Wednesday, September 19, 2012

  • Wednesday, September 19, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
The Al Qassam Martyrs' Brigades held a night-time rally in Gaza to show their support for Mohammed.

Their website shows lots of photographs (as does Palestine Times,) but this one photo says it all.

  • Wednesday, September 19, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Egypt Independent:
An adviser to President Mohamed Morsy has said that amending the 1979 peace treaty signed with Israel is "a matter of time," adding that such a move is necessary to restore full Egyptian control over Sinai.

Mohamed Essmat Seif al-Dawla, who has been publicly advocating the move, told Kuwaiti newspaper Al-Jareeda in an interview published on Wednesday, "There is no reason for keeping a treaty unchanged for three decades."

He added that the 1979 accord "preserves Israel's national security more than Egypt's, which constitutes a blatant violation of Egyptian sovereignty," and that it would not endure under Egypt's new leaders.

Dawla, a member of the activist Kefaya movement and one the opponents of ousted President Hosni Mubarak, is an engineer and a researcher for national issues. He also belongs to an anti-Zionist group, according to state news agency MENA.
Egypt is receiving some $2 billion a year from the US as compensation for signing Camp David.

When they revoke it, will the US revoke the aid too?
  • Wednesday, September 19, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
Ever since the inane "Innocence of Muslims" video was released (and if you think the trailer is bad, check out the apparent full video,) Iran has been in the forefront of trying to stoke the fires of rage in the Muslim world.

As usual, the Iranian leadership has been trying to use any excuse to appear as the leader of the entire Muslim world, and this event has seen a torrent of articles in the Iranian press variously blaming the release of the video on Jews, Americans, NATO and even Mormons - but always in cahoots with "Zionists."

Here is a video showing an ayatollah inciting his followers into attacking the US:

Ayatollah Ahmad Khatami: This wave of holy rage must turn into a hurricane or a tsunami against the US so that they will refrain from toying with what is holy to the Muslims. They should learn that toying with Islam and with its most honorable prophet is tantamount to playing with a lion's tail. They will pay a steep price for this. They have already paid for this, and they will pay more.

It is notable that Iranian media still pushes the lie of the "100 Jewish backers" of the video.

The cynicism is obvious, but it is so easy to manipulate the opinions of millions of naive Muslims.

While the Danish cartoon controversy died down after a week or so, Iran is doing everything it can to stoke the fires of this fake outrage.
  • Wednesday, September 19, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From YNet:
French satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo published cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed on Wednesday, a decision criticized by the French authorities which sent riot police to protect the magazine's offices.

The magazine's front cover showed an Orthodox Jew pushing a turbaned figure in a wheelchair and several caricatures of the Prophet were included on its inside pages, including some of him naked.

The publication comes in the midst of widespread outrage over an anti-Muslim film posted on the Internet. French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius criticized Charlie Hebdo's decision as a provocation and said he had ordered security beefed up at French diplomatic offices in the Muslim world.

Charlie Hebdo's Paris offices were fire bombed last November after it published a mocking caricature of Mohammad. In 2005, Danish cartoons of the Prophet sparked a wave of violent protests across the Muslim world that killed at least 50 people.
The cover makes fun of the recent French movie hit, The Intouchables, and shows a Chassidic Jew pushing a wheelchair of a Muslim as they both say "Must not laugh!"

And here is the image that will probably get the offices of Charlie Hebdo firebombed, a spoof of Mohammed as Brigitte Bardot with the caption "The film that embraces the Muslim world:":

By the way, the Onion acidly satirized the Mohammed video kerfuffle with a pornographic cartoon that is way too explicit to be shown here, under the headline "No one murdered because of this image":
Following the publication of the image above, in which the most cherished figures from multiple religious faiths were depicted engaging in a lascivious sex act of considerable depravity, no one was murdered, beaten, or had their lives threatened, sources reported Thursday. The image of the Hebrew prophet Moses high-fiving Jesus Christ as both are [undergoing a sex act by] Ganesha, all while the Hindu deity [performs a sex act on] Buddha with his fist, reportedly went online at 6:45 p.m. EDT, after which not a single bomb threat was made against the organization responsible, nor did the person who created the cartoon go home fearing for his life in any way. Though some members of the Jewish, Christian, Hindu, and Buddhist faiths were reportedly offended by the image, sources confirmed that upon seeing it, they simply shook their heads, rolled their eyes, and continued on with their day.

UPDATE: More cartoons from the issue.
  • Wednesday, September 19, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
Over the past couple of days, Mitt Romney was slammed for saying, among other things:
I'm torn by two perspectives in this regard. One is the one which I've had for some time, which is that the Palestinians have no interest whatsoever in establishing peace, and that the pathway to peace is almost unthinkable to accomplish. Now why do I say that? Some might say, well, let's let the Palestinians have the West Bank, and have security, and set up a separate nation for the Palestinians. And then come a couple of thorny questions. And I don't have a map here to look at the geography, but the border between Israel and the West Bank is obviously right there, right next to Tel Aviv, which is the financial capital, the industrial capital of Israel, the center of Israel. It's—what the border would be? Maybe seven miles from Tel Aviv to what would be the West Bank…The other side of the West Bank, the other side of what would be this new Palestinian state would either be Syria at one point, or Jordan. And of course the Iranians would want to do through the West Bank exactly what they did through Lebanon, what they did near Gaza. Which is that the Iranians would want to bring missiles and armament into the West Bank and potentially threaten Israel. So Israel of course would have to say, "That can't happen. We've got to keep the Iranians from bringing weaponry into the West Bank." Well, that means that—who? The Israelis are going to patrol the border between Jordan, Syria, and this new Palestinian nation? Well, the Palestinians would say, "Uh, no way! We're an independent country. You can't, you know, guard our border with other Arab nations." And now how about the airport? How about flying into this Palestinian nation? Are we gonna allow military aircraft to come in and weaponry to come in? And if not, who's going to keep it from coming in? Well, the Israelis. Well, the Palestinians are gonna say, "We're not an independent nation if Israel is able to come in and tell us what can land in our airport." These are problems—these are very hard to solve, all right? And I look at the Palestinians not wanting to see peace anyway, for political purposes, committed to the destruction and elimination of Israel, and these thorny issues, and I say, "There's just no way." And so what you do is you say, "You move things along the best way you can." You hope for some degree of stability, but you recognize that this is going to remain an unsolved problem. We live with that in China and Taiwan. All right, we have a potentially volatile situation but we sort of live with it, and we kick the ball down the field and hope that ultimately, somehow, something will happen and resolve it. We don't go to war to try and resolve it imminently.
Outside of Romney's idea that the West Bank borders Syria, and a little oversimplification, this is pretty accurate. Even under the most rosy scenarios, the chances that a Palestinian Arab state would end up being controlled by Iranian proxies within a couple of years is unacceptably high. After all, Hamas did win the last elections, and Gaza today could easily be the West Bank tomorrow.

But here was the reaction from the PLO's envoy to the US:
"The leaked statements by the Republican presidential nominee once again show complete ignorance of facts and realities regarding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict," Maen Areikat said in a statement.

"Romney’s allegations that Palestinians are committed to the destruction of Israel are baseless given the fact that Palestinians have expressed support for the two-state solution, and repeatedly recognized Israel’s right to exist."

And here is what Saeb Erekat said:
Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erakat said Tuesday that comments by US Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney that the Palestinians did not want peace were “absolutely unacceptable.”

“We consider these statements absolutely unacceptable,” he told AFP.

“No one has an interest in peace more than the Palestinian people, because peace for the Palestinian people and the Palestinian leadership means freedom and independence from the Israeli occupation,” Erakat said.
So let's look at the numbers.

The latest PSR poll for which we have the full results, from June 2012, shows that 49% of Palestinian Arabs oppose a two-state solution.

The last Bir Zeit poll (from 2007) showed that 67.5% of those polled preferred a solution where Israel is destroyed.

In the latest PCPO poll from February only 15% supported peace negotiations, as opposed to an imposed solution or a new intifada.

And The Israel Project poll last year showed that the vast majority of those who said they wanted a two-state solution wanted it as a stage to take over all of the area and destroy Israel.

Of course, you can look at this video and see how many Palestinian Arab organizations show their desire for a two-state solution:

On balance, it seems that Romney's off-the-cuff remarks reflect reality more than the outraged soundbites of the PLO's official liars.

But what about the official position of the PLO itself? Surely it supports two states, right?

Well, yes - as long as both states are Arab-majority.

The PLO and the PA has consistently and adamantly refused to accept the formulation of "two states for two peoples." They want "Palestine" to be allowed to ethnically cleanse some half million Jews from its borders, while insisting that Israel must accept millions of Arabs as full citizens in the 1949 armistice lines. I've documented this exhaustively.

Erekat and Areikat are feigning offense at being told what they in fact believe themselves. But if you don't believe me, just find a reporter to ask them the question plainly: do you support two states for two peoples? We know what the answer would be.

(By the way, since Romney's leaked remarks are so newsworthy, when are we ever going to see the videotape of Obama's 2003 remarks at the dinner honoring Rashid Khalidi? Why is one off-the-record video leaked and the other one purposefully buried by the media? What is the line between good journalism and partisanship?)

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

  • Tuesday, September 18, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
Qudsmedia "reports:"
Extremists and settlers broke into Al-Aqsa Mosque dressed as priests of the alleged Temple and performed Talmudic rituals especially in various parts of the al-Aqsa mosque, guarded by Israeli occupation forces. They stormed the Al-Aqsa Mosque in the afternoon and wandered at the Dome of the Rock, and then led biblical and Talmudic rituals, despite the attempts by Aqsa Mosque guards to prevent it.

In recent days in the al-Aqsa mosque, it was noted that there are extremists and settlers deliberately if surreptitiously performing some biblical rituals in al-Aqsa mosque, wearing clothes for the "priests of the Temple", and then walked the path specified around the Aqsa mosque, and performed multiple biblical and Talmudic rituals, provocatively and noticeably, especially when they came out of the al-Aqsa mosque towards the door, some barefoot.
Here is what these dangerous stormers looked like:

Two of them are wearing kittels, a white garment that some Jews wear on Rosh Hashanah. It is not a priestly garment. (The guy with the earflaps is not exactly wearing a priestly garment either!)

  • Tuesday, September 18, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Ian:

Berlin Jewish Museum event calls for Israel boycott
Jewish institution hosts Judith Butler, who renews support of BDS movement; 700-strong audience cheers boycott call.
"The German taxpayer-funded museum’s decision to showcase a speaker in the capital city, which during the Nazi period served as the launching pad for a boycott movement against German-Jewish businesses, has raised eyebrows about the management’s direction of the museum.
In an email to The Jerusalem Post on Saturday, Professor Gerald Steinberg, who heads the Jerusalem-based NGO Monitor, termed the cultural institution the “Berlin anti-Jewish Museum.”

PM Netanyahu on Meet the Press (VIDEO)

Arabs Try To Burn Books of Psalms on Mount of Olives
Three Arab youths were caught Saturday night desecrating Jewish holy books at a sacred Jewish cemetery in Jerusalem.

Merkel: Still hope for political solution on Iran
German chancellor says Tehran poses a threat not just to Israel, but to the whole world, yet political solutions have not been exhausted; EU foreign policy chief to meet Iranian negotiator as IAEA talks continue.

Australia: Girl, 8, calls on Islamic youth to back jihad
"AS PM Julia Gillard struggled to explain how Muslim children could be used to incite violence, eight-year-old Ruqaya yesterday fronted a congress of Islamic fundamendalists in Sydney to espouse her love for jihad. Addressing a 600-strong crowd at the Australian chapter of Hizb ut-Tahrir in Bankstown in the city's west, the young girl urged all Muslim youth to fight for the restoration of the Islamic caliphate, a single global government for all Muslims established under strict sharia law."

In anti-Islam movie furor, a filmmaker’s lies have legs
Many still believe an Israeli-American real estate developer named Sam Bacile made movie, and that 100 Jews funded it
"Still, there are those who continue to cling to the false notion that Jews were behind the film. Days after the Jewish connection was shown to be a fiction, the English-language website of Iran’s Press TV was repeatedly citing the disproved reports that the film was made by Jews. Meanwhile, Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, issued a statement blaming “evil Zionists” and the US government for the film."

Innocence of Muslims: A Review
Liberals used to mock conservatives for worrying that violent and sexually explicit movies could have an impact on audiences - now they don't question it.
"I watched a ten-minute clip of the movie because a) I wanted to know what all the fuss was about and b) I write film criticism professionally and have an interest in movies that cause a stir. It is the worst film I have ever seen that didn’t star Adrian Grenier. The acting is terrible, the plotting non-existent, the cinematography amateur, and the tone vicious and bigoted. It’s like The Birth of a Nation as directed by Ed Wood."

French Jewry alerted to watch out for ‘fake Jews’
Local security services say terror groups may try to conduct reconnaissance and gain access to community buildings

Hamas calls on Egypt to reconsider shutting smuggling tunnels
Haniyeh and Mashaal to visit Cairo on Monday and discuss tunnels, economy and reconciliation

Rosh Hashanah in purgatory
My father, Alexander Breuer, fled the Nazis in 1938, only to return several years later with the US Army. He was among the first Americans to enter Buchenwald and witness, firsthand, the decimation of European Jewry. And on the scorched earth of occupied Germany, in 1945, he celebrated the High Holidays

Mitt Romney Recalls His Trip to Israel in Rosh Hashana Message VIDEO

New Book on William Cooper
A new book has been written about William Cooper, the Aboriginal who lead a march to the German Consulate to protest Kristellnacht in 1938…one of the few recorded protests world-wide.
Muslim Rage & The Last Gasp of Islamic Hate
Once again the streets of the Arab world are burning with false outrage. But we must hold our heads up high. Ayaan Hirsi Ali on how she survived Muslim rage—and how we can end it.
"How often have I endured bizarre conversations with government officials who cling to the illusion that the threat is temporary or that it can be negotiated. And then there are the even more delusional positions staked out by some prominent intellectuals who blame the writer, the politician, the filmmaker, or the cartoonist for provoking the threat. In the days after van Gogh was murdered, too many prominent Dutch individuals expressed precisely this position, declaring smugly, “Yes, of course killing is wrong, but Theo was a provocateur ...” Will they never cease looking for ever more ingenious ways of apologizing for free speech?"

Islamic Terror and the American Story
"Islamic terrorism has been part of the American story, since the first (1801-1805) and the second (1815) U.S. wars against Libya, Tunisia and Algeria-based Muslim pirates. Anti-U.S. Islamic terrorism has been fueled by Islam’s imperialistic vision, inflamed by core American values — irrespective of American national security policy — systematically and deliberately targeting innocent Americans in the U.S. and abroad."

The psychology of the Muslim rioter
Muslims are frustrated with themselves. By directing anger towards the West, they are providing a distraction

Ryan: Obama Admin Treats 'Israel with Indifference Bordering on Contempt'
Speaking at the Values Voter Summit on Friday, Ryan said the Obama admin treats "Israel with indifference bordering on contempt." Obama's critics on this issue cite his administration's hesitance to stand with Israel should they strike Iran, their refusal to set red lines that might prevent a strike from being necessary in the first place, and Obama's recent decision to meet with David Letterman instead of Israeli PM Netanyahu as evidence of this indifference.

Maureen Dowd Goes Borderline Anti-Semitic: 'Neocons Slither Back'
"Maureen Dowd, on the eve of Rosh HaShanah, the Jewish new year, decided to write a column dripping with anti-Semitism to attack Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan’s hardline positions on the Middle East and national defense. In her rant, titled “Neocons Slither Back” Dowd used ancient anti-Semitic imagery."

Syria Tested Chemical Weapons Systems, Witnesses Say
"The Syrian army is believed to have tested missile systems for poison gas shells at the end of August, statements from various witnesses indicate.
The tests took place near a chemical weapons research center at Safira east of Aleppo, witnesses told SPIEGEL. A total of five or six empty shells devised for delivering chemical agents were fired by tanks and aircraft, at a site called Diraiham in the desert near the village of Khanasir. "

Khamenei blames 'Zionists' as Iranians protest film
Supreme leader says West must prove its innocence in US-made anti-Islam film; Iran FM asks UN's Ban to take legal action.

Iran claims its nuclear facilities could now survive enemy ‘missile attacks and raids’
"Iran’s nuclear chief said Monday that “terrorists and saboteurs” might have infiltrated the International Atomic Energy Agency in an effort to derail his nation’s atomic program. He also said his country’s nuclear facilities could now survive enemy attack."

Iran: Saboteurs cut power lines to nuclear bunker
Explosives used to cut power to Fordow plant last month, Iranian nuke chief claims; says "terrorists" have infiltrated IAEA.
Explosives were used to cut the electricity power lines to Iran's Fordow underground enrichment plant last month in an apparent attempt to sabotage Tehran's atomic advances, its nuclear energy chief said on Monday.

Freedom House: 'Arab Spring' countries at risk
Report finds that democratic governance declined worldwide in 2011, ME and N. African states may slip back into dictatorships.

Gaza court convicts 4 for Italian activist's murder
"Three of the defendants were identified by the Hamas-run court as Hamas security men who had been working for the Salafi group for ideological reasons. Two received life sentences and one was jailed for 10 years. The men flashed defiant smiles as the sentences were handed down.
The fourth man, a fisherman, fled Gaza after the killing and was sentenced in absentia to 12 months. Two other men were killed in a gun battle with Hamas forces trying to rescue Arrigoni."

Pro-Hamas bloc wins control of UNRWA union in Gaza
Islamist coalition takes 25 out of 27 seats among 10,000 Palestinian workers
The development underscores Hamas’ influence among Gaza’s professionals even though it has been criticized lately for ignoring the needs of the poor.

Egypt’s Islamic TV talks with iron Salafist
A Muslim cleric hosting an Egyptian television show recently outlined his version of Islamic instructions for wife-beating. In another show, a cleric claimed that the Muslim Brotherhood, now governing Egypt, one day will rule the world.

PM Erdogan: Islamophobia should be recognized as crime against humanity

Pakistani Protester Burns American Flag and Dies From Smoke

Sunday, September 16, 2012

  • Sunday, September 16, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
Once I saw a piece of art that turned the sounds of the shofar into a graphic format, done by Avraham Lowenthal of Tzfat. (h/t Amiyena and Vermue) I thought it was a nifty idea and made one of my own.

So here is a Rosh Hashanah poster for EoZ fans using the same motif, although using only the mandatory 30 sounds instead of the full 100,  and mine is a bit more literal.

It would also make a great sukkah decoration!

I want to wish all of you a Shana Tova u'Metukah, a happy and sweet year. May this be a year of health, a year of prosperity, a year of joy, a year of peace, and a year of security.

I will not be blogging during the holiday.

  • Sunday, September 16, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Ian:

Undermining the Jews of the Arab World
"If you’re looking for an online aggregator of Israel-bashing articles, you could do a great deal worse than visit Open Zion, the website edited by the darling of America’s Jewish far left, Peter Beinart. All the obsessions of today’s anti-Zionists are neatly organized there, in the form of hand-wringing tracts about Rachel Corrie’s death, Israel’s resemblance to apartheid South Africa, and the dangerous refusal of Israel and the United States to acknowledge that Iran’s rulers really are reasonable people."

Westerners who fuel the Muslim world's grievance culture
Condemning the "grievance" as much as the perpetrator is fast becoming the default response to mass Islamist violence. This must not be allowed to stand "
"Rather predictably, The Guardian this week argued that the wave of violence sweeping the Middle East was a spontaneous reaction to the anti Islamic film, "The Innocence of Islam". The film, we were told, set off a "long fuse that led to an explosion of violence that killed the US ambassador to Libya". The Independent adopted a similar line with its article headlined: "An incendiary film –and the man killed in the crossfire". It added: "The mob enraged by film mocking Prophet Mohamed kills US ambassador in Benghazi rocket attack".

Sunni-Shiite Debate Deteriorates into a Brawl on Egyptian TV

Anti-American Antisemitic Cartoons on Yemeni Houthi Channel Al-Masirah TV
Hizbullah TV Dedicates Excellence Festival to French Holocaust Denier Roger Garaudy

'It's not about elections in America, but centrifuges in Iran'
PM Benjamin Netanyahu addresses claim that he is using Iran issue to harm the Obama re-election bid: "The only thing guiding me is centrifuges in Iran. It's not my fault that the centrifuges aren't more considerate of the Americans' political timetable."

Armada of British naval power massing in the Gulf as Israel prepares an Iran strike
An armada of US and British naval power is massing in the Persian Gulf in the belief that Israel is considering a pre-emptive strike against Iran’s covert nuclear weapons programme.

Revolutionary Guard chief threatens Israel’s annihilation in case of Iran strike
Gen. Mohammad Ali Jafari also warned that Iran might close the Straits of Hormuz if it is attacked, withdraw from the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and hit U.S. bases in the Middle East.

Hezbollah Raises Latin American Profile
Two news stories from recent weeks, if true, should raise a red flag in the United States that Iran is preparing to use Hezbollah to strike at U.S. interests in Latin America, if not in the United States itself.

Man charged with trying to bomb downtown Chicago bar
An 18-year-old man who tried to set off what he thought was a car bomb outside a downtown Chicago bar on Friday night has been arrested and charged in a federal undercover sting, authorities said Saturday.
Adel Daoud, who lives in the Chicago suburb of Hillside, planned for months for the attack and prayed with a man who turned out to be an undercover agent before attempting to set off a bomb in a Jeep outside a bar, authorities said.
According to an FBI affidavit, Daoud used email accounts starting in about October 2011 to gather and send materials "relating to violent jihad and the killing of Americans."

IDF Blog: Happy Rosh Hashana from IDF Soldiers

What the Mossad’s female agents do — and don’t do — for the sake of Israel
Breaking cover, five high-ranking agents discuss the advantages they have as female spies, the dangers and costs of their work, and where they draw the line

Where I Go: Bar Refaeli
The native Israeli, whose work as a model and as the founder and designer of
underwear has taken her across the globe, returns to her childhood home when vacation calls. She shares her local favorites—from chic shops to secret beaches to home-cooked meals—below.

Also, The Blood Libel Continues at the Guardian and Fox News

Armada of British naval power massing in the Gulf as Israel prepares an Iran strike (h/t Yoel)
  • Sunday, September 16, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
I always like that Netanyahu has a full set of Talmud, Mishnayot and Shulchan Aruch behind him. (The Shas is not in order, though. )

Peres' is just cheesy:

(h/t Yerushalimey)
The Al Aqsa Heritage Foundation's latest press release, picked up by other Arab media, is upset over the thousands of Jews who attended the midnight Selichot on the eve of Rosh Hashanah.

Thousands of Israelis last night desecrated the Wailing Wall and surrounding areas, where they had gathered from late night to dawn in the squares and performed biblical and Talmudic rituals, and loudly chanted, on the eve of the so-called "festival the Jewish New Year," which falls tomorrow and beyond. there is expected to be an increased presence of Israelis at the Wailing Wall over the next two days, guarded by the Israeli occupation forces.

And they have photos of this "desecration:"

But even worse are the Jews who ascended to the Temple Mount this morning:
In a related matter some sixty settlers stormed the Aqsa Mosque Sunday morning around 9:20, arriving via   the Mughrabi Gate. They wandered in the area, while performing some Talmudic rituals, accompanied by elements of the occupation forces. Witnesses said  that the atmosphere in the al-Aqsa mosque was very tense, and the number of intruders on the mosque may increase in the coming hours under repeated calls from the Israeli bodies to intensify their storming of Aqsa during the so-called "festive Jewish season" which begins this afternoon and lasts about a month.
Here are the offensive photos of those scary Jews "storming" the Temple Mount:

Juan Cole, the pseudo-academic who I have proven is a liar and an idiot a number of times, last month slanderously claimed that my blog influenced mass murderer Anders Breivik:

As in Norway, where the Muslim-hating network (fostered also by hateful web sites like “Gates of Vienna,” “Elders of Ziyon,” and a host of others) deeply influenced mass murderer Anders Breivik, so in the United States the purveying of a negative image of Muslims predictably has resulted in violence.
Cole knows very well that Breivik never mentioned my blog in his manifesto, and indeed there is no evidence that he ever read my blog. Incidentally, I  fisked and condemned his manifesto completely.

Juan Cole knows that people like me are a threat to him, because we expose his lies and fallacious arguments so easily while he pretends to be an intellectual. So it is not surprising that such a creature resorts to lies to try to slander me, since he is utterly incapable of actually arguing with me.

Cole also knows that this is not a hate site. I am not against Muslims and I am not against Islam as a personal religion. I have never said or implied that I support violence against Muslims. However, I am very against the hateful and supremacist political philosophy of Islamism, and I believe that Islamism must be regarded as just as evil as other supremacist political philosophies like Nazism and Communism.

Will Juan Cole apologize for this slander? Of course not. He never corrects his mistakes, even when they are proven - which is about all you need to know about his intellectual honesty.

(h/t Dan)

  • Sunday, September 16, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
The mainstream media, NGOs and the UN describe Gaza as:
  • Occupied by Israel
  • Under siege
  • An economic mess dependent on outside aid
  • A prison where no one can enter or leave without Israel's permission
Hamas leader Mahmoud Zahar tells Arab media a different story:
Seven years after Israel disengaged from the Gaza Strip, several things have changed both at the political and the economic level, Hamas official Mahmoud Zahhar said Friday.

Speaking to Ma’an, Zahhar asserted that “Gaza is free of occupation, and contiguity with the outside world is easier as visitors from all over the world visited the coastal enclave.”

He said the economic situation has improved noticeably and the Gaza Strip became self-reliant in several aspects because lands in former Israeli settlements were planted. “We are self-dependent in several aspects except petroleum and electricity.”

Asked to comment on the protests in the West Bank against the deteriorating economic conditions, Zahhar said that was a natural result of economic reliance on the United States and Israel who completely control the Palestinian economy.

The Hamas official boasted that the economic conditions in the Gaza Strip are much better than in the West Bank; “people in Gaza receive full salaries, and all the money the Ramallah government transfers goes to Fatah supporters only.”

Asked whether or not he believes the Palestinian Authority has really collapsed, Zahhar said the replacement was ready. “The resistance program, which was originally replaced by the PA, is ready,” he said.
Of course, Zahar is a liar as well. The unemployment rate in Gaza remains higher than in the West Bank and there are no personal freedoms there. In fact, according to Palestine Press Agency, hundreds of young Gazans are desperately trying to move to Europe - some even asking for political asylum from Hamas thugs - and Hamas is stopping them from leaving.

But why does the media rush to trumpet any statement or report that says that Gaza is a humanitarian disaster under brutal Israel occupation and they ignore statements by Gaza's own leaders that say the opposite?

The Gaza meme is obviously more attractive than honest reporting.

(h/t Herb)

  • Sunday, September 16, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
A November 2011 spoof from British satirical website The Daily Squib has suddenly been picked up by dozens of mainstream Arab media as if it is real.

The article, entitled "Henry Kissinger: 'If You Can't Hear the Drums of War You Must Be Deaf'", includes this section:
"If you are an ordinary person, then you can prepare yourself for war by moving to the countryside and building a farm, but you must take guns with you, as the hordes of starving will be roaming. Also, even though the elite will have their safe havens and specialist shelters, they must be just as careful during the war as the ordinary civilians, because their shelters can still be compromised."

After pausing for a few minutes to collect his thoughts, Mr Kissinger, carried on: "We told the military that we would have to take over seven Middle Eastern countries for their resources and they have nearly completed their job. We all know what I think of the military, but I have to say they have obeyed orders superfluously this time. It is just that last stepping stone, i.e. Iran which will really tip the balance. How long can China and Russia stand by and watch America clean up? The great Russian bear and Chinese sickle will be roused from their slumber and this is when Israel will have to fight with all its might and weapons to kill as many Arabs as it can. Hopefully if all goes well, half the Middle East will be Israeli. Our young have been trained well for the last decade or so on combat console games, it was interesting to see the new Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 game, which mirrors exactly what is to come in the near future with its predictive programming. Our young, in the US and West, are prepared because they have been programmed to be good soldiers, cannon fodder, and when they will be ordered to go out into the streets and fight those crazy Chins and Russkies, they will obey their orders. Out of the ashes we shall build a new society, a new world order; there will only be one superpower left, and that one will be the global government that wins. Don't forget, the United States, has the best weapons, we have stuff that no other nation has, and we will introduce those weapons to the world when the time is right."

End of interview. Our reporter is ushered out of the room by Kissinger's minder.
Suddenly, Arabic media has picked up on this story and reporting on it straight.

Yemen Today, Palestine Press Agency, Jordan Zad and dozens of other Arabic websites are recounting Kissinger's supposed warmongering words in their headlines.

Other recent satirical articles that Arabic media believed were the George Clooney 3D Arafat bio-pic and Paris Hilton converting to Islam. (The last one was also on The Daily Squib.)

Saturday, September 15, 2012

  • Saturday, September 15, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
The Muslim world is engaging in deadly riots against Western targets, and the PLO is jealous that the media is not focused on them - and only them:

PLO negotiator Saeb Erekat met on Thursday with ambassadors from Europe, the US and Japan on the 19th anniversary of the signing of the Oslo Accords.

Erekat said Israel had been occupying Palestine since 1967, "and this is considered an offense to humanity. Israeli authorities have signed many agreements, and never committed to them."

In a statement, he called the occupation a main source of violence and chaos in the Mideast.
Yup. All the rioters in Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Yemen, Lebanon, Iraq, Bahrain and elsewhere are really upset over - the "occupation."

But Erekat did talk about the idiotic Mohammed video, in typically bombastic terms:

Separately, Erekat addressed the growing outrage over an anti-Muslim video clip apparently produced in the United States.

"All abuses and attempts against Islam cannot be justified by freedom of expression. The real names for such abuses and attacks are 'racist,' 'terrorist,' and 'fascist,'" Erekat said.

Now, which is worse: a stupid video no one saw until Muslims broadcast it on their TV, or the now-daily explicit anti-semitism and incitement in the Arab media that are read by hundreds of thousands?

And why is it that not a single Western journalist is smart enough to ask Erekat the liar such a simple question?


EoZ Book:"Protocols: Exposing Modern Antisemitism"


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