Thursday, April 23, 2009

  • Thursday, April 23, 2009
  • Elder of Ziyon
The New York Times writes, in an article about the internal IDF report on Gaza:
Gaza health officials said more than 1,300 Palestinians died during the war, but Israel disputes Palestinian claims that most of them were noncombatants. By the Israeli military’s count, 1,166 people were killed, of whom 295 were noncombatants, 709 were what it called Hamas terrorist operatives and 162 were men whose affiliations remain unidentified.

The Palestinian Center for Human Rights in Gaza put the number of dead at 1,417: 926 civilians, 236 combatants and 255 police officers. Israel says that about 400 Gazans die of natural causes every month, possibly accounting for the discrepancy in numbers.
This is an interesting possibility.

One indication that it may be true could come from the Palestinian Ministry of Health website. They routinely list "martyrs" of Gazans who have supposedly died as a result of not getting adequate medical attention because of the "siege." This list started last July and now has 325 "shahids," many of whom had cancer and other incurable diseases.

A quick look at the numbers of these martyrs by month is interesting:

November - 10
December - 14
January - 3
February - 13
March - 23

That's right - during the war, when one would expect that ill patients would be dying in much higher numbers, the sick of Gaza suddenly gained a reprieve! - Only three of them died, a much lower rate than before and after the war!

So how many of the "shahids" listed by the PCHR were really people who died of natural causes?
  • Thursday, April 23, 2009
  • Elder of Ziyon
From YNet:
Hundreds of Jewish worshipers who arrived at Joseph's Tomb in the West Bank city of Nablus overnight were stunned to find the compound severely vandalized – yet again.

Israel pulled its forces out of the compound in October 2000. The IDF disallowed Jewish worshippers from entering it for a long period of time due to security concerns; and deserted, it has been burnt down and defaced many times.

December of 2008 saw Joseph Tomb's restored and the military began allowing worshippers to visit it once more, but always at night and under heavy military guard, for their own safety.

Wednesday night's visit was approved by the proper military authorities and the IDF provided the worshippers with an escort.

The group which entered the compound was made up of some 500 people. Upon entering the tomb they found it had been defaced – the headstone smashed and swastikas sprayed on the walls, as well as graffiti of a blood-dripping sward over a Star of David, and another "trampled" by a boot.

Some reported seeing visible boot prints all over the compounds, which they claim are consistent with the Palestinian police standard issue boots.
This is how we can expect Jewish shrines to be treated when they are under Palestinian Arab control. Anyone who relies on "agreements" with the PalArabs to preserve Jewish holy places is, quite simply, a fool.

And by extension, so is anyone who relies on "agreements" with the PA altogether.

A related post from last week.
  • Thursday, April 23, 2009
  • Elder of Ziyon
I want to thank everyone who made suggestions to my draft press release as well as other ideas on how to get this information out there.

At the moment, I am talking indirectly to one major media outlet.

I am also in contact with one organization that is "definitely interested" in discussing how we could coordinate our efforts further. I would be much more comfortable finding a partner like that who would be able to verify and expand on what we have found and who already has experience in doing this sort of work. I can't speak for Suzanne or PTWatch but I would prefer that the news gets out widely by any means even if my name is not attached to it.

For now, a press release seems to be a little premature.

Side notes - I did manage to download all of the Al Qassam "martyrs" pages along with pictures. If anyone wants to go through the discussions in the messages as well as the links on the list and save the pages before they go stale or disappear, it would be appreciated.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

  • Wednesday, April 22, 2009
  • Elder of Ziyon
An bizarre column by Jonathan Power published in the Arab News:
My 18-year-old-daughter asked me on Saturday where she can safely travel to when she finishes school in June and has three months holiday before going to university in September. “The Muslim countries or Japan”, I replied.

She was quite taken aback. At school they talk about the US, Australia, Thailand and South America. “No”, I said very empahtically, “I don’t want you to go there”, and then set about explaining to her and her mother why I felt so strongly.

I pulled out the figures from the new 2009 UN World Development Report. After a lot of research into different types of measurement, the UN decided that the only accurate one was the homicide rate. If you try to compare rape, theft, break-ins etc. there is confusion — every country, apart from those in European Union, measure these in different ways. Some figures are accurate, some seem like they’ve been drawn out of a hat.

But most countries report their murder rate pretty accurately.

To cut a long story short, I would gladly let her go to Egypt, which has the world’s lowest murder rate — at 0.4 per 100,000 population. Although it is closely followed by Japan at 0.5, other Muslim, mainly Arab, countries follow next, all with less than one murder per 100,000 of population. The United Arab Emirates, including that hot bed, Dubai, is at 0.6; Oman at 0.6; Saudi Arabia at 0.9; Bahrain at 1; and Jordan at 0.9. Even Indonesia, with all its political troubles, comes out at 1.1. Outside the Arab countries, the Scandinavian countries are the safest. Norway is at 0.8, Denmark at 0.8 and Iceland at 1. But Sweden breaks the Scandinavian success rate with a poor 2.4. Holland and Ireland do well too.

So daughter, there is your list that I approve and your mother has been persuaded to approve. None of the others you mention or think about are safe, so forget about them. Ironically for us, they are countries with a Christian heritage— the US at 5.6; Mexico at 13; Russia at 19.9; South Africa at 47.5; and Columbia at 62.7.

Jonathan Power must really love his daughter. After all, he is very worried about the 0.0056% chance that she would be murdered if she visited the United States for an entire year.

It is curious that he is not concerned at all about the greater than 30% chance that she would be sexually harassed in Egypt on any particular day:

...Sexual harassment is not only a persistent threat to some women, but that it is a widespread issue for all of Egyptian society. Survey results attest that harassment is not limited by age or social class, but hinders the progress of women across demographics. Service workers, housewives and professionals alike all report experiencing sexual harassment. The most common form is inappropriate touching (40% of all respondents), followed by verbal harassment (38%). 30% of respondents reported being harassed on a daily basis and another 12% are harassed almost daily. Only 12% of respondents approached police when harassed, expressing a complete lack of confidence in Egypt's police and legal system to protect them from harassers.
And more recently from the Christian Science Monitor:
As May Zayed gets ready to leave for her downtown office, she tries to prepare for the harassment she'll face on the street. The 20-something member of Egypt's large working class says she has learned to tune out most lewd comments. But it's impossible to ignore everything. "There is no way to get ready for it," she says. "It just becomes part of your normal life."

According to a study released by the Egyptian Center for Women's Rights (ECWR) in July, 62 percent of Egyptian men admit to sexually harassing women, and 83 percent of Egyptian women reported being harassed. Half say it happens every day.

So, the probability that Powers' daughter will be sexually harassed as a single woman walking alone in Egyptian streets during a week-long vacation is pretty much 100%. But chances are pretty low that she would be murdered, so definitely Egypt is a better vacation destination for his daughter than London or New York.

If your priorities (and math skills) are really, really poor.
  • Wednesday, April 22, 2009
  • Elder of Ziyon
As I find more Gaza "civilians," I came across PCHR #405, Tareq Yaser Mohammed ‘Afana, a 16-year old youth.

According to the Hamas website:
Did not stop young age Shahid Tariq - God's mercy - which at the age of 17 [sic, he was almost 17] years old an overwhelming sincere desire to join the convoy of jihad, and join a convoy of mujahideen, so he contacted the leadership of Hamas and asked to join the ranks of the mujahideen, in the face of strong determination and desire true that waiting more than one year is too much. The leadership of Hamas agreed to his request, and Tariq - God's mercy - in the month of August 2008 became one of the Mujahedeen of the Qassam Brigades. He was within the ranks of the Mujahideen only 4 months until he became a martyr covered in blood.

During the very short Jihad of this Shahid, which did not exceed 4 months, he struggled a great holy war and left his mark on the forehead deep in the pages of history. He was first stationed in the camp of Jabalya to protect his people from the treacherous Zionist cowards, and also participated in the digging of tunnels, which were hell to burn the Zionists invaders, as well as participated in the preparation and processing and packaging in which the targeting mechanisms and the Zionist tanks.
But according to "human rights" groups, this is an innocent child victim of Israeli aggression.

So far we have identified over 145 "civilians."
  • Wednesday, April 22, 2009
  • Elder of Ziyon
Looking for more Hamas members that the PCHR called "civilians" on Arabic websites is interesting, because sometimes Google decides to translate instead of transliterate.

I found this "martyr" on the Hamas site:
Facilitate Abdullah scarf

Luckily, I have a font I once commissioned that transliterates from Arabic to Hebrew so I can read the name and then transliterate it to English. This guy's name turned into

תיסיר עבד אללה ושאח

which I was then able to find was

#303 Taysir Abdullah Mohammed Weshah

on the PCHR list, another "civilian" according to PCHR.

We now have identified 137 "civilian" terrorists so far that Israel killed.
  • Wednesday, April 22, 2009
  • Elder of Ziyon
Let the terrorist money laundering begin!
GAZA CITY: The first bank affiliated with the Hamas movement opened yesterday in Gaza.

“We are opening the bank today and are beginning to offer our services to the public,” Alaa Al-Rafati, head of the National Islamic Bank, told AFP.

The National Islamic Bank has $20 million in start-up capital and will operate under Islamic finance rules, he said.

With offices on four floors of a building in central Gaza City, the bank will hold the accounts of 6,000 Hamas employees whose salaries are to be deposited in the bank.

Rafati did not say how the movement acquired the start-up capital in a territory under Israeli embargo since Hamas, which is pledged to the destruction of the Jewish state, violently seized power in 2007.

Because of the blockade, which has prevented all but essential humanitarian goods from entering the territory, Gaza’s banks have faced a virtually constant liquidity crisis. Rafati said no such problems would plague the new bank.

“We have absolutely no crisis of liquidity, be it shekels or dollars. This will allow us to win the confidence of customers.”

Although the vast majority of the board of directors are members of Hamas, including Rafati, he said the bank was “a private enterprise aimed at making profit and is not associated to Hamas or to the government in Gaza.” The Palestinian Authority has refused to issue the bank a license and called for it to be boycotted.

Does anyone smell the stench of Tehran?

  • Wednesday, April 22, 2009
  • Elder of Ziyon
Thirty years after Camp David, a small episode in Egypt this week illuminates the hatred that Egyptians have towards Israel.

Rabidly anti-Israel pianist and conductor Daniel Barenboim led the Cairo Symphony Orchestra at the Cairo Opera House. Barenboim, who may be the only Jew to hold an honorary Palestinian citizenship, emphasized that he was not there as a representative of Israel, and he mentioned (to great applause) "I am sick to my stomach every morning when I wake up and I see the Palestinian territories still being occupied." He told a press conference, "I am not here to represent the Israeli government. I am here as an individual who has been very critical of the Israeli government."

Even so, Egyptians were divided as to whether hosting an Israeli in any capacity was part of a slippery slope towards the heinous crime of "normalization" with its peace partner.

Al Ahram notes:
Barenboim's Egyptian opponents question his decision to hold onto Israeli citizenship, pointing out that his visit to Egypt, the first such, may be intended to furtively normalise relations with Israel -- a step Minister of Culture Farouk Hosni, along with the vast majority of intellectuals, formally rejects. Hosni's critics ask whether inviting Barenboim to Egypt is a nod on his part to the pro-Israel-dominated US political sphere, with a view to gaining favour regarding his nomination to the post of UNESCO director-general. "I will not accept such a visit or such a performance," the well-known writer Youssef El-Qaeed declaimed. "And don't tell me that Barenboim has a Palestinian passport or that he was a close friend of Edward Said's. I still will not accept it.
But those who were more ambivalent towards Barenboim's performance are equally against normalization:
The better known novelist, Gamal El-Ghitani -- also the editor of the cultural weekly Akhbar Al-Adab -- takes the opposite stand: "Had it been 10 years ago, it would have been perfectly fine. As it is this visit looks like an electoral manoeuvre in Hosni's candidacy for UNESCO director- general, which it is not. This is not normalisation and it's a dangerous wager to say that it is. This conductor is a hugely important figure who has always supported peace and spoken out against Israeli aggression in the Middle East."

The well-known journalist Assem Hanafi goes even further, explaining that refusing to let an anti-Zionist figure perform in Egypt is to realise Israel's wishes. "All I can say," he says, "is that this is an excellent opportunity and I have already booked my seat." The head censor, critic Ali Abu Shadi, feels that "what we have to go on" is Barenboim's stated position on the Arab-Israeli conflict. "If it is in support of the Arab cause and Palestinian rights, I am all for the person. If it is not I am against him -- even if he is the most outstanding artist on earth."

To the claim that it is an electoral manoeuvre on the part of Hosni, Abu Shadi exclaims, "normalisation of what? And to what end?"

People who claim they are for "peace" in the Middle East never talk about what exactly that means in terms of Israel becoming treated like a legitimate state by its Arab neighbors. All they care about is pressuring Israel to make more and more concessions. You will be hard pressed to find a "peace activist" lobbying Egypt to increase cultural and economic ties with Israel.

In other words, the only people who really want a true peace are Israelis, and not its critics, and Israeli-Egyptian relations prove it.

One must wonder why those who claim to want peace rarely try to improve the illusory "peace" that already exists.

The Egyptian peace treaty with Israel is often held up as a shining example of what is possible. This is true. However, it is also a shining example of exactly the kind of "peace" that Israel could ever gain from its neighbors - one where they will continue to project implacable hate towards the very idea of a Jewish state in their midst.
  • Wednesday, April 22, 2009
  • Elder of Ziyon
A number of people have mentioned that the research that I, PTWatch and Suzanne are doing needs to be publicized. I am not very good at self-promotion nor at project management, but here's what I think needs to be done:

* Complete, as much as possible, the research we are doing
* Hopefully, create a comprehensive report of the findings and analysis, including pictures of the "civilian" terrorists
* Publicize it to media outlets

If anyone out there is better than I am at this stuff, especially at organizing and double-checking the data, please volunteer to help out.

Here's a draft press release I wrote, all critiques are appreciated:


In the wake of worldwide accusations of widespread Israeli atrocities towards civilians in Gaza, an ad-hoc team of researchers has discovered that many of the so-called "civilian" casualties in Gaza were, in fact, Arab terrorists.

In March, the Palestinian Center for Human Rights released a seemingly comprehensive list of people killed in Gaza during Operation Cast Lead. This list described the victims as either "militant" or "civilian," and determined that out of 1417 dead, 926 were civilians. These numbers were publicized widely throughout the world as the definitive list of casualties, and were used as proof that the Israel Defense Forces were using indiscriminate and disproportionate force.

A team of independent researchers from the United States, Germany and the Netherlands has been finding many problems with the PCHR methodology. Using newspaper articles, descriptions of the victims on Hamas websites and other sources, this team has so far identified that over 125 of the so-called "civilians" were, in fact, active members of terror groups.

"The PCHR seems to have used a deliberately narrow definition of 'civilian,'" says the pseudonymous Elder of Ziyon, leader of the team, who has been publishing their findings on his website. "Hamas military commanders and leaders who were clearly legitimate targets are not being counted as "militants" by the PCHR, even as Hamas lauds them as long-time members of the Qassam Brigades terror group."

Further analysis from the team reveals that the initial claims by the UN, PCHR, Palestinian Health Ministry and others that there were 30-50 victims of Israeli shelling outside the Jabalya UNRWA school in January were untrue. The PCHR's list agrees with the IDF's claims of only 12 victims. Even so, the claim of dozens of phantom victims is still on the PCHR website.

The team is compiling the results of their research in real time, fully transparently, on the Elder of Ziyon website at The centerpiece of the research is a living document that is listing all of the terrorists that the PCHR considers "civilian" along with links to the webpages that prove their affiliation to known terror groups, often with biographies and photos. The final results will be published and available for review.

For more information, contact Elder at coolboardpresident @

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

  • Tuesday, April 21, 2009
  • Elder of Ziyon
Professor Barry Rubin, prolific author and Middle East expert, has a new blog where he is writing a large number of interesting posts.

I have no idea how he writes so fast.

Check it out!
  • Tuesday, April 21, 2009
  • Elder of Ziyon
A Gaza man who was injured by Hamas during Cast Lead has succumbed to his wounds, increasing the self-death count for the year to 67.

Human Rights Watch just came out with a report accusing Hamas of murdering some 32 political opponents during Cast Lead.
  • Tuesday, April 21, 2009
  • Elder of Ziyon
When the Gaza operation ended, Hamas claimed to have lost 48 members in total.

At the moment, their Arabic website lists 138 Hamas members who were "martyred."

Their English website? Only 9.
  • Tuesday, April 21, 2009
  • Elder of Ziyon
PTWatch and Suzanne are doing a fantastic job finding more fake "civilians" from Gaza who were in fact terrorists. We are now up to 94 114 on our list, of whom 75 were identified as "civilian" and the rest as "policemen/civilian" by PCHR. Suzanne is now noticing "martyrs" listed on the Hamas Arabic site who were called "civilian" by PCHR.

Keep in mind that a great number of the remaining "civilians" are young men between 17 and 35, and many other terrorists are not publicly known. In fact, Hamas is still releasing the names of new "martyrs" a few times a month even now, as they try to balance hiding the number of losses they had with memorializing their "heroes."

It is also notable that at least 8 of the terrorists have been listed as "children" by PCHR (7 explicitly called "militants" by PCHR, one additional one identified from the Al Mezan list.)

More useful analysis can be done given the differing lists from Al Mezan and PCHR. Human shields can be identified if one carefully looks at the location of the terrorists killed and line them up with civilians killed at the same place. Similarly, children and wives with the same last name killed at the same place as known terrorists would indicate that they were being used as human shields, or at the very least they were endangered knowingly (as is the case of the family of Nizar Rayan.)

As this list grows, the utter mendacity of so-called "human rights organizations" in Gaza is proven over and over again. They knowingly lie in order to make Israel look as bad as possible.
  • Tuesday, April 21, 2009
  • Elder of Ziyon
On the eve of World War II, the Holocaust was already happening. Jews were being herded into concentration camps and the lucky ones managed to find ships on which they sailed to get out of the hellhole of Europe.

Only to be rebuffed everywhere they went.

Exactly 70 years ago, in April 1939, the SS Assimi and another ship tried to bring hundreds of refugees to Palestine, only to be stopped by the British and sent back out to sea.

After another 68 days at sea, the passengers managed to make it to Palestine to be arrested by the British (click to enlarge).

And they were the lucky ones.

Time magazine described the ships that were left without any ports:
The liner St. Louis left Hamburg one Sunday last month. Out into the grey waste of the Atlantic it carried its dismal cargo: 937 German-Jewish refugees bound for Cuba. The ten-year-old, oil-burning, 16,732-ton ship was scheduled to discharge its miserable company at Havana, proceed to New York to pick up passengers for a gay June cruise to the West Indies. The refugees were to remain in Cuba until they could enter the U. S. They were a typical group of the world's newest homeless wanderers: men in sports clothes who had paid as much as $480 for their passage; distraught women; doctors and lawyers who had lost their practices; men who had been in concentration camps. There were 500 women on board. There was Max Loewe, a lawyer, with his wife and two children. There were 150 other children, 106 of them under ten. In the strange, fear-ridden, hope-ridden atmosphere of refugee ships, compounded of anxiety, relief, tension, they waited, living until their voyage's end under the terrible shadow of the red & black swastika ensign that flew from the stern.

For 13 days the ship plowed south and west. In glistening Havana Harbor on a sweltering Saturday the engines stopped. Across the water the refugees could see Morro Castle and the heat-softened outlines of Havana, where many of them had relatives among Havana's 25,000 Jews. Ninety miles to the north lay the U. S. But the ship did not dock. The launches that approached it were ordered back by harbor police. To the refugees the stretch of water between ship and shore was as wide as the 4,600 miles the St. Louis had crossed.

Sunday passed and Monday. The ship lay motionless and silent in the sluggish swell. Twenty-nine passengers whose papers were in order were permitted to land. Remaining were 908 who had only provisional permits of the Cuban Immigration Department to land as passengers en route to the U. S.—and on May 5, nine days before the St. Louis sailed, hard-faced President Federico Laredo Bru had decreed that Cuba required specific permission of the Departments of State, Labor and the Treasury. Rumors spread as Tuesday passed without change, as New York representatives of Jewish relief agencies flew to Havana. The rumors whispered of a longstanding dispute between the Hamburg-American Line and the Cuban Government, of a growth of Cuban anti-Semitism due to the landing of 5,000 refugees in Havana during the past year. Lawyer Loewe slashed his wrists, leaped overboard. Another passenger took poison, was saved when crew members smashed in his stateroom door.

Thursday, President Laredo Bru gave his decision: Cuba did not want the St. Louis' Jews. The St. Louis had to leave promptly, or it would be towed out of the harbor by a gunboat. Her captain announced the ship would sail for Germany by way of Lisbon at 10 a. m. next morning. And as he had said that he feared mutiny or a wave of suicides if the refugees were returned, the St. Louis was followed out to sea by 26 police boats to pick up any other passengers who might fling themselves into the waters. Slowly the ship cruised off the coast of Florida, barely making way, sometimes steaming in aimless circles, until President Laredo Bru relented, 22 days after the St. Louis left Hamburg. He announced that they would be permitted to land temporarily on the Isle of Pines, ancient pirate hideout 50 miles south of Cuba. Next day, the refugees having failed to get the financial guarantees that President Laredo Bru had demanded, he changed his mind, again prohibited them from landing.

Meanwhile, in half-a-dozen harbors in the Western Hemisphere, off ports in the Mediterranean, the St. Louis drama was repeated. At Veracruz 327 refugees from Loyalist Spain were landed from the Flandre, 104 German Jews turned back. On the Taurus at Veracruz an exiled Jewish chemist, learning that he could not land, took poison, told the captain he would be dead in two minutes, died. In Buenos Aires, 200 Jewish refugees on the Caporte, the Monte Olivia, the Mendoza, were sent back to Germany.

Off the coast of Palestine the weirdest and most wretched drama of the homeless was taking place. There, outside the three-mile limit, a collection of jampacked, unseaworthy little tubs lay waiting for a chance to run cargoes of permitless refugees ashore. There were Greek sailing schooners like the Panagiya Correstrio, usually carrying three fishermen, with 180 below decks; tramps like the grimy, 320-ton Assimi, flying the flag of Panama, which hauled 270 German and Central European Jews for 36 days before British officials arrested its captain; cargo boats like those which, unable to run refugees into Palestine, abandoned 424 Danzig Jews on the Island of Crete, tried unsuccessfully to dump 1,100 on the small Greek Island of Dia.

The St. Louis was part of Hitler's justification for the Holocaust. From Wikipedia (uncited):
Hitler's propaganda ministry and the Nazi Party conceived a propaganda exercise which would demonstrate that Germany was not alone in its territorial exclusionary hostility towards Jews as a permanent minority within the political economy of their nation. The Nazis wanted to prove the “civilized world” agreed with their assertion that Jews constituted a “hidden hand” of influence on national and economic affairs. They meant to show that no other Western country would receive Jews as refugees.

On the surface, it would appear that the Nazis were allowing the Jewish refugees a new life in Havana. However, the Nazis were aware of rising Western anti-Semitism, and correctly surmised that Jews traveling on tourist visas (not immigrant visas, which none of the potential host countries would likely have issued them) would not be able to enter Cuba, since they were clearly political and social refugees. Furthermore, once they had been refused entry by Cuba and other Atlantic nations, the world would be forced to admit that there was, as the Nazis claimed, a “Jewish problem,” which Germany was trying to resolve “humanely.”

Since not one of the countries of the North Atlantic basin would allow the Jewish refugees entry, these countries could not morally object when Nazi Germany dealt with its own Jewish population as it saw fit.
Indeed, the US refused to allow passengers to disembark, just as Cuba had. The heroic captain of the St. Louis managed to find refuge for his passengers in Great Britain, Belgium, the Netherlands and France.

254 of them ended up being murdered by the Nazis; the rest were saved.

Monday, April 20, 2009

  • Monday, April 20, 2009
  • Elder of Ziyon
Now that Mahmoud Ahmadinejad once again publicly called the idea of a Jewish state "racist," it is worthwhile to look again at Iran's bigoted and imperialist constitution.

It includes this explicit call to Islamize the entire world under a single Iranian-led government:
With due attention to the Islamic content of the Iranian Revolution, the Constitution provides the necessary basis for ensuring the continuation of the Revolution at home and abroad. In particular, in the development of international relations, the Constitution will strive with other Islamic and popular movements to prepare the way for the formation of a single world community (in accordance with the Koranic verse "This your community is a single community, and I am your Lord, so worship Me" [21:92]), and to assure the continuation of the struggle for the liberation of all deprived and oppressed peoples in the world.
It requires that women stay at home, in the name of their so-called rights:
As a part of this process, it is only natural that women should benefit from a particularly large augmentation of their rights... [not equal - EoZ]

The family is the fundamental unit of society and the main center for the growth and edification of human being. Compatibility with respect to belief and ideal, which provides the primary basis for man's development and growth, is the main consideration in the establishment of a family. It is the duty of the Islamic government to provide the necessary facilities for the attainment of this goal. This view of the family unit delivers woman from being regarded as an object or instrument in the service of promoting consumerism and exploitation. Not only does woman recover thereby her momentous and precious function of motherhood, rearing of ideologically committed human beings, she also assumes a pioneering social role and becomes the fellow struggler of man in all vital areas of life. Given the weighty responsibilities that woman thus assumes, she is accorded in Islam great value and nobility.
It embraces a single religion:
The Islamic Republic is a system based on belief in:
1) the One God (as stated in the phrase "There is no god except Allah"), His exclusive sovereignty and right to legislate, and the necessity of submission to His commands; 2) Divine revelation and its fundamental role in setting forth the laws;
3) the return to God in the Hereafter, and the constructive role of this belief in the course of man's ascent towards God...

All civil, penal financial, economic, administrative, cultural, military, political, and other laws and regulations must be based on Islamic criteria. This principle applies absolutely and generally to all articles of the Constitution as well as to all other laws and regulations, and the wise persons of the Guardian Council are judges in this matter.
It is dependent on a bizarre messianic figure:
During the occultation of the Wali al-'Asr (may God hasten his reappearance), the leadership of the Ummah devolve upon the just and pious person, who is fully aware of the circumstances of his age, courageous, resourceful, and possessed of administrative ability, will assume the responsibilities of this office in accordance with Article 107.
It intends to subvert the Arab world to Shiite Islam:
In accordance with the sacred verse of the Koran "This your community is a single community, and I am your Lord, so worship Me" [21:92], all Muslims form a single nation, and the government of the Islamic Republic of Iran have the duty of formulating its general policies with a view to cultivating the friendship and unity of all Muslim peoples, and it must constantly strive to bring about the political, economic, and cultural unity of the Islamic world.
It pretends to provide religious freedom - to three specific religions, under specific circumstances where they must practice in private only, and no other religions are tolerated:
Zoroastrian, Jewish, and Christian Iranians are the only recognized religious minorities, who, within the limits of the law, are free to perform their religious rites and ceremonies, and to act according to their own canon in matters of personal affairs and religious education.
And it explicitly prohibits freedom of the press:
Publications and the press have freedom of expression except when it is detrimental to the fundamental principles of Islam or the rights of the public. The details of this exception will be specified by law.
To understand Iran, read its constitution. Such a reading proves that Iran is far guiltier of everything it accuses Israel of.


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