Tuesday, July 13, 2021

From Ian:

The erasure from historical memory of Israeli statehood offers and Palestinian rejections is badly distorting today’s debate about Middle East peace
The erasure from our historical memory of Israeli attempts to achieve peace by agreeing to Palestinian statehood, and of the serial Palestinian rejections, is now standard practice. This erasure sustains the libel that Israel is an ‘apartheid state’ seeking ‘permanent occupation’ and underpins a ludicrously uncritical attitude to the Palestinian national movement, its leadership, and aspects of its political culture. From Human Rights Watch to Nathan Thrall, Peter Beinart to the Carnegie Endowment, the debate now proceeds as if those offers were never made and never rejected. Bringing those offers back in, and those rejections, we get a more realistic picture of the obstacles standing in the way of achieving two states for two peoples.

‘Who controls the past controls the future: who controls the present controls the past’ is the slogan of the fictional English Socialist Party led by Big Brother in George Orwell’s dystopian novel 1984. Orwell understood that the erasure of history is a useful tool to control the present narrative and to influence the future. While perhaps an exaggerated analogy, there are Orwellian parallels in how anti-Israel organisations and thought leaders now treat some of the key historical elements of the Israel-Palestine conflict.

This is clearly evident in relation to the multiple offers of statehood made by Israel to the Palestinians in the 2000 to 2008 period (the ‘Statehood Offers’). These events do not fit the fictional narrative of those who portray Israel as a colonial-settler enterprise that seeks to dominate the Palestinians in an endless occupation that has been characterised by some as ‘apartheid’.

A central element of this viewpoint asserts that Israel’s control of the West Bank has always been designed to be permanent. (It also considers Gaza to be occupied, despite not a single Israeli being present in the area, but this topic is beyond the scope of this article.) Thus, the notion that the West Bank and Gaza are semi-autonomous entities that may eventually become a sovereign Palestinian state is a fallacy and the whole region between ‘the river and the sea’ must be considered one entity under two systems that by design discriminates against Palestinians.

The concept of ‘permanent occupation’ as Israeli policy is demolished once we undertake a full and honest accounting of the Statehood Offers. Over this period Israel, with the assistance of the Americans who facilitated negotiations in 2000 and 2001, offered the Palestinians a full independent state that according to most Western observers contained all the elements of what a final-status deal should look like. The Clinton Parameters were a set of core positions provided to the Israelis and Palestinians in December 2000 as a vast improvement over the statehood offer in Camp David during the Summer of 2000. The key elements of the parameters were:
- Creation of an independent Palestinian state with contiguity on nearly 100 per cent of the West Bank with land swaps, 100 per cent of Gaza and a dedicated link between the two areas.
- Jerusalem as the capital of Palestine divided under the principle that existing Arab areas would be Palestinian and Jewish ones Israeli. This would also apply to the Old City, which would also be divided.
- Palestinian control of the Temple Mount/Haram and Israeli control of the Western Wall.
- The ‘Right of Return’ for Palestinians would be allowed into the new Palestinian state.
- End of conflict agreement that would end all claims and satisfy all relevant U.N. resolutions.
Israel Isn’t Going Anywhere
For the first time since the destruction of the Second Temple in 70 CE, the majority of the world’s Jews live in Zion.

Whether forced from Arab lands, fleeing persecution in Russia and eastern Europe before World War Two, or survivors of the Holocaust, these people and their children and grandchildren aren’t going anywhere. They are home. They have nowhere to go. Christian Europe and Muslim lands made it abundantly clear that they would suffer the presence of the Jews from time to time, but they would not hesitate to remind them, through expulsions, forced conversions, and pogroms, that they were guests in other people’s lands, and only sometimes welcome ones.

So they went to Israel, where there has been a continuous Jewish presence for 2,000 years, since the conquest by the Romans in 70 CE.

The Israeli novelist Amos Oz wrote that the graffiti in Europe before World War Two said “Jews get out. Go to Palestine.” The graffiti in Palestine said “Jews go back to Europe.” Oz concluded that if you can’t be here and you can’t be there, the clear message is, “Don’t Be.”

Well, the Jews are a stubborn lot and they refused to disappear, much to the consternation of many. Their mere existence is an affront. But this time, they aren’t going anywhere because they have nowhere to go.
The Sand Curtain Has Fallen
The Sand Curtain, like the Iron Curtain 30 years ago, has fallen. Israel and its “Abrahamic” partners are enjoying a lightning-fast peace bonanza. But some Westerners have difficulty rejoicing in the breakthrough. The Left assiduously seeks to poke holes in the Abraham Accords, and makes sourpuss faces whenever advances in Gulf-Israel ties are mentioned. The good news is that the accords easily survived the recent Hamas-Israel conflict. How a renewed JCPOA accord will affect ties remains an open and troubling question.

Falling in Love
The speed with which Israeli relations with the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain have taken off (and with Morocco and Sudan to a degree as well), and the genuine warmth experienced by every Israeli business delegation and tourist group to have visited these countries, is astounding. It is a speed of light peace bonanza, a whirlwind of almost Biblical proportions.

Venture capitalists from Tel Aviv and Dubai, Abu Dhabi, and Manama are scouting out joint investment opportunities in cybersecurity, fintech, aggrotech, food security, educational technology, and healthcare. Bilateral business chambers have been established, including a Jewish-Muslim women’s business council and a youth council. One Emirati investment house executive enthused to The New York Times, “It’s like falling in love!”

Trade between Israel and the UAE already has exceeded $354 million. According to the Emirati Minister of State for Foreign Trade, Thani bin Ahmed Al-Zayoudi, the two countries have signed approximately 25 agreements in more than 15 sectors. Academics from the Emirates and Israel are participating in each other’s conferences. Israel’s two main strategic think tanks, INSS and JISS, each have signed research partnerships with leading Emirati institutes.

Tourist packages for Israelis and for Jews everywhere to the Gulf are sprouting like mushrooms, and Gulf tourists to Israel are coming soon too. Three Emirati and three Israeli airlines are operating or planning daily flights to Dubai and Abu Dhabi (slowed only by lingering effects of the COVID-19 crisis), as is Bahrain’s Gulf Air. Emirati Airlines times its flights from Ben-Gurion Airport to connect with Emirates flights from the Gulf to the Far East, giving Israelis new routes to China, Japan, Thailand and more.

Hundreds of Israelis in kippas and Emiratis in long white robes and kanduras gathered in early June at a Global Investment Forum in Dubai, co-sponsored by The Jerusalem Post and The Khaleej Times. This, despite the fierce mini war that Israel had just fought with Hamas in Gaza and with Palestinian radicals in Jerusalem.
David Singer: Abdullah-Biden meeting will not help resolve Jewish-Arab conflict
The meeting between Jordan’s King Abdullah and President Biden at the White House on 19 July seems set to achieve absolutely nothing towards resolving the 100 years-old conflict between Jews and Arabs.

Biden’s Press Secretary - Jen Psaki – has claimed:
“It will be an opportunity to discuss the many challenges facing the Middle East and showcase Jordan’s leadership role in promoting peace and stability in the region.”

The King has shown no leadership in resolving the conflict between Jews and Arabs over sovereignty in Judea and Samaria (aka "West Bank") [“Disputed Territory”] and Gaza – comprising the remaining 5% of the territory of the League of Nations Mandate for Palestine where sovereignty still remains unallocated (“Unallocated Territories”).

Sovereignty in the remaining 95% of the Mandate territory was divided between:
Jordan - 78% – upon the establishment of the Hashemite Kingdom of Transjordan in 1946
Israel - 17% – upon its establishment in 1948.

Concerted attempts over the last 25 years to create an additional Arab State in the Unallocated Territories for the first time in recorded history (“two-state solution”) have all failed. Abdullah has been a principal protagonist for this solution.

Jordan’s failure to take a leadership role in agreeing to an alternative solution - division of the Unallocated Territories between Jordan and Israel within the framework of their existing 1994 Peace Treaty – has gone begging during Abdullah’s 22 year reign.

The following historic, geographic and demographic realities bind Jordan with the Disputed Territory:
Transjordan in 1948 conquered and occupied the Disputed Territory until 1967 – renaming the newly-merged territorial entity “Jordan” in 1950.
The Arab residents of the Disputed Territory were Jordanian citizens between 1950 and 1988 and elected their own representatives to the Jordanian Parliament in Amman.
Statements made by Arab leaders over decades have attested to the territorial and population ties between Jordan and the Disputed Territory:
"Jordan and Palestine until 1945 were one state, actually. After the Second World War Churchill himself said ‘This is Transjordan and this is Palestine’. Before that, Jordan was an emirate, completely part of Palestine." – Yasser Arafat New York Review of Books 25 June 1987
  • Tuesday, July 13, 2021
  • Elder of Ziyon

A new survey commissioned by the (heavily Democratic) Jewish Electorate Institute of self-described Jewish voters in the US.

The results are shocking.

If the details are accurate and the questions weren't preceded with leading definitions, as we've seen in other polls, it shows that fully 25% of American Jews agree that "Israel is an apartheid state" while only 52% disagree.

22% agree with the statement that Israel is committing genocide against Palestinians while only 62% disagree. 

The numbers are even worse for the young.

Ignorance about Israel seems to correspond with ignorance about Judaism. While the survey didn't ask about Jewish practices, only 9% identified as Orthodox and 17% as Conservative Jews, with 31% saying that had no denomination at all.

While 62% claim they have an emotional attachment to Israel, it is obvious that for most of them, it is a shallow attachment indeed - not one that prompts them to even investigate whether the slanders about Israel are accurate or not.

 The trend of people making up lies about Israel correlates with the increase of antisemitic attacks in America. 

American Jews are thoroughly ignorant about their own history, their religion, and the Jewish state. That ignorance translates into apathy and then into a willingness to believe the enthusiastic modern antisemites who pretend that they are merely anti-Israel. 

This is a massive failure of American Jewish leadership, Jewish education, synagogues and the previous generation of American Jews who taught their children that Judaism and Israel aren't priorities for them.

If the current American Jewish leadership cannot do their job, perhaps it is time for a new leadership to take over.

(h/t Noah)

  • Tuesday, July 13, 2021
  • Elder of Ziyon

The Seattle Times wrote an editorial on June 25 opposing those who tried to stop the Zim San Diego container ship from unloading its cargo at the Seattle port:

More than 100 years ago, with the creation of the Port of Seattle by King County voters, our community decided it would look out as much as look in when making our fortune in the world, establishing our reputation as an international port city.

Over a tense six days this month, that reputation — and our region’s standing as an open trade hub — was challenged after protesters temporarily blocked a cargo ship from unloading.

Activists with the “Block the Boat” campaign targeted the ZIM San Diego, which is owned by the publicly traded ZIM, an Israeli-based shipping company. The effort was part of the Palestinian-led Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement that seeks to put economic pressure on Israel to withdraw from occupied territories.

Thanks to outstanding Seattle leadership, however, the effort failed in Seattle, with its reputation as a reliable international seaport intact. Port of Seattle officials, working with Mayor Jenny Durkan, the Northwest Seaport Alliance, terminal operator SSA Marine and the International Longshore and Warehouse Union, were able to accommodate protesters while ensuring the safety of workers. The ship’s cargo was unloaded Friday without incident.

Surrendering to protesters would have set a harmful precedent and caused irreparable damage in a highly competitive environment, said Port of Seattle Commissioner Stephanie Bowman.

“We fight for every single box that comes into the harbor,” she told the editorial board. “Looking as though we’re turning cargo away, that we’re inefficient, that we’re not welcoming, is not the message we want to be sending.”

Our region is vying for discretionary cargo — freight that could go to any other port — not only against West Coast seaports such as Los Angeles-Long Beach and Prince Rupert, but even through the Panama Canal to East Coast terminals.

The math is simple: The more cargo that comes here, the more jobs and opportunities there are for our manufacturers and exporters to ship their merchandise out. Thanks in no small part to the Port of Seattle, Washington was the fourth largest state exporter of goods in 2018, according to federal data, representing 13.8% of the state’s gross domestic product.

The combined ports of Seattle and Tacoma support more than 20,000 jobs and $1.9 billion in labor income, according to a 2019 report by the Northwest Seaport Alliance, and the region’s marine cargo industry produced an average annual wage of $95,000 and directly supported $5.9 billion in business output.
The message is clear: you can protest all you want, but blocking international commerce has direct consequences for the livelihoods of thousands of people in the Seattle area.

The BDSers wrote an amazingly tone-deaf response that pretty much said, "screw you, Seattle:"
As Jewish Seattlites who care about justice, we were deeply disappointed to see The Seattle Times editorial board applaud Seattle’s connection to the global economy, while refusing to acknowledge our complicity in Israeli apartheid through commercial interactions.

Injustice in Palestine/Israel is not a faraway issue, from the ZIM boat docking here to the Boeing-made bombs used by the Israeli government to massacre Palestinians in Gaza. There is no “over there” when it comes to Palestine/Israel.

The Block the Boat campaign, led by the local Palestinian group Falastiniyat, offered Seattle a chance to refuse injustice. The campaign responds to the Palestinian call for pressure in the form of Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) of Israel until it ends its system of apartheid.

The longshore workers and community organizers acted from a principle that eludes the editorial board: When commerce supports apartheid, there can be no business as usual.

Is there any better illustration of how hypocritical these people are? They claim to care about justice, yet they are willing to sacrifice the livelihoods of thousands of Seattle area residents for their cause! 

Where is the justice for the people of Seattle - the dock workers, the exporters, the businesses that depend on the import/export business? That is not even addressed. Like toddlers, they scream about what they want, and cannot even consider the feelings or desires of anyone else. 

Of course, endangering Seattle's cargo economy doesn't cost them a dime. They continue to use laptops with Israeli-designed chips, tweet from mobile phones with Israeli technology, watch streaming media with Israeli content - all of which far more directly help the Israeli economy than a delaying the unloading of a ship carrying medical supplies owned by a publicly traded container company whose headquarters is in Israel. 

The rabid haters are very proud that this letter was published. (They don't even know the difference between an editorial and an op-ed.) 

I'm also happy that this letter was published, and I hope that everyone in Seattle sees it. It shows how childish, selfish, short-sighted, hateful, antisemitic and hypocritical the BDSers are, and how little they care about their city and its residents.

  • Tuesday, July 13, 2021
  • Elder of Ziyon

From Crosstown:

In the first six months of 2021, there were 43 hate crimes targeting Jewish people, according to Los Angeles Police Department data. That is a 59.2% increase from the same timeframe last year, and more than double the number of incidents in a comparable period in 2018. 

“What’s been especially troubling is the frequency, intensity and brazenness of the anti-Semitic hate crimes recently,” said Sam Yebri, an attorney who is active in the local Jewish community.

Yebri, who is running for the open District 5 City Council seat in 2022, added, “There has been an explosion of hate of all kinds, especially anti-Semitism, on social media over the last two years that has generated a focus, whether it’s on the far left or the far right, on Jews.”

The LAPD defines a hate crime as “any criminal act or attempted criminal act directed against a person or persons based on the victim’s actual or perceived race, nationality, religion, sexual orientation, disability or gender.”

Anti-Jewish attacks made up 14.6% of the 295 hate crimes reported in Los Angeles in the first half of 2021. Jewish people were the third most-targeted population; 25.5% of the reports were listed as “anti-Black or African American,” and the LAPD classified 16.3% of the hate crimes as “anti-Hispanic or Latino.”
I cannot parse out these statistics from the full dataset of crimes in Los Angeles, but based on State of California statistics from last year, the vast majority - 64% - of anti-religion hate crimes are against Jews. 

Monday, July 12, 2021

From Ian:

Clubhouse of Antisemites
As a Jewish educator and rabbi who could speak authoritatively on the historical roots and applications of Jew-hatred, I began to get pinged or invited to join such rooms by other Jews who wanted a defense of our community.

One afternoon, I was called into a room discussing Israel and her struggles against Hamas and other terrorist organizations. One person in the discussion suggested that if Israel ever had the upper hand militarily, they would kill all Arabs in the region. I gently pointed out that since the late 1960s, Israel has had—as policymakers call it—a qualitative military edge, but despite that advantage, Israel instead pursued peace with its Arab neighbors in the region. A pointed exchange, but a purely political one.

Then a young man who was known for frequent antisemitic outbursts joined the virtual stage, and not only condemned my view, but equated my acknowledgement of Israel’s military might with a call for genocide. Despite everyone present pointing out that this was not what I said, the young man went on a tirade against Jews in general and their innate desire for blood and vengeance.

That night, a room began, hosted by several anti-Israel voices on Clubhouse including the fellow I met earlier that day. The room suggested that all Jews sought to murder Arabs living in Israel or the territories, and then the topic turned to me personally. I was quickly identified as a problem because “no one is able to counter his views.” Two solutions were proposed. The first was to use the reporting feature that Clubhouse includes to flag problematic content to mass report my account, with the hopes of having me removed from Clubhouse. The second was to “dox” me personally. My home address, where I live with my wife and five children, was publicly announced in the room. While as the Chabad rabbi of the University of Kentucky and the Lexington area, my address is fairly easy to find by design, to hear it announced in this fashion along with calls for “someone to do something about him” was certainly jarring.

The campaign to mass report me bore fruit and Clubhouse restricted my ability to begin conversations for 24 hours. My rights were thankfully restored after an appeal, but nothing was done to moderate the violent threats being made against me or other members of the Jewish community.

In the aforementioned Nation of Islam room led by LaKeith Stanfield, I was pinged in on a Saturday night following hours and hours of conversation on the app over Shabbat when many Jews were not there to defend themselves. After laying out academically how The Secret Relationship, the nation of Islam’s hateful pseudo-history book, has long been debunked, I was immediately inundated with vicious attacks, including references to The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, Holocaust denial, and death threats in my inbox.
Arizona's Holocaust education does not protect Jews - opinion
Obviously, there is little value to Holocaust education if we don’t teach students to identify antisemitism when they see it today. As HB2241 proceeded through the Senate, a video of House Minority Whip Athena Salman using an antisemitic blood libel on the floor of the Arizona House surfaced. Suspiciously, Salman was also a co-sponsor of HB-2241, an oddity that hardly makes sense to those who understand the issue of contemporary antisemitism. The prime House sponsor of HB-2241, Rep. Alma Hernandez, was privately approached and surprisingly refused to engage in a discussion of the policy and practical concerns raised by her bill’s exclusion of the IHRA definition. This was unlike her, given her history of strong national leadership within the Jewish community and in supporting the IHRA definition.

SOON ENOUGH, another video emerged of Minority Whip Salman claiming credit for having stopped the IHRA Definition in 2020. This was an attack effort she pursued in partnership with the ACLU. Suddenly, the suspicion surrounding HB-2241 gave way to an understanding of what was taking place. The price paid to clear Holocaust education with Salman and other progressive House leaders was for moderate Democrats to detach and hand over control of the serious issue of antisemitism to the ACLU. What we see clearly reflected in this bill is the fact that many of Arizona’s fine Democratic legislators have politically been taken hostage by extremists, a trend taking place all around the country.

Antisemitism in America today has no greater asset than the sophisticated legislative and legal support it receives from the ACLU. One need look no further than their unabashed activities and affiliations in Arizona in recent years to gather this fact. Their aligning efforts with hate groups that persecute Jewish persons on the basis of national origin showcase a stunning lack of objectivity, an embrace of bigotry packaged in deceitful narratives of victimhood and anti-racism, and double standards applied to suit their extremist political agenda.

The ACLU and antisemites of all ideologies oppose the IHRA definition because it objectively exposes the true nature of stylized contemporary antisemitism. We all know that antisemites often use the pretense of referring to Israel or Zionists when the public perception they seek to cultivate speaks to the Jewish people as a collective. Contrary to the ACLU’s false claims, the IHRA definition doesn’t prevent antisemitic speech, it merely highlights its bigoted nature for those who lack a proper understanding of this unique form of racism.

To be clear, the overwhelming majority of Democrats oppose antisemitism and wish to combat it. However, if they are unable to stand up to the ACLU and antisemites in legislatures, they will certainly be unable to do so in classrooms. Arizona’s Democrats now face a heavy moral responsibility for the fate of a Holocaust education mandate that includes no safeguards from abuse at a time of crisis for Jewish students. HB2241 is therefore a cause for soul-searching rather than celebration.
Failed Louisiana Holocaust education bill was used to pan critical race theory
He soon began telling fellow board members at Shir Chadash Conservative Congregation, in the New Orleans suburb of Metairie, that the bill was more complicated than it appeared.

The Shir Chadash board decided not to weigh in on the legislation. And it wasn’t alone: While the regional chapter of the Anti-Defamation League and the New Orleans Jewish Federation backed the bill, several of the state’s Jewish community leaders declined to endorse it.

Ultimately the bill died in the State Senate. Still, its short life was notable because of how it functioned as a front in the battle between right-wing white lawmakers and progressive Black lawmakers over critical race theory, an academic framework for teaching race and history that has become a target for conservatives at statehouses and school board meetings across the country.

The Holocaust education bill seemed potentially uncontroversial when Hodges introduced the measure in April. The original text simply called for “instruction regarding World War II and the Holocaust for middle and high school students and training for teachers relative to such instruction.”

Many Jewish groups have called for exactly that kind of requirement, arguing that education is the key to increasing tolerance and preventing genocides in the future. Currently, 17 states require some form of Holocaust education in schools. Louisiana, which one study pegged as having one of the lowest percentages of Holocaust-aware young people in the US, is seen as especially in need of similar mandates. The state also recently became the new home of the Museum of the Southern Jewish Experience, boosting the visibility of Jews in the region.

But as lawmakers held hearings on the bill, it became clear that many of its supporters had a different vision — starting with Hodges, an evangelical ex-missionary and prominent conservative who has served in the Louisiana State Legislature for a decade. Hodges initially accepted, then declined, an interview with JTA.

On her professional Facebook page during the bill’s debate period, Hodges shared an image of Hitler with a caption calling him “everything today’s liberal craves.” Another post compared Nazi Germany to critical race theory and the New York Times’ 1619 Project, writing, “World War II was about RACE, yet liberals objected to it being included in my bill … Hitler had been laying the groundwork for at least 15 years before the Holocaust. It began with the organization of college students who would be the ones to help him implement his reign of horror.”
  • Monday, July 12, 2021
  • Elder of Ziyon
  • ,

  • Monday, July 12, 2021
  • Elder of Ziyon
Islamic Jihad's Palestine Today has released a slideshow/video called "How did Israeli propaganda start?"

It starts off with this picture of a page from the Talmud (not the tractate named, oddly) with the caption "The Israeli propaganda began to exploit the falsified religious tenets by resorting to the Talmud and the Torah":

It goes on to claim that the Zionists somehow managed to fool the Jews about what their own religion says and convinced them that they had roots in Israel, making up the phrase "a land of milk and honey."

The insidious propaganda continued as the Jews then even convinced the Western world that Jews came from Israel!

Then the Mossad used its own propaganda methods to somehow convince the world that Arab terrorists wanted to kill Israelis!

I don't quite understand how a terror organization that literally brags about shooting rockets at civilians and about past suicide bombings at discos and buses claims that Israeli claims that they attack civilians is Zionist propaganda, but there you go. 

(h/t Ibn Boutros)

From Ian:

Arab Demography Westernizes as Jewish Demography Thrives
In defiance of Israel’s critics and conventional wisdom, the highest-ever Arab population growth rate in Judea and Samaria (West Bank) occurred during Israel’s full control of the area (1967-1992).

Thus, from the end of 1967 (586,000 people) until the end of 1992 (1,050,000 people), the Arab population of Judea and Samaria expanded by 79%, compared to a mere 0.9% growth during the 1950-1967 Jordanian rule.

The unprecedented Arab population growth rate was the outcome of the unprecedented Israeli development of health, medical, transportation, education and employment infrastructure in Judea and Samaria, following the stagnation during the Jordanian occupation of the area. In addition, Israel offered employment opportunities, in its pre-1967 core, to Judea and Samaria Arabs, who preferred working in Israel to the far away Arab Gulf states, West Africa or Latin America.

As a result of the enhanced infrastructure (especially health and medical), Arab infant mortality was drastically reduced – and life expectancy surged – almost to the Israeli level. Furthermore, emigration was substantially curtailed due to new opportunities of employment and higher education.

Hence, while net-emigration during the 17 years of Jordan’s control (1950-1967) was 28,000 annually, it subsided to 7,000 annually during the 25 years of Israel’s full-control (1967-1992).

The exceptionally high Arab population growth rate, during Israel’s full-control of Judea and Samaria, was highlighted by the 170% growth of the 25-34 age group, which is the bulk of emigration. That they stayed attested to the unprecedent development of employment opportunities for Arabs by Israel.

Compared to an Arab population growth rate of merely 0.9% during Jordan’s rule – when the number of births was almost offset by net emigration – there was a 2.2% average annual population growth rate during Israel’s rule. Moreover, 1990 and 1991 featured a 4.5% and 5.1% population growth rates.

Arguably, the surge of the Arab population growth was misperceived by the demographic establishment, which projected a continued growth, ignoring the “pre-fall-surge” syndrome. The latter characterizes population growth rates of third world societies, whenever integrated into Western world societies.

Rally Against Antisemitism Draws 3,000 in Show of Unity at US Capitol in Washington
More than 3,000 people from across the country gathered near the US Capitol on Sunday to stand in solidarity against the rising tide of antisemitism across the United States.

“No Fear: A Rally in Solidarity With the Jewish People” was organized by more than 100 Jewish and interfaith organizations from across the political and religious spectrum, under the leadership of business executive Elisha Wiesel, son of Holocaust survivor and Nobel laureate Elie Wiesel.

“Looking out at all of you today, it becomes clear that instead of dividing us, the enemies of the Jewish people—whether from the right or the left, at home or abroad—have instead united us,” Wiesel told the crowd.

“Here we stand, a coalition of Jews and our allies from all backgrounds, all political beliefs and all religious affiliations, who have come together to stand up to antisemitism,” he said. “This coalition will not be silenced whether Jews are facing violence in Los Angeles, or Brooklyn, or Paris or Tel Aviv. It won’t be silent whether Jews are being attacked in our synagogues, on our streets, on our campuses or on the floor of the House of Representatives.”

In a show of unity, Joshua Washington, executive director of the Institute for Black Solidarity with Israel, and Rabbi Menachem Creditor, UJA Federation of New York scholar in residence, appeared on stage together and led the crowd in singing, “Kol Ha’Olam Kulo Gesher Tzar Meod,” meaning, “The whole entire world is a very narrow bridge, and the main thing is to have no fear at all.”

‘Fight the evil of antisemitism’

The event included speeches from Deputy Assistant to the President Biden Erika Moritsugu; “The View” co-host Meghan McCain; Israeli actress and author Noa Tishby; Republican Jewish Coalition (RJC) chairman and former Sen. Norm Coleman (R-Minn.); Jewish Democratic Council of America (JDCA) chairman and former Rep. Ron Klein (D-Fla.); former US Ambassador Rabbi David Saperstein; Arizona State Representative Alma Hernandez; and numerous faith and grassroots leaders.
  • Monday, July 12, 2021
  • Elder of Ziyon

Palestinian prime minister Muhammad Shtayyeh opened up his weekly cabinet session with his usual roundup of important items.

For example, after Israel announced the discovery of a giant Second Temple-era dining hall and possibly city hall, he called on UNESCO to review the issue, knowing that according to UNESCO, all the archaeological digs in Jerusalem are illegal. 

But one of his statements was even more interesting.

Before he tackled the topic of Covid-19, Shtayyeh "warned of the dangerous repercussions of repeatedly allowing the so-called 'Women for the Temple' to hold Talmudic rituals in the courtyards of the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque."

This is a more specific concern than the usual condemnations of "settlers" - meaning Jews - visiting the Temple Mount.

The Women for the Mikdash is a group of women who study the laws of the Temple as preparation for its rebuilding. They study how to properly bake the showbreads, how to create the dye for the various Temple curtains and coverings, and other topics. 

Like other Jews, they visit the Temple Mount regularly.

Somehow, this group of women preparing for the messianic age - who do not give a hint of violence - is frightening Palestinian leaders. 

It isn't Israelis they are afraid of. It is religious Jews. Because they know that people hold on to what they believe in, and that the Jews who have a sacred connection to the past are the ones who will be the most tenacious in keeping Jewish holy sites in Jewish hands.

And very often, women are more spiritual than men.

  • Monday, July 12, 2021
  • Elder of Ziyon

At the Blog of the European Journal of International Law there was an online symposium on whether Israel is guilty of the crime of apartheid as claimed by Human Rights Watch. Some of the articles are technical, suggesting that HRW conflated international law with human rights law which have two different intentions and definitions, or that apartheid itself may not be a crime against humanity under customary international law. 

Eugene Kontorovich offers a number of reasons why the HRW report is fatally flawed and agenda driven, and HRW's response ignores most of his points, instead arguing that it never said that Israel was an "apartheid state" but rather a state that practices apartheid as policy - as if that distinction refutes his solid criticisms.

I looked again at HRW's April report making the claim of apartheid, and saw another reason to prove that the report is based on fitting the evidence to the crime rather than actually taking an honest evaluation of Israeli actions. This one example is enough to prove that  the report is 217 pages of propaganda rather than a sober analysis.

To sustain Jewish Israeli control, Israeli authorities have adopted policies aimed at mitigating what they have openly described as a demographic “threat” that Palestinians pose. Those policies include limiting the population and political power of Palestinians, granting the right to vote only to Palestinians who live within the borders of Israel as they existed from 1948 to June 1967, and limiting the ability of Palestinians to move to Israel from the OPT and from anywhere else to Israel or the OPT. 
The highlighted section is a blatant lie. 

There are thousands of Israeli Arabs who live outside the Green Line.

There are Arab citizens of Israel who have moved across the Green Line to the southern part of Beit Safafa in Jerusalem, across the Green Line. 

There are Arab citizens of Israel who moved to Beit Hanina, a wealthy neighborhood across the Green Line. 

About 1000 residents of the French Hill neighborhood of Jerusalem, across the Green Line, are Arabs.

Hundreds of Arab families live in the "Jewish settlements" of Pisgat Ze'ev and Neve Yaakov. Many if not most of them are Israeli citizens.

And there are thousands of Arabs in Jerusalem who have become Israeli citizens.

Every Arab citizen who lives across the Green Line can vote in Israeli elections, just as every Jew can.

Human Rights Watch purposefully lies and says that only Jews living across the Green Line have the right to vote in Israel, not Arabs. They use this lie as a key piece of evidence of  how Israel treats Jews and Arabs differently. But the fact is that Israel gives the exact same rights to Arab citizens of Israel as to Jewish citizens of Israel, and the only distinction is citizenship, not religion or peoplehood. All one can say is that Israel - like every nation on the planet - treats citizens differently from non-citizens.

HRW is lying about a basic feature of Israel's laws and it twists laws that treat Jews and Arabs equally into one that discriminates against Arabs. 

This one lie is enough to invalidate the report as a whole. If HRW deliberately misrepresents the truth here, then one cannot trust any of its research or assertions in the report altogether. 

It is not an innocent mistake. HRW knows the truth.

Later on in the report, HRW admits:
Palestinians in Israel are citizens who have the right to vote in national elections, unlike Palestinians in the West Bank, Gaza, and East Jerusalem (except for the small minority of Palestinian Jerusalemites who have applied for and been granted Israeli citizenship).
That parenthetical remark, which refers to another several thousand Arabs across the Green Line who have Israeli citizenship, show that HRW is indeed aware that there are Israeli Arab citizens across the Green Line  - showing that it knowingly lied in the passage quoted earlier. The report's authors are quite aware that Israel distinguishes between citizens and non-citizens, not between Arab and Jew, on voting rights. 

Similarly, HRW writes "Jewish Israelis living in all parts of Jerusalem also vote in both municipal and national elections" implying that only Jewish Israelis have that right, immediately after obfuscating the fact there are, indeed, Arab citizens in Jerusalem who have the exact same rights. The paragraph above that quote says "A path to citizenship exists for Palestinian Jerusalemite residents, but the vast majority have chosen not to pursue it." HRW admits, but tries to hide the fact, that thousands have successfully become citizens and have equal rights.

These are not innocent mistakes - HRW's language proves that it knows the facts and is purposefully giving the impression of  legal discrimination against Arabs. 

The only reason HRW would do this is because the organization has no interest in the truth, but in promoting an anti-Israel agenda. The truth disproves "apartheid" which is why HRW is hiding or obscuring the truth.


Another proof of HRW's disregard to the truth: The report refers multiple times to "pre-1967 borders" that never existed. The Green Line was the armistice line drawn in 1949 that was explicitly not defined as borders. For a report that pretends to make a legal argument, HRW plays very fast and loose with language that has legal definitions. This is again deliberate, because using accurate language would prove that Israel has a legal claim to the land across the Green Line so HRW chooses language to diminish Israel's rights. 

  • Monday, July 12, 2021
  • Elder of Ziyon

Hamas isn't the only anti-Israel terror group that actively recruits child soldiers. Hezbollah has been doing this for years.

Hezbollah openly started recruiting children in 2014 when helping the Syrian army. 

A 2016 interview with Al Monitor of a soldier recruited as a child shows that brainwashing them with religious justifications for wanting to be martyred is a large part of the training:

Al-Monitor:  How old are you and how long have you been with Hezbollah?

Karbal:  I am 18. I joined Hezbollah a year and a half ago.

Al-Monitor:  Why did you want to join the organization?

Karbal:  To wage jihad in Syria. It is my religious duty to fight there. It is the duty of every Muslim. It will also ensure my salvation after my death.

Al-Monitor:  Why do you want to wage jihad?

Karbal:  I have always been religious. As a child, I used to attend religious majlis [religion classes at the mosque], where they explained to us the duties of a good Muslim. I think I have been ready to die for a long time, and when the war in Syria broke out, it was clear to me it was a war of good against evil. The takfiris in Syria were attacking our holy sites, our Mouqadassat, which are our most sacred places, such as the Sayyida Zeinab pilgrimage site. We could not let that happen.

Al-Monitor:  What type of training did you receive from Hezbollah?

Karbal:  We are submitted to three trainings. The first is a religious training. We are taught about jihad and about the goal of the war in Syria, which is the protection of our holy sites. 

Houthis also recruit child soldiers, so every group that Iran supports also recruits children for war.

Human rights groups seem remarkably unconcerned over this. 

Sunday, July 11, 2021

  • Sunday, July 11, 2021
  • Elder of Ziyon

When you think about revisionist history, you think about things that happened decades or centuries ago that are now being revised, often for political reasons.

But revisionist history now happens during the news cycle itself.

Here is a summary of the May Gaza war as described by an Iranian news site:

The Israeli regime launched a brutal bombing campaign against the besieged Gaza Strip on May 10, following Palestinian retaliation against violent raids on worshipers at al-Aqsa Mosque and the regime’s plans to force a number of Palestinian families out of their homes at the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood of East Jerusalem al-Quds.

According to Gaza’s Health Ministry, 260 Palestinians were killed in the Israeli offensive, including 66 children and 40 women. At least 1,948 others were also wounded.

In response, Palestinian resistance movements, chief among them Hamas, launched Operation al-Quds Sword and fired more than 4,000 rockets and missiles into the occupied territories, killing 12 Israelis.

Apparently caught off guard by the unprecedented barrage of rockets from Gaza, Israel announced a unilateral ceasefire on May 21, which Palestinian resistance movements accepted with Egyptian mediation.
It even contradicts itself - did Hamas fire rockets to protect Jerusalem, or in response to Israel bombing Gaza? Neither of those are true yet both are side by side here.

This is revisionist history being created in real time. 

From Ian:

Phyllis Chesler: A rally against antisemitism is welcome, but will it slow America's antisemitism tsunami?
Almost 40 years ago, under a pseudonym, I began comparing the fate of American Jewry to that of European Jewry in the decade before the Holocaust. I was barely heard. Well, I was heard well enough to be cancelled by left and feminist groups and in certain publishing circles. Others, far more expert than I was, also began seeing what I saw.

And now, here we are.

True, in May, Israel absorbed more than 4,000 rocket attacks – but it had the military power to fight back and to destroy many miles of Hamas's underground cross-border terrorist tunnels.

True, Israel has also faced Israeli Arab attacks, a fifth column if you will. It managed to quell these riots and attempted lynchings. Perhaps, as Efraim Karsh suggests, just such a fifth column endangers Israel's future more than external attacks do.

True, some individual Arab attacks on Jews continue, a handful of Israeli Jews have been murdered but this is known as the "matzav," the situation, one that is being "managed," not "ended."

In America, Jews are not managing the propaganda-cognitive war against us very well.

There are literally millions of internet sites in every language on earth, operating 24/7 to demonize the Jews and the Jewish state. University curricula, classrooms, and resolutions are being issued, sounding exactly alike, and condemning Israel as an "apartheid, colonial, settler" state. The United Nations, mainstream media, and Black Lives Matter allied with Free Palestine and Antifa forces are continuously demonstrating in our streets and being given media cover. "Progressive" Jews, including feminists, LGBTQIA folk, and postcolonial academics, are also on board with this way of thinking.

Where should we begin? For years, when I wrote about this situation, I'd say that it's "a quarter to midnight." Now, I must write, that we are long past midnight.

In our collective past, antisemitic demonization has led to pogroms and to a genocide. What is different now? Will all our brilliant and incisive exposes of the disinformation, all our rallies, be enough to stop the spread of Jew hatred?

I hope so, but I fear it will not.
Jewish Activists Push Failed Leaders to Publicly Defend the Community
It’s hard to ignore the simple fact that Jewish leaders have failed to stop or even slow the accelerating epidemic of Jew-hatred in America. Like failed generals fighting the last war, they have focused on Nazis and the political right — and have mostly ignored the changed battlefield for as long as they could. They have deliberately, out of political considerations, minimized the assaults coming from “progressives,” black antisemites, and radical Islamists. They failed utterly to understand how promoting tolerance of the intolerant may backfire.

In response to this failure, grassroots activists have been organizing to expose and to challenge established Jewish organizations. On June 21, 2021, Patti Munter published a scathing exposé of her Federation in Rochester, NY — a warning that establishment Jewish “leaders” in that city are not defending or protecting the community. And now we hear from activists in Raleigh, NC how they had to ignore bullying threats from their local Jewish Community and Relations Council and other Jewish leaders in order to confront a clear and present danger to the Jewish community.

“Deadly Exchange” is a vicious campaign that blames Israeli and American Jews for police assaults on American black people. It falsely claims that American police departments that take part in counter-terrorism and leadership training in Israel are actually trained to “terrorize black and brown communities” in America. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Yet promoters of a campaign to force city officials to boycott the Israeli training had a victory in Durham, NC, when on April 16, 2018, the city council voted to ban that city’s police department from participating in the Israeli programs.

Those who led the “Deadly Exchange” campaign were affiliated with Jewish Voice for Peace, an anti-Israel, pro-BDS organization that has partnered with antisemites like political activist Linda Sarsour and convicted terrorist Rasmea Odeh. By explicitly promoting Jew-hatred — particularly in black and brown communities — their efforts encouraged non-Jewish antisemites to come out of the woodwork, including a member of Louis Farrakhan’s Nation of Islam, who called attention to the “Synagogue of Satan that’s always lingering in the background” and the “inordinate [amount of] control that some Jews have over the political system in this city.”

Those behind the Durham victory were encouraged to bring the campaign to its sister city, Raleigh.

Jonathan Tobin: The Jewish Stake in the Battle Against Critical Race Theory
Jews, like other Americans, have an interest in opposing these toxic ideologies—let alone their imposition on our educational system. The Jewish community ought to be particularly alarmed not only by the spread of such curricula, but also the effort to demonize those citizens with the temerity to stand up to the intellectual thugs who are behind them.

As we have seen in recent weeks in the wake of the latest fighting between Israel and Hamas, there is a direct connection between the acceptance of intersectional and critical race theory ideas and anti-Semitism. Those in Congress, the media and in the academy who are championing notions of white privilege and seeing race as the defining element of society are the same people who claim that Israel is an “apartheid state,” and that the Palestinian war to destroy the one Jewish state on the planet is a struggle against racist oppression. The distance between those lies and Jew-hatred is short; it is not surprising that acts of intimidation and violence, first on college campuses and now on the streets, have followed.

That ought to mean that those tasked with opposing anti-Semitism ought to be at the forefront of the effort against critical race theory education. Sadly, not only is that not the case, those agencies most vocal about the issue are lining up with the racial ideologues allied to the Black Lives Matter movement, not the parents, both Jewish (such as Elana Yaron Fishbein, who organized the No Left Turn in Education group) and non-Jewish in school districts around the country. The ADL opposed Trump’s executive order against race training and has continued to help demonize those opposed to such efforts. The same is true of the JCPA, the umbrella group of Jewish community relations agencies.

If there is anything we have learned in the last year, it is that critical race theory is an all-purpose permission slip for Jew-hatred. Since the divide on this issue has become one largely characterized by partisan affiliation, the ADL, the JCPA and many other liberal Jewish groups have lined up in favor of it and, more importantly, against those who oppose it.

This is madness. It is imperative that Jews join the movement to stop the twisting of American education in such a way as to undermine the cause of liberty, as well as endanger Israel and the Jewish community. That those who are supposed to be defending the Jews feel more comfortable accepting the partisan conventional wisdom about race theory is both a scandal and a tragedy.
Marxist, Extremist Support for Palestinian Terrorism Leads to Jew-Hate Throughout West
For decades, most articles on the Middle East have portrayed Israel in a negative light, not as a democracy under constant threat. Willfully or not, they promote Jew-hate. Hamas is often described as a "Palestinian militant group," almost never as a terrorist organization.

Israel completely withdrew from Gaza in 2005. All the same, Israel is accused of imposing a "blockade" on the coastal strip -- without a mention that everything necessary for the residents of Gaza is allowed, or that what is being blockaded are deadly weapons. Also never mentioned is the extreme brutality of Hamas operatives towards their own residents of Gaza, who are all Arabs, or that the Palestinian Authority still supports and finances terrorism. The Palestinian Authority's rewards and incentives for murdering Jews are also always left out.

On June 24, The New York Times published yet another biased report: "Gaza's Deadly Night: How Israeli Airstrikes Killed 44 People". The Times stated that "on May 16, Israeli airstrikes destroyed three apartment buildings, decimating several families". It never noted that Hamas had attacked Israel, that Hamas uses civilians as human shields, or that Israel invariably warns residents in advance about buildings set to be destroyed, to provide time for the residents to leave rather than be injured or killed.

On May 18, when Israel was being subjected to some of the 4,000 missiles fired at it by Hamas, French Prime Minister Jean Castex... announced that he was "worried about the fate of the civilian populations in Gaza". He did not even touch on what Hamas and Iran are planning for Israel's population.
  • Sunday, July 11, 2021
  • Elder of Ziyon

There has been increased interest recently from the Biden administration to restart negotiations between the Palestinian Authority and Israel.

US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Israeli and Palestinian Affairs Hady Amr will arrive this week in Israel to try to restart the moribund peace process, and presumably he will meet with Palestinian leaders as well.

According to Ehud Yaari of Israel's Channel 12, Mahmoud Abbas has prepared a list of some 15 demands that are prerequisites for negotiations.

Demand #2 is for "restoring the old status of Al-Aqsa Mosque, which includes limiting the activity of the Israeli occupation police in Al-Aqsa and stopping settlers’ incursions." 

This means banning Jewish groups from visiting the holiest Jewish spot. This is pure antisemitism as a demand as a prerequisite for "peace negotiations."

Anyone see a problem here?

Here's the entire list of demands  some of which are almost as outrageous:

1- Reopening the Orient House and other Palestinian institutions in eastern Jerusalem closed since 2001.

2- Restoring the old status of Al-Aqsa Mosque, which includes limiting the activity of the Israeli occupation police in Al-Aqsa and stopping settlers’ incursions.

3- Stopping the evacuation of Palestinian homes in Occupied Jerusalem, especially the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood.

4- Releasing the fourth batch of pre-Oslo prisoners, which includes women, the sick and the elderly.

5- Stopping the expansion of settlements, including constructions in East Jerusalem, and evacuating all settlement outposts on Palestinian lands.

6- Stop demolishing homes in the Jordan Valley.

7- Stop incursions into Palestinian cities.

8- Returning weapons confiscated by the Israeli occupation authority from the Palestinian security forces.

9- Restoring the process of Palestinian family unification.

10- Increasing the number of work permits in the occupied territories.

11- Returning Palestinian police, officials and customs officers to the Karama Bridge, as was the case after the Oslo Accords.

12- Allowing the establishment of an international airport in the West Bank, and a free trade zone near Jericho and permission to build railways.

13- Allocating areas in Area C - about 60 percent of the West Bank - for factories, power stations and tourism projects, and enhancing activities in Areas B.

14- Amending the “Paris Agreement” so that goods destined for the West Bank are released from customs.

15- Allowing 4G cellular network in the West Bank.
Some of these demands are direct attempts to weaken Israel's security and endanger Jews. Abbas wants to increase the number of Palestinian Arabs who can work and live in Israel, and to release terrorists from prison. Before negotiations, he wants Israel to give up all of its stances on Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria.

Apparently, Abbas sees in the Biden administration people who would be as friendly towards him as the Obama administration was - meaning that he wants the US to pressure Israel on these demands on his behalf. 

If these are the prerequisites, what would the actual negotiations cover? Presumably whether Israel would be allowed to remain in existence.

  • Sunday, July 11, 2021
  • Elder of Ziyon
Over 800 academics and artists have signed yet another letter demanding that Israel be destroyed and replaced with yet another Arab-majority state.

Somehow, this Arab state will be "a democratic constitutional arrangement that grants and implements on all the inhabitants of this land equal rights and duties, regardless of their racial, ethnic, and religious identities, or gender preferences."

Like all the other Arab states!

We know that they want this to be another Arab state because the letter says the state will "give priority to the long deferred right of return of Palestinian refugees expelled from their towns and villages during the creation of the State of Israel."

The letter uses the word "apartheid" 17 times. 

It should not need to be said that people who are obsessed with the destruction of the world's only Jewish state, who are silent about the scores of states that declare themselves to be Christian, Muslim, Arab or Buddhist, prove themselves to be antisemites. But just to make sure, they use the Nazi-era term of "Jewish supremacy."

The organization behind this letter is French - Association des Universitaires pour le Respect du Droit International en Palestine - so it is not surprising that over 200 of the signatories are from France. As of this writing, 151 are from the US and 116 are from the UK.

While there are some Israelis on the list, only one identifies as living in Israel now - Emmanuel Farjoun, Emeritus Professor of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, who had called for boycotting Israel in 2002, before the BDS movement officially started.

The home page of AURDIP includes this photo, which almost certainly shows the results of a Gaza rocket that fell short in a school in 2014. This is exactly the pattern of Gaza terror rocket damage and not Israeli airstrikes. (If an Israeli rocket was shot at this school, there would be no school there.)

Which tells that these are hate groups and those who sign their letters filled with bile, not at all interested in justice or peace.


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