Wednesday, April 13, 2022

  • Wednesday, April 13, 2022
  • Elder of Ziyon

I went looking for old ads that mention "kosher for passover" from a century ago, and stumbled onto these two.

April 3, 1922:

March 28, 1923:

The ads themselves aren't remarkable. What is remarkable is the newspaper that they were published in: the Baltimore Evening Sun, a secular newspaper.

Jews were a bit less than 10% of the population of Baltimore in 1920, and lots of immigrants from Eastern Europe moved there. 

There was at least one Jewish newspaper in the city at the time. Yet the advertisers thought that they would do better by advertising to the entire Baltimore community - even including Hebrew and Yiddish in their ads!

It seems to indicate a remarkable confidence in their Jewishness, with no fear of "what will the goyim think?" that seems to be the default position of most Jews today, of all levels of religiosity. 

(And even then, the Jews were ahead of the progressive game in creating vegetarian meat substitutes!)



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  • Wednesday, April 13, 2022
  • Elder of Ziyon

Back in 2009, I (very quickly) wrote a Zionist Haggadah.

It is a complete, traditional Haggadah, with added commentary based on religious Zionist divrei Torah I found online.

The theme is simple. The Haggadah tells a story of the Jewish people moving from slavery to freedom. This is also the story of modern Israel. 

Passover is as Zionist a holiday as one can imagine - the beginning of freedom for the Jewish people. And freedom is not complete without having a physical land where people can be authentically and wholeheartedly Jewish.

The main part of the Haggadah starts with הָשַּׁתָּא הָכָא, לְשָׁנָה הַבָּאָה בְּאַרְעָא דְיִשְׂרָאֵל - Now we are here, next year we will be in the Land of Israel.

The penultimate praise of Dayenu thanks God for bringing us to the Land of Israel, הִכְנִיסָנוּ לְאֶרֶץ יִשְׂרָאֵל.

The end of the Seder includes בְּקָרוֹב נַהֵל נִטְעֵי כַנָּה פְּדוּיִם לְצִיּוֹן בְּרִנָּה, "Bring close, lead the plantings of the sapling, redeemed, to Zion in joy," followed by the celebratory "Next Year in Jerusalem."

Anti-Zionists have been trying to hijack Judaism to justify their hate and attract disenfranchised Jews. They don't want them to experience the real thing. The real Judaism is authentic and rooted in the Land of Israel - not in celebrating "diasporism" as a core Jewish value. 

This is the real thing.

Every year I plan to update this Haggadah so I can publish a print edition, but updating it will take much more time than it took to create this one.  This version uses copyrighted material so I cannot publish it or sell it. I need to get new illustrations, to paraphrase and update the commentaries, and to re-format it (although the two columns on a single page format is surprisingly good.) 

But I have printed it and had it bound, and used it at my own Seder some years, and it is really quite good and usable. 

You can download it here: 

Elder of Ziyon Haggadah 5769 by Eldad Tzioni

It has been viewed 46,000 times.

If you prefer not to use Scribd, you can use this link.

Two years ago, someone asked me for a version with transliteration, so I whipped this one up with selected passages transliterated.

I hope you use it and enjoy it!



Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



  • Wednesday, April 13, 2022
  • Elder of Ziyon

A new coordinated campaign started to pressure Israel to release a prisoner who participated in stabbing attacks in 2015.

Over the past couple of months we saw articles about Ahmed Manasra from Mondoweiss, claiming Israel is inflicting severe psychological torture on him, after Middle East Memo made the same charge.

Husam Zomlot, Head of Palestinian Mission to the UK, tweeted a thread in Manasra's defense. He includes a video of when Manasra was questioned, implying that Israeli interrogators were browbeating him into admitting his crime when he claimed he didn't remember them.

What they don't want you to see is the video of Mandara and his older cousin stabbing people.

They don't want you to see this video because it dissolves all sympathy for the vicious terrorist. They pretend he is still a child who cannot be in prison even though he is now 19 or 20. 

He was old enough to chase two people with intent to kill them. The only people who want him released are the ones who share his desire for dead Jews.



Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

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Tuesday, April 12, 2022

  • Tuesday, April 12, 2022
  • Elder of Ziyon


The man who stabbed and ran over four Jews in Lakewood, NJ on Friday told police detectives that “it had to be done.”

It’s going to be a bloodbath,” Marsh allegedly told a family member before the attacks, according to documents NJ Advance Media.

Marsh also told detectives that “these are the real devils.” When asked to whom he was referring, he responded, “the Hasidic Jews.”

But this morning an even more frightening attack was caught on video in Elizabeth, NJ.

In a Jewish neighborhood, a driver went on a sidewalk and onto a lawn to deliberately run over what appears to be a fleeing, screaming religious Jewish woman. He ran over her multiple times. The incident occurred only a couple of blocks from a well-known Jewish girls' high school, and mezuzahs can be seen on many doors in the neighborhood.

The video is graphic and chilling:

The driver has been charged with attempted murder. There is nothing in the news yet about any bias motivation. 

But given what's going on with Jews lately, it seems quite likely that she was targeted because she is an identifiable Jew.

(h/t David Shor)

UPDATE: It does not appear to be a bias crime.


Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

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From Ian:

As Palestinians Destroy Jewish Holy Sites, Media Focus On Fake ‘Attacks’ on Al-Aqsa Mosque
Palestinian rioters this week twice damaged Joseph’s Tomb, a Jewish holy site under Palestinian Authority (PA) control. Seemingly in defiance of its commitments under international agreements, the PA has hinted that it will not cooperate with Israel to repair the damage.

The affair did not generate headlines in any of the major international publications, with the Associated Press only briefly mentioning the arson attack at the end of a piece about the death of a suspected Palestinian terrorist in the West Bank.

Why is it that when Palestinians charge the Jewish state with “desecrating” Muslim holy places, media uncritically echo these false claims, but when the PA administration in Ramallah consistently fails to protect Jewish sites under its control, reporters largely remain silent?

After Israeli forces on April 8 killed Palestinian gunman Raad Hazem following his Fatah-claimed attack in Tel Aviv that killed three Israelis and injured more than a dozen others, terror groups in the West Bank and Gaza Strip were quick to link the act of terror to the pervasive lie that the sanctity of Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem’s Old City is somehow being threatened.

In a statement, Hamas described last Thursday night’s terrorism as a “natural and legitimate response” to what it called Israeli “crimes” against the Muslim holy site. Palestinian Islamic Jihad likewise invoked the decades-old “Al-Aqsa is in danger” libel and declared that the “Tel Aviv operation [sic] is a clear message to the occupation that it must stop its incursions into” the Muslim shrine.

For his part, the terrorist’s father, a retired Palestinian Authority security officer, on Friday called for the “liberation” of the Al-Aqsa Mosque from the “desecration of the occupiers” — this, as residents of Jenin gathered at his home to celebrate the deadly terror attack. Fathi Hazem added: “Make us among the victorious troops who are first to storm the Al-Aqsa Mosque, Allah.”

Israel Allows Freedom of Worship at Muslim Holy Site
Yet Israel’s commitment to freedom of worship in its capital for all religious groups — a guaranteed right since the Jewish state gained control over eastern Jerusalem in a defensive war in 1967 — was made stark on Friday when scores of Muslims attended Ramadan prayers at the Temple Mount.

Even though Palestinians chanted slogans in support of Hamas terrorism, Israeli police allowed some 80,000 people to pray at the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound, which sits atop Judaism’s holiest site.

As Israeli tour guide Daniel Rubenstein, who witnessed Thursday’s terror attack, wrote on Twitter, “Being a friend of the Palestinian people means telling them the truth: Al-Aqsa Mosque is safe. There is no danger. Anyone who dies for al-Aqsa is dying for a lie.”

“I call on every world leader, diplomat, NGO, and seeker of peace to amplify this message and help save lives,” he asserted.

Nevertheless, media have often uncritically promoted the thoroughly debunked “Al-Aqsa is in danger” libel. Over the past year, a sample of 18 leading US news organizations ran at least 58 articles citing Palestinian claims that Israel, among other accusations, “stormed,” “attacked,” or “desecrated” the Muslim holy site.

When thousands of Palestinians in May 2021 chanted violent slogans and rioted on the Temple Mount, some journalists described the subsequent police deployment aimed at maintaining order as a “raid” on Al-Aqsa, while blaming Israel for the subsequent Hamas rocket fire from Gaza.

Meanwhile, the actual desecration of Jewish heritage sites by Palestinians receives almost zero coverage.
Amb. Alan Baker: Yet Again: The Vandalizing and Desecration of Joseph’s Tomb
Legal Status and Obligations Relating to Joseph’s Tomb

The status of Joseph’s Tomb and the responsibility of the Palestinian Authority to protect it and those visiting it was agreed upon in the 1995 Israeli-Palestinian Interim Agreement, which specifically lists the Tomb as a Jewish holy site in its fourth appendix, together with the Shalom Al Israel Synagogue in Jericho.

In the Protocol attached as Annex I to the Interim Agreement concerning “Redeployment and Security Arrangements,” Article V, paragraph 2 provides that “the protection of [Jewish holy sites], as well as of persons visiting them, will be under the responsibility of the Palestinian Police.”

This overall Palestinian responsibility is, according to the agreement, to be maintained and supervised by “Joint Mobile Units” composed of vehicles driven by Palestinian police and by Israeli security forces, whose task, according to the same article, is to provide rapid response in the event of incidents and emergency situations, and:
1. to ensure free, unimpeded, and secure access to the relevant Jewish holy site; and
2. to ensure the peaceful use of such site, to prevent any potential instances of disorder and to respond to any incident.6

The agreement also provides, in subparagraph (c) of Article V (2), that “Given their Jewish religious nature, plainclothes Israeli guards may be present inside such sites.”

It appears that since 2000, following the murder of the Israeli policeman Madhat Yussef on duty in Joseph’s Tomb, the provisions of the Interim Agreement regarding Joint Mobile Units and rapid response to incidents and emergency situations are not being implemented.

However, specific periodic visits to the Tomb are coordinated between the respective security authorities as part of the security cooperation between them, with a view to ensuring safety and prevention of violent incidents.

Given the acute sensitivity attributed by both Palestinians and Israelis to all religious sites, and in light of the unique religious significance of the current period during which the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, the Jewish festival of Passover, and the Christian festival of Easter all occur together, it is all the more incumbent upon the Palestinian leadership to fulfill their responsibilities as agreed in the Oslo Accords, to prevent such vandalizing and desecration of a Jewish or any holy site under their authority.

The repeated assaults on religious sites which the PA is supposed to prevent strongly suggests that the responsibility for protecting them must remain with Israel and not be turned over to a Palestinian governmental body which cannot be relied upon, as has been proven on repeated occasions.
Yisrael Medad: Entrance exam for engagement with Zionists
I think that there needs to be a minimal level of knowledge of historical facts before serious intellectual intercourse can be conducted on Twitter or other digital platforms, including the “Comments” sections at student newspapers, news websites and other type-in-your-rant-and-insult locations.

To further that goal, I list below a few typical questions that should be asked of the participants who wish to engage in dialogue on topics of the current Arab conflict with Israel, the history of Zionism, the history of the Middle East and other issues, like Jewish world domination that occasionally creep (literally) into the exchange of opinions.

1. The name Palestine is the country in which Jesus was born. True or false?
2. Is Nablus an Arab name of a city in Palestine or a pronunciation corruption of the Latin Neapolis?
3. In 1919-20, Arab residents of the area soon to become the territory of the reconstituted Jewish national home referred to themselves as Southern Syrians and demanded they not be separated from Greater Syria. True or false?
4. In Ze’ev Jabotinsky’s 1923 article “The Iron Wall,” that was built of stone, iron or is just a figure of speech?
5. In the Koran 17:1, the Prophet Muhammed was taken “to al-Masjid al- Aqsa,” the Furthest Mosque. As Muhammed died in 632 C.E., and Al-Aqsa was built later, is this a contradiction?
6. If pre-state immigration to Mandate Palestine included Jews from Yemen, Egypt, Morocco, Syria, Lebanon, Tunisia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Algeria, Sudan and Iran, why would Zionism be considered a “European movement”?
7. Avraham Shlomo Zalman Tzoref was stabbed by an Arab in Jerusalem in 1851 for repurchasing the Hurva Synagogue property and died. A) Was he Zionist? B) Was he an Arab terrorist?
8. During World War II, the leader of the Arabs of Mandate Palestine, the Mufti Amin al-Husseini, lived in Berlin and regularly broadcast pro-Nazi content, including references to a “worldwide Jewish conspiracy” that controlled the British and U.S. governments, and sponsored Soviet communism; and that “world Jewry” aimed to infiltrate and subjugate Palestine. Was the Mufti a Nazi, a Nazi collaborator or just an anti-Zionist?
9. Does the term “East Jerusalem” only refer to neighborhoods of Jerusalem to the east of a “West Jerusalem” or also to the south and north?
10. Abdullah I bin Al-Hussein was born in Mecca, the Hejaz, in 1881. When he arrived in the territory of Transjordan at Ma’an on Nov. 21, 1920, did he become a Transjordanian, a Jordanian or a Palestinian? Or did he remain a Hejazi?
11. UNRWA (the U.N. Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees) defines a refugee from Palestine as one who lived there from June 1, 1946, to May 15, 1948. Do you think just two years is too short or too long a period of residence in the country to qualify?
12. The message of the chanted slogan “From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be free!” means: a) Palestine’s geographical boundaries are the Jordan River and the Persian Gulf? b) a final acceptance of the 1947 Partition Plan? c) Israel ceases to exist?
13. Does the 1949 Geneva Convention, Article 49, actually define “settlement activity” as “illegal” or does it read: “The Occupying Power shall not deport or transfer parts of its own civilian population into the territory it occupies”?
14. The text of the January 1919 Faisal-Weizmann Agreement reads in Article 1: “The Arab State and Palestine.” If there is an “Arab State,” is that “Palestine” a) another Arab state? b) a Jewish Zionist state? c) a Hejazi colony?
15. In 1964, when the Palestine Liberation Organization was founded, three years prior to the Six-Day War, what “Palestine” were they liberating: a) Jordan? b) the West Bank and Gaza? c) Israel?
16. Disregarding your answer to the previous question, why was an Arab Palestine not established between the years 1948 and 1967?
  • Tuesday, April 12, 2022
  • Elder of Ziyon

Violence in the West Bank - in 1966.

Well, well, well.

Palestinian Arabs rioted against Jordan - but not because the West Bank was "occupied." 

They weren't clamoring for independence or freedom. 

They wanted Jordan to allow them to freely enter (pre-1967) Israel with guns so they could kill Jews with impunity. 

Jordan didn't like the idea too much, and they treated the Palestinians worse than Israel does now. Four Palestinians ended up being killed in anti-Jordan riots.



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  • Tuesday, April 12, 2022
  • Elder of Ziyon

A Temple Mount rights group is attempting to have a lamb be sacrificed on the holy spot for Passover, offering cash rewards to anyone who successfully brings a lamb past security and to the Mount, and then slaughters it. Lower cash prizes are offered to those who are stopped and arrested as they try to reach their goal.

Implicit in the offer is that the Israeli guards to the Mount would never allow a lamb to be brought up.

But Muslim fanatics are so worried about this that it is a top headline in all the Palestinian newspapers. The office of President Abbas denounced the idea. So did Hamas, Islamic Jihad and a consortium of terror groups. 

Which is giving the Temple Mount groups the publicity that they sought!



Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism today at Amazon!

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From Ian:

Noah Rothman: Barack Obama Made the World a More Dangerous Place
And that was fine with the Obama White House. From 2009 to 2013, the White House seemed intent only on extricating itself from European affairs. The administration repeatedly canceled plans to provide radar and interceptor missiles to Central European states, withdrew the last American armored units from European soil, and mused publicly about America’s “pivot to Asia” while ending America’s doctrinal commitment to fighting a great-power war on two distinct fronts.

While the Obama administration did pursue sanctions against Moscow in the wake of its attack on Ukraine, they were narrowly targeted. All that “kicking and screaming” must have happened behind closed doors since there’s little evidence for the pressure Obama describes putting on Europe. The Obama White House even lobbied against the passage of sweeping sanctions laws such as the 2012 Magnitsky Act, and the administration never applied them. It was left to the Trump administration to make use of those tools. And when it came time to provide Ukraine with the means to resist Russian aggression, the Obama administration balked. Kyiv asked for anti-tank weapons from the U.S., but the U.S. provided only small boats, body armor, and binoculars.

As for Obama’s hazy recollection of Putin—a man who supposedly bears little resemblance to the rational figure he once knew—we can only conclude that the former president is a terrible judge of character. The Putin he knew was the very same Putin who is implicated in the murder of critical journalists, who tore Grozny to the ground, invaded Georgia, and slaughtered innocents in Syria. Obama knew Putin was “ruthless,” but he did not know he was reckless. How does the president imagine Putin became so risk-prone if not through the many signals he received over the years licensing his audacity? What similarities are there between 2013-2014 and 2021-2022 except for the presence of a Democrat in the Oval Office and the prospect of a renewed nuclear deal with Iran in which Russia plays an instrumental role?

Obama’s self-serving historical revisionism isn’t new. The 44th president is often cast as both master of his domain and a prisoner of circumstances outside his control. It’s a self-serving narrative that should have received a more hostile reception at a “disinformation” conference. American presidents wield a lot of power, and Barack Obama used his to lay the foundations for the more dangerous world we all now inhabit.
Israel’s Supreme Court: Families of terror victims can sue Palestinian Authority
The Palestinian Authority 'expresses consent to their actions, in a way that takes responsibility'

Israel’s Supreme Court ruled Sunday that the Palestinian Authority (PA) can be held responsible by the families of those killed in terror attacks.

The court found that the PA’s controversial policy of paying stipends to Palestinian security prisoners and to families of those killed while committing terror attacks constitutes “confirmation” of terrorist activities.

Some believe that the PA’s payments are necessary social assistance for families who lost a breadwinner, while others criticize the payment system as encouraging terrorism.

The decision means that families of those killed and victims of terror attacks can demand financial compensation from the West Bank’s governing authority, Walla! News reported.

This ruling regarded four lawsuits against the PA in Jerusalem’s District Court by the families of those killed in attacks that took place between 2001 and 2002, the early days of the Second Intifada

In 2019, the lawsuits were rejected by the Jerusalem court, which ruled that the payments made by the PA did not confirm that the attacks were carried out on behalf of the authority.

Meir Sachivshorder, one of the partitioners to the Supreme Court - who lost his parents, sister, and brother in a 2001 attack - responded to the decision: “This is a war I have been waging for 21 years… paying salaries to terrorists,” according to Walla! News.
Employee at USAID Contractor Celebrated Terrorist Attack Against Israeli Civilians
Just hours after news broke that a Palestinian terrorist gunned down several Israeli civilians last week, an employee for one of the U.S. Agency for International Development's (USAID) top contractors took to Twitter to celebrate the attack.

"The news is sweeter than a tray of knafeh [dessert] after iftar," tweeted Rawan Abu-Salhieh, who was working at the time as a Jordan-based employee for Proximity International—a prime contractor for USAID that is engaged in several projects that receive U.S. aid dollars. The April 7 terror attack in Tel Aviv killed three Israelis and left six wounded.

Abu-Salhieh routinely celebrates terror attacks on Israel and promotes accounts that encourage violence against Jews, according to a Washington Free Beacon review of her Twitter account. In one Twitter post from two weeks ago, Abu-Salhieh retweeted a graphic that praised a March 29 terror attack in Israel, stating, "shoot and don't have mercy" and describing the assailant as a "heroic martyr." At least a dozen other tweets and retweets contain similar rhetoric in support of terrorism against Israel. Abu-Salhieh deleted her account last week after her comments came under scrutiny from regional observers. Abu-Salhieh's public LinkedIn profile also disappeared shortly after Free Beacon inquiries about her posts; and a Proximity official said she no longer works for the organization, though she was employed when some of her most controversial tweets were published.

Abu-Salhieh's role at an organization that receives U.S. government funding is renewing concerns about USAID's vetting process, which was cited by a government watchdog group in 2021 for its failure to ensure that grantees are not tied to terrorism. Former USAID officials told the Free Beacon that the agency turns a blind eye to contractors that have ties to terrorism and employees who support it. They say this failure to perform oversight work on grant recipients endangers the foreign aid system and allows taxpayer funds to enrich Israel's detractors.

"When someone like the woman who has been flagged is working on a variety of different USAID contracts, the onus is on USAID to actively vet," Bonnie Glick, former deputy administrator at USAID during the Trump administration, told the Free Beacon. "The vetting of key staff should disqualify the contract or grant recipient if they have key personnel who are acting in ways that are anathema to USAID's values."

Proximity International's CEO, Courtney Brown, condemned Abu-Salhieh's rhetoric when reached for comment by the Free Beacon and disclosed that she is no longer an employee of the organization, though she was at the time several of her most controversial tweets were posted. Brown said her departure from the organization was in motion prior to the Free Beacon‘s inquiries, but due to the company's human resources policies, would not disclose the reasons she parted ways with Proximity.
  • Tuesday, April 12, 2022
  • Elder of Ziyon

For the past several months, and especially ahead of Ramadam the price of vegetables in Jordan have increased. 

This week, members of Jordan's parliament blamed Israel.

Representative Ahmed Al-Qatawneh accused the government of selling vegetables to the Israeli market, which, he claimed, decreased local availability. He said that the government is expanding its relations with Israel and threatening Jordan's sovereignty, asking, "Is it reasonable for the Jordanian government to export vegetables to Israel, in light of a global food crisis due to Corona and in light of the Russian-Ukrainian war?"

The Jordanian Minister of Agriculture pointed out that exports to Israel are only about 10% of total Jordanian vegetable production and exports. Israel currently gets 1,300 tons per month  out of 12,500 tons exported outside the kingdom. Jordanian farmers produce about 150,000 tons a month of vegetables during the winter, and far more in the summer. Jordanians consume about 80% of the crop, with the rest being exported to other countries. Obviously Jordanian farmers benefit from exporting their crops to Israel.

When Qatawneh made the same accusations in January, the Jordan Valley Farmers Union strongly criticized him.

In other words, the MP's complaints aren't motivated by any interest in what is best for Jordan or its farmers and are pure hate for Israel.

In short, antisemitism.

Israel signed an agreement with Jordan last year to increase its imports of Jordanian vegetables to make up for the shortfall in local production by Israeli farmers who observe Shmitta, the Biblical sabbatical year for farmers.



Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism today at Amazon!

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  • Tuesday, April 12, 2022
  • Elder of Ziyon

Palestinians and other Israel-haters love to talk about the inhumanity of Israel imprisoning large numbers of women prisoners - wives, mothers, daughters - as if they are there for no reason.  They should be released, we are told, simply because as women they are naturally innocent.

On Palestinian Mothers Day there are rallies in support of these prisoners, with allegations that they are innocent and Israel mistreats them.

How many female prisoners are there?

Only 31, the lowest amount since 2015.

Are they innocent?

Wikipedia has an entry on one prisoner, Israa Jaabis. It narrates the incident that put her in prison following the anti-Israel story:

On Oct. 11, 2015, Israa Jaabis, 31, was en route to her home in Jerusalem, about 500 meters away from an Israeli military checkpoint, when a cooking gas cylinder in her car caught fire. The Israeli military accused Jabbis of intentionally setting her car on fire, which she has vehemently denied and was never proven. A year later, Jaabis was sentenced to 11 years in prison.

Palestinian media emphasize that she was injured in the explosion, as if that is evidence that she couldn't have exploded the gas cylinder on purpose. Initially they claimed that the explosion was an electrical fire in the car, and then they said that a gas cylinder spontaneously exploded nowhere near a checkpoint and she was arrested anyway with no evidence.

The reality: 

A woman detonated an explosive and lightly wounded a police officer near the A-Zaim checkpoint on the road between Ma'aleh Adumim and Jerusalem on Sunday morning.

Police said a traffic police officer stopped the driver, who he thought was driving suspiciously, and approached the car to stop at the side of the road and then walked over to question her. The suspect then left the vehicle and the explosion occurred.

"The driver shouted 'Allah Hu Akbar' (God is great) and detonated an explosive device," a police spokeswoman said.

The woman attempted to ignite a gas tank in her car with flammable materials, while yelling "Allahu Akbar." She then tried to exit the vehicle. Other than the gas tank, there was no explosive device in her vehicle.

Security forces found hand-written notes in her possession that contained messages of support for "martyrs."

Israa Jaradat also had a history of suicide attempts, so it makes perfect sense that she wanted to kill some Israelis in a suicide attack so her family would get lifetime salaries.

Another woman whom Palestinians try to elicit sympathy for is Ataaf Jaradat, who they claim was arrested as collective punishment for her sons being involved in murdering Yehuda Dimentman late last year.

The truth?

The entire Jaradat family are members of Islamic Jihad, and others have been involved in terror attacks. As far as Ataaf is concerned:

Ataaf Youssef Muhammad Jaradat, the mother of the minor and one of the adult suspects, was also due to be charged with failing to prevent the attack and assisting them afterward, as her teenage son had told her about the plans in advance and she helped hide the weapons that they used after the attack, the military said. 

It takes time to research the circumstances of each woman that Palestinians claim were wrongfully arrested, because the Internet is filled with false stories of their innocence. But when you spend the time, invariably you find that these "innocent" women are not at all innocent.



Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

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  • Tuesday, April 12, 2022
  • Elder of Ziyon

TOI reports:

The Israel Defense Forces has informed the family of Diaa Hamarsheh, the Palestinian who killed five people in a terror attack in Bnei Brak last month, that the military intends to demolish their home.

One day after the March 29 attack, the army mapped out Hamarsheh’s home in the West Bank town of Ya’bad near Jenin ahead of the planned demolition.

Here's the house.

He must have been desperate.



Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



Monday, April 11, 2022

From Ian:

‘Palestinian Apartheid Week’ as New Approach to Facing Anti-Israel Activity on Campus
Throughout the approximately five hours a day the tables are set up on campus, except for at the University of Minnesota, where the cold only allowed them to stay for a couple hours a day, Sinelnikov said that he could see the effect the campaign is making.

The people who he could tell were really anti-Israel didn’t know how to react. Some said it wasn’t true; a few yelled obscenities or flipped them off. At every university, members of the school’s SJP would stand across from them and take photos, but rarely say anything because they didn’t know what to do.

“Most people think it’s going to burn the campus down — this campaign — but the fact of the matter is, I think we’re educating people really nicely in a really good way, and we’re controlling the narrative in the conversation,” he said after the group’s first day at UC Berkeley, one of the country’s most activist left-wing universities.

Meanwhile, he could also see a change in Jewish and pro-Israel students who were coming up to them the whole day, happy and proud to see that for the first time there was a group that was proactive against Palestinian disinformation on campus.

“Their feeling has changed, and now the Jewish students and the Zionist students in Berkeley and Urbana-Champaign feel empowered and like we’re controlling the narrative and the students that are strongly anti-Israel, they’re the ones that need to respond to us,” said Sinelnikov.

The only thing that happened during the trip so far that shocked Sinelnikov took place at Urbana-Champaign. A young Palestinian student came up to them and argued for a while. At first, he said, it appeared that they had even found common ground. Then, her friends from SJP who were watching the event the entire day and taking pictures came up to her and said something in Arabic. The student then broke down, and started crying and screaming at SSI and the Jewish students at the tables, saying, “You stole our lands, we have nothing to lose, and we will fight you until the day we can’t.”

According to Sinelnikov, the group plans to appear at other universities every semester, though they have not yet decided which ones they will visit in the fall. The goal is to build Palestinian Apartheid Week to the point where individual campus SSI or similar pro-Israel groups can host their own Palestinian Apartheid Weeks in the future without the help of the national team.

“Quite literally erasing the Jewish existence, lives, community and history from the map of the Middle East is what apartheid looks like,” SSI stated in a news release. “If any college student can justify the Palestinian apartheid policies above, the problem was never Israel, the problem is those who cannot come to terms with the fact that the Jewish people rebuilt their home and have their own independent state. Now is the time to discuss Palestinian apartheid. For too long, the despicable practices of the Palestinian government against Jews have gone unnoticed by the international community. For the first time ever, activists at SSI will be exposing these shameful practices.”
Antisemitic Speaker at Duke University Mocks Jewish Students
When asked what would happen to Israelis if Palestinians took all the land “from the river to the sea” during Duke’s anti-Israel week, keynote speaker Mohammed El-Kurd replied “I don’t care. I truly, sincerely, don’t give a f…” The audience roared its approval. Clearly Duke University’s antisemitism problem is going from bad to worse.

Who is Mohammed El-Kurd? Despite his name he claims to be Palestinian. He has an extensive Canary Mission rap sheet detailing his hatred of Israel, Jews, America, the police, his adoration for terrorism, spreading misinformation, denial of Jewish history, and more. He is notorious for quotes such as “Zionists have an unquenchable thirst for Palestinian blood”. In his book Rifqa he claims that Israelis “harvest organs of the martyred, feed their warriors our own.”

Who decided to pay El-Kurd and put him on the university’s stage, to speak before Duke students and faculty? Duke has a history of hosting “Israel Apartheid Week” (IAW) in which lies about Israel and Jews are promulgated in order to destroy the world’s only Jewish state. In February, despite student concerns about inviting such an antisemitic speaker, the Duke Student Government voted—without a quorum— to spend $16,000 on IAW, which included $5,000 designated for El-Kurd. Ironically the vote also came soon after the DSG voted for the IHRA (International Holocaust Remembrance Association) definition of antisemitism. Apparently the DSG doesn’t understand IHRA since they violated it so readily.

When the North Carolina Coalition (NCCI) learned about the plans for El-Kurd, we immediately became concerned for Jewish and Zionist students on campus. We warned Duke University that hosting Mohammed El-Kurd would create a hostile atmosphere for Jewish students on campus. NCCI and others sent letters and made phone calls to Duke president Vincent Price, Provost Sally Kornbluth, and the Office of Institutional Equity expressing our concern. CAMERA on Campus wrote a petition which garnered more than 2000 signatures on short notice, asking Duke to halt his funding. The response from the administration was a determined, deliberate silence that speaks volumes.

Just before the El Kurd talk, about 10 brave Duke students stood outside the auditorium, handing out fliers. These included quotes from El Kurd’s blood libel against Jews and explained that his hateful rhetoric incites violence and threatens Jewish students.

Once the program started, and El-Kurd went up to talk, he was met with thundering applause from most of the audience. He started by mocking the fliers due to content but also “terrible graphic design.” He crumbled up the paper in front of the audience which howled approval. He mentioned the student who had written in the Duke Chronicle expressing her concern for student safety in light of his antisemitic speech. He pretended to get out a miniature violin to ridicule her feelings. The audience roared with laughter. He was asked what does “Palestinian liberation” look like? “We want our land back from the river to the sea” (wild applause), he wants refugees in camps to return (wild applause), he wants (terrorist) prisoners to be released—again enthusiastic applause.

False Equivalence: MSNBC’s Ali Velshi Compares Israel to China, Assad’s Syria & the Taliban’s Afghanistan
In his final piece to camera after spending five weeks in Ukraine covering the military invasion by Russia, MSNBC anchor Ali Velshi offered his analysis on the wider implications of the ongoing conflict in an appearance on the primetime “Rachel Maddow Show.”

Describing the “lesson” that he learned reporting from the besieged country, Velshi opined that the “growing atrocities against innocent civilians” were a sign that “the world needs to do better,” particularly because, in his view, “democracy and freedom are in peril.”

He further explained:
If it’s tough for NATO and the UN to prevent one country from actually invading another and subverting its population, imagine the struggle our world order has with those countries in which portions of the population are persecuted by their own governments. Afghanistan, Syria, China, Myanmar, Israel, India, to name just a few. And there are many more. And we, meaning the media, have to do better at covering vulnerable populations.”

While the veteran reporter does not bother to elaborate further on his point, he appears to be suggesting that Israel is guilty of persecuting “vulnerable” Palestinians.

As HonestReporting has detailed on numerous occasions at length, claims that Israel is oppressing any civilians are baseless. Often referred to as the “apartheid libel,” the unfounded accusation ignores several salient points.

First, since the Oslo Accords were signed in the 1990s, the vast majority of Palestinians live under the complete governance of either the Palestinian Authority(PA) in the West Bank or the US-designated terror group Hamas in the Gaza Strip.

Second, when the PA was created, Palestinian leaders consented to the division of the West Bank, provided they were given full civil and security control in areas that include all major Palestinian population centers. As agreed, Israel maintains security control in what is known as Area C of the disputed territory, for safety reasons.

Third, Israel’s Arab citizens have full civil rights under the law and are thus treated as equals. Israeli Arabs serve in the ruling Knesset coalition, the Supreme Court, and in every facet of private and public life.

Furthermore, comparing Israel to any of the countries that Velshi lists is simply dishonest.
  • Monday, April 11, 2022
  • Elder of Ziyon
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  • Monday, April 11, 2022
  • Elder of Ziyon

In last month's UN Division for Palestinian Rights Bulletin on Action by UN System and Intergovernmental Organizations Relevant to the Question of Palestine, the first item was "Closed consultations with civil society organizations convened by the Palestinian Rights Committee."

This means that a series of Palestinian (and other) anti-Israel NGOs held a meeting with the UN - but unlike virtually all UN meetings, it was not open to the public.

The names of these organizations are not listed in the report on the meeting. All we see are how closely the UN works with unnamed Israel haters.

The report emphasizes how close the UN is to these organizations:

[T]he objective of the Committee's engagement with civil society was to harness their potential in the OPT, Israel and elsewhere to promote its mandate through strengthened cooperation, including joint activities and exchange of information. 

Its mandate includes destroying the Jewish state via the "right to return."

These unnamed civil society organizations are heavily involved in making Sheikh Jarrah Judenrein. It also includes Orwellian lies:

Addressing the impact of the #Savesheikhjarrah campaign and local committees' activism, participants underlined the two layers of the Sheikh Jarrah issue. The first pertained to the neighbourhood itself, whereas another layer concerned the Old City of Jerusalem. Israel’s occupation here was characterized as “a story of resistance” that brought about new leaders and creative approaches to confront oppression. Furthermore, it was stressed that East Jerusalem belonged to everyone, and that Palestinians had always been very keen to protect its religious and cultural diversity.

Really? The 19 years that Palestinians and Jordanians controlled the Old City, and current statements by Palestinian leaders that all of "Al Aqsa" belongs to them including the Western Wall, and that the Jewish Quarter's residents are illegal settlers, seems to indicate the exact opposite. 

Any claims that the UN is non-partisan are quite easily disproven here. 

But beyond that, there is a clear desire by the UN to keep the names of the NGOs it partners with a secret. (And they did this before Israel declared several "civil society organizations" terrorist, so that isn't the reason.)

People who care about transparency in the UN should be asking why this is. If organizations are important enough to help decide UN policy, shouldn't everyone know who they are?



Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism today at Amazon!

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From Ian:

Vatican mulling historic Jerusalem meeting between pope, Russian patriarch
The Vatican is studying the possibility of extending Pope Francis' trip to Lebanon in June so he can fly to Jerusalem to meet there the Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill, who has backed Russia's war in Ukraine, two sources told Reuters on Monday.

It would be only their second meeting. Their first, in Cuba in 2016, was the first between a pope and a leader of the Russian Orthodox Church since the Great Schism that split Christianity into Eastern and Western branches in 1054.

Kirill, 75, has given his full-throated blessing for Russia's invasion of Ukraine, a position that has splintered the worldwide Orthodox Church and unleashed an internal rebellion that theologians and academics say is unprecedented.

The sources, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said the plan was for the 85-year-old pope, who is due in Lebanon on June 12-13, to fly to Amman, Jordan on the morning of June 14.

From there, he would board a helicopter to Jerusalem on the same day for the meeting with Kirill and then return to Rome from there, the sources said.

One source said the trip appeared to be almost certain, while the other said it was one possibility.

Returning from his trip to Malta last week, Francis said he hoped to meet Kirill somewhere in the Middle East this year but did not say where.

Kirill called on Russians on Sunday to rally around the authorities as Moscow pursues what it calls a "special military operation" in Ukraine.

The patriarch has previously made statements defending Moscow's actions in Ukraine and views the war as a bulwark against a liberal Western culture that he considers decadent.
Ukraine War Has Caused a Surge in Aliyah to Israel - from Russia
The number of immigrants and potential immigrants to Israel from Russia in the past two months far exceeds the number of immigrants and potential immigrants from Ukraine, Israel's National Security Council reported. From the start of the war on Feb. 24 to the first week in April, 8,371 immigrants and potential immigrants from Ukraine have landed in Israel. At the same time, 12,593 immigrants and potential immigrants from Russia have landed in Israel. In all of 2021, only 7,700 Russians made aliyah.

Israeli officials based in Russia have also reported a huge increase in aliyah files being opened there. The officials are reluctant to speak publicly for fear that Russian authorities might try to stop the large number of Jews fleeing the country. The exodus has been attributed to fears of economic hardship arising from the sanctions imposed on Russia.

At the same time, there has been a dramatic slowdown in the pace of aliyah from Ukraine, attributed to the fact that those Jews who wanted to leave Ukraine had already gotten out. Moreover, many of the refugees from Ukraine hope to return there as soon as possible, which makes Europe a better place to wait out the war. The number of Ukrainians who identify as Jewish is estimated at 43,000, with 200,000 eligible for aliyah under the Law of Return. The core Jewish population of Russia is estimated at 200,000, with 600,000 eligible.


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