Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Disclaimer: the views expressed here are solely those of the author, weekly Judean Rose columnist Varda Meyers Epstein.

Jessica Tarlov is the snotty token Democrat on the Fox News political talk show, “The Five.” The petulant downturn to her mouth is annoying, as are her righteously angry rhetoric and whiny voice. But in some ways, Tarlov’s most important quality is that she always comes armed with facts with which to debate the far more numerous conservatives weighing in on the discussion. Tarlov interprets that data from her liberal perch and bias, but at least the Democratic Party political strategist is using facts.

Or so I thought.

In a discussion regarding the anti-Israel protesters and their new nickname for Kamala Harris, “Killer Kamala,” Tarlov remarked that “The majority of American Jews, and also Israelis, favor a peaceful two-state solution.”

70% of American Jews vote for the Democrats and I believe that number will be the same come November 5th. I don’t think any of this is going to make a substantial difference, but I think Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have firmly stood with Israel. They have given all the arms Netanyahu has asked for. He has said multiple times that he thanks the administration for it.

If people think Donald Trump is going to be better for Israel, they have another think coming. Because guess what? The majority of American Jews, and also Israelis, favor a peaceful two-state solution and Donald Trump doesn’t care about that at all.


Now, I listen to The Five on my phone with half an ear as I do everything I play on Youtube to keep me company as I prepare lunch or cook for Shabbos. But when I heard that last bit about the two-state solution, my ears perked up. “That’s not true,” I said to myself, mentally making a note to check the numbers on Google.

It was conceivable to think that a majority of American Jews would be in favor of a two-state solution, but I didn’t know this absolutely. Since she was wrong about the Israelis, I thought, maybe she’s wrong about the Americans, too. Even if the majority of Israelis were in favor of a “peaceful two-state solution” whatever that means—it’s an oxymoron if I ever heard one—they sure aren’t in favor of it now, after October 7. That ship has sailed.

Gallup did a survey of Israelis between Oct. 17 and Dec. 3, in the weeks and months following October 7. What they found is that “Israelis no longer support a two-state solution”:

One in four Israeli adults currently support the existence of an independent Palestinian state, while most (65%) oppose it. This is almost a complete reversal of where they stood on the issue a decade ago, when twice as many Israeli adults supported an independent Palestinian state (61%) as opposed one (30%).

So there you have it. A majority of Israeli Jews do not want a two-state solution. And if that were true it meant that Tarlov was wrong—or at least using way outdated figures. That’s if we are to give Tarlov the benefit of the doubt and assume that she made an innocent mistake as opposed to telling an out-and-out lie. The truth is, it makes no difference. Tarlov’s recitation of false facts robs her of credibility.

Fact-checking Tarlov’s claim that the majority of American Jews favor a two-solution, brought mixed results. A March Pew Research Center survey found that 46% of Jewish Americans think a two-state solution is the best possible outcome, while 22% support a one-state option, preferring all the land to be one country under Israeli rule. 46% of anything, by definition, cannot be a majority—a plurality, yes—but not a majority. That’s an important distinction. 46% of American Jewry does not represent even half of that sector.  

A May survey by the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs (JCPA), on the other hand, does indeed find that a majority of American Jews, 60%, support a two-state solution. I consider the JCPA to be an absolutely credible organization, whose august panel of experts includes Dr. Dan Diker, Khaled Abu Toameh, and Amb. Alan Baker. The survey offers a snapshot of “the viewpoints of 511 American Jews regarding the ongoing Israel-Hamas conflict.”

“Conducted between May 9-11, 2024, the survey provides critical insights into the attitudes and concerns within the American Jewish community during this turbulent period. The survey has a margin of error of ±4% and includes a balanced representation by gender and age.”

Of course, the Pew survey had a sample of nearly four times that size, with 1,941 Jewish American respondents weighing in. And I really doubt that the progressive-leaning Jessica Tarlov went digging around on the ‘net, like I did, and stumbling on the JCPA survey, decided to use it as a statistic more to her liking than the one from Pew. Why the suspicion? Aside from the JCPA luminaries already mentioned above is Jason Greenblatt, Trump’s advisor on none other than . . . drumroll please. . .


It is difficult to believe that Jessica Tarlov would cite, unless by accident, the results of a survey published by a think-tank with a Trump appointee as its senior director of Arab-Israeli diplomacy. More likely, Jessica Tarlov was thinking of the March Pew survey. In which case, we really need to wonder at the conflation of “majority” with “plurality.”

Not that anyone did at “The Five.” No one among full-time cohosts Greg Gutfeld, Dana Perino, Jesse Watters, and Jeanine Pirro said a thing in response to Tarlov’s erroneous statistics about Jews and the two-state solution. They must have figured that yet again, they, the non-Jews have been caught flatfooted, undercut by actual Jews when non-Jews try to speak up for them. They certainly wouldn’t have been splitting semantic hairs over “majority” and “plurality.”

At any rate, there wouldn’t have been a way for the cohosts to verify Tarlov’s claims on the spot, while they were live on air, even if some unseen guy were feeding them facts through some gewgaw in their ears. I, on the other hand, had the luxury of time and a laptop to actually investigate Tarlov’s wide-of-the-mark assessment of Jewish attitudes in regard to the stupidest, most unworkable concept on earth: the two-state solution.

The main thing for me, at any rate, was that I learned a lesson, or at least had one reinforced by the exercise. Don’t easily accept stats, especially when it comes to Israel and the Jews. Always question further, even when the one citing those stats seems like a serious person, even if you do disagree with them. Which was how I’d seen Tarlov until now, someone I respected, even if I disagreed with her. Now, even the respect is gone.

Tarlov may be snappy with the stats, but she isn’t being either careful or accurate, playing fast and loose with the numbers as she apparently does. In my eyes, going forward, Tarlov is forever tarnished, and by extension, so is everyone else.

I’ve lost trust.

Can you blame me?

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For centuries, people have debated why antisemitism exists.

A column in Turkey's Yeni Mesaj by Akin Aydin comes up with the answer:

It's the Jews' fault!

 The real question that needs to be asked here is why Jews have been targeted so much since the beginning of their existence!

Another question is how did those who believed that they were superior because of their beliefs, who saw other people as their servants and who did not even look at other people as "human", live in disgrace throughout history? 

The answer to such questions is always themselves, the books they have changed with their own hands and the beliefs they have created.

Jews, who believe they are 'superior', have always been under the domination of other nations throughout history. But they have never sat still in any period of history.

So much so that they were exiled from Palestine, Egypt, Babylon, ancient Greece, Rome and Europe.

During the time of our Prophet, they were exiled from Medina and Khaybar. In addition, in the unwritten will of our Prophet (pbuh), they were ordered to be exiled from the 'Hejaz peninsula'.

But why?

The answer itself is the Jews. They have always created intrigues and caused mischief in the lands and states they lived in, and they have tried to overthrow the state they lived in by collaborating with the enemies of that region, but they have failed every time. 
See how liberal he is? Unlike other Muslim writers, he doesn't deny antisemitism. He agrees it is a bad thing. But, hey, the Jews deserve to be hated.

(This is only part 1. Who knows what we'll learn in the rest of the series?)

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



  • Wednesday, August 21, 2024
  • Elder of Ziyon

Yesterday, IRGC Brigadier General Ali Fadavi warned that Iran will “definitely” retaliate against Israel “at the suitable time and place,” adding that Israel “will be punished more severely than before.” He also said, "We will determine the time and manner of punishment for the bloodshed of Martyr Haniyeh, and it will definitely be done."

This is just the latest of a series of dozens of explicit threats of military and terrorist action by Iran against Israel since late July.

Lest we forget, the UN Charter, Article 1, Paragraph 1, says:
The Purposes of the United Nations are: To maintain international peace and security, and to that end: to take effective collective measures for the prevention and removal of threats to the peace, and for the suppression of acts of aggression or other breaches of the peace, and to bring about by peaceful means, and in conformity with the principles of justice and international law, adjustment or settlement of international disputes or situations which might lead to a breach of the peace;
One cannot even imagine a more textbook case of threats to peace than the literal threats to attack Israel by Iran. This sort of thing is why the UN was created to begin with. 

But not a public word of rebuke against Iran. 

This is why the UN was created. Not only to stop wars after they start, but to prevent wars from starting to begin with. 

There are plenty of examples of UN duplicity, hypocrisy, bias and antisemitism. But what it doesn't do is just as noteworthy as what it does. 

The UN refuses to do the bare minimum to adhere to its own founding principles. 

If the UN cannot bring itself to say or do anything about explicit military threats from a member state to another member state, then it is literally useless. 

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



  • Wednesday, August 21, 2024
  • Elder of Ziyon

Joshua Leifer is not a Zionist. Perhaps he is anti-Zionist, he may consider himself a "post-Zionist," but he does not support the idea of a Jewish state.

He just released a book describing his view of American Jews where he interviews Jews from all walks of life. A launch event was planned at powerHouse Books Arena in Brooklyn last night.

An hour before the event, powerHouse Arena canceled it. 

Leifer writes:
Less than an hour before the launch event for my book Tablets Shattered, a conversation with Rabbi Andy Bachman,  @powerHouseBooks in Brooklyn told me they were unwilling to host the conversation with Andy because they would not permit a Zionist on the premises.

I wrote this book to explore debates within American Jewish life, which of course includes many people who identify as Zionists. My biggest worry was about synagogues not wanting to host me. I didn't think it would be bookstores in Brooklyn that would be closing their doors.
PowerHouse Books felt that Rabbi Andy Bachman was unacceptably Zionist to step foot on their hallowed grounds where they host other book launches, parties and food events.

Bachman is a progressive rabbi. His position on Israel is identical to that of the Democratic Party platform - a two state solution. He is more critical of Benjamin Netanyahu's government than Kamala Harris is. 

Would powerHouse Books deny Harris a speaking opportunity? Would they block President Biden who also describes himself as a Zionist?

At what point does the world realize that this "anti-Zionism" is an obsessive hate whose only analogues in history are racism and antisemitism?  This has the exact same energy as anti-Black policies in the 1950s and anti Jewish policies in the 1930s. 

"Progressive" bookstores pretend to be bastions of free speech. Some are really avatars of hate. 

(h/t MtTB)

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



  • Wednesday, August 21, 2024
  • Elder of Ziyon
According to reports, the Houthi  Education Office in Al-Dhale’ Governorate sent a letter to the  principals of the Juban district in Yemen instructing them to have students say the Houthi sarkha (‘scream’) slogan every day as they salute the Houthi flag in morning assemblies.

The slogan translates to,  “God is great. Death to America. Death to Israel. Damn the Jews. Victory to Islam.”

Here is the letter, according to reports.

It says, "Since the Jews and Christians are enemies of the Arab and Islamic nation, we must disavow them."

Apparently, however, Jews are not just merely the enemy. Our goal, according to Iran's International Quran News Agency, is to destroy Islam itself.

The representative of the Supreme Leader in Hajj and Pilgrimage Affairs in Iran indicated that the enemy is working to spread Islamophobia and eliminate the Islamic religion, saying: "The enemy has received slaps from all Islamic factions and therefore it is working to destroy the entire Islamic world."

This was indicated by the representative of the Supreme Leader in Hajj and Pilgrimage Affairs in Iran, Hajjat ​​al-Islam Sayyed Abdul Fattah Nawab in his speech at the Second Conference of Arbaeen and Islamic Harmony, which was held August 19 in the holy city of Karbala, in the presence of a group of religious scholars from Syria, Palestine, Iraq, and the Islamic Republic of Iran.

He said: "In the early days of Islamic history, the Jews were the most prominent cause of division among Muslims, and today the Zionists are the cause of that," stressing: "The Zionists are living in humiliation and disappointment because of the brave resistance of the people of Gaza."

Mr. Abdel Fattah Nawab added, "It does not matter to the enemy whether he attacks our Sunni mujahid brothers in Gaza or our Shiite mujahid brothers in the Lebanese suburb, and he does not differentiate between Muslim mujahidin in Yemen and the Levant."

He stressed: "The enemy is working to spread Islamophobia and eliminate the Islamic religion," saying: "The enemy is working to destroy the entire Islamic world because it has received blows from all Islamic sects and groups."
It wasn't that long ago that even Israel's most implacable enemies at least pretended to only be "anti-Zionist" and not antisemitic. Hating Jews is now acceptable in public discourse in parts of the world, and those parts are expanding quickly.

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



Tuesday, August 20, 2024

From Ian:

The Anti-Zionist Protesters and the Left: An End to Denial Stop projecting humane beliefs onto groups whose ugly ideas are very clear.
The Chicago protests are being led by Hatem Abudayyeh, the national chair of the U.S. Palestinian Community Network. On October 7, Abudayyeh made an official statement for USPCN celebrating the slaughter of Israeli civilians: “Palestinians have an internationally-recognized right to resist illegal military occupation, and today’s attacks from the Palestinian Resistance should be understood as a legitimate response to unending violence from Israel’s extreme right-wing, racist, white supremacist, zionist government and settler movement … now we have no choice but to defend ourselves, because the Israeli military and racist settlers have been attacking and killing with impunity, and must and will be stopped! We will win our liberation and Return!”

And while this rhetoric may be shocking, every major anti-Israel activist group has adopted a similar position. Students for Justice in Palestine called the October 7 attacks “a historic win for the Palestinian resistance” against “the façade of an impenetrable settler colony.” The Palestinian Youth Movement saluted “the active decolonization of Palestinian land” and stated “We have a right to resist on our own land.” Within Our Lifetime declared, “Zionism is a settler-colonial white supremacist ideology built on the genocide and dispossession of the Palestinian people,” and therefore, “We defend the right of Palestinians as colonized people to resist the zionist occupation by any means necessary.” Jewish Voice for Peace declined to condemn the attack, instead blaming it on Israel: “The bloodshed of today and the past 75 years traces back directly to U.S. complicity in the oppression and horror caused by Israel’s military occupation.”

The common thread running through these statements, other than unbounded eagerness to shed Israeli blood, is a worldview suggested by the recurring terms settler and colonist. All these groups adhere to a left-wing western doctrine that is the subject of an excellent new book, On Settler Colonialism, by Adam Kirsch.

Settler colonialism is a theory of societies established by western settlers. The fact that certain countries (the U.S., Canada, and Australia) were established by settlers who displaced or killed off the native population is not novel. Settler colonialism is a way of centering this fact as an ongoing genocide that “continues to define every aspect of its life, even after centuries,” as Kirsch puts it. “Settler, in this view, is not the descriptions of the actions of an individual but a heritable identity.”

Settler-colonialist theory has grown explosively in the West, where it has inspired hundreds of books, thousands of papers, and numerous college courses. As applied to the Anglosphere, it poses a critique that is radical but entirely confined to theory. Settler colonialism delegitimizes its targets without offering a workable program for replacing them — there is no pathway to restoring the western hemisphere to the political arrangements that stood before Columbus’s arrival. And so the programmatic aspect of settler-colonialist theory is confined to “land acknowledgments” and other quasi-religious rhetoric.

The inclusion of Israel as a settler-colonialist state is the move that transforms the theory into something more threatening. It is a curious connection, as Kirsch notes. While Israel’s founding did displace many Palestinians, it did not precipitate their virtual eradication. (The Palestinian population, despite undeniable oppression, has grown dramatically since 1947.) More importantly, the Jewish population in Israel has a long-standing connection to the land it inhabits and no other place to “return.”

The only humane solution to the predicament is a negotiated agreement between Jews and Palestinians. Settler colonialism, instead, denies Jewish Israelis any right to live in the region, rendering any act of the Israeli state illegitimate and any action to dismantle it permissible.

Settler-colonialism theorists believe certain people have an authentic, permanent relationship to the land. Their rhetoric, as Kirsch points out, echoes the romantic nationalism of the old German right. “Palestinian Indigenous sovereignty is in and of the land. It is grounded in an embodied connection to Palestine and articulated in Palestinians ways of being, knowing, and resisting on and for this land,” writes Jamal Nabulsi of University of Queensland. Palestinians have “a culture indivisible from their surroundings, a language of freedom concordant to the beauty of the land,” in the words of the scholar Steven Salaita.

Compare this with the blood-and-soil nationalism of Nazi ideologists such as Richard Walther Darre — “The German soul, with all its warmness, is rooted in its native landscape and has, in a sense, always grown out of it … Whoever takes the natural landscape away from the German soul, kills it” — and you will have difficulty detecting any difference. Indeed, if you switched Palestinian with German, it would be hard to tell one theorist from the other.

An important corollary of settler-colonialist thought is that, because they lack a naturalistic connection to any soil, the Jews must be rendered a permanently rootless subaltern class. This has an echo of the Nazi conception of the Jew as alien, and at times its rhetoric has the same overtones. Salaita, again, on the Zionists: “In their ruthless schema, land is neither pleasure nor sustenance. It is a commodity … There is no real notion of the commons in Zionism. Public space is deeply personal, demarcated and apportioned based on a crude obsession with genetics … Having been anointed Jewish, the land ceases to be dynamic.” This is blood-and-soil nationalism for the left.
Prof. Gerald M. Steinberg: NGO Warfare: From Human Rights Watch to Campus Mobs
Many of the slogans chanted by antisemitic mobs on university campuses and in major cities following the October 7, 2023, atrocities are propelled by an extensive network of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that carry the flags of human rights and international law. Similarly, the statements and reports of international bodies and courts directly reflect the impact of these NGOs.

Immediately following the Oct. 7 attacks, these NGOs launched major political campaigns that downplayed or whitewashed Hamas and targeted Israel. Their "experts" were interviewed on major media platforms. The litany of demonization and modern blood libels, accompanied by expressions of support for Hamas and other terror organizations, is systematically repeated and amplified by a broad network of hundreds of localized NGOs.

The role of NGOs in promoting antisemitism through anti-Zionism and demonization of Israel has become an enduring feature of the public discourse - paralleling a resurgence of physical violence against Jewish targets.
David Collier: 10 year anniversary of publicly standing up for the truth
10 years ago today, on the 20/8/2014, I published my first article on this (my) website. While I have been fighting Israel’s case and battling antisemitism since the 1990s, today is the 10th anniversary of my very public battle.

This milestone creates a time for me to sincerely thank all the many people (and you know who you are) who have contributed along the way. Whatever your contribution was, it has helped fight antisemitism – it has helped to expose the truth – and has aided the battle against the hate. I truly appreciate every single contribution (financial or otherwise) – and honestly I could not have done it without you.

The success of my work has been a community effort, and my research has generated 100s of media headlines.

Not everything I have done has been published here. Sometimes I hand mainstream media stories because of the greater exposure some stories need (countless times in just the last ten months), a lot of it anonymously – which is how I mostly worked before starting this website. And along the way the work has been internationally recognised. I was invited twice to New York to receive an award, once by the Algemeiner , the second time by the media watchdog CAMERA.

I do not mention all this to brag, far from it (that is just not my style). I do so to highlight that the recognition came from US based Zionist organisations. While in Israel and the US, an unapologetic battle against antisemitism is heralded, in the UK our community leaders distance themselves from people like me. And when our Jewish mainstream hands out recognition, it is more likely to be an incestuous affair – or see awards given to those who once stood and said prayers for Hamas terrorists in Parliament Square. Our community leadership is ethically directionless, and led mostly by yellow-bellies more concerned about being invited to dinner parties than speaking out – and this is at the very time UK Jewry so desperately needs to be led by voice of real courage.

It is a key reason I am here doing what I do, fighting the fight. Not just on this website but on social media platforms as well (where because of the importance of this ongoing battle I now have 100,000s of followers). As will other people like me also continue to fight. This is not a time for weakness or appeasement, the landscape continues to deteriorate, and the horizon seem bleak. We have no other hill to fight on and we have to stand up for ourselves.

So at this ten year milestone – I sincerely want to thank everyone who has helped along the way. But there really is no time for pause. There is always so much to do. My (and by extension this website’s ) most difficult – and most important days – are still ahead of us all.
From Ian:

Col Kemp: Israel’s persecution has exposed our two-tier international justice system
To get his men Khan is trying to push the court into unbelievable contortions. The HLMG turned our attention to one of these aberrations: violating the ICC’s foundational principle of complementarity. That means the court does not have jurisdiction over alleged crimes committed by citizens of a country that is capable and willing to investigate and prosecute those crimes. Israel has internationally respected civilian and military justice systems with a track record of credibly addressing war crimes allegations.

Thus the Prosecutor cannot lawfully assert jurisdiction over the Prime Minister and Defence Minister without evidence that the Israeli justice system would not itself bring such charges if there was a case to answer. Khan has no such evidence because it simply doesn’t exist – either on the basis of declared future intent or past practice. It is well known that the long arm of Israeli justice has previously reached out even as far as the highest offices of state.

Exposing another of the Prosecutor’s contortions the HLMG cited war crimes investigations by two ICC member states, the UK and Australia. We pointed out that these processes had taken years to conclude and nevertheless did not attract ICC intervention. The HLMG made clear that the proposed ICC arrest warrants would deny the investigatory leeway to the State of Israel which was exercised in these cases.

When deliberating on Khan’s application, the ICC judges should ask the same question that we have asked ourselves: why does the Prosecutor seem to be singling out the Jewish State for this special treatment?

If the judges do decide to grant Khan his warrants that would align the ICC with Hamas’s jihadist agenda and against the global values of justice that the court was set up to protect. This precedent would create a two-tier international justice system under which terrorists are effectively inviolable while democratic states trying to resist them are hung out to dry. That would inevitably undermine our own national security, with political and military leaders fearful of criminalisation if they have to order their armed forces into action for the legitimate defence of the country.
Andrew Fox: How Israel is clearing Hamas out of Rafah
The heat, the sand, the soldiers. I’m in Rafah, a war zone unlike any other. As a former soldier, it’s an unsettling experience. Every time we get out of a vehicle, I reach for a weapon I do not have. Instead of my army fatigues, I’m wearing lightweight trousers, a polo shirt and a blue helmet signifying I’m a civilian guest of the Israel Defence Forces (IDF).

There’s one thing that hits me more than anything else while I’m here: the damage to Gaza. It is appalling. Almost every building is damaged, and many are destroyed outright. After 7 October, Hamas had to be removed from Gaza. But they aren’t an easy adversary to take on.

Hamas has turned the whole place into one giant booby trap

There are 500 km of tunnels below Gaza, longer in distance than the entire London underground. In Rafah alone, the 162nd Division, who I’m alongside, have found ten tunnel-hidden rocket launching sites, 21 subterranean weapons production sites, and they have destroyed 200 tunnel entry shafts. Here’s the issue: each one of those tunnel shafts led to a mosque; a school; a person’s home. To destroy the tunnel system, there is inevitable damage to the buildings under which the tunnels run and to which they are connected.

Homes in Gaza, many concealing tunnel shafts, are almost all booby-trapped. The IDF has adapted to this. They now enter houses first with drones, then with dogs. Only when a house is seemingly clear do they enter, and even then only in four-man squads to minimise casualties if a bomb goes off. Hamas has cameras in each home, with cables running into the tunnels. If they see the IDF have missed an IED, they wait for troops to enter, then detonate the device.

When the IDF finds an IED, they will not enter and will simply destroy the house. They have neither the capacity nor the desire to clear every IED from Gaza. There are just too many to even try. All of this explains the damage in Rafah. Hamas has turned the whole place into one giant booby trap and the IDF’s only realistic option is to clear it explosively.
Ukraine Defies the U.S. to Launch a Showy Offensive Into Russia
Whatever its strategic significance turns out to be, the Ukrainians maintain they were sending a signal to the Kremlin as well as to the White House that Kyiv was finished operating under self-defeating constraints and that it would now probe red lines that had been set out by both powers. Kyiv has long been frustrated at being provided with just enough support from Washington in order to not lose—but not enough to overcome the numerically superior and better financed Russian army. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has expressed that frustration publicly, stating that “our partners are afraid of Russia losing the war.”

Unlike last summer’s failed counteroffensive in Kharkiv, Ukraine launched the Kursk operation without first informing Washington of its plans. In fact, Zelenskyy waited a week to break the remarkable operational secrecy that had enveloped the operation.

Ukraine’s decision to proceed came exactly a week after Israel had carried out a pair of high-profile assassinations deep in enemy territory.

What changed in July is that the Ukrainians, like other embattled U.S. allies, were faced with a new opportunity in Washington: The cognitively impaired president had been forced out of his reelection bid in favor of his vice president, who was now out on the campaign trail, three months before the election. With this emergent power vacuum at the White House, the Ukrainians decided to bypass both the deposed occupant of the White House as well as the staff of his hypercautious National Security Council, instead of slowly bleeding to death under rules guaranteed to produce slow-motion defeat.

“The United States government currently has no strategy for Ukraine. Zero. None at all,” a former high-ranking Ukrainian intelligence and national security official told Tablet. “That fact is apparent to the current Ukrainian government. The political decision and the timing chosen to go into Kursk were made at the political level by the Zelenskyy administration at the request of the army command. Which wanted to take the initiative.” The former intelligence official added, “This is war, and I cannot recall an example, any time in history, of a war being won while commanders were unable to make their own decisions and to take on their own responsibilities.”

The Ukrainians had planned this type of operation for a long time—reports of Kyiv’s plots to launch incursions into Russia go back to early 2023. Tellingly, however, the decision to proceed came exactly a week after Israel had carried out a pair of high-profile assassinations deep in enemy territory. On July 31, the Israelis took out Hamas’ former chief Ismail Haniyeh in a Tehran guesthouse during the inauguration ceremony of the new Iranian president. The day before, they had eliminated the top Hezbollah military commander, Fuad Shukr, in the heart of the group’s stronghold in Beirut.

Kyiv observed carefully how Israel conducted its strikes immediately after Prime Minister Netanyahu returned from a triumphant speech before the U.S. Congress. In fact, earlier this week the chair of the Ukrainian Parliamentary Committee on National Security and Defense, Roman Kostenko, explicitly referenced the Israeli example in a televised interview. “So Israel announced that they would take the advice of their partners very seriously but would afterward make their own decisions in the best interest of their own national security. I think that we can simply mirror that approach in our own case.”
  • Tuesday, August 20, 2024
  • Elder of Ziyon
You are invited to a picnic!

"Montgomery County Public Schools for Palestine" have an agenda, and it isn't free watermelons. Here are some of their demands:

We call on MCPS to immediately reinstate all staff placed on administrative leave for their support of Palestinian human rights and justice.
The staff placed on administrative leave include Sabrina Khan-Williams, who denied any rape on October 7 and claimed Israel sells Palestinians' organs. 

Here is Angela Wolf's  "human rights" post that got her temporarily suspended, calling rich Jews "gluttons and thieves." You can see how pro-Palestinian she is!

This is who MCPS for Palestine wants teaching kids. 

We demand MCPS educators provide accurate, unbiased lessons about the history of Palestine, the Nakba, and the 75-year Israeli occupation. 
Notice that to them, the "occupation" didn't start in 1967, but 1948. In other words, to teach students that the Jewish state is illegal to begin with. 

The Montgomery County public schools aren't Islamophobic - but Jewish students are subjected to lots of antisemitism:
Residents of Montgomery County are grappling with the frequency and vulgarity of antisemitism in their reputedly welcoming public schools.
Kobie Talmoud has been the target of taunts from fellow students who have said things like “Shut up, you Jewish f---” and “Heil Hitler” since he started public school in seventh grade.

Only yesterday, four schools in the county were defaced with graffiti that was antisemitic and anti-Israel.

Jews are subjected to more hate crimes in the county than all other groups.

The reason is because of groups like MCPS for Palestine who encourage antisemitic attacks by calling them "support for Palestine" and "human rights."

So I suggest that the Jews of Montgomery County, which includes Silver Spring, show up and have their own picnic in the park this Sunday, so they can talk to teachers about the truth. And offer kosher and halal hot dogs. 

(h/t Michelle)

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



  • Tuesday, August 20, 2024
  • Elder of Ziyon
We've discussed how Iran and Hezbollah have been beating the drums of war in response to the assassinations of Fuad Shukr and Ismail Haniyeh but how they have been very reluctant to actually attack Israel out of fear that they would lose more than they might gain in "honor" and deterrence.

What about the Houthis?  

They are not as rational as Iran and Hezbollah, but they will not do anything major without Iran's go-ahead.

Israel is sending a message to the Houthis that they also would lose more than they gain from any escalation.

Israel's Intellitimes reports that Israel has decided on which areas Israel might target in Yemen. They include the Sanaa' airport, the Port of Ras Isa and the Port of Salif.

A security official quoted by Intellitimes said, "Those infrastructures can be used as targets for the continuation of the campaign against the Houthis, who are supported by Iran, and damage to them will damage the Houthis' rule and funding. Repairing the damage to these sites may take many months and even disable them permanently." The financial damage of attacking the targets is estimated at up to hundreds of millions of dollars.

The coalition led by the United States and Great Britain attacked those targets but in a pinpoint way that did not pose a risk to their continued  operations. On the other hand, Israel's attack on the Al-Hudaydah port in July caused massive damage and activity there decreased significantly.

This report appears to have been leaked specifically to warn Yemen that they would suffer more damage than they could possibly inflict on Israel, and this damage would directly affect their ability to operate. 

Moreover, this seems to be a message to Iran as well, whose own seaports are a critical lifeline to the country's economy. Israel could hit their ports as well, and the threat against the Houthis could be a warning to the Houthis' patrons in Tehran. 

When Israeli leaders threaten Iran directly, the response is invariably more threats from Iran that could - because of "honor" - end up becoming real. By leaking information about Yemen, Iran gets the message without falling into the "honor/shame" dynamic that could distort its own rational self-interest. 

This sort of thing does more for keeping things quiet than any amount of diplomacy or pressure from the West. 

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

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  • Tuesday, August 20, 2024
  • Elder of Ziyon

At his speech at the Democratic National Convention last night, President Biden said something shameful.
And we’ll keep working to bring hostages home and end the war in Gaza and bring peace and security to the Middle East. As you know, I wrote a peace treaty for Gaza. A few days ago, I put forward a proposal that brought us closer to doing that than we’ve done since October 7th. We’re working around the clock, my Secretary of State, to prevent a wider war and reunite hostages with their families and surge humanitarian health and food assistance into Gaza now, to end the civilian suffering of the Palestinian people and finally, finally, finally deliver a ceasefire and end this war. 

Those protesters out in the street, they have a point. A lot of innocent people are being killed on both sides.
No, the protesters do not have a point. There is only one party responsible for the deaths of innocent people in Gaza and in Israel, and that is Hamas. The protesters spread Hamas propaganda to incite hate against Israel and the Jews who support Israel.  

The only point they have is antisemitism. 

Geoffrey Corn, a former U.S. Army Judge Advocate Officer, and Lt. Gen. David A. Deptula (Retired), published an article about the Gaza war in The Cipher Brief yesterday that was exceptionally clear-headed in analyzing both the war and Israel's incredible behavior within this war. It is the story of Gaza that is almost never reported in the media, and comparing what they say after visiting Gaza and what the President said last night shows the  huge disconnect between how experts look at the war and how it is being reported and described by the media and even by the highest government officials.

Their conclusion is one of the best descriptions of the war I've seen:
Our group left with two overriding impressions. First, is that the disconnect between the reality we observed, and the public perception of Israeli military operations is truly unfortunate. ...[I]t is primarily the result of fighting an enemy that never sought military victory, but instead sought to use the narrative of civilian casualty excess as its primary ammunition for a strategic information campaign to discredit and isolate Israel. ... For the IDF, information is a supporting effort to combat. For Hamas, combat is a supporting effort to information. Hamas has exploited false-assumptions and distorted narratives to great effect in that delegitimization campaign. Countering this is no easy task, but it must begin with more effective explanations of the reality of combat against such a capable and adaptive enemy.

Second, our concern is how this Hamas playbook may be replicated by future enemies of democratic states. Those enemies are learning that the most effective way to turn the public against a righteous war is to create conditions that maximize—not reduce—civilian casualties. Unless people understand that when fighting an enemy who has no regard for its own civilians—who often put civilians in harm’s way—responsibility for those casualties lies at the feet of the illicit enemy, civilians will be in greater risk than ever before. Even worse, the armed forces tasked to achieve specific military effects may find themselves hobbled by those who are incapable of drawing the distinction between the bomb that caused the casualty and the enemy who is truly responsible for that suffering.
This is not primarily a kinetic war. It is a cognitive war. And to a large extent, the President of the United States has fallen victim to Hamas' disinformation campaign. 

Every time that Israel is blamed for Gaza's civilian casualties, or for delays in bringing in humanitarian aid, or for Gazans being forced to relocate to save their lives, is a victory to Hamas in its cognitive war. 

It is the President's job to understand world events and how they affect the United States. It is up to the President to communicate the reality to the American people, not to parrot the lies of the terrorists and their useful idiots in the media. Joe Biden may believe he is pro-Israel, even that he is a Zionist. But his castigation of Israel - for the deaths of Gaza civilians Hamas has embedded itself among and under, for supposedly limiting aid into Gaza when they are doing more to facilitate aid than any nation in history ever provided to their enemy, and indeed for fighting to ensure that Hamas is no longer a threat to Israeli civilians - indicate that he does not understand the reality and is influenced by the most depraved terrorists on the planet.

Biden's speech to the DNC is proof that Hamas propaganda has infiltrated the highest levels of the US government. Any government that believes the lies of a terrorist group - even partially - and that allows national policy to be influenced by that propaganda, is incompetent and a threat to America itself. 

What is more scary is that Biden is choosing someone who is far more incompetent to succeed him. 

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

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  • Tuesday, August 20, 2024
  • Elder of Ziyon

University of California President Michael V. Drake directed  chancellors of all 10 UC campuses to strictly enforce existing rules prohibiting encampments, unauthorized structures, restrictions on free movement and masking to conceal identity.

In other words, everything that the Israel haters did, that Jewish students were complaining about for months, and that was condoned on most campuses, has been recognized as being against university policies and  that they violate the rights of students.

He also wrote a letter to the university community. His letter starts off by saying how importsnt freedom of expression is. And then he throws down the "BUT...."

Clear communication and consistent application of policies and laws are key to achieving the delicate but essential balance between free speech rights and the need to protect the safety of our community and maintain critical University operations.

With these goals in mind, we will take several steps to facilitate more consistency across our locations, including:

Clarifying and reinforcing requirements for policies impacting expressive activities, including policies that prohibit camping or encampments, unauthorized structures, restrictions on free movement, masking to conceal identity, and refusing to reveal one’s identity when asked to do so by University personnel;

Developing a framework for consistent implementation of our policies and for consistent responses to policy violations;...
These were all policies that existed on these campuses. The university chancellors looked the other way, perhaps out of fear, perhaps because they agreed with the Israel haters, perhaps for another reason. But the fact is that policies exist for a reason and the University of California campuses threw students, especially Jewish students, under the bus by choosing not to apply them. 

Putting tents up on campus was never allowed under policy.
Blocking students from public areas of campus was never allowed under policy.
Concealing one's face for reasons other than medical was never allowed under policy.

Yet they allowed all of these things to happen. 

It is nice that they belatedly decide to ensure that the coming semester isn't like the previous ones. It is no less important that they are tacitly admitting that they screwed up big time and allowed their university campuses, and "freedomof expression," to be hijacked. 

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



Monday, August 19, 2024

From Ian:

Eli Lake: ‘Uncommitted’ Democrats Want to End Support for Israel. How Far Can They Push at This Week’s DNC?
The Uncommitteds on the inside of the convention are distinct from the radicals who intend to crash it. Some of the groups planning street theater and protests have pledged to make the convention “great like ’68,” a reference to the historical DNC that led to televised riots and clashes between police and demonstrators in Chicago that year. By contrast, the Uncommitteds have sought policy concessions from the Democrats, such as prime time speaking slots and anti-Israel language in the party’s platform. That said, both the outsiders and insiders are pressing for the same goal: ending American support for the world’s only Jewish state.

The Uncommitted Movement was first founded in February as “Listen to Michigan”—named after the state with the largest Arab American population in the country. Layla Elabed, the sister of Michigan Democratic Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib, is campaign manager for the national movement.

Though Biden won more than 618,000 votes in the Michigan primary on February 27 and earned 115 pledged delegates, just over 100,000 people voted “uncommitted”—enough to deny him two delegates at the DNC.

That got the attention of the White House.

In the run-up to the Michigan primary, Biden sent a delegation of senior officials to Dearborn to listen to complaints from local leaders over his policy on the Gaza war. Soon after, Biden’s rhetorical tone on the conflict shifted. He began to criticize Israeli air strikes as “over the top,” and announced sanctions against a handful of Israeli settlers on the West Bank.

Elabed (Tlaib’s sister) took notice of that move. “Despite the naysayers in the establishment,” she said on March 3, “the Biden administration is moving because of the pressure from uncommitted Democrats.”

After the Michigan primaries, Elabed and Abbas Alawieh, a former chief of staff for Democratic Rep. Cori Bush, created a super PAC called Listen to Us (now called the Uncommitted Movement) to challenge Biden in other states. According to OpenSecrets, the organization spent ​​$375,925 against Biden this year during the primaries. The campaign failed to make a dent in Biden’s primary campaign.

But now that Harris is running for the presidency, the movement is pushing her to pledge fealty to their cause. Earlier this month, before a rally in Detroit, she and her running mate, Tim Walz, had met with leaders of the Uncommitted Movement. At that meeting, they discussed a possible arms embargo on Israel, and the vice president’s national security adviser, Philip Gordon, posted on X that she opposes it. But Harris herself made no commitments. And that’s the point.
John Fetterman Has No Regrets
John Fetterman is skipping this week’s Democratic National Convention in Chicago, and, to hear it from him, it has nothing—literally nothing—to do with him scotch-taping photos of the Israeli hostages to his Senate office walls. Or attacking fellow Democrats Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar for falsely blaming a hospital bombing in Gaza on Israel. (“It’s truly disturbing that Members of Congress rushed to blame Israel for the hospital tragedy in Gaza. Who would take the word of a group that just massacred innocent Israeli civilians over our key ally?”) Or comparing the pro-Hamas encampment at Columbia to a neo-Nazi rally (“Add some tiki torches and it’s Charlottesville for these Jewish students,” he tweeted).

Nor is it about “Fetterman Alumni for Peace”—a group of former Fetterman campaign staffers—publicly scolding their old boss: “It is not too late to change your stance and stand on the righteous side of history.”

“I’ve got three young kids, and they’re out of school,” the Pennsylvania senator said of his absence this week in Chicago, waving off the suggestion that he might not be welcome there. “That’s four days I can spend with my children.”

The choice to skip the convention “was made well before that debate,” Fetterman told me in a one-hour conversation via Zoom—the senator at home, in the not quite one-square-mile, ex–steel town of Braddock, twenty minutes outside Pittsburgh; me in Los Angeles. He was referring to the June 27 Joe Biden–Donald Trump showdown that led the president to step aside and Vice President Kamala Harris to snag the Democratic nomination.

There is perhaps no one in the party right now more unlike John Fetterman than Kamala Harris. He lives in a town that has lost 90 percent of its residents; she owns a house in super-rich Brentwood, on L.A.’s west side. He is permanently clad in hoodies and shorts; she prefers double-stranded pearls and pants suits. He seems fueled by an earnest, almost reckless righteousness; it’s unclear what she believes in.

On October 7, 2023, the day Hamas attacked Israel and murdered 1,200 civilians, Harris tweeted at 11:33 a.m.: “Doug’s and my prayers are with the victims of the heinous terrorist attacks in Israel. @POTUS and my support for Israel’s security is unwavering”—a mostly unobjectionable statement designed to offend approximately no one.

An hour earlier, Fetterman tweeted, “I forcefully condemn these cowardly, horrifying, unprovoked attacks on Israel by Hamas. Attacking innocent civilians is particularly despicable and reflects the craven behavior of this terrorist group. I unequivocally stand with the people of Israel now, and always.”

I asked Fetterman, who is not Jewish, whether he ever feels lonely in his own party. “Well, I mean, it’s, it’s”—uneasy laughter—“I keep saying, just like the convention, it’s not about me.”
Fetterman spokeswoman tells reporter she doesn’t agree with her boss on Israel, Gaza
Sen. John Fetterman (D-Pa.) harbors views on Israel that are so unusual in his own party that “there are even people on his current staff who think he is wrong,” Peter Savodnik wrote in The Free Press on Sunday.

After Savodnik concluded his interview with the pro-Israel senator, Carrie Adams, Fetterman’s communications director, called him to say, “‘I don’t agree with him’ about Israel and Gaza,” Savodnik wrote.

Adams added, “I have a sense that his international views are a lot less nuanced than my generation, because when he was growing up, it was might makes right, and for my generation and younger who, of course, are the ones protesting this, they have a much more nuanced view of the region,” per the Free Press.

“I’ve been a reporter since the summer of 1998, when I covered Bill Clinton’s trip to Martha’s Vineyard for the Vineyard Gazette,” Savodnik wrote. “This was the first time I’d ever encountered anyone—on Capitol Hill or anywhere else, on the record, off the record, on background, whatever—criticizing ‘the principal.'”

Rep. Ritchie Torres (D-N.Y.), who is also one of the Jewish state’s staunchest supporters in Congress, wrote that “if I had a staffer who publicly challenged my position on an issue like Israel, that staffer would be fired in a heartbeat.”

“In every congressional office, there is only one name on the door—only one principal voted into office by the people,” Torres wrote. “If you cannot get with program, then you should no longer be part of the program.”
From Ian:

Israel's path to surrender: Hamas' terms for hostage deal are dangerous
There isn't a soul who doesn't want to see our hostages back home. For this reason, the negotiation teams leaving no stone unturned in their efforts to reach a deal with Hamas deserve immense appreciation for their dedication.

However, the Israeli public needs to understand that announcements of "cautious optimism regarding the possibility of progress toward a deal" do not in any way mean that an agreement is about to be signed. In truth, despite the progress made in Doha over the weekend, there are still many reasons to believe that a deal is less likely to be achieved.

Why? First and foremost, because the progress was made with mediators, not with Hamas directly. In other words, we still don't know how the psychopath hiding in the tunnels will react to what Qatar and Egypt have agreed to on his behalf. For instance, it's highly unlikely that he'll give up his demand for IDF forces to withdraw from the Philadelphi Corridor.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu rightly stands firm on this issue. It's incomprehensible how the rest of the defense establishment leaders – those responsible for the Oct. 7 catastrophe – are not insisting as he does, or even more strongly, on keeping IDF forces in this vital area as a non-negotiable condition. Every child understands that withdrawing from Philadelphi while Hamas is still functioning means reviving the monster. Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, IDF Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevi, IDF intelligence chief Maj. Gen. Aharon Haliva, Shin Bet security service head Ronen Bar, and Mossad chief David Barnea should be the first to warn against this.

Philadelphi is not the only obstacle to a deal. Hamas has yet to agree to a mechanism for screening those returning to northern Gaza. Hamas Gaza chief Yahya Sinwar doesn't want screening so he can rebuild his military capabilities. This is precisely the kind of rebuilding that Israel cannot agree to. It's hard to see how these gaps will be bridged.

Moreover, there's disturbing uncertainty about the number of hostages who will actually be released. Unfortunately, a psychological warfare apparatus is being employed against the Israeli public, creating exaggerated expectations for the release of 33 hostages in the first phase. The reality is different. We're talking about 18 living hostages, and even that is not guaranteed. Each hostage is a world unto themselves, and each one who returns home is a victory. However, Israel must carefully consider the price it will be required to pay against the return we will receive. The question is: Will the Israeli public agree to such significant concessions for a number of hostages that may be smaller than expected, knowing that each life is priceless?
Yair Lapid: So now we’re not allowed to eliminate terrorists?
Twelve innocent children were killed by Hezbollah at a soccer field in northern Israel. The next day I visited the site. Bloodstained bicycles were still strewn on the ground. I hugged and talked with heartbroken, crushed people. A few days later, Israel eliminated a senior Hezbollah terrorist in a surgical strike in Lebanon in response. Yet, Israel is expected to endure a massive attack from Hezbollah as if this is an inevitable, even justified, response. A few days later, a senior Hamas terrorist was killed in Tehran. Reports indicated it caused “embarrassment to the Iranians.” Again, Israel is expected to face volleys of rockets and drones in response.

Too many are acting as if this is a reasonable equation. The Iranian president has stated that they have a “right to respond” while the leader of Hezbollah said Israel has crossed some sort of “red line” and a response would be inevitable. That sentiment is echoed by a slew of articles across the world on how and when the attacks will occur asserting that “Iran has to respond” and that an “Iranian response is inevitable.”

But why should such a response be “inevitable?” Not only is this deeply flawed moral logic, it also sets a dangerous precedent for the rest of the world.

When the United States eliminated Osama bin Laden, no one thought it justified an al-Qaeda attack on Washington or New York. When al-Baghdadi was killed in Syria, no one expected the US to calmly accept the inevitable revenge of ISIS. Terrorists thrive because they don’t play by the rules, yet today the world behaves as if their rules are reasonable. The discourse that “everyone has their own narrative” has been transplanted into the war on terror. Even against the world’s most heinous murderers, there’s no longer right and wrong. Those who kill terrorists must consider that their feelings might get hurt and that we have no choice but to accept their revenge.
  • Monday, August 19, 2024
  • Elder of Ziyon
The war in Gaza has not just boosted left-wing antisemites. It also animates right-wing antisemites, who suddenly pretend that they care about Palestinian lives as long as they can attack Jews. 

People with millions of followers are now posting fake Talmud quotes. It is not only the Right - Alice Walker wrote a poem about how evil Jews are for studying the Talmud and her "anti-Zionist" friends defended her  - but the bulk of the Talmud lies come from the Right. 

This graphic has been going around social media; I saw it this morning from someone named Ryan Garcia who has over a million followers. Garcia, like Holocaust revisionists and 9/11 "truthers," pretends that he is only "asking questions" and doesn't hate anyone. It is a lazy defense for hate, one shared with Alice Walker, because the choice of "questions" are always intended to imply an answer. It would be as if I would start "asking questions' about whether Garcia is a pedophile. From everything I can see, the chances of that are higher than that he is a not an antisemite.

But the Talmud crap has been pushed by Candance Jones, by fighter Jake Shields, by poker player Dan Bilzerian, by Danish physician Anastasia Maria Loupis and by Nick Fuentes - all who have over a million followers each.  

The "Jews are guilty of genocide" and "Jews are commanded to kill goyim" crowds may be mostly on opposite sides of the political spectrum, but they are two sides of the same coin. Just as the "genocide' libel with Israel, the lies are rapidly becoming mainstream because when enough people read it, they start believing it.   Which is why we see the arguments bleeding from one group to the next. The fake Talmud quotes are also popular in theArab and Black antisemitic worlds. 

The source for all these quotes is Nazi literature. Nazi ideologue Alfred Rosenberg wrote a pamphlet listing these fake quotes in 1920, and it was translated into English this century by his neo-Nazi fans. 

This is not something to dismiss as fringe. The millions of people now being exposed to these lies get affected by them. Studies have shown that repitition of lies makes things seem more truthful. 

And we only have to look at Robert Bowers, the Pittsburgh synagogue shooter, who wrote an email a year before with one of the fake quote collections.

Something else that the far Right and far Left antisemites have in common: a desire to finish what Hitler started. 

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

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  • Monday, August 19, 2024
  • Elder of Ziyon

From the New York Post:
A top Hamas official abruptly ended a CNN interview on Saturday after he was asked if the terror organization accepts responsibility for the deaths of Palestinian civilians killed in the war.

Hamas member Osama Hamdan suddenly ended his interview with CNN correspondent Jim Sciutto after he was asked if Hamas regretted its Oct. 7 attack on Israel, which killed hundreds of Israeli civilians — as Gaza Health Ministry officials say 40,000 Palestinians, mostly civilians, have been killed in the war.

In response, Hamdan accused Sciutto, who was reporting from Tel Aviv, of taking Israel’s side in the decades-long conflict.

The video was all over social media over the weekend. 
While the interview shows how Hamas officials try to obfuscate the facts and avoid taking repsonsibility for their murderous actions, the media still avoids describing the explicit support for the most heinous terror acts which these same officials say in Arabic.

On Sunday night, a suicide bomber prematurely exploded himself in Tel Aviv, thankfully not killing anyone but himself.  He had come from the West Bank and both Hamas and Islamic Jihad claimed responsiblity for it.

Osama Hamdan praised the attack, meant to kill and main dozens of innocent people.

he told Al Arabiya TV, "The Palestinian resistance launched a new model through the Tel Aviv operation." Hamdan  stressed that the terror groups still have cards to offer in the confrontation, and that the terror attacks are designed to improve Hamas' position at the negotiating table.

Hamdan has claimed that Hamas terror attacks only target soldiers - but he claimed that the four rabbis slaughtered in Jerusalem in 2014 are considered "armed militias" under international law.

While the CNN interview wasn't bad, these are the sorts of things that we rarely hear journalists ask about when they interview terrorist group spokespeople. 

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