday that Hamas is going to attack the Rafah border imminently might have actually been a misunderstanding : it is plausible that Hamas orchestrated Nahal Oz, knowing that Israel would react as it did by shutting down fuel shipments.

As Noah Pollak notes, "Hamas and its regional patrons continue to drive events, not the other way around." Israel (as well as Egypt and the other players) are all reacting to Hamas' actions, whether it is smuggling weapons or initiating terror attacks or threatening Egypt. Hamas has the luxury of setting the agenda, and it is getting to the point that it will be able to choose its own terms of when to fight Israel, unless Israel takes control.
  • Thursday, April 10, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
YNet reports:
The thwarting of an alarming terror plot was cleared for publication on Thursday, almost three weeks after a joint Shin Bet and police operation led to the arrest of two Palestinian employees of the 'Grill Express' restaurant in Ramat Gan.

The men, Eihab Abu Rial and Anas Salum, both 21-year-old residents of the West Bank city of Nablus, had planned to lace dishes served at the establishment with a powerful toxin without odor or taste, in the hopes of killing as many patrons as possible.

The two did not have working permits and were residing in Israel illegally. While in Nablus, they had been recruited to the al-Aqsa Martyr's Bridges, the military wing of Fatah, under the guidance and funding of Hizbullah.

The men were arrested by police investigators following information obtained by the Shin Bet, several short days before they planned to carry out the attack.

In their questioning the men told interrogators they were to receive the poison from two operatives in the Balata refugee camp in Nablus – Husseini Salag and Hani Quabi – who are still wanted by security forces.

The white substance is virtually undetectable and affects its victims approximately four hours after being ingested.
If they would have been successful they could have killed hundreds of people who frequent the restaurant; it would take many hours for investigators to figure out the source of the illness while the restaurant would remain open and serving more customers.

Again, Palestinian Arab terrorists and their supporters prove themselves to be capable of pure evil. All the talk about not wanting to kill innocent people and how immoral Israel supposedly is is shown to be a sham when measured against a crime like this. It is effectively an attempted - and nearly successful - WMD attack, that will be largely ignored by the world.

And who will be ultimately hurt by such an attack? As with the Mercaz Harav massacre and yesterday's Nahal Oz murders, the inevitable result is that Palestinian Arabs will be hurt, as no one in Israel will hire them any more as restaurant workers. There is no doubt that thousands of Palestinian Arabs are extraordinarily upset that their livelihoods are bing threatened by their comrades, and there is equally no doubt that their voices will not be heard because of the de facto censorship in their media, where any voices against terror are muted and marginalized.

Notice also who planned the attack - the Al Aqsa Martyr's Brigades, out of Nablus, the terror group that the PA announced months ago was disbanded.
  • Thursday, April 10, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
I mentioned last week that I configured a widget to easily browse through much of the Zionist blogosphere.

Since I wanted it to be as large as possible, as well as easy to get to, I just created a webpage specifically to show the widget, for easier bookmarking (or remembering if you are at an unfamiliar computer.)

The page can be found here.
  • Thursday, April 10, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
I used to harp a bit on The People's Voice, an absurd publication that Google indexes as a "news" source. It got boring and while Google might take down links to a post or two it would end up giving in to the loony lefties that support the site.

Today's entry is so over the top, both in terms of its content and its amateurish style, that I had to share a bit of it. Here's the link for cutting and pasting - I don't want to give them any hits directly from here:
(His use of language, capitalization and punctuation, not to mention content, indicates someone with an intellectual and emotional age of about 13.)
The Rise of the Jewish Empire: The Jewish Conquest of America
Bob Finch

There is no such thing as an american empire. America does not have an empire. On the contrary, america has become part of the jewish empire which dictates america’s domestic and foreign policies. The policies that america is pursuing in the middle east have nothing to do with america’s national interests – on the contrary, over the last four decades it has been forced to fight the wars on behalf of its jewish master.

America may have lost the war against vietnam but it has never been invaded or conquered by external forces since its declaration of independence. But since the second world war and, in particular the establishment of the terrorist state refered to as Israel, it has been conquered from within. Wasps no longer have any significant control over american politics or its foreign policies.

The israelis in america control the republican party and the democratic party and even the green party. They control the left wing of american politics (noam chomsky, stephen zunes) almost as much as they control the extreme right wing. They control congress. Jack abramoff apparently had in the region of 60 members of congress on his payroll. And these were not insignificant members of congress either since he funded tom delay who provided dick cheney’s power base. This israeli was not only funding american goys but terrorists in the jews-only state. And this is the political influence of just one jewish billionaire. When aipac and all the other jewish lobbying groups in america, whose prime loyalties are to the jews-only state in palestine, are taken into consideration, the jews are financing virtually all members of congress. These days when american politicians talk about the need to defend their country from external threats what they mean is any challenge to the jews-only state in palestine.

Israelis own and control the american media. They compose the largest group of billionaires in america who fund a vast network of political research organizations which determine the views of america’s jewish owned media and america’s jewish funded politicians.

The israelis have even transformed christianity in america. There are now tens of millions of so-called christian zionists who have come to believe in the zionist god of vengeance rather than the christian god of forgiveness. They no longer live on a god given planet but focus solely on the god given land of palestine.

There is not the slightest doubt that the american military is by far and away the most formidable military power in the world. But who controls that military is an entirely different matter. The american politicians who dictate military policy are not wasps but israelis - agents of the jews-only state in palestine. So, in effect the jews-only state controls american politicians who control the american military which wages war for the sake of jewish world domination.

There is no such thing as an american empire. America does not have an empire. On the contrary, america has become part of the jewish empire which dictates america’s domestic and foreign policies.

There may be those who argue that just because america implements the foreign policies of another state doesn’t mean to say that there isn’t an american empire which pursues american interests around the rest of the world. But this is not the case. America’s zionist foreign policy has drained american military resources so they cannot be used in other places around the world. The jews in american politics and their shabbat goy colleagues have become so focused on the middle east to protect the sacred judaic headquarters of the jewish empire that they have ignored, or been unable to combat, the rise of democratic forces in south america from where america imports a substantial amount of its oil.

Israeli traitors control the american media, the republican and democratic parties, congress, the pentagon, the office of homeland security, the cia, the defence intelligence agency, the state department, the national security council, and the presidency. The american military is implementing the foreign policies of the jews-only state in palestine. There is nothing american left about america.
And there are many people who read this inane tripe and say, "Yeah!"

Speaking of those sort of people, I stumbled the other day on a site that says, among other things, that the Entebbe rescue operation was a hoax. Sure enough, other sites sprinkled throughout the web mindlessly copied this "evidence."
  • Thursday, April 10, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
Al-Ahram reports that Egyptian forces discovered a large cache of weapons and explosives in the Sinai, 60 kilometers from Gaza.

Found with the help of local Bedouin, it included 1250 kg (nearly 1.4 tons) of explosives, 24 anti-tank mines, and assault rifles.

I believe that this is the largest find of its kind - over the past couple of months Egypt has found caches of 100 kg, 250 kg (in a cemetery) and 500 kg as well as some smaller finds.

Meanwhile, the New York Times reports on how serious Hamas is on upping its military capabilities:
According to a report by the Shin Bet internal security services quoted in the study, Hamas has smuggled at least 80 tons of explosives into Gaza since last summer. That smuggling accounts for more than half the amount moved into Gaza since Israel’s withdrawal, evidence of the intensification, the study asserts.

The study also says Hamas has obtained advanced anti-tank devices like those used by Hezbollah against Israel in its war in 2006, as well as powerful roadside bombs for use in border areas where Israeli vehicles might be expected to pass in pursuit of rocket launchers. It added that hundreds of fighters had been trained in Iran, Lebanon and Syria. The study cites few sources other than several media reports, but Israel is known to be engaged in intelligence collection in Palestinian areas.

Some Israeli analysts say that is what Israel should do. The study, however, asserts that any kind of truce would allow Hamas to build its military structure further, although it also says Hamas’s big worry is that Israel will reinvade Gaza. Such a concern is one motivation for the buildup, the study says.

Of course, such an increase in explosives also means more Palestinian Arabs will end up dead, as this AP photo from yesterday shows:

A Palestinian militant sets up an improvised explosive device at a street corner in Gaza City, near the Nahal Oz crossing between the Gaza Strip and Israel Wednesday, April 9, 2008 in case Israeli troops enter the area.

What AP fails to notice is that the children right next to this IED, being placed in a crowded city, are far more likely to be killed by it than any Israeli soldiers.

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

  • Wednesday, April 09, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
Palestine Press Agency reports that one of the "martyrs" that Hamas claimed to have been killed during Wednesday morning's murder of an IDF soldier was in fact killed in internal Fatah/Hamas clashes, and Hamas brought his body to the area to claim that Israel killed him: (autotranslated):
[Hamas'] Qassam Brigades announced in a press conference Wednesday in Khan Yunis in the martyrdom of Mohamed Fayed Chamie said that one of its leaders were killed during clashes with Israeli special forces and enable the sniper and killed an Israeli soldier east of Khan Younis...

Local sources in the Gaza Strip said that Mohamed Fayed Chamie not in the place in which it was killed, pointing out that while his body was transported to the hospital and his funeral emerged as a refreshing! There is a new death, which implies that he was killed in the internal events of the Gaza Strip and his body was thrown in the Israeli operation to his funeral and announcing that he martyrs killed during clashes with the occupation.

Chamie a resident of neighborhood Khan Younis many accuse him of being behind the murder and assault on Fatah and the security services and is one of the hired killers in the ranks of Hamas and the militias participated in the bloody coup in the Gaza Strip ", according to the sources said.

Citizens in the Gaza Strip, eyewitnesses told Palestine Press News "that Hamas has always followed this method during the events preceding or following an internal liquidation operations in the ranks of the militia hide them and no disturbances in the ranks of its members and the number of dead in concealing internal bloody events."
This is not the first time that Hamas has been accused of faking martyrs, either.

Since PalPress gives details on the person's name and circumstances, I am counting this as a 2008 self-death, putting the number at 57. And if this practice is as prevalent as it sounds, I am sorely undercounting - and the counts by various agencies of Palestinian Arab deaths from Israeli fire have been inflated as well.
  • Wednesday, April 09, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
Martin Kramer looks at a book we've mentioned a couple of times, and now makes me almost regret ordering it:
Professor John L. Esposito runs a slick operation at Georgetown with $20 million of funding from Saudi billionaire Prince Alwaleed bin Talal. The shared agenda of these two is to make us all feel guilty for having wondered, after 9/11, about Saudis, Muslims, and the contemporary teaching of Islam. Esposito now has a new book (with co-author Dalia Mogahed, who runs something called the Gallup Center for Muslim Studies), bearing the pretentious title Who Speaks for Islam? What a Billion Muslims Really Think. It's based on gleanings from the Gallup World Poll.

The core argument of the book is that only 7 percent of Muslims are "politically radicalized," and that "about 9 in 10 Muslims are moderate." On what does this factoid rest? The authors explain (pp. 69-70):
According to the Gallup Poll, 7% of respondents think that the 9/11 attacks were "completely" justified and view the United States unfavorably.... the 7%, whom we'll call "the politically radicalized" because of their radical political orientation... are a potential source for recruitment or support for terrorist groups.
So an essential precondition for being "politically radicalized" is to believe that 9/11 was "completely" justified. The pool of support is only 7%. Don't you feel relieved?

Yet a year and a half ago, Esposito and Mogahed used a different definition of "radical," in interpreting respondents' answers to Gallup's 9/11 question. In November 2006, they gave this definition:
Respondents who said 9/11 was unjustified (1 or 2 on a 5-point scale, where 1 is totally unjustified and 5 is completely justified) are classified as moderates. Respondents who said 9/11 was justified (4 or 5 on the same scale) are classified as radicals.
Wait a minute.... In 2006, then, these same authors defined "radicals" not only as Muslims who thought 9/11 was "completely justified" (5 on their scale), but those who thought it was largely justified (4 on their scale).

So for their new book, they've drastically narrowed their own definition of "radical," to get to that 7% figure. And they've also spread the impression in the media that the other 93% are "moderates." In 2006, their "moderates" included only Muslims who thought 9/11 was "totally" or largely unjustified (who answered 1 or 2 on a 5-point scale, where 1 is "totally unjustified"). But what about Muslims who answered with 3 or 4? Well, they weren't "moderates" by 2006 standards. The 3's were neither "moderates" nor "radicals," and the 4's were "radicals." But this year, they've all been upgraded to "moderate" class, because they didn't "completely justify" 9/11. Whether they largely justified it, or half-justified it, they're all "moderates" now.

Because there's no hard data in their book, just these percentages, the authors are directly responsible for the confusion they've created.
Kramer makes the same point that I made in the initial press release for this book.

The entire reason I ordered the book was to get the raw numbers of the poll, and to see how many Muslims considered 9/11 somewhat justified - a much more important number! I suspected that the authors - both quite sympathetic to Muslims - were cooking the numbers, and I have already shown that they are dishonest in how they present the findings that they published before the book was released.

When the book shows up I'm sure I will have other things to write about.
  • Wednesday, April 09, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
The gullible Western press happily reprints claims of responsibility for terror attacks, like this example from Reuters:
Fighters from three factions -- not including Hamas -- infiltrated the terminal.
The stories go on to say that Israel holds Hamas responsible, but the impression one gets from these stories is that there is no evidence behind that accusation, and that Israel is trying to gain political points.

However, there is clear proof that Hamas was directly involved in the attack. And even the Reuters article mentions it a couple of paragraphs later:
Hamas said it pounded the area with mortar bombs and machine guns during the operation, which one of the groups involved, the Popular Resistance Committees (PRC), dubbed "Breaking Zionist Arrogance."
Before and during the attack, Nahal Oz was bombarded with the worst mortar attacks in memory. And Hamas happily takes credit for the barrage in Arabic on its Al Qassam website (autotranslated):
Qassam Brigades resume bombing site "Nahal Oz" Zionist Qassam rocket (2008-04-09)

Qassam Brigades Tguens Zionist soldier near "Nahal Oz" The Zionist enemy recognizes affect it (2008-04-09)

Bomb-Qassam Brigades, a gathering of the mechanisms at the gate "Nahal deficiency" Qassam rocket (2008-04-09)

Bomb site Qassam Brigades "Nahal Oz" Zionist fired Qassam (2008-04-09)
A major part of the terror attack was the cover provided by this huge escalation in mortar fire. Which means that Hamas is just as involved in this terror attack as Islamic Jihad, Fatah and the PRC.

It also shows, yet again, that these "competing" groups work together quite well, so much so that some will take credit in order to take the political heat off of Hamas.

When Israel says that they hold Hamas responsible, they know how these groups work together, and they know who is calling the shots.
  • Wednesday, April 09, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
Iran's "news" agencies provide a never-ending source of amusement. Here's an op-ed that shows real concern for the welfare of young, impressionable Jewish children:
Apartheid walls go up, apartheid walls come down, but the walls in people’s heads are harder to dismantle.

Israel is currently constructing an apartheid wall in Palestine and the United States is currently constructing an apartheid wall on the U.S.-Mexico border. The effect of these walls on the people being kept out is clear, but there has been little reflection on the effect of these walls on the citizens of the countries building them.

...Indeed, what will happen to the souls of Israel and the United States?

The apartheid wall in Palestine is being built because most Israelis have apartheid walls in their minds.

This line of thinking is actually destroying the minds of Jewish children in Israel and the rest of the world.

The Zionists, who are so quick to condemn anyone who criticizes Israel as an anti-Semite, should try to determine who is the real anti-Semite. Since their racist ideology is destroying the minds of Jewish children, it is clear that the Zionists are the worst anti-Semites.

The Palestinians, all the rest of the Muslims, and all of the other anti-Zionist elements are not attacking the minds of Jewish children.
Nope. Only their bodies.
Racism produces a mindset that dehumanizes other races and ethnic groups and which is one of the worst things for the mental health of children.

It is said that the Berlin Wall was built so that its inevitable collapse would bring about the collapse of the Soviet bloc. Likewise, the apartheid wall on the U.S.-Mexico border and the apartheid wall in Palestine are being constructed so their collapse will bring about the collapse of the United States and Israel.

The New World Order will be built on the ashes of the United States, Israel, and the European Union.
The utter lack of unintended irony in this article is priceless. And that little implied threat at the end is just the icing on the cake.
  • Wednesday, April 09, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
From YNet:
Two Israeli men in their 30s were killed Wednesday afternoon in exchanges of fire that erupted near the Nahal Oz terminal in the central Gaza Strip, the Magen David Adom emergency services reported. Medical teams were making their way to the scene of the incident.

Three Palestinians were killed in an ensuing Israel Air Force strike in Gaza City, sources in the Strip said.

The IDF reported that an army aircraft struck and hit a vehicle carrying gunmen who were involved in the shooting attack in Nahal Oz.
"This a cynical attack," an official added. "On the one hand, Hamas complains of the blockade on Gaza, and on the other hand it is responsible for the attack on the fuel terminal, which provides gas and fuel to the residents of the Strip," he stated.
Ha'aretz adds:
Channel 2 TV said the infiltrators set fuel depots afire.

The extent of damage to the facility was unclear, but the attack threatened to exacerbate Gaza's already delicate humanitarian situation . Plumes of smoke billowed up from the depot, the sole conduit of fuel to Gaza's 1.4 million residents.

People try to find logic in the targets that Palestinian Arab terrorists hit, but they miss the point:

The terrorists hit wherever they can. Certainly they might try to abduct rather than kill Israelis, but for the most part they will kill any Israeli in the Middle East that they can. Thanks to Israeli defenses, they don't have the luxury of choosing targets based on perceived symbolic value; they will choose the weakest point they can find and kill whomever they can, not caring if the victims are women, children, Arabs or Jews, and cause all the damage and panic they can.

In this case, the fact that they set Gaza's main fuel depot on fire shows that their bloodlust and intense desire to feel powerful is more important than prosaic concerns like the humanitarian situation in Gaza. (Not to discount the fact that they have a great interest in maintaining a humanitarian crisis in Gaza, but that wasn't the goal.)

These are crimes of opportunity, plain and simple.
  • Wednesday, April 09, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
The 1948 war was striking in the paucity of Palestinian Arab military leaders. Almost all of the major leaders in the war against the Jewish state were from neighboring Arab countries, rushing in to destroy Israel before it started.

There were a couple of exceptions, but the effective end of Palestinian Arab war leaders occurred on April 8, 1948 (reported in the April 9 Palestine Post:)

It turns out that Salameh (who had parachuted into Palestine in 1944 along with Nazi paratroopers) did return to Lydda later in April, and was killed in June. (And, as noted there, his son was one of the architects of the Munich Olympic massacre, assassinated by the Mossad in 1979.)

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

  • Tuesday, April 08, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
Firas Press (Arabic) reports a story about an Egyptian man who was not allowed to marry the woman he loved, presumably due to family objections.

His sweetheart agreed to marry another man, and this Egyptian decided he wanted to secretly attend the wedding.

So he covered himself in a burqa and went in drag.

Unfortunately, he made a mistake - he didn't change his shoes.

The women immediately recognized that he was an impostor and his plan was foiled.
  • Tuesday, April 08, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
Yesterday I posted a large number of articles about a child killed in Gaza and compared how these "news" sources reported Palestinian Arab claims that the child was killed by an Israeli tank shell. Some of them took the Palestinian claims at face value, and the ones that noted Israel's denials buried that information much lower in the article.

Well, today the Palestinian Center for Human Rights came out with their investigation of the issue, and, sure enough, the kid was killed by his peaceful Gazan neighbors:
On Sunday evening, 6 April 2008, ‘Abdullah Mohammed Bahar, 4, was killed and his brother, ‘Abdul Jawad, 8, was wounded when a mortar shell fell near their house in al-Boreij refugee camp in the central Gaza Strip.

According to investigations conducted by PCHR, at approximately 15:00 on Sunday, a mortar shell fell near a house belonging to Mohammed Suleiman Bahar, 51, in the east of al-Boreij refugee camp in the central Gaza Strip. As a result, two of the owner’s children were wounded when they were playing near the house: ‘Abullah, 4, wounded by shrapnel to the head and the chest; and ‘Abdul Jawad, 8, wounded by shrapnel to the head. The two children were evacuated to al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital in Deir al-Balah town, but ‘Abdullah died shortly after arriving at the hospital.
Will we be seeing any corrections from the many media that - as always - reported the lying Palestinian "witnesses" and "medical sources" without skepticism and gave them more credence than Israeli claims that are almost inevitably vindicated?

Previous examples of Palestinian Arabs blaming Israel for deaths they committed themselves here, here, here, here and here, just to list a few.

The 2008 Palestinian Arab Self-Death count is now at 56, with 11 children. Which, in PalArab terms, is roughly half a "holocaust."
From Ma'an (h/t Israellycool):
A plan is coalescing to arrange a meeting between exiled senior Hamas leader Khalid Mash'al and former US President Jimmy Carter in Damascus on 18 April, Palestinian sources told the London-based Arabic newspaper Al-Hayat on Tuesday.

According to Al-Hayat, Carter's aides will arrive in Syria soon to make arrangements for the meeting.

If the meeting is held, Carter will become the highest-ranking American official ever to publicly meet with Hamas leaders. Hamas officials did meet with representatives of President Bill Clinton's administration in the 1990s.

During the proposed meeting, Carter will be presented as the chair of the Carter Center, rather than as a former US president. A Hamas official said that that the meeting would show that Hamas is a power that can't be ignored in addressing the Palestinian question.

Jimmy's prophetic powers of a peaceful Hamas are bearing fruit, and he is ready to act on them. After all, the rockets are down to only 3 a day now. If that ain't peaceful what is?
  • Tuesday, April 08, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
AFP reports:
Chile on Sunday greeted 39 Palestinians from a refugee camp in Syria for permanent resettlement, and local residents turned out to give them a rousing welcome.

"Leave your suffering in the past and let Chile be the fountain of your newfound happiness," deputy Interior Secretary Felipe Harboe told the tired newcomers, who spent 40 hours traveling to this farming community north of Santiago.

The Palestinians, 23 of them children, were greeted by an official welcoming committee and many cheering locals who waved Palestinian flags and signs recalling their own Middle Eastern descent from immigrants who arrived when La Calera was founded in the late 19th century.

"Through you we relive the adventure of being an immigrant," La Calera Mayor Roberto Chahuan, the grandchild of Palestinians, told the exhausted refugees who were to be settled in apartment buildings in the town.

After the ceremony, the Palestinian families were escorted to their apartments. Local authorities will provide education, health care and Spanish classes.

The 39 Palestinians are the first of a group of 117 Chile has accepted to resettle under a 2007 program it agreed to with the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees.

The remaining refugees accepted in Chile will arrive in two groups in the coming weeks for resettlement in San Felipe, north of Santiago, and two neighborhoods in the capital.

We discussed a couple of weeks ago how despised the Palestinian Iraqis are in the Arab world and how every Arab nation refuses to let them in.

But one of the details in this story also explains why even Palestinian Arabs are less than thrilled with countries like Chile, Canada and Brazil taking them in.

Notice how the mayor is described as a "grandchild of Palestinians," not as a "Palestinian." He may be proud of his heritage but he has no intention of "returning" to the Middle East because his family has built up a real life and identity outside of the "Palestinian" construct.

The entire cornerstone of Palestinian identity is the idea of statelessness and oppression. Take that away, and Palestinian identity will fade - as will the utility of using a large group of Arabs as political pawns to pressure the existence of Israel.

So we see the anomaly of an article that refers to the mayor of La Calera is a "grandchild of Palestinians" yet the Arabs who immigrated, who have not been in Palestine for two generations either, are still called "Palestinian." When they are stuck in the Arab world they are forced to be considered victims - but useful victims. When they move elsewhere and build real lives, their usefulness disappears.

This is why Arab nations will never allow Palestinian Arabs to become citizens. Suffering PalArabs are much more useful.

Monday, April 07, 2008

  • Monday, April 07, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
Someone on a Daily Kos comment thread pointed out my Weeds post, saying it was interesting.

Immediately a person responded by branding this blog "a really racist website" and followed up by calling it a "hate site."

Not that this person bothered to refute anything I said, of course. In the far-left universe that the Kos denizens reside in, you can win any argument by just call someone a racist.
  • Monday, April 07, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
From JTA:
Residents of an Israeli-Arab village painted their mosque blue and white in honor of the Jewish state's 60th anniversary.

Breaking with many Israeli Arabs who have declared they will boycott next month's celebrations, residents of A-Taibe in the Gilboa region have painted the dome of their mosque in the national colors.

"We are citizens of the State of Israel," village elder Hisham Zouabi, explained to the daily newspaper Ma'ariv. "For us religion encourages us to bring nations together. The goal is simple: coexistence. A Jew who comes here should not feel that the place is hostile but like home."

A-Taibe has approximately 2,000 residents and reports excellent relations with nearby Jewish communities.

There are some 100, mostly Arab, organizations that have publicly said that they would boycott Israel's 60th anniversary celebrations. Most of them appear to have more words in their names than members.

What would they consider an Arab village in Israel that is proud to be a part of Israel? Are they traitors? "Collaborators"? Deserving of death? Because that is generally the message that these Arab organizations give to their people, where the highest insult is to call someone a "collaborator" with the Jews.

It has been that way for many decades, from pre-state days, that a sizable minority of Arabs were not only willing to work together with the Jews but felt that the Jewish return to the Land of Israel would be a blessing for them. And for those who felt that way, for the most part, it was.

But those voices have been drowned out by the Arabs who consider those people traitors, the ones who have no desire for coexistence or peace as long as it involves Jews holding any positions of power. And the entire Arab nation has suffered as a result of this intransigence and bigotry.

And even today, those who choose to truly work together with Israel are the Arabs who are the envy of their brethren, even if they won't admit it.

  • Monday, April 07, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
In one of the more bizarre sideshows ever seen in the Middle East, last week Al-Qaeda leader Ayman Zawahiri scolded Hamas for shooting at Israel "with the blessed Qassam rockets which don’t differentiate between a child and an adult, and moreover, perhaps [don’t differentiate] between the Jews and the Arabs and Muslims working in those colonies or in the streets and markets of Occupied Palestine, even though the Shari’ah forbids their killing."

Now, Hamas had to defend itself against Al-Qaeda's charges of wanton terror (and breaking Sharia law), and it came out with an even crazier statement:
Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) on Saturday denied it aims at killing Israeli children and women by the rocket it fires from Gaza Strip.

"Hamas doesn't mean to kill children by its rockets," spokesman Ismail Radwan told reporters in the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip. His remarks were in response to al-Qaida's No. 2 leader Aymanal-Zawahiri who said Hamas' random rockets kill Jews women and children in violation of Islam law.

But Radwan added that "the ongoing conflict between Israel and the Palestinians may involve some killings of children," blaming the Israeli army on "deliberately killing children, women and destroying houses and mosques."

Yes, Hamas with a straight face is claiming that their Qassam rockets are not aimed at random women and children of Sderot and other Negev communities. They just have really, really, really bad aim. All those kindergartens and schools that got hit must have caused great anguish among the leaders of Hamas.

  • Monday, April 07, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
The Arab News reports:
Interior Minister Prince Naif said yesterday that human rights are protected in the Kingdom thanks to the implementation of Shariah.

"Different executive and supervisory government agencies implement regulations that take care of the rights of the accused at the time of arrest, investigation, trial and execution of punishment," the Saudi Press Agency quoted the minister saying.

Elsewhere in Arab News:
In 2007, Arab News reported on a number of maids who had been beaten to death, raped and abused by their employers. A Saudi teenager was accused of raping an Indonesian maid and impregnating her. However, the General Investigation and Prosecution Board has closed the case claiming “lack of evidence” after the youth denied the allegations.

A vicious attack in August 2007 on four maids working for the same employer in Aflaj in the Riyadh region resulted in the death of Siti Tarwiyah Salmet, 32, and Susmiyati Abdul Fulan, 28. Tari and Rumainih were left severely injured in the incident. Another case involved an Indonesian maid who died after being abused by her sponsor who admitted torturing her. The woman had broken ribs, a broken wrist and burns all over her body.

And MEMRI Blog mentions:
The Girls' Education Authority in Riyadh has taken punitive action against a headmistress of a girl's school who permitted her pupils to don trousers and to wear their veils around their shoulders instead of over their faces. The authority has frozen the headmistress' wages for a full year.
Not to mention our recent post showing that many Saudi women are in jail indefinitely because they are never charged.

Exactly how one would expect a nation with human rights and the rule of law to act.
  • Monday, April 07, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
A child was killed in Gaza yesterday. How does the media report it?

Comparing the spin that the stories get, and the relative placement of various details, is a very valuable way to see how each media outlet is biased.

Palestinian Abdullah Buhar, 8-years-old, ...was killed Sunday by shrapnel during clashes between Israeli forces and Palestinian militants on the border line that separates the Gaza Strip from Israel. It was not immediately clear whether he was killed by Israeli forces firing into Gaza, or by a misfired mortar launched by Palestinian militants.
Abdullah Bhar ...was shot dead by Israeli tank fire in the central Gaza Strip today, Palestinian medical sources have said.

[A] 5-year-old Palestinian boy, Abdullah Bhar, ... was killed during fighting between Israeli soldiers and Palestinian militants in the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip on Sunday, medical workers and militant groups said.
Israeli forces in central Gaza exchanged fire with Palestinian militants Sunday, killing a child and wounding four of the child's family members, according to Palestinian security sources.

An Israeli military spokeswoman confirmed Israeli forces were operating near al-Bureij refugee camp and that they came under fire from armed militants inside a home.

The spokeswoman said she had no details on casualties.

...[paragraph 7] - The Israeli military said the shot was fired by Palestinians in Gaza.
Palestinian medical sources in the Strip reported that the children were hit by shrapnel from Israeli shells fired at their house during the clashes. The IDF launched an investigation into the Palestinian claims.
A five-year old Palestinian child was killed on Sunday, as Israeli forces clashed with militants returning fire in the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip.

The incident took place in the al-Bureij refugee camp and medics say that the boy, Abdullah Bhar, died of shrapnel wounds from an Israeli tank shell.

Militants claimed they responded by firing anti-tank missiles at Israeli forces.

The Palestinian branch of the Defence for Children International, a Geneva based rights group, claims that 49 children have been killed in the Gaza Strip by Israeli forces since the beginning of 2008.

Iran's Press TV:
A five-year-old Palestinian boy has been killed and another wounded in an explosion in the central Gaza Strip, medical officials say.

The dead child, Abdullah Buhar, was hit by shrapnel in his head and chest near al-Bureij refugee camp, the officials said on Sunday.

The Israeli army confirmed there was fighting in the area, saying its forces opened fire but it was unaware of anyone being hurt.

A 5-year-old Palestinian child was killed and two injured on Sunday in an Israeli artillery shelling on central Gaza Strip, medics and witnesses said.

Al Alam (Iran):
An 8-year-old Palestinian boy has been martyred by an Israeli mortar shell in the central Gaza Strip, medical officials said.

The boy, Abdullah Buhar, was hit by shrapnel to his head and chest, the officials said on Sunday.

Television footages showed emotional scenes as Buhar's mother mourned over her son's body.

In reponse to Arab claims that a 5-year-old boy was amongst the dead, the IDF spokesman said that soldiers had not seen civilians near the scene of the battle. The IDF spokesman did not rule out the possibility that the child was accidentally killed by terrorists, and may have fallen victim to a misfired mortar shell.

Jerusalem Post:
Earlier Sunday, Palestinian doctors reported that a young boy had been killed in the Gaza Strip. The officials said the boy was hit by shrapnel to his head and chest; however it was not clear whether he was killed by Israeli forces operating in the area or by Palestinian gunmen who may have misfired a mortar shell.
A 5-year-old Palestinian boy was killed on Sunday when an Israel Defense Forces shell exploded near his home in the al-Bureij refugee camp in the central Gaza Strip, Palestinian officials said.

Medical workers and militant groups said the boy, Abdullah Buhar, was killed during fighting between IDF soldiers and Palestinian militants in the Hamas-controlled Strip.

The medical workers, who examined the boy's body in a Gaza hospital, said he was killed by a shrapnel fragment from an IDF tank shell.

The militant groups said they fired anti-tank missiles and mortar bombs at IDF troops during the fighting near the refugee camp.

An IDF spokeswoman confirmed troops exchanged fire in the area with armed
Palestinians but said they were unaware of casualties.
Palestinian boy Abdullah Bhar ...was shot dead by Israeli tank fire in the central Gaza Strip today.
Daily Star (Lebanon):
A Palestinian boy was shot dead by Israeli tank fire in the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip on Sunday, Palestinian medical sources said. Abdullah Buhar, whose age was given as either five years or eight,was hit by shrapnel to his head and chest, the officials said.

Doctors said a 16-year-old boy also was wounded in the same incident between the border with Israel and the Bureij refugee camp in central Gaza, the sources said.

The Israeli military confirmed that there was fighting in the area, saying its forces opened fire at a group of militants who attacked them. But it said it was unaware of anyone being hurt.
Shrapnel from an Israeli tank shell killed a five-year-old Palestinian child and injured two others in Al-Bureij refugee camp in the Gaza Strip on Sunday afternoon, witnesses and medics said.

Palestinian medical sources identified the deceased child as Abdullah Bhar.

On Saturday, Israeli soldiers shot and killed a 35-year-old Palestinian farmer in the northern Gaza Strip. [EoZ - Ma'an has had a full 36 hours to correct this lie.]

Unfortunately, I found nothing from the BBC, Sky News or the New York Times.

Sunday, April 06, 2008

  • Sunday, April 06, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
Last year I wrote a couple of posts highlighting the plight of the tiny Yemen Jewish community in Sa'ada, who were forced to flee their homes by Shi'ite rebels and are being protected by the Yemen government.

This weekend, the homes of the Jews from al-Salem were plundered by the Shi'ites:
The Al Houthi rebels in north of Yemen on Sunday attacked Al Salem village, plundered properties of Jews staying there, witnesses said.

The Jews were not in the village at the time of attack. They have been living in a residential complex in the Yemeni capital Sanaa on the expense of the government since they were forced out of their village by rebels early last year.

The group of Jews number about 50, according to sources in their residence here in Sanaa.

The witnesses in Al Salem where battles are going on between the Al Houthi rebels and tribesmen loyal to the government, said they saw the rebels entering the houses and taking everything with them.
I am not sure if these are the same Jews from last year or a different group.
  • Sunday, April 06, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
In January we learned about a bogus bread shortage in Gaza, artificially orchestrated by Hamas.

In February, we saw that Saudi Arabia had a real bread crisis, not a fake one like the Gazans.

And now, Egypt has a problem with bread - and people are being killed because of it:
CAIRO – Abdel Nabi Salim’s main job in life is queuing for bread.

The graying 65-year-old retired administrator stands under Egypt’s glaring noon sun, waiting in a queue that snakes out to the street to buy 20 loaves of steaming subsidized pocket bread from a barred window for 1 Egyptian pound ($0.18).

Egypt has for decades provided cheap bread for the poor as an expensive but essential component of its economic policy because it enables millions to survive on low salaries and wards off political discontent. But bread lines have lengthened in recent months as costs of other non-subsidized Egyptian staples soared, forcing more reliance on a subsidy regime that depends heavily on costly imported wheat and is also strained by a thriving black market.

The current crunch means that once Salim buys his first batch of bread, he will return to the back of the line to wait, again, for the additional 10 loaves he needs to keep his extended family from going hungry.

“This is a rotten system,” he said, a half-hour into a daily wait for bread that can last several hours. “I come here every day. I have no work, so this is my job. Waiting for bread.” What is happening in Egypt illustrates some of the risks and trade-offs of subsidies, just as more countries worldwide are looking at such measures to try to ease the burden of spiraling global food prices on the poor.

Excruciating lines have prompted media headlines of a bread “crisis” in the most populous Arab country, where cuts in bread subsidies led to riots in 1977 that killed scores and forced the government to back down.

Egypt has allocated over $2.5 billion for bread subsidies for this fiscal year, but said that may rise due to soaring wheat costs. Yet the pressure over bread remains. Observers say sustained problems in the subsidy system could lead to a repeat of the 1977 crisis, if not quickly contained.
“It may be something far more reaching and much more violent, I’m afraid, because people are increasingly feeling that their faces are to the wall,” said Gouda Abdel Khalek, a Cairo University economist.

Already, at least 11 people have died in bread lines since early February, including a heart attack victim and a woman hit by a car while standing in a queue that stretched into the street, security sources said.

One person was shot dead and three wounded after a fight broke out in a queue in one Cairo suburb. Elsewhere, an argument between two boys over their place in line escalated to a brawl in which four people were hurt.

Top Egyptian officials have vowed speedy intervention to restore easy access to subsidized bread, which provides daily nutrition to 50 million Egyptians – or over two-thirds of the population, according to UN statistics.

Saturday, April 05, 2008

  • Saturday, April 05, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
Someone broke a woman's skull and set her body on fire north of Hebron, killing her. UPDATE: It was he victim's daughter-in-law.

A Qassam rocket meant to kill Jews fell short and that innocent "firecracker" killed a Palestinian man instead. (Ma'an blames Israel, although AP and Reuters both interviewed residents who confirmed it was a Qassam, as does Palestine Press Agency, proving again that Ma'an has turned into a Hamas newspaper.)

A 21-year old Hamas member was killed in Gaza; Hamas says that it was either an accident or suicide while his family sdays it was murder because of an intra-Hamas disagreement.

Our 2008 Palestinian Arab self-death count is now at 55.

Friday, April 04, 2008

Professor Barry Rubin, of the GLORIA Center, offered many bloggers a free copy of this book in exchange for a link to Amazon or a review. As a sucker for free stuff, I took him up on the offer, and received the book yesterday.

This is the seventh edition of The Israel-Arab Reader - A Documentary History of the Middle East Conflict, and it is an invaluable reference guide. Going in chronological order, editors Rubin and Walter Laqueur have unearthed a large number of important primary documents, from the Bilu Group Manifesto (predating Herzl's The Jewish State by 14 years) up to the Annapolis Conference.

By necessity, it cannot be comprehensive. I would have loved to see some of the British reports on Arab riots from the 1920s and 1930s, for example, even though they are quite large. While much source material is available online, it is often very difficult to find, and an on-line or CD-ROM version of this book would be fantastic.

Even so, there are many documents here that are new to me or that I have been unable to find. For example, a record of a conversation between Hitler and Haj Amin al-Husayni is fascinating, and I had been looking all over for the original 1964 PLO Constitution as opposed to the 1968 revised Palestinian National Charter, both of which are in this book.

The documents are a little more oriented towards more recent times. Fully one third of the book deals exclusively with post-Oslo documents, speeches and interviews.

For anyone interested in Middle East history from primary sources, the Israel-Arab reader is an invaluable reference guide. It will be available for general purchase on April 29.
  • Friday, April 04, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
The transcript of the Q&A with Al-Qaeda's #2, Ayman al-Zawahiri, includes this interesting answer about Hamas:
I think I have responded to the sister I’laamiyyah’s first question previously. But in turn, I ask her: and what is HAMAS’s justification for killing those whose killing is not permitted from the children in the Israeli colonies with the blessed Qassam rockets which don’t differentiate between a child and an adult, and moreover, perhaps [don’t differentiate] between the Jews and the Arabs and Muslims working in those colonies or in the streets and markets of Occupied Palestine, even though the Shari’ah forbids their killing.
Wow - Al-Qaeda cares more about Jewish civilians than Hamas and Fatah and Islamic Jihad?

Well, maybe not. In another section where he is challenged as to why Al-Qaeda doesn't attack Israel, he answers:
As for the statement of the questioner, “I challenge you and your organization to do that in Tel Aviv,” I don’t know – hasn’t the questioner heard that Qaida al-Jihad struck the Jews in Jerba, Tunisia, and struck the Israeli tourists in Mombasa, Kenya, in their hotel, then fired two missiles at the El-Al airliner carrying a number of them? Hasn’t the questioner heard what Shaykh Usama bin Ladin (may Allah protect him) mentioned in his latest speech, that the battalions of the Mujahideen, after expelling the occupier from Iraq, shall make their way towards Jerusalem? Hasn’t the questioner heard that Allah (the Glorious) has honored us with the dealing of blows to America – the head of international unbelief – and its allies – like England, Spain, Australia and France – in Afghanistan, Iraq, the Arabian Peninsula, the Yemen, and Algeria? And those are Israel’s fathers, creators, guardians and protectors.

And then why does the questioner focus on how al-Qaida in particular must strike in Israel, while he didn’t request – for example – the Jihadist organizations in Palestine to come to the aid of their brothers in Chechnya, Afghanistan and Iraq? If this is become of his good opinion of al-Qaida and that it must strike Islam’s enemies everywhere, then we thank him for his good opinion, and we promise our Muslim brothers that we will strive as much as we can to deal blows to the Jews inside Israel and outside it, with Allah’s help.
I'm trying to find a consistent pattern it!

Civilian deaths are only OK when Al Qaeda is behind the terror attack!
  • Friday, April 04, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
Just for fun, I just published a new widget on the left sidebar, called "Browse ZioBlogs." Although it is a little hard to read, especially postings that include lots of blockquotes, it looked like an interesting way to survey lots of Zionist blogs in one place.

I am afraid it might be slowing down my page even more, though.

If you prefer, you can bookmark this posting and read it in wide format here. Be sure to change the "View" to your taste.

Let me know what you think!
  • Friday, April 04, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
How EU money goes towards political pro-terror NGOs from NGO Monitor

BBC Letters from Gaza and Sderot (h/t Suzanne)

As usual, the Israeli tried hard to empathize with the Palestinian Arabs and gets no such empathy in return. Also notice the contradiction between Mona (clearly less than 60 years old)'s first letter:
I would like to tell you that I am originally from what is now the Israeli city of Ashkelon.

My family left with thousands of others after 1948 and my grandfather was one of many killed in fighting the Israelis.

and her second:
I don't care where my great-great-great grandparents came from, or when. History is full of migration and the movement of peoples, including yours.

The Tale of the Tape and the Talmud (h/t My Right Word)

NYT on a religious Jewish boxing champion.

Arab poll: 55% say that offensive words of behaviors justify violence (h/t LGF)

A small fact buried in the middle of the article.

Ha'aretz: Marching toward total ruin

An Al Aqsa Brigades member is interviewed; he claims the group really is disbanded and that the PalArabs will overthrow the PA if there is no agreement by the end of the year.
  • Friday, April 04, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
My story yesterday about the new 120 mm Iranian mortars that threaten Israelis in the Negev was greeted at an "anti-war" site in the UK called "War Without End" with cheers.

Americafree: THANK YOU RABBI ?GOOD NEWS ,,,MORE TO COME,, STAY TUNED:lol: Laughing Laughing

Hurrayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy thanks Cowboy, about time the Palestinians started to get some real weapons.

Yeah it's great news...I'm always amused when Israel complains about Hezbollah and Palestinians being that shouldn't be allowed..No enemy of Israel should be allowed any arms...

I'm only hopeful that we will now see some real Israeli pain...civilian pain like women and children..and not just 'shock'...
IDF are just jokes..I want to see the same shit come down on Israel as they did in Lebanon and of course what continually rains down on GAZA every day and night...

Jews are such creepy people...

Interestingly, the site takes pains to inform users that they cannot "incite to racial hatred" according to UK laws. Equally interesting is that no one upbraided any of the commenters for advocating the potential death of civilians.

I guess that they are only against some wars.

Thursday, April 03, 2008

  • Thursday, April 03, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
An AP story I missed last week:
Arab countries only provided about half the US$660 million a year in aid they pledged to President Mahmoud Abbas' Palestinian Authority in 2007, an Arab League report said Friday. Still, they were preparing to renew the promises this weekend.

Arab countries promised in 2001 to give the Palestinian Authority US$55 million a month in aid, and the pledge has been renewed at every annual Arab summit since.

But a document prepared by Moussa for this year's summit and obtained by the AP showed that a total of only US$368 million was transferred to the Palestinians through the Arab League in 2007.

Majdi al-Khaldi, an adviser to Abbas, told the AP that Arab countries have paid less than 40 percent of their pledges since 2002.

At last year's summit in Riyadh, Arab leaders also promised an additional US$150 million for 2007 alone to go to Palestinian reconstruction. It is not clear if any of that money was paid.

According to the document, Moussa has written to Arab governments urging them to send the pledged money.
But while their Arab brethren are reticent about putting even a tiny percentage of their windfall billions ($225 billion revenue surplus in 2007) into the Palestinian Arab black hole, Western governments are rushing to throw their money away.

Norway has announced that it would give $44 million to the Palestinian Authority to be spent this month alone.

The UK just announced it would provide an additional $63 million to PalArabs putting its contribution in one year to $126 million.

It appears that the Palestinian Arabs are being disproportionately propped up by the West, while their Arab brethren really don't care about them anymore.
  • Thursday, April 03, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
Palestine Press Agency is reporting that Hamas is building tunnels underneath a UNRWA school in the Alktatoh camp in Khan Younis, Gaza, for storing weapons. The people living in the camp complained when Hamas accidentally severed a water pipe while doing their digging.

A cemetery for British World War One soldiers was bombed in Gaza last Thursday.

The Palestinian Center for Human Rights announced that their workers as well as two Reuters reporters were attacked by Hamas police while they were interviewing a guard for the cemetery, and their media was confiscated. It seems that Reuters never reported on their own reporters getting attacked by Hamas.

A missile meant to murder Jews fell short in the town of Beit Lahia in Gaza, damaging a number of buildings.

Hamas police expelled a (presumably Fatah) intelligence chief from his office today in Northern Gaza.
  • Thursday, April 03, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5

We conclude our look at the chapter about Jerusalem Jews in James Finn's "Stirring Times: Or, Records from Jerusalem Consular Chronicles of 1853 to 1856" with three interesting stories.

The first is that the Jews in Jerusalem had their own currency:
The articles are small squares of brass-foil, stamped with the Hebrew words "Bikur Cholim" -' Visiting the Sick.' The practice seems to have originated in adopting a fictitious currency, on temporary occasions, as a means of almsgiving, in anticipation of real money coming to hand. In the Jewish bazaar these pieces are current for all purposes of trade, and are sometimes accepted and passed among other inhabitants of the city as paras, though inferior in value to even that small coin. The Turks disapprove of the practice, and now and then take the trouble to prohibit it. The Jews, however, are proud of their show of independent royalty, and even if willing to discontinue it, would find it difficult to call in these tokens, so long as then- heavy debt remains, for they do actually represent a certain amount of metallic value.
The Sephardim had their own ceremony to bless the incoming sultans:
The other custom is that of getting possession of the great keys of the city gates on the decease of each Sultan of Constantinople, and after a religious service of prayer, and anointing them with a mysterious preparation of oil and spices, allowing them to be returned to the civic authorities on behalf of the new monarch. For the exercise of this traditional custom they make heavy presents to the local governors, who allow of a harmless practice that has prescription to show on its behalf. It is a matter of ' baksheesh ' to them, and there is always a class of superstitious people to be found in Palestine who think that the benediction of the ancient 'children of Israel' is worth having; the Jewish feelings are gratified, for their expectation of the future is refreshed, and the Jerusalem Rabbis are enabled to boast all the world over among their people that they suffer the Sultan of Turkey to keep possession of the Holy City.

The Moslems imagine the ceremonial to be the benediction of the incoming reign, but for my part I should like to know what words are used in this consecration of the keys with the ' anointing oil,' and how many of these words have cabalistic or ' Rashe Tevoth ' interpretations and double meanings, for it would be vain to expect to find the formula in any printed books. I am told that in the Sephardi Synagogue are preserved small phials of the 'anointing oil,' remaining from over these ceremonials of many past Sultans ; but at the time we are now considering (1853), the Jews had not for some years performed the ceremony, having had no opportunity of doing so.

Finally, for those who think that Hebrew as a colloquial language was wholly resurrected by Eliezer Ben-Yehuda later in the 19th century comes this information:
With regard to pure Hebrew, the learned world in Europe is greatly mistaken in designating this a dead language. In Jerusalem it is a living tongue of everyday utility — necessarily so, for in what else could Jewish strangers from the opposite ends of the earth converse together? In our Consular office Hebrew was often heard spoken — on one occasion by a Jew from Cabool, who had to enter into explanations with one from California : of course in Hebrew. That language was a medium of transacting business in the English Consulate.

UPDATE: Finn's wife, Elizabeth Anne, also wrote memoirs of her time in Jerusalem, and discusses the issue of Hebrew in a conversation she quotes with a Jewish resident:
"The Sephardim look upon themselves as belonging to the
royal tribe of Judah, who took refuge in Spain, and
some in Italy, at the dispersion, and who returned here
in large numbers when Ferdinand and Isabella exiled
them from Spain. They utterly despise the Askenazim . —
above all, they despise their corrupt accent in reading.
The Spanish is certainly the most musical and
pure. All the men speak, read, and write Hebrew —
but the women, being uneducated, cannot speak it;
therefore they have, besides, a family language used at
home. Among the Sephardim this is Spanish; among
the Askenazim, very corrupt German ; among the
Mograbees, African-Arabic. The common language is
Hebrew, and it is used for religious purposes, as well
as literature and ordinary intercourse of letter-writing,
conversation, &c., &c., so that in the family language,
all principal words are still Hebrew, though the rest
may be Spanish, German, or Arabic."

"Then Hebrew ought not to be called a dead language ? "

"By no means. It is never called a dead language
here. All receipts, leases of houses, marriage contracts,
&c., &c., are made out in Hebrew ; and it is
spoken all day long in the Jewish quarter."
  • Thursday, April 03, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4

We continue our look at Jewish life in Jerusalem in the mid-1800s, from James Finn's "Stirring Times: Or, Records from Jerusalem Consular Chronicles of 1853 to 1856".

The section on how Jerusalem Jews collected money worldwide - and the disadvantages of that system - sound very familiar!
Not that I approved of the system called ' Shilichuth,' but that notwithstanding all its abuses, there seemed to be at that time no other means for alleviating the abounding misery among the Jews.

This system of ' Schilichuth ' deserves to be explained. A ' Shiliach' is a messenger. The committee in Jerusalem for collection of charity, namely, the Chief Rabbi ('First in Zion '), and his Council, partition the world into districts over which they send ' Shilichim ' to collect funds on their behalf by visitation, by Synagogue preaching, by sale of objects having religious value, or by any other means that may suggest themselves to the intelligence of these messengers. They are furnished with magnificent documents in beautiful handwriting in the Holy Language, and of fine oriental composition, to which ore appended numerous large seals giving to such documents due authority.

A Deed of Agreement is likewise drawn up between the bearer (the Shiliach), and the committee of congregational officers by whom he is sent, allowing him, besides travelling expenses, a large percentage upon all that he can collect. That percentage varies according to the countries to which he is commissioned, generally in proportion to the expected difficulties or dangers that he may have to encounter, or the distance to be traversed. Thus the allowance for a journey to India or Barbary would mount higher than that for repairing to France or Germany, and if the business be methodically managed, the bearer has to bring back with him a book in which each Synagogue that contributes has specified its own amount of contribution in detail, and has attested that statement by its own official seal. In some instances the Shiliach will be absent for two or three years, and sometimes, fresh fields are visited, as, for instance, California, or Australia, with New Zealand.

The deputed messenger is usually, or was formerly, entertained wherever he goes, with honours considered only due to one who has breathed the air of the Holy Land, who has prayed at the remnant of the Western wall of the Temple enclosure, or has been in Hebron, in the same city with the Sepulchres of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Sarah, Leah, and Rebekah. His benediction is eagerly sought for and is repaid by hospitality and high place in the Synagogue. These honours have, however, been much diminished since the facilities for travelling, afforded by steamboats and railways, have altered the condition of things, and have done away with not only the actual hardships to be endured by the way, but also have tended to diminish the marvels and the wonders which in former days gathered round the facts which the Shiluchim had to report.

Who are the persons benefited by the funds raised as thus described, and brought to Jerusalem by the Shilichim ? The money is contributed chiefly with the idea of supporting perpetually a pious and learned population in the holy cities, and the donors believe that, inasmuch as all these are poor, the proceeds are divided impartially among all ; that the numbers being counted, the distribution is made accordingly to every head of a family. But as has been shown above, interest on loans, has first to be paid to the public creditors (not Jews). Then come next the official administrators for the large share allotted to them. These dues are known by the name of Kadeemah. Next come those persons who, for some reason or other previously existing, have a right of priority as to a settled pension or annuity (these last have mostly deposited monies in the fund and draw the interest). After all these deductions the residue forms the fund for division, which is then under its Hebrew name of Chaluka (apportioning) distributed among heads of houses, including those who have already received a share under the preceding classes.

And so it comes to pass that there are some rich men who receive their Chaluka, unshamed by others and unblushing for themselves. At the period to which the history refers there were but very few rich men among the thousands of Jerusalem Jews : but it was felt by enlightened Jews from Europe to be a scandal that men of comparative wealth, and even one or two successful traders, should be receiving any share of the alms needed for the relief of the poor, at a time when there was so great an amount of distress that both Jews and Christians were seeking aid from Europe for the succour of the starving multitude.

This method of procuring alms for the support of the Jews in Jerusalem is liable to abuses, and some of these have been partly exposed in such books as Dr. Frankel's ' Nach Jerusalem,' and the London ' Jewish Chronicle ; ' but not to the extent of dealing with all the evils that have come under my observation. Sometimes the Shiliach Licence was sold by the bearer to another man for profit, without the former having left Jerusalem at all.

Sometimes the Colel (i.e. the Corporation for management of the common fund) granted licences, with attestations that the bearer was well known for learning and sanctity of life, to persons of immoral character. Occasionally, members of the Colel (which is always a close corporation of a few Rabbis, sometimes related by marriage) themselves become Shilichim, bearing attestations of piety, etc., etc. Sometimes the messengers, on their return from abroad, rendered but small proceeds of money, refusing to give any account to the congregation, on the ground that their sacred office of Rabbi placed them above suspicion. It is grievous to go back in memory, and to review transactions such as these ; but the very foundation on which the system rests is pernicious, and other and better measures for obtaining revenue should be substituted. The system of collecting alms for the Holy Land is very ancient — we read of it in Roman history, and I am told it is referred to in the Talmud. Nay, even the primitive Christians, in times of temporary pressure, sent contributions to the poor saints which were in Jerusalem, and St. Paul himself was once a bearer of such benevolence. The custom is derived from good instincts of religious conscience ; but the practical benefit of it, even where properly applied, must depend upon righteous administration to those in need.

The present system involves, as has been explained, the doubtful advantage of the employment of the ' Shelichim ' (messengers). Of late this agency is prohibited in Russia, and a Shiliach practising there becomes amenable by law to imprisonment or other penalties — the object of the law being to retain the property of the Empire within its own bounds — and other nations have formerly objected to wealth being drained away from themselves for the benefit of foreigners, who produce nothing in return, not even in the way of trade. For my own part, without attempting to check the stream of charity, I took every opportunity that was convenient of recommending that contributions for the Holy Land should be transmitted by means of the usual professional bankers. This, if generally done, would obviate any waste of the funds between giver and receiver, as well as dishonesty.

Of late years the Austrian synagogues send their remittances, together with a public notification of the amount, to their Consulate in Jerusalem. The Consul receives a commission on the same for his trouble ; but even this method of transmission has disadvantages.


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