Friday, May 12, 2023

From Ian:

Israel at 75: A Conversation
by Liel Leibovitz, John Podhoretz, Dan Senor, Ben Shapiro, Meir Y. Soloveichik and Bret Stephens
This conversation took place over Zoom on April 27, 2023. Liel Leibovitz is a columnist for Tablet and wrote last month’s cover article, “The Return of Paganism.” John Podhoretz is the editor of COMMENTARY. Dan Senor is a member of COMMENTARY’s board of directors and the co-author of Start-Up Nation. Ben Shapiro is the author of The Right Side of History and host of The Ben Shapiro Show. Meir Y. Soloveichik is a rabbi and academic who writes the Jewish Commentary column in this magazine. Bret Stephens is a contributing editor to COMMENTARY and a Pulitzer Prize–winning columnist for the New York Times.

JOHN PODHORETZ: In 1948, the Jewish population of Palestine—just as it was about to become Israel—was 716,000. It is now 7.1 million, a tenfold increase, 75 years later. This very radical experiment that under almost preposterous circumstances, and horrible circumstances, was undertaken. Other experiments in the creation of new nations had taken place, of course, in the wake of World War I, and proved illusory or weak or incredibly destabilizing. The other great incepted nation of the 20th century was the Soviet Union. It lasted 74 years. Israel has made it to 75. Why did this experiment in nation-building succeed?

Meir Soloveichik: I can answer that question with Jeremiah 16:14: “Therefore, behold, the days come, saith the Lord, that it shall no more be said, The Lord liveth, that brought up the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt; But, The Lord liveth, that brought up the children of Israel from the land of the north, and from all the lands whither he had driven them: and I will bring them again into their land that I gave unto their fathers.”

What Jeremiah was predicting is that there would come a time when the Jewish ingathering will be so beyond questioning that it will be seen as a providential miracle, or perhaps the providential miracle of Jewish faith. This is not, of course, to say that human initiative—indeed, genius—played no role in the founding of the Jewish state, or in the inception of the Zionist movement that was at the heart of the endeavor. But even with that in mind, what has occurred is so stupefying that something greater, someone greater, is revealed behind this series of events.

On a recent trip to Israel, I took the new high-speed train from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. When I came back to New York, I took out my train ticket and saw the words in Hebrew: Rakevet Israel, “Train of Israel.” And I suddenly remembered The Jewish State, Theodor Herzl’s 1896 pamphlet. His idea of that state seemed fantastical at the time, but Herzl spoke as though it could absolutely come into existence again. But in the section where he discusses what language the residents of the Jewish state will be speaking, he writes that, of course, they’re not going to speak Hebrew. He says it will be akin to Switzerland, where everyone, he says, will speak their own language and miss the country of their origin. That Hebrew train ticket means that Israel has exceeded even Herzl’s most incredible imaginings.

Liel Leibovitz: Since Solly dropped the H bomb and invoked Herzl, I want to offer one of my favorite thought experiments. We’re now 152 years after the Risorgimento, which unified the Italian city-states. Today, if you were to walk the streets of Napoli and ask any Italian if they consider themselves a Garibaldist, they will look at you as if you’d just fallen from the sky. What was once a national movement to kind of create a homeland for a group of people who could define themselves as Italians achieved its goal a century and a half ago and vanished. But here we all are speaking of ourselves as Zionists, which many people are taught was some kind of 19th-century national movement to rebuild the Jewish homeland for the Jews for reasons of safety and to protect us against anti-Semitism. I think it is becoming increasingly clear that the Israeli story really makes very little sense independently of the Jewish story. And seen as such, it is simply the fruition of the ancient, theological, emotional, philosophical, historical story of the Jewish people. This is not to downplay the tremendous ingenuity, courage, sacrifice, and valor of people who did so much and gave so much for this to become a reality.
Declaring Independence, 75 Years Later
Amid the sturm und Drang surrounding the judicial reform proposals put forward by the new Israeli government, which many have called a “constitutional crisis,” the words of the Jewish state’s former attorney general, Avichai Mandelblit, were especially telling. In decrying the proposed reforms and what would happen if they take effect, Mandelblit said, “What remains of the Declaration of Independence? It will just become a piece of paper we can throw in the trash.” Mandelblit’s reference to Israel’s Declaration of Independence sent me back to the text itself in search of answers. Just as I had remembered from my Zionist upbringing, which included regularly listening to David Ben-Gurion’s famous reading of the Declaration on May 15, 1948, Israel actually has no constitution, despite the fact that the Declaration promises one in the future.

A fascinating new book by Neil Rogachevsky and Dov Zigler tells the story of the writing of Israel’s Declaration of Independence and offers some insights into why, 75 years after its founding, Israel still has no written constitution. Israel’s Declaration of Independence offers readers a ringside seat. As in any good story, there is a hero, in this case David Ben-Gurion. Rogachevsky and Zigler tell the stirring story of how Israel’s first prime minister wrestled with earlier drafts of the Declaration in the final hours before he declared Israel’s statehood and, mediating among competing Zionist ideologies, put his own indelible imprint on the final document.

The book builds on the work of Yoram Shachar, who discovered the earliest draft of the Declaration, written in late April 1948 by a young government lawyer named Mordechai Beham. Rogachevsky and Zigler carefully trace the development of the Declaration from Beham’s draft through subsequent versions hastily composed by Tzvi Berenson, Herschel Lauterpacht, Moshe Shertok, and finally Ben-Gurion during the frenzied days before the British Mandate ended. Taken as a whole, the various versions offer readers a tour of the diverse and often competing political philosophies that framed the modern Zionist movement.
Debunking the claim that Israel is a ‘settler-colonial project’
One integral part of the settler-colonial claim is the argument that, unlike Arabs, Jews are not indigenous to Palestine. But that turns history on its head. Jews populated Palestine at least a millennium before the advent of Islam and the subsequent Arab conquest. They have lived there continuously ever since.

Moreover, a report by Moshe Aumann, Land Ownership in Palestine, 1880-1948, shows that Palestinian Arabs are not as indigenous or historically connected to the land as people like Khalidi would have us believe. Aumann cites studies showing that most Palestinian Arabs are the descendants of immigrants from other countries who arrived after 1882. That included large-scale Arab immigration into Palestine between the two world wars. The main cause of that immigration was “Jewish development, which created new and attractive work opportunities and, in general, a standard of living previously unknown in the Middle East.”

Aumann concludes: “The constant influx of non-Palestinian elements, Arab and non-Arab, even before 1882 and certainly after that date, puts an entirely different complexion on the alleged and largely assumed ‘antiquity’ of the Arab element in the Palestinian population.”

But the biggest problem with the settler-colonial argument is this: At least half the Jewish population of Israel is made up of Mizrahim, whose families were expelled from Arab countries before and right after the founding of Israel. They are non-European and just as indigenous to the Middle East as any Arab.

Lyn Julius details the history of those expulsions in her seminal book, Uprooted. She writes that “after the Second World War, Arab states passed Nuremberg-style laws to undertake the wholesale eviction of their Jewish citizens and the theft of their property.” Hundred of thousands of Jews were then expelled from Algeria, Egypt, Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Syria, Tunisia and Yemen. In every one of those countries, the Jewish community predated the Arab conquest by centuries.

Altogether, 850,000 Jews were expelled from Arab countries. More than half a million fled to Israel. Those expulsions were largely inspired by the anti-Semitism of the Nazi collaborator and propagandist Amin Al Husseini who, at the time, was the leader of the Palestinian national movement. Thus, Arabs are hardly in a position to complain that Mizrahim sought refuge in Israel or to claim that Mizrachi immigration to Palestine was a settler-colonial project.

The history of the Jews in the Middle East is still not widely known. As Julius notes, “the story of the forgotten Jewish refugees is invariably omitted from Western coverage of the Israeli-Arab (or more commonly, Israeli-Palestinian) conflict.” Moreover, “Propagandists eagerly exploit this ignorance to perpetuate the lie that Israeli Jews are all from Europe and America.”

Khalidi is a good example. In The Hundred Years’ War on Palestine, he mentions Mizrahim twice, very briefly, referring only to those who were indigenous to Palestine. He fails to acknowledge those who were refugees from Arab countries. That lets him maintain the falsehood that Israel is a European-style, settler-colonial project. It also helps him avoid the fact that half the “colonists” in Israel are there because of Arab anti-Semitism.

That’s not historical analysis. It’s intellectual dishonesty.

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



From Ian:

Col. Richard Kemp: 'A grave slur against IDF': UN plays right into Islamic Jihad's hands
Operation Shield and Arrow has been carried out to date with breathtaking effectiveness. The shield of Iron Dome and David’s Sling have prevented major loss of life among the civilian population, although so far one man has been tragically killed and some have been injured, despite a barrage of 547 deadly rockets fired at Israel at the time of writing.

The arrows of target intelligence, air strikes and missile attacks have decimated the Gaza terrorist leadership and destroyed many of their weapons. No other military is capable of defending its people with the ferocity and precision the IDF has been showing.

Unfortunately, some of Israel’s arrows have also killed uninvolved civilians. The UN Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres, said yesterday that the civilian deaths in Gaza are “unacceptable” and called on Israel to “abide by its obligations under international humanitarian law”.

This amounts to a grave slur against the IDF which is known by all Western military commanders to be more effective than any other force in the world in preventing the deaths of civilians in enemy territory. Instead, Guterres should have held the Gaza terrorists directly responsible for the killing of their civilians, for it is they who have a deliberate policy of using human shields — a war crime. Not least, Islamic Jihad commanders keep their wives and children close to them as proper military commanders would wear their body armor and helmet.

Guterres’s comments — and their echoes in the media and among human rights groups — also play directly into the hands of terrorists whose prime operational objective, short of its destruction, is international vilification of Israel. The UN Human Rights Council’s condemnation of the IDF that will follow this conflict as night follows day, flowing from thinking such as the Secretary General’s, will help ensure that Islamic Jihad and terrorists everywhere continue to use human shields and will cost many more lives.

Knowing the IDF as I do I can be confident that they are closely adhering to — and going beyond — international laws of war in this conflict. But there is another question as well. Should they have been given political direction to conduct offensive operations in Gaza, knowing that innocent civilian lives would be lost? Some argue, following Guterres’s line that civilian deaths are unacceptable, that Israel’s shield is sufficient to blunt the rockets and protect its population without the accompanying arrows.

Of course, the reality is that no defensive system can provide 100% protection, as we have seen from deaths, wounding, and property destruction in Israel during this conflict and previous rocket attacks; and no country can sit back and watch while its enemies lash out. On top of that the stakes in the current round of violence are much higher even than 547 rockets fired out of Gaza in two days.
Caroline Glick: Gaza’s ghosts
In a jaw-dropping display of irony, on Wednesday the Neve Dekalim Girl’s High School was forced to cancel a scheduled celebration to mark its 40th birthday.

Since 2005, the school has been located in Nitzan, around 30 kilometers outside Gaza. For its first 22 years, it was located in Neve Dekalim, the capital of the Gush Katif settlement bloc in southern Gaza. The school moved to Nitzan when the Sharon government ordered the IDF to expel all Jews from Gaza, destroy their communities and withdraw IDF forces to the 1949 armistice lines.

On Wednesday, Nitzan, like all the other communities in the western Negev, came under missile assault from the ruins of Neve Dekalim and the ruins of the other destroyed communities of Gaza. After Israel withdrew 18 years ago, Hamas and its fellow terror groups transformed what had been flourishing communities into terror bases and rocket launching sites.

Islamic Jihad, which is currently attacking Israel with rockets, missiles and mortars, is supposedly Hamas’ junior partner. But even as a junior terror master, the organization formed by Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps in 1988 has become a formidable problem. With rockets and missiles capable of attacking Tel Aviv, Beersheva and their environs, the supposed little guy in Gaza managed to shoot off close to 600 missiles, mortars and rockets in two days and force more than two million Israelis to run to bomb shelters for cover. The wizened experts sitting in the TV studios all explain that Israel is right to try to keep Hamas out of things, because if we think Islamic Jihad is a problem, their capabilities are but a faint echo of Hamas’ amassed power.

It is considered impolite to discuss the 2005 withdrawal from Gaza these days. It’s old news. Time to move on, irritated anchors and editors insist. And anyway, no one wants to sound like a broken record. That’s why the story of Neve Dekalim Girl’s High School barely registered on Wednesday.

But from time to time, it’s imperative to bring up the 2005 operation. It stands as a glaring lesson that we ignore at our peril.

For all the misery that Hamas, Islamic Jihad and Fatah terror forces in Gaza rain down on Israel—particularly on the western Negev communities—the fact is that Gaza is a sideshow. Lebanon, Judea, Samaria and even Syria are also sideshows. The main event remains Iran, its nuclear weapons program and its rising power in the region. Israel’s main effort has to be focused on Iran—not on its puppets. Without Iran, none of them would be anywhere near as dangerous as they are today.
Israel can use Iran's multi-theater strategy to its advantage
Israel must "exploit" the regional conflicts to frustrate Iran's entrenchment efforts at a much larger scale, especially by destroying the arsenals and its various capabilities to manufacture and convert munitions in order to prevent their use in the future. The main efforts should be vis-à-vis the warehouse and the PGMs capabilities in Lebanon, but also vis-à-vis Syria and Gaza.

At the same time, Israel must prevent Iran (economically and practically) from rearming its proxies after their weapons will be destroyed. To do it effectively, Israel must pressure Washington, in coordination with the Gulf states, to deal with all three components of the Iranian nuclear program – fissile material, weaponization (which should be now the main effort), and the means of delivery – and at the same time create maximum economic pressure and a credible military threat.

A partial and weak nuclear deal will send a false signal to Iran (and to the markets) that the West will agree to everything Iran did and will do. Israel will be left alone again, and it will be very difficult to take out the nuclear program under an agreement. In addition, any agreement will give Iran windfall revenues, allowing the regime to rehabilitate its economy, and continue arming its proxies around the region while reducing the effectiveness of Israeli operations to destroy their capabilities.

Israel should continue improving its military capabilities toward a broad future confrontation with Iran, alongside building other capabilities. It's time to change Israel's thinking and take the initiative, as has been the case in recent days in Gaza. A plan must be built to turn lemons into lemonade by having Iran's plan of a multi-front confrontation become a double-edged sword, and by severely undermining their efforts to entrench themselves in the region and arm their proxies. The paradigm shift will also strengthen Israel's standing in the region, including the efforts to normalize relations with Saudi Arabia, despite the agreement it recently signed with Iran, under the auspices of China.

By Daled Amos

As we approach 2024, politicians are beginning to line up to announce their candidacy for the approaching presidential elections. Donald TrumpRon DeSantis and Nikki Haley are among the Republicans who will apparently battle it out in the primaries. On the Democratic side, Biden has announced that he and Kamala Harris will run for re-election.

And the presidential campaign season means that at some point, these politicians will feel the need to brag about being a friend of Israel.

One of those will be the current vice president, Kamala Harris.

The last time around, Harris could rely on the ringing endorsement she received from, which reminded us that Kamala Harris Has an Adorable Yiddish Nickname - Momaleh. On top of that, while growing up in the Bay Area of San Francisco, Harris collected money in the Jewish National Fund boxes to buy trees for Israel. According to Kveller, that qualified her as a mensch and earned her their approval for office.

At the time, the Jewish Insider had a more serious evaluation of Harris on her pro-Israel record and relationship with the Jewish community:

The first bill she co-sponsored in the Senate condemned UN Security Council Resolution 2334, which criticized Israeli settlements.

o  She sponsored resolutions condemning the 2018 Tree of Life shooting and the April 2019 Chabad of Poway shooting.

o  In 2017, she co-sponsored with Sen. Marco Rubio the Senate resolution condemning hate and antisemitism

o  She opposed the BDS movement

This seems to bear out the claim made by Harris's campaign spokesperson, Lily Adams that “her support for Israel is central to who she is.” 

But on the other hand:

o Despite her opposition to the BDS movement, Harris voted against a bipartisan 2019 anti-BDS bill, saying she was concerned it could violate First Amendment rights.

o In June 2020, she sent a letter to Trump opposing Israel’s potential unilateral annexation of parts of the West Bank.

o When asked in a 2019 interview with The New York Times, "Do you think Israel meets international standards of human rights?" she responded, "overall, yes."

o Harris expressed support for the US rejoining the JCPOA nuclear agreement with Iran.

This does not necessarily negate her positive actions and statements, it merely places her among the moderate Democratic supporters of Israel After all, you can't expect 100% support for all of Israel's policies from a US politician.

But there are other statements and actions that do not mesh with the pro-Israel image Harris and her staff want to cultivate.

One position that the Jewish Insider does not mention is Kamala Harris's support for Ilhan Omar. In 2019, Harris defended Ilhan Omar against criticism of her attack on AIPAC and Omar's accusations of Jewish dual loyalty

Harris defended Omar against criticism of her antisemitic statements:

We all have a responsibility to speak out against anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia, racism, and all forms of hatred and bigotry.

But like some of my colleagues in the Congressional Black Caucus, I am concerned that the spotlight being put on Congresswoman Omar may put her at risk. [emphasis added]

Harris also joined Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren in defending Omar, saying

I also believe there is a difference between criticism of policy or political leaders, and anti-Semitism.

In addition to claiming that Omar's accusation of Jewish dual loyalty, Harris expressed concern for Omar being put "at risk," by being subject to criticism while being oblivious to the risk to Jews by Omar's comments.

Similarly, Harris also was supportive of CAIR:

As California’s attorney general and then as U.S. senator, Harris forged a relationship with the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), one of the nation’s top anti-Israel groups and advocates for boycotts of the Jewish state. CAIR advised Harris on community issues during her time in California politics, and she later offered the group her "gratitude and admiration" in a 2018 personal letter to the group.
Also jarring -- coming from someone whose "support for Israel is central to who she is" -- was Harris's Chief-of-Staff Karine Jean-Pierre, who is currently the White House Press Secretary for the Biden Administration (Biden being another politician who claims to be a long-time friend of Israel). Before all this, she was a spokesperson and senior advisor for the Soros-funded

According to a ZOA press release

"Ms. Jean-Pierre repeated the blood libel that “Israel may have committed war crimes in its attacks on Gazan protesters" and in addition

Ms. Jean-Pierre also falsely accused AIPAC of “alarming,” “severely racist, Islamophobic rhetoric,” of being an “obstacle to progress,” and of “trafficking in anti-Muslim and anti-Arab rhetoric while lifting up Islamophobic voices and attitudes.”

In September 2021, Kamala Harris seemed to show similar feelings.

While speaking to a class at George Mason University in Virginia, Harris appeared to agree with a student's condemnation of Israel. The student condemned

funds allocated to continue backing Israel, which hurts my heart because it’s an ethnic genocide and a displacement of people — the same that happened in America — and I’m sure you’re aware of this.”

Harris's nodded in agreement, with no counter to the comment. When the student expressed her need to speak up, Harris responded:

I’m glad you did. And again this is about the fact that your voice, your perspective, your experience, your truth should not be suppressed and it must be heard, right? And one of the things that we’re fighting for in a democracy, right, a democracy is its strongest when everybody participates…[emphasis added]

Here is the video: 

Harris and her staff had to go into damage control mode, assuring Jewish leaders that despite her apparent agreement with the comment, she did not actually share the student's view.

When it comes to "truth", however, Kamala Harris seems to find it in the oddest places.

Just last month, Harris publicly praised unrepentant antisemite Al Sharpton for being "a voice of truth."


Kamala Harris is just another politician who follows the popular positions of the Democratic party. As long as there is a sizeable portion of Democrats who support Israel, she will follow along.

And if the Democratic party decides it will follow Biden in supporting the JCPOA, she will support that too, despite the threat to the Middle East in general and to Israel in particular -- just as she will praise a student who accuses Israel of ethnic genocide, since after all, free speech is a good thing, right?

When it comes to Israel, we cannot judge a politician by their carefully crafted speeches or support for popular pro-Israel bills. Their associations and unprepared off-the-cuff remarks give a better idea of their positions.

Based on that measure, Kamala Harris is not a friend of Israel. She is merely another politician looking for the Jewish vote.

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



Our weekly column from the humor site PreOccupied Territory.

Check out their Facebook page.

Gaza City, May 11 - The brutal crimes of the Zionists will not go unanswered. Their cowardly targeting of our personnel and their families this past week deserves retaliation for which the enemy will not be prepared: we will follow our own timing and considerations when we offer our pathetic, underwhelming justice.

We will avenge the deaths of the martyrs Khalil Bahitini, Tarek Azaldin, and Jahed Ahman at a time we choose, in a manner that we determine, which will of course have no effect on anything except maybe scare some people and, who knows break some windows? Hit a rocky hillside?

We must how the enemy that his evil provocation will not go unanswered. Our answer will come at our discretion, on our timetable, not when the enemy expects and not when so-called "rules" or precedents dictate. Our answer, in the form of inaccurate rockets, abortive shootings, ineffective bombs, or impotent stabbing attempts, will hit them when they have become complacent, no longer anticipating such a bold display of weakness.

We will watch the enemy cower in fear as our missiles miss their targets. We will read of hundreds of thousands of Zionist usurpers trudging in annoyance to shelters as Iron Dome downs any missile that would hit a populated area. The minor inconvenience we will cause will avenge the deaths of our holy martyrs, and will finally free Palestine!

That last part might take some time.

But we have patience, patience the enemy does not have. The enemy rushed to kill our martyrs, not like our long game strategy, which relies on the accumulation of dead children we have placed in harm's way to fight the cognitive war against the Zionists. We can pick our moment. Our day and hour to wreak vengeance, our wispy, flimsy vengeance.

The cause of Palestine will always rally the Islamic world to our side. Except for the growing number of countries normalizing with the Zionist entity. Obviously not those. But the others! The ones who will normalize sooner or later. Our cause is universal and pan-Arab! This is why we get funding only from non-Arab Iran. it is why we are ever-closer to realizing the dream of a free Palestine. You wouldn't know it from looking at a map, or data on the defense and economic robustness of the Zionist entity, contrasted with the despicable, self-inflicted misery of Palestinians, but it is ever-closer!

Just like our useless revenge. Allahu Akbar!

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



  • Friday, May 12, 2023
  • Elder of Ziyon
On Thursday, an Iranian-built missile hit a building in Rehovot, killing an 80-year old woman..

Usually, in my experience, only media associated with Gaza terror groups would routinely refer to Israelis within the Green Line as "settlers." The independent and Fatah-leaning media would still distinguish between pre-1967 Israel and the territories.

However, with the death in Rehovot, the independent Palestinian media have generally been referring to the victim as a "settler" and Rehovot as a :"settlement."

Ma'an News Agency, originally funded by Denmark, writes, "a settler was killed and 8 others were injured."

Safa, which is a private news agency, says, “An Israeli settler was killed" and says missiles were shot towards the "settlements."

Shams news similarly says that an "Israeli settler was killed."

Only the official Palestinian Authority and apparently Fatah media do not use this wording. That is probably because they realize that the EU would be very displeased if they called Rehovot a "settlement" and that's where they get their funding from.

This is not merely semantics. This shows that Palestinians, in general, still consider all of Israel to be "occupied" and all Israeli Jews are "illegal settlers." It is a form of dehumanization - a way of saying that it is not immoral to kill Jews. (Obviously, Israeli Arabs are not "settlers.")

Which means that they would never accept any permanent peace deal that leaves a Jewish state in existence. I don't mean Hamas members - I mean the general Palestinian population will never accept any sort of Jewish state. 

If peace is impossible, and it is, the only alternatives are détente - or total victory.

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



  • Friday, May 12, 2023
  • Elder of Ziyon
This Haaretz article is the most irresponsible, vile, antisemitic piece of writing I have ever seen - in any language. 

Yossi Klein's is telling the world that Zionist Jews unanimously enjoy murdering gentile children. "Killing children is designed to cause pain, to strike the most sensitive place of all. It isn’t designed to stop terrorism; it’s designed to deter the terrorists and make us happy," according to Klein.

The medieval blood libel, which has been used as an excuse to murder countless Jews, claimed that Jews murder gentile children to use their blood in a religious ritual. Klein goes far beyond that - he says that Jews murder gentile children not because it is part of a religious obligation but because it is an enjoyable pastime that brings Jews together. According to him, we don't have to murder children - we want to. 

Hitler in Mein Kampf merely said that Jews are subhuman parasites who conspire to subjugate gentiles and take over the world. He accused Jews of seducing Aryan girls - but even he didn't accuse Jews of gleefully murdering children to make them happy. 

No, but Haaretz's Yossi Klein does. 

Palestinian Arabic media routinely translate Haaretz columnists like Gideon Levy and Amira Hass to incite hate and justify terror. They didn't waste any time translating this one. So now it is available to hundreds of millions more, to boil their blood. 

This article is incitement to murder Jews. And it will be used by antisemites forever as proof that Jews admit their happiness at murdering Arab children. For some of them, it will tip the scales and they will grab their knives or car or join a terror group because there is nothing more important than to kill the Zionist child killers. 

The Protocols of the Elders of Zion was not really written by Jews so it could be debunked - but a real Jew with the Jewish name of Yossi Klein himself cheerfully admits that Jews like him love to incinerate cute Arab kids.  

Needless to say, this article is the polar opposite of the truth. Israel does more than any army in history to minimize deaths of children. It adheres scrupulously to the laws of armed conflict under the Geneva Conventions. It spends countless hours and layers of approvals before airstrikes to make sure that it is the right thing to do, taking into account the danger to uninvolved civilians. A valuable military target cannot be made immune from attack by the presence of civilians - even adorable children. 

Beyond that, Klein is describing Israel's enemies - people who hand out candy when Israeli children are murdered. The people who ululated at the news of 9/11. Their happiness is unbound at the death of civilians and polls show huge support for specific attacks that targeted children. Child murderers like Samir Kuntar and Dalal Mughrabi are heroes. 

Klein's pretense that Israeli happiness at killing terrorists is really happiness at killing their children is beyond reprehensible. 

The words "a new low" are used way too often, but in this case, they are accurate. 

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



Thursday, May 11, 2023

From Ian:

Bassam Tawil: The Real Meaning of 'From The River To The Sea, Palestine Will Be Free'
It is impossible to imagine that the anti-Israel activists have no idea that the chant is a common call-to-arms for those who want to destroy Israel.

The slogan reflects the wishes of Iran and its terror proxies -- especially Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad and Hezbollah -- to replace Israel with a 57th Islamic state – from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea.

Iranian leaders and officials have often repeated that their goal is to "wipe Israel off the map."

By using this slogan, Iran and Hamas are saying, bluntly... that the land stretching from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea is all Muslim-owned land that cannot be given away to any non-Muslims.

Article 11 of the Hamas Charter leaves no room for doubt; it is straightforwardly genocidal: "The Islamic Republic Movement [Hamas] believes that the land of Palestine is an Islamic Waqf consecrated for future Muslim generations until Judgement Day. It, or any part of it, should not be squandered; it, or any part of it, should not be given up."

Articles 13 of the Hamas Charter openly advocates the use of violence to kill Jews and eliminate Israel: "There is no solution for the Palestinian question expect through Jihad [holy war]."

Article 15 of the Hamas Charter states: "Jihad is the individual duty of every Muslim... It is necessary to instill the spirit of Jihad in the heart of the nation so that they would confront the enemies and join the ranks of the fighters."

The anti-Israel activists who chant "From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free" are -- whether they know it or not -- endorsing the ideology of Iran's mullahs, Hamas and other terror groups that have long worked to achieve their goal of destroying Israel.
Stephen Daisley: What the BBC gets wrong about Israel
On Tuesday, the IDF killed three high-ranking Palestinian Islamic Jihad commanders, after the terrorist group last week launched 102 rockets into Israel. Islamic Jihad responded yesterday with an even heavier barrage. Stephen Daisley comments on how the BBC, Britain’s state-sponsored media company, covered the story:

If you get your news on the Middle East from the BBC, every so often Israel appears to go mad and begins lustily bombing Palestinian civilians. No rhyme or reason. Jerusalem is simply pummeling Gaza for the hell of it.

This impression is often created by the BBC’s approach to reporting on Israel and terrorism. The story invariably begins when Israel responds to attacks, with those original attacks deemed insufficiently newsworthy until then or reported as a retaliation to some provocation. Then, once Israel engages, the inciting incidents are quietly smuggled into the coverage but framed as just another round in the cycle of violence. Thus self-defense is cast as aggression, and aggression as tit-for-tat.

The BBC’s approach is certainly not the result of a conspiracy, as some Israelis and their sympathizers around the world assume. Yes, the BBC has its ideologues in news and current affairs and it seems to apply lower corporate and journalistic standards in its coverage of Israel. This is, after all, the organization that hired someone who declared “Hitler was right” as the “Palestine specialist” at BBC Monitoring. But the BBC’s bias against Israel reflects institutional culture, the political attitudes of the sort of people who work in news and current affairs, and patterns and assumptions so long embedded that even veteran BBC staff would struggle to account adequately for the uniquely malign frame the corporation applies to Israel. That may not be much comfort—but cultures, groupthink, and frames can all be changed.

Rockets from Gaza and rockets from the EU
NS) Terror attacks against Israeli civilians by Palestinian organizations increased in 2023. Recent victims included two young brothers (six- and eight-years-old) killed by a car that rammed a bus shelter, two sisters and their mother shot as they were driving to a holiday dinner, two brothers killed on their way to a wedding, an Italian tourist, and six worshippers leaving a synagogue on a Friday evening. Various other knife and car ramming attacks were thwarted.

Perhaps of equal concern, Palestinian veneration of terrorists and joy at Jewish deaths have escalated to hysterical levels. Videos and photos of beautiful Palestinian boys carrying weapons announcing their intention to die, equally lovely schoolgirls calling for Palestinians to kill all the Jews and uncontrolled dancing and singing over the bodies of terrorists are ubiquitous. After Israel eliminated the two terrorists in Nablus who killed the mother and her daughters, Palestinian news media aired a report by the mother of a terrorist who said, “The Jews are our enemies, we should fight them, devour them with our teeth.” Another fired a gun in the streets while a Palestinian sang.

So, you might think that this statement by the European Union’s “spokesperson on the situation in Gaza” was aimed at Palestinian terrorists: “We urge all parties to exercise maximum restraint, promote calm and work towards a political horizon and regional stability in line with the commitments in the Aqaba and Sharm el-Sheikh declarations.”

You would be wrong. Following rocket fire from Gaza, the IDF struck back. Hamas strategically locates its military commanders, missile stocks and rocket launchers in civilian neighborhoods, counting on two things: First, that Israel will be deterred, thus safeguarding the Hamas operatives who live behind their human shields (a war crime everywhere in the world except, apparently, in Gaza). Second, that Israel’s retaliation, carefully planned as it may be, will kill children or old people, and Israel will be called a war criminal or a baby killer.

The E.U. obliged on the second count. Its statement was directed at Israel: “The European Union is gravely concerned by the escalation in Gaza following today’s Israeli air raids. The E.U. deeply regrets the loss of civilian lives, including children, and calls for the respect of international humanitarian law. Civilian lives must be protected under all circumstances.” Subscribe to The JNS Daily Syndicate by email and never miss our top stories The E.U. is twisting the concepts of preventing civilian casualties, proportionality and collateral damage in order to harass Israel as it defends its people. Civilian casualties, while much to be mourned and regretted, are not war crimes and the protection afforded to civilians living among armies or terrorists is not considered a top priority.
  • Thursday, May 11, 2023
  • Elder of Ziyon

As we mentioned this morning, Islamic Jihad really doesn't like the Israeli assassination policy targeting their leaders. That is their one major demand, and Israel is saying no dice - it wants to make sure that their pain is enough that they won't easily consider making rocket fire an annual event.

The rocket barrages from Islamic Jihad and their smaller terrorism partners continued and escalate today, but so did Israel's assassinations - quite remarkable given that those leaders know that they are targets.

Tragically, one of the rockets hit an apartment in Rehovot, killing one person who has not yet been identified.

And that was a signal for the Islamist animals to celebrate.

The Islamic Jihad Movement in Palestine said that our Palestinian people raise their heads high with this blessed and sacred response from the Palestinian resistance.

The movement said: Sacred Duty missiles are the most effective response to destroying the enemy's targets and burying his nose in the soil.

The Al-Quds Brigades have fulfilled their promise and covenant for the blood of the martyrs, leaders, children and women, the statement concluded.

As always, it is all about pride and honor. Killing an Israeli civilian causes them to "raise their heads high." 

If this isn't antisemitism, I don't know what is. 

What was their military accomplishment? None whatsoever. The hit civilian targets, damaged civilian buildings and killed a civilian. But to the twisted mind of Islamic Jihad leaders - and as we've seen, a great number of Palestinians - killing an Israeli is in itself an accomplishment, and a goal to strive for, and something to be immensely proud of.

This isn't about "freeing Palestine." It is about murdering Jews, one at a time over decades if that it what it takes, until there are none left. It is a feeble but quite real attempt at genocide. 

And they are willing to kill their own people - at least four so far from misfired rockets - just to get an opportunity to kill a single Jews.

Imagine if Gaza's leaders spent their money on infrastructure rather than rockets and tunnels.

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  • Thursday, May 11, 2023
  • Elder of Ziyon
FDD reports:

Rockets launched at Israel by Iran-backed Islamic Jihad on May 10 killed four Palestinian civilians, three of them children, after falling short within the Gaza Strip, Israeli tracking data showed. According to the information published on May 11, which is drawn from the same advanced radar surveillance that allows Israel to intercept salvoes crossing into its territory, one misfired rocket killed Rami Shadi Hamdan, 16, and Ahmed Muhammad a-Shabaki, 51, in the Gaza border town of Beit Hanoun. In another incident, a failed launch killed Layan Bilal Mohammad Abdullah Mdoukh, a 10-year-old girl, and Yazan Jawdat Fathi Elayyan, 16, in Gaza City.

Footage released by the IDF Spokesman’s Office showed a volley of rockets from Gaza during which three of the projectiles can be seen dropping from the sky soon after terrorists fired them

PCHR, as biased against Israel as possible, still understands that these civilians are probably killed by Islamic Jihad.

Ahmed Mohammed al-Shebaki (50) was killed and his wife Yusra Othman al-Shebaki (50) was seriously injured after a missile fell on their house in Qleibo area in Beit Lahia, northern Gaza Strip. PCHR is still investigating the incident, as initial information raises suspicion that it might be a homemade missile.

Moreover, Yazan Jawdat ‘Eliyan (16) and Layan Belal Mohammed Modawikh (8) were killed and 12 others, including 2 children and 2 women, were injured after a missile fell on a 5-storey house on al-Sahaba Street in Gaza City. PCHR is still investigating the incident, as initial information raises suspicion that it might be a homemade missile.

In addition, 13 Palestinians were injured, including 2 women and 5 children; one seriously injured, after a missile fell on a house in Beit Hanoun, northern Gaza Strip. PCHR is still investigating the incident, as initial information raises suspicion that it might be a homemade missile.
Notice how the "pro-Palestinian" crowd becomes silent when it is discovered that their heroes murdered the people they claim to care about. (Although, usually, they claim Israel killed the kids anyway.)

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From Ian:

Melanie Phillips: As Gaza’s rockets are fired at Israel, so are media missiles
Fueling Iran’s ability to advance its infernal aims is America’s incomprehensibly incoherent Middle East strategy. Last month, the U.S. deployed a guided missile submarine to the Middle East as a warning to Iran. Yet the U.S. has persistently refused to take appropriate measures in response to Iranian aggression.

Worse, the U.S. is even now hoping to cut a deal with Tehran over its nuclear weapons program, which would facilitate an Iranian nuclear weapon after at best a limited delay and channel billions in sanctions relief into the regime’s coffers.

Meanwhile, the rest of the West seems indifferent to the Iranian threat. Although the regime has been at war with the West since it came to power in 1979, there seems to be a pervasive belief that the only target in Iran’s sights is Israel.

This largely meets with Western indifference. So, as many have long wondered, why is the West so hostile to Israel’s very existence?

One answer is the new antisemitism, with irrational hatred of Jews replicated exactly in irrational hatred of the collective Jew in Israel.

Another reason is that Israel is regarded as fundamentally illegitimate by those who are profoundly ignorant of both Jewish and Middle Eastern history.

However, if this hostility towards Israel is put alongside the refusal to acknowledge the dire threat that Iran poses to the West, a yet more baleful explanation suggests itself.

Consciously or unconsciously, the West expects Israel to do its dirty work for it. It assumes that Israel will deal with Iran by itself because that’s the kind of thing Israel does.

Israel’s feats of military derring-do are indeed legendary. But there’s good reason to think it can’t take out the Iranian threat by itself.

Most importantly, any strike against Iran carries the very real risk of simultaneous and devastating attacks on Israel from the 150,000 rocket batteries in Lebanon targeting the whole country, missiles from Gaza and the infrastructure of mass murder in the disputed territories.

And here’s the most terrible thought of all. The prospect of widespread carnage in Israel doesn’t concern the West because, to its way of thinking, the historic role of Jews is to die in large numbers.

Then the West will eulogize them, weep crocodile tears over them and sentimentalize their memory. While the West refuses to tolerate the idea of Jewish power—and so will always demonize Israel for using it to defend Israeli lives—what it loves is dead Jews.

Harsh? Certainly. But harsher and more terrifying by far for Israel.
Gaza: Time for Israel to Change the Paradigm to Defeat Its Enemies
The assassination of three senior Islamic Jihad terrorists is a welcome change of tactics against those who incessantly fire rockets on Israel's south.

Named "Shield and Arrow," this latest operation appears to be in response to over 100 missiles fired at Israel the previous week.

It is hoped that this is just the opening gambit in a much wider operation.

The Israeli military and political hierarchy should look further than the most recent skirmish and see the wider war, with a fuller understanding of the long-term battle it can initiate, and respond accordingly.

It is important to understand that Israel is not at war with Islamic Jihad.

Israel is at war with a genocidal Palestinian rejectionism that is over 100 years old and is now being bolstered and supported by outside actors like Iran and its proxies. Islamic Jihad is just a small part of the enemy's military capabilities, maybe even the smallest.

Nevertheless, the battle lines that were drawn long before the State of Israel was established, remain.

Their goal is to defeat Israel, and Israel's goals must be, in turn, to defeat its enemies.

Israel's goal is victory, and thus it must use war as "a continuation of policy by other means," as the famed Prussian military strategist Carl von Clausewitz once wrote.
Israel's campaign is already a success, but the fundamentals haven't changed
As Operation Shield and Arrow enters its third day, we can already draw with three takeaways: The first – the PIJ has suffered once again a major blow when its senior leadership was taken out and its operational combat worthiness was crippled after the IDF targeted its operational apparatus and arms-manufacturing capabilities; the second – the organization has not been able to exact a price from Israel, not in the south and not with long-range rocket fire toward Israel's main population centers. the third – Hamas has stayed this one out and by doing so prevented the flare-up from expanding, essentially leaving the PIJ to its own devices and making it deal with the consequences of what it has unleashed. This could allow the operation to draw to a conclusion rather quickly.

This is the first time Israel manages to do a hat-trick. The first was in November 2019, when a senior member of the PIJ was taken out in a quick flare-up. The second was this past summer, in Operation Breaking Dawn, when Israel took out the senior regional commanders of the PIJ. And the third was this week when Operation Shield and Arrow was launched with the triple assassination of PIJ commanders. In all three cases, the PIJ tried to take revenge against Israel but failed miserably. What's worse (for the organization) – it could not get Hamas to join the fight and make the conflagration that much worse.

Israel should not shy away from a confrontation
The success Israel has garnered should lead to three conclusions. First – while Israel should not be itching for a fight in Gaza, it doesn't need to shy away from it, especially when a small and brazen organization like the PIJ is the provocateur. The organization has tried to create linkage between Judea and Samaria and the Gaza Strip so that any deadly Israeli raid against terrorists in the West Bank would automatically lead to rocket fire from the Gaza Strip. Israel has now put a big flashing sign over that idea, sending the message that if it does not disabuse itself of that idea it will have to pay a price.

Israel has seized the opportunity by taking out various PIJ assets and operatives (from weapon factories to launching pits), while making sure that no Hamas operatives or non-combatants get hurt (except in the first strike at the outset of the operation), with the hope that the Gaza rulers don't join the fighting and have it escalate.
  • Thursday, May 11, 2023
  • Elder of Ziyon
In recent times, it has become fashionable for Israel haters to claim that Palestinians are the natives of the region and Jews are the outsiders who violently took over the land.

But opponents of Israel didn't always make that argument. They used to make the opposite one!

From Brooklyn-based Arab Christian newspaper "Caravan" in 1956:

Here, the Arab argument was that everyone knows the Jews are indigenous, just like American Indians - and the idea that they should be able to return to their land is as absurd as allowing native Americans to take over the areas they were ethnically cleansed from.

If the exact opposite argument is used for the same purpose, it is obvious that the arguments are props. Hate for Jews is what animates these people to make their arguments, but even they don't believe them. 

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  • Thursday, May 11, 2023
  • Elder of Ziyon
Arab anti-Zionist demonstration in Jerusalem, 1920

As "Nakba Day" approaches, and Palestinians and their apologists claim that the problems began with Zionists supposedly expelling Arabs in 1948, it is worthwhile to look at the real history of the Arab-Israeli conflict. And Nebi Musa, 1920, is a paradigm for everything that has happened since.

On April 4,1920, during the Nebi Musa festival that coincided with Easter and Passover, Arab speakers  - including Amin al Husseini, the antisemitic leader later to be appointed the Mufti of Jerusalem and enthusiastic supporter of Hitler - helped incite an orgiastic riot, attacking all the Jews they could find. As Tom Segev describes it:

The time was now about 10:30. In the Old City, Arab toughs had been brawling in the streets for more than an hour. Gangs surged through the walkways of the Jewish Quarter, attacking whomever they passed; one small boy was injured on the head. They broke into Jewish stores and looted. The Jews hid.

 Meanwhile, the speeches from the balcony of the Arab Club continued. Someone waved a picture of Faisal, who had just crowned himself king of Greater Syria. The crowd shouted "Independence! Independence!" and the speakers condemned Zionism; one was a young boy of thirteen. The mayor, Musa Kazim al-Husseini, spoke from the balcony of the municipal building; Aref al-Aref, the editor of the newspaper Suriya al-Janubia ("Southern Syria"), delivered his speech on horseback. The crowd roared, "Palestine is our land, the Jews are our dogs!" In Arabic, that rhymes. 

No one knew what exactly set off the riots. In testimony given to a British court of inquiry, people said that a Jew had pushed an Arab carrying a flag, or that he'd spat on the flag, or that he'd tried to grab it. In another version, the violence began when an Arab pointed at a Jew who was passing by and said, "Here's a Zionist, son of a dog." Many testified that Arabs had attacked an elderly Jewish man at the entrance to the Amdursky Hotel, beating him on the head with sticks. The man had collapsed, his head covered with blood. Someone had tried to rescue him but was stabbed. People said they had heard gunfire. "The furor almost turned into madness," Sakakini wrote. Everyone was shouting, "The religion of Mohammed was founded by the sword," and waving sticks and daggers. 

The hotheads are looking for excuses to attack Jews,  rumors and lies about Jewish plots are easily started and believed, all Jews are attacked as a collective with no distinction between civilian and military, violence is fueled by Islamist extremism leavened with centuries-old Jew-hatred, and any Arab who tries to act reasonably becomes as much of an enemy as the Jews, forcing their silence and ensuring that only the most fanatic anti-Jewish incitement is spread.

This is how it was in 1920, it is how it was in the 1929 pogroms, that's how it was during the 1936-39 Arab revolt, that's how it was in 1947-48, and that's how it is in Gaza today. 

You cannot look at 1948 in a vacuum. It is just another episode in the century of Arab refusal to accept Jews are having the human right of self determination.

The war that the Arabs started against the Jews didn't start on May 15, 1948. It didn't even start on November 30, 1947, with the UN partition plan.  There is no shortage of outrages that preceded the partition vote that no one discusses today, but in particular there were deadly Arab attacks against Jews in August 1947 that caused Jaffa's Jews to evacuate from their homes - just as Jews were forced out of their homes in Gaza and Hebron not that long beforehand. 

Yes, thousands of  Jews had to flee their homes because of deadly Arab attacks way before a single Palestinian Arab decided to leave.

Historians argue about the exact spark that set off these regular outbreaks of violence, and that remains true today as well. But the constants are the same. The stabbing of random Jews is the same - but now the Arab terrorists have cars and rockets as well to indiscriminately attack Jews. The absolute refusal to accept even the tiniest Jewish state remains the same. The lying and false accusations against Jews to incite violence is the same. The silencing of any Arab opinions that do not adhere to what the self-appointed leaders with guns allow remains the same. The hateful chants are even the same: "From the river to the sea" is merely a restatement of "Palestine is our land, the Jews are our dogs."

Above all, the willingness of Arab leaders to use their Palestinian Arabs as pawns and cannon fodder in their attempts to destroy Israel is the same as it ever was. The only reason there are any Palestinian "refugees" today is because their leaders insist that the people remain stateless and miserable until Israel is gone. 

The residents of Gaza are hostages to Hamas and Islamic Jihad - and Iran - who are all willing to sacrifice their own people rather than accept the reality of Israel's existence. And, yes, the Palestinian Authority also insists of the destruction of Israel, today, using the euphemism of "return." 

The catastrophe is not Israel's insisting that Jews have a small refuge in their historic homeland. The catastrophe is that Palestinians have always had leaders who don't give a damn about them and put their energy into destroying Israel instead. And these leaders use violence against their own people to keep them in line. 

1920 was not the first anti-Jewish attack in Palestine, but it was the event that set the tone for everything that has happened since. There is a direct line from the hate behind the 1920 attacks and the hate in Gaza and Ramallah today. 

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  • Thursday, May 11, 2023
  • Elder of Ziyon

The head of Islamic Jihad's "political wing," Dr. Muhammad al-Hindi, spoke to Gaza media of demands that his group has before any cease fire.

There was only one: "Stop targeting our leaders!"

He couched the demands in bravado, claiming that Islamic Jihad caused great damage to Israeli towns, but he didn't say Israel should stop bombing Gaza or anything like that. 

These supposed brave warriors only want to save their own skins.

Al-Hindi explained in an interview with the Al-Jazeera Mubasher channel, on Wednesday evening, that the ongoing negotiations between the mediators to stop the Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip have failed due to the intransigence of the Israeli occupation in continuing the policy of assassination.

He said, "One of the most important issues that thwarted the negotiations is that" Israel is procrastinating in making a commitment to stop the policy of assassinations "against the leaders of the Palestinian resistance, especially the leadership of the Islamic Jihad movement and its military arm, the Al-Quds Brigades."  
By an astonishing coincidence, Al Hindi is one of those people he insists must not be targets.

Israel has continued to target the houses of Islamic Jihad military leaders. 

Al Hindi also claimed that Islamic Jihad is working hand in hand with Hamas during this battle - but he admits that Hamas isn;'t actually shooting any rockets. Again, he tries to save face, saying that the lion's share of the rocket fire is being done by Islamic Jihad's Al Quds Brigades, "because they have strong military capabilities."

Based on this interview, it looks like Islamic Jihad has lost this round of fighting, very badly.

It is interesting that he didn't say anything about the smaller groups like Fatah's  Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades and the PFLP, which in fact are also shooting rockets at Israel besides Islamic Jihad.  They might not be happy that he is taking all the credit.

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