Tuesday, December 21, 2021

From Ian:

Emily Schrader: Two-state solution still is Israel's only option
It has suddenly become very popular on the Left and Right to declare the two-state solution dead. In fact, recent statistics bolster such claims, with popularity and support for the two-state solution decreasing over time.

Last week, former adviser to former prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Mark Regev, wrote about how the two-state solution is problematic when you have the Palestinians refusing to accept the legitimacy of a Jewish state. He’s not wrong, but he’s also not providing realistic solutions for what that means.

Here is the reality: there is no alternative to the two-state solution unless you either support an apartheid state, or don’t care about having a Jewish majority state. The only option for the survival of a Jewish and democratic state of Israel is a two-state solution where compromises will have to be made for peace. Both Israelis and Palestinians are refusing to accept reality when it comes to a long-term solution, and in doing so, they have made it even more complicated and unpleasant to find a lasting agreement that respects the rights to self-determination of both peoples.

Palestinian rejectionism, I believe, is the core reason for the lack of peace and a long-term solution. It is absolutely true that Palestinians have refused every opportunity for peace, and that public opinion is very much against a compromise that allows the state of Israel to exist side by side in peace with the Palestinians. That is why Fatah and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas are cursed at and criticized as “collaborators” with Israel. That being said, it also doesn’t really matter that it is unpopular because there is no alternative.

Palestinians who refuse to accept that the state of Israel is not going anywhere are perpetuating a fantasy that prevents them from moving forward in a healthy and prosperous society, and this will continue as long as public opinion pushes this narrative in schools, television, newspapers, and government. Perhaps more problematic for the Palestinians than for the Israelis, the longer they wait to actually negotiate in good faith, the less they have to bargain with – a fact even Mahmoud Abbas agreed with when he stated in an interview that the Palestinians were wrong to reject the UN Partition Plan.

Arab Party Leader Abbas: Israel ‘Will Remain’ Jewish State
Prominent Israeli-Arab politician Mansour Abbas, head of the Islamist Ra’am party, on Tuesday broke with the traditional stance of Israel’s Arab parties by declaring that Israel will always be a Jewish state.

“Israel was born a Jewish state, that was the decision of the people, and the question is not what is the identity of the state — it was born this way and it will remain this way,” Abbas said in an interview with Channel 12 News commentator Mohammad Magadli

“The question is what is the status of the Arab citizen in the Jewish State of Israel. That is the question. And this challenge does not just stand in front of Mansour Abbas, but in front of the Jewish community and the Jewish citizen,” the MK continued.

Arab parties in the past have promoted the view that Israel should be a state for all citizens, including advocating for changing the Law of Return that allows Jews in the diaspora to move to Israel and acquire citizenship.

This past summer Abbas made history by joining the “change coalition” that unseated Benjamin Netanyahu after 12 years as Israel’s longest-serving prime minister. In doing so, he became the first Arab party leader to join a coalition government.
Most popular baby names of 2020: Mohammed, David, Tamar and Maryam
Muhammad, Yosef, David, Tamar and Maryam were some of the most popular baby names in various sectors in 2020, the Central Bureau of Statistics reported Tuesday.

Muhammad was the most popular baby name overall in Israel and among Muslims, with 2,396 boys receiving the name in 2020.

The most popular name in Israel after Muhammad was Yosef, with 1,176 Jewish boys and 656 Muslim boys (Yusef) receiving the name. The third most popular name in the country was Ariel, with 1,223 Jewish boys and 579 Jewish girls receiving the name.

Among Jewish girls, the most popular names were Tamar and Maya, with 1.85% (1,116) of girls named Tamar and 1.84% (1,107) named Maya.

The other names in the top 10 for Jewish girls were Avigail, Noa, Sarah, Ayalah, Adele, Yael, Shira and Esther.

By Daled Amos

Vicious antisemitic attacks against Jewish students on campus are certainly nothing new, but one particular incident led to a potential tool that could both help protect Jewish students and offer acknowledgment of their Zionist identity.

Let's take a look back.

In 2016, San Francisco State University was rated 10th on The Algemeiner's List of the US and Canada’s Worst Campuses for Jewish Students, based on the ongoing disruption of activities and deliberate intimidation of the students.  One of the incidents that earned SFSU their inclusion on The Algemeiner's list was their response to an appearance by the then-Mayor of Jerusalem, Nir Barkat when he came to speak. Anti-Israel students disrupted the speech.

But it was more than just a disruption.
And it resulted not only in being included on a list -- it led to a lawsuit. 

According to a Lawfare Project press release, the disruption in 2016 demonstrated that the administration of San Francisco State University itself was part of the problem:

The lawsuit was triggered following the alleged complicity of senior university administrators and police officers in the disruption of an April, 2016, speech by the Mayor of Jerusalem, Nir Barkat. At that event organized by SF Hillel, Jewish students and audience members were subjected to genocidal and offensive chants and expletives by a raging mob that used bullhorns to intimidate and drown out the Mayor’s speech and physically threaten and intimidate members of the mostly-Jewish audience. At the same time, campus police – including the chief – stood by, on order from senior university administrators who instructed the police to “stand down” despite direct and implicit threats and violations of university codes governing campus conduct.

The civil rights lawsuit was brought by The Lawfare Project the following year against then-president Leslie Wong along with several other university officials. The lawsuit alleged that the situation had deteriorated to the point that “Jews are often afraid to wear Stars of David or yarmulkes on campus, and regularly text their friends to describe potential safety issues and suggest alternate, often circuitous, routes to campus destinations.”

In March 2019, California State University public university system settled.

As part of the settlement, SFSU agreed to the following:

o  Public statement: Issue a statement affirming that "it understands that, for many Jews, Zionism is an important part of their identity";

o  Coordinator of Jewish Student Life: "Hire a Coordinator of Jewish Student Life within the Division of Equity & Community Inclusion" and dedicate suitable office space for this position;

o  External review of policies: "Retain an independent, external consultant to assess SFSU’s procedures for enforcement of applicable CSU system-wide anti-discrimination policies and student code of conduct";

o  Independent investigation of additional complaints: "SFSU will, for a period of 24 months, assign all complaints of religious discrimination under either E.O. 1096 or E.O. 1097 to an independent, outside investigator for investigation";

o  Funding viewpoint diversity: "SFSU will allocate an additional $200,000 to support educational outreach efforts to promote viewpoint diversity (including but not limited to pro-Israel or Zionist viewpoints) and inclusion and equity on the basis of religious identity (including but not limited to Jewish religious identity)"; and

o  Campus mural: Engage in the SFSU process to allocate "space on the SFSU campus for a mural to be installed under the oversight of the Division of Equity & Community Inclusion, paid for by the University, that will be designed by student groups of differing viewpoints on the issues that are the subject of this litigation to be agreed by the parties (including but not limited to Jewish, pro-Israel, and/or Zionist student groups, should such student groups elect to participate in the process)."

That first condition -- San Francisco State University publicly acknowledging that "for many Jews, Zionism is an important part of their identity" -- was an unprecedented recognition of the importance of Zionism to Jewish identity. 

Just imagine if universities across the country followed this example in recognition of Zionism. It could be the academic equivalent of the legislative campaign to have the boycott of Israel made illegal in all 50 states.

When I asked Ziporah Reich, Director Of Litigation at The Lawfare Project, about the potential to establish these guarantees at other universities around the country, she responded that
we think Jewish students will recognize the need to fight for the same guarantees we’ve received in our settlement agreement with SFSU. We also believe that our success will serve as fertile ground upon which Jewish students can begin their journey to fight for their rights on campus.
This is not something that should require legal enforcement. Take, for example, the stand taken in 2019 by Martha Pollak, president of Cornell University, in response to the demand by JVP to divest from Israel:
BDS unfairly singles out one country in the world for sanction when there are many countries around the world whose governments’ policies may be viewed as controversial. Moreover, it places all of the responsibility for an extraordinarily complex geopolitical situation on just one country and frequently conflates the policies of the Israeli government with the very right of Israel to exist as a nation, which I find particularly troublesome. [emphasis added]

Pollak not only took a stand against BDS. She publicly stated her personal rejection of BDS and went beyond vague appeals to diversity and respect for ideas on campus.

But how many university presidents have been willing to deal head-on with the problem of Zionophobia on campus?
What are the chances of other universities adopting the measures in the settlement?
For that matter, has San Francisco State University really learned its lesson?

Apparently not.

In September 2020, the terrorist Leila Khaled was invited to speak at SFSU. Khaled participated in the hijacking of TWA Flight 840 from Rome to Tel Aviv in August 1969. The following year she took part in the hijacking of an El Al flight from Amsterdam to New York City.

So how did the president of SFSU, Lynn Mahoney, respond in light of the lawsuit settlement?

Let me be clear: I condemn the glorification of terrorism and use of violence against unarmed civilians. I strongly condemn antisemitism and other hateful ideologies that marginalize people based on their identities, origins or beliefs.

At the same time, I represent a public university, which is committed to academic freedom and the ability of faculty to conduct their teaching and scholarship without censorship.

Mahoney went on to pay lip service to the now-required recognition of the Zionist identity of the university's students:

My conversations with SF Hillel and Jewish student leaders have enhanced my appreciation for the deeply painful impact of this upcoming presenter, as well as past campus experiences. I understand that Zionism is an important part of the identity of many of our Jewish students. The university welcomes Jewish faculty and students expressing their beliefs and worldviews in the classroom and on the quad, through formal and informal programming. [emphasis added]

Prof. Judea Pearl, professor of computer science and statistics at UCLA and president of The Daniel Pearl Foundation, was unimpressed by Mahoney's attempt to reconcile welcoming a terrorist who targets Jews on the one hand with declaring support for the Jewish Zionist identity on the other. He points out:

it is a logical contradiction from the scientific perspective and a breach of contract from the legal perspective...and I’m known to be expert on the logical perspective.

For their part, The Lawfare Project, which spearheaded the drive to keep Khaled's proposed appearance at SFSU off of Zoom, agrees with Prof. Pearl from the legal perspective. I was told in no uncertain terms:
Should Khaled ever speak on campus, not only would that be a breach of the settlement agreement, but also a gross violation of the university’s fundamental responsibility to protect its Jewish students. [emphasis added]
But what is happening is more than just a continuation of antisemitic hatred on college campuses with the typical weak response by the university administration. We are all familiar with groups that claim to affiliate with the Jewish community while rejecting Israel and a Zionist identity. 

What is being overlooked is that there is a pro-Zionist voice at the beginning stages of asserting itself, and the public statement required by the lawsuit settlement is part of that -- even if imperfectly implemented by the university.

In a recent interview with Moment Magazine, Prof. Pearl described the developing situation:

I predict American Jewry will soon undergo a profound, painful and irreparable split. I cannot think of another period in Jewish history where the schism was so deep, and growing deeper so rapidly. I see the split in every aspect of life and on many levels...On the surface, most of our faculty and students are still sitting on the fence, true, but the polarization is growing; the Zionist group is becoming more assertive and is closing ranks rapidly, while the Zionophobic group is becoming louder, more organized and more aggressive. [emphasis added]

That pro-Zionist voice showed itself in response to a student at USC, Yasmeen Mashayech, who attacked Jews with tweets such as:

"I want to kill every motherf**cking Zionist"
"Death to Israel and its b**tch the U.S."
"Israel has no history just a criminal record"
"yel3an el yahood [curse the Jews]."

But even more important than those tweets and the criticism of the university's weak response is the reaction from Jewish leaders -- something that has been ignored by the media.

In An Open Letter to the Leadership of USC, more than 65 faculty members at USC took a stand:
We, the undersigned faculty, wish to register our dismay about ongoing open expressions of anti-Semitism and Zionophobia on our campus that go unrebuked. The silence of our leadership on this matter is alienating, hurtful, and depressing. It amounts to tacit acceptance of a toxic atmosphere of hatred and hostility.

The letter went beyond just condemnation of antisemitism and rejecting the university claim that because of legal considerations, USC "cannot discuss university processes or actions with respect to a specific student, much less denounce them publicly." The faculty said it was time for the university to publicly welcome Zionists on campus:

Most importantly, Jewish, Zionist, and Israeli students, as well as those who support the right of the State of Israel to exist need to hear from our leaders that they are welcome on our campus. Such a statement would not infringe on free speech or take sides in political dispute. It is a call for character and dignity. It is overdue. [emphasis added]

This would parallel the SFSU's settlement agreement recognizing the Zionist identity of its students -- and not because Zionists need to be protected as victims. More than that.

Again, Prof. Pearl:

We want the university to say there is something noble about Zionism. Zionists are welcome here not because everybody needs to be protected, but because they can contribute here.

This is what has been missing till now from the hand wringing of universities, with their vague promises to their Jewish students that they will deal with antisemitism on campus.

This is what has to change.

And the SFSU lawsuit and the USC faculty letter show that there are those willing to start to demand it. 

  • Tuesday, December 21, 2021
  • Elder of Ziyon
Jamil Dakwar is the director of the ACLU Human Rights Program. He is a lecturer at various New York colleges. He formerly worked for Human Rights Watch.

And this human rights leader uses language that mimics that of antisemites of the past 150 years.

Ah, so it's "Jewish supremacy." I'm not sure how that explains the exception Israel made for the Miss Universe pageant, or the Flag Football championships, which both occurred after Israel shut down travel (and caused grumbling among Jews who couldn't visit Israel.) 

It isn't the first time Dakwar has used that phrase. When Ilhan Omar issued a clarification for her comparison between the US/Israel and Hamas/Taliban, she said “I was in no way equating terrorist organizations with democratic countries with well-established judicial systems.”  Dakwar responded, "disappointed she had to clarify her statement and affirm that Israel is a democracy with well-established judicial system. Israel, at best, is a democracy for Jewish citizens with well established legal system protecting Jewish supremacy and institutional racism."

The earliest mentions of the phrase "Jewish supremacy" I could find werereferring to Germany in the 1880s.

The Chicago Tribune, December 12, 1880, discussed the German Anti-Semitic League:


The following year, newspapers reported about German clergy railing against "Jewish supremacy."

In 1892, proud German antisemite Hermann Ahlwardt was placed on trial for defamation when he claimed that arms manufacturer Ludwig Loewe & Co. was a Jewish-French conspiracy to sell defective rifles to the German army to weaken the country. During the trial, witnesses in his defense openly spoke of Jewish supremacy schemes: (London Times, December 7, 1892)

Ahlwardt was sentenced to five months in prison, but never served, because by the time the trial was over he was elected to the Reichstag, running on an antisemitic platform.

In 1895, he visited the United States to preach Jew-hatred:

The next prominent person to preach about Jewish supremacy was antisemite Henry Ford, who often used that phrase in his newspaper The Dearborn Independent:

And German antisemitism which used that phrase continued, before and of course during the Nazi era.


The charge of "Jewish supremacism" went out of fashion for a while, but it came back, as antisemitism always does:

Nowadays, however, the phrase "Jewish supremacy" is used far more often by the Left than the Right. 

One would think that people who claim to hate Nazis and antisemitism - and who are very sensitive to microaggressions - would be a little more reluctant to use a phrase that was proudly used by right-wing antisemites for well over a century. One would think that people whose very jobs are supposed to support human rights would be skittish about using such a term that has been used as an excuse to murder millions of Jews. 

However, the modern antisemites enthusiastically embrace the language of the old-style antisemites, because they share their goals. 

  • Tuesday, December 21, 2021
  • Elder of Ziyon
Palestinian Media Watch translated a column in the official PA newspaper Al Hayat al-Jadida, by Muwaffaq Matar.

Matar is a member of Fatah's Revolutionary Council and a regular columnist for the official newspaper.

On November 21, he wrote:

It would not be an exaggeration if we say that the racist occupation government has worked to export the ‘COVID-19’ (Coronavirus) epidemic to us, after our institutions succeeded in limiting and reducing the scope of its spread, as [Israel] used the virus as a new weapon to weaken the scope of economic life to the lowest point, and to leave it in an almost fateful dependency on its economy!
Jews purposefully infecting non-Jews just so they become richer? 

Nah, nothing antisemitic about that.

It is worth repeating that the outrageous part isn't that some idiot writes something racist. It isn't even outrageous that the editors of the newspaper have no problem publishing bigotry. 

The outrageous part is that this pure Jew-hatred is published every day, and there is no Palestinian media that disagrees. There is no debate in Palestinian media about this - Jews are evil, and that is accepted as fact. 

People who claim they want peace are curiously unconcerned about this.

Monday, December 20, 2021

From Ian:

We need you to take back Israel's story - opinion
“Why is Israel carrying out apartheid against the Palestinians?”

I am sure you have encountered a statement that resembles this question plenty of times.

Often when Israel supporters are presented with this sort of question, they find themselves unsure of the best way to answer. So they remain silent.

But the problem is that this silence creates a vacuum that raging antisemites fill with attacks on Jews at an LA restaurant, on a Jewish man walking down a street in Manhattan, and numerous BDS resolutions on college campuses.

If Israel’s detractors continue to fill the space left by our silence then things can get worse.

UK lawyer Trevor Asserson once said that his greatest fear is that, “the democracies of the West and in particular America will get to such a pitch in terms of their attitudes towards Israel that it is simply politically not viable to be seen in any way to be supporting Israel.”

If this happens, Asserson warned, “we are finished.”

And while many Israel advocacy groups work non-stop to promote the truth, it's often the one-on-one conversations that will change someone's mind.

The anti-Israel haters are hell-bent on vilifying Zionism and ultimately destroying Israel through their false narrative and delegitimization campaign. We cannot afford to lose the battle for public support, and we need every voice to help win the battle.

Canadian film describes Jewish refugee plight
The experiences of Jews forced to leave Egypt, Iraq, Tunisia, Lebanon, Algeria, Morocco and Iran are told in a new documentary, ‘L’Exode Silencieux’.

The film , which is 56 minutes long in its full version, was made by the Communauté Sépharade Unifiée du Quebec and the Montreal Consulate of Israel to mark the 30 November annual commemoration of the exodus of more than 850,000 Jews from Arab countries and Iran. It begins by describing the comfortable lives of these middle class Jews. Attitudes towards them changed over time, with the rise of pan-Arabism and repercussions of the Arab-Israeli conflict. Many left with nothing.

Some acknowledge that they were refugees, but never enjoyed the rights of refugees. However, one speaker, Abraham Elarar, objects to describing Moroccan Jews as refugees : he says they left for economic reasons or Zionism.

On the other hand, the historian Georges Bensoussan says that they left out of fear and therefore the word ‘refugee’ could apply to almost all Jews who left the Arab world.

While conditions did vary from country to country, there is no hope of reconciliation while Arab countries distort their own history, Bensoussan claims.

For the first time, Sylvain Abitbol of Justice for Jews from Arab Countries (JJAC) discloses that JJAC appointed the accountancy firm Baker Tilly to carry out an assessment of lost Jewish property and assets. The total value is estimated to be between $300 and $330 billion while the Palestinian losses are estimated to total $30 billion.

Ha'aretz: Jews Were Massacred in 1948 Too, So Why Dwell Only on the Nakba?
However, for Haaretz that was more than enough. The editorial published two days later already stated, categorically and sweepingly: “Soldiers of the Israeli army committed war crimes during the War of Independence, chief among them were massacres in Palestinian villages that were captured in the decisive battles in the lowland plain between the coast and Jerusalem, in the Galilee and in the Negev. People who were alive then described mass murders of Palestinian civilians by the troops who conquered their villages; execution squads; dozens of people being herded into a building that was then blown up; children’s skulls smashed with sticks; brutal rapes and villagers who were ordered to dig pits in which they were then shot to death.”

And Gideon Levy, in a column on the very same editorial page, went, as could have been expected, one step further: “What we did then to the Palestinians we continue to do now, only more forcefully… the mechanisms of whitewash and justification will cover up any disclosure from 1948… Please don’t disturb us, we are carrying on – with the same crimes, or similar ones.” In other words, according to the recent recipient of the Sokolow Prize, Israel’s top award for journalism, today, too, Israel Defense Forces soldiers in the territories murder Palestinians in their masses, smashing children’s skulls, committing violent rape and ordering villagers to dig pits before shooting them to death in those same pits.

What we have here is a truly ecstatic celebration of exaggeration, falsehoods and self-undermining and flagellation, and wallowing in feelings of guilt. If we truly want to pursue a serious discussion of the 1948 war, it must be balanced. If the truth, then the whole truth. If one is quoting historian Benny Morris, please also quote his factual and superb book “1948,” and not only the breakthrough “Birth of the Palestinian Refugee Problem.” And without evading the basic facts: The Palestine Arabs launched murderous acts of hostility immediately after the adoption of the partition plan, which they opposed, by means of 400 armed local militias. Arab armies invaded the Jewish state immediately upon the termination of the British Mandate in order to destroy it and to erase any memory of its existence; those armies included expeditionary forces from distant Iraq and also thousands of volunteers of the Arab Army of Salvation.

If the ideal is the sanctity of historical research and truth, we need to ask where the Palestinian versions of Adam Raz, Akevot Institute and Zochrot are. In any event, my Haaretz colleagues don’t make do with clarifying the facts and often seem to feel that Israelis are required to offer an “apology.” It’s disheartening to be dragged back there again 74 years after the war erupted, but the apology was already formulated by Ephraim Kishon in his genius: “So sorry we won.”
  • Monday, December 20, 2021
  • Elder of Ziyon
  • ,

  • Monday, December 20, 2021
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Al Jazeera:
Israeli Defence Minster Benny Gantz and another former senior military officer cannot be held liable in a case brought by a Palestinian Dutch man who lost six relatives in a 2014 air attack in Gaza, a Dutch appeals court ruled.

Ismail Ziada’s mother, three brothers, a sister-in-law, a young nephew and a friend were killed in the attack during Israel’s 2014 offensive targeting Gaza.

Universal jurisdiction allows countries to prosecute serious offences such as war crimes and torture regardless of where they were committed.

Ziada’s case was thrown out by a lower Dutch court in January 2020, which ruled that the principles of universal jurisdiction could be applied for individual criminal responsibility, but not in civil cases.

The case against Gantz and former air force commander Amir Eshel could not proceed because the men have “functional immunity from jurisdiction”, The Hague District Court ruled at the time.

The Hague Court of Appeal said on Tuesday the lower court was right to rule that Gantz – who was a senior military officer at the time of the attack – and Eshel had immunity because they were carrying out Israeli government policies.

“Dutch courts are not competent here to judge the claim. The [lower] court rightly decided that,” The Hague Court of Appeal said.

“High-ranking military personnel have carried out official policy of the state of Israel, which renders a judgement on their actions moribund.”

The court added it was “not blind to the plaintiff’s suffering”.
Mondoweiss is whining about "justice denied" and adds the delicious detail that Ziada has to pay 3,837 Euros to the court, and to Benny Gantz and Amir Eshel’s lawyers (US $ 4,300), a sum to be increased by 85 Euros if payment is not made within fourteen days.

What Al Jazeera and Mondoweiss are pointedly not reporting is that the Ziada house was a valid military target, and that the adults had knowingly put their family in danger by making them human shields for Hamas.

Here is his brother Omar, member of the Qassam Brigades.

And here's Omar with younger members of the family, teaching the family traditions.

In the memorial for the victims, Hamas' Al Qassam Brigades singled out four Ziada family members as its members - including 12 year old Sha'ban, who appears to be one of the kids in the photo above:

Another person was in their home and using the family as human shields. His name was Mohammed Mahmoud al-Maqadma:

The IDF Military Advocate General summarized the reason the house was targeted:

… on 20 July 2014, the IDF carried out an aerial strike on a structure that was being used as an active command and control center by the Hamas terror organization. The attack aimed to neutralize both the command and control center and the military operatives who were manning it, and who, according to information received in real-time, were involved in terror activity which threatened IDF forces operating in the area. It was further indicated, that the structure was also utilized by the military operative Mohammed Muqadama, a senior figure in Hamas’ military observation force. Findings indicated that among the casualties were three military operatives in the Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad terror organizations, who were members of the Ziyadeh family, as well as the senior military operative mentioned above, Mohammed Muqadama.

Much more can be found here

It is almost a shame that the case didn't go to trial, because the world doesn't understand the depravity of Hamas to routinely use women and children as human shields, deliberately placing command and control units in the houses of large families.

From Ian:

JPost Editorial: The world must stand behind Israel in fight against terrorism
Every successful attack encourages more, both as copy-cat attacks by so-called lone wolves and by organized terrorist cells. Every attack is an attempted murder. The terrorists do not set out to injure their victims but to kill them.

There is an unfortunate tendency to dismiss terrorist attacks that take place over the Green Line as being about “settlements.” Relating to the victims in terms of being settlers delegitimizes and even dehumanizes them. The victims in the recent upsurge of attacks were not targeted for being “settlers” but for being identifiably Jewish. For the terrorist organizations, all of Israel is considered a legitimate target and all Jewish Israelis are perceived as “settlers.”

What starts in Judea and Samaria does not end there. Terrorists attack where it is easiest for them. If it is easier for terrorists to throw rocks and Molotov cocktails at cars or open fire in a drive-by attack or ambush in Judea and Samaria, then that’s where they will do it most often. However, it doesn’t mean the rest of the country is not at risk. Indeed, jihadist attacks around the world have shown that nowhere is safe.

There is no justification for terrorism, period. Not the economy, not the settlements, and not a peace process or the lack of one.

It is morally repugnant to blame the victims for where they live, work or travel. When an attack is dismissed because it is on a “settler,” it is but one tiny step on the proverbial slippery slope. Further downhill are attacks on all Israelis and Jews anywhere, and ultimately nobody of any religion will be safe. The world needs to take this seriously and support Israel in the battle against terrorism.
UN funding Palestinian groups with terror ties - Erdan
The United Nations Office for Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) is partnering with organizations that have ties to the terrorist group the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), Ambassador to the UN Gilad Erdan warned in a letter to UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres.

OCHA’s Humanitarian Response Plan for 2022 includes a partnership with the Union of Agricultural Work Committees (UAWC), one of six Palestinian NGOs Israel designated as terror organizations, because of their work as a money-laundering front for the PFLP.

“It is outrageous that an organization with a mission to ensure international peace and security would partner with organizations that directly and materially support terrorists and provide the PFLP – a designated terrorist organization worldwide, including in Israel, the US, the EU, Australia, Canada and Japan – with its financial lifeline,” Erdan wrote.

The partnerships “fly in the face of the relevant UN counterterrorism resolutions,” the ambassador added, quoting UN Security Council Resolution 2462 of 2019, which warned against the “abuse of nonprofit organizations [and] donations” by terrorists and calls on member states to prevent the financing of terrorism, as well as the 2021 UN Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy, which did the same.

Erdan called on Guterres to ensure that OCHA does not work with NGOs that are part of the PFLP’s financial network.

“While, as you know, Israel strongly supports humanitarian efforts and is a leader in this field, we must not allow well-intentioned humanitarian work to be tainted and poisoned by the very terrorist groups that destabilize our region and make such humanitarian efforts necessary in the first place,” Erdan wrote.
NGO Monitor: UN’s “Humanitarian” Plan: Lawfare and Support for Terror-Linked NGOs
On December 16, 2021, the UN’s Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA-oPt) released its Humanitarian Response Plan, ostensibly to address humanitarian needs “in Area C, Hebron H2 and East Jerusalem in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip” in 2022.

As in previous years, UN-OCHA is exploiting the humanitarian label to advance legal attacks against Israel (“lawfare”) and to channel funds to non-governmental organizations (NGOs) with links to the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) terror group.

- The plan’s first “strategic objective” is not the provision of humanitarian aid. Rather it is for Palestinian and international advocacy groups to “monitor[] and document[]” alleged violations by Israel and to lobby institutions such as the UN and International Criminal Court:
“The rights of Palestinians living under occupation, including those living under the blockade and other restrictions, are protected, respected and promoted in accordance with IHL and IHRL, while duty-bearers are increasingly held to account” (emphasis added).
- UN-OCHA’s implementing partners include two NGOs that were designated as terrorist organizations by the Israeli government due to their links to the PFLP: Health Work Committees (HWC) and Union of Agricultural Work Committees (UAWC). Over the past two years, employees from these two NGOs have been arrested, indicted, and put on trial for the August 2019 murder of 17-year-old Rina Shnerb and for implementing an elaborate scheme to defraud donors for the benefit of the PFLP.
- As opposed to conducting independent investigations into whether it has been partnering for years with terror-linked NGOs, UN-OCHA repeats the claim that, “absent evidence substantiating the allegations, the designation of six Palestinian human rights and humanitarian NGOs as ‘terror organizations’ by the Israeli authorities in late 2021 risks further undermining the humanitarian community’s ability to provide assistance and protection to Palestinians throughout the oPt.”
- UN-OCHA is also attempting to raise millions of dollars for numerous NGOs involved in various forms of political warfare against Israel (see pages 69-70 of the Humanitarian Response Plan Working Document).

NGO Monitor: Canadian Funding for Terror-linked Palestinian NGO: Absence of Consistency
Click Here for Full Report

Canada is a major supporter of aid projects, with large budgets allocated annually for international development assistance. As has been previously documented, in some cases, examination of the details suggests a lack of due diligence in the decision making and evaluation processes, including funding through the United Nations and other international frameworks. Global Affairs Canada (GAC) funding policies are also marked by a notable lack of transparency.

For example, Canada has provided millions to NGOs linked to the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP)- a Canadian designated terrorist organization. NGO Monitor has identified the Union of Agricultural Work Committees (UAWC) as a primary or secondary partner on several Canadian-government funded projects.

On October 22, 2021, the Israeli Ministry of Defense declared UAWC to be a terrorist organization due to its links to the PFLP.

In an October 2020 statement GAC stated that, “While Canadian-funded projects with experienced international and Canadian partner organizations have included UAWC as a sub-implementer in the past, we do not currently fund the organization, directly or indirectly.”

However, according to information provided by GAC in October 2021 in response to an ATIP request, UAWC is listed as an implementing partner on an ongoing GAC-funded Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) project that ends in March 2022.
  • Monday, December 20, 2021
  • Elder of Ziyon
As the year winds down, I want to express my appreciation for all the people who follow me and read Elder of Ziyon.

I'm grateful that I have so many supporters and fans who are hungry to learn the truth about Israel and the Middle East. This year the number of Elder of Ziyon social media followers has gone past 50,000, and there are more joining every day.

Many of EoZ followers and fans are influential. We are followed by major media, academic and political figures, authors and recognized experts. It is gratifying and humbling.

The blog is doing well, but I have also been spending time on memes and tweets that have been shared widely. Every month, my tweets are seen by millions of people - and during the May fighting that number topped 8 million impressions a month! Tweets regularly gather hundreds of "Likes" and retweets.

EoZ's influence extends beyond the blog and Twitter. EoZ has been published, linked and mentioned in plenty of other media. The Google News sites that have mentioned, quoted or republished EoZ in 2021 includes:

Jewish Journal
Jewish Press
Israel Today
Weekly Blitz
Legal Insurrection
Jewish News 
Gatestone Institute
BizPac review
Cleveland Jewish News
Honest Reporting

I also started an Instagram site to be an easy place to find my infographics, memes, posters, and comics.

I have finally started to gather my best articles and more in the hope of publishing a book. I'm happy with my progress so far. 

My regular columnists (Judean Rose, Vic Rosenthal, Daled Amos, PreOccupied Territory) continue to add new dimensions to the blog, along with occasional contributions from Real Jerusalem Streets and (I wish more!) from Forest Rain.  Ian continues to do an amazing job collecting the links to every single important article published elsewhere. EoZ is really a one stop shop for all Israel news.

All of this takes a great deal of time and money.

Please donate to EoZ so we can continue to provide the very best in news and analysis.

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Once again, thanks for your support and kind words. 

  • Monday, December 20, 2021
  • Elder of Ziyon

Palestine Today mentions, as an aside in a story about a Palestinian Authority political prisoner who was recently released, that in recent weeks  PA security services have launched a massive campaign of arrests of activists, freed prisoners, intellectuals and writers, especially those with Hamas ties in the run up to Hamas' 34th anniversary celebrations this month.

A group called  Lawyers for Justice announced earlier this month that it had documented dozens of arrests of West Bank Palestinians and activists of various backgrounds because of their political beliefs. They said that the arrest campaigns started in October. The groups counts over 200 arrests and detentions since May.

Most of these arrests took place without presenting an arrest or search warrant, and many of the arrests were violent, as were many of the detentions themselves.

There is one major question that needs to be answered:

Are the hundreds of journalists who cover the Palestinians  thoroughly incompetent for not mentioning this story, or are they aware of it and decided that is wasn't worth reporting because it would damage the narrative of Palestinians being oppressed by Israel alone?

  • Monday, December 20, 2021
  • Elder of Ziyon
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations issued a report on meat consumption in the Arab world - and Palestinians eat more red meat per capita than any Arab nation, with 97 kilograms per person per year consumed.

This was way ahead of the rich Gulf countries. Kuwait's rate was 67 kg per capita, the UAE was at 60 kg, Saudi Arabia had 54 kg.

That would put Palestinians in the top ten worldwide in meat consumption per capita.

What about other food metrics compared to the Arab world? The Lancet and NGOs constantly come out with statistics to make it sound like Palestinian children have high amounts of food insecurity, stunted growth or wasting. How do they compare with Arab states?

Pretty well. Not the best and far from the worst.

For stunting in children, the Palestinian rate is lower than nearly all Arab countries outside of wealthy Gulf states.

For wasting for children under 5, Palestinians are better than nearly all Arab states, including Saudi Arabia and Oman:

This points to one of the little discussed problems of the world's obsession with Palestinians: more aid is sent to them per capita that anyone else, and they need this help less than many or most other groups. Which means that the overrepresentation of various aid groups falling over themselves to give more and more to Palestinians takes away more and more from other countries that need it more. 

One would think that socialists would be sensitive to that inequality. 

Put it this way: the antisemitism that underlies making the Palestinian cause appear to be the most critical issue on the planet ends up hurting millions of people worldwide.

Sunday, December 19, 2021

  • Sunday, December 19, 2021
  • Elder of Ziyon
Al Modon reports that 14 Jews who left Lebanon are eligible to vote in upcoming elections. 

The Lebanese ambassador to France invited prominent Jewish expatriates to a meeting in Paris last month where he encouraged them to register to vote as citizens. Most ignored the plea, and according to published lists, only 14 Jewish expats are eligible to vote in the next Lebanese elections. 16 registered but to were disqualified after an audit. The sixteen included 13 from Europe, 2 from Latin America and 1 from Africa.

The most interesting part of the article is perhaps how the Lebanese newspaper described the Jews. It consistently used the word "Israeli" instead of "Jew."

From Ian:

What Worked in the Golan Will Work in Judea and Samaria
The 40 years that have passed since the dramatic day the Knesset — at the initiative of then-Prime Minister Menachem Begin — applied Israeli sovereignty to the Golan Heights allow us to examine what has and has yet to be achieved following this historic step.

The main goal of the legislation, enacted in three Knesset readings on the same day, was certainly achieved: Israel established its control over the Golan Heights and signaled to the entire world that the annexation of the territory had been finalized and there would be no going back.

Up until that point, Israeli military control of the plateau had signaled transience. Israel may have previously made convincing arguments for its right to the region, but its decision to refrain from annexing the Golan Heights seemed to allude to Jerusalem itself being unsure as to the weight of those arguments. When you yourself send a signal you are unsure of the justice of your position, why would others stand with you?

Begin’s move put an end to this ambiguous state. Although the countries of the world have not officially recognized Israel’s sovereignty over the Golan Heights, they were forced to accept the move in practice. Whether willingly, indifferently or reluctantly, they have all come to terms with the fact. The most tangible proof of this is the absence of any pressure on Israel regarding the matter.
Amb Alan Baker: A Possible Return to UNESCO ­by the United States ­– A Very Bad Idea
Recent media reports indicate that the United States is considering re-engaging with UNESCO and is encouraging Israel to do so as well. This occurrence follows both the United States and Israel’s withdrawal from the organization in 2018 after the granting of full member-state status to the Palestinians, and in light of highly politicized, anti-Israel resolutions of the organization.

Congressional legislation prohibits the United States from contributing to UN organizations that grant full, state membership to any group that does not have internationally recognized attributes of statehood. This legislation, therefore, bans U.S. contributions to UNESCO.

In granting full membership status to the Palestinians, as well as its acute politicization, hostility, and bias against Israel, UNESCO is violating its own basic purposes and functions, including the requirement to “contribute to peace and security by promoting collaboration among the nations through education, science and culture,” set out in Article 1 of its own constitution.

Rejoining UNESCO would imply recognition of a Palestinian state despite the fact that no such state exists and despite the absence of any permanent status agreement between Israel and the Palestinian leadership. The act would set a toxic precedent for other UN organizations.

Recognizing Palestinian statehood by rejoining UNESCO would further contravene the premise of the Oslo Accords that the permanent status of the territories must be resolved by direct negotiation between Israel and the Palestinians and not through unilateral measures intended to bypass such negotiations. The United States is a signatory to the Oslo Accords as a witness.

The U.S. Administration should reconsider this issue and act in accordance with its own policies of supporting the Israeli-Palestinian peace negotiation process and postpone a return to UNESCO pending the achievement of a permanent status agreement.
Jonathan Tobin: Why the Double Standard on West Bank Violence?
To the casual observer of news from the Middle East, it would appear that the biggest story coming out of Israel lately is what some outlets are describing as a surge in settler violence against Palestinians. According to B’Tselem, an anti-settler group that is nonetheless treated as if it is an impartial and objective source by Western publications, the number of attacks by Jews living in West Bank settlements on neighboring Arabs is allegedly up by nearly 50 percent in the previous year. In this telling, radical Jews—motivated by nationalism-inspired hatred for Arabs—are guilty of numerous instances of stone-throwing and even shootings, along with so-called “price tag” attacks in which Palestinian property is vandalized.

The question we should be asking about the hyping of the threat of settler violence is not whether it’s true that a small percentage of residents in Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria have engaged in confrontations with Palestinians or that some have broken the law by committing violence. It’s whether the decision on the part of activist groups and some in the media to treat these incidents as emblematic of why it is wrong for Jews to live in the territories is justified, as well as why the focus on settler violence is almost always bereft of the broader context of what is going on in the West Bank on a far more frequent basis: daily attacks on Jews by Arabs, including murder.

While Arab violence doesn’t justify gratuitous Jewish responses or reprisals, there is something wrong if a few Jews throwing stones is considered far more important than the fact that attacks on Jews in the same areas is more or less the national sport of Palestinians.

The double standard is what is outrageous. All of the several hundred thousand Israelis who live in what the international community considers to be “occupied territory” and, by extension, the entire Jewish population of the country are held somehow responsible for the crimes of a few. Yet at the same time exponentially greater volumes of Palestinian violence is considered either unremarkable or somehow justified. If so, then it’s clear that the subject here is not so much the conduct of the settlers as it is the delegitimization of Jews.
  • Sunday, December 19, 2021
  • Elder of Ziyon
Today, Israeli security forces arrested six suspected members of Islamic Jihad for the murder of Yehuda Dimentman last week. 

The mother of two of those arrested spoke to Palestine Today.

You get the feeling that every Palestinian is reading from a script when they get interviewed.

First she talks about her outrage at Israeli police searching her house for the gun and arresting her sons:

Ataf Bosef Jaradat stated that the soldiers turned the house upside down, isolated the family and subjected her son Ghaith (17) to a field investigation inside the house for an hour, adding, “We were surprised by more soldiers and intelligence storming our house, which they destroyed and searched until they found weapons.

Jaradat explained that the intelligence officer told us, "Your son, Ghaith, is the killer who carried out the Homesh operation" and they found the weapon that was used in her house and the vehicle in the Al-Silah Al-Harith Mountains.
Then she switches roles from the person upset at being senselessly searched by the evil Israelis to the proud mother of a terrorist:
She said, "If Omar (20) and Ghaith were the ones who carried out the operation, then my message to our people is that their direction and their way of jihad should be for the sake of Allah, not internal disagreement.. Our direction is to God and jihad, and we will not regret whatever happens because our direction is to God, and all of my children are sacrifices to God, Al-Aqsa and Palestine, and we ask God to make it easy and relieve them.”

She added, "If my son executed the attack I am proud of it with my head held high."
It is a sick society where mothers are proud that their sons become murderers.


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