Wednesday, July 15, 2009

  • Wednesday, July 15, 2009
  • Elder of Ziyon
I can understand the massage parlors, but...Chinese restaurants?
Yemeni religious police were out in force Tuesday in a major crackdown that saw many massage parlors and Chinese restaurants in the capital Sanaa shut down for allegedly promoting prostitution and vice.

The Yemeni religious police, modeled after Saudi Arabia's Committee for the Propagation of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice, targeted popular tourist areas in Sanaa.

Authorities dragged Chinese women working in several spas and restaurants to the streets and sealed the businesses after posting a sign reading "closed by the authorities," an eyewitness told Al Arabiya.
I never understood how these people aren't allowed to look at women but are allowed to manhandle them.
The number of Chinese restaurants and spas in the capital has increased significantly in the capital despite the fact that none of them have a legal work permits or Ministry of Health authorization, said an official who supervised the clampdown but spoke on condition of anonymity.

Another official who also requested his name be withheld also confirmed that there are documents and evidence that massage parlors were used as a façade for prostitution and that this is the main source of income.

"These spas are not equipped like other health centers," he told Al Arabiya. "All that they are equipped with is Asian half-naked women and rooms with spot lights that are supposedly for massage but in fact are used for prostitution and drinking."
And some fascinating background information:

The crackdown comes in the wake of a new committee established in June 2008 to alert police about violations of Sharia, or Islamic, law and help track down places and people who spread “vice” in society.

The special panel of Islamic scholars and tribal chiefs, known as the Virtue and Vice Committee, is headed by Sheikh Abdul-Majeed al-Zindani, head of the Imam University in Sanaa and founder of the Saudi-based Commission on Scientific Signs in the Quran and Sunnah.

Zindani, who is on the United States wanted list of suspected terrorists, previously issued a fatwa sanctioning the demolition of a house in a Sanaa suburb whose owner was accused of running a prostitution network. Members of the committee joined forces with neighbors to demolish the house.
The main Islamic leader is also a terrorist? Who woulda thunk it?
  • Wednesday, July 15, 2009
  • Elder of Ziyon
Yesterday the 15th summit of non-aligned nations started in Sharm al-Sheikh, and Mahmoud Abbas spoke to the assembled delegates.

He said, "We are for serious negotiations; we know that they will be hard and complicated. We will need your support, yet, flexibility on our side never means concession of our national principles. There will be no solution without Jerusalem, refugees and all final status issues."

So what, exactly, is he being "flexible" on? Not on land, not on Jerusalem, not on refugees; so where is this flexibility?

And why, exactly, does a Palestinian Arab state require Jerusalem to be its capital in order to exist?

And why, exactly, does such a state require its neighboring country to take in millions of citizens it claims as its own?

Perhaps the flexibility is in the timeframe for Israel to negotiate its own destruction.
  • Wednesday, July 15, 2009
  • Elder of Ziyon
A cartoon in Firas Press, with the caption, "What olive branch?":Because you know about all the peace offers the Palestinian Arabs have made that were rejected by Israel.
  • Wednesday, July 15, 2009
  • Elder of Ziyon
The headline of an Arabic article at Firas Press reads:

Did an Israeli drug cause the death of Michael Jackson?

It turns out that one of the drugs he had taken was Propofol, a generic anesthetic meant for surgery, and it is made by the Israeli pharmaceutical giant Teva.

What more evidence do you need?

The first comment on the story says "The cancer of the Jews must be eradicated from the world." Just in case you didn't get the connection.
  • Wednesday, July 15, 2009
  • Elder of Ziyon
There was one detail in the story yesterday about infighting in the PLO and Fatah than I didn't mention - that the accusation that Farouk Kaddoumi made against Mahmoud Abbas was that he had worked with Israel to assassinate Arafat!

And it was Al Jazeera's broadcast of those accusations that caused the PA to suspend Al Jazeera's operations in the West Bank.
  • Wednesday, July 15, 2009
  • Elder of Ziyon
Three separate incidents over the past day show a little bit about Arab freedom.

In the Gaza Strip, Hamas attacked a wedding party for the Madhoun family, shooting two guests including a woman. Their crime? They put up pictures of Samih Madhoun, a senior Fatah leader who was executed by Hamas (on video) in 2007. This is the state of freedom in Gaza when Hamas controls the area.

In the West Bank, the PA is taking Al Jazeera to court to suspend the channel's operations in the area. The PA is not saying that Al Jazeera is revealing state secrets, only that Al Jazeera broadcasts "incitement" against them. This is the state of freedom in the West Bank when the Palestinian Authority controls the area.

In Israel, the virtual operating system was released. It is the brainchild of an Israeli entrepreneur, a joint venture between Palestinian Arab engineers and Israelis to create an operating system on the web where users can upload, edit, and share files as well as do social networking tasks. It was developed via videoconference and with occasional meetings at a coffee shop in the West Bank. It actually looks fairly nifty, with a bunch of applications available already and the ability to add your own. Although I have no idea if it will be a hit, it shows that Israelis value peace and cooperation above all and will go out of their way to work with the "enemy" in the quest for solving problems.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

  • Tuesday, July 14, 2009
  • Elder of Ziyon
I know I am not an expert on international law, and I know that people have a tendency to read arguments that are above their heads that agree with their points of view and not try to find holes in the logic.

That being said, this paper about the legal definition of occupation seems to be quite comprehensive to me. So my question would international law experts who disagree answer these arguments?

The synopsis:
* When an armed force holds territory beyond its own national borders, the term “occupation” readily comes to mind. However, not all the factual situations that we commonly think of as “occupation” fall within the limited scope of the term “occupation” as defined in international law. Not every situation we refer to as “occupation” is subject to the international legal regime that regulates occupation and imposes obligations upon the occupier.

* The term “occupation” is often employed politically, without regard for its general or legal meaning. The use of the term “occupation” in political rhetoric reduces complex situations of competing claims and rights to predefined categories of right and wrong. The term “occupation” is also employed in the context of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict to advance the argument that Israel bears ultimate responsibility for the welfare of the Palestinians, while limiting or denying Israel’s right to defend itself against Palestinian terror, and relieving the Palestinian side of responsibility for its own actions and their consequences. The term is also employed as part of a general assault upon Israel’s legitimacy, in the context of a geopolitical narrative that has little to do with Israel’s status as an occupier under international law.

* Iraq was occupied by the Coalition forces from the spring of 2003 until June 28, 2004, at which time authority was handed over to the Iraqi Interim Government. At that point, Coalition forces remained in Iraq, but Iraq was no longer deemed occupied. If handing over authority to a Coalition-appointed interim government ended the occupation of Iraq, would the same not hold true for the establishment of the Palestinian Authority and Israel?

* Under the Interim Agreement between Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization of September 28, 1995, it would seem that at least those areas placed under the effective control of the Palestinian Authority, and from which Israel had actually withdrawn its military forces, could no longer be termed “occupied” by Israel. Moreover, since the continued presence of Israeli troops in the area was agreed to and regulated by the Agreement, that presence should no longer be viewed as an occupation.

* The withdrawal of all Israeli military personnel and any Israeli civilian presence in the Gaza Strip, and the subsequent ouster of the Palestinian Authority and the takeover of the area by a Hamas government, surely would constitute a clear end of the Israeli occupation of Gaza. Nevertheless, even though Gaza is no longer under the authority of a hostile army, and despite an absence of the effective control necessary for providing the governmental services required of an occupying power, it is nevertheless argued that Israel remains the occupying power in Gaza.
Actually, the paper goes further in saying that the West Bank and Gaza were not legally occupied between 1967 and 1995, however a separate issue is whether Israel was obligated to treat the people in accordance with the Fourth Geneva Convention - which deals more with the protection of people under occupation and not with the definition of it. The ICRC argues it does, and the author does not try to disagree, but claims that this is a different issue than whether it is legally considered an occupation to begin with.

The arguments in the full paper look solid to what are the counter-arguments?

(Saying that the UN defines it as "occupation" is not an argument of international law, it is a simple declaration. Not to mention that the UN has lied with respect to the definition of occupation in the past.)
James Zogby writes in the Huffington Post:
In 1991, Israel's per capita GDP was $14,000. Three years later, after the ending of the secondary boycott and Madrid and Oslo, Israel's per capita GDP had risen to almost $16,000. Palestinians did not fare as well. In 1991, their per capita GDP was $900. Three years later, new Israeli restrictions on Palestinian labor and continued control over all access to and egress from the territories, resulted in the Palestinian per capita GDP only increasing to $1,100.
He uses this as evidence that the ending of the secondary Arab boycott of Israel helped Israel far more than it helped Palestinian Arabs, and therefore for Arab nations to be more careful about how they treat Israel.

The logical fallacies here are breathtaking, and cannot be anything but purposeful.

Firstly, let's look at his numbers themselves. From what he is saying, in the same time period that Israeli per-capita GDP increased by 14%, those of Palestinan Arabs rose by - 22%! So even by his own numbers he proves the exact opposite of what he is trying to say.

Now let's look at the bigger picture. He is implying that Israel's GDP increased because the Arab boycott had been removed. But Israel's per-capita GDP had been increasing steadily before, during and after this time period, showing no causality at all:


The only dip that Israel experienced in its growth of GDP was during the depths of the second intifada.

If one wants to see what drives the Palestinian Arab GDP, look at the same time period:

Occupied Palestinian Territory20071,359
Occupied Palestinian Territory20061,261
Occupied Palestinian Territory20051,288
Occupied Palestinian Territory20041,213
Occupied Palestinian Territory20031,117
Occupied Palestinian Territory20021,029
Occupied Palestinian Territory20011,168
Occupied Palestinian Territory20001,307
Occupied Palestinian Territory19991,376
Occupied Palestinian Territory19981,348
Occupied Palestinian Territory19971,312
Occupied Palestinian Territory19961,238
Occupied Palestinian Territory19951,230
Occupied Palestinian Territory19941,123
Occupied Palestinian Territory1993936
Occupied Palestinian Territory19921,105
Occupied Palestinian Territory1991932
Occupied Palestinian Territory1990899
Occupied Palestinian Territory1989860
Occupied Palestinian Territory1988940
Occupied Palestinian Territory1987925
Occupied Palestinian Territory1986871

There are two major dips in the Palestinian Arab per-capita GDP - in 1989 and in 2000-2001. They both coincide perfectly with the first and second intifadas!

So if you want to draw conclusions from the statistics, the inescapable conclusion is that Palestinian Arab terror is the major driver for a reduction in Palestinian Arab standards of living. Conversely, relatively peaceful periods show that the Palestinian Arab GDP steadily increases when they aren't as focused on killing Jews.

If Zogby wants to help his Palestinian Arab friends, he should be encouraging them to stop their obsession with violence.

The fact that he isn't doing that speaks volumes.
  • Tuesday, July 14, 2009
  • Elder of Ziyon
For the past few months, there have been efforts to put together a Fatah conference in Ramallah. They have not had such a conference for twenty years, and Mahmoud Abbas is determined to schedule one for August.

The major problem is that Fatah's leadership in Tunisia, led by Farouk Kaddoumi, doesn't want the conference to be held in the West Bank. He blasted Abbas in a speech in Amman a couple of days ago, and Abbas' people blasted him back.

The two have been in a power struggle for a long time. Kaddoumi is actually Fatah's chairman, succeeding Yasir Arafat, and he is secretary general of the PLO. Abbas is trying to use this meeting to marginalize the PLO factions abroad. Kaddoumi is threatening to make his own alternate Fatah meeting.

Not too many people realize that the PLO formally delegates power to the Palestinian Authority. In some ways, Abbas is subordinate to Kaddoumi.

Kaddoumi has no interest in peace with Israel, of course, and he has stated explicitly what most "moderate" Arabs feel: "At this stage there will be two states. Many years from now there will be only one."

Not only is this a fiasco in the making, but it is proving that Abbas is hardly recognized as a leader even within his own faction. So much of the West is invested in the idea of Abbas, and about the power struggle between Fatah and Hamas, but no one is even considering the problems that Fatah has internally that weaken it further.

Of course, the Western media have been mute about this upcoming conference, so the severe problems that could arise are not even on the radar of most Western leaders.
  • Tuesday, July 14, 2009
  • Elder of Ziyon
MEMRI translates an interview with PA negotiator Saeb Erekat which is terrifically important. It summarizes it like this:

In a June 25, 2009 interview with the Jordanian daily Al-Dustour, Palestinian Authority negotiations department head Saeb Ereqat said that the previous Israeli government, under Ehud Olmert, had offered PA President Mahmoud 'Abbas territory equal in size to 100% of the land occupied in 1967, by means of a land swap. Ereqat explained, however, that the PA would not agree to a land swap before Israel recognized the Palestinians' right to sovereignty over all the territory occupied in 1967. He added that there had been a steady erosion in Israel's position over the years, to the point that it had recently offered the Palestinians 100% of the territory; therefore, the Palestinians had no reason to rush into accepting the Israeli proposals. He stressed that the Right of Return and monetary compensation for the refugees were not mutually exclusive, and that the Palestinians would insist on receiving both.

Addressing the issue of Hamas, he said that nobody was asking it to recognize Israel, but that any government in which Hamas was a partner would have to recognize Israel and the commitments undertaken by the PLO.

According to Palestinian Arab leaders, Olmert offered far more than Barak agreed to in early 2001. Olmert offered the equivalent of 100% of the disputed areas.

And even that was not enough for the poor, stateless Palestinian Arabs.

In other words, the PA's chief negotiator is utterly unwilling to negotiate. He says that the Palestinian Arabs have nothing to lose by waiting.

From their perspective, they have an American president who is willing to push Israel to do everything they want. From their perspective, successive Israeli governments keep offering more and more to them anyway. From their perspective, the second Intifada was a success and terrorism pays big dividends.

Combined with Abbas' interview in the Washington Post in May we see that this is official Palestinian Arab policy: just say no.

The bitter irony is that Westerners and leftist Israelis are in a huge rush to grant a Palestinian Arab state to a people who aren't in any hurry to accept one.

The contrast to the Zionist leaders of the 1930s and 40s could not be starker. For the Jews, the establishment of a state - even one with borders impossible to defend from enemies on all sides - was a top goal. The entire reason it was so important was for the protection of the Jewish people themselves.

The West looks at Palestinian Arabs as having a huge grievance that must be addressed in order to soothe Arab demands. But the Palestinian Arab leaders do not think that their people are in any particular distress. They don't care about a state - they care about the symbolism of receiving everything they demand from Israel. Hence Erekat's insistence that a land swap of any kind is unacceptable before such a state is established on the Green Line borders exactly. And before even that happens, they will insist on the right for a few million more Palestinian Arabs to flood Israel itself.

For Palestinian Arabs, there is no downside to saying no. To them, their obstinacy has been rewarded over and over again.

The obvious reaction from Israel is to raise the stakes. Tell them that if they are willing to wait, Israel is willing to wait as well for a leadership that cares more about their people than about the idea of forcing Israel to lose. Tell them that the longer they wait, the more land they will lose. And follow up on it.

At the same time, let the international community know how Palestinian Arab leaders are thinking. Show that they have failed their own people again. Emphasize that they have shown zero interest in building a state. And, above all, make Israel's red lines as stark as the PalArab leaders make theirs. If the result is an impasse - so be it. It is not as if Palestinian Arabs on the West Bank are suffering - they clearly aren't.

As an aside, Erekat also shows the exact reason why a land swap is disastrous for Israel - it changes the situation back to before 1967 when the Arabs did not accept the Green Line and were "negotiating" as well as fighting to keep pushing the borders back to the Mediterranean. The major benefit of the Six Day War was that the Green Line finally became sacrosanct. Before that, it was simply an armistice line; now the international community accepts it as a real border. Once Barak offered a land swap, he set the psychological clock back to 1966, and all of a sudden Israel proper is negotiable, not just the territories.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Zionist attack cows, protected by Merkava tanks of the mighty IDF, have been accused sipping water from a Lebanese lake, according to Lebanese media.
Israeli cows guided by Israeli shepherds have been crossing the border in an act southerners are condemning as a violation of the country's sovereignty, especially since the cattle is being protected by the Israeli Army. The bovine "incursions" have even provoked Lebanese dogs that have now made it their mission to make the cows return where they came from.

Lebanese shepherds are also very concerned with falling water levels in the area as a result of the straying Israeli livestock.

Ismail Nasser, from Kfar Shuba, described how the Israeli cows have been crossing the border on a daily basis on their way to Baathail Lake without any consequences, while a commotion would erupt if any of his dogs were to approach the Blue Line, which was drawn by the United Nations in 2000, after Israel's withdrawal from almost all of the south.

As Nasser spoke, three cows appeared in the distance and were soon chased by the shepherd's barking dogs. As the dogs appeared to close in on their targets, an Israeli Merkava tank made its way to the combat zone only to disappear few moments after.

Nasser sighed with relief.

"There's barely enough water for me and my fellow Lebanese shepherds and each Israeli cow drinks more than 40 of our goats put together. Why doesn't UNIFIL consider this as an violation of the Blue Line?" Nasser asked.

The Municipal Council of Kfar Shuba convened late Thursday to discuss the problem, and decided to task its mayor, Izzat Qadiri, with drafting a letter to the commander of UNIFIL, Major General Claudio Graziano, as well as the commander of UNIFIL's Indian battalion, Saradib Chadra, asking them to reinforce surveillance at Hassan Gate and to put an end to the violation. Along with the letter, the council submitted proof of two holes made in the separating barbed wire at Baathail Lake.
Another member of the Zionist Attack Zoo!

(h/t Lance)
  • Monday, July 13, 2009
  • Elder of Ziyon
YNet reports:
Is Israel targeting the Palestinian population in Gaza by distributing libido-increasing chewing gum in the Strip? A Hamas police spokesman in the Gaza Strip Islam Shahwan claimed Monday that Israeli intelligence operatives are attempting to "destroy" the young generation by distributing such materials in the coastal enclave.

Shahwan said that the police got their hands on gum that increases sexual desire that, according to him, reaches merchants in the Strip by way of the border crossings. According to him, a Palestinian drug dealer admitted that he sold products that increase sex drive. The dealer said that he received the materials from Israeli sources by way of the Karni crossing.

A number of suspects have been arrested.

The affair was exposed when a Palestinian filed a complaint that his daughter chewed the aforementioned gum and experienced the dubious side effects.

Shahwan even claimed that Israeli intelligence operatives encourage dealers in Gaza to distribute the gum for free.

"The Israelis seek to destroy the Palestinians' social infrastructure with these products and to hurt the young generation by distributing drugs and sex stimulants," said Shahwan.
Although the YNet article says that Hamas claims the drugs have been brought through Rafah, the Palestine Today version claims that Israel ships the libido-enhancing gum through the Karni crossing.

This is not new; Palestinian Arabs have accused Israel of giving them sex gum for years. Also impotence drugs.

A number of people have sent links to an actual commercial of this nefarious product.
  • Monday, July 13, 2009
  • Elder of Ziyon
From AKI:
An Iranian artist has been sentenced to five years in prison for having put the Koran to music. According to 'Fardanews', the Iranian authorities considered the move "offensive to Islamic morality".

Mohsen Namju is accused of having ridiculed the Koran, "reciting it in a western and anti-Islamic style".

One of the major experts on recitation of the the Koran in Iran, Abbas Salimi, reported the musician to the Islamic court in Tehran.

The court found the artist guilty for having breached "Islamic morality".

After the sentence, Abbas Salimi was reportedly "very satisfied" and underlined the importance of "defending the sacredness of god's book".

"No-one should be able to ridicule it," he said.

Under Islamic law, music is allowed if it does not result in provoking the faithful.

Combining the recitation of the Koran and popular songs, like the Iranian artist, is not tolerated under Islamic Sharia law.
Hamas once banned violins, flutes and pianos because those instruments were not mentioned in the Quran.
  • Monday, July 13, 2009
  • Elder of Ziyon
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  • Monday, July 13, 2009
  • Elder of Ziyon
From the Saudi Gazette:
Fully grown beard and fulfillment of all other Shariah requirements for personal appearance have been made compulsory for those applying for vacant positions in the Commission for Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice (the Hai’a).

The Hai’a recently announced some vacancies for the staff to support its existing personnel particularly for field inspection of commercial markets.

Al-Sindan said all applications will be accepted, but it is the personal interview committee that specifies requirements for accepting applicants and appointing them in jobs. He added that the committee focuses on the appearance being in line with the Shariah conditions, which include having a fully grown beard because the Hai’a staffer’s work in the field is to enjoin virtue and prevent vice.
I think this excludes Saudi women from the job.

Even the ones that might have fully grown beards can't prove it.



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