Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Muhannad Barhoum identifies himself as an UNRWA student in Rafah.

His profile picture is not of him, but someone likely to be his brother, Abdullah Fayez Barhoum.

Abdullah was apparently killed in a tunnel on July 8, 2014.

Here is his martyr's video, also posted by UNRWA student Muhannad:

If Abdullah was Muhannad's brother, chances are that Abdullah was also an UNRWA student. Which shows how good a job UNRWA does in teaching peace.

But young Muhannad was well on his way to applying the principles that he has learned in UNRWA schools even before Abdullah's timely death. His very first profile picture on Facebook, in 2013, was of Ahmed Jabari, Hamas' Qassam Brigades' second in command, killed by Israel during Pillar of Defense: And his second profile picture was of Hamas' founder Sheikh Yassin.

This blog may be a labor of love for me, but it takes a lot of effort, time and money. For over 11 years and over 22,000 articles I have been providing accurate, original news that would have remained unnoticed. I've written hundreds of scoops and sometimes my reporting ends up making a real difference. I appreciate any donations you can give to keep this blog going.

Monday, November 09, 2015

  • Monday, November 09, 2015
  • Elder of Ziyon
From The Daily Mail:

A trustee of a charity called the Ghulam Mustafa Trust has made a video in which he claims Jews track Samsung smartphones by implanting secret devices in the handsets.

In a development that sparked widespread outrage, the man who created and shared the footage has been allowed to continue to run the organisation by the Charity Commission.

This has raised serious questions about the nature of the charity as well as the rigour of the Charity Commission in preventing extremists from taking over institutions by stealth.

Ghulam Mustafa Trust, run by a voluntary group in Rochdale, is a registered charity which aims to ‘prevent or provide relief to those who suffer from poverty’.

In the homemade video, the campaigner accuses Jews of using secret microchips in Samsung smartphones to track users’ photographs.

As he dismantles his new phone, the man says: ‘They [Jews] are recording every photo of yours on your battery. I’m seeing if they have on mine.’

Peeling off what appears to be a tracking system, he adds: ‘You should take that off because they are recording every photograph of yours, these f***ing Jews. You should take this off. Look at that, they should not be on your phone battery.’

But in spite of the anti-Semitic myth proposed in the clip, which was originally posted online in June, the Charity Commission merely demanded that the video be removed from Facebook.

(h/t Aryeh M)

This blog may be a labor of love for me, but it takes a lot of effort, time and money. For over 11 years and over 22,000 articles I have been providing accurate, original news that would have remained unnoticed. I've written hundreds of scoops and sometimes my reporting ends up making a real difference. I appreciate any donations you can give to keep this blog going.

From Ian:

Likud politicians slam Zoabi for Israel-Nazi comparisons at Holocaust event
Firebrand MK Hanin Zoabi of the Joint (Arab) List was bitterly criticized by leading Likud politicians for a speech at a Holocaust memorial event Sunday in Amsterdam, where she equated Nazi Germany’s genocide against the Jews to current Israeli policies toward Palestinians and Israeli Arabs.
Zoabi’s speech, which included allegations that Israel was engaged in ethnic cleansing of Palestinians, drew ire from senior Likud politicians, who castigated the lawmaker’s attendance at the event marking the anniversary of Kristallnacht and one of whom demanded she be removed from the Knesset.
Deputy Foreign Minister Tzipi Hotovely on Monday called Zoabi’s participation in the event “a mockery,” and said the Israeli Arab MK “uses the tragedy of the Jewish people to spread her slander and lies while she herself encourages terrorism and the murder of Jews.”
Zoabi also faced a backlash from Tourism Minister Yariv Levin, who told Channel 10 Sunday evening that her speech should be grounds for her removal from the Knesset. Levin described Zoabi as a “fifth column” and called on the High Court to disqualify her from serving in the Knesset. (h/t Max Mendelbaum)
Scandal: Jews not invited to Swedish Kristallnacht commemoration
The organizers of an anti-Nazi event in Sweden face controversy Monday, after declining to invite the Jewish community to the event.
"Umeå against Nazism" will run in the city of Umeå on Tuesday and Wednesday, commemorating Kirstallnacht, or the "Night of Broken Glass," the massive 1938 pogrom against Austrian and German Jews which is seen as marking the start of the holocaust.
But, absurdly, Jews will not be invited.
The organizers claim that inviting the Jewish community presents a security risk, nt.se reports, citing anti-Semitic and anti-Israel protests present at past events.
"In previous years, we have had a lot of Palestinian flags at these rallies, and even one banner where the Israeli flag was equated with a swastika," organizer and local Workers' Party member Jan Hägglund told locals. "The Jewish community wasn't invited because we assumed they might be uncomfortable around that sort of thing."
Critics claim that Hägglund's omission must be due to the crowd he invited to the event, implying that it could only be far-left or anti-Israel - thus creating the environment which justified the "security risk."
Meanwhile, the event's Facebook page appears to even downplay the Jewish community's role in the event, instead conveying a generalized, vanilla message of tolerance - not opposition to anti-Semitism.
Actress Mayim Bialik Tweets Support for Howard Stern’s Latest Attack on ‘Antisemite’ Roger Waters
Jewish actress Mayim Bialik had words of praise for radio giant Howard Stern who once again blasted Pink Floyd co-founder Roger Waters for his vocal anti-Israel activism.
“@HowardStern, lets discuss our shared unfashionable views on israel. Name a time. Much respect,” Bialik tweeted on Sunday.
She was responding to comments made by Stern on his Sirius XM satellite show last week. “For some reason, it’s become very important to Roger to tell artists where to perform,” Stern said on November 3rd. “There’s so many countries with histories of abuse and slavery, but he’s very focused on Israel. To me, he comes off like an antisemite.”
According to Rolling Stone magazine, Stern noted that defending Israel “isn’t fashionable,” but urged his listeners to not be “fooled” by Waters and his anti-Israel sentiments. He said: “It is a tremendous distraction for Arab leaders to say, ‘Let’s get the Jews, let’s get Israel, it’s all their fault.’ As long as their poor people are focused on Israel they don’t wake up and realize who is stealing their money. Their lives aren’t getting any better from all this crap.”
Historians Now Claim That Roger Waters Was Once In A Band (satire)
Historians at the University of Cambridge’s King’s College dropped a bombshell this morning: that noted Anti-Semitic crank outspoken critic of Israeli policies Roger Waters was once in a popular band that played music that people enjoyed listening to. The Daily Freier spoke by phone with Professor of Contemporary British History Baba Booey for details on this breakthrough discovery.
“This is really quite remarkable, but prior to being known for drawing the Star of David on pigs and being creepily obsessed with Bar Rafaeli, Mr. Waters was in a rather successful band known as ‘Pink Floyd’ during the latter half of the 20th Century.” Professor Booey continued. “Archival history from the pre-Internet era seems to indicate that young people would often paint their dormitory walls with fluorescent paint, turn on blacklights, and play this music on a constant loop. Apparently marijuana may have been involved. And unlike Mr. Waters’ current manifestation, this early ‘proto-Waters’ seemed to enrich the lives of others and actually make people happy. Fascinating, really.”
Professor Booey then played a sample of Mr. Waters’ early music for the Daily Freier. The music was rather excellent, although it was a bit derivative of Syd Barrett’s works.

  • Monday, November 09, 2015
  • Elder of Ziyon
Palestine Press Agency reiterates the story that Mahmoud Abbas claims that Israel and Hamas are negotiating a plan where Egypt would give Gaza a thousand square kilometers of land.

President Mahmoud Abbas said that Hamas conducted indirect negotiations with Israel, stressing that he knows the names of the negotiatiors and the date and venue of the negotiations and that there were direct meetings led by former British Prime Minister Tony Blair in this regard.

Abu Mazen, during a meeting with Egyptian media personnel at his hotel in Cairo, on Sunday, said that official projects being discussed between Hamas and Israel to truncate the 1,000 kilometers of the territory of Sinai to expand Gaza during the rule of ousted President Mohamed Morsi, pointing out that Morsi rejected the project to take any centimeter from the land of Egypt.

He explained that the then-Minister of Defense Sisi issued a decree that the Sinai territory is one of national security, ending the idea, but Abbas said that consultations are still underway between Hamas and Israel on this project.
As I mentioned last time Abbas made this claim, this is seemingly the Ben Arieh plan, where Israel would give Egypt some of the Negev, Gaza would expand into the Sinai and a land-bridge between Egypt and Jordan would be established.

In the past, Egyptian media has slammed this plan, because they hate the idea of Palestinians in the Sinai.

What is more interesting is Abbas' reaction to the fantasy-plan. He would lose nothing. He would gain a thousand square kilometers of land for "Palestine." And he rejects the idea outright.

Because the only land he is interested in is the land that Israel controls.

This is why the PLO never claimed any parts of Jordan (or Lebanon) as "Palestine" even though they were all part of "historic Palestine" as defined before the British Mandate.

Abbas' angry rejection of the idea of free land - land that would help Gaza's overcrowding, land that would increase Gaza's shoreline, land that could be used to increase the amount of agriculture in Gaza by a huge amount - shows that his only goal is not the welfare of his people but the elimination of Israel.

This blog may be a labor of love for me, but it takes a lot of effort, time and money. For over 11 years and over 22,000 articles I have been providing accurate, original news that would have remained unnoticed. I've written hundreds of scoops and sometimes my reporting ends up making a real difference. I appreciate any donations you can give to keep this blog going.

Nisreen Jaradat is a social worker for UNRWA.  He may be related to Raed Jaradat who was shot while carrying out a stabbing attack against Israeli soldiers near Hebron a couple of weeks ago.

He recently published on Facebook this poster "celebrating" the "wedding" of Raed to Daania Arshid, another terrorist.

He also posted video of the "wedding" as the parents of the happy dead couple danced.

This blog may be a labor of love for me, but it takes a lot of effort, time and money. For over 11 years and over 22,000 articles I have been providing accurate, original news that would have remained unnoticed. I've written hundreds of scoops and sometimes my reporting ends up making a real difference. I appreciate any donations you can give to keep this blog going.

  • Monday, November 09, 2015
  • Elder of Ziyon

Senator Ted Cruz is one of my favorite picks for President in 2016 among a few of the other real conservatives in the Republican field. However, the recent rush to have a Senate hearing over the Palestinian terrorism we’re facing right has enraged me to a boiling point.

Dear Senator Cruz: STOP INTERFERING. Holding hearings is not going to stop the blood lust terrorists in Israel have and their thirst to pour our Jewish blood all over the streets of Jerusalem, Gush Etzion, Rishon LeZion, Efrat, Beersheva and on and on.

You can hold all the hearings you want on the PLO, Palestinian Authority, but until you really go back in history during one of these televised spectacles, we Israelis aren’t buying one dime of lip service Congress pays us that the PA will be cut off financially for good. Just ask Senator Rand Paul who’s mantra is “cut them off until they stop their terror.”

I know you are a courageous man. But when it comes to the terror Israel has faced since our re-founding in 1948, you fall completely short. And here is where you and members of Congress fail:

1. Mention historical terrorist attacks on Israel starting with the Munich Massacre of 1972 at the hands of a Palestinian terror group called Black September. Continue to July 1976 and outline the events of Entebbe, in which the Air France airline was hijacked by the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine. Jump to 1987; the first intifada that lasted until 1993 with the signing of the Oslo Accords. You can use that against Hillary Clinton’s husband in the Presidential debates should you be the nominee. The second intifada you covered so we’re squared away with that.

2. Point out again and again that Abu Mazen aka Mahmoud Abbas was the secretary/treasurer of the PLO who funded the Munich Massacre.

3. You do sympathize with the Palestinians. In December of 2014, you posted a message on Facebook saying what a sad day it was for Palestinians that the PA was trying to dictate terms to Israel at the United Nations. Of course you mentioned Israel, and again you failed. Here’s how: You ignored that the Palestinians DO want terms dictated to Israel. Did you forget they voted in a landslide election for Hamas? And more importantly, you neglect time and time again the unity government the PA and Hamas have. They ARE ALL EQUAL OPPORTUNISTIC JEW KILLING TERRORISTS.

4. Have the courage to say it’s Jews and Jews only that Palestinian terror seeks. Every time you and members of Congress ride our coattails as also being victims of the Palestinians you incite them against us even more albeit with the best intentions. I’ll have you be reminded those “American Jews” you spoke of in your hearing made aliyah and became Israeli citizens by choice. Stop ignoring that.

5. Your focus as a Senator should be entirely on the 14% of troops who died in Iraq at the hands of Iran and taking cues from Ed Royce. He bravely stood up to demand that Congress not vote in favor of the import/export bank criminally subsidizing Iran. There were 181 Democrats and 63 Republicans who voted for this. How could you not filibuster this?

6. And finally; please accept the fact that Israel is not America. It is not a melting pot of many different people of various faiths who emigrate here. It is Jews from various countries coming home as G-d commands it. Neither you nor any other pro Israel Senator is an extended member of our Knesset.

If you can do that and completely stop funding the Palestinians with phony aid packages that is used to funnel terror against us, you might just have my support.

This blog may be a labor of love for me, but it takes a lot of effort, time and money. For over 11 years and over 22,000 articles I have been providing accurate, original news that would have remained unnoticed. I've written hundreds of scoops and sometimes my reporting ends up making a real difference. I appreciate any donations you can give to keep this blog going.

From Ian:

Jordan policeman kills 3, including 2 Americans
A Jordanian policeman opened fire Monday on foreign trainers at a police compound, killing two Americans and a South African before being shot dead, the government spokesman said.
The shooter also wounded two Americans and four Jordanians, one of them critically, said the spokesman, Mohammed Momani.
The motive was not immediately clear. Momani described the shooter as an “attacker” and said he committed a “crime,” but did not say whether authorities considered the fatal shooting a terror attack.
The shooting, at a police training camp on the outskirts of the Jordanian capital, raises questions about Jordan’s image as an island of relative stability in a turbulent region.
Over the past year, the pro-Western kingdom has taken on a high-profile role in the fight against extremists, including the Islamic State group, which controls large areas of neighboring Iraq and Syria. There has been concern that militants could carry out revenge attacks on Jordanian soil.
Bassam Tawil: Palestinians: A World of Lies, Deception and Fabrications
The only astonishing thing is that Abbas and the Palestinian leaders continue to refer to their wave of terrorism and bloodbath as a "peaceful, popular uprising."
The terrorists were doubtless inspired by their president's words. It is this kind of officially-sanctioned rhetoric that encourages young Palestinians to stab the first Jew they see.
This is not only a mountainous lie; it is an attempt on the part of the Palestinian Authority leadership to deceive the world into believing that Israeli security forces killed these poor innocent terrorists who were merely part of a peaceful protest. These "innocent" Palestinian men and women were "merely" in the process of trying to stab people to death.
The world in which Abbas and the Palestinian leadership live is a world of lies, fabrications and deception aimed at demonizing Israel and murdering Jews. The goal is not only to murder as many Jews as possible, but also to force Israel to its knees so that it will vanish as soon as possible.
Welcome to the world of the Palestinians, where we lie and then believe our own lies. And then want the rest of the world to believe them, too.

How to Avoid Israeli Brutality (h/t IsraellyCool)
Too many Palestinians have died in the last few weeks. This must stop!
Homage to Chris Rock - How not to get your ass kicked by the police

  • Monday, November 09, 2015
  • Elder of Ziyon

Magda Haroun, leader of the nearly extinct Egyptian Jewish community, lashed out at a journalist for asking why Da'esh targets only Muslims and not Jews.

Haroun criticized Jaber Armouti because of his remarks that he demanded from ISIS to kill Jews rather than Muslims, saying that Egyptians should not confuse Egyptian Jews with Israelis.

She mentioned that there are only 7 Jews left in Egypt. All of them are old women, according to previous reports.

She said: "I am an Egyptian and I love my country more than many, Egypt has given me a lot," adding that "Israel is my enemy because they are Egypt's enemy", She also said that Israel does not represent Jews of the world.

Haroun has mentioned her hate for Israel before. And she once mentioned that her father refused to treat her sister for leukemia in France, because a Jew leaving Egypt in the 1950s would not be allowed back. So he let is daughter die instead.

But instead of hating the country whose policies led to her sisters' death, she hates Israel.

This blog may be a labor of love for me, but it takes a lot of effort, time and money. For over 11 years and over 22,000 articles I have been providing accurate, original news that would have remained unnoticed. I've written hundreds of scoops and sometimes my reporting ends up making a real difference. I appreciate any donations you can give to keep this blog going.

  • Monday, November 09, 2015
  • Elder of Ziyon
Today, there was another terror attack where the female attacker was shot and killed.
A female Arab terrorist was neutralized on Monday morning while attempting to conduct a stabbing attack at Eliyahu Crossing on Highway 55, between the towns of Alfei Menashe and Karnei Shomron in Samaria.

She had approached the crossing with a drawn knife, and after she ignored numerous calls by security personnel for her to stop they were forced to open fire, killing her immediately.

The crossing was closed to all traffic as a result of the attack attempt, before being reopened just over 30 minutes later.

A suicide note was later found on the body of the female terrorist.

The attacker was later identified by Palestinian Authority police as 23-year-old Rasha Uweisseh from Qalqilya.

We have photos of the knife and suicide note:

Now, look how the official Palestinian Authority news agency reports this:
Israeli soldiers Monday shot dead a Palestinian young woman at a checkpoint near Qalqilia, in the northwestern West Bank, according to medical sources.

The Ministry of Health said 23-year-old Rasha Ewessi was shot dead by Israeli soldiers at ‘Al-Yahou’ checkpoint outside the city after allegedly attempting to stab one of the soldiers.

Today’s extrajudicial murder brings the number of Palestinians killed by Israeli fire since the beginning of the unrest erupting early October 2015 to 80, including 17 children and four women.

Multiple rights groups have long accused the Israeli military of fabricating scenarios to justify extraterritorial murder of Palestinians. In the many cases were Israeli soldiers accused Palestinians of attempting to carry out a stabbing attack, few were proven to correct.
What "rights groups" are they referring to?

Amnesty International, of course. The news agency then goes on to quote Amnesty's report that ignored evidence showing intent to kill on the part of the would-be murderer, and that purposefully minimized the danger to soldiers and police by pretending that their body armor would perfectly protect them from knives and firebombs.

This blog may be a labor of love for me, but it takes a lot of effort, time and money. For over 11 years and over 22,000 articles I have been providing accurate, original news that would have remained unnoticed. I've written hundreds of scoops and sometimes my reporting ends up making a real difference. I appreciate any donations you can give to keep this blog going.

  • Monday, November 09, 2015
  • Elder of Ziyon
Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah gave a speech for the "International Conference for the Support of Palestine" where he stated his support for knifing and running over Jews, saying that rather than showing desperation as the West characterizes the attacks, they are actually a noble manifestation of Jihad.

He then went back to the old playbook, saying that Israel's existence is the central issue and expressing frustration that Arab nations and jihad groups aren't prioritizing attacking the Jewish state.

Excerpts rom Al Manar:

"What is going on now in Palestine reflects a lofty and sublime Jihad spirit," his eminence [sic] said, "We are witnessing operations carried out almost on a daily basis."

"Those actions reflect certainty and faith which fascinate the world as all the run over and stabbing operations end with martyrdom."

"Those innovative methods used by the Palestinians to carry out martyrdom operation reflect their awareness, not despair which struck a lot of people who resorted to drugs and many other worlds."

Hezbollah leader pointed out that the Palestinians have always been confronting the Zionist entity on the behalf of all the Arabs and that considering the struggle as merely Palestinian-Israeli has always been a wrong approach.

"The problem is that some people have become convinced that Israel does not pose any peril against the Umma."

Sayyed Nasrallah noted that we feel hurt when we consider the fact the Umma sent in the past hundreds of thousands of fighters to Afghanistan to fight the Soviet occupation, while it has not sent those mujahidin to confront the Zionist entity, wondering whether Afghanistan is more sacred than Palestine.

If all the suicide bombings which targeted the Lebanese, Syrians, Iraqis, Yemenis, Nigerians, Pakistanis and Afghanis had been employed against the Zionist entity, it would have vanished, according to Sayyed Nasrallah who also stressed that those terrorist attacks aimed at destroying the Umma's solidarity, armies and peoples.

Hezbollah Secretary General considered that some Muslims and Arabs, including a segment of the Lebanese people, have become convinced that 'Israel' is not the Umma's enemy and got involved in internal conflicts, adding that those also do not believe that the Zionist entity poses a peril and a threat against the entire region.

Sayyed Nasrallah added that Instead of provoking hostility against the Zionists, some Arab governments have instigated feuds against the Palestinians and that they even gloat over their losses.

Since Nasrallah slavishly follows Iran's Ayatollah's Khamenei's opinion, this indicates that there is a push from Iran to arm terror groups in Israel, despite the hot/cold relationship between Iran and Hamas.

Also, this interview indicates clearly that Hezbollah's "political wing" unabashedly supports terror, as Nasrallah is calling explicitly for suicide bombings in Israel in addition to the knifings and other attacks. Someone might want to tell the EU.

The comments responding to this speech in the French-language Lebanese site L'Orient Le Jour show that its readers are sick of Nasrallah's hijacking the country to fight in Syria and pick fights with Israel.

One said:
It's always the same useless speeches. He never speaks of the unity of the Lebanese nation, the election of the President of the Republic
...He takes the Lebanese fighting to protect a tyrant who made ​​250,000 deaths, directly or indirectly, half its population fleeing
the country totally destroyed, let him fight in the West Bank and Gaza the Israeli army instead of accusing the Arab countries!
But there is another dimension!
Too many Lebanese dead for a cause that is not ours

Another responded succinctly:
Sacred Sayyed, always busy defending the causes of the world except those of the Lebanese people
None supported his position.

(h/t Mike)

This blog may be a labor of love for me, but it takes a lot of effort, time and money. For over 11 years and over 22,000 articles I have been providing accurate, original news that would have remained unnoticed. I've written hundreds of scoops and sometimes my reporting ends up making a real difference. I appreciate any donations you can give to keep this blog going.

Sunday, November 08, 2015

  • Sunday, November 08, 2015
  • Elder of Ziyon
This poster started circulating today from the Palestine Today site:

It says, "What will it take to make you angry?" This is the name of a popular poem being used to incite Palestinian Arabs into killing Jews.

The photo, of course, is of the woman who was caught on video stabbing an Israeli guard in Betar Illit. And Palestine Today knows this because it published the video.

Meanwhile, the guard notes that today was his birthday.

The PA, meanwhile, tries to play down the incitement as if that isn't an important issue, or as if Netanyahu is inciting Israelis to kill Arabs.

(h/t Ibn Boutros)

This blog may be a labor of love for me, but it takes a lot of effort, time and money. For over 11 years and over 22,000 articles I have been providing accurate, original news that would have remained unnoticed. I've written hundreds of scoops and sometimes my reporting ends up making a real difference. I appreciate any donations you can give to keep this blog going.

hillary clintonHillary Clinton has a recent piece in The Forward entitled, How I Would Reaffirm Unbreakable Bond With Israel — and Benjamin Netanyahu.  Despite her role in the most anti-Israel administration in American history, Clinton wants us to believe that she cares about Israel, has an "enduring emotional connection" to the land and its people, and has done all sorts of good work in supporting the Jewish state.

She tells us:
I have stood with Israel my entire career. As a senator, I fought to get Magen David Adom accepted to the International Red Cross when other nations tried to exclude the organization. I wrote and co-sponsored bills that isolated terror groups, and pushed to crack down on incitement in Palestinian textbooks and schools. As secretary of state, I requested more assistance for Israel every year, and supported the lifesaving Iron Dome rocket defense system. I defended Israel from isolation and attacks at the United Nations and other international settings, including opposing the biased Goldstone report.
Although I do not distrust Hillary's intentions toward Israel, you know what they say about good intentions and the direction of its paving.  It is her foreign policy ideology that I do not trust.  It is her unwavering belief in the ongoing failed Oslo nonsense.

It is the likelihood that after eight years of Obama's antics we will get more of the same from Hillary.

She reminds us that "in 2012 I led negotiations for a cease-fire in Gaza to stop Hamas rockets from raining down on Israeli homes and communities."

The is sort-of true.  Clinton did lead the cease-fire effort at the time, but its primary effect, whatever its intention, was to save Hamas from Israeli retaliation.  If Clinton was interested in preventing Hamas rocketeers from ruining the lives of Israeli children then she might not have waited until the moment that Israel started shooting back before interfering.  Hamas sent thousands of rockets into southern Israel in the years preceding that engagement and if Hillary was so opposed she might have used her influence to see about de-funding the Jihadi organization.

She didn't.

Aside from outlining the various ways that she has been allegedly friendly to Israel in the past, she also assures us that she will be friendly to Israel in the future.
And while no solution can be imposed from outside, I believe the United States has a responsibility to help bring Israelis and Palestinians to the table and to encourage the difficult but necessary decisions that will lead to peace. As president I will never stop working to advance the goal of two states for two peoples living in peace, security and dignity.
This is the big problem.

And it is why no one who cares about the well-being of the Jewish State of Israel, or the well-being of Jewish people, in general, should support Hillary's campaign for president.  Hillary, like Barack Obama, is a devotee of the Oslo Delusion.  We already know how this movie is going to end because we have seen it many times before.

It looks something like this:

1) The US and the EU demand negotiations between Israel and the Palestinian Authority.

2) The parties agree to talk and then the PA, the US, and the EU demand various concessions from Israel for the great privilege of sitting down with the PA's foremost undertaker.

3) Israel fails to meet all the concessions, thus causing the PA to flee negotiations, which they never had any intention of concluding to begin with.

4)  The PA and the EU and the left-leaning American administration place the blame for failure at Jewish feet.

5)  The EU and various European countries announce additional sanctions, thereby essentially joining the anti-Semitic anti-Zionist BDS movement.

6)  Jihadis seek to murder Jews.
We are in phase number six of the current round at this particular moment... as anyone who cocks their head out the car door window in Jerusalem, and listens to the screams, will attest.  Young Arab-Muslim men are running around Israel stabbing old Jewish ladies and young Jewish children and many in the West believe Israeli Jews richly deserve it.  Part of the reason that many in the West, particularly on the Left, think that Arabs have every right to kill Jews is because people like Barack Obama and his administration constantly blame Arab violence on their Jewish victims.

For years, Barack Obama - and people who think like him - have essentially told the world that the real problem is that Jews are so arrogant that they think that they should have the right to build housing for ourselves in Judea... not to mention Samaria.  Thus, suddenly, the word "settler" begins to gain evil connotations and the Jewish people are encouraged to split between those of us who oppose these evil settlers and those of us, being evil ourselves, support the evil settlers.

I support the evil settlers.

That land and those hills represent the very heartland of the Jewish people and no one is going to tell me that Judea belongs to the Arab conquerors of Jewish land.  Since at least the Peel Commission of 1937, the Jewish people in the Land of Israel have, over and over again, demonstrated their willingness to share what little bit of Jewish land there is with their hostile neighbors.

Time and again they were rebuked.

What Hillary Clinton needs to understand, and what Barack Obama never learned, is that this is not a war over land.  It is a centuries-long Arab-Muslim imposition of imperial supremacy upon all non-Muslims, most particularly those that they call the children of orangutans and swine, i.e., the Jewish people.

What Hillary Clinton needs to understand is that while Israeli-Jews are not victims, because they refuse to be victims, this does not mean that they are oppressors, either.  It is the Arabs, not the Jews, who have turned that particular human tendency into an art-form.

Michael Lumish is a blogger at the Israel Thrives blog as well as a regular contributor/blogger at Times of Israel and Jews Down Under.

This blog may be a labor of love for me, but it takes a lot of effort, time and money. For over 11 years and over 22,000 articles I have been providing accurate, original news that would have remained unnoticed. I've written hundreds of scoops and sometimes my reporting ends up making a real difference. I appreciate any donations you can give to keep this blog going.

From Ian:

PMW: All of Israel is "Palestine" according to Abbas' National Security Forces and Governor of Ramallah
Following the Palestinian Authority policy of portraying all of Israel as "Palestine," two recent Facebook posts by the PA National Security Forces presented Israeli cities Haifa and Acre as "Palestine" and "occupied."
Posted text: "A photo from Palestine The old Wadi Nisnas neighborhood of Haifa"
[Facebook page of the PA National Security Forces, Nov. 3, 2015]
Posted text: "Good evening occupied Acre" [Facebook page of the PA National Security Forces, Nov. 1, 2015]
A few days ago, PA Chairman Abbas himself referred to all of Israel as an "occupation," and asked the UN Human Rights Council "how long this protracted Israeli occupation of our land [should] last?"
Palestinian Media Watch has documented that the PA has presented all of Israel as "Palestine" numerous times. The PA does this on maps in schoolbooks, maps in the offices of PA officials and maps in public places, such as sculptures in town squares showing maps of Israel and the PA areas, depicted as "Palestine."
PMW: Songs promoting violence become Palestinian hits
Popular song in Ramallah: "I'm coming towards you, my enemy, We're going down from every house with cleavers and knives"
For months, Fatah-run TV playing song famous for motivating Palestinians to attack Israelis:
"The revolution of a people holding rocks... Allah is with us. He is stronger and greater than the Children of Zion"
Songs that encourage Palestinians to use "cleavers and knives" against Israelis, riot, and throw rocks, are being heard in the streets of Ramallah and are popular among Palestinian youth:
"The owner of the stall selling discs on Al-Irsal Street [in Ramallah] said that the discs of national songs make up 90% of his sales at the moment because the prevailing national sentiment causes people to buy them... From another stall near the El-Bireh cultural center the song 'I come out to you, my enemy, from every home, neighborhood and street' is heard." [Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Nov. 2, 2015]
The song "I come out to you, my enemy, from every home, neighborhood and street" was posted by Abbas' Fatah movement on its Facebook page already in November last year, only a few days after terrorists murdered 5 Israelis in a synagogue with butchers' knives and guns as documented by Palestinian Media Watch. As reported in the PA daily, that song is very popular at the moment, along with other "national songs." The lyrics of the popular song include the following call to butcher "the enemy":
"I'm coming towards you, my enemy, We're going down from every house with cleavers and knives,
With grenades we announced a popular war. I swear, you won't escape, my enemy, from the revolution and the people. How will you escape the ring of fire, while the crowds are blocking the way?"
[Facebook, "Fatah - The Main Page," Nov. 22, 2014]
Michael Lumish: Judenrat: Beinart
Peter Beinart is a Judenrat.
This is to say, he acts as an agent and intermediary of the enemies of the Jewish people while claiming to be a friend to the Jewish people. This is not to say that Beinart is disingenuous. I have no reason to doubt that he believes every word he says.
Recently, at the rather non-traditional Beth Chayim Chadashim Progressive synagogue in Los Angeles, he said this:
While we condemn Palestinian violence, we must recognize this painful truth: that Israeli policy has encouraged it," Beinart told his audience. "Israel has encouraged it by penalizing Palestinian nonviolence, by responding to that nonviolence by deportations, teargas, imprisonment, and the confiscation of Palestinian lands. Hard as it is to say, the Israeli government is reaping what it has sowed.
Can we agree that anyone who justifies violence against the Jewish people in the Middle East by the much larger hostile Muslim majority is not a friend to either Israel or the Jewish people? And why do I get the sense that of all the peoples on the planet, it is only Jewish people who are forced to even ask the question?
There is no other people, or nationality, who, if under attack by a long-standing enemy, gives the benefit of the doubt to those within that nation who justify, and thereby encourage, the violence against his or her own people.
Shmuley Boteach: Roger Waters' unnatural preoccupation with Jews
In a lengthy interview with Rolling Stone magazine this week, former Pink Floyd front man and Israel-hating obsessive Roger Waters demonstrated his all-consuming preoccupation with the Jews.
He speaks about watching Jewish Life Television late at night and reading about “old local Jewish ladies” who organize protests against him. Like most anti-Semites, he peddles central Jewish coordination theories, asserting that pro-Israel efforts, such as this very column, are organized by the prime minister of Israel’s office. “Hasbara, the arm of the Prime Minister’s Office that we all know starts with Netanyahu in Tel Aviv. It’s very organized, and I see it all over my Facebook page all the time. It’s this hugely organized thing.”
But for all his loathing of Israel, including flying pigs with Mogen Dovids on them as his concerts, comparing Israel to Nazi Germany and Israel’s policies to the Holocaust, and publicly condemning far more successful performers such as Jon Bon Jovi for performing in Israel, Rogers insists he is not a Jew-hater. “It’s not the Israeli people, not Jews, not Judaism. I would never dream of attacking them.”
It’s a refrain from that Waters has peddled many times before, including an open letter to the UK’s Daily Telegraph last year. “It is not, however, true that I am an anti-Semite or that I am against the Israeli people. I am neither of those. I am a critic of the policies of this government of Israel.”
Don’t believe him. Here’s why.

  • Sunday, November 08, 2015
  • Elder of Ziyon
From TOI:
Four Israelis were wounded, two of them seriously, in a car-ramming terror attack at Tapuah Junction in the West Bank Sunday morning.

A group of Israelis was waiting for a bus at the site. The driver approached the intersection, then accelerated into the waiting crowd, according to witnesses and police.

The wounded were all evacuated to Beilinson Hospital in Petah Tikva.

The Magen David Adom rescue service confirmed that the victims were all civilians.

The driver, identified by authorities as 22-year-old Sleiman Shahin from Ramallah, was shot and killed by Border Police forces at the junction.
According to Palestine Today, before Shahin left home this morning he asked his mother to take care of his 7-month old daughter for him.

His father says that Shahin had just received his driver's license a few days ago. He rented a car for the attack.

The terrorist was only recently married and was adding a second floor to his father's house so he could move in.

The daughter, who will be raised to hate, was named "Palestine."

His father blessed his son and all the "martyrs" before him.

(h/t  Bob K)

This blog may be a labor of love for me, but it takes a lot of effort, time and money. For over 11 years and over 22,000 articles I have been providing accurate, original news that would have remained unnoticed. I've written hundreds of scoops and sometimes my reporting ends up making a real difference. I appreciate any donations you can give to keep this blog going.

  • Sunday, November 08, 2015
  • Elder of Ziyon
In the British report on the Jaffa riots of 1921, we see this:

Yet even after that, the report goes on to justify the hate, describing Arab grievances against Jews - perception of taking their jobs, jealously that they were better organized -  and then concludes:

Lots of other parts of that report are relevant today. For example, here is a case where a rumor was created out of whole cloth in order to instigate anti-Jewish rots:

Here is one where Arabs who claimed that they themselves were imprisoned by Jews = of Khedera who were themselves besieged by Arabs was found to be a complete lie:

Yet even today we have credulous "human rights" organizations who will believe and report the most absurd antisemitic rumors without bothering to verify the facts.

(h/t YMedad)

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Elder of Ziyon - حـكـيـم صـهـيـون

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