Wednesday, January 07, 2015

From Facebook:

The quote, which seems fake, says "Inside every human being that you know, there is a beast that you do not know."

It was originally posted on an Arabic Facebook account called "Hitler quotes that rocked humanity."

Mohannad Najem is a geography teacher at UNRWA.

(ht Ibn Boutros)
  • Wednesday, January 07, 2015
  • Elder of Ziyon
Our weekly column from the humor site PreOccupied Territory

Check out their Facebook page.

The Hague, The Netherlands, January 7 - Following the lead of the nascent State of Palestine, the international terrorist organization Al Qaeda submitted its application today for membership in the International Criminal Court, specifically seeking the court's action on actions by the United States and its allies since the 12th of September 2001.

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas made good on his intention to join the international body earlier this week, in a move calculated to put pressure on Israel by threatening Israelis with criminal prosecution for alleged war crimes in the ongoing conflict with the Palestinians. The Palestinian application requests that the prosecutor look into Israeli military actions beginning 13 July 2014, when IDF forces began rounding up Palestinians in a search for three Israeli teens kidnapped the day before.

Inspired by this precedent, Al Qaeda leaders decided to seize the same opportunity to punish the US for its continued assault on the organization, an assault that began in earnest the day after nineteen Al Qaeda operatives killed almost 3,000 people in airplane crashes aimed at symbols of American economic, military, and political might. By placing the start date of the investigative window precisely, the organization hopes to enable prosecutors to take the US-led invasion of Afghanistan, and its ongoing operations in Pakistan, Somalia, and elsewhere, as a discrete series of events unconnected to cumbersome notions such as context.

"Here we were minding our business then bam! Friggin gringos came out of nowhere," said Qaeda operative Binther Dunthat, recalling how he lost his left arm in a Special Forces raid on the Afghan city of Kandahar in November 2001. "If an unprovoked assault like that isn't a war crime, I don't know what is."

ICC prosecutors have yet to comment on the validity of the Al Qaeda application, or on the strength of any cases that may be brought under its terms. Analysts are divided over whether Qaeda's status as non-state will hinder its cause, but even those who contend it is an obstacle concede that the same would apply to Palestine,and the Court has not said it will reject any Palestinian cases against Israel out of hand on those grounds.

"International organizations, as a rule, bend their rules to allow for singling out Israel for violations of every kind imaginable," notes legal scholar Richard Goldstone. "So it's not inconceivable that the ICC would disregard ts own requirements for membership and accept cases - but only if those cases can be used directly in the campaign to isolate, deligitimize, and ultimately destroy Israel." The question in this case, says Goldstone, turns on whether pursuing the United States in the ICC can be leveraged in any concrete way toward punishing Israel. The US is not a member of the Court, but its leaders will nevertheless be subject to harassment stemming from any case against them.

President Abbas defected credit for the inspiration, noting that he had simply copied the UN Human Rights Council in mandating that William Schabas's investigation into alleged war crimes this past summer also explore events beginning only the day after the abduction and murder of Eyal Yifrach, Gilad Shaer, and Naftali Fraenkel.

(h/t @NotAntiSemitic on Twitter)
From Ian:

Abbas Decrees Life Sentence For Anyone Who Sells Land To Jews
The "moderate" President of the Palestinian Authority has enacted a bill in an attempt to ensure that any future Palestinian state is free of Jews, decreeing that any Palestinian who sells land "to a hostile country or its citizens" is now punished with "life imprisonment with forced labor."
Of course "hostile country or its citizens" is another way of saying Jews. Palestinian Media Watch translation of the news reports, all of which appeared on the official Palestinian Authority TV channel, read:
October 21st: [PA] Chairman Mahmoud Abbas published a decision on an amendment to the Jordanian penal law [still in effect in the PA] and on its previous amendments in the northern districts (i.e., the West Bank). In the new amendment, he instituted life imprisonment with forced labor for the clandestine transfer, leasing or selling of lands to a hostile country or its citizens. The previous penalty for the clandestine transfer of land was temporary forced labor.
October 23rd: The [Palestinian] Supreme Fatwa Council stressed in its meeting, chaired by the Mufti of Jerusalem and Palestine, Sheikh Muhammad Hussein, the prohibition on selling lands and clandestinely transferring real estate property to enemies. This came following the occupation authorities' and settlers' takeover of several real estate properties in the area of Silwan [in Jerusalem]... The Council designated anyone selling Palestinian real estate to the enemy a traitor to Allah and His Messenger, as well as to his religion and homeland, and [decreed that] he is to be shunned by all Muslims.
Abbas decrees life imprisonment for selling land to Israelis

12 dead, four wounded critically in shooting at headquarters of French satirical newspaper
Hooded gunmen stormed the Paris offices of a weekly satirical magazine renowned for lampooning radical Islam, killing at least 12 people, including two police officers in the worst militant attack on French soil in recent decades.
One of the men was captured on video shouting "Allah!" as four shots rang out. Two assailants are then seen calmly leaving the scene and remain at large.
Charlie Hebdo (Charlie Weekly) is renowned for courting controversy with satirical attacks on political and religious leaders and has published numerous cartoons lampooning the Prophet Mohammad. The last tweet on its account mocked Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader of the militant Islamic State, which has taken control of large swathes of Iraq and Syria.
"This is a terrorist attack, there is no doubt about it," President Francois Hollande told reporters after rushing to the scene of the attack. His government raised France's security level to the highest notch and scheduled an emergency cabinet meeting.
Allahu Akbar!' Video of Paris Terror Attack Against Newspaper
Videos are now surfacing of the shooting rampage in the Paris offices of Charlie Hebdo, a satirical newspaper known for publishing cartoons lampooning Muslim leaders including Mohammed.
"Allahu Akbar!" can be heard with a barrage of gunshots.
'Charlie Hebdo,' brazen champion of political incorrectness, loved poking fun at Islam
Charlie Hebdo, the Paris-based satirical newsmagazine that was targeted by two gunmen in one of the most brutal terrorist attacks in the history of the Fifth Republic, has been available on French newsstands since its founding in July 1992.
It gained its greater notoriety, however, for its defiant stance toward upholding freedom of expression in the face of Muslim anger over depictions of the Prophet Mohammed.
In 2006, it riled Muslims in France and elsewhere after it reprinted 12 cartoons originally published months earlier by Jylland-Posten, a Danish newspaper. The caricatures sparked rioting and widespread protests across the Muslim world.
Charlie Hebdo’s act of solidarity with Jylland-Posten prompted a French Muslim organization to take the newspaper to court, charging that it was fomenting racism by publishing the cartoons. A French court, however, disagreed, and acquitted the newspaper.
An anti-establishment weekly whose Paris offices were under police protection due to threats, Charlie Hebdo continued to make waves. In 2011, it issued a tongue-in-cheek edition titled Charia Hebdo with “guest editor” Mohammed.
On the day before the edition hit newsstands, its offices were firebombed and its website hacked.

  • Wednesday, January 07, 2015
  • Elder of Ziyon
This morning there was a horrendous terror attack in Paris:

At least 12 people have been killed by gunmen armed with Kalashnikovs and a rocket-launcher, after they opened fire in the offices of French satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo, Paris prosecutors say.

A further 20 people were injured, at least four seriously, in the shooting at the offices of the newspaper, which were firebombed in 2011 after it published cartoons about the prophet Mohammed.

Two police officers and nine journalists are thought to be among those killed, including the newspaper's editor-in-chief, Stephane Charbonnier, judicial sources told Agence France Presse.

The attackers shouted "we have avenged the prophet" when storming the offices, according to witnesses cited by a police source.

One of the men was captured on video shouting "Allah!" as shots rang out.

In the video, filmed by journalist Martin Boudot taking refuge on a nearby rooftop, the men can also be heard shouting "Allahu Akbar" (God is greatest) between rounds of heavy arms fire.

In solidarity with Charlie Hedbo (whose editor in chief and several cartoonists were among the dead,) here is the last tweet posted on their account shortly before the terror attack:

Here are the cartoons from 2012 that mainstream media were too afraid to publish from that satirical magazine, and after the Charlie Hedbo offices had been firebombed in 2011:

"With my new iPhone 5 with 4" screen you can see clearly that they've insulted the prophet!"

Problem teenager - He doesn't drink, he doesn't smoke, he doesn't take drugs, he doesn't screw -
"My son is a Salafist!!!"

Riots in the Arab countries ...
after publication of the photos of Madame Mohammed

Salafist stupidity - Any pretext is good!
"Another insulting representation of our prophet!"

Stop kidding around about Mohammed!
"I'm a Jew!"

Mohammed reduces unemployment among young people -
there are lots of new film critics

A film about Islam triggers the rage of the fundamentalists -
"Show us an intelligent film and we start World War III!"

  • Wednesday, January 07, 2015
  • Elder of Ziyon
Human Rights Watch gives an overview of forcible transfer as a crime against humanity under international law (in context of forcible transfers of ethnic populations from northern Iraq):

The forcible and arbitrary transfer of populations--that is, without any grounds permissible under international law—has been defined in the International Criminal Court statute as a crime against humanity.30 Although the crimes described here occurred prior to the ICC statute’s coming into force, and Iraq in any case is not a party to the statute, the statute itself is considered to reflect customary international law.

Prior to the coming into force of the International Criminal Court (ICC) treaty, international criminal law sometimes did not distinguish between the crime of deportation, defined as “the forced removal of people from one country to another,” and the crime of forced population transfer, defined as the “compulsory movement of people from one area to another within the same State.”31 Deportation has been recognized as a crime against humanity in each of the major international criminal instruments prior to the ICC, including the Nuremberg Charter, the Tokyo Charter, the Allied Control Council Law No. 10, and the statutes of the international criminal tribunals for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) and Rwanda (ICTR).32 The long-standing definition of “deportation” as a crime against humanity included the crime of forced population transfer within a state’s borders.33

The Statute of the ICC, which came into force on July 1, 2002,34 includes among its definitions of crimes against humanity “deportation or forcible transfer of population.” According to one commentator, forcible transfer was specifically included “to make it expressly clear that transfers of populations within a State’s borders were also covered.”35 The crime of forcible transfer of populations includes “the full range of coercive pressures on people to flee their homes, including death threats, destruction of their homes, and other acts of persecution such as depriving members of a group of employment, denying them access to schools, and forcing them to wear a symbol of their religious identity.”36

Human Rights Provisions Relevant to Forced Transfer

Article 12 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), to which Iraq became a party in 1971, establishes that everyone shall have “the right to liberty of movement and freedom to choose his residence.”46 The freedom to choose one’s residence incorporates the right not to be forcibly moved.47 Restrictions on movement and choice of residence are permitted only when provided by law and for reason of “national security, public order (ordre public), public health or morals, or the rights and freedoms of others,” and such restrictions must be consistent with other rights recognized in the ICCPR.

“Ethnic Cleansing”

Ethnic cleansing refers to the policy of “rendering an area ethnically homogeneous by using force or intimidation to remove targeted persons or a given group from the area.”48 Ethnic cleansing is not defined in any international criminal convention or under customary international law, but it is a concept that is “culled from the Yugoslav conflict, where the term has been used by the Serb leadership in connection with their military campaigns to cleanse territories that are intended to be part of ‘Greater Serbia.’”49 Ethnic cleansing is similar to forced population transfer, but involves an additional element of the use of “terror-inspiring violence.”50 The United Nations has repeatedly characterized the practice of ethnic cleansing as a violation of international humanitarian law, and has demanded that perpetrators of ethnic cleansing be brought to justice.51
This is just the tip of the iceberg. Since the 1949 Geneva Conventions the idea of forcing a group of people to move out of their homes against their will has been considered as heinous a crime as possible - a crime against humanity. Here is the ICC's list of crimes against humanity that to show the seriousness of this crime:

  • murder;
  • extermination;
  • enslavement;
  • deportation or forcible transfer of population;
  • imprisonment;
  • torture;
  • rape, sexual slavery, enforced prostitution, forced pregnancy, enforced sterilization, or any other form of sexual violence of comparable gravity;
  • persecution against an identifiable group on political, racial, national, ethnic, cultural, religious or gender grounds;
  • enforced disappearance of persons;
  • the crime of apartheid;
  • other inhumane acts of a similar character intentionally causing great suffering or serious bodily or mental injury.
By any yardstick, forcing a population to move out of their homes against their will - whether between international borders or within them, whether in wartime or in peacetime - is considered a particularly heinous act.

With one exception: forcing Jews to move out of their historic homeland in Judea and Samaria.

Doing that is not only allowed, but demanded, by the United Nations. From UNSC 465 (1980):

The Security Council....calls upon the Government and people of Israel to dismantle the existing settlements and in particular to cease, on an urgent basis, the establishment, construction and planning of settlements in the Arab territories occupied since 1967, including Jerusalem;
I think that dismantling thousands of homes fits under the definition of "coercive pressure" to leave.

So as many as 600,000 people are the exception to the rules against ethnic cleansing and forced transfer.

And every single one of these exceptions is a Jew. (Arab Israelis who moved across the Green Line would have a choice as to whether they want to stay or not, but Jews wouldn't.)

As far as I can tell, no other population of anything close to that size has ever been told that they must move under international law. At worst, some sort of compromise is searched for to avoid the heinous crime of forced deportation and ethnic cleansing.

Except for Jews in their historic homeland.

The reason must be that the "illegality" of the settlements is worse than the crime against humanity of forcible transfer of hundreds of thousands of people.

From a purposeful misreading of the Fourth Geneva Convention rule that was meant to stop the forced transfer of civilians into occupied territories, over the years the international community - prompted by the Arab states demands and sometimes blackmail - has slowly changed international law, and the interpretation of international law, to make the establishment of Jewish communities built by people who voluntarily moved to the land of their forefathers into a worse crime than that of forcible transfer and ethnic cleansing. It has been a slow process but the spirit and intent of the Fourth Geneva Convention has been completely replaced by a new set of rules that are specifically and deliberately aimed at Jews.

HRW, in the paper cited above, has far more concern about the people who illegally moved into the areas that were ethnically cleansed of Kurds and Assyrians than any human rights group has ever stated about the Jews of Judea and Samaria that they want to transfer:

The Iraqi government has brought ethnic Arab populations-some also against their will, others with financial incentives-to Kirkuk to advance its "Arabization" drive, and many of those ethnic Arabs now live in the former homes of displaced persons. The right to repossess private property must be balanced against any rights these secondary occupiers may have in domestic or international law, using impartial and efficient procedural safeguards.124 In Bosnia, property claims administrators have attempted to resolve these disputes in a manner that respects the rights of the first possessor as well as the secondary occupier.125
So under the joke of "international law" as interpreted nowadays, the people who move into the actual houses of those forced out have more rights than Jews who have built the vast majority of their homes on public lands. Even Jews who were born in Judea and Samaria have no human right of staying in the homes that they have lived in all their lives. This interpretation of international law is unique to Jews  - not Israelis, but Jews. The paper quoted above bends ove backwards to ensure the rights of the occupiers, but no human rights group has ever said the same about Jews in Judea and Samaria.

 Even if you say that Israel's control of land that was for 19 years illegally annexed by Jordan is illegal itself, and even if you say that it is against international law to allow (not force) citizens to move to such territory, the rights of Jews in Judea and Samaria to keep the homes they built should be far higher than the rights of Arabs to stay in houses literally stolen from ethnic groups in northern Iraq.

But no one says that. Just as no one calls for Turks who moved into northern Cyprus or Armenians in Nagorno-Karabakh to be forcibly evicted from their homes.

"Palestine" has the right to ethnically cleanse Jews from their homeland. what would be considered a crime against humanity in any other  context in any other area of the world is considered mandatory by the UN, as well as "human rights" groups.

This is just one example - although  perhaps the most egregious one - of how international law itself, meant to be universal and to uphold the highest standards of impartiality, has been subverted by people with political agendas since 1967 to target Israel and only Israel.
The most interesting thing about this antisemitic article in Iran's PressTV is that it is only signed with initials BM/BB.

BM are the highly appropriate initials for Brandon Martinez, who has been happily spouting Jew-hatred for far left "pro-Palestinian" sites for a while.

After every major war, victors justice and victors history always win the day. Those who win the war customarily scapegoat their vanquished foes for every calamity under the sun, embellishing and exaggerating the crimes of their adversaries as a means of whitewashing their own. World War II is no exception. Hollywood’s bastardization of WWII history, with its obligatory overemphasis of alleged “Nazi” war crimes and endless “holocaust” adaptations, is a deliberate attempt by the victorious powers to suppress the reality of Allied barbarism and the secret agenda of Allied leaders to aid and abet the Jewish-Zionist seizure and ethnic cleansing of Palestine after the war.

“Six million,” was the frenzied Zionist war cry as they wielded British and American weaponry to depopulate more than 500 Palestinian villages, burning them to the ground. “Never again,” the Jewish-Zionist militants chanted while slaying innocent Arab women and children in the name of Yahweh and the mythical ‘six million’ martyrs. It is this hideous transgression against the Palestinian people that must be drowned underneath a tidal wave of documentaries, ‘survivor memoirs’ and fictionalized flicks on the big screen.

Even though Russia rightly condemns the US for its murderous activities during WWII, Moscow is not a guiltless party in the bloody affair. The Russians are playing a schizoid double game of glorifying their own sordid role in WWII whilst condemning America’s equally barbarous contribution to the bloodshed. Russia’s leaders continue to promote preposterous war myths about the Soviet Union’s ‘benevolent’ and ‘heroic’ role in “defeating fascism,” but the truth is that Stalin and his NKVD henchmen laid waste to more human souls than Hitler and Mussolini could even dream of. Over the course of his 30-year iron rule, Stalin and his predominantly Jewish secret police murdered and enslaved more than 40 million people.

...Enforcing German and Japanese war guilt is a self-serving ruse by interested parties, principally American and Zionist imperialists, to distract the masses from the hidden truths about the Second World War which, if exposed widely, could cause the US-Israeli imperium to crumble like a house of cards.
It's funny that Iran's Supreme Leader tweets about his wonderful tolerance of non-Muslims while his official media publishes things like this.

Notice that the Christian mother feels compelled to cover her hair in tolerant Iran..

Tuesday, January 06, 2015

From Ian:

The lessons of Fatah Day
In this respect, Fatah Day provides us all with an important glimpse into the mindset of Palestinian society and its leaders. It should open our eyes, if they aren’t already, and sweep away any illusions that might still exist about the ultimate aims of the Palestinian “national liberation movement.”
Abbas and his ilk neither shy away from violence nor revile it. As the celebrations on Fatah Day demonstrated, they wholeheartedly embrace it.
Not only that, but Fatah Day serves as a timely reminder that Palestinian terrorists began attacking Israel more than two years before the 1967 Six Day War, when Israel acquired Judea and Samaria as well as the eastern part of Jerusalem.
In other words, the Palestinian struggle against Israel, which is supposedly all about the “occupied territories,” is in fact much broader and even more sinister.
It is aimed at the very existence of the Jewish state.
And this is why there truly is no peace.
Not because Israelis choose to live in Beit El or in Hebron, but because our Palestinian neighbors simply don’t want them to live at all.
Shmuley Boteach: The 10-year klepto-dictatorship of Mahmoud Abbas
This coming Friday, January 9, will mark the tenth anniversary of his victory in the Palestinian presidential election. His term was supposed to have ended six years ago, but didn’t – mainly because he’s called off every election since. Which means that this Friday will mark not only the birth of Abbas’ presidency, but also the death of Palestinian democracy. Over the course of the past decade Abbas has completely dismantled whatever democratic process existed in the PA , to the extent that it ever did.
The truth is, though, this refusal to step down or call new elections is just one of many symptoms of the dictatorship that has developed under Abbas. In line with other dictators, Abbas has scrapped any semblance of freedom of speech in the PA . Any journalists who attempt to call him out on his despotic ways are quickly imprisoned. The charge? “Extending their tongue.”
Like any dictator, he’s corrupt. His predecessor, Yasser Arafat, was accused of embezzling billions of dollars of money meant for the Palestinian people, with US officials estimating the man’s personal nest egg at between one and three billion dollars. In line with his role model, after whom he named his own son, Abbas has continued this ignominious tradition.
Exploring How the World Turned Against Israel
Below is an excerpt from “Making David into Goliath: How the World Turned Against Israel” by Joshua Muravchik.
For every Jew in the world, there are 100 Muslims. While Israel is the only Jewish state, 57 states belong to the Organization of Islamic Cooperation. The Arabs had been unable to translate these advantages into military strength, but they learned to make them pay off in political clout. They threatened those who crossed them with terrorism, oil cutoffs, and economic boycotts; and the power of their diplomatic bloc, which largely controlled the UN through the Non-Aligned Movement.
While people and countries quite often respond cravenly to such incentives, they seldom like to admit it even to themselves. What made it easier in this case was the rise of a new paradigm of progressive thought: multiculturalism or race-consciousness. The struggle of “the rest against the West,” or of “people of color” against “the white man” replaced the older model of proletariat versus bourgeoisie as the central moral drama of world history.  In this paradigm, the Arabs, notwithstanding their regressive social and political practices, assumed a place among the forces of virtue and progress while the Israelis were consigned to the ranks of the villains and reactionaries.
Championed by the Left’s networks of organizations and intellectuals, a Palestinian state became a kind of Holy Grail to enlightened opinion, even while almost no one gave a fig for the aspirations of the Kurds or Tibetans or numerous other bereft peoples. Whether this state would rise alongside Israel or in place of it was of secondary concern.

  • Tuesday, January 06, 2015
  • Elder of Ziyon
Sameh Abu Arayes is an Egyptian economist is respected enough to be interviewed on TV programs. He is president of the Arab Society of Technical Analysts of shares and bonds.

Recently, Vodaphone started airing a commercial on Egyptian TV that is set in a circus. At the beginning, the announcer does a voice-over:

"In a faraway circus, there once was a group of people, gifted with flexibility, (the ability to) control and power, who came to Egypt and roamed all over it. And there are many more surprises..."

Abu Arayes immediately figured out the secret message behind this commercial.

On his Facebook page, reproduced in Al-Mogaz (under "Weird News") Abu Arayes interpreted the meaning of this commercial.

The "gifted people"in the circus are the Freemasons, whose leaders are Jews. He says that when it says that they "roamed all over [Egypt]" it means that they means fooled the Egyptian people and play tricks on them, in what he terms "The Freemason January Revolution and its aftermath".

He also says that when the voice says "In a faraway circus", you can see that there is a truncated pyramid on the curtains, a Freemason symbol, and the Jews, (who control Freemasonry) adopted this symbol because they falsely claim that they built the pyramids.

The guy says that when the voice says "And there are many more surprises...", the real meaning is that the Jews are plotting more conspiracies and plots against Egypt.

Thanks Allah we have someone smart enough to decipher the secret coded messages that Jews feel compelled to place in TV commercials for consumer devices!

This is not the first time that Abu Arayes has found secret Jewish messages in TV commercials. In his YouTube page he spins similarly bizarre tales about a 7-Up commercial that he says shows that Zionists and the CIA will launch suicide operations in Egypt, a Coke commercial that shows that the Zionists will engineer the execution of Mohamed Morsi, and a Freska chocolate commercial that is a similar threat from Zionists to Morsi.

However, two can play this game. He identifies another commercial symbolizing Morsi slapping America's face.

Layers upon layers.

(h/t Ibn Boutros)

  • Tuesday, January 06, 2015
  • Elder of Ziyon
A major storm system is forecast to hit Israel starting tomorrow.

Which means that we will soon see Palestinian Arabs going to the UN to blame Israel for their weather-related problems.

Last year, potholes and cracks appeared in streets after a major storm in Jerusalem. Most of them were just potholes, but the cracks in Silwan were really the result of Jews digging underneath the area.

In 2012, the Arab League brought a complaint to the UN because some walls in Arab neighborhoods collapsed after a major rainfall.

In 2010, Gazans blamed Israel for flooding during heavy rains, claiming that the flooding was really the result of Israel opening up an imaginary dam in the Negev.

This was repeated in January 2013 and again last winter.

And the impending storms are also the Jews' fault. Last October a Palestinian Arab "expert" said that as a result of microscopic impurities in the air from Israel's illegal weapons used in Gaza, that this winter would have very severe storms.

Watch the Palestinian Arab media over the next week. The omnipotent Jews will be performing some miracles.
From Ian:

NGO Monitor: Human rights, European money and the ICC wars
The Palestinian campaign to “bring Israel to the dock” at the International Criminal Court (ICC) did not suddenly arise out of “frustration” at the failure of the peace talks, the setback at the UN Security Council, or other recent events.
Rather, the strategy was explicitly adopted during the negotiations of the Rome Statute that led to the establishment of the ICC, and has been moving steadily since then. In 1997, towards the end of this process, the members of the Arab League pushed through language inventing a new war crime to ostensibly cover Israeli settlements. The purpose was clearly to prepare the grounds for exploiting the ICC for “lawfare” to target Israel.
Since then, this legal war has proceeded step by step, led by a powerful army of non-governmental organizations (NGOs), largely funded by European governments under the façade of human rights and international law. While the exact amounts and NGO allocation processes in the European Union under frameworks such as the EU Instrument Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR) are top-secret and exempted from Freedom of Information laws, the annual total for anti-Israel campaigning related to this warfare is estimated at approximately 100 million euros. (h/t Elder of Lobby)
INSS: Legal and Political Observations on the Defeated Palestinian-Jordanian Draft Resolution
While calling for total withdrawal from all the territories, including East Jerusalem, the Jordanian draft does, however, refer to the possibility of "mutually agreed, limited, equivalent land swaps," a proposal not included in the Arab League initiative.
Along with the artificially rigid timetable and the call for total withdrawal, the Jordanian draft proposes that the Arab refugee problem be resolved on the basis of UN General Assembly Resolution 194 (III). Like the Arab League initiative, the Jordanian draft thus indirectly tries to introduce the so-called “right of return” as a condition of negotiations. When Resolution 194 was passed in December 1948, all the Arab states voted against it, and there is no reference to this resolution in UN Security Council Resolution 242, nor in the 1978 Camp David Agreement with Egypt, the 1979 Peace Treaty, the Israel Jordan Peace Treaty, or even in the Oslo agreements with the PLO. It is thus an attempt to introduce an element that is completely unacceptable to Israel and had in fact been quietly abandoned in all the agreements with Israel.
In voting against the draft, the US was not only expressing its political displeasure but was also fulfilling its obligation as part of the 1979 Egypt-Israel peace treaty, where the US reaffirmed its commitment to "oppose and, if necessary, vote against any initiative in the Security Council to … change Resolutions 242 and 338 in ways which are incompatible with their original purpose."
Daniel Gordis: Palestinians Still Don't Want a State
Abbas was much better off with the proposal dying an ugly death because the defeat enables him to use the ICC to indict Israeli soldiers, a move bound to infuriate Israel and rile up the Arab street rather than lead to negotiations.
Nothing sums up the Palestinian street better than comments made by Mahmoud Zahar, a co-founder of Hamas and still a member of its leadership, this week. “This Palestinian resolution is catastrophic and has no future on the land of Palestine,” he said. “The future belongs to the resistance. We will continue to work to liberate all the land and achieve the right of return for Palestinian refugees. Hamas will not accept anything less than all the lands that were occupied in 1948.”
For decades, the Palestinian leadership has preferred conflict to statehood. When the UN voted on Nov. 29, 1948, in favor of the Partition of Palestine (and thus in favor of the creation of a Jewish State), the land allocated to Israel was home to 500,000 Jews and 450,000 Arabs. It barely had a Jewish majority. With the demographics almost equally balanced, birthrate differentials and the ease of encouraging Arabs from nearby lands to immigrate to this new state, Arabs could quickly have tipped the scales and created an Arab majority. There would have been two Arab States and no Jewish State.
But in 1947, the Arabs attacked Israel instead. The rest is history. If last week’s events are any indication, nothing much has changed.

  • Tuesday, January 06, 2015
  • Elder of Ziyon
This article by Bret Stephens is the third important piece in the mainstream media over the past couple of days that challenges the conventional wisdom of PLO saintliness and Israeli blame. (The first two were by Dennis Ross and, to an extent, David Brooks.)

Stephens nails it:

...People who are in the business of making excuses for Palestinians—and the apologists are legion—sagely explained that the vote for Hamas wasn’t a public endorsement of a terrorist group sworn to Israel’s annihilation, but rather a vote against the corruption of Fatah, Mr. Abbas’s party. As if the two propositions could not both be true. As if Palestinians were unaware of Hamas’s intentions. As if a vote against venal officialdom palliated a vote for violent ideologues.

So it has been with the rest of Mr. Abbas’s serial fiascoes over the decade, culminating in his failed bid last week to force a vote in the Security Council over Palestinian statehood. In 2005, Israel withdrew from the Gaza Strip, leaving Mr. Abbas in charge and giving him a chance to make something of the territory. Gaza dissolved into civil war within months. In 2008, Israel offered Mr. Abbas a state covering 94% of the West Bank, along with a compensatory 6% of Israeli territory and a land bridge to Gaza. Mr. Abbas never took up the offer.

Last March, President Obama personally offered Mr. Abbas a U.S.-sponsored “framework” agreement. Again Mr. Abbas demurred. The following month, Mr. Abbas signed a “reconciliation” pact with Hamas. War came by summer.

Now Mr. Abbas has moved to have “the state of Palestine” join the International Criminal Court, chiefly in order to harass and perhaps arrest Israeli military officers and politicians spuriously accused of war crimes. The gambit will fail for the simple reason that two can play the game.

So why does Mr. Abbas persevere?

Because, as the late Fouad Ajami knew so well, the pleasures of dreaming are better than the labors of building, just as the rhetoric of justice, patrimony and right is so much more stirring than the fine print and petty indignities of compromise. Mr. Abbas consistently refuses a Palestinian state because such a state is infinitely more trivial than a Palestinian struggle. Becoming is better than being. So long as “Palestine” is in the process of becoming, it matters. Once it exists, it all but doesn’t. How many times will some future president of an established Palestinian state get to visit the White House?

This explains why a Palestinian state—a reasonably peaceful and prosperous one, at any rate—is deeply in Israel’s interest. And why no Palestinian leader will ever accept such a state on any terms. After the endless stream of Palestinian rejections—from the 1947 U.N. partition plan to the “Three No’s” of the 1967 Khartoum Resolution to Arafat’s refusal to make a deal at Camp David in 2000, one begins to sense a pattern. Palestine can never hope to compete with Israel except in the sense that the fantasy of Palestine will always have an edge on the reality of Israel.

Over a beachfront lunch yesterday in Tel Aviv, an astute Israeli friend had the following counter-fantasy: What if Western leaders refused to take Mahmoud Abbas’s calls? What if they pointed out that, in the broad spectrum of global interests, from Eastern Europe to the South China Sea, the question of Palestinian statehood ranked very low—on a par with, say, the prospect of independence for the Walloons? What if these leaders observed that, in the scale of human tragedy, the supposed plight of the Palestinians is of small account next to the human suffering in Syria or South Sudan?

In that event, the Palestinian dream palace might shrink to its proper size, and bring the attractions of practical statecraft into sharper focus. Genuine peace might become possible.

Don’t hold your breath.
  • Tuesday, January 06, 2015
  • Elder of Ziyon
There have been signs that the Arab world has been sick of the Palestinian issue for years. They'll dutifully tell Western governments that 'Palestine" is their top priority but their actions show quite the opposite, as they have withheld pledges and treat actual Palestinian Arabs like dirt.

We already know that Egypt has been treating Gaza like a terror stronghold and doing everything possible to shut off access in both directions.

Now another Arab country has made clear how it thinks about its Palestinian cousins:

The Libyan Foreign Ministry Monday announced an entry ban on Palestinian, Sudanese and Syrian nationals.

“The decision, which takes effect immediately until further notice, will be implemented across all land, sea and air ports,” the statement said.

The ministry did not specify the reasons behind the decision, but said it was a temporary move.

The ministry’s media office later issued an explanation saying that the authorities had received information that a group of people holding these nationalities had participated in “terrorist activities against the army and police in Benghazi and western Libyan cities.”
The irony is that European nations are adding legitimacy to "Palestine" as Arab nations are distancing themselves -  yet the European moves are a result of years of Arab diplomatic pressure.

  • Tuesday, January 06, 2015
  • Elder of Ziyon

On Monday, the Secretary-General of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation Iyad Madani paid a visit to the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem, saying in a speech on Monday that such visits are a right for every Muslim.

Hamas wasn't pleased.

The terror group issued a statement saying that such visits were examples of "normalization" with Israel, and that it is the duty of all Muslims to liberate Jerusalem rather than visit it.

Naturally, the best way for the Muslim world to support this liberation is to send lots of money to groups like Hamas "to support the resistance and the steadfastness of the people of Jerusalem."

This is part of a long standing argument in the Muslim world.

In 2012, Hamas and other Islamist groups denounced a visit to Jerusalem from the then-Mufti of Egypt Ali Gomaa.

In 2010, the sheikh of Egypt's Al Azhar University issued a statement banning such visits, using the logic that such visits makes Israel look good for allowing Muslims to visit. A former Jerusalem mufti also used bizarre logic to oppose visits by Muslims from Arab countries but allowing them for Muslims from European countries..

Influential preacher Yusuf Qaradawi, associated with the Muslim Brotherhood, is also against such visits and had a public disagreement with Mahmoud Abbas when the latter encouraged Arabs to visit.

Monday, January 05, 2015

From Ian:

Mohammad Zoabi Breaks His Silence
Mohammad Zoabi has posted his first message since being forced to leave Israel due to threats against his life for supporting Israel and the Jewish people.
Hello everybody.
First of all let me start by honestly, politely and simply saying: I HAVE MISSED YOU SO FREAKING MUCH!!!!!!!
Whew……i feel much better now..!
My dear friends, the last half year was not an easy period of my life. I had to hide, go under ground, keep a low profile like what if i have done a nasty crime.
I simply went and still going through things that teenagers rarely go through. And i do have to say that though i don’t believe that i have done anything wrong by showing my love and loyalty to my country Israel and its people, love makes me blind, and my lovely Israel with all its positive and negative sides blinded me and i was, still and will be ready to pay the price of defending and loving it!
Simply because its my country and i have no other! (h/t Elder of Lobby)
Eugene Kontorovich: Is the International Criminal Court biased against Israel?
In a prior post, I examined the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, which contains an important provision directly designed to target Israel.
Now we’ll turn to the Court as an institution. In the wake of the Palestinian turn to the International Criminal Court, several commentators have argued that there is no reason to think the institution is out to get Israel. That is true. Of course, the Court has done so little in its twelve year history, that it is hard to say much with confidence about its inclinations and proclivities. And prosecutions of Israelis (nationals of a non-member state) would be a kind of activity the Court has never engaged in without the request of the Security Council, so there is even less data.
There is no reason to think the prosecutor or Court are eager for Israel/Palestine cases, and a lot of reasons to think they are not, given the disproportionate political headaches they entail.
Yet there is cause to think that the the Court is a most improper venue for sorting the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Indeed, even absent any bias, the Court is structured in a way that cannot do equal justice, and is thus properly seen as a Palestinian tool against Israel. Moreover, recent statements by the Prosecutor give troubling evidence that she may be willing to replace legal analysis with the off-the-shelf views of the “international community” on the conflict.
The Miseducation of Chris Gunness
On November 6th 2014, investigative blogger Elder of Ziyon, who is well known for his efficient foot-work when it comes to revealing incitement on social media and the internet, discovered the following alarming story: In 2010, UNRWA announced that it would take excelling Gazan students to the United States, where they would visit New-York City and the US Holocaust Museum in Washington D.C. According to the media, Hamas demanded UNRWA to cancel the “suspicious” tour. Apparently, the reasons for the cancellation were far more disturbing, as written by Gaza’s UNRWA union, on February 2011
Let me sum this up: Mr. Da’las, the Deputy Chief of Staff at UNRWA’s Gaza Union, released an official statement that is even more extreme than the statement made by Hamas. In this official statement, he rejects the offer to send Palestinian students on an educational tour to the US, because it includes a “fake trip” to a museum revolving “the alleged Holocaust,” where educators will “try to feed students concepts and ideas about the fake injustices suffered by the Jews” according to a “curriculum on so-called human rights.”
Is it possible that a curriculum that was consisted with Holocaust education content was rejected by a United Nations’ agency official because of a claim that the Holocaust never happened? Ever since this disturbing story was published, I have been trying to get a clarification from UNRWA’s spokesperson, Chris Gunness at the most popular arena of our time for media personnel and news sources to exchange ideas and thoughts: Twitter. I had a good reason to believe that I will get a proper reply since Chris Gunness owns a Twitter account, which he is using on a regular basis to post UNRWA-related updates and interact with others.

  • Monday, January 05, 2015
  • Elder of Ziyon
Menasseh Ben Israel by Rembrandt
Menasseh Ben Israel was a brilliant 17th century rabbi and theologian.

He was born a secret Jew in a Portuguese island off of Africa, baptized as Manuel Diaz Soeiro. The family fled to Amsterdam where his father renamed himself Joseph Ben Israel and named his two sons after Joseph's sons, Ephraim and Menashe (Manasseh.)

Manasseh wrote his first book on Hebrew grammar at 17 and became rabbi of a shul in Amsterdam at 18. He also started a printing press in the city, the first Hebrew press in Holland.

He became famous in the non-Jewish world by publishing, in Spanish, "El Conciliador:"
...a laborious enumeration and discussion of all the passages contained in the Old Testament which seem to conflict with one another. Manasseh brought his very extensive rabbinical knowledge to bear upon each of these, and wrote, in fluent Spanish, an exposition of the recognized Jewish method of reconciling the seeming inconsistencies. The book was almost the first written in a modern language by a Jew which had an independent interest for Christian readers, and it accordingly gave Manasseh a wide-spread reputation in the learned world. Some of the best scholars of his time had correspondence with him—Isaac and Dionysius Vossius, Hugo Grotius, Caspar Barlæus, Cunæus Bochart, Huet, and Blondel; Anna Marie de Schurman consulted him. His Jewish acquaintance was even more numerous, and included Emanuel Frances, and the Buenos, Abravanels (relatives of his wife), Pintos, Abudientes, and Henriques. He corresponded also with Zacuto Lusitano, Daniel Caceres, and Diego Barrassa (to whom he dedicated one of his works), and assisted Joseph Delmedigo to publish a selection of his works at Amsterdam.
Ben-Israel was 27 when he published volume 1 of this work, on the Pentateuch. While he relied primarily on major Jewish sources he was not averse to quoting non-Jews in his works.

He then became known for being at the forefront of working to allow Jews to return to England after their expulsion in the 13th century.

From "The Occident and  American Jewish Advocate" newspaper, May, 1845:

Menasseh Ben Israel’s Apology for the Jews.

Our readers are doubtlessly aware that at the time of the Protector Cromwell, Jews were prohibited from residing in England, having been banished from England by various royal decrees, and lastly by that of Edward I., in 1290. We extract from Lingard: “The sufferings, however, of this unhappy people were not yet at an end. In 1287, on an appointed day, all the Jews in England, without any distinction of age or sex, were arrested, thrown into prison, and confined till they had purchased their liberty by a present to the king, of twelve thousand pounds. Three years later, in 1290, their doom was fixed. The whole race was ordered by proclamation to quit the kingdom for ever, within the space of two months, and under the penalty of death. The number of the exiles was sixteen thousand five hundred and eleven, who were furnished with passports by the king, and allowed to carry with them a competent supply for the journey; but their houses and lands, treasures and debts, were confiscated for the benefit of the crown. It is said that during their passage, many perished through the hatred or rapacity of the mariners, of whom several were afterwards convicted, and suffered the punishment due to their crime.” This is merely one instance of what the Jews suffered; we shall probably give more hereafter, with some comments of our own. At present our object is merely to introduce to our readers the contents of the Apology of the celebrated Rabbi and physician Menasseh Ben Israel, who visited England during the protectorate, and addressed Cromwell upon the benefit which the country would derive by re-admitting the Jews within its boundaries. The existence of this document is generally known, but few we think have ever seen it. And as we wish to make the Occident the recipient of every thing of interest, we believe that we cannot communicate to our friends a more gratifying article than the one which we commence in this number. We retain the ancient spelling, and state merely at the same time, that from the appearance of the copy from which we transcribe, we deem it to be one of the original edition, say of the year 1655.—Ed. Oc.

To His Highnesse The Lord Protector of the Common-Wealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland. The Humble Addresses of Menasseh Ben Israel, A Divine and Doctor of Physick, in Behalf of The Jewish Nation.

Give me leave, at such a juncture of time, to speak to your Highnesse, in a style and manner fitting to us Jewes and our condition. It is a thing most certaine, that the great God of Israel, Creator of Heaven and Earth, doth give and take away Dominions and Empires, according to his owne pleasure; exalting some, and overthrowing others: who, seeing he hath the hearts of Kings in his hand, he easily moves them whithersoever himselfe pleaseth, to put in execution his Divine Commands. This, my Lord, appears most evidently out of those words of Daniel, where he, rendering thanks unto God, for revealing unto him that prodigious dreame of Nebuchadnezar, doth say: Thou that removest Kings, and sets up Kings. And else-where, To the end the living might know, that the Highest hath dominion in Mans Kingdome, and giveth the same to whom he please. Of the very same minde are the Thalmudists likewise, affirming that a good Government, or Governor, is a Heavenly Gift; and that there is no Governor, but is first called by God unto that dignity: and this they prove from that passage of Exodus: Behold I have called Bazale’l by name, &c., all things being governed by Divine Providence, God dispensing rewards unto Vertues, and punishment unto Vices, according to his owne good Will. This the Examples of great Monarchs make good; especially of such, who have afflicted the people of Israel: For none hath ever afflicted them, who hath not been by some ominous Exit, most heavily punished of God Almighty; as is manifest from the Histories of those Kings, Pharaoh, Nebuchadnezar, Antiochus Epiphanies, Pompey, and others. And on the contrary, none ever was a Benefactor to that people, and cherished them in their Countries, who thereupon hath not presently begun very much to flourish. In so much that the Oracle to Abraham (I will blesse then that blesse thee, and curse them that curse thee) seemeth yet daily to have its accomplishment. Hence I, one of the least among the Hebrews, since by experience I have found, that through Gods great bounty toward us, many considerable and eminent persons both for Piety and Power, are moved with sincere and inward pitty and compassion towards us, and do comfort us concerning the approaching deliverance of Israel, could not but for myself, and in the behalf of my Countrey men, make this my humble addresse to your Highness, and beseech you for Gods sake, that ye would, according to that Piety and Power wherein you are eminent beyond others, vouchsafe to grant, that the Great and Glorious Name of the Lord our God may be extolled, and solemnly worshipped and praised by us through all the bounds of this Common-wealth; and to grant us place in your Countrey, that we may have our Synagogues, and free exercise of our Religion. I nothing doubting, but that your Clemency will easily grant this most equitable Petition of ours. Pagans have of old, out of reverence to the God of Israel; and the esteem they had to his people, granted most willingly free liberty, even to apostated Jewes; as Onias the High Priest, to build another Temple in their Countrey, like unto that at Jerusalem: how much more then may we, that are not Apostate or runagate Jewes, hope it from your Highnesse and your Christian Council, since you have so great knowledge of, and adore the same one onely God of Israel, together with us. Besides, it increases our confidence of your bounty towards us, in that so soon as ever the rumour of that most wished-for liberty, that ye were a thinking to grant us, was made known unto our Countrey-men; I, in the name of my Nation, the Jewes, That live in Holland, did congratulate and entertaine their Excellencies, the Ambassadors of England; who were received in our Synagogue with as great pomp and applause, Hymns and cheerfulnesse of minde, as ever any Soveraigne Prince was. For our people did in their owns mindes presage, that the Kingly Government being now changed into that of a Common-wealth, the antient hatred towards them, would also be changed into good-will: that those rigorous Laws (if any there be yet extant, made under the Kings) against so innocent a people, would happily be repealed. So that we hope now for better from your gentleness and goodness, since, from the beginning of your Government of this Common-wealth, your Highnesse hath professed much respect, and favour towards us. Wherefore I humbly entreat your Highnesse, that you would with a gracious eye have regard unto us, and our Petition, and grant unto us, as you have done unto others, free exercise of our Religion, that we may have our Synagogues, and keep our own publick worship, as our brethren doe in Italy, Germany, Poland, and many other places, and we shall pray for the happinesse and Peace of this your much renowned and puissant Common-wealth.



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