Monday, May 26, 2014

From Ian:

Closing a circle
Israel is often portrayed as a pariah state, an entity whose control over contested territory has turned it into an outcast. But that is a far cry from Israel's real standing on the world stage. In 1964, three years before the Six-Day War, when Jerusalem was still divided and Judea and Samaria were still under Jordanian rule, Israel's image was much worse than it is today. Pope Paul VI's visit and the way he conducted himself during his pilgrimage attest to that.
Pope Francis' visit to Mount Herzl was a tribute to the visionary who foresaw the establishment of the Jewish state. His predecessor refused to make the same gesture. Herzl has won; his vision is being realized. Yes, Israel still faces a delegitimization campaign, some seven decades after its founding (this effort is embraced by some inside Israel, as well,) but its overall standing on the world stage is on the rise. Not for nothing do world leaders keep coming. One almost feels as if there is a constant airlift to Israel. The greatest performers hold concerts here, too. Israel has also enjoyed a boost in its economic ties worldwide. This is the triumph of Zionism. The pope's visit to Mount Herzl attests to that.
Kotel Rabbi Tells Pope: 'We Have Returned Home'
Rabbi Rabinowitz noted that the Roman Emperor Titus stole the treasures of the Second Temple, roughly 2,000 years ago; the Arch of Titus in Rome, erected shortly after his death in 81 CE, clearly depicts Roman soldiers bringing to Rome the golden candelabrum and other Temple artifacts.
"It's true, the menorah (candelabrum) and tools of the Temple Titus succeeded in taking; but the light of faith, and the hope to return to the land of our fathers, he did not succeed in extinguishing," remarked the rabbi. "We have traveled a long road home."
Touré Tells Holocaust Survivors Check Your Privilege
MSNBC's Touré believes that having as many as 7 million of your ancestors gassed, burned, and tortured to death simply for the crime of being Jewish is nothing compared to slavery and Jim Crow, because Jews, in the end, had "white privilege," and therefore, could prosper economically.
On Twitter, Touré said the following in response to a Jew exclaiming, in as many words, that if their family could still prosper after the holocaust, then American blacks should be able to do the same after slavery and Jim Crow:
Twitchy has the scathing twitter replies (h/t MtTB)

  • Monday, May 26, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Stateless Media:

This interesting film follows Abdallah Hany Abu Zayad, a Palestinian Arab who works at the Sodastream factory in the Mishor Adumim industrial park.

It also shows Russian Jews who work at the factory. One, Valery, who works with Abdullah directly, says that "on the outside, they seem to treat me well enough; as for what's in their soul, I have no way of knowing that, now do I?"

The film says that soon after Abdallah started working there, he was personally visited by PA officials who told him he was betraying his country and should quit. He answered that he would be happy to if they could provide a job with the same salary, three times the average salary in the West Bank.

It shows the Arab workers eating what appears to be a company-provided lunch, saying that the chicken is OK that day; sometimes it is very good. It also shows Abdallah praying at the factory.

At the end, Abdallah says that Sodastream chose him to be interviewed by this film crew because they knew he wouldn't say anything bad about them, but at the same time he insists he isn't afraid to say anything negative.

The film ends with a very disturbing poem that Abdallah wrote and proudly reads aloud, describing how women admire him sitting on his throne, but one day "I'll raise my armies in preparation for war....the monster in me awakens, ready to torture and slaughter" - as it shows him working closely with his Jewish colleague.

  • Monday, May 26, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
The official text of the speech Pope Francis gave in front of Israeli president Shimon Peres began:

I am grateful to you, Mr President, for your kind and sage words of greeting and your warm welcome. I am happy to be able to meet you once again, this time in Jerusalem, the city which preserves the Holy Places dear to the three great religions which worship the God who called Abraham. The Holy Places are not monuments or museums for tourists, but places where communities of believers daily express their faith and culture, and carry out their works of charity. Precisely for this reason, their sacred character must be perpetually maintained and protection given not only to the legacy of the past but also to all those who visit these sites today and to those who will visit them in the future. May Jerusalem be truly the City of Peace! May her identity and her sacred character, her universal religious and cultural significance shine forth as a treasure for all mankind! How good it is when pilgrims and residents enjoy free access to the Holy Places and can freely take part in religious celebrations.
This sure sounds like Francis is solidly on the side of Jewish worship on the Temple Mount.

On the other side of the coin, the Al Aqsa Foundation is warning that Jews are planning to do exactly what the Pope is encouraging: going to their holiest spot to pray and celebrate Jerusalem Day, or, in their words, "ceremonial dances and rituals of Talmud at the Al-Aqsa Mosque" to "desecrate the Al Aqsa Mosque."

The official Wafa news agency mentioned this part of the Pope's speech, although probably for different reasons. I don't think they thought this all the way through.

Now it must be mentioned that police  cleared the Western Wall of most Jews from the vicinity while he visited there, and they cleared the Temple Mount of practically all Muslims during the Pope's visit there as well.  (The Al Aqsa Foundation did not complain about this.)

Removing people who might endanger others is prudent and necessary. Sometimes there is a valid security reason to limit access to holy places. But it is certainly wrong to ban every member of a religion from their own holiest place.

Just ask Pope Francis.

From Ian:

JPost Editorial: Tragedy in Brussels
Once upon a time an exception was made in the anti-Zionist narrative for the sorts of Jews killed in the Shoah. The wandering Jew, the Jew with the portable homeland whose identity was defined by his religion and his religious texts, not his connection to a particular piece of land, was in vogue in Europe. The Jew sans Zionism seemed to represent the very embodiment of a new cosmopolitan, borderless Europe that had eschewed all that had made it evil during the two world wars. Europeans, at least those who bought in to the post-nationalist zeitgeist, seemingly had no problems with the ritual aspects of Judaism. These were the quaint religious ceremonies of an ancient, exiled people.
But for a few years now, there has also been an attack on the religious practices of Europe’s Jews, who are often the collateral damage of an anti-Muslim sentiment.
From attempted bans on circumcision and ritual slaughter to Israel bashing, Europe has become an increasingly inhospitable place for Jews. The tragic attack in Brussels and the intolerable beatings outside Paris are just the latest examples of anti-Semitism again rearing its ugly head, even among Europeans who should have learned from their past.
We call on all European leaders not only to condemn these attacks, but to act swiftly to catch their perpetrators and bring them to justice.
Another Anti-Semitic Outrage on the Dark Continent
It’s often quipped that European governments have a decent record of commemorating dead Jews, as evidenced by the numerous Holocaust memorials across the continent, and a pretty awful record when it comes to protecting live ones. The imperative of guaranteeing freedom of speech necessarily limits any actions that governments can take against anti-Semitic incitement, but that should not prevent European leaders from explicitly recognizing where this poison springs from. It is not enough to say, as did the president of the European Commission, Jose Manuel Barroso, that the Brussels atrocity “was an attack on European values which we cannot tolerate.” Only when Europe’s politicians finally acknowledge that the continent’s culture of Israel-hatred–expressed through boycott campaigns, degrading films and cartoons, frequent analogies between Israel and Nazi Germany or apartheid-era South Africa, and much else besides–is what lies behind this deadly violence, will we finally be able to say that some progress in confronting this social disease has been made.
Netanyahu Says Belgian Prime Minister is Only European Leader to Call Him About Anti-Semitism
The Belgian Prime Minister expressed shock over the murders, condemned all manifestations of anti-Semitism, and sent his condolences to the families of the victims in the call to update Netanyahu on details of the ongoing investigation into the slayings, according to the prime minister’s office.
Prime Minister Netanyahu thanked his Belgian counterpart for the call and offered to cooperate with the investigation, the statement said. He added, “As of now, you are the only European leader who has called me on this issue. I am very disturbed by the growing anti-Semitism in Europe. There must be zero tolerance for anti-Semitism toward Jews and their state.”

  • Monday, May 26, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
Q: Who falls forward when they are shot from the front?
A: People who are shot in their legs.

By looking at the video I made recently showing Nadim Nawarah's fall synchronized with CNN's video showing Israeli police shooting what is undoubtedly a rubber bullet*, it is clear that he was hit with something. His fall comes at the same time that everyone else around him reacts instinctively to the sound of the shot; he is not play-acting as too-many Israeli "experts" are claiming.

Nawarah gets thrown off balance by being shot in his right leg or thigh. He takes weight off the injured leg, causing him to fall, breaking his fall with his hands. He then pivots to his back as he is falling to avoid his injured leg being further hurt.

Once you realize that he was not shot in the chest, all the other questions people are raising about this video are answered. He wasn't faking falling - he was really shot, but not by live fire.

A small piece of evidence, not definitive but supportive, comes from the high res photo taken during the two seconds he was alone on the ground. It shows an indentation on his pants that would be consistent with a rubber bullet. I would bet there is a large red welt beneath that indentation.

Now, what happened afterwards? I have no idea. If I am right - and I am convinced I am, at least in Nawarah's case - then you have no choice but to say that either he was shot after this incident in the chest, or another dead body was buried, and either this isn't Nawarah or that other person isn't Nawarah.

It is very difficult to say that he was shot in the ambulance or in the hospital or another body was found (actually, two bodies.) As I've said before, I dislike conspiracy theories. However, to believe that Israeli troops disobeyed orders and shot with live fire is a conspiracy theory as well. One way or another, there is a coverup going on, and Arabs in the territories are far less likely to publicly break with the official line than Israelis are.

This doesn't explain the other people shot, of course. We have one more dead person, Muhammad Salama, and one seriously injured person Muhammad Abdallah ‘Azza both of whom were allegedly shot by live fire. But the Nadim Nawarah scam - because on some level that's what it is - puts questions on the entire narrative.

As far as Muhammed Salama, the youth with the green Islamist flag, is concerned, I am having a hard time reconciling the coroner report with the video of his shooting. Here is the CCTV video of him.

He is allegedly shot from the unseen IDF position, which is around the corner from him from the camera's perspective (h/t Yenta)

The coroner report said "the bullet entered the right side of Muhammad’s back and exited the body from his left parasternal area."

I don't see, from that angle and the direction he was walking, how a bullet could have entered his right side and exited his left, unless it changed trajectory within his body (which is certainly possible.) That is hardly strong evidence that he wasn't shot by live fire from the Israelis, but it is something to research.

A further anomaly is that the CCTV videos show Salama shot at 2:58, still lying there at 2:59, yet the medical report says "Muhammad was admitted to the emergency room at the Palestine Medical Complex at 3:00 pm. Immediately upon arrival, he underwent a thoracotomy in which it was discovered that his heart was damaged. At 3:15 pm, after a failed attempt at resuscitation, Muhammad was announced dead." That seems to be a very short timeframe.

It would be wonderful if all the news agencies who were on the scene would release their full video and photo archives from May 15 so they could be examined by third parties, and not only when they think they can support their own narrative as CNN did.

And I want to make it clear that if the border police did use live fire against regulations I would want to see serious punishments meted out. So far, out of all the footage released from news agencies as well as on YouTube, I have not yet seen a single firing of live ammunition.

(All posts on this topic here.)

*In my video I mistakenly focused on the shooter to the furthest right. As Ray in Seattle notes in the comments, it was actually a shooter to his right/our left that fired the rubber bullet that felled Nawarah. It is equally clear that his gun has the rubber bullet attachment. Since then I have changed this video to now show the correct shooter.
  • Monday, May 26, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
This morning, Nizar Issa, 25, from Jabalya refugee camp in the Gaza Strip, was blown up by an "internal explosion."

The Al-Quds Brigades announced that "the martyr was elevated during a mission to perform his jihad duty." He was working with explosives, no doubt for peaceful purposes.

This comes right after a similar explosion killed two Islamic Jihad members yesterday.

By my tally, this makes 21 Palestinian Arabs killed by terrorist internal explosions and rockets in 2014. Which is slightly more than the amount of Arabs confirmed killed by Israeli forces this year.*

My old graphic about "work accidents" seems quaint in light of how often they have happened recently.

*I am not counting the two "Nakba Day" casualties as I see no evidence that Israeli forces used live fire. 
  • Monday, May 26, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
Apparently, saying that Jews "stole Palestine" is passe. The cutting edge insult is to say that they "raped" it.

Ahmed Al-Sayed El-Nagar is Chief Economist for the Al Ahram Center for Political and Strategic Studies in Cairo.

He wrote an article in Al Ahram for "Nakba Day" where he says, 12 times, that Zionists "raped" Palestine.

Whenever the anniversary of the Zionist rape of Palestine comes, Arab memory in general, and Egyptian memory in particular, recalls images of Palestine under occupation or the British Mandate letting hordes of rapists of all nationalities pass to its lands. Nothing unified those hordes except the Zionist dream of raping Palestine. The British Mandate gave them public lands and granted them all forms of assistance with the consent and support of the US and the West in general. It allowed them to have the most advanced weapons to form criminal gangs for intimidating and expelling the Arabs and committing heinous massacres against them.

Memory also recalls Zionist and Western myths around Zionist superiority that established an "advanced state" in a developing region and the myth, which is more false still and mean-minded, about Palestinians selling their lands, as if Zionists established Israel on lands they bought, not through raping the land, state and rights of another people. ...

As a matter of fact, when the vast operation of raping Palestine commenced with Jewish immigration in 1904 on a large scale...

...This obviously means that the Zionists didn't buy Palestine but rather raped it in the 1948 War...

As well as those economically exploited agricultural lands, Israel seized the Negev within the War of Rape in 1948.

...Furthermore, by signing the Haavara Agreement, Nazi Germany supported the Zionist solution to the Jewish problem in Europe. This solution was based on establishing a Jewish state through raping Palestine...

...Since the Zionist flow to Palestine was aiming at raping it, the industry was basically military...

Thus, the West provided the machinery and financing, and even the demand, to vitalise the Zionist military industry. In addition, Zionist gangs provided a permanent and increasing source of demand on the Zionist military industry and its products in Palestine. This demand turned into a flood with Zionist preparation for the War of Rape of Palestine by the end of the British Mandate...
In Arabic, the word for "usurp" and "rape" is the same, and I've seen plenty of auto-translations of Arabic articles that talked about how Israel "raped Arab lands"  but which I assumed really meant (and I would translate as) "usurped."

It looks like I was being too charitable.

And it also sounds like Mr. Nagar is a bit obsessed with rape. In a country where 99.3% of women are sexually harassed, the deliberate, repeated use of that term is ironic.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

  • Sunday, May 25, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
The speech given by the Latin Patrriach to the Pope was filled with what can only be considered age-old
Catholic antisemitic imagery.
Holy Father, thank you for the beautiful celebration of the Eucharist here ,where we are so close to the Grotto of the Nativity.

I see a total harmony between your person, your way of leading, your way of addressing the world and the message of Bethlehem. Bethlehem: simplicity, openness, communion, the Divine who becomes incarnate, humbles himself and takes on our human form to be able to love us more.
Yes, a city where, if the Palestinian Arabs would have their way, Jews would be barred - including Rachel's Tomb, which the Patriarch's friends have been trying to usurp from the Jews. How open of them!

It is our wish that your visit will revive in human hearts, the Christmas message, the peace and the warmth of the grotto of Bethlehem.

We fervently hope that your pilgrimage may help each person to experience the greatness of the humility of Bethlehem, to recognise the futility of arrogance and the beauty of childhood and innocence.
"Arrogance" is a codeword among Middle Easterners for Western powers. Iran uses the term most often but it is used by Arabs sometimes as well.

So many children today have been reduced by the great of this world to a life of misery. They are often abandoned, homeless, without parents, and are forced to run around the dusty streets of refugee camps, as they have neither roof nor home to protect them.
Many are young people and children, friends of the child Jesus, who hear the same words spoken to Mary and Joseph “there is no room in the inn”. There is no place for them, neither in the family policy that decides their fate.
Why again are there "refugee camps" in areas under Arab control, including Palestinian Arab control?  Why haven't they been replaced with permanent housing? Why have they been treated like dirt for 66 years by their Arab brothers? Why can they not become citizens of their host countries? Why are they considered "refugees" when they live in "Palestine"?

Because the "refugees" are cannon fodder. They are more useful to the cause when they are miserable than when they are happy. The Latin Patriarch has never said a word demanding that they be treated like other Arabs, that they be treated with respect by other Arabs. No, it is easier to keep them homeless to help make the specious comparison between then and baby Jesus and Mary and Joseph, homeless and suffering.

It is worth reminding the world that Israel has tried to build decent homes for the "refugees" and was rewarded with UN resolutions condemning them. The reason for homelessness for 66 years has nothing to do with Israel.

There is no place for children in legislations. Neither do they take part in negotiations for a peace that never finds its way to reach us, a peace that fails to break through the walls of fear and distrust that surround this city. In the footsteps of the Divine Child, our young people have experienced migration, hunger, cold, and also often, the demolition of their homes.
Walls of fear and mistrust? Is the Catholic leader now blaming Jews for not happily embracing being blown to bits by terrorists?

The wall does not "surround" Bethlehem. Not even close.

And once again, he compares Palestinian Arab children to Jesus, and Jews to his oppressors.

Together with you Most Holy Father, today we beg the child Jesus, to expand His grotto to welcome and accommodate the many children who are victims of violence and injustice. How can we forget to pray for the many prisoners in overcrowded prisons…
Prisoners who presumably can be forgiven for their terrorism and murder but those Jews who do not accept Jesus are damned.

They hunger for a piece of bread, yearn for justice and peace, destitute for a welcoming home. We are not yet done with the present-day Herods, who fear peace more than war, who dread the prosperity of families and who are prepared to continue killing.
There you have it. Today's Jews are the Herods while Palestinian Arab children are Jesus.
Most Holy Father, your arrival here was preceded by your reputation as a man of God, as a true leader who knows how to govern, and a true brother for all of us. We, the descendants of the first shepherds, in response to the invitation of the angels, we are with you in Bethlehem to adore the Child and to pay tribute to His parents.
And if the Palestinians are "descendants of the first shepherds" then the Jews are usurpers and thieves.

He is so loving!

Unfortunately, Pope Francis, whether by design or not, echoed one of the Patriarch's points:
And we have to ask ourselves: Who are we, as we stand before the Child Jesus? Who are we, standing as we stand before today’s children? Are we like Mary and Joseph, who welcomed Jesus and care for him with the love of a father and a mother? Or are we like Herod, who wanted to eliminate him? Are we like the shepherds, who went in haste to kneel before him in worship and offer him their humble gifts? Or are we indifferent?
Since the Jews have already been compared to Herod and Palestinians to Jesus, Francis' questions sound a bit too rhetorical.

(h/t Irene)

UPDATE: One of the videos welcoming the Pope says that Jesus was the first Palestinian refugee. (Turn on subtitles.)

  • Sunday, May 25, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
This is not Hamas TV. This is the official, government-sanctioned Palestinian Authority TV station. From Palwatch:

Sabrin, young singer: We are going [abroad] to send a message to everyone, that there are Palestinian children, that we are still alive. Some people abroad think, "No, they're dead. There's only Israel, there's no such thing as Palestine." No, we say that Palestine exists, and Palestine will return to us, and there is no such thing as Israel.
PA TV host: Bravo!
Girl: There is something called the occupied lands.
Host: Bravo, bravo bravo!
[Official PA TV, May 16, 2014]

PA TV host: Alma has brought drawings with her, a map of Palestine – can you see the map of Palestine? All of it will return to us, Allah willing. All of this map will return to us. The key (symbol of Palestinian ownership of all of the land Israel). It's upside down. All of this map, friends, will return to us. Right, Alma?
Girl: Right.
Host: All of it is ours, right?
Girl: Yes.
Host: Even if they took it from us, we will take it back one day, right?
Girl: Right.
TV host holds a map of "Palestine" replacing all of Israel
[Official PA TV, May 16, 2014]

Boy recites a poem: I swear, my homeland,
I will not forget Beit Shean, Acre and Tiberias (i.e., cities in Israel)
Can I forget Lod and Ramle? Can I forget the golden Jaffa (i.e., cities in Israel)?
Can I forget Jenin of Al-Qassam (i.e., leader of Muslim terror group)?
Can I forget Arab Jerusalem?
PA TV host: Fantastic, fantastic, fantastic! Bravo, bravo, bravo, bravo! Who told you we will forget Haifa, Jaffa, Acre and Jerusalem? We will never forget them - we won’t forget any of our beautiful cities occupied by the occupation. We will return to them one day. They will return to us one day, my children friends. I want to take this opportunity to send a greeting to all of our friends in the 1948 lands (i.e., Israel), our occupied lands.
[Official PA TV, May 2, 2014]

Girl reads a poem: Many polytheists have conquered Jerusalem…
And now its original inhabitants cannot enter it.
Alas for the refugees who were banished from the cities and villages of Palestine that is called Israel today.
PA TV host: Bravo, bravo, bravo... I want to tell you, my children friends, that the land that was stolen from us - the occupied land - will return to us one day. We will continue to defy the occupation and will continue to stand firm against the occupation until our land returns to us and Jerusalem is ours... Do you know where our friend Yahya is from? Tell them.
Boy: From the Ramle district
PA TV host: From the Ramle district - our stolen lands, our occupied lands to which we will return one day. We will return to them, right?
Girl: Of course.
[Official PA TV, April 25, 2014]

These are, of course, the "moderates" who say they want peace to the West.

  • Sunday, May 25, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon

From Human Rights Voices:

On May 21, 2014 the UN screened a film in which Israel is depicted as a green monster that attacks a kite created by hapless Palestinian children just yearning for freedom. As filmmaker Nitin Sawhney unabashedly explained to his UN audience: "the dragon was an Israeli gunship and the kite became the persona of the child trying to deal with that." The imagery of Jews as serpents was a frequent tool of Nazi propaganda.

The screening of "Flying Paper" was held at UN headquarters in New York City, and was advertised by the UN as "a documentary on Palestinian youth in the Gaza Strip." The event was organized by the "Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People," created in 1975 to implement the notorious Zionism-is-racism General Assembly resolution. 

The trailer for the documentary says "it's a story about Palestinian's creative resilience". More specifically, its creative antisemitism includes: a segment with "interviews with a fisherman from the Gaza seaport, who pleads with the Israeli navy to stop destroying his livelihood - the Israeli vessels are replaced with a giant, dragon-like sea monster which bites and lunges at the kite." 

According to the film's promotional material, the film "tells the story...despite the blockade, of creative resistance and freedom."

Palestinian "resistance" in the form of kidnapping, mortar and rocket attacks against Israelis - as opposed to children flying kites - is never mentioned.

As is the usual fare of Palestinian propaganda, the film's directors talk about "the blockade" and the "siege" in a vacuum, with no references to the repeated and ongoing attempts to use Gazan waters, tunnels and all other access points, to provide lethal weapons to Palestinian terrorists. 

The film also includes scenes of a kite "entangled in a barbed-wire fence," and a kite "homed in on by an Israeli drone, and caught up in its computerized crosshairs." 
Here's the trailer.

I doubt that the UN would ever allow depicting Syria this way.

From Ian:

The 'Ryan Mervin Bellerose' Talk In Israel
On the 19th May 2014, Metis and Pro-Israel activist Ryan Mervin Bellerose, gave a talk to a room full of Pro-Israel activists who are pictured and mentioned in my previous article here.
The talk was about 1 hour and 40 minutes and included a short Q&A section, as well as a final story from a terror attack survivor named Kay Wilson. Due to the length of this talk, I have split it up into 4 parts below. If you would like to hear the entire talk in one, then see the MixCloud file below these videos.
Meeting Ryan Mervin Bellerose - Part 1 of 4 - Indigenous Beginnings

Soros’ SodaStream Stake Riles BDS Bullies
In fact, an argument can be made that the BDS, not settlements, is the real obstacle to peace in the region because it shuts down any chance for peaceful co-existence and dialogue.
The BDS movement, of course, reacted predictably to the news of Soros investment, which also included a large number of shares in Teva, another Israeli company that has come under BDS attack. The movement’s National Committee (BNC) called for a boycott of the Soros Fund Management and his Open Society Foundations, which has funded numerous progressive NGOs.
According to NGO Monitor, the Open Society Foundation has contributed to a number of NGOs that have been strongly critical of Israel, including Breaking the Silence. It will be interesting to see if these fund recipients follow through with the BDS call to pressure Soros or refrain from seeking additional funds.
In the meantime, Soros’ investment in SodaStream and Teva speaks volumes about what he thinks about the BDS. And now, it appears, the feeling is mutual.
More Pallywood from the Middle East Monitor
The Middle East Monitor is using a photo from a demolished mosque in Angola to illustrate the alleged demolition of a mosque in the Negev.
But if the Middle East Monitor can't tell the difference between a mosque in Angola and a mosque in the Israel why would we believe anything they've written?
Seattle anti-Israel Blogger Richard Silverstein, notorious for his failure to fact check has jumped on the bandwagon to spread this fraudulent misrepresentation far and wide.
The ‘conquest-over-occupation’ season opens
In about a week from today, millions of Turks will take to the streets, with colorful fanfare and fireworks, to celebrate the 561th anniversary of the conquest of Constantinople from Byzantium – the same Turks who are angry that Jerusalem is under occupation. When the same cheerful Turks celebrate the conquest, do they not know that conquest means taking another nation’s/tribe’s land by force? They certainly do. And they are proud of it. Celebrating “the Conquest” is acknowledgement of an undisputed historical fact, that Istanbul belonged to another nation before “the conquest.” Right? Right.
Then why do Mr. Davutoğlu and the conquest-fetish Turks mourn over “the occupation of Jerusalem?” Let’s recall. In 2012, Turkey’s top Muslim cleric, Professor Mehmet Görmez said: “After [the powerful Muslim caliph] Omar conquered al-Quds [Jerusalem] he was invited to pray at a church [since there were no mosques in Jerusalem]. But he politely refused because he was worried that the [conquering] Muslims could turn the church into a mosque after he prayed there.”
Conquering Jerusalem? Did the top cleric not acknowledge the fact that Jerusalem was not a Muslim city before its “conquest?” He did. So, how can the occupation of a non-Muslim city, Constantinople, be a “conquest” but the occupation of a non-Muslim city, which was once occupied by Muslims, be “occupation”?

  • Sunday, May 25, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
Michael Lumish, of the Israel Thrives blog as well as a regular blogger at Times of Israel and Jews Down Under, continues his weekly column here at EoZ.

donaldBarack Obama killed the Oslo Accords and validated Arab anti-Jewish racism from the very beginning of his administration.

He did so directly out of the gate in 2009 by demanding a total "freeze" on the building of Jewish homes in Judea thus laying the framework for Palestinian-Arab rejection for any possible conclusion of hostilities. While it is obviously true that previous American administrations opposed "settlement activity" it was only the Obama administration that turned "settlement freeze" into a precondition for ending the ongoing violence against the Jewish people in that part of the world.

The general mood among western progressives toward the Jewish State of Israel, it must be understood, is hateful. This is not universal among western leftists, but it does constitute the overall mood, which is one of generalized and organized contempt.

The ideological backdrop toward the State of Israel, and thus in some measure toward the Jewish people, more generally, within the western progressive-left is negative. Obviously not all western progressives consider the Jewish State of Israel to be some militaristic horror, but the general mood among leftists toward Israel is one of disdain because they see the country as the foremost example of racist, imperialist, colonialist, apartheid, militarist, racist, badness.

Within the western progressive-left Jews are an object of pity when we are being slaughtered in great numbers, but an object of disdain when we dare to stand up for ourselves.

I do not see how anyone could draw a much different conclusion, given the fact that the primary forms of
anti-Semitic anti-Zionism in the west today derive from the progressive-left. While there is obviously some lingering old-style, knuckle-dragging anti-Jewish racism among a diminishing and aging minority on the right, there is full-blown hatred coming at the Jewish people from mainstream venues within the western progressive-left. These venues include major media outlets such as the Guardian, the BBC, and the New York Times which regularly portray Israel as an aggressor state, while almost entirely giving a pass to blood-curdling Arab-Muslim expressions of genocidal Jew Hatred coming from the mosques in the Middle East.

Somehow, against all reason, calling for the murder of Jews by Muslims is considered just another day, but if Jews build housing for themselves in Judea that is considered a holy atrocity by westerners.

The fact of the matter - and I intend to beat this drum until I drive it into sufficient skulls - is that my political movement has betrayed women in the Middle East, betrayed Gay people in the Middle East, and betrayed all non-Muslims in that part of the world through failing to speak out against Arab-Muslim Supremacism, which is the movement for political Islam.  Christianity, in fact, is being decimated in the land where that religion originated.

Given the fact that I come out of the left I find it terribly sad that the movement, as a whole, is either too cowardly or too intellectually bankrupt to stand up for persecuted minorities in inconvenient parts of the world.

My essential premise is that the western left is a political and ideological movement torn by its own internal contradictions. On the one hand, the movement champions universal human rights as a matter of conscience. It is a fundamental part of western political thought since the Enlightenment that all people, everywhere, should have essential basic freedoms due to the fact that we have essential basic rights. These include the right to a free exchange of ideas as articulated in the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States. They also include habeas corpus, the freedom from imprisonment without a fair trial. The freedom to pursue one's own economic advancement. The freedom to be safe within one's own domicile from government intrusion without warrant. And the freedom, as such things are interpreted today, to live without government imposed sanctions according to one's ethnicity or gender or sexual orientation.

I, you should know, am a hard-line left-wing radical, because I actually believe in the concept of universal human rights. I am a partisan for universal human rights. I believe that, in fact, the left is nothing without a firm commitment to universal human rights. The problem is that universal human rights are entirely incompatible with the multicultural ideal which represents the other pillar of western progressivism as a political movement.

It is precisely because of that unspoken, unacknowledged tension between these two pillars of progressive-left thinking that the movement has become torn and incoherent. It is incoherent because it cannot stand up for its own alleged values. The reason that it cannot stand up for its own alleged values is because those values are in ideological conflict with one another.

And it is within this ideological conflict and backdrop that the Obama administration betrayal of the Jewish people needs to be understood. Barack Obama comes out of an ideological tradition, derived from scholars such as Rashid Khalidi and the late Edward Said who are, themselves, indebted to post-colonial and post-structuralist theory, that views Israel as within the nineteenth-century western imperial tradition.

It is because Obama views Israel within this intellectual lens that he considers it to be a western "colonialist" state and therefore opposes additional "settlement construction" on "Palestinian" land.

And it is for that reason that he demanded a freeze on Jewish construction in Judea upon taking office.

The bottom line is that Barak Obama is advancing the cause of Jew Hatred throughout the world by accepting the "Palestinian narrative" of total victim-hood and thereby insisting that Jews are guilty of the persecution of the a subsection of the Arab majority and should, for good measure, be allowed to live in some places, but not others.

Until the Jewish left grasps the fact that its own political movement has betrayed its own people, we cannot move forward to greener political pastures.  I do not know that we need to embrace the political right, but we must understand the betrayal of the Jewish people by the progressive-left and we must understand that the Obama administration played a significant role in that betrayal when it advanced the idea of "total settlement freeze" for the Jews, but not for others, as somehow reasonable.

The general anti-Jewish / anti-Israel backdrop within the western progressive-left provides the ideological space out of which the Obama administration operates viz-a-viz Israel.  It is because well-meaning, but naive, progressive-left Jews support the administration's view of Israel as the aggressor that the Obama administration can treat the small Jewish minority in the Middle East in a contemptuous fashion.

Until we come to accept that the Jews in the Middle East were decimated not only by the Romans, but also by the Muslims, can we even begin to understand our own history.

Efraim Karsh, in the very first page of the very first chapter of Palestine Betrayed tells us this:
At the time of the Muslim occupation of Palestine in the seventh century, the country's Jewish population ranged in the hundreds of thousands at the very least; by the 1880s Palestine's Jewish community had been reduced to about 24,000, or some 5 percent of the total population. 
(Efram Karsh, Palestine Betrayed, Yale University Press, 2010, pg. 8.)
Here is a question:
How did this happen? 
Was it a typhoon that simply swept away 95 percent of the Jewish population of the Middle East or was there, perhaps, other, more human factors, involved?

I am guessing the latter.

  • Sunday, May 25, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
Irene, who has written for EoZ before, and who is Irish Catholic, writes:


The Pope’s Schedule from the official website of the Pilgrimage of His Holiness Francis in the Holy Land on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the meeting in Jerusalem between Pope Paul VI and Patriarch Athenagoras (May 24 – 26, 2014) 

Monday, May 26, 2014
8:15     VISIT TO THE GRAND MUFTI OF JERUSALEM in the building of the Great Council on the Esplanade of the Mosques Discourse of the Holy Father
The "Esplanade of the Mosques" is the Temple Mount.

Shortly before the Romans came to haul him away, Jesus Christ predicted that Peter would deny him three times before the cock crowed twice.  After the Roman’s seized Jesus, Peter followed him at a distant to the high priest’s courtyard. 

One of the high priest’s maids came along.  Seeing Peter warming himself, she looked intently at him and said, “You too were with the Nazarene, Jesus.” But he denied it, saying,” I neither know nor understand what you are talking about.”  So he went out into the outer court.  Then the cock crowed. [for the first time]  (Mark 14:66-68)

So Pope Francis comes to Jerusalem, where Jesus Christ, his Lord and Savior last preached.  He goes to the Mount where both of the Jewish Temples once stood. The Temples that are mentioned many, many times in both the Old and New Testaments, places of enormous significance in Christian theology.  It was a pilgrimage to the Temple that brought Jesus Christ to Jerusalem that fateful Passover.

“Temple Mount?”  says the Pope.  “I neither know nor understand what you are talking about.  I am up here on the Esplanade of the Mosques, schmoozing with the Grand Mufti.”

Political correctness is one thing; denying that you are a follower of Jesus Christ is another.  For the Pope, the world’s most conspicuous Christian, to deny the Temple is beneath contempt.  What is next?  Calling his pilgrimage to Jerusalem a visit to Al Quds?

Peter, in whose footsteps the Pope follows, had ample reason to fear for his own physical safety.  What does Pope Francis fear?

That Muslims will notice that the Pope is Catholic?

Arabs are politicizing this trip to the hilt. 

Jordanian papers made a big deal over the Pope visiting the Jordan River from the Jordanian side, claiming that this proves that this was the side Jesus used. 

Honest Reporting notes that the PLO staged a photo-op of Francis in front of a mural of baby Jesus swathed in a Palestinian keffiyeh - an article of clothing that Palestinian Arabs openly admit is used symbolically to promote nationalism and "resistance."

Fox News reports:
Palestinian officials have hailed Francis' decision to arrive first in Bethlehem, rather than Tel Aviv, and to refer to the "state of Palestine." In its official program, the Vatican referred to Abbas as the president of the "state of Palestine," and his Bethlehem office as the "presidential palace."

"The fact that he is coming straight from Jordan to Bethlehem, without going through Israel," is a tacit recognition of a Palestinian state, said Hanan Ashrawi, a Palestinian Christian who is a senior official in the Palestine Liberation Organization.

The PLO managed to get the Pope to pray at the separation barrier along with graffiti that says "Pope we need to speak about justice. Bethlehem look like Warsaw Ghetto".

  • Sunday, May 25, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Times of Israel:
The Israeli ambassador to Canada urged Jewish organizations in the country to push for the removal of an art exhibition on display in Ottawa City Hall because it “glorifies terrorism.” Rafael Barak claimed last week that the exhibition, which features the works of Palestinian artist Rehab Nazzal, incites violence and promotes the idea that Israel does not have a right to exist.

Nazzal’s exhibition, titled “Invisible,” comprises a number of videos and photos taken during confrontations between Israeli security forces and Palestinian prisoners at Ketziot Prison in southern Israel, Haaretz reported. Barak said that one of the videos, “Target,” portrayed several Palestinian leaders who were behind a number of terrorist attacks against Israelis in the 1970s and ’80s. A note accompanying the work stated that the Palestinians featured in the film were artists, writers and activists who had been “assassinated by Israel.”

“It’s discouraging to see a culture that promotes terrorists as its leaders.”

Among the people featured in the exhibition are Salah Khalaf (Abu Iyad), founder of the Black September organization, and Naji al-Ali, a famous Palestinian caricaturist. Both were murdered by rival Palestinian groups, not Israeli security forces. Other figures shown in the exhibition include Yasser Arafat’s deputy and the head of the Palestine Liberation Organization’s military wing, Khalil al-Wazir (Abu Jihad), and Dalal Mughrabi. Both al-Wazir and Mughrabi had taken part in the hijacking of an Israeli bus in 1978, which resulted in the deaths of 37 people. Al-Wazir was assassinated by Israeli commandos in his Tunis house in 1988, and Mughrabi was killed in a firefight with IDF soldiers following the bus hijacking.
EoZ reader Josh K. took footage of the video portion, as well as researched many of the people featured. The original is 90 seconds long with very shot glimpses of the terrorists. Here is an edited and slowed-down version of it along with the descriptions of the terrorists being highlighted.

The idea that a municipal government would feature such glorification of the most notorious terrorists and murderers in history is beyond disgusting.

Also telling is that Nazzal included a non-Palestinian who helped build Saddam Hussein's nuclear program, indicating that the artist knows very well what the purpose of that program was.

Ha'aretz' Barak Ravid, editorializing inside a "news" article, thinks that no one should complain about this:

The Foreign Ministry in Jerusalem often tries to combat attempts to boycott Israeli artists abroad based on political considerations. Last month I reported that a gallery in Scotland yielded to political pressure by anti-Israeli groups and cancelled its hosting of an exhibition by an Israeli artist which was sponsored by the Israeli embassy in London.

In the present case, even though the exhibition is controversial one could ask why the Israeli ambassador is mixing politics with art, which Israel strenuously objects to in cases in which attempted boycotts come up. In any case, the ambassador has undoubtedly given Rehab Nazzal the best public relations she could have hoped for.
Get it? Since the Israel haters successfully shut down Israeli art exhibitions, Israel should ignore terrorist-supporting art exhibits! Perfect logic in Ha'aretz' twisted self-hating mentality.

Well, no self-respecting Israel hater is going to boycott Ha'aretz, so Ravid is safe.

  • Sunday, May 25, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
Ma'an reports:

Two Palestinian militants were killed and two others were injured Saturday in an explosion at a military training site in the southern Gaza Strip, an official said.

Ashraf al-Qidra, Gaza's health ministry spokesman, said two "unidentified citizens" were killed and two sustained serious injuries in an explosion in Khan Younis, without providing details about the cause of the explosion.

Islamic Jihad said in a statement that the men who died were affiliated to the faction's military wing, the al-Quds Brigades.
Islamic Jihad identified them as Ahmad Haidar Vhjan, 28, and Abdul Salam Yusuf Dahlan, 27.

I count 20 Palestinian Arabs killed by "work accidents" and rockets that have fallen short in 2014.

Perhaps one of the international organizations that the PLO had joined will be able to give advice on workplace safety for terrorists.



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