Thursday, June 28, 2018

  • Thursday, June 28, 2018
  • Elder of Ziyon

There is only so much aid money in the world. And a huge percentage of it goes towards Palestinians who do not need it. (Some do - and UNRWA is not the proper way to help them.)

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.

 Vic Rosenthal's Weekly Column

Erdoğan and his party obtained a solid victory in the election this week, guaranteeing that relations between Turkey and Israel will get even worse. This is because the Turkish president has a history of anti-Israel rhetoric and actions whenever he wants to stir up his Islamist base or promote himself in the wider Islamic world. It’s not all talk, either, as he provides support for Hamasand is behind anti-Israel subversion in eastern Jerusalem.

Israel had good relations with Turkey before the advent of Erdoğan, just as it did with the other major non-Arab power in the region, Iran, before the 1979 Islamic revolution. But the Islamist ideology does not leave room for a Jewish sovereign state in the region, so neither of the new regimes can treat this “abomination,” in their terms, with anything but hostility. And hating Jews and Israel still plays well in the Muslim Middle East.

Today Israel has better relations with some of its traditional Arab enemies, including actual peace treaties with Egypt and Jordan, as well as a lessening of tension with some others, like Saudi Arabia. But even the long-standing peace with Egypt, despite the active security cooperation between Israel and the al-Sisi regime, does not come close to the promises made in the peace treaty, which calls for “cultural exchanges in all fields” and for both sides to “abstain from hostile propaganda.” Egyptians who visit Israel are harassed by security forces, Egyptian artists and academics boycott Israel, and the Egyptian media are full of government-sponsored libels and conspiracy theories about Israel and Jews.

The 1994 “peace” with Jordan is even less “peaceful,” including several violent incidents over the years, including the horrific 1997 murder of seven Israeli schoolgirls by a Jordanian soldier, who is unrepentant to this day. Cultural exchange and Jordanian tourism also do not exist. One of the family members of the murdered girls said that “peace with Jordan is between us [Israelis] and the royal family — not the people or the parliament.”

Saudi Arabia has softened its formerly tough rejectionist policy against Israel in many ways in the past 10 years or so; it has allowed one airline to overfly its airspace on its way to Israel (but not an Israeli airline); it has participated in secret discussions with Israel, Jordan, and the US concerning Iran; and would probably quietly cooperate in an Israeli attack on Iran’s nuclear project. There have even been a few voices in Saudi media criticizing antisemitism. But as yet there is no reason to see the slight thaw in relations as anything but a very narrow expression of Saudi geopolitical interests.

The Palestinian Arabs are another story. Thanks to several generations of hate education since Oslo, relations with the Palestinians, both in Gaza and Judea/Samaria, have only gotten worse. The recent “knife and car intifada” and the incendiary kite attacks illustrate the degree to which the Palestinian in the street has internalized the hate propaganda that flows unabated from Hamas and the PLO. A young Palestinian man can get up in the morning, go out on the street, and look a Jewish girl in the eye before stabbing her in the heart. Palestinians hate Zionism, they hate Israel, and many of them deeply hate Jews.

But Jordan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and some other Mideastern nations not already irrevocably under Iranian domination can work with us on practical matters, up to and including military cooperation. So why can’t they put aside the antisemitism? I think the answer is the idea, fundamental to Islam, that Jews must be subservient to Muslims. A moderate Muslim may tolerate Jews and treat them well, but Jews ruling over Muslims (or defeating them in war) – well, that’s going too far. So when they see Israel with its powerful army, dominating Arabs, it infuriates them, and reenergizes the traditional “apes and pigs” form of Muslim antisemitism.

What about Europe: why have the advanced nations of Western Europe, supposedly the most socially advanced countries in the world, been so hostile to the Jewish state? Why do they support our Palestinian enemies in so many ways – money, propaganda, lawfare, funding anti-Israel NGOs, UN resolutions, enabling boycotts by requiring labeling of our products? Why do they try to maintain the laughable distinction between antisemitism, which they claim to abhor, and “criticism of Israel” that invariably includes demonization, delegitimization, and double standards? What forces them to take this position?

Is it just fear of terrorism or fear of retaliation by Mideastern oil producers? Is it the desire by officials to gain domestic political advantage with their increasing Muslim populations? All these are true to some extent, but they are not adequate to explain the spitefulness of the public expressions of anti-Israel sentiment that we see in demonstrations or hear from public officials. There is something deeply personal in their dislike of the Jewish state.

There are multiple explanations for Europe’s animus toward Israel. It is an ethnic nation-state, and they hate nationalism. They are embarrassed that many Europeans were complicit with Hitler, and the Jewish state makes it hard to forget. They are still feeling the vestiges of two thousand years of Christian antisemitism. Finally, my favorite: if Israel, the state of the Jews, is as evil as the Reich, then Europeans needn’t feel so guilty about having stood by (or helped) while the Jews were murdered.

Turning to the United States, the political divide is deeper and more painful than it has ever been in my lifetime. Much of the Democratic Party has chosen to carry the Palestinian flag as part of its core ideology, and its potential candidates are competing over who will be more anti-Israel. The present administration is quite pro-Israel, but if and when the other side takes over, I expect that American policy toward Israel will be even more negative than that of the Obama Administration.

Bernie Sanders, one of the contenders for the Democratic presidential nomination, has taken some of the most extreme anti-Israel positions of any major candidate, more or less adopting the Hamas narrative of the “March of Return,” demonizing Israel for shooting “unarmed protestors,” and even treating the “right of return” for the descendants of Arab refugees to Israel – a call for the end of the Jewish state – as a legitimate demand.

In the US there is no large Muslim population (yet) and no dependence on Middle Eastern oil. Palestinian terrorists have killed Americans, and no country has worked harder to be a good American ally than Israel. And yet, the American Left focuses on Israel as its greatest enemy, going to ridiculous lengths to try to connect Israel with every issue for which they can find resonance. Did an American policeman shoot an unarmed black man? American police officers have attended training programs in Israel, so Israel is responsible! 

This is an interesting example. My son teaches use of firearms to Israeli security personnel. Naturally, great emphasis is placed on distinguishing between armed terrorists or criminals and innocent civilians. What could be more important? One assumes that if an American police officer trained here, he would receive the same training. But according to the Left, the American comes here to learn to be racist, to shoot blacks first, and ask questions later. The accusation is monstrous, but it is commonly made. And believed.

In all of these cases, in the Middle East, in Europe, and in the US as well, antisemitism – or extreme anti-Israelism (essentially the same thing) – is a primary, entrenched motivator for anti-Israel politics (even when the politician in question, like Bernie Sanders, is Jewish).

A consequence of this is that appeals to rational self-interest on the part of our enemies will never bring peace, because they are not rationally motivated. We can relax and just concentrate on being strong enough, militarily, diplomatically, cybernetically, and economically to beat back their attacks. Forever.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
From Ian:

Australian Unions channelled millions of dollars to an organisation that employed a terrorist leader
AUSTRALIAN taxpayer funds are being funnelled to a Palestinian aid organisation that has employed and supported a leader of a terrorist group in Gaza.

The Daily Telegraph can reveal the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) has given at least $21 million in the past decade to a Sydney-based charity set up by the unions, Union Aid Abroad (APHEDA).

This charity then channelled millions of dollars to the MA’AN Development Centre — a Palestinian organisation that employed a leader of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP).

The revelations have prompted Foreign Minister Julie Bishop to announce an audit of the union funding, understood to have been decided by her department.

PFLP has been on the official terror lists of the United States, European Union and Canada as a result of its hijacking of planes, assassinations and suicide bombings, while Australia has the group on its “Consolidated” list of organisations subject to financial sanctions as a result of security threats.

One of the MA’AN Development Centre’s 36 staff working in Gaza was Ahmed Abdullah Al Adine, 30, who held the job of Project Co-ordinator and Field Monitor since 2012.

Al Adine was also a leader of the PFLP in Gaza until he was killed in border protests last month. The terror group now hails him as a “martyr” and gave him a grand funeral last month, attended by at least a dozen PFLP terrorists.
Caroline Glick: Trump Must Respond to Putin’s Double-Cross in Syria
President Donald Trump will soon meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin. When he does, he must respond to a challenge Putin threw down in Syria, on the heels of Trump’s diplomatic breakthrough with North Korea.

How Trump and his administration respond to that challenge will affect not only the future of U.S.-Russian relations, but also Trump’s ability to operate credibly on the international stage. And, more acutely, it will impact the prospect for a major war in the Middle East.

Last July, despite nearly desperate Israeli opposition, Trump and Putin concluded a ceasefire accord regarding southern Syria. Jordan was also a party to the deal.

On Saturday, in a highly destabilizing and contemptuous move, Putin threw the deal into the garbage can.

The deal, the “Memorandum of Principle for De-escalation in Southern Syria” had three main components.

First, it defined the area of southern Syria below Quneitra and Suwayda as an “exclusion zone” for fighters of “non-Syrian origin,” including Iranian forces and their proxies, and fighters linked to al Qaeda and the so-called Islamic State.

Second, the deal called for maintaining existing governance and security arrangements in opposition-held areas in southwestern Syria. In other words, it barred the Syrian regime from seeking to retake the border area with Jordan and Israel.

Finally, it called for unimpeded access for humanitarian aid workers and the creation of conditions to allow the 650,000 Syrian refugees in Jordan to begin to return home.
PMW: "With our skulls we are paving the path to certain victory," PA TV host quoted arch-terrorist Abu Jihad
When Palestinians marked the anniversary earlier this year of the death of arch-terrorist Abu Jihad who was responsible for the murder of at least 125 Israelis, a PA TV host quoted the terrorist, encouraging death for "Palestine":

Official PA TV host: "Thirty years since the death as a Martyr of Khalil Al-Wazir Abu Jihad, the First Bullet and the First Stone. On this day we remember what Prince of Martyrs [Abu Jihad] said: 'Our heads will remain in the sky and our feet are planted in the homeland. With our skulls we are paving the path to certain victory and return. The compass will never err and the path will continue to guide towards Palestine.'" [Official PA TV, Good Morning, April 20, 2018]

Palestinian Media Watch has documented that PA and Fatah leaders have turned terrorist Abu Jihad into a role model for Palestinians. Fatah, for example, recently named a futsal championship after him.

PMW has also exposed that the PA encourages Martyrdom-death, for example a song on PA radio stated that "Palestine is etched on the heart of the fetus, a proud Martyr in his mother's womb," and Abbas' Fatah broadcast this song, asking Allah to grant Palestinians "Martyrdom" in Jerusalem:

  • Thursday, June 28, 2018
  • Elder of Ziyon

Obama administration UN ambassador Samantha Power tweeted:

Either Power is shockingly ignorant or purposely deceptive.

The only Palestinians who deserve "refugee aid" are the ones who have fled within or out of Syria - and that should come from UNHCR, not UNRWA.

There is no reason that the world should fund the education and healthcare of a single Palestinian Arab citizen, who should go to Palestinian public schools and use Palestinian medical facilities. They are not refugees - they are living in the land that they claim as theirs.

There is no reason the world should fund the education and healthcare of the vast majority of Jordanian Palestinians who are full citizens of Jordan. They are not refugees. 

There is no reason that UNRWA should claim 450,000 refugees in Lebanon when nearly half of their "registered refugees" have moved to Europe and elsewhere. 

And, of course, after 70 years there is no reason to maintain a huge bureaucracy that does nothing to actually help "refugees" get settled in their host countries, or anywhere else. 

Moreover, Power certainly knows, there is not an unlimited amount of aid money worldwide. She is implying that maintaining the excellent support Palestinians get from UNRWA is more important than needy refugees in Syria, Yemen, South Sudan and Myanmar.  

The Trump administration is actually working harder to help Gazans - with the "deal of the century" - than Power and Obama ever did, as they kept sticking to the fantasy that peace in the Middle East is not a regional issue but bilateral. The leaked plan for Egypt would do more for Gazans than Power ever could imagine. 

But to Power, and her fellow dinosaurs who insist they know what they are doing even though they have failed for 25 years post Oslo, Israel is the problem and Palestinian rejectionism is fully justified.

The contrast between Power and Nikki Haley is gigantic, and it shows how the Obama administration hamstrung itself by holding to an almost religious pro-PLO viewpoint that ensured no compromises on the Palestinian side. 

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
  • Thursday, June 28, 2018
  • Elder of Ziyon

Gaza terrorists posted a video showing a large balloon that they claim can carry burning materials 40 kilometers into Israel.

They put Arabic and Hebrew slogans on the balloon.

There is no legal or moral difference between an incendiary balloon and a rocket.

Keep in mind that these balloons are helium balloons, and Israel only allows helium into Gaza for medical reasons.

Which means that aid is being redirected to terror.

Not that the NGOs care.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
  • Thursday, June 28, 2018
  • Elder of Ziyon
Every time a Jew peacefully walks around the Temple Mount - which is virtually every weekday - Arab media freaks out about "settlers storming Al Aqsa" with "provocative tours" meant to "hurt Muslim feelings."

Today, Prince William actually went into the Al Aqsa Mosque, which no Jews ever do, and no one is complaining about "storming."

What is that phrase for when Jews are the only ones treated without the same rights everyone else has again?

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

From Ian:

Empress Trudy: Democratic Gamble: Calling People Nazis, the other N-Word
Just like in Nazi Germany, before the Nazis were actually entrenched in their power, it became acceptable to devalue, mistreat, take away jobs and even commit crimes against Jews, after all, they were less than, they were marginalized, they were not to be considered.

Democrats beware, you are perpetrators. The very fact that this week there was more propaganda about Melania Trump's coat than the specific and publicized plan by Peter Fonda encouraging the kidnap, imprisonment, and rape by pedophiles of the President's 12-year-old son should sicken and startle you, unless you're aware of the propaganda Goebbels playbook.

After uttering his dark vision for America, Peter Fonda's tepid apology excusing himself because what he watched on TV indicated that this is what was happening to migrants (which ironically would support separating children from the "pedophile adults" he apparently saw) was considered good enough should have produced outcry, but not surprisingly it didn't, after all he's a Democrat and no dissent is possible. Even when Pat Dussault picked up the hate mantle and threatened Donald Trump Jr.'s four year old daughter Chloe with the promise that "we're" coming for you too, Democrats barely blinked an eye.

On the Holocaust Museum website are commonly asked questions. One was: What happened in Nazi Germany if people refused to participate in atrocities? The site answers: "Germans who refused to participate in atrocities were generally not punished, but risked peer, social, and sometimes professional exclusion or disadvantage."

This is another Democrat method today. People are afraid of being shut down, ridiculed and ostracized (or worse) if they are not Democratic Party loyalists. Campuses are afraid not to bend to the wishes of groups shutting down conservative speakers even as they entertain Democratic party-liners feeding the continued stream of hatred that is the Democratic Party today.

But don't forget what finally happened in Nazi Germany after years of the propaganda, scapegoating and excusing and then encouraging crime against the sub-human enemies of the true Germans, the passage of the Nuremberg laws. This is where the Democrats are headed with their unconscionable, inaccurate and dangerous rhetoric against citizen segments of America who disagree with them and once they're in office making laws out of their hatred of today, America will face the dark, pessimistic hate-filled Democratic platform of today with the power of law behind it.
Another “N” word that needs to be scrubbed
So Sarah Huckabee Sanders and other members of the Trump Administration are being chased out of restaurants while being heckled as Nazis.

Oddly enough, Liberals are featuring Kristallnacht tactics to express their intolerance. Anyone wearing a MAGA tee-shirt is now a target for a Liberal with a grudge.

The mobs want the last word.

Nazis – that’s the word of the moment being hurled by the Left at anyone who supports President Trump, especially] as to his immigration policy.

They’ll be out there with more bullying now that, today, Trump scored a big victory from the Supreme Court for his 7-nation travel ban…inviting even more references to the Nazis.

Which means Americans need to go back to school to learn what the Holocaust was really all about, minus those who actually endured World War II and are still around to tell the story. Unfortunately, that’s a dwindling population. Too few are left. Among them are speakers and writers who usually end up talking to fellow veterans and survivors.

Honest Reporting: Bigoted Columnist: Jews ‘Poisoning the Wells’
The official visit of future British monarch, Prince William, the Duke of Cambridge, to Israel has, so far, been a very positive event. It’s disappointing then to see British journalist and commentator Peter Oborne using this opportunity to write a nasty anti-Israel piece in the Daily Mail.

It’s disgusting, however to see Oborne spreading blatant antisemitism:

Yes, you read that correctly – Oborne is charging Israeli settlers with poisoning Palestinian wells, which he claims to have personally witnessed.

Shortly following our complaint, the Daily Mail has made a shocking edit to Peter Oborne’s article, adding the words “according to a number of respectable sources” to justify the blatantly antisemitic allegation promoted by Oborne.

The Daily Mail’s reaction is almost as sickening as Oborne’s original offense.

Hadassah Hospital, Jerusalem (courtesy Barbara Sofer)

If you want to experience the real Israel, go to the hospital. It’s where you’ll meet all kinds of Israelis, and hear all kinds of Hebrew. But you’ll also hear lots and lots of Arabic, and see and interact with lots of Arab people.
Now it’s easy to stay in an Anglo bubble in Israel. You do it by living in neighborhoods that are mostly inhabited by those from English-speaking countries. Lots of people do it, including this writer. It makes it so much easier to be with people who have the same Western mindset. Living in the bubble also translates to local stores that cater to you and carry the products you remember from the Old Country. Things like Ocean Spray cranberry sauce and real maple syrup. If you like those sorts of things.
Live here long enough, however, and you’ll God forbid be forced to seek medical care. That means stepping outside that comfortable bubble and getting along with others. And since Israel is a melting pot, “others” means people from Russia, Ethiopia, Argentina, Morocco, Yemen, France, and so many other countries.

Not everyone speaks the universal language of English, of course, and not everyone speaks Hebrew, if it comes right down to it. As a result, just about everyone speaks sign language. Not the official kind of sign language for the deaf community, but the kind of sign language people resort to in the desperation of needing to be understood where there is no common language.

Hadassah ICU June 27, 2018 (courtesy Barbara Sofer)
The real shock for the uninitiated, however, is that Israeli hospitals are full of Arabs. I can’t give you the breakdown for the percent of Arabs treated in Israeli hospitals. According to Elder of Ziyon, however, over 100,000 Palestinian Authority Arabs were treated in Israeli hospitals in 2015. The non-Israeli patient load at Safra Children’s Hospital of Tel HaShomer Sheba’s pediatric oncology ward is at times 75% of the total ward population, while Ichilov Hospital’s pediatric oncology ward patients are 90% non-Israeli, meaning the patients are largely foreigners and PA residents.
All this is just the tip of the iceberg. We haven’t even looked at the breakdown for Gazan and Syrian patients treated in Israeli hospitals. But as someone who has had to spend lots of time in hospitals and clinics of late, it looks as though at least a third of the patients are Arabs. Moreover, much of the staff is of Arab lineage.
My Jewish doctor, who is head of his department, took a short research sabbatical and left me in the care of his Arab colleague. I asked the (Jewish) physiotherapist at my HMO to recommend an orthopedist and she gave me the names of three Arab doctors. The CT unit at a Jerusalem hospital where I received care is staffed by excellent Arab RNBAs who took efficient and tender care of me while trading friendly banter with me, my husband, and other staff members. 

Hadassah coexistence (courtesy Barbara Sofer)
The Russian nurse couldn’t manage to insert my IV line, but Mahmoud had no difficulty—got it in on the first pass. Later on, Tariq showed Bilal how to measure and mark me for my procedure, all in Arabic. But it’s not just the staff. It’s also ordinary Arab people interacting with ordinary Israelis. Lying on a gurney outside the x-ray room, I didn’t have the strength to call out when a technician announced my turn. The Arab family near me drew his attention to me.
It was just a normal human kindness. An everyday sort of thing. Even as Gaza sends another 13 projectiles our way. Even as five arson terror fires rage throughout Southern Israel. And even as we see photos like this one of an incendiary kite landing on an ordinary Israeli home—a kite sent by Gazan Arabs to hurt Israeli citizens and inflict maximum damage in Netivot, the city where my small grandchildren live.

But the coexistence in Israeli hospitals? That is the real coexistence. The kind you see every day in Israeli clinics and hospitals.
How real is it? The kindness, the coexistence? Are these interactions on the surface only, a form of Taqiya, a display of Muslim sophistry as Southern Israel burns? 
I don’t know. But I know the phenomenon is growing and I know that there’s nothing of the sort going on in Arab countries or even in the Palestinian Authority areas or in Gaza. No Jews lying on gurneys in their hospitals. No Jewish technicians working side by side with Arabs.

That makes the coexistence in Israeli hospitals something to note.
It's more than that. The phenomenon has spread beyond hospitals, becoming part of the fabric of Israeli life. Israelis and Arabs interact more each year. In stores, buses, and yes, in hospitals, too. In fact, everywhere. There’s the professional coexistence of colleagues, and the casual coexistence of helping people find an item on a supermarket shelf.

It’s just the way it is. And so I look around me in the hospital and murmur quietly to my husband, “Apartheid,” and he laughs. Because it so obviously is not anything of the sort.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
Our weekly column from the humor site PreOccupied Territory

Check out their Facebook page.

hundred billion marksIsfahan, June 27 - Protesters gathered across the Islamic Republic today amid worsening financial and economic woes, and demanded that the country's leadership address the plummeting currency by mandating payment of wages in the comparatively stable monetary units of pre-Nazi interwar Germany.

Thousands of Iranians attended a march toward the Majlis parliamentary building in Tehran, as well as in cities around the country, and were met by paramilitary units that attempted to disperse them with tear gas. The crowds, standing firm, called on the Ayatollahs who run Iran to stop focusing on foreign adventures in Morocco, Yemen, Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, and elsewhere, and instead take care of the people at home, first and foremost by taking steps to salvage some of the population's spending power as the rial continues to drop in value, perhaps by replacing the rial with early 1920's German marks.

"Mullahs, mullahs, listen, hark - drop the rial, use the mark," some chanted. "To save the rial you're not able, Weimar's mark was much more stable," yelled others. The crowds called on the police to join them instead of suppressing the protest.

Iran's currency has plunged in value over the last several months in reaction to economic sanctions reimposed by the administration of Donald Trump over Tehran's continued pursuit of nuclear weapons and its meddling in the affairs of numerous countries in the region. The crisis has worsened as thousands of foreign companies have ceased their operations in Iran lest continuing to do business with the Islamic Republic subject them to the loss of far more lucrative contracts with entities in the US. While the government continues to insist people and businesses adhere to the official exchange rate with foreign currencies, the official rate does not reflect consumers' and traders' panic, nor the true value of the rial, which has lost almost half its value since the end of 2017 and keeps falling.

Observers note both parallels and differences between Iran's current currency woes and those of early Weimar Germany. Weimar brought its devaluation upon itself by printing gargantuan quantities of currency to trade for gold with which to pay WWI reparations. This move caused a severe weakening of the German mark, which necessitated printing ever-larger amounts to trade for gold, which led to skyrocketing prices, hoarding, and the eventual worthlessness of the currency. Iran's situation, by contrast, arises from more indirect outcomes of government behavior: Tehran's insistence on defiance of US pressure to abandon its pursuit of nuclear weapons, coupled with its prioritization of expanding the country's regional and global influence over the material welfare of its citizens. In the case of Weimar, the crisis dissipated when France and Belgium occupied part of Germany to appropriate the value of remaining reparations in coal, but the instability formed part of the economic and political picture that proved fertile ground for Nazism. In Iran, the government already adheres to most aspects of Nazi fascism.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
From Ian:

The Gaza crisis, Israeli hasbara and the ICC
In one of the most introspective moments, the foreign ministry spokesman admitted that they had contemplated quickly farming out terrorized Israeli residents living on the Gaza border to the global media in multiple languages, but had not followed through.

It is such an obviously powerful idea that it is unclear why this was not the first point on the Israeli hasbara list in the pre-crisis preparations.

But the admission on that point was a good sign, as it showed introspection.

IN CONTRAST, there was another exchange between a journalist and another government spokesman, who nominally indicated a readiness to learn lessons, but in practice seemed relatively closed.

The journalist said that Israel was failing through pictures, videos and its spokespeople to explain Hamas’s danger as a “story” to the world. The spokesman responded that they were in touch with all of the relevant “officials,” to which the journalist retorted that answering questions about telling a story globally with a response about messaging all the right elites showed that the spokesman was missing the point.

There are limits to what public relations can achieve with Israel being the stronger side, usually having fewer casualties and controlling more territory. And, relative to other operations, Israel does not seem to have taken as large a hit globally.

But it was not at all clear from the INSS conference that Israeli spokespeople are always asking the hard questions and it seems like they won’t do an optimal job until they do.

How will all of this impact the ICC prosecution, which saw fit to issue a stark warning to Israel about potential war crimes on April 9 – the first public warning in over three years?

While this was understandably not the main issue at the conference, it was surprising that it was not discussed at all.

It appears that the spokespeople feel confident that it is not a problem because of the lack of continued media interest in the issue – and the lawyers seem less worried following the High Court of Justice approval of Israel’s open fire regulations.

This, too, may be wishful thinking – a wishful thinking which may come back to haunt the state.
Israeli Envoy Hails ‘Unprecedented’ UN Condemnation of Use of Human Shields by Terror Groups
Israel’s UN envoy has hailed the General Assembly’s passage on Tuesday of an update of its Global Counter Terrorism Strategy that features a condemnation of the use of civilians as human shields by terror groups.

In a statement, Ambassador Danny Danon credited the Israeli UN Mission for the inclusion of the “unprecedented” paragraph on human shields.

“Today’s resolution is another important step in our efforts as we change the rules of the game at the UN,” Danon said. “Less than two weeks ago, a plurality of members in the General Assembly voted to denounce Hamas, and now today’s resolution explicitly condemned terrorists for the despicable double war crime of hiding behind women and children while attacking civilians.”

“There is much work to be done,” Danon continued, “but this milestone accomplishment brings us closer to the day when the UN will focus on truly bringing security and stability to the world.”

The Global Counter Terrorism Strategy was first adopted in 2006 and is reviewed every two years.

The update approved on Tuesday decries the use of “schools and hospitals, for military purposes such as launching attacks and storing weapons,” as well as the use of “civilians to shield military objectives from attacks.”

  • Wednesday, June 27, 2018
  • Elder of Ziyon

Dostor ("Constitution,") a major Egyptian newspaper that usually is opposed to the government, has a review of the US Holocaust Museum.

Some of the more disgusting things in the article:

The price of food at the Holocaust Museum is much cheaper than other US restaurants. Once you enter, you feel that this restaurant is a special service for the Jews.

In a glass room close to the museum's exit, I see Jewish children as young as six or seven who read the Torah. At a certain point, the children began to cry, and I understood that this was a result of the psychological pressure on the children, and you could easily imagine what the rabbi was saying to the Jewish children. Of course he told them that God chose the Jews and preferred them to humans, and we must not forget them. The disaster is what gave us a state and we have to preserve Israel, so that the disaster does not happen again. Of course, the children heard these words and wept.

The Jews throughout their history, and when they were living in any country since their ancient times, usually engaged in trade and lending with interest and overpriced goods, which earned them the hatred of the inhabitants of most of the areas where they lived. Some historical accounts have shown that they usually served as a fifth column in favor of hostile parties, which may be due to their constant sense of persecution, so they conspired against their communities as a kind of search for protection.

Finally, we can say that we have heard a lot in our lives about the Holocaust, and most of us as Arabs see it as a lie, while many people of the world believe it. Some of us pay the price of its curse till today.

The usual question in your head will be: what really happened ?, and the real answer is nobody knows, but that no longer matters. The most important question is: To what extent did the Jews succeed in marketing their myth?

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
  • Wednesday, June 27, 2018
  • Elder of Ziyon

It is difficult to find articles in English about the fires being set daily by incendiary kites and balloons from Gaza.

But Palestine Today highlights them.

20 fires on Tuesday. 5 fires on Monday. 16 fires on Sunday. 26 fires on Saturday. 15 fires on Friday.  12 fires last Thursday.

Just because the English-language media hasn't been covering the fires as much doesn't mean that they are any less prevalent or dangerous than they were a couple of weeks ago.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
  • Wednesday, June 27, 2018
  • Elder of Ziyon

Marisa Papen is an artist whose entire idea of art is to take off her clothes and get photographed around the world.

When she visited Israel, however, she decided to push the envelope - and to pose nude in front of the Western Wall.

She pre-emptively insulted anyone who would dare to be upset:

The Wall of Shame

First of all, ‘don’t judge a book by its title’… This purely implies the shame you, dear reader, (perhaps) will project on me because I have done something so disrespectful, I should burn in hell.  I know my mailbox is about to fill up with threats and angriness again - to all the people typing down their furiosity right now, save your energy. I don’t even open them.

After my escapades in Egypt, I knew that I wanted to push the bounderies of regilion and politics even further. Breaking down the walls that have been build to keep all our wandering souls on this planet somehow under control.

With other words, showing my personal religion in a world where freedom is becoming a very luxurious thing. 
Papen decided to be provocative. But the actual photo reveals more about her than just her body.

The airhead artist wants to compare the Kotel to a wall that traps people - a wall that she can help break down. Which is incredibly vile, since it is a place where one can feel like one is directly speaking to God without any intermediaries.

Notice, however, that the photo was carefully composed so as to only show the Western Wall, not the Dome of the Rock (which would be to the left) or the Al Aqsa Mosque (cropped out of the right.)

Papen and her photographer are careful to only insult Jews. Because they know that if the photo would be a little more expansive and include Muslim holy places, then she wouldn't only get angry emails that she can casually dismiss, but actual death threats.

She is only willing to go so far in pursuit of her "art." 

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Tuesday, June 26, 2018

  • Tuesday, June 26, 2018
  • Elder of Ziyon
J-Street's Jeremy Ben-Ami sent out an email:

Jared Kushner talks a good game about the Trump administration’s deep commitment to achieving peace in the Middle East.

Last week, Kushner again traveled to the Middle East to talk with Prime Minister Netanyahu and with Arab leaders. While there, Kushner gave a rare interview to a prominent Palestinian newspaper. The aim was presumably to convince the Palestinian people to embrace his soon-to-be-released proposal -- but he spent the interview lambasting President Abbas and the Palestinian Authority’s leadership.

The interview exemplified all that’s wrong with this administration’s approach. While offering empty platitudes about the benefits of peace, Kushner refused to endorse the two-state solution or to promise that he is working toward full Palestinian statehood -- continuing President Trump’s disastrous walk-back of 25 years of US and international consensus.

And he failed to acknowledge that the actions of this administration have alienated Palestinian leadership, empowered Israel’s right-wing rejectionists and shattered American credibility as a good-faith mediator.
So the absence of Kushner's saying certain words is what proves to J-Street that the peace plan is worthless?

J-Street, supposedly pro-peace, is pushing for a peace plan that has failed in 2000, 2001, 2008 and 2013. The not-yet-released deal is already, according to reports, gaining support in Jordan, Egypt, and most Gulf countries - more enthusiasm from Arabs than for anything Obama ever said.

No Arab state would accept a peace plan where the Palestinians don't end up with a state of some type. Yet they are willing to be more flexible in search of peace than J-Street.

Think about that for a minute.

If J-Street was really pro-peace, it would act cautiously. It might express misgivings but it would wait for the details for a true regional peace plan to be released. Instead, it is lobbying against a plan it doesn't know anything about.

That is not pro-peace!

Luckily, J-Street has an ally: Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah movement is now making posters that neatly complement J-Street's fact-free attack on Jared Kushner:

J-Street's position is aligned with Fatah's, and Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Egypt are more interested in a peace plan than J-Street.

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From Ian:

David Horovitz: Prince William says Israel ties are soaring. But visit signifies more than that
Britain cherishes its longstanding relationships with others in this part of the world — notably including the Jordanians, the Saudis, and others in the Gulf. The royal family has played a central symbolic role in strengthening those ties, with innumerable reciprocal visits. Those royal visits have gone ahead — and high-volume trade relations, including colossal arms sales, have been maintained through the decades — despite widespread criticism at home of the human rights records of some of these regimes.

Sensitive to the interests and concerns of its partners in this part of the world, and well aware that official royal visits to Israel would not sit well with them, the royals for decades steered clear of the Jewish state.

Today, however, those interests and concerns have started to shift. Britain’s other allies nearby are preoccupied with the threats posed by the rapacious regime in Tehran. And in that face-off, they and Israel are on the same side.

Prince William’s optimistically declared “non-political” visit has yet to enter its more complicated diplomatic phase, when he meets the Palestinians and, especially, when he visits Jerusalem’s Old City — in what Israel regards as its sovereign capital, and what the prince’s official itinerary, to Israel’s dismay, designates as part of the “occupied Palestinian territories.”

But for Israel, an argument over terminology is a very small price to pay for the endorsement of legitimacy provided by a young, well-liked, sensible, and very senior British royal.

The Saudis are being extremely careful in publicly acknowledging the improving nature of their links with Israel. But Prince William’s visit, a substantive milestone in its own right for Israel, is also assuredly a significant indication of a wider positive shift in relations hereabout.

Melanie Phillips: HRH, the FCO and the big lie about Israel
Given all this, one might well ask why the British government sticks to these fictions of Israeli illegality. After all, Theresa May is sympathetic to Israel.

Earlier this week, the Foreign Secretary, Boris Johnson, condemned the UN Human Rights Council for its institutionalised anti-Israel behaviour.

One principal reason is surely that the UK is part of a European progressive order for which international law is the expression of its ideology, elements of which are inimical to the security and even the existence of the state of Israel.

Out of the carnage of two world wars grew the core progressive belief: that the western nation state is the source of nationalism, prejudice and aggression, and so any war in its own defence is by definition unjustified.

In place of the nation state should come a new international order based on transnational institutions and laws representing the brotherhood of man: the UN, EU, international law and human rights law.

War must be replaced by law through negotiation, conflict resolution, peace processes. There can be no victory or defeat. Questions of right and wrong, who is the aggressor and who the victim, are irrelevant. In a fight between God and the devil, western progressives would split the difference and call that a triumph.

So the fact that Palestinian identity is a fiction invented solely to destroy the Jewish claim to Israel is ignored. The evidence that international law upholds Israeli actions is dismissed. The way the UN and international law have been hijacked to destroy Israel is denied.

In Mandatory Palestine, Britain betrayed its legal obligations to the Jews. The FCO has a history of Arabism and antisemitism. Progressive transnationalism seems to have allowed it to progress from all that straight into lawfare against Israel without even passing “Go.”
Melanie Phillips: Crying children, Trump peace plan, Prince William visit
Please join me here as I discuss with Avi Abelow of Israel Unwired the row over the “crying migrant children” at the Mexico/US border; whether the supposedly mould-breaking new Trump Middle East peace plan will turn out to be anything other than more out of the same old useless US Middle East peace plan mould; and the significance of Prince William’s trip to the Middle East, the first official visit to Israel ever by a member of the British Royal Family.


EoZ Book:"Protocols: Exposing Modern Antisemitism"


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