Sunday, November 04, 2012

  • Sunday, November 04, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Ian:

BBC Watch: Airbrushing terror: the BBC on Abu Jihad
“Unlike the BBC, the Palestinian Authority is quite certain about al Wazir’s connections to terror attacks in which hundreds of Israelis were killed and injured. In fact, as recently as April 2012 the PA organized a week-long celebration of the man and his terror attacks, including the naming of sporting events in his honour, TV broadcasts of footage of him planning a terror operation and the presentation of 125 Israelis killed in attacks he planned as an ‘achievement’.

Abbas interview aimed to interfere with Israeli elections, Liberman charges
Foreign minister dismisses moderate comments by PA leader as an attempt to strengthen parties ‘who represent Palestinian interests’
"The foreign minister added that Abbas doesn’t say the same things in Arabic that he does in English, and that Israelis who failed to see through the tactic were deluding themselves. “The attempt to lie to ourselves [about Abbas's moderation] amazes me every time,” Liberman said."

Peres praises Abbas for ‘brave’ new statements on peace, Netanyahu dismisses them
Abbas said Thursday he had no territorial claims to pre-1967 Israel and no ‘right’ to return to live in Safed; thousands protest his remarks in Gaza
"But in a statement issued by his office, Netanyahu said there was “no connection” between Abbas’s words and deeds. Abbas had “refused to restart negotiations with Israel for four years despite a series of steps taken by the prime minister to resume them — such as an unprecedented construction freeze in the West Bank,” the statement said. “In addition, Abbas refuses to discuss security arrangements that are necessary to protect Israeli citizens.” Still, the statement said Netanyahu’s offer to restart negotiations and meet with Abbas without preconditions still stands."

Rocket fired from Gaza lands in southern Israel
No injuries or damage reported

Meanwhile - Alan Dershowitz: Following the Elections, Mideast Peace Negotiations Should Resume

Correcting the Record, Haaretz Style
"We saw a similar phenomenon a few years ago when Haaretz published soldiers’ “testimonies” from the Gaza war alleging IDF abuses. Ultimately, the stories were proven bogus, but not before Big Media fulfilled the maxim generally attributed to Mark Twain:
"A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes."The Globe & Mail shows the truth got halfway around the world. But Levy’s still racing it."

3 Syrian tanks cross into Golan demilitarized zone, Israel raises alert
The Israeli army, which has been braced for Syrian fighting spilling into Israel, reports the incident to UN peacekeepers
"The incident — the first such violation in 40 years — was not regarded as an incident of hostility toward Israel. Rather, the Syrian tanks were apparently facing off against Syrian rebel forces. Nonetheless, Syrian-Israeli relations are relentlessly fraught, and any border incident raises tensions."

Islamist gunmen kill three Egyptian policemen in the Sinai
Assailants ambush cops in El-Arish, shout ‘God is great,’ then flee.  [See also how Egyptians are blaming "Zionists."]

Ex-neo-Nazi regrets joining the Taliban
Jailed German jihadist tells court he ended up contracting hepatitis A, and his wife missed her mobile phone and supermarkets

Anti-Semitic incidents in the US down by 13%, ADL audit finds
1,080 occurrences of assault, vandalism and harassment cited

In the midst of a forest, a house for Herzl
An early 20th-century villa built in tribute to the Zionist founder is nestled in the center of the Hulda Forest, surrounded by lush foliage of every variety. A training farm for pioneers, it proved an unlikely retreat during the riots of 1929

Top 10 ways algae boost science, energy and medicine
Israeli scientists find novel approaches to tap into the potential of this slimy plantlike organism for fuel, nutrition and innovative medical therapies.

Voicemail for video
Supermodel Noa Tishby helps launch new Israel-based startup, Minit, for bare-bones video sharing via smartphone.
Noa Tishby, perhaps best known for selling hit Israeli TV series such as In Treatment and Homeland to Hollywood, has joined Minit, a three-person startup based in Tel Aviv making what Tishby describes as “voicemail for video.”

  • Sunday, November 04, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From AFP:
Jordan's Muslim Brotherhood on Saturday condemned Halloween celebrations held in an Amman cafe as "Satanic" and homosexual, while a newspaper reported acts of vandalism at the party.

"We watched with disgust and shame last night (Friday) homosexual and Satanic rituals in an Amman cafe," the Brotherhood said in a statement on its website.

"This presents a challenge to the values of the Jordanian people and their Arab and Muslim identity, as well as a violation of religious laws," it added.

The group demanded that those who organised the party be tried for the "grotesque act," decrying that such events are allowed to go ahead when the people are "stricken by poverty and amid political crises" in Jordan.

Al-Ghad newspaper, meanwhile, reported that violence broke out when "angry youths tried to prevent the Halloween celebrations from taking place" in the cafe in Amman.
Meanwhile, an Egyptian paper reports of a similar gathering in Egypt where seven people got together in an apartment to practice homosexuality and, yes, Satanism. They were arrested.
  • Sunday, November 04, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
For someone hailed as a serious leader, Abbas sure loves conspiracy theories.
The president's spokesman said late Saturday that the Palestinian Authority will release proof that Arab countries, Palestinian groups and Israel have held secret talks to sabotage the president's bid for a UN upgrade.

"What is this harmony between (Israeli premier Benajmin) Netanyahu and (Foreign Minister Avigdor) Lieberman on the one hand, and between Hamas and Arab parties on the other, in the attack on the president before heading to the United Nations?" Nabil Abu Rudaineh said in a statement.

Local groups, Arab countries and Israel have planned a campaign to thwart President Mahmoud Abbas efforts to upgrade Palestine to a non-member state at the UN General Assembly in the next month, the spokesman alleged.

He warned that they will soon publish confidential files of meetings to that effect.
I, for one, am anxiously awaiting the release of these files.

Abbas has previously insisted that Israel trains wild dogs to attack Arabs and wild pigs to destroy their crops. His Fatah group has previously accused Hamas of collaborating with Israel.

So why is a habitually lying paranoiac considered such a wonderful, moderate leader?

I don't know - ask Thomas Friedman.
  • Sunday, November 04, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
This is a very useful overview of how Arab secularism has all but disappeared and Islamism has ascended. Excerpts:

The death of Arab secularism is the story of a country that no longer exists and a world almost impossible to imagine.

That world can be glimpsed in old newsreels from the Arab cities of the 1950s and 1960s. The cities of the post-war period - Cairo, Beirut and Damascus, Baghdad and Aden - look much the same as many developing countries of the time: American-built cars, European-style suits, a certain easy mingling of men and women.

The vision of the future the men and women in those over-saturated newsreels had, how they saw their modern world unfolding, cannot easily be understood.

But it can perhaps be surmised from a joke, told by Egypt's leader Gamal Abdel Nasser to an audience in the years after the Muslim Brotherhood was accused of attempting to assassinate him. Nasser described meeting with the Brotherhood's leader in 1953 in an attempt to reconcile the group with his leadership. (Nasser doesn't mention whom he met, but it was most likely Hassan Al Hudaybi, a judge who led the group for 20 years from 1951.)

"The first thing he asked me was to make the wearing of hijab mandatory in Egypt," says Nasser, "and to force every woman walking on the street to wear a hijab." The crowd laughs and Nasser hams it up for them, looking perplexed at such an outlandish request. "Let him wear it!" shouts an audience member, and the crowd erupts in laughter and applause.

But that's not the punchline. Nasser tells Al Hudaybi he knows the Brotherhood's leader has a daughter studying medicine, and his daughter doesn't wear the hijab. "Why haven't you made her wear the hijab?" he asks, before delivering a knockout blow: "If you cannot make one girl - who is your own daughter - wear the hijab," he says, "how do you expect me to make 10 million women wear the hijab, all by myself?" The crowd roars its approval.

Nasser's joke is instructive for the world view it implies. The middle and upper classes of 1950s Egypt considered it ridiculous that the wearing of the hijab could be enshrined in law. Most did not wear it; they considered the proper role of religion to be private, outside the realm of government and politics. Nasser himself explicitly declared the same thing.

Contrast that with today's Egypt, and indeed the wider Arab world, and it is clear how much has changed in just half a century....The days when the very notion of large numbers of women wearing the headscarf was unthinkable have passed into history. Nasser's punchline is now Egypt's reality.
The writer goes into a brief history of how the demise of the Ottoman Empire, which was officially based on Islam, required a new way of thinking to unify the Arab world, and secularism in the form of Nasserism and Baathism was the high-water mark of that attempt with the formation of the United Arab Republic.

He doesn't note the obvious influence of the Iranian revolution on the Islamic revival in the Arab world.

What is left unsaid is that the current Islamist revival is different from the Ottoman model; the Ottoman Empire used religion as a means to maintain unity but it was not driven by religion. Today's pan-Islamic movement, led by the Muslim Brotherhood, is far more extreme and far more dangerous. The Ottoman Empire was still political with the veneer of religion, the new Islamists use an extreme interpretation of Islam that they believe includes politics.

If religious rulings trump political decisions, then all of the rules of international politics go out the window when dealing with the new Islamism. For better or for worse, diplomacy is nearly meaningless to Islamists - it is only a means for them to gain power, not to co-exist. In the Islamist mindset, concessions can only be considered when the alternative is a war they know they cannot win.forc Only force would be respected.

Moreover, when religion defines politics, the extremist interpretations seem to have free reign - even though the Muslim Brotherhood won the Egyptian elections, there has been very little pushback from them on a religious basis on the Salafist attempts to move Egypt even further to extremist Islamism.There are no "moderate" imams who command the respect of the extremists, and the extremists have a monopoly on accusations of blasphemy against their enemies.

People who think that it can be business as usual with the new Islamic states emerging in the Arab world are fooling themselves. And the fatal error from the West is to conflate Islam as a personal religion and Islamism as a political movement. The former, while problematic, is ultimately benign, while the latter is truly evil and must not be coddled by the free world.

(h/t John G)

  • Sunday, November 04, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon

This story is literally all over the Arabic media based on an original at Egypt's major newspaper Al Masry Al Youm, but the only English translation so far is this one from Gulf Daily News:
Former Israeli foreign minister Tzipi Livni said she had been involved in several special operations during her work with Mossad which involved sexual relations with prominent personalities to extort information for the Israeli intelligence agency. Israeli newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth quoted Livni as telling Time magazine in an interview that she never minded having sex and committing murders to obtain intelligence to benefit her country.

She said she was prosecuted in a number of European countries for murders and sexual extortion but was able to get away due to her government's influence.
The Arabic versions helpfully add:
The former leader of the opposition Kadima party justified the fact that she wasn't involved in any romantic relationship throughout those years, by saying that these kinds of relationships require trust and faith between the spouses and she couldn't build such a relationship with anyone. She said: "Nevertheless, short, passing relationships don't cause pain or damage, if both sides abide by the rules."
Israeli media is amused, noting that Livni had a 2009 interview with the Times of London where she said the exact opposite, that she would never have sex with the enemy when she was in the Mossad. It also quotes a friend of Livni's who says that she was amused by the "revelation."

To its credit, Shorouk News reported that the article was fabricated.

Al Masry al Youm is actually one of the more reliable Egyptian media outlets, which gives you an idea of how reliable Arabic media is altogether.

No correction yet on the Al Masry al Youm website.

(h/t Al Gharqad)

Saturday, November 03, 2012

  • Saturday, November 03, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Ian:

Rabin's last Knesset speech by Dore Gold
When Rabin began detailing his map he began with what meant most to him: "First and foremost a united Jerusalem ... as the capital of Israel, under Israeli sovereignty." In 1994, he concluded the "Washington Declaration" with King Hussein, which stated that Israel “respects the present role of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan in the Muslim Holy Shrines in Jerusalem." It added that "when negotiations on the permanent status will take place, Israel will give high priority to the Jordanian historic role in these shrines.”

School text book that mixed up Jews and Muslims withdrawn
A error-strewn school religious studies text book has been withdrawn after mixing up Jews and Muslims.
“Staff at the Jewish Free School, in Kenton, North West London, have issued GCSE pupils with a list of corrections. One angry parent of a JFS pupil told the Jewish Chronicle newspaper: "The textbook contains countless errors and general, confused assertions about Judaism. The factual errors are laughably bad."A section headed 'Reform Judaism' in fact talks about the practice of Orthodox Jews. A picture of a person kneeling in prayer, described as a Jew, is in fact a Muslim, while a picture of Jews ostensibly at a Seder table, is a Shabbat meal.”

Abbas: No justification for Gaza rocket attacks
In Channel 2 interview, PA president denounces Hamas, firing of rockets from Gaza into Israel; denies Fayyad resignation.
“Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas denounced the firing of rockets from Gaza into Israel in an interview with Channel 2 that aired in its entirety Friday night. The comments could deepen a rift between the PA and Hamas, which governs the Gaza Strip and remains committed to terrorism as a tactic in its fight against Israel.
"There is no justification for rockets from Gaza or anywhere else," Abbas said. "Rockets attacks are in vain because they do not bring peace any closer."

Senior Palestinian official says UN upgrade will lead to suing Israel for ‘its crimes’
Nabil Shaath, of Abbas’s Fatah party, claims nonmember status bid will receive ‘overwhelming’ support
“Shaath’s belligerent remarks were in stark contrast to the conciliatory tone struck by Abbas in an interview televised Friday on Israel’s Channel 2, where he declared his willingness to restart peace negotiations.”

Haniyeh blasts Abbas over moderate remarks in Israel TV interview
Hamas PM says PA president’s statement that he does not have the right to live in Safed, where he was born, is ‘extremely dangerous’

UNRWA teachers in Jordan refuse to teach Holocaust
Refusal comes after the UN's Palestinian refugee agency said Holocaust studies would become part of the elementary school syllabus.
“It’s impossible that I would teach my students about the so-called Holocaust. UNRWA is planning to impose this on us, but we refuse to teach the history of our eternal enemies,” he insisted to The Media Line.

'Gaza Ark' flotilla set to break blockade from inside
A ship attempting to break the blockade on the Gaza Strip is set to sail from inside Gaza, taking goods to international markets in the early months of 2013, Ma'an News Agency quoted a Red Crescent official as saying on Friday.

Turkish PM in talks with Hamas to visit Gaza
Erdogan would become second head of state to visit Strip since Hamas takeover in 2007

Syrians choose war over Jordan Zaatari refugee camp
The Zaatari camp in northern Jordan was meant to be a place of refuge for 30,000 Syrians. But every day, dozens are choosing to leave the safety of Jordan and make the perilous journey back into the war zone.
“This place of refuge has become the setting for an increasingly ugly battle between Syrian refugees and their Jordanian hosts. Demonstrations inside the camp have, on at least one occasion, turned violent, prompting an exodus back into Syria.”

UK Raises Terror Level Threat in Egypt

Iranians mark 33rd anniversary of US embassy seizure
Students in Tehran chant ‘death to Israel,’ call Obama Jerusalem’s ‘loyal dog’; Revolutionary Guard commander urges Washington to stop supporting the ‘usurper Zionist regime’

Pelosi holds secret fundraiser with Islamists, Hamas-linked groups
Democratic leader Rep. Nancy Pelosi headlined a high-dollar fundraiser in May that was attended by U.S.-based Islamist groups and individuals linked by the U.S. government to the Hamas jihad group and to the Egypt-based Muslim Brotherhood movement.

West Bank security barrier to be adorned with pro-Israel art
As part of initiative, Israeli artists and schoolchildren will paint pictures on Israeli side of barrier depicting terrorist attacks that originated in Palestinian Authority-controlled areas • Public Diplomacy Minister Yuli Edelstein: From PR standpoint, security barrier has been a burden for Israel.

  • Saturday, November 03, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Al Ahram:
Three policemen were reported killed of gunshot wounds and three others injured during an armed assault by unknown assailants on Saturday in Al-Arish, in Egypt's Sinai Peninsula.

A medical source from Al-Arish hospital said that six policemen were admitted to the hospital at 3:00pm Saturday.

According to a security source, the assault is believed to be in response to the killing of three men by police in Sinai last week.

Sinai, on the border with Israel, has been witnessing increasing violence in the past months with recurring clashes between security forces and militants.

Bedouins living in the Sinai Peninsula have had long-standing grievances with Egyptian police and have long complained of government neglect.
But Arabic media know who the culprits are!

Egypt's Youm7, and other Arabic media, claim that "witnesses" say that the gunmen were "Zionists." Their proof? Because the shooters had cars and heavy weapons.

I guess that they looked Jewish.
  • Saturday, November 03, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
UNRWA opened up a new school in Gaza that was funded by Bahrain last week.

During the opening ceremonies, journalists noted that UNRWA omitted public recitation of verses from the Quran, as well as the Palestinian Arab national anthem, as is usual in these events. UNRWA, stung by the charges, responded that this was a technical error, and of course they will continue to recite verses from the Quran in their activities in the territories.

UNRWA's educational vision supposedly endorses "religious tolerance." How can than be possible when only one religion is a source for recitations at official UNRWA events?

Then again, UNRWA has been proven to do far worse than that at their schools in Gaza, and when they were called on it, they simply erased the evidence.

By the way, here is a computer lab at the new school in Gaza:

For a territory supposedly teetering on the brink of starvation, this seems a bit lavish - much nicer than the computer labs at many Jewish private schools I've seen.

But you won't hear any Gazans protesting that money is being spent on computers instead of food - because there is no humanitarian crisis in Gaza, and it hasn't had one since Egypt administered the area.
  • Saturday, November 03, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
Mahmoud Abbas has explicitly affirmed that he in no way, shape or form was weakening the long-standing Palestinian Arab demand to destroy Israel demographically using the bogus "right of return" in an interview on Israeli TV on Thursday. After much criticism from Arabs across the board, he said, as  I predicted, that he was only speaking about his own personal position, but not about the bogus "right" as a whole.

The PA's official WAFA news agency reports that Abbas claims that his words in the interview were taken out of context. He then said that "my talk about Safed was my personal position, but it does not mean a waiver of the right of return. No one can waive the right of return, all international texts and resolutions of Arab and Islamic states speak of 'a just and agreed solution on the issue of refugees in accordance with UN Resolution 194', and the words 'agreed' means the agreement must be made with the Israeli side."

He said that the so-called "right of return" would be put to a referendum to Palestinian Arabs who have been brainwashed for generations that they have such a right, and who have been refused citizenship in most Arab countries based on their own explicit discrimination against them, making such a referendum a fait accompli.

Abbas stressed that "the issue of refugees is sacred."

Abbas also claimed that Israel might consider assassinating him "like what happened with the late martyr Abu Ammar [Yasir Arafat.]"

Now, will the media that fell over themselves to report Abbas was showing new flexibility correct themselves now that Abbas has proven that he has once again not changed the official PLO position one bit since 1988?

Yeah, right.

Friday, November 02, 2012

  • Friday, November 02, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Times of Israel:
Over the past month alone there have been a least a half-dozen major events sponsored by European governments here in Israel aimed at encouraging Israeli Internet, bio-med, agri-tech, and other high-tech companies to partner with companies in their own countries. France was here, and so was Portugal, both touting their advantages for Israeli companies at special events, especially in the tech field.

During the recent DLD (Digital Life Design) festival in Tel Aviv, Italy for the first time sponsored a tech partnership event, presenting Italian start-ups that financial leaders in Rome felt could work well with Israelis. The UK, for over a year, has had a unique program to attract Israeli tech partners, and last week UK Ambassador to Israel Matthew Gould threw a party for Israeli entrepreneurs, who mingled with British tech folk who were here for DLD.

In fact, an entire event was held this week to encourage Israeli deals with European companies — the 10th annual Go4Europe conference, sponsored by investment firm Cukierman and Co. Officials, companies, and representatives from all over the Continent came to the conference to encourage Israeli companies to work, do business, and open representative offices and R&D facilities in their countries. And while technology was not the focus of the event, high-tech played a major role, with many of the speakers talking tech partnerships, and a dozen Israeli tech start-ups giving short presentations to the hundreds of attendees.

Typical of the sentiments expressed was a comment by Dr. Werner Schnappauf, a partner at Graf von Westphalen, one of Germany’s largest independent law firms. Israel and the EU, and especially Israel and Germany, should work more closely, he said; it was in all parties’ interests. “In the future world economy, it appears that the question will be whether it is a G-2 world (referring to the leadership of the world economy) — the US and China — or a G-3 world, consisting of the US, China, and an EU/Israel partnership,” he said.

It sounds as if there is a contest going on for Israel’s affections — and there is, said Xavier Buck, CEO of EuroDNS, which is in charge of the Internet’s domain names in Europe. “Europe’s old industries are falling, and EU countries are desperately looking for something to replace them,” Buck told The Times of Israel at Go4Europe. “Governments see what Israel has accomplished, and they want Israel to help them become a tech power as well. They are actually fighting, if not physically, then using their marketing skills and government policy, to be the most attractive to Israeli partners.”
That sound you hear is thousands of BDSers' heads exploding.
  • Friday, November 02, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Ian:

Latma: The left's comeback strategy

West Bank: What the West is Funding by Khaled Abu Toameh
"Many Palestinian writers and journalists in the West Bank today live in fear of being harassed by the Palestinian Authority because of their views and writings. Some practice self-censorship, while others are writing under different names or have found themselves new and less dangerous professions.
There is no reason why those who are pouring millions of dollars on the Palestinian Authority should not demand an end to suppression of freedom of expression and the growing clampdown on writers and journalists in the West Bank.
Failing to hold the Palestinian Authority accountable for its actions will only drive more Palestinians into the arms of Hamas and the other radical forces."

Daily Telegraph runs shameful anti-Israel propaganda piece
The point about propaganda is that is has to be convincing. Nabeel Shaath's piece is total rubbish from beginning to end
"Cutting through the obfuscations, the diversions, and the errors, deliberate or otherwise, the underlying meaning of Shaath's words is clear: the Jews have no place being in the Middle East at all, except perhaps as the kind of second class citizens they were in the Arab states prior to Israel's establishment. As for a legitimate and secure Jewish state living side by side with its neighbours? Forget it.
Oh, and by the way. I forgot to mention that the Telegraph's writer is a Palestinian "moderate". God help Israel if they ever bump into any Palestinian extremists. Oh, wait..."

Palestine – Falk’s Failed Philosophy Guarantees Continuing Conflict by David Singer
"One would expect a Professor of Law to be precise and accurate in his choice of language and attention to factual detail. Professor Falk fails on both counts.
Professor Falk is certainly entitled to espouse the views he does.
However his entitlement to continue in his role as a Special Rapporteur must surely be questioned when he seeks to ignore a whole body of settled international law created before 1948 – whilst continuing to act in this highly sensitive position.
A new appointment to replace Professor Falk should be a priority. His use by date has surely been reached."

NGO Monitor: NGO Monitor Urges UNHRC to Comply with Fact-Finding Standards
“Already, contrary to principles of impartiality, the Mission’s mandate presumes guilt on Israel’s part, while failing to address the wider context, including the systematic terror campaign against Israeli civilians,” said Anne Herzberg, NGO Monitor’s Legal Advisor. “Our submission reminds the fact-finding mission of its obligation to comply with standards of transparency, impartiality, and independence in conducting its work. Otherwise, this Mission risks being discredited like the infamous fact-finding mission to Gaza, which produced the ‘Goldstone Report.’”

At memorial service for Toulouse victims, Netanyahu sings ‘Israel is alive’
Prime minister praises French president’s ‘firm’ stance against anti-Semitism; Hollande pledges to protect France’s Jews

Christian Arab youth come under fire over desire to enlist in IDF
"Arab media and Arab MKs are waging a vicious smear campaign against a small group of Christian Arab youth interested in military or national service • Christian Orthodox priest excommunicated for "cooperating with the enemy." (posted by sophie44)"

Tearful UK Jewish academic tells court his trade union has crossed the line into anti-Semitism
"In a potentially landmark case against the University and College Union (UCU), which is being heard at an employment tribunal in central London, Fraser is claiming that the union created a hostile environment for him as a Jew by repeatedly crossing the line from anti-Zionism into anti-Semitism. His case revolves, amongst other matters, around repeated motions to implement an academic boycott of Israel."

Arab tweeps should stop gloating over Sandy disaster: Saudi Grand Mufti
The Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia, home to Islam’s holliest sites, has condemned the gloating by radical “tweeps” in the Arab world over the Sandy storm disaster, which left more than 100 people dead in the U.S. East Coast, as “illegitimate.”

British Muslims Celebrate Hurricane Sandy, 9/11 and The Holocaust

MEMRI: Saudi Cleric Muhammad Al-Munajid: Hurricane Sandy Allah's Punishment for Afghanistan and Iraq

Arab TV Report Exposes Lax Security At U.S. Consulate In Benghazi
Prior To Ambassador Stevens' Arrival And Security Breach Prior To Attack – Revealed By Documents Gathered At Consulate Following Attack

PMW: Official PA daily: PMW "incites" against the PA
Following PMW's reports that terrorist prisoners receive PA salaries, PA Min. Karake defends the prisoners as "lawful freedom fighters"

Honest Reporting: More Twisting the Truth: Ha’aretz and IDF Experiments on Soldiers

Israel Daily Picture: The Balfour Declaration Was Issued 95 Years Ago
In 1925 Balfour Arrived to See the Jewish State in Formation


UKIP Euro-MP slams EU funding for ‘terror-linked’ NGOs

Burying Rachel’s Tomb

A would-be new leader of Israel’s Arabs urges full integration with Israel

Tunisia: Salafist Extremist Attack Alcohol Sellers

  • Friday, November 02, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
Remember the belly dancer in Egypt who was criticized by Islamists for dancing to a song that mentioned Shia religious figures?

Looks like the Islamists won:
The Culture Ministry confirmed Thursday that it has censored a song in the popular new film “Abdu Mouta” after Islamist groups filed lawsuits against its producer, claiming the song insulted Islam.

Censorship Director Abdel Sattar Fathy will watch the film to make sure the offending part of the song is cut out artistically, and write a report of it, said the ministry.
Saeed Tawfiq, secretary general of the Supreme Council of Culture, said film producer Ahmed al-Sobky had requested the censorship.

“Abdu Mouta,” which is playing in theaters nationwide, recorded the highest one-day revenue in the history of Egyptian cinema, making LE2.5 million on the first day of Eid al-Adha last Friday.

However, the film has sparked an uproar among the Sufi and Shia communities, as it contains a scene in which a belly dancer dances to a song mentioning the names of Prophet Mohamed’s daughter, Fatima, and his grandsons, Hassan and Hussein. All three figures are revered in the Sufi and Shia sects of Islam.

Bahaa Anwar Mohamed, a leader in the Ghad al-Thawra Party and a prominent Shia, said he would file a lawsuit demanding the movie be removed from cinemas completely.
It wasn't the song that was offensive - it was the dancing. But if the song is censored, so is the dancing.
  • Friday, November 02, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
Much has been written about how Israel supposedly makes it difficult for Palestinian Arabs in the West Bank to export goods to the EU and beyond.

But the PA is right next to a friendly Arab country which claims to want to help their Palestinian brothers. What is the situation with trade between the PA and Jordan?

Last month, a free trade agreement was signed between the PA and Jordan. But details are hard to come by.

In fact, the only concrete change I have seen is that now, Jordan will allow Palestinian Arab visitors to bring individual jars of olive oil across the border in order to give them as gifts to friends.

This is hardly a breakthrough.

Jordan allows only some $35 million of goods to be imported from the PA annually, while it exports double that amount to the PA.

And Jordan has far more onerous restrictions on goods coming from the PA than Israel does. A UN news report last year that concentrated on Israeli restrictions grudgingly included this short section:
Most Palestinian traders say it is still quicker and cheaper to export goods via Israel than Jordan.

Palestinian goods moving to or from Jordan must cross Allenby Bridge, where cargo is removed from Palestinian trucks, inspected, and then loaded onto Jordanian trucks. The process takes 4-8 hours or longer, and Allenby’s scanners cannot handle large cargo, reports the World Bank.

Since containers are prohibited from entering Jordan or Israel, Palestinian shippers say they often reconfigure cargo onto smaller pallets for inspection, and there is no cold storage.

If Palestinian shippers had consistent access to outside markets via Allenby Bridge, it could increase trade by as much as 30 percent annually, according to Paltrade.
If Jordan loves Palestinian Arabs so much, and is not worried about security issues the way Israel is, why has it been dragging its feet in lifting the restrictions on trade from their brothers?

And why is there no pressure on Jordan when they hold a major key in helping the Palestinian Arab economy? Why are there no news articles about how Jordan has been doing everything possible to restrict Palestinian Arab imports? Where are the NGOs and "human rights" organizations?

The answer is, of course, that if Israel cannot be blamed - it isn't important.

  • Friday, November 02, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
The official Palestinian Authority WAFA news agency did not comment on Mahmoud Abbas' interview on Israeli TV where wishful thinking Westerners believed that Abbas showed flexibility on the long-standing PLO (and Arab) demand to force Israel to accept millions of so-called "refugees."

But the agency does have two prominently featured articles quoting PLO Executive Committee member Zakaria al-Agha, head of the department of refugee affairs, on the occasion of the 95th anniversary of the Balfour Declaration.

Al-Agha says that the Balfour Declaration, which called for the establishment of a Jewish homeland in Palestine, was a "historic sin committed against our people." He called on Britain to amend that policy by supporting the "legitimate rights of return and self-determination" for Palestinian Arabs.

He specifically called for the internationakl community to recognize the Palestinian Arab "right to establish their independent state with Jerusalem as its capital and the return of its refugees to their homes in accordance with Resolution 194."

He further said that the Balfour Declaration gave a promise to those who do not deserve it, meaning that Jews do not have the right of self-determination that he insists "Palestinians" do. He added that this promise by Lord Balfour is contrary to all international norms and conventions and the principles of human rights, and is illegal.

Al-agha also said that the Declaration caused Arabs of Palestine woes and suffering that continues to this day, and he called on the international community and its institutions take full responsibility about this promise to the Jewish people. He called for the world to "lift this injustice" done to the Palestinian people and to "end the occupation of our land."

At no time did he define the "land" as excluding the state of Israel.

While Westerners strain to try to parse Abbas' words as a new sign of flexibility, the official PLO news agency is explicitly not only re-affirming the so-called "right of return" to destroy Israel demographically, but it is also denying the rights of self-determination for the entire Jewish people and it is calling on the international community to effectively rescind the legal basis for a Jewish state to exist altogether.

Don't expect the media to report on this, though. After all, a highly ambiguous comment on Israeli TV has far more import than explicit, official statements by the PLO in Arabic, when that ambiguous comment fits the mainstream media narrative of a "moderate" PLO.

Thursday, November 01, 2012

  • Thursday, November 01, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From the Times of Israel:
Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas stated Thursday that he was not seeking the right to live in Israel, even though he was born in Safed, in remarks that implied a moderated stance on the longstanding Palestinian demand for a “right of return” to Israel for millions of refugees and descendants of refugees.

Abbas also said explicitly that the Palestinians have no territorial demands on Israel in its pre-1967 lines.

Asked in a Channel 2 News interview what he considered to be Palestine, Abbas responded that “Palestine now for me is the ’67 borders, with East Jerusalem as its capital. This is now and forever … This is Palestine for me. I am [a] refugee, but I am living in Ramallah.”

Interviewer Udi Segal cut in: “Sometimes your official television… speak(s) about Acre and Ramle and Jaffa [all cities within sovereign Israel] as ‘Palestine.’”

“I believe that [the] West Bank and Gaza is Palestine,” said Abbas, “and the other parts (are) Israel.”

Noting that he himself was born in Safed, in what since 1948 has been northern Israel, Abbas said he had visited the town and would like to see it again, but not to make his home there. “It’s my right to see it, but not to live there,” he said, in comments that, if applied to all Palestinian refugees and descendants, would represent a dramatic shift in Palestinian policy.
Is this a change in policy?

So far, the Fatah media has not commented on the interview at all. Islamic Jihad-oriented media that did note the interview so far did not see anything explosive in Abbas' declaration that he, personally, accepts that he has no right to live in Safed.

And Hamas interpreted Abbas' statements as being his own personal view and not an official policy:
Hamas denounced Abbas, saying he spoke only for himself.

"No Palestinian would accept ceding the right of our people to return to homes, villages and towns from which they were displaced," said Hamas spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri.

"If Abu Mazen (Abbas) does not want Safed, Safed would be honored not to host people like him."
Since Western media has picked up on this point, no doubt Fatah and the PA will be forced to issue a clarification within a few hours. It would be most surprising if they say that the official PLO position is that the "right of return" is no longer considered a right. Anyone who has read their statements in Arabic over the years knows that it is considered sacrosanct.

So how will his statement be reconciled with the long-standing insistence on "return?"

Here is one way that Abbas' statement can be true without the PLO changing its position.

Paragraph 11 of UNGA 194, the source of the imaginary "right of return," says

Resolves that the refugees wishing to return to their homes and live at peace with their neighbours should be permitted to do so at the earliest practicable date, and that compensation should be paid for the property of those choosing not to return...

The General Assembly resolution, which has no legal weight, says that only those refugees wishing to return should be allowed to do so (the word "right" was deliberately left out, by the way.)

Abbas is defining himself as a refugee who chooses not to return under UNGA 194. But that in no way limits how the Arab world (mis)interprets UNGA 194, and therefore it does not impact the PLO's negotiating position in the least.

This way Abbas can continue the long Arab game of telling gullible Westerners what they want to hear without actually saying what they want so desperately to believe he said.

Other relevant posts on UNGA 194:

The UN's 1950 interpretation of the "right to return"

The part of UNGA 194 that the Arabs ignore

Why Palestinian Arabs will never negotiate on "return"

Efraim Karsh on Resolution 194

The "right of return" is the opposite of human rights

PLO reiterates "right of return" has nothing to do with statehood


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