Wednesday, August 12, 2020

It can be difficult to explain Israel’s right to exist to the online haters and debaters. After all, not all of us are Eugene Kontorovich. And since we’re not, how can anyone expect us to have all the complicated legalese at the ready to plead the legal twists and turns of Israel’s case? It’s better, instead, to keep things as simple as possible: We were here first. It’s ours.

But that’s not always as easy as it sounds. Take Quora, where I’ve been answering questions about Israel since 2011. I try to keep my answers uncomplicated so they will be easy to remember in future debates.

Quora, however, has a policy called “Be Nice, Be Respectful.” Violate this policy and Quora will collapse your answer. At this point, the moderators generally give you the option of editing your answer and allow an appeal. For me, that’s good enough, since I can usually find a workaround and rephrase.

An edit may mean changing “Palestine doesn’t exist” to “At this point in time, there is no state called "Palestine.” Which is a lot more complicated, but satisfies everyone, all around. You get to the point where you can spot what language is likely to trigger a report, so you can avoid such language right out of the starting gate. And if there’s a hiccup and an answer is collapsed, I edit and resubmit, and there’s no further problem.

Note that the Israel-hating Quorans stand ready to pounce on any perceived policy violation by the Israel-loving Quorans. It’s a war out there on Quora. The hope is that by reporting us, the Israel haters will get us permanently banned from the site. Once that happens, our truthful answers about Israel will disappear.

I was a top writer in 2018, and the best Quora answers come up in Google queries. I therefore see it as kind of mission to keep my content diplomatic enough to suit Quora moderators so my responses will stay up there on the ‘net, offering a truthful account of what Ruth Wisse calls “The Arab War Against the Jews.”

This can be a delicate balancing act. Not everyone is capable of coloring inside the lines. That goes for either side of the fence.

Rima Najjar, for instance, was permanently banned on Quora for her (apparently) anti-Israel/antisemitic content. I never read her stuff so I’m only guessing. I’m not sure what, exactly, was objectionable. But according to her Jewish friend Benay Blend, Quora is biased in favor of pro-Israel voices like my own and in banning her, is discriminating against Najjar.

This supposed bias is the reason Najjar filed suit against Quora and it’s nonsense, as I explained a little over a year ago in this space (see: Blend and Najjar Implicate Me and the Israel Forever Foundation for Getting Banned on Quora). If Najjar was banned, it wasn’t because of a pro-Israel bias, but because she couldn’t figure out how to speak Quora-ese. She likely found it hard not to sound hateful when discussing the Jewish State. Thus, Najjar violated Quora’s Be Nice, Be Respectful, one too many times and was banned for life.

It would have been difficult for Najjar to prove bias, since Quora is an equal-opportunity hand-slapper, collapsing answers and banning users on either side of the Israel/Anti-Israel divide. Najjar must have realized this fact. Because the academic subsequently dropped her suit in March (h/t Elder of Ziyon).

As I said, there’s always a work-around on Quora and Najjar could have still been on Quora today, happily typing out her hate for Israel, as long as she couched things in neutral, inoffensive terms. But hiding the truth of what one really thinks is an art and it’s definitely not always easy. The other day, for example, I answered a question:

“Can you explain the Israel-Palestinw [sic] conflict to me like I'm 10 years old?”

“This will be fun,” I thought, rubbing my hands together with glee, before formulating an answer, which was this:
A long time ago, God gave the land of Israel to the Jews. It is a beautiful and special land, so everyone was jealous and they are still jealous now. Other people keep trying to take bits and pieces of the land, and when the Jews won’t let them, they attack the Jews in all sorts of cruel ways, for instance sending exploding balloons over the border so Jewish children will play with them and get hurt. Or they’ll explode a pizza shop at a time when it is likely to be full of Jewish kids on summer vacation, having fun.
Instead of seeing how wrong it is to steal Jewish land and hurt Jewish children, the world sides with the thieves, the people that keep trying to take Jewish land, the people hurting Jewish children. Why? Because the world is mad that the Jews don’t want to switch religions. They figure it makes their newer religions look phony and false and that hurts their feelings.
Also, Jews tend to be smart and successful, and even though there aren’t a lot of them, they tend to rise to the top no matter what they decide to do with their lives. This makes other people jealous of the Jews. Which is stupid. They should instead study the Jews and try to copy them.

Not long after I posted this response, I of course received a message that the moderators had collapsed my answer for violating the Be Nice, Be Respectful policy. I was invited to edit and appeal.
But for some reason, this time, I balked. I knew exactly what language needed changing to suit the moderators, but I just didn’t care. I had written the truth: this is what I would have said to a ten-year-old to explain things, to MY ten-year-old. To any ten-year-old.

I saw no reason to change my answer if that’s not the way I’d say it to a ten-year-old. Ten-year-olds don’t understand political correctness. It makes no sense to add a lot of language to obscure the truth and give it a neutral makeover. Such language would lengthen my answer and overly complicate things so that a child would come away more confused than before.

Which is why, after thinking it over for a couple of days, I opted to submit an appeal without editing my answer, as follows:
Dear Moderator, the question asks how I would explain things to a ten-year-old, not how I would couch things in a politically correct manner to satisfy the Quora moderators. This actually is what I would say to a ten-year-old. Using more neutral terms would render the explanation unintelligible or confusing to a young child. I say that as a parenting expert and a mother of 12.
Kids understand only the simplest language. As such, I would venture to suggest this was a trick question intended to trip up a pro-Israel Quoran, triggering by design, perceived violations of the Be Nice, Be Respectful policy. I believe this is the reason the question was edited after the fact: after I answered the question. This gives the question an entirely new meaning, so that my answer may seem mean-spirited in some lights, instead of merely honest.
Just as there are frivolous lawsuits, this was a frivolous report, to get me in trouble: collapsed or banned. I hope you will reconsider your decision in the interest of freedom of speech on Quora.
Thank you for your consideration.
Note that somewhere between when I answered the question and my response was collapsed, the original poster changed the question. It now says: “Can you explain the Israel-Palestine conflict to me (I'm 10 years old)?” The edit is meant to exaggerate the supposedly harmful effect of my response. We’re no longer discussing a thought experiment. Instead, my answer stands retroactively, as an actual response to a ten-year-old child.

Which is why I didn’t expect for a moment that I would win my appeal. I figured the moderator would determine that my answer is “hate speech” and collapse it for good. This has happened on occasion.

"So be it," I thought. 

What some Quora moderators call "hate speech" I call "the truth.”
And sometimes I’m just not willing to lie.

I had a surprise, however, when I looked at my inbox this morning. There was a new notification: Quora had uncollapsed my answer.
Rima Najjar would say the moderator's decision reflects the same pro-Israel bias that led to her permanent ban from the social media network--that in responding favorably to my appeal, the moderator sided with Israel. But I think the decision is a sign that sometimes reason prevails, at least on Quora. On Quora, it turns out that speaking to a moderator like an adult, allows me to explain Israel to a ten-year-old. 

This is a refreshing contrast to the prevailing ethos at social media giant Facebook, where "Death to Israel" fails to violate community standards. It's a whole 'nother ballgame from Twitter, where despots are deemed to be just rattling sabers when they call for the annihilation of Israel and the Jews.

Quora is different. At Quora I sometimes lose. But sometimes I win. In this round, I got to explain Israel to ten-year-olds. Which seems a good enough reason to stay in the game. 

For now.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.

  • Wednesday, August 12, 2020
  • Elder of Ziyon

Yoseph Haddad posted a video on Twitter:

This isn’t the only Lebanese person I’ve seen who hates Hezbollah. The comments on Naharnet often are filled with people arguing about Israel with plenty of people defending it.

But Ben Norton, a pseudo-journalist who works for Max Blumenthal’s Grayzone site, is incensed at the Haddad tweet:



A white Westerner who considers himself a liberal is saying that Lebanese people who disagree with his rabid hate of Israel are “sellouts” for hating Hezbollah more.  This is a typical racist condescending attitude that the only Arabs who are allowed to have an opinion are those whose opinions match the Leftist white man.

The Grayzone’s apologetics for the Hezbollah terror group are something to behold. Here’s a video where they blame everyone but Hezbollah for Lebanon’s problems, and where the person being interviewed says flatly that Israel doesn’t want a functioning, civil Lebanon but prefers that it be divided into sectarian groups that hate each other, because that is what Zionism demands.  (starting at 20:00)

In the end, these people’s hate for Israel is so off-the-wall crazy that they feel that they must support any group that opposes the Jewish state, no matter how illiberal or murderous they might be.

This is the power of antisemitism – anyone who hates Jews is an ally.

From Ian:

Hamas shoots, Israel reacts, and the Qataris pay
It's the same, tired old story: Hamas carries out terrorist acts against the residents of the western Negev so they will pressure the Israeli government to find a solution, which is to send money and projects to Gaza in order to mollify Hamas into stopping its terror campaigns.

This has been Hamas' tactic since the violent events on the border began in 2018. After failing in all its attempts since Operation Protective Edge in 2014 to convince Arab and western states to help the impoverished, battered Gaza Strip, Hamas moved on to extortion: putting pressure on Israel.

That method has worked well for the past two and a half years. Both the protests and the balloons (both incendiary and equipped with explosives) that came after them prompted the Israeli government to broker the deal for Qatar to send Gaza monthly infusions of cash. At first, it was $5 million, then $10 million, and now it's $30 million every month. Supposedly, it is earmarked for the poor, but it actually goes to oil the wheels of the enormous machine Hamas has built in Gaza, and some of it – despite what the donors intended – also goes toward terrorism.

But this monthly aid is supposed to end in September. The money for August has already been transferred, and no one knows what will happen next. Will the money keep flowing, and if it does – for how long? Hamas is worried that it will be left without what is nearly the only assistance it receives and has resumed harassing Israel in order to get it to solve the problem. Money is the main issue on the table, but not the only one. There are also a series of infrastructure projects that are very important to Hamas (they range from an industrial zone to an electricity grid), and which Hamas says are being unreasonably delayed. Likewise, the organization hopes that what months of talks for a long-term arrangement couldn't accomplish, some fraught days of arson balloons and ensuing wildfires will. And if that doesn't help, Hamas will go back to its nightly disturbances … setting off explosions near western Negev communities to wake up and shake up the residents. It might also reinstate the Friday border protests.

Hamas is also applying more pressure because of the coronavirus crisis. Not only have they lost the ear of the international community, but the 7,000 Gazans who have visas to work in Israel are stuck in Gaza. Israel would be willing to let them in, but Hamas is worried that they will contract the virus and bring it back, causing a mass outbreak. The decision is understandable from a medical perspective, but it carries difficult financial ramifications. Less money is coming into Gaza, and many residents have been left without a livelihood.
Jonathan Tobin: How to help a failed state
The question we should be asking is not only what can be done about Hezbollah and Iran. Rather, we should be contemplating whether there is anything the West can do to fundamentally change these countries.

Much of the world wants to help the Lebanese recover from the port disaster (including Israel, though the Lebanese don't want their help since the Jewish state is demonized there, as is the case throughout the Arab world). France is taking the lead on this.

But no one is optimistic about a long-term solution for the problems that allowed this tragedy to happen because there are none. There is nothing that would fix Lebanon that wouldn't involve a foreign takeover and/or reimagining of it in modern and democratic terms. As the United States proved in Iraq, such a task is a fool's errand.

We can argue that Lebanon, like Syria and Iraq, are breeding grounds for terrorism that cannot be allowed to fall into the hands of bad actors. Still, the idealism that led Americans to believe that these countries can be remade in the West's image was a fantasy. We can and should wish their peoples well, and send aid if they wish to shake off the ancient quarrels that breed slaughter and have reduced them to penury. Yet they will have to do it on their own. Anyone who criticizes the refusal of most Americans to contemplate more military involvement there is not being fair or realistic.

Israel should be supported in its efforts to ensure that violence in Lebanon and Syria doesn't spread. And the West should continue sanctioning and isolating Iran so as to prevent it from creating more mischief. And sensible people should support Israel's refusal to create a Palestinian state that would be just as much of a disaster as Lebanon or Syria.

For too long, Americans have labored under the delusion that we can fix the Middle East. But the slaughter in Syria and Iraq, added to the catastrophe that is Lebanon, should remind us that the only sensible approach to these faux nations is to stay clear of being dragged into their endless and futile internecine conflicts.
Arab News: Who is to blame for Lebanon’s mess?
If any one group is to blame for the mess in what was once the “Switzerland of the Middle East,” it is the Iran-backed Hezbollah. For too long, these agents of doom have hijacked Lebanon’s opportunities, dreams and aspirations. They decide, unilaterally, to drag the country to war, or to be involved in the affairs of other Arab states. They have been given numerous opportunities to lay down their weapons (which have in any case been redundant since Israel’s withdrawal in 2000) and confine themselves to peaceful politics. Instead they stand accused of assassinating former Prime Minister Rafic Hariri in 2005, for an unnecessary war in 2006, and for the takeover of Beirut in 2008, which may have ended in the direct sense but continues indirectly.

Hezbollah backed Bashar Assad when he slaughtered his own people, they backed the Houthi militias in Yemen when they attacked Saudi civilians, and now they are slowly killing off any hope of Lebanon’s survival as a functioning state.

Many Arab and Western countries have offered help this week, but the truth is that aid will be limited while Hezbollah call the shots. No one wants to be in business with agents of Iran, or to contribute to the wealth of a corrupt political elite. Astutely, when a protester on Thursday urged Emmanuel Macron not to give money to politicians, the French president replied that he was there to help only the Lebanese people.

So what can be done? Realistically, by the good people of Lebanon themselves, probably not much. They could protest for years without breaking Hezbollah’s malign grip or ending decades of inept and corrupt governance.

Hezbollah, the root of this cancer, must be isolated, targeted, and removed. The imminent tribunal verdict on Hariri’s assassination may begin
that process, followed by an international “Marshall Plan” for Lebanon conditional on this terrorist group’s eradication.

But let us end on a positive note. If this disaster does not rid the beleaguered Lebanese people of their accursed leadership, nothing will. And the flood of aid already pouring in from countries such as France, Saudi Arabia and the UAE proves that the friends of Lebanon have not given up on it.

Neither should the Lebanese.

  • Wednesday, August 12, 2020
  • Elder of Ziyon



Ex-Muslim Laur on Twitter has a request:

Many people responded, often with links to websites or offers to have further discussion.

But sometimes I take it as a personal challenge to boil things down to a single tweet or a single sentence.

Here is my answer in nineteen words:

Jews just want to live in their own country, in their ancestral homeland, in true peace with their neighbors.

I’m pretty happy with that answer, although perhaps I should have added,  “-and they will vigorously defend that right.”

  • Wednesday, August 12, 2020
  • Elder of Ziyon


France24 Arabic has a story about Palestinians being allowed to go into Israel for beach vacations using the headline “The entry of Palestinians to the 48 Lands for recreation ignites social media.”

The term “48 Lands” was made up by Palestinians to describe Israel within the 1949 armistice lines, to avoid using the term “Israel.” The entire point of the expression is to say that Israel has no legitimacy.

Previous uses of the term by France24 Arabic were all quotes of Arabs, with one exception last year where they used the term as “the ‘48 internationally recognized territories of Israel.”

As far as I can tell, this is the first time that a major international news service has used the term “48 lands” as a normative term for Israel.

It is a huge insult for France24 to use the term in a straight news story.

(h/t Yoel)

  • Wednesday, August 12, 2020
  • Elder of Ziyon


From the JTA Archives, August 1, 1950:

Saly Mayer, Swiss Jewish leader whose skilled negotiations during World War II saved the lives of 200,000 Hungarian Jews about to be deported by the Nazis to extermination camps in occupied Poland, died today at St. Moritz of a heart attack. He was 67 years old.

In addition to being one of the most prominent Jewish leaders in Switzerland, Mr. Mayer was also director of Joint Distribution Committee operations in Switzerland for a period of 10 years, which included the war years. His activities in rescuing Jews from Nazi Germany were praised in a report issued by the U.S. War Refugee Board in 1945.

(Edward M.M. Warburg, chairman of the J.D.C., in learning of Mr. Mayer’s death, said today in New York: “Jews everywhere have lost arare and inspiring figure with the death of Saly Mayer. He gave his fullest devotion to the cause and welfare of his fellow Jews, and was responsible for helping to save literally hundreds of thousands. He believed implicitly in the tenet that it was the duty of all to be their ‘brother’s keeper,’ and he fulfilled that belief in a manner equalled by few men in his time.”)

The War Refugee Board report told how the Nazis in the spring and summer of 1944, striving to shave off defeat, sought to negotiate a vast ransom of 10,000 trucks and supplies in return for sparing the lives of the 200,000 remaining Jews of Hungary. Mr. Mayer, as J.D.C. representative, was approached in the matter by a Gestapo representative for Hungary. There followed a protracted series of meetings between Saly Mayer and the German representatives, with the full knowledge of the U.S. Government. Through the ingenuity and perseverance of Mr. Mayer, every imaginable dilatory tactic was employed and the talks continued for month after month.

When the war ended, the 200,000 Jews of Hungary were still alive, thanks to Mr. Mayer’s efforts and to the efforts of Raoul Wallenberg, a Swedish non-Jew who, working inside Budapest, fed the Jews, using funds provided by the J.D.C. through the War Refugee Board.

The New York Times echoes this story of Mayer delaying the negotiations with the Nazis until the war ended, saving 200,000 Hungarian Jews:



For some reason, though, Mayer is no longer credited with saving that many Hungarian Jews. His biography at the Jewish Virtual Library credits him with directly saving some 18,000 Jews, but doesn’t mention that his delay tactics may have saved the remainder of Hungarian Jewry:

With the knowledge of Himmler, Mayer negotiated with an S.S. delegation headed by Kurt Becher for the ransom of Jews from Hungary. His hands were tied by the American and Swiss governments, which would not permit the transfer of money and the Joint dissociated itself from these negotiations. Still Mayer arranged for a meeting between Becher and the representative of the *War Refugee Board, the arm of the American government committed to rescue and the only arm of the American government with the freedom to negotiate with the enemy. He could not provide substantive funds and he provided some equipment to buy some time. He was able to achieve a significant – albeit meager – result. Two transports numbering 1,391 – mostly Hungarian Jews – arrived in Switzerland from Bergen-Belsen, while 17,000 others were brought to Vienna.

Yad Vashem is also equivocal:

In 1944 Rezso Kasztner, the Hungarian Jewish negotiator, asked Mayer to join his negotiations with the SS regarding the rescue of Hungarian Jews. Despite the JDC's refusal to participate, Mayer went ahead as the supposed representative of the US and Swiss authorities. From August 1944 to February 1945 Mayer conducted deft negotiations with SS-Obersturmbannfuehrer Kurt Becher, during which Heinrich Himmler apparently agreed to stop the deportation of the Jews of Budapest. However, many accused Mayer of not demanding enough for the Jews during these negotiations or involving other Jewish organizations in the talks.

It sounds like the critics of Mayer have blunted his history and even today it is unclear how successful he really was. Mayer also seems to have been tarred by association with the Kastner Affair, where Rudolf Kastner was accused of withholding information about the fate of Hungarian Jewry from them.

Holocaust historian Yehuda Bauer wrote about Mayer, and while he doesn’t say that Mayer saved 200,000 Jews, he does talk about Mayer’s delaying tactics and his probably being instrumental in saving 16,000.






There was apparently some jealousy and accusations against Mayer by other negotiators and Jewish organizations. However, a January 17, 1945 State Department memo discusses Mayers’ negotiations with the Nazis since August 1944 in detail, and it supports Bauer’s sympathetic view of Mayer. Note how it emphasizes how the intent of the negotiations from the start was to buy time for the Jews of Hungary, since he had little actual leverage to negotiate with:



Even if Mayer “only” saved 16,000 or 18,000  Jews, that is far more than Schindler.

It is curious how Mayer’s efforts, that by all accounts were quixotic and yet managed to save so many, are downplayed by history and people judging him that he should have done more.

Based on this memo, Mayer was wildly successful in buying time for Hungarian Jews until the war was over. If that is true, perhaps he can indeed be credited with saving an astounding  200,000 Jews.

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

From Ian:

The IHRA Definition Explained
The adoption of the IHRA definition of anti-Semitism and its implementation as a legal tool, are critical steps in the fight against anti-Semitism. While more and more governments, institutions and organizations have begun to adopt the IHRA definition globally, the definition also serves as an important and powerful educational tool for teaching about, and ultimately preventing the hatred of Jewish people.

Speaking on the merits of the IHRA definition, the Federal Republic of Germany’s Anti-Semitism Commissioner Felix Klein said, “In order to address the problem of anti-Semitism, it is very important to define it first, and this working definition can provide guidance on how anti-Semitism can manifest itself.”

The adoption of the IHRA definition of anti-Semitism is an important first step in defining, recognizing and ultimately combating anti-Semitism. Comprehensive adoption of the IHRA definition in local, national, international jurisdictions, as well as in public and private institutions and settings will enable the world to more effectively confront anti-Semitic behavior wherever it may be found. Ultimately, for the IHRA definition to succeed as a tool in combating anti-Semitism, the definition must be formally incorporated into policy initiatives and legislative proposals as a mechanism to prosecute against and deter future anti-Semitic acts.

A full list of entities that has adopted the IHRA definition can be found here.
Ignorance on Zionism leads to antisemitism
Campuses have long been a breeding ground for radical, even completely illogical, anti-Israel bigotry. But as an alumna of the University of Southern California (USC), I always took solace in the fact that my alma mater had my back as a Jewish student and as a leader in the pro-Israel activities on campus. Unlike the University of California schools, USC was a stalwart for Jewish students. Not so anymore. The dramatic change in campuses like USC that were previously beacons of hope for Jewish students demonstrates how severe the situation is with rise in antisemitism. The toxic campus culture has become so radical it is targeting even people who are fighting for equality and social justice.

Last week, Rose Ritch, the (former) vice president of the university’s undergraduate student government, resigned from her position in a poignant letter after enduring a months-long online bullying and harassment campaign against her to “impeach” her. Ritch’s crime was nothing more that being a Jew and a Zionist – two things that have apparently become unsafe to be on USC’s campus today.

At the core of this harassment campaign was none other than the campus hate group Students for Justice in Palestine, which demanded Ritch resign for being a Zionist. While it’s unsurprising the bigots in SJP made such absurd demands, it is appalling that others listened, and unacceptable that the administration did nothing during this smear campaign. Even during my time as USC, SJP was problematic, but the university had a zero tolerance approach to their harassment. I distinctly remember that when they protested our Independence Day celebration on campus, the head of student affairs left his office and demanded they leave the premises so as not to harass Jewish students with their hateful propaganda. Where is the accountability from the administration on this issue? Where is the education and promotion of tolerance for different ideas?

In Ritch’s letter, she explained, “I’ve been told that my support of Israel has made me complicit in racism and that, by association, I’m racist... Students launched an aggressive social media campaign to ‘impeach my Zionist a**...’ My Jewish and Zionist identity has helped shape every part of who I am, and they cannot be separated.” The targeted harassment of Ritch is nothing more than pure unadulterated antisemitism, and here is why: no other student would be canceled, harassed, bullied and pushed out of office for supporting any other country in the world. Even horrendous human rights abusing regimes like Syria, Iran, or China. There are no campus groups focused solely on combating human rights violations in Iran, on boycotting China or on holding Syria accountable. Only the Jewish state.

  • Tuesday, August 11, 2020
  • Elder of Ziyon

I saw at least four Arabic news sites with the  headline “Israel has a plot to destroy humanity” over the past few days.

The theme of the articles is that the Muslim Brotherhood was behind the birth of Israel.

Obviously, the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood Hassan al Banna was Jewish. We’ve seen that accusation many times before. But the logic that comes afterwards is new.

You seem the Muslim Brotherhood – supposedly Jewish – started an antisemitic campaign in Egypt and other Arab countries to kick the Jews out – so they could move to Israel and build a state there!

Later on in the article we are told that further proof of Muslim Brotherhood love of Jews comes from Egypt’s MB leader Essam al-Arian, who said in 2012, “I call on the Egyptian Jews to return to their homeland, and they must refuse to continue living under a repressive and racist regime tainted with crimes against humanity.”

So when the Ikhwan kicks Jews out it is proof they love Jews, and when they invite them back it is also proof that they love Jews.

Interestingly, the articles are mostly illustrated with this photo, apparently of Israeli medical teams doing COVID-19 testing. One can only imagine how that illustrates “Israel has a plot to destroy humanity.”

  • Tuesday, August 11, 2020
  • Elder of Ziyon


The ADL has changed quite a bit over the years, but it has consistently called out antisemitism without regard to who it comes from. In recent decades it has become a more general civil rights organization, fighting racism and other forms of bigotry.

So naturally the people who want to define antisemitism as a purely right-wing phenomenon are putting the ADL in their crosshairs.

A new website,, attempts to gather a large group of antisemitic and anti-Israel groups together to target the ADL in the name of “progressivism.”

Even though the ADL is integrated into community work on a range of issues, it has a history and ongoing pattern of attacking social justice movements led by communities of color, queer people, immigrants, Muslims, Arabs, and other marginalized groups, while aligning itself with police, right-wing leaders, and perpetrators of state violence. More disturbing, it has often conducted those attacks under the banner of “civil rights.” This largely unpublicized history has come increasingly to light as activists work to make sense of the ADL’s role in condemning the Movement for Black Lives, Palestinian rights organizing, and Congressional Representative Ilhan Omar, among others.

We are deeply concerned that the ADL’s credibility in some social justice movements and communities is precisely what allows it to undermine the rights of marginalized communities, shielding it from criticism and accountability while boosting its legitimacy and resources. Even when it may seem that our work is benefiting from access to some resources or participation from the ADL, given the destructive role that it too often plays in undermining struggles for justice, we believe that we cannot collaborate with the ADL without betraying our movements.

In English, this means that these groups want to be able to be blatantly antisemitic or to demonize Israel without a civil rights group calling them out for it.

The signatories are a Who’s Who of rabidly anti-Zionist groups:

American Friends Service Committee

American Muslims for Palestine

Arab Resource & Organizing Center

Asian American Advocacy Fund

Black Alliance for Just Immigration

Black and Pink, Inc.

Causa Justa: Just Cause

Center for Constitutional Rights

Center for Political Education

Christian Peacemaker Teams

Coalición de Derechos Humanos

Council on American-Islamic Relations

Critical Resistance

Democratic Socialists of America

Detention Watch Network

Dream Defenders

DRUM – Desis Rising Up & Moving

Ella Baker Center for Human Rights

Highlander Research and Education Center

International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network

Jewish Voice for Peace

Jews Against Anti-Muslim Racism

Jews for Racial & Economic Justice



Methodist Federation for Social Action


Movement for Black Lives

Movement Law Lab

Muslim American Society

National Alliance Against Racist & Political Repression

National Lawyers Guild

New York Collective of Radical Educators

No Dakota Access Pipeline Global Solidarity Campaign

Palestine Legal

Palestinian Youth Movement

Project South

Queers Against Israeli Apartheid

Rising Tide North America

School of the Americas Watch

South Asian Americans Leading Together

Southerners on New Ground

Stop LAPD Spying Coalition

Teachers 4 Social Justice

The Red Nation

United We Dream

US Campaign for Palestinian Rights

US Palestinian Community Network

Veterans for Peace

War Resisters League

Adalah Justice Project

Al-Awda, the Palestine Right to Return Coalition

allgo, a queer people of color organization

All-African People’s Revolutionary Party (GC)

Alliance for Global Justice

American Association of University Professors (NYU Chapter)

Arab American Action Network

Arab Jewish Partnership for Peace and Justice

Arizona Palestine Solidarity Alliance

Berkeley Copwatch

Catalyst Project


Committee for a Just Peace in Israel and Palestine

Episcopal Peace Fellowship-Palestine Israel Network

Equality for Flatbush

Faculty & Staff for Justice in Palestine at UMass Boston

Freedom to Thrive

Friends of Sabeel – North America

Grassroots International

Interfaith Action Group for Peace and Justice in Israel and Palestine

International Action Center

Islamic Circle of North America Council for Social Justice

Islamophobia Studies Center

Israel/Palestine Mission Network of the Presbyterian Church (USA)

Jewish Voice for Peace Rabbinical Council

Jews Say No!

Labor for Palestine

LAGAI – Queer Insurrection

Los Angeles Muslim Professionals

Middle East Children’s Alliance

Muslim Justice League

National Immigration Project of the National Lawyers Guild

National Students for Justice in Palestine

Nevadans for Palestinian Human Rights

O’odham Anti Border Collective

Pan-African Roots

Participatory Action Research Center

Peace Action

Progressive Jews of St. Louis

QUIT! Queers Undermining Israeli Terrorism

Researching the American-Israeli Alliance

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network

San Francisco Rising

Southsiders For Peace

St Louis Palestine Solidarity Committee

Trans Liberation Collective

United Church of Christ Palestine Israel Network

US Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel

Vigilant Love

Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom US

Women Watch Afrika, Inc.


This has nothing to do wit “justice” and everything to do with Israel and supporting Leftist, Arab and Black antisemitism.

From Ian:

Jonathan S. Tobin: Lebanon proves President Trump right on the Middle East
Lebanese demonstrators are now calling for throwing out all of their leaders. But there is no formula for governing this country that would satisfy any of these warring tribes.

The world wants to help the Lebanese recover from the port disaster. But the question we should be asking is whether there is anything the West can do to change these countries. The answer is no.

Over the last few decades, both the United States and Israel have been dragged into Lebanon’s civil wars in ways that didn’t benefit anyone. The same is true in Syria, where Washington has fought ISIS and Jerusalem seeks to fend off incursions by Iran and Hezbollah.

Some outsiders might be tempted to try to “fix” Lebanon by helping impose a state modeled on modern and democratic norms, rather than its current tribal and sectarian format. As the United States proved in Iraq, anyone who takes on such a task is ignoring history and common sense and will pay for the hubris in blood and treasure.

Also unfortunately, Lebanon, like Syria and Iraq, is a breeding ground for terrorism. We will have to deter those baddies by other means, never again by entangling ourselves in these nations’ broken political lives. We can wish young, aspirational democrats well as they try to fix their countries — but they should do it on their own.

Anyone who criticizes Trump’s refusal, backed by most Americans, to contemplate more military involvement isn’t being realistic.

Pure isolationism isn’t the answer, of course. The United States should support Israel’s efforts to ensure that violence in Lebanon and Syria doesn’t spread. And the West should, as Trump has done, continue sanctioning and isolating Iran, to prevent it from creating more mischief. Sensible people should also worry about creating a Palestinian state that would be just as much of a disaster as Lebanon or Syria.

Americans have long labored under the delusion that we can heal the Middle East. But the internecine slaughter in Syria and Iraq and the catastrophe that is Lebanon should remind us that the only sensible approach is to stop letting ourselves get dragged into the region’s bloodstained sands.
Richard Goldberg: How the Middle East Can Hedge Against a Biden Presidency
Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) are in for a rude awakening if former Vice President Joe Biden defeats President Donald Trump in November and Democrats take control of the U.S. Senate in addition to the House. The only thing that might save them: normalizing relations with Israel.

For now, Riyadh and Abu Dhabi seem preoccupied with whether Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will declare sovereignty over roughly 30 percent of the West Bank, consistent with the Trump peace plan proposal. The UAE ambassador to Washington, Yousef al Otaiba, even penned a column for a leading Israeli newspaper warning that a sovereignty declaration would be a setback for Israeli-Gulf ties. Somehow, while President Trump's decisions to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, move the American embassy there and defund the UN agency for Palestinian refugees merited little more than pro forma foreign ministry press releases, the Emiratis are waging a full (royal) court press to stop Israel from asserting sovereignty over a slice of the West Bank.

With only a few months left until the November presidential election, Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MBS) and Emirati Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed (MBZ) might need to readjust their priorities. Without peace treaties with Israel, their support in Washington could soon collapse. Wasting time and energy fighting an Israeli sovereignty declaration in the West Bank—which may not even happen—will not insulate them from a Democratic takeover next January.

A Biden administration will be tempted to re-enter the Iran nuclear deal, returning to the Obama-era strategy of seeking a balance of power between the Islamic Republic and its Sunni Arab neighbors. The revival of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (i.e., Iran nuclear deal) would be compounded by congressional efforts to cut off arms sales to the Gulf—or condition them on Saudi Arabia and the UAE ending all operations in Yemen and ending their embargo on Qatar. A renewed push for sanctions on Saudi leaders in response to the killing of Jamal Khashoggi is also likely. Biden and his advisors would face enormous political pressure to acquiesce from the more radically pro-Iran, anti-Gulf faction of the Democratic Party.

Meanwhile, with Iran once again flush with cash from U.S. sanctions relief and importing advanced conventional arms from Russia and China, MBS and MBZ will have only one true ally in the Middle East: the State of Israel. Sovereignty questions in a strip of land more than 1,000 miles away will seem irrelevant when compared to an existential struggle for survival in a region where the world's leading state sponsor of terrorism seeks hegemony.
The Palestinian War on History
"Every person, irrespective of whether or not they are disabled, should have the opportunity to visit the tomb, which is an important Jewish heritage site... The tomb belongs to us after Abraham bought it with his own money 3,800 years ago." — Former Israeli Defense Minister Naftali Bennett.

These Palestinian leaders continue to deny any Jewish connection to the holy site on the pretext that it belongs exclusively to Muslims. Palestinian Authority Foreign Minister Riad Malki has condemned the elevator plan as an Israeli "war crime" and a "violation of international law."

The winners? The Iran-backed Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad, who dream of extending their control from the Gaza Strip to the West Bank. This dream, thanks to the lawless and lethal regime of the Palestinian Authority -- funded by the West -- appears closer than ever.

  • Tuesday, August 11, 2020
  • Elder of Ziyon

The website is a tourist site for people who want to pretend Israel doesn’t exist. That’s fine – they can emphasize whatever they want on their tours.

But when they create a map of the Old City of Jerusalem and erase virtually all evidence of Jews from Jerusalem, that is a different matter.








Their map has a key to supposedly find synagogues, but the only synagogue in the entire Old City is at the Kotel according  to them. The only tourist sites in the Jewish Quarter are – two mosques.

Of course, there are many major synagogues in the Old City, and not only in the Jewish Quarter.

Not acknowledging Israel’s existence is one thing, but pretending that there is no Jewish presence in Jerusalem beyond the “Al Buraq Wailing Wall” shows yet again that their supposed anti-Zionism is something much more ancient.

(h/t YMedad)

  • Tuesday, August 11, 2020
  • Elder of Ziyon


Porochista Khakpour is an award-winning Iranian-American writer and novelist. No one can consider her a Zionist or a supporter of Israel.

When she recently pointed out Leftist antisemitism, her being a woman of color was no defense from the vitriol she experienced.

Last month she tweeted:

can i ask that we normalize hating on nations rather than people more accurately these days?

“fuck israel” is not ok with me. “fuck the israeli gov” fine. when i went to israel no israeli i met was into the occupation—it is jusf pure anti-semitism to be lazy with this expression. i would murder you if you said “fuck iran”

It was mostly ignored until this week, but then suddenly the “woke” Left discovered her quite reasonable comment and decided to attack her for being against stereotyping and bigotry.

Hey could you not call me antisemitic? I’m jewish and “fuck Israel”

"I went to South Africa in 1985 and all the White people there were really nice to me. I don't know what all the fuss is about."

This is insulting and gross.

Insisting hostility toward Israel is anti-semitism is itself anti-semitism.

She sounds like she is saying somethin' very philosophically sophisticated but all she is says is that she's pro colonialism..

Khakpour energetically defended herself:

And people who are mad at this tweet can absolutely fuck themselves. i love my Israeli & Palestinian brothers and sisters, every part of my heritage that is Jewish and Muslim! so comical this offends some very basic ass people. It’s literally the most grotesque white capitalist propaganda that creates these divisions but you all just don’t want to face you get played all the time! also you hate Iranians which is a whole other story! More than ever Muslims need to stand strong with our Jewish friends and fam. We are very much the same in too many ways. Some of you are flirting with anti-Semitism way too much on this site & I have seem wayyyy too many Jewish friends destroyed by this. It is ugly & dumb af.

And then:

I don’t give a fuck if you are of an oppressed group—i am too. Clearly some of my truth hurt you but i only responded. Still I have never received more violent, bigoted, incredibly disgusting DMs for asking we do not conflate Israelis with the awful Israeli gov.

These people want to use the name of their people to justify hate. They argue no, it’s not the Israeli gov, it’s the people too. So that, my friends, is the anti-Semitism I am talking about. Deciding that whole people are part of a murderous apartheid scheme.

You will absolutely not break me—I am a proud Iranian from people who ages of brutal conquests and rape and war and torture did not take down. The comments you are hurling at me are so fucking gross and disturbing that I wish we had hate laws but hey America calls hate freedom

The “Jewish Voice for Peace” actually defended the antisemitic position of saying that every Israeli (Jew, of course) is responsible for the actions of the government:

Conflating Israelis with their government is not anti-Semitism. You defer to Palestinian and anti-Zionist Jewish voices rather than wield accusations of anti-Semitism against Palestinians who rightly have vitriol for the people who vote enthusiastically for right-wing leadership.

Which means that by their logic, every member of Jewish Voice for Peace is a Trump supporter who should be spit on when they visit Europe!

Khakpour then demolished JVP and exposed their own white privileged hypocrisy as that group blocked her:

I am not anti-Palestinian, you disgusting toxic bigots. But I guess you enjoyed your nice ceremonial dinner with our evil Iranian anti-Semite old leader Ahmadinejad. You guys are a pretty fun Google, lots of skeletons in this closet under this pretty name!



Unreal, with friends like these who needs enemies!

One of my big issues & what I did not love about this group Jewish Voices For Peace (a hilarious name considering what they were doing) is that there are a ton of white orgs and white people even who benefit from Black and Brown people being angry & terrified all the time.

This is extremely unhealthy & it’s a way for them to play savior while keeping us in our place: the broken. They don’t actually love us. They don’t actually see us.

She then expanded it into a damning indictment of the entire woke Left:

the left has truly become a bunch of sad bloodthirsty cannibals dying to eat their own. so sad to realize the right is often so right about us. it’s a parody.

the funniest part is the most self-righteous fools come in & claim you have been problematic but just with 5 min of research you can see TONS of their very problematic views & associations. anyone, literally anyone, can get a good cancelling if you are up for it


in your heads you think you are so cool for fighting your little fights here but you end up the most miserable, loneliest people on earth. you are addicted to misery. bullying is the sport for the saddest losers, we all learn that in grade school.

So many of you love to harm woc, esp if they are smart and outspoken and fight back. You will do anything to harm us & break us to pieces. It’s sickening. You will work so hard to intentionally misunderstand us & twist us into your nightmares. It is so gross.

Porochista Khakpour gets it exactly right. I disagree strongly with her political opinions but she doesn’t cross the line into bigotry – and that is exactly what nearly all anti-Israel groups and tweeters do. Their reactions to a woman of color not toeing their line shows how their position is based on smug moral superiority, not facts, and their self-perception of being moral paragons is threatened by a non-white woman exposing their hate, eagerness to stereotype and antisemitism.

So they turn on her.

  • Tuesday, August 11, 2020
  • Elder of Ziyon


One of the dirtiest words in both Arab and BDS media is “normalization” – anything that treats Israel and Israeli Jews as anything but disgusting entities.

In 2011, +972 Magazine once published a BDS group’s explanation of what is so horrible about normalization, and some of it sounds like parody:

A key principle that underlines the term normalization is that it is entirely based on political, rather than racial, considerations and is therefore in perfect harmony with the BDS movement’s rejection of all forms of racism and racial discrimination.  Countering normalization is a means to resist oppression, its mechanisms and structures.  As such, it is categorically unrelated to or conditioned upon the identity of the oppressor.

Oh really? Because later on in that same document Israeli Arabs are described as victims of coercion:

Palestinian citizens of Israel ….may be confronted with two forms of normalization.  The first, which we may call coercive everyday relations, are those relations that a colonized people, and those living under apartheid, are forced to take part in if they are to survive, conduct their everyday lives and make a living within the established oppressive structures.  For the Palestinian citizens of Israel, as taxpayers, such coercive everyday relations include daily employment in Israeli places of work and the use of public services and institutions such as schools, universities and hospitals.

Can you believe it? Israeli Arabs are being coerced into working and using public services – exactly like their oppressors! 

Equality is the new apartheid.

But if the BDSers consider Israeli Arabs to be victims of coercion, then who are the oppressors? Why, they are Israeli non-Arabs, pretty much all of who happen to be Jews! 

What more proof do you need that the BDS movement is antisemitic?

When Arabs use the term, they are no less antisemitic. An example this weeks comes from Palestinian newspaper Al Quds News, which is upset over Dubai’s publicly acknowledging a synagogue in the Emirates.

At a time when the Arab arena was preoccupied with the tragedy that struck Lebanonm when popular and Arab and international media is preoccupied with the results of the disaster that spread in most parts of the Lebanese capital, the UAE authorities inaugurated the Dubai Synagogue, and set up on the eighth of August, the first public "Jewish" Sabbath prayer in Arabia ...

While Beirut collects the remains of the dead from the catastrophic explosion, and the citizens are working to remove the effects of the destruction that extended over an area estimated at 15 square kilometers, the Zionist occupation authorities and their media circles celebrated the establishment and opening of the "Dubai Synagogue".

This step constitutes further emphasis on strengthening the rush towards "normalization" between the Emirates and the Zionist enemy entity, and the rapprochement between them, including enabling the international community in Dubai and Abu Dhabi to practice overt activities, and bring it out from secrecy to overt .

What exactly does the Dubai synagogue, set up by Jewish businessmen who work in the UAE, have to do with Israel? I don’t see any Israeli flags in this video of the small prayer space:

The newspaper sees a synagogue and says it is a terrible thing, because to them it represents normalization with Israel. Anything that makes Jews look human or that gives them rights in an Arab country is automatically demonized as Zionist, and therefore unacceptable.

People who are against “normalization” are against treating most Jews as human beings.

Monday, August 10, 2020

From Ian:

Anti-Zionism is Antisemitism
This past Thursday, I saw a disturbing email in my inbox from the President of USC, Carol Folt. In her message to the USC community, Ms. Folt addressed the resignation of Vice President of Undergraduate Student Government, Rose Ritch, from her position in student government. Ms. Ritch, who is Jewish, was subjected to months of antisemitic attacks and cyber-bullying due to her support for Israel’s existence and her identification as a Zionist. Impeachment proceedings were initiated against Ms. Ritch by students who felt “unsafe” on campus by the idea that a Zionist Jew would head their student government. Never mind that Ms. Ritch is a strong advocate for social justice.

In a July 7, 2020 letter to the USC administration, The Louis D. Brandeis Center for Human Rights Under Law gave heart wrenching examples of the abuse, harassment and pure hatred Ms. Ritch had been subjected to. In asking the administration to stop the impeachment proceedings because they clearly violate Ms. Ritch’s Civil Rights, the Brandeis Center pointed out that the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance Working Definition of Antisemitism provides “guidance for understanding when anti-Israel and anti-Zionist expression becomes targeted, intentional, discriminatory harassment and intimidation of Jewish students.”

In other words, the USC administration was reminded that it is not enough to pay lip service to the evils of of Antisemitism so long as you are not killing Jews and taking their property, while giving tacit and sometimes overt support to Jew hatred in the form of anti-Zionism.

In her resignation letter, Ms. Ritch called out USC for not doing enough to protect her from scathing attacks for identifying as a Zionist. “I am grateful that the University administration suspended my impeachment proceedings, but am disappointed that the university has not recognized the need to publicly protect Jewish students from the type of antisemitic harassment I endured.”

I am proud of Ms. Ritch for her courage in publicly outing anti-Semites who hide behind the cloak of anti-Zionism. Ms. Ritch is highlighting an issue that unfortunately is not unique. “The sad reality is that my story is not uncommon on college campuses. Across the country, Zionist students are being asked to disavow their identities or beliefs to enter many spaces on their campuses.”
Bari Weiss, Rose Ritch resign after harassed over their Jewish identities
THE ATTACKS on Ritch are part of the broader corrosive influence of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement that has permeated the mainstream of progressive consciousness. By suggesting that Ritch’s support for a Jewish homeland would somehow render her “unfit for office or justify her impeachment” in effect resurrects the oldest of Dreyfus Affair level antisemitic tropes that call into question the primary loyalties of Jews who hold public office and “holding Jews responsible for the actions of the Israeli government.”

Political disagreements have always fueled the fabric of intellectual debate and especially on a college campus. Yet in Ritch’s case, labeling her Zionism as racism effectively silenced her voice in the debate and rendered her fair game to be canceled under the guise of political correctness, which bends far toward the side of the anti-Israel narrative.

What we are witnessing is a collective silencing of those who do not hold these toxic antisemitic views by those who do, ironically similar to the voices of moderate Islam squelched by the voices of extremism. Throughout modern history, intellectual curiosity and a sense of civic responsibility to repair what was broken in society were pursuits identified with both the college campus (think Berkeley of the ‘60’) and the printing press (thing Enlightenment). Yet, what we are seeing on college campuses and in the press is a narrowing of the acceptable definition
of “woke” consciousness, where membership is qualified by an asterisk that Jews need not apply.

Our nation is at a crossroads with an upending of long-held beliefs, practices and even social institutions being questioned and redefined to fit the zeitgeist of the current political climate. We are not exempt from these vital conversations, nor should we shirk from necessary inward introspection as we strive to repair a world so broken by racism, elitism and discrimination.

However, it is incumbent upon us to root out the misguided and misinformed ideology that has led to the resignation of these two powerful and important voices, and to decry all antisemitic rhetoric at every occurrence with a zero-tolerance policy. After all, “If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?” (Ethics of the Fathers, 1:14)
Israel’s finger-prick blood test startup Sight nabs $71 million to expand scope
Israel’s Sight Diagnostics, the startup that has received a US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) nod for its finger-prick blood test device, said it has raised $71 million in funding from investors to expand global operations and detect a greater array of diseases, including COVID-19, the illness caused by the coronavirus.

Investors in the Series D funding include Koch Disruptive Technologies, the venture arm of US multinational Koch Industries, Inc; Longliv Ventures, an arm of the Hong Kong based CK Hutchison Holdings and Israeli VC fund OurCrowd, the company said in a statement last week.

The new round brings Sight’s total funding to more than $124 million, the company said.

The company’s Sight OLO blood analyzer device uses machine vision to analyze blood and to provide results for a complete blood count test (CBC) from just a drop of blood in minutes, the company says. A complete blood count test — which counts red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets in a patient’s sample — is one of the most basic, informative tests a doctor can conduct.

To use Sight’s product, the physician or nurse pricks the patient’s finger or draws blood through the vein, and places a drop of blood into a disposable plastic cartridge that is inserted into the OLO, which looks like a small home printer. The machine, equipped with a camera, takes thousands of images of the millions of cells within the sample and measures 19 different blood parameters in minutes. Software developed by the firm based on the machine learning algorithms analyzes the images and provides lab-grade results in a printout or via email.
How techies used Bluetooth’s most annoying trait to build Israel’s new COVID app
Ronen and Pinkas told The Times of Israel they developed a system for Bluetooth messages to be sent between users’ phones, which can be used to generate quarantine alerts if relevant — but without the government getting anyone’s personal data.

At the crux of the design is the biggest complaint of people who use Bluetooth headphones, namely that the signal fades when you are more than a few steps away from your device.

Pinkas said that if people are close enough to a carrier for their phones to exchange Bluetooth signals of the highest quality, they are within proximity that epidemiologists want them to know about, while if the distance is greater, epidemiologists don’t care.

He said that relying on Bluetooth, rather than the tracking methods that the Shin Bet uses, can keep many people out of unnecessary quarantine.

“The problem with tracking currently done by Shin Bet is that it uses cellphone signal data that isn’t precise in terms of location and doesn’t know what floor you’re on in a building, so if there’s a carrier in a mall, it can lead to many people who were nowhere near him or her being quarantined,” he said.

With their app, every user sends out a special Bluetooth signal every five minutes that is logged by any other HaMagen users who are within two meters. The phone keeps a record of these messages — without any information to identify the user who transmitted them.

If an Israeli citizen tests positive for coronavirus, they have no legal requirement to reveal that they use the app. But if they choose, they can ask the Health Ministry for a code that will upload all the Bluetooth messages they transmitted — without information to identify them — to the ministry server.

  • Monday, August 10, 2020
  • Elder of Ziyon

From PR Newswire:

On Friday, August 7, 2020, a coalition of more than 120 NGOs submitted a letter to Facebook, urging the social media company to implement a comprehensive hate speech policy on anti-Semitism that incorporates the full International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) working definition of antisemitism.

The objections to using the IHRA definition are all the same: critics say it would stop legitimate criticism of Israel. As Lara Friedman tweets, the IHRA definition is “a means to deplatform/quash criticism of Israel.”

It is a lie and they know it.

IHRA is explicit:



“Criticism of Israel similar to that leveled against any other country cannot be regarded as antisemitic. “

The exact opposite of their oft-repeated claim.

And when you call them on it, they run away and say the same lies again some other day.

There is only one explanation that makes sense: they want to criticize Israel in ways that no other nation is ever criticized. They need to. it is the basis of their activism.It is their

raison d'être.  Because by any sane measure, Israel is no worse and much better than the vast majority of nations in any metric of ethics or morality you can come up with, given Israel’s situation of being surrounded by people who hate Jews and the Jewish state since way before “occupation” or even before Israel was reborn.

And the only possible reason for such a desire to paint Israel as uniquely evil – as a Nazi, racist, apartheid, baby-killing state – is old fashioned antisemitism.

These modern antisemites pretend to be against all forms of bigotry,  giving them the moral high ground to accuse Israeli Jews of being racists.

So of course they don’t accept the truth, that their crazed hate and obsession with Israel is a form of antisemitism. They want to accuse others of bigotry, not look at their own pure selves. They use their self-righteousness to blind themselves from their own hate. And they really hate being shown what hypocrites they are.

Which is why every time a smug socialist says that the IHRA definition quashes legitimate criticism, insist that they explain exactly how. They will spout absurdities like “being pro-Palestinian is a violation of IHRA” – which it doesn’t.

In the end, they want the right to call Israeli Jews Nazis. And that is why they hate IHRA.


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