Sunday, August 19, 2012

  • Sunday, August 19, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
A very revealing photo-essay on the Islamic Jihad Al Quds Brigades website shows eager kids offering candy and cookies to masked Islamic Jihad terrorists.

One child, Mahmoud, told the Islamic Jihad "media war" correspondent, "Since yesterday, my friends and I have been planning to visit the Mujahideen; we were waiting for this moment, and my mom that prepared for me festival cakes and candy in order to present it to them."

Thanking the kids, one of the brave masked mujahadeen said "We thank the mothers of these children who baked festival cakes for the the mujahideen, and assure them that we will not deviate from the option of Jihad and resistance at all costs and no matter how great the sacrifices and difficulties."

"These aren't exploding candies, are they?"

"Hey, one kid is eating my candy! I must shoot him!"

"Say 'Jeeeeehad'"
Isn't that sweet?

(h/t Challah Hu Akbar)
  • Sunday, August 19, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
The Arab rumor that a toy gun says "Kill Aisha" has now reached the Salafists of Tunisia, as they are confiscating the blasphemous gun that says "Go! Go! Go! Pull over and save the hostages!"

I've covered this bizarre story, where it pops up in different places in the Arab world, a number of times.

Here's the latest video showing the outrageous gun:

But I smell a larger plot.

Searching through the many outraged videos made by Islamists trying to start rioting over a toy gun, you notice that there are many different variants of this toy.

Why make so many variants of a gun that says things that are insulting to Muslims?

It must be that as soon as one is confiscated, another is made to take its place, in order to brainwash poor Muslim kids into wanting to kill Mohammed's favorite wife (or, perhaps, any nearby 6 year old girl)!

The phrase "Save the hostages!", which is a pretty boring sound clip for such awesome looking toy guns, must have been deliberately chosen for its hidden meaning in Arabic! Why else would it be re-used in so many toy weapons?

Circles within circles. I wouldn't put it past Islamophobic Westerners to conceive such a plot.

In fact, I received a secret memo from a highly trusted, highly reliable source who has never lied to me (to my knowledge) detailing how far this toy gun conspiracy goes. I'm convinced it is real, but I'll research it for a couple of hours and prove to myself that it is legitimate before releasing it and unleashing a torrent of deadly Muslim riots. (I'm a responsible journalist, after all.)

The truth must be heard!
  • Sunday, August 19, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Shalom Life:

One in six women will be sexually assaulted in her lifetime. That's a staggering number, and one of the most common places where women will be victimized is in nightclubs.

Ever since date rape drugs have become easy accessible, women have had to be on high alert whenever drinking in public, otherwise someone could easily slip an odorless and tasteless drug that can render a person unconscious and put them in a position to be taken advantage of.

An israel professor of Tel Aviv University, Fernando Patolsky, and his partner Michael Ioffe, have invented what will hopefully become a common sight in bar and clubs around the world, an Anti-Date Rape Straw.

The straw can currently detect the two most common drugs being used, ketamine and gamma-hydroxybutyric acid, of GHB. Patolsky and Ioffe are working on adding more drug detection abilities, including rohypnol, aka ruffies.

The idea is that women will carry the straw with them when they go out, and they can reuse the straw as many times as they like until the straw encounters the presence of any date rape drugs. If the straw detects any drug in the drink, a chemical reaction will be created and the straw will change colour, depending on the drug.

Patolsky and Ioffe hope to commercialize the product within a year.
What a moral dilemma for Israel-hating women who like to party!

(h/t Max)
  • Sunday, August 19, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
Mahmoud Abbas laid a wreath in honor of mass murderer Yasir Arafat today, on the occasion of the first day of Eid al Fitr.

He said that next year he hopes to lead a Palestinian Arab state along the so-called "1967 borders" with its capital in Jerusalem. 

And the pro-PA media outlet Palestine Press Agency headlined the story as him saying "Next year in Jerusalem." 

He also led Eid prayers at a nearby mosque, along with a large number of prominent PA officials and diplomats. 

Abbas also sent a representative to lay another wreath at a memorial for "martyrs" (i.e., terrorists) in Jericho.

Abbas received best wishes for the holiday from Shimon Peres, Binyamin Netanyahu - and Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh.
  • Sunday, August 19, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Ya Libnan:
In the last few days, thousands of Syrians have poured across the borders of neighboring countries, fleeing increasing violence in their homeland but creating tension elsewhere.

More than 170,000 Syrians have sought sanctuary in Lebanon, Turkey, Jordan and Iraq,at least 12,000 of them just in the last three days — leading to a growing humanitarian crisis, the United Nations refugee agency said Friday.
At least 168 people were killed across the country Friday, activists said, many of them in the cities of Aleppo, Damascus and Dara, as the regime of President Bashar Assad uses attack helicopters and warplanes with greater frequency in its assaults on towns and cities.

Syrians fleeing to Lebanon, however, are finding a potentially unstable situation there as well.

The leader of a prominent Lebanese political party on Friday called for declaring a state of emergency as the Syrian conflict spilled over into his country.

Samir Geagea, leader of the Christian Lebanese Forces party, called for the measure a week after Lebanese politician Michel Samaha was arrested and accused of planning to target Sunni Muslims in Lebanon. And on Wednesday, a powerful Shiite Muslim clan abducted dozens of Syrians and other foreigners in retaliation for the kidnapping of one of their kin by Free Syrian Army rebels.

More abductions were reported Thursday, though the clan denied responsibility.

“The image formed in every citizen’s mind now is that Lebanon is an uncontrolled state with no authority, constitution or rules whatsoever,” Geagea said in a televised news conference in which he condemned the abductions. “No matter how righteous and decent their cause was, nothing justifies what happened, as it paralyzed the country and annulled the state’s role.”
Speaking of Samaha, the latest details in the case show Lebanese impotence:
Lebanon President Michel Suleiman said on Saturday that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad should call him and explain the transfer of weapons from Syria to Lebanon in the car of former Information Minister Michel Samaha.

“ The Lebanese judiciary accused a Syrian official of sending weapons to Lebanon , and I expect the Syrian president to call me and explain the incident . I hope this call will take place,” National News Agency quoted Suleiman as saying.

Following his arrest, several reports revealed that Samaha confessed under interrogation that he had transferred “explosives from Syria to Lebanon in order to carry out bombings in North Lebanon, particularly in the area of Akkar, with Syria’s knowledge.”
An Air France flight bound for Beirut last week was forced to land in Syria because protests effectively closed the Lebanese airport
  • Sunday, August 19, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
You never know when something is going to go viral, and I certainly would not have predicted that Egyptian "scientist" claims NASA hiding proof of Quranic miracle would have been one of my most popular posts ever. Some 9500 hits on that article, mostly due to it being mentioned on

Another post of mine received thousands of hits. Arab TV show discusses how Jews bake matzoh with human blood received a lot of attention, and it is one of the few times I've scooped MEMRI. Later, other media outlets reported on it, but I was the first in English. (This was also my most "Liked" and Tweeted post of the week.)

My post The hilarious tale of the Dick, the Beeb and the "secret Israeli attack plans" and its followup Media scorecard on "secret memo" fiasco were also enormously popular. Though I spend a bit of time on media bias, this episode revealed much about willful media blindness. Even now, after the actual author of the text that the media trumpeted as a secret Israeli memo has gone public and said that he made the entire thing up, not a single media outlet that ran with this story has bothered to issue a correction. On the contrary: the interview of a proven fraud on the BBC has enhanced his credibility, no matter how many times he has been proven wrong. The media is frankly more interested in revealing scoops than in vetting the reliability of the supposed scoopers. It is a laziness where journalistic standards can be ignored by simply saying "According to X...." This is the type of "journalism" we've seen done by Arab and Iranian state-run media, and it is beyond disgusting that respected Western media outlets disregard the truth so egregiously. (See also Yossi Melman at Walla [Hebrew] and War in Context and his earlier post.)

Also popular this week were Salafists in Tunisia try to lynch terrorist Samir Kuntar! and my photo essay "Quds Day" photos. Feel the love.
  • Sunday, August 19, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Egypt Independent:
President Mohamed Morsy will attend the Non-Aligned Movement Summit, Iran on 30 August on his way back from a visit to China on 27 August, sources at the presidency told MENA on Saturday.

Morsy received an invitation to the summit from the envoy of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Hamid Baqaei.

"We look forward to Egypt’s participation as a founding member of the movement," Baqaei said.

The presidency of the Non-Alignment movement would be handed over by Egypt to Iran during the summit, which would also discuss the challenges facing the movement.

Diplomatic relations between Egypt and Iran were severed more than 30 years ago, but since Egypt's Hosni Mubarak was toppled, both Cairo and Tehran have signaled interest in renewing ties.
Earlier, Egypt said it would send a lower-level representative to the Tehran summit, as most nations are.

It seems improbable that Morsi does not understand the symbolism of this move, as it is a clear slap in the face of the West trying to isolate Iran. To an extent, it is also a power play as Egypt wants to re-assert its leadership of the Arab world, a status that Saudi Arabia has been trying to take for itself.

This is only good news for Iran.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

  • Saturday, August 18, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Ian:

Palestine – Burying the Past – Faking the Future by David Singer
"Richard Falk – United Nations Special Rapporteur on “the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territories occupied since 1967″ – provides compelling proof of how successful the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) has been in its attempt to bury historical fact and international law regarding the former territory of Palestine.
Mr Falk is not on his own among the United Nations coterie of organizations and officials who seem ready to try and wrest the title deeds granted to the Jewish people to reconstitute the Jewish National Home in Palestine pursuant to the Mandate for Palestine and article 80 of the UN Charter – following the decisions of the San Remo Conference and the signing of the Treaty of Sevres."
Richard Millet Hezbollah marches through London again on Al Quds Day.
"One has to ask why does Britain rightly ban groups like Muslims Against Crusades for causing public outrage but not Hezbollah which is actively attempting to murder Jews worldwide. Are Britain’s Jews deemed so dispensable?"

It’s all about power: Al-Quds Day a celebration of hatred and terrorism by Michael Coren
Beyond the hatred, the racism and the anger, there’s a certain irony surrounding Al-Quds Day, commemorated this weekend internationally and to its shame — in Toronto.

Hezbollah leader threatens to transform Israelis’ lives into hell
In Quds Day speech, Nasrallah says a few missiles fired at key Israeli targets could cause tens of thousands of fatalities

Ban Ki-moon joins US in condemning Iran’s ‘inflammatory’ comments on Israel
Ahmadinejad called Israel a ‘cancerous tumor’ and an ‘insult to humanity’ in Friday’s annual al-Quds Day celebration
“We strongly condemn the latest series of offensive and reprehensible comments by senior Iranian officials that are aimed at Israel,” National Security Council spokesman Tommy Vietor said. “The entire international community should condemn this hateful and divisive rhetoric.”

Romney: US must stop Iran's genocidal regime
US presidential candidate refers to Ahmadinejad's call to wipe out Israel as "a reminder of what is at stake"; Rep. Ros-Lehtinen slams Obama for "wasting precious time," placing Israel's security in jeopardy.
Poll: Romney cares more than Obama about Israel
Peace Index poll shows Israeli Jews – by 2:1 ratio – believe Romney assigns high importance to defending Israel's interests.
US probing Deutsche Bank, three others for laundering money to Iran
Four banks are accused of funneling billions of dollars through their American branches for Iran and other sanctioned countries
CIFWatch Postcard from Israel – Gas Masks.
"Many Israelis are currently renewing their gas masks (or as they are also known, protection kits) at distribution stations in shopping malls and school gyms around the country. This massive logistical operation is organised by the IDF’s Home Front Command with truly remarkable efficiency."
Honest Reporting Canada Toronto Star Publishes Letter Justifying Terror Against Israeli Olympians
"Reverend Pushee is no stranger to controversy and is well known for his anti-Semitic remarks and vitriolic hatred of Israel. He once claimed that Canada’s Environment Minister was complicit with ”Zionist genocide, ethnic cleansing and weapons testing in Gaza”.
Bulgaria: Burgas probe can take years
Bulgarian interior minister says investigation suggests attack that killed 5 Israelis was carried out by country or terror group, but refuses to name suspects

Behind the Lines: Silence speaks volumes in Lebanon
Lebanon’s former information minister, Michel Samaha, who is closely linked to the embattled regime of Bashar Assad in Syria, was arrested in Lebanon last week. Samaha has since confessed to involvement in the transfer of explosives from Syria to northern Lebanon.

Peruvian Neo-Nazi Group Leader Seeks Jewish Expulsion
"Martin Quispe Mayta, the 38-year-old founder of the Andean National Socialism Movement, is posing a threat to Peru’s Jewish community as he is attempting to gather enough signatures for his group to be recognized as political party in Peru. Echoing the Spanish and Portuguese Inquisitions centuries ago, the group openly advocates for a Jewish expulsion, according to the London Guardian."

Friday, August 17, 2012

  • Friday, August 17, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Pakistan, some kids who didn't get the memo that they live in a country that is friendly to the US.

More kids from Pakistan. The poster in the front is most interesting: "We don't shy away from declaring that Islam is ready to rule the world."

 Which pretty much shows why they hate Israel - not because of "Palestinians" but because it is not an Islamic state.

Here's an effigy of Netanyahu in Tehran, but I find the Hezbollah flag to be more interesting:

Here's a classic scene from Iran that's got it all: US president, Star of David, swastika - and another Hezbollah flag:

Lots of flag burnings (both US and Israeli, naturally) as well.

Can't you feel the love?

  • Friday, August 17, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
But I thought they were so rational!
Senior members of the Muslim Brotherhood have accused Mohamed Dahlan, the former leader of the Palestinian Fatah party, of orchestrating the 5 August attacks near the Rafah border that left 16 Egyptian soldiers dead.

Brotherhood leader Ali Abdel Fatah told Al-Masry Al-Youm that Dahlan has a dark history of violence, and that he had attempted to stage a coup against former Palestinian President Yasser Arafat and current President Mahmoud Abbas. Fatah expressed hope that security bodies would find the real culprits.

Freedom and Justice Party MP Hassan al-Birins claimed on Twitter that Dahlan was dismissed from Fatah for collusion with Israel in recruiting Palestinians as mercenaries against the Hamas government and he smuggled some of these recruits into Israel. When Hamas took control of Gaza, some of these recruits remained in Egypt.

Israel used eight of these mercenaries in Sinai to carry out the attack, he claimed, alleging that the culprits jumped from an armored vehicle the Israeli forces destroyed.
Wow! The only other person I can think of who can come up with such a convoluted anti-Israel conspiracy theory lives in Seattle.

In other Sinai news, the "Salafi Jihad Front" organization denied any connection to the attacks on Egyptian soldiers. They admit shooting rockets at Eilat; they admit to sabotaging the natural gas pipeline to Israel, but they say they wouldn't attack Egyptian soldiers.

Interestingly, they are clearly not afraid of being arrested by Egyptian security for shooting rockets from the Sinai or blowing up gas pipelines.

  • Friday, August 17, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
I've seen a TV commercial for Garnier Fructis Moroccan Sleek Oil Treatment, and I wondered why "Moroccan" is a selling point for a hair product? If they said "Algerian" oil treatment, would it sell too?

Well, it turns out that Moroccan oil is the selling point.

And it also turns out that the leader in that field is - Israel!

From Israel21c:
Charlize Theron is one of the hottest A-list celebrities in Hollywood. In a recent red carpet event at the MTV Movie Awards she wore a Lanvin dress, Jimmy Choo shoes, Cartier jewels, and hair styled with Moroccanoil from Israel.

Also on the list of celebs reported to be using the products based on oil from the rare argan nut are Madonna, Katy Perry, Angelina Jolie, Scarlet Johansson and French beauty Marion Cotillard.

The idea for the novel product took root when a Chilean woman, Carmen Tal, went to get an emergency hair treatment while visiting Israel with her Israeli husband. Tal was introduced to a special product at the salon that she felt made her hair healthier, softer and more manageable.

“Carmen’s hair was damaged and someone used the product on her hair, and she ended up buying the company,” says celebrity hair stylist Antonio Corral Colero from Barcelona, Moroccanoil’s artistic director.

The key ingredient is grown only in Morocco and more recently in Israel, where special cultivars of argan trees are producing more oil than the native Moroccan cultivars.
Those Israelis! First they steal falafel, then hummus, then the keffiyeh, and now Moroccan argan oil!
  • Friday, August 17, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Ian:

Latma: How much does it cost to attack Iran and the most decorated president

J Street Makes an Attack on Iran More Likely by Alan Dershowitz
“J Street should get out of the business of telling Israel how to balance existential risks regarding the security of its citizens. It should stop undercutting American policy with regard to Iran. And as an organization that claims it is both pro-Israel and pro-peace, it should recognize that its superficial approach to this complex problem is bad for peace, bad for Israel and bad for American efforts to prevent a nuclear Iran without the need for a military attack.”

How Palestinians Keep Shooting Themselves in the Foot by Hisham Jarallah
Instead of using the billions of dollars that were given to them by Americans and Europeans to create new jobs, the PLO leadership stole most of the funds and later blamed Israel for damaging the Palestinian economy.
As the Arab countries continue to impose strict employment restrictions on Palestinians, Israel is opening its doors to Palestinian workers from the West Bank. Palestinians say, in fact, that Israel is becoming one of the largest employers of Palestinians in the Middle East.

Southern Poverty Law Center Joining Pro-Hamas, Hezbollah, Groups in Blasting ‘Haters’ – Mostly Jews
“The Center’s views have now been stretched so far that, in the name of tolerance and equality, the SPLC is partnering with, on the one hand, a Muslim group whose followers revere and support Hamas and Hezbollah, and a far-left think tank whose writers were spewing accusations of dual loyalty and other anti-Semitic canards just a few months ago.”

The War Against the Jews by Efraim Karsh
“A saddening thought, indeed. But is there any other explanation as to why, more than sixty years after its establishment, Israel remains the only state in the world whose citizens are presented as the heirs to the Nazi mantle; whose economy faces relentless calls for sanctions, boycotts, and divestment; whose policies and actions year in and year out are condemned by the international community, and whose right to exist is constantly debated and challenged?”

York University Professor Lauds Palestinian Terrorist in Toronto Star Op-Ed
“In an op-ed published in the Toronto Star on August 12, Faisal Bhahba, a Law Professor at York University's Osgoode Hall Law School, promotes the morally repugnant belief that Marwan Barghouti, a Palestinian arch-terrorist convicted of five counts of cold-blooded murder, is a “a popular and promising Palestinian politician” who he implies has been wrongly “imprisoned by Israel since 2002.”

PM shoots down dangerous quotes from Arab world
For the second time in a week Israel found itself on Thursday denying potentially dangerous and erroneous statements attributed to Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu in the Arab world.

Santa Monica hotel discriminated against Jews, court rules
According to the testimony, the plaintiffs, young leaders of the Friends of the Israel Defense Forces, held a poolside party on the afternoon of July 11, 2010. As the event commenced, hotel staff confronted the revelers, telling them to remove their banners and barring them from using the pool.

Iranians commemorate ‘Al-Quds Day’ by burning Israeli, US flags
Millions of demonstrators march with Palestinian flags, shouting ‘Death to Israel’; Ahmadinejad calls Israel ‘an insult to all humanity’

Securing Syria chemical weapons may take tens of thousands of troops

Two Egyptian journalists to stand trial for criticizing Morsi

Militant group warns Egyptian army over Sinai crackdown

Salafi Terror Group Threatens to Attack in the Heart of Cairo
Army of Islam threatens to carry out mass suicide bombings in the heart of Cairo, in response to the Egyptian operation in the Sinai.

Hamas helps Egypt in hunt for Sinai terrorists

State Dept. Trained 450 Imams on the ‘Compatibility of Women’s Rights and Islam’

IDF Blog Introducing IDF’s History on Facebook

Melville in Jerusalem
The Moby-Dick author sought spiritual connection on an 1857 Holy Land trip. He found dust and rocks instead.


"This Programme Is Sponsored By Auckland City Council" & "To Bring Down The Israeli State"(videos) at Daphne Anson

(h/t O)
  • Friday, August 17, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Al Ahram English:

The media committee of the Mujahideen Shura Council, a jihadist group, issued a statement on Thursday denying any involvement in the 5 August attack near Egypt's border with the Gaza Strip in which 16 Egyptian borders guards were killed.
In its statement, the militant group said that it, along with other Jihadist groups, was being falsely accused by the media of standing behind the attack based only on statements by Israeli military spokesman Avichay Adraee.

The Mujahideen Shura Council also rejected "baseless accusations" against the Palestinian people in general, saying that such accusations were merely aimed at justifying the six-year-old Israeli-Egyptian blockade of the Gaza Strip.

The council also condemned the ongoing "media campaign" against it, stressing that the group's sole objective was "to fight the Jewish invaders" of Palestine.
Their English version waters down the their Arabic version significantly.

In Arabic, the headline says that the Shura jihadists "assert that the Jihad is against the Jews." In the article it mentions that their targets are "Jews," "Jewish usurpers" and the "Jewish forces."

But state-run Al-Ahram wouldn't want their Western audience to think that the jihadists were anti-semitic or anything.
Arab media are reporting that some half a million people are expected to go to the Temple Mount today, the last Friday of Ramadan. Similarly, they reported that over 400,000 people came to the courtyard on the night of Laylat al-Qadr earlier this week.

The Temple Mount is about 35 acres (14 hectares); this number would be reduced by the many structures on it where people cannot stand.

Approximately 5000 people can fit in an acre assuming one square yard (meter) per person. Certainly you can jam pack more in that space but not if they want to kneel and prostrate themselves, which the Muslims do in prayer.

Here's a photo from last Friday when the number of worshipers was estimated at "250,000," showing how much space is between them:

So at no time can the Temple Mount support more than 150,000 people, and probably the number is significantly lower than that.

I supposed it is possible that people are not staying the entire time, but I'm not sure.

However, it seems likely that the figure of half a million visiting the Al Aqsa Mosque today is a very large exaggeration.

  • Friday, August 17, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
Samir Kuntar, the disgusting child-murdering terrorist who is considered a hero to the Palestinian Arabs, visited Tunisia this week.

And he was almost lynched.

On Thursday evening, police used tear gas to disperse Salafists who attacked a cultural festival in the northern city of Bizerte.

They had sticks and swords.

The festival's guest of honor was the child-murderer Kuntar, known in Arabic as the "Dean of the Lebanese prisoners."

The reason for the attack was that Kuntar enraged the Salafists by criticizing the Syrian uprising and praising the Assad regime in Syria, which has been killing tens of thousands of its citizens over the past year and a half.

Many of those present received serious injuries and were rushed to the hospital. This included some of the organizers of the festival. Kuntar fled out the back door while he let his sponsors get beaten for him.

Because that's what heroes do.

It is indeed unfortunate that Kuntar was not ripped into little terrorist bits to be eaten by the flies.


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