Tuesday, September 14, 2010

  • Tuesday, September 14, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Palestinian Media Watch:

PA TV documentary shows visuals of Jews praying at the Western Wall in Jerusalem:

PA TV narrator: "They [Israelis] know for certain that our [Palestinian] roots are deeper than their false history. We, from the balcony of our home, look out over [Islamic] holiness and on sin and filth [Jews praying at the Western Wall]."

Note: the program was broadcast on the Jewish New Year.
  • Tuesday, September 14, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon
Al Arabiya reports that a group of Jordanian Muslims, in response to the brouhaha over the threatened buring of the Koran in Florida, responded by giving a wreath of flowers to the Church of Annunciation in Amman to indicate that not all Muslims are filled with rage.

This is in severe contrast with the violent protests that we have seen in recent days in Iran, Kashmir, Afghanistan and Gaza.
  • Tuesday, September 14, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon
There's a relatively new web page called "Friends of the ARC" that tries to recruit people to support an expansive idea for a rail and highway link between cities in the West Bank and to Gaza to encourage economic and population growth. The site has videos and papers about the plan.

The website is even sponsoring an essay contest for college students to prepare a "policy brief" to President Obama as to why he should be pushing the concept of the "ARC" in the current round of negotiations.

The ARC concept was created by the RAND Corporation together with an urban design company. Its implementation is estimated by RAND to be some $9 billion. While the Friends of the ARC website doesn't explicitly say that they are associated with RAND, it hardly looks like a grassroots organization.

The ARC itself sounds really great for "Palestine." It has a small problem that it cuts an existing nation in half, but that is clearly not an obstacle to peace according to RAND.

Besides that, it was first proposed back in 2005. The initial recommendations of creating transit hubs within existing cities are relatively inexpensive and not dependent on a final peace agreement - yet the PA has done nothing over these years to implement any of these ideas.

On the flip aide, RAND is not pushing for rich Gulf states to finance this vision - it is lobbying the US.

It looks like some major players are smelling where Western money is going to be going, hell-bent on pushing a "peace process" whether it actually makes sense or not. So besides the known incentives of Israelis and Palestinian Arabs in supporting or changing the "peace process" agenda, we also have major corporations salivating over getting some of the inevitable Western money that will pour into trying to give incentive for Arabs not to wage more terror wars.

This additional factor in pushing the "peace" agenda forward might be worthwhile to watch.
  • Tuesday, September 14, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon
From the UN News Centre:
General Assembly President Ali Treki expressed profound concern today at what he called the desecration of the ancient Muslim cemetery of Mamilla in Jerusalem.

In a note released by his spokesperson, Dr. Treki said he was “alarmed by the intent of erecting secular projects on the site of this holy sanctuary, which is the burial place of venerated religious figures for more than 14 centuries.”

The note added that the General Assembly President “believes that this would constitute a sacrilegious and provocative act against the spirit of peace as well as dialogue among civilizations and religions.”
We have discussed the Mamilla cemetery before: how the Arabs have been placing fake graves there, how a previous Arab leader treated this "venerated" cemetery as a cesspool, how the Supreme Muslim Council had planned to build an office park directly on top of the cemetery, and how the Israeli Supreme Court listened to the arguments of those opposed to the construction and ruled against them based on sound legal and historic reasoning.

Yet the UNGA president ignores all of this and flatly declares Israeli moves a "desecration."

The Libyan diplomat has shown yet again why the UN is a joke. Even so, this statement should be protested at the highest levels and the UN should be held accountable for supporting such a blatantly biased and misinformed statement.
  • Tuesday, September 14, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon
This is a minor but telling example of the laziness of reporters.

An article by Robert Worth in the New York Times:
Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, delivered a fiery address on Monday accusing the United States government of orchestrating desecrations of the Koran by right-wing American Christian groups last weekend, Iranian state news agencies reported.

The speech appeared to be part of an effort by Iran’s hard-line leaders to amplify Muslim outrage over scattered gestures to burn or tear pages of the Koran, in the wake of the threat — later withdrawn — by Terry Jones, a Florida pastor, to burn the Koran on the anniversary of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.

In Tehran, about 1,000 protesters chanting “Death to America” and “U.S. pastor must be killed” clashed with the police and threw stones at the Swiss Embassy, Reuters reported. The Swiss have handled American interests in Iran ever since the United States severed diplomatic relations with Tehran after the 1979 Islamic Revolution.

After Iran’s state-owned Press TV ran reports about Koran desecrations in the United States, India blocked local cable operators from broadcasting the station in Indian-controlled Kashmir, where angry anti-American protests have taken place in recent days.

In his speech, Ayatollah Khamenei said “the leaders of the global arrogance” — a code for the United States among Iranian conservatives — had engineered the plot to desecrate the Koran, Press TV and other agencies reported. He added that “Zionist think tanks which hold the most influence in the United States government and its security and military organizations” were also involved.
In the fifth paragraph, Worth says that Khamanei "added" that Zionists were also, parenthetically, behind the Koran burning incident.

Where did he get this from? The esteemed reporter relied completely on the translation and context provided by Iran's PressTV, which said:
Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei has condemned the desecration of the Holy Quran on the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks in the US.

"Without a doubt, the leaders of the global arrogance engineered [this plot] and [were in charge of] the command room of these atrocities," the Leader said.

Ayatollah Khamenei added that "Zionist think-tanks which hold the most influence on the US government and its security and military organizations" were among the accomplices in the scenario.

Iran's ISNA reported on the speech as well. Here was their description:
The Islamic Revolution Leader said in a message to the Iranian nation and the entire Islamic Ummah that the Zionist circles within the US administration are the main conspirators of the sacrilege.

"The abhorrent and disgusting desecration of the Holy Quran took place in the US under protection of the American police. It is bitter and great event which cannot be regarded as a practice done by several idiots and lackeys. But, is a calculated action by the circles which have launched propaganda to promote Islamophobia and anti-Islamic campaign and have resorted to several hundred methods and thousands propaganda means to fight Islam and Quran," Ayatollah Khamenei said.

"It is another ring from the disgraceful chain which began by apostate Salman Rushdie's treason and followed by the dastardly Danish caricaturist and tens of anti-Islam movies produced in Hollywood."

"It has reached the current abhorrent play. What or who are behind the shameful moves? Study of the villain process of criminal events taking place in Afghanistan, Iraq, Palestine, Lebanon and Pakistan leaves no doubt that designing such schemes and the think-tanks are in the hands of the leaders of hegemonic system and Zionists who have the most influence on the US government and its security and military organs and on the British and several other European governments as well," Islamic Revolution Leader said.
In this case, the "Zionist" influence is at least on par with (and probably indistinguishable from) the US leaders accused of being behind the Terry Jones incident.

The Gulf Times provides a little more context:

Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei yesterday called the plan to burn the Qur’an “an insane and hateful” act and blamed “the Zionists working within the American government” for masterminding it.

“With deceiving and half-empty words, the leaders of the American regime cannot acquit themselves of ... accompanying this ugly act,” Khamenei was quoted as saying by state television.

“To prove its claim of not being involved ... the American government should appropriately punish the main figures behind this great crime,” he added.

Top Iranian officials have issued harsh criticism over the issue, with President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad even saying the US pastor’s bid to burn the holy book was a “Zionist plot” that would lead to the speedy “annihilation” of Israel.

“Zionists and their supporters are on their way to collapse and dissolution and such last-ditch actions will not save them, but multiply the pace of their fall and annihilation,” state television quoted Ahmadinejad as saying on Friday.
The Friday statement by Ahmadinejad primarily blaming "Zionists" was never reported by the New York Times.

Robert Worth read a single source - Iran's English-language PressTV - and used that as the basis of his report. He apparently did not spend any time to double-check whether the PressTV account was accurate, what the original speech said in Farsi, what the larger political context was (the Gulf Times article properly spoke about how two top Iranian clerics called on anyone desecrating the Koran to be killed, for example. Another quote that would have provided context is here.) While the words he quoted were abhorrent already, Worth could have spent thirty minutes more to have written a more accurate article showing the insane hate that spews out of Iranian political and religious leaders on a daily basis.

Instead, he grabbed a single source, wrote a poor piece that downplayed what Khamenei said and ignored what everyone else said on the matter.

In this section of the article, Worth did no original research, nor did he even make an effort to even verify his single source. (He added an unrelated three paragraphs about a new Iranian crackdown on dissidents which surely should have been its own article, but blame for that lies with the NYT editors, not with Worth.)

This is not reporting. This is the mindless copying of material that has already been edited by someone else and made to fit in an already-existing narrative.

And the New York Times represents the best in American journalism today.
  • Tuesday, September 14, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon
The Palestinian Arab negotiators have successfully created a linkage in the collective minds of the world that simply doesn't exist.

Here's the latest example:

The chief Palestinian negotiator said Monday there are no "half solutions" in the dispute over construction of Israeli settlements.

"Either there is a halt to settlement building or there is not," Saeb Erekat told reporters in Sharm el-Sheikh. "We hope that if the Israeli government is given the choice of either peace or settlements, it will choose peace. If it chooses any kind of settlement building, this means that it has destroyed the whole peace process and it would be fully responsible for that."
For years, the only building permits that Israel has allowed in Judea and Samaria were within the existing boundaries of the towns there. In other words, no additional disputed land is being affected by any new buildings or extensions.

There is no relationship between any building that is done within existing settlements and peace. It is a complete fiction. The linkage only exists due to its incessant repetition, but it has no basis in reality. It has an aura of believability, because building in these communities is being represented as a physical expansion, but that is quite simply a lie.

The settlements are a red herring, a propaganda ploy on the part of the Arabs and their anti-Israel allies. The goal is the same as it was in 1921 and 1929 and 1948 and 1967, just the words and tactics have changed.

So the next time that you read about how any building in settlements endangers peace, just mentally substitute "building in settlements" with "allowing pistachio ice cream to be sold." They both make exactly the same amount of sense.

The latest Latma seems appropriate:

Monday, September 13, 2010

  • Monday, September 13, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon
Last week I mentioned a rumor going around the Arab world that Israelis hacked the popular Saudi MBC network to broadcast messages of peace, using an Israeli-looking woman.

Firas Press got a screenshot:

The subtitle says "Our presence on Earth means happiness for you."

One of the commenters thinks that is was actually an ad for a show on a sister MBC network, called MBC Action. It looks like MBC Action mostly plays American shows.

But if she is either Israeli, Jewish or a celebrity, I'm sure that some reader of this blog will recognize her....

(h/t Ali for translation)

UPDATE: The woman is from the TV series "V" about extra-terrestrials who come to Earth. Note the tagline: "We are of peace. Always."

(h/t to the many who recognized her.)
  • Monday, September 13, 2010
  • Suzanne
Just watch and enjoy: old footage of Jerusalem in 1918. How much has changed and how much has remained the same:
  • Monday, September 13, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon
From YNet:
A new Hamas video clip has the Arab internet all a frenzy: It depicts the "battle to free Palestine" and includes fire on Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, and changes to Channel 2's news anchors.

The video, which is particularly popular in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, was created by two Hamas operatives from Gaza and the West Bank.

It shows a graphic simulation of the burning down of the High Court of Justice and the Bank of Israel buildings in Jerusalem, and cars with Palestinian flags driving across Ayalon Highway.

The beginning of the video shows a Palestinian refugee saying "Inshallah, the Jihad will take back the homeland."

The next image is of Palestinian students telling their teacher they want to become part of the resistance; followed by an image of an armed Palestinian outlining the liberation operation.

After Israel is successfully attacked and "liberated," Palestinians are shown walking along the Tel Aviv promenade and on its streets.

At the pinnacle moment of the video, the opening credits to Channel 2's nightly news edition appear, but anchorwoman Yonit Levy's place is taken by a Palestinian anchorman, depicted getting ready for the news broadcast declaring the "liberation of Tel Aviv and Palestine."

As the Balfour St. blog says,
While this is not a surprising vision from Hamas, it should throw cold water on anyone who believes that a one-state solution is possible. Many leftist anti-Israel activists somehow believe that simply ending Jewish sovereignty will make everything "all better" and that Hamas and other Palestinian radicals will let go of their thirst for vengeance.

But when I see this video, I can't help but believe that this is what the Palestinian activists have in mind when they envision a one-state solution. They made not be as blunt about it as Hamas, but their rhetoric is in many ways no less hateful or full of rage.
UPDATE: Ali in the comments mentions that the video also includes the obligatory showing of children wanting to become martyrs.
  • Monday, September 13, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon
British-based Hamas mouthpiece Palestine Info writes:
130 Jewish extremists stormed into the Aqsa Mosque Monday morning from the Maghareba Gate, accompanied by reinforced Israeli police, local sources said.

Five groups entered through the gate, each group led by a head rabbi, one security guard reported.

The Mosque’s guards monitored the Jews from afar for fear of being arrested as they toured the Mosque’s courtyards and halls.
Jews have been going in groups to peacefully visit the Temple Mount for a long time, of course. Each time the Arab press has similar articles about them "storming" and "breaking in."

But in general it is the religious Zionist crowd that visits, not the haredi and Chassidic Jews, who have generally stayed away out of concern of accidentally entering the area of the Holy of Holies. (Religious Zionists are fairly certain they know where that is and they keep a distance away from it.)

This picture, if accurate, indicates that perhaps some Chassidic groups are starting to assert their human rights to visit the holiest spot in of their religion without fear. If so, that is a very good sign.
  • Monday, September 13, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon
I mentioned earlier this month that a nightclub in Spain named "Mecca" was causing Muslims to be upset.

Yesterday, a group of Moroccan hackers defaced the website for the club, replacing it with this:

Another page said "Do you want to find your church one day turned into a place for breeding animals, or trash?"

 It's back now.
  • Monday, September 13, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Richard Millett's blog:
There are not many times that you can say that anti-Israel activists are outsung and outnumbered, but yesterday they were.

The usual mob of nothing-better-to-dos turned up outside Ahava in London’s Covent Garden to vent their hatred for the Jewish state.

Only one person brought along an Israeli flag. She said she came as she was worried that as it was Jewish New Year there would be no one around to stick up for Israel. Apart from her and a few others the pro-Israel pen was looking pretty sparse.

Then as the small pro-Israeli contingent were deciding where to break for lunch twelve Israeli tourists who had seen the protests outside Ahava came into the shop and then marched out again, filled the pen and sang Am Israel Chai, David Melech Yisrael, Hatikva and Hava Nagila (see first two clips below).

The anti-Israel mob became less interested in handing out their leaflets and more interesting in demonising the Israeli tourists, with some directing shouts of “racist scum” towards them.

Here's one video, more on that webpage.

h/t Zvi
  • Monday, September 13, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon
An NGO has released a report detailing supposed Israeli crimes in Jerusalem during Ramadan.

The "Civic Coalition for Defending Palestinian Rights in Jerusalem" in collaboration with the "Jerusalem Center for Democracy and Human Rights" and the "Land Research Center." listed out the horrendous crimes and violations of human rights. They include allowing Jews to visit the Temple Mount, restricting the ability of known inciters to travel in Jerusalem, and - allowing the 14th World Jewish Congress to meet in Jerusalem, even though the meeting was on the Western side of the Green Line.

Sounds like they want Jerusalem to be free of Jews, doesn't it?

The webpage of the Civic Coalition for Defending Palestinian Rights in Jerusalem looks like the part-time activity of one person; the English site has not been updated in months and the Arabic site is even more out of date.
  • Monday, September 13, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Palestine News Network:
As girls becomes women in Gaza they slowly get dragged into the world of restrictions. These rules have become an art those who govern Gaza have perfected. They are meant to segregate women from men.

Now in Gaza there are rules that do not allow women to Smoke Arigla or Shisha in public places. Another law does not allow women to ride bicycles, the new laws went further more by making it illegal for shop owners to exhibit women’s lingerie. The given explanation is to maintain public decency.

These rules have made women fall in an endless cycle of what is forbidden and what is allowed. Women in Gaza have chosen to adhere to these laws, thinking it’s for the best not to draw attention; actively minimizing their rights risking the few freedoms they have now which may be restricted in the near future.

That was the case in Gaza until a local journalist, Asma Al Ghoul, came along; she decided to draw the line and say enough. In a hot summer day she took her bicycle along with three internationals who work in human rights organizations and cycled for 60 kilometers along the Rafah Egypt borders in southern Gaza.

The human rights defender’s main goal was to send a clear message that any person has the right to enjoy sport as granted by international law. Asma had something else in mind. She had a political and social objective; she wanted to say that the laws against women are unfair especially the latest rules Hamas government had made which looks at women in an eye of shame.

Her journey was difficult in the beginning, since Asma did not ride a bike since she was a child; during her journey she was verbally assaulted by people calling her vulgar names, and some went even further and spit on her; things that did not stop the young daredevil from continuing her trip. The first journey was soon finished, but Asma says it will not be the last. Asma dreams of recruiting more women to cycle with her to counter and cancel the unjust laws against women of Gaza.
An Arabic article goes into more detail of her adventures. While she said that most people were nice but that gangs of youths on motorcycles twice abused her and her foreign friends by claiming to be Hamas policemen.

Asma was one of the women arrested by Hamas on the beach last year for being with a group of friends - men and women - and for swimming in jeans and a T-shirt. In the Arabic article she says that she was arrested then for being in public without an Islamically-approved escort and for laughing.
George Galloway has been preparing a new convoy to Gaza, but he has one major problem: the fact that Egypt has banned him for the trouble he caused last time.

Galloway was deported from Egypt last January after his "Viva Palestina" convoy members started a protest that ended up killing an Egyptian policeman.

Later, Egypt banned all of these publicity-seeking convoys from entering Egypt while allowing real aid through.

According to Arabic media, Galloway is begging Hosni Mubarak to allow him to return with the convoy he is organizing in Algeria, saying that he is not associated with Hamas but does respect the Palestinian Arabs' choice of Hamas as their leaders.

So far, Egyptian officials have not acknowledged his asking for permission to cross the country with a stream of reporters.

Galloway said that "we have no problems with Egypt, because the actual enemy is Israel."
  • Monday, September 13, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon
Palestine Press Agency quotes an Egyptian newspaper as saying that Egyptian authorities arrested a man several months ago on suspicion of smuggling gold to Hamas.

The man, Mohammed Bassam Naim, is the son of Bassam Naim, Ismail Haniyeh's bodyguard. He is in an Egyptian university to gain a political science degree.

Police arrested him in April and found large quantities of gold, and recently they have arrested a number of Egyptians suspected of being involved in the smuggling.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

  • Sunday, September 12, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon
Going to a conference tomorrow for a couple of days; blogging will likely be light.

This whole month will be erratic, come to think of it.

Oh well. Carry on.
  • Sunday, September 12, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon
From CBS Sacramento:
Sacramento police are investigating the vandalism to a mural of Sacramento Kings' player Omri Casspi as a hate crime, and the mural's artist says it has been vandalized before.

Passersby said they were caught off guard when they noticed a swastika had been scratched between the Jewish athlete's eyes on the mural on 16th Street and R Street. It also appeared as though someone had tried to scratch the symbol away.

"It's weird to think there are people like that still out there," said Ravina Bhan.

With no surveillance cameras aimed at the mural, police don't know when the vandalism took place. The incident is being investigated as a hate crime, even though the swastika was drawn incorrectly.
  • Sunday, September 12, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Reuters:
The United Arab Emirates has donated $42 million (27 million pounds) to the Palestinian Authority, boosting support for President Mahmoud Abbas' cash-strapped government as it embarks on direct peace talks with Israel, Arab officials said on Friday.

An Arab source in Washington said the donation, which was confirmed by a Palestinian government spokesman, was made after repeated calls by senior U.S. officials for more Arab support to help build Palestinian government capacity.

The Palestinian Authority's main Arab donors, Saudi Arabia and the UAE, have contributed considerably less this year than they have annually since 2007.

So far, the Saudis have donated $30.6 million until August, compared to $241.1 million in the same period in 2009. The new donation by the UAE, the world's third-largest oil exporter, is its first this year -- it gave $173.9 million in 2009.
That means that Saudi Arabia slashed its support for the PA by 87% this year, and the UAE by 75%.

Earlier this year, UNRWA mentioned that Arab nations have paid less that 20% of their pledges to that organization, a miniscule 1.5% of the UNRWA budget.

So apparently it is not just the PA that Arab nations don't care about, but Palestinian Arabs altogether.

Shouldn't people in the US and Europe be wondering why Arabs care less about their fellow Arabs than the West does?
  • Sunday, September 12, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon
Over twenty Palestinian Arab organizations in Europe have signed a letter criticizing Mahmoud Abbas' negotiating with Israel, saying that he will sell out on Jerusalem and the "right of return" without representing them.

They claim that Abbas is covering up the Zionist killing of Palestinian Arabs, the Judaizing of Jerusalem, and the creation of ghettos for Palestinian Arabs in the West Bank, as well as collaborating with the Israelis.

The letter concluded that the "Palestinian people" will certainly not tolerate any such moves.

Groups that signed the letter included The General Secretariat of the Conference of Palestinians in Europe, Palestinian Return Centre, London, Palestinian Doctors in Europe, the Association of Palestinian Engineers in Europe, the Association of Palestinian Women in Europe, The Denmark Palestinian Forum, Britain Palestinian Forum, the Palestinian Center for Justice, the Palestinian Assembly of Italy, the Austrian Association of Palestine, the Palestinian Forum of the Netherlands, , the Palestinian Forum of France, the Association of Germany of the Right of Return, the Palestinian Assembly of the Netherlands, Sweden Palestinian Engineers Association, Union of Palestinian Artists in Sweden, Union of Palestinian Teachers in Sweden, and the Palestinian Assembly - Ireland.

Palestinian Arabs who live in Europe have traditionally been far more ideologically hawkish than the ones who live in the West Bank.


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