Sunday, March 08, 2009

From DPA:
Multi-national activists belonging to British MP George Galloway's "Viva Palestina" humanitarian aid convoy clashed on Sunday with Egyptian security forces in the north Sinai town of al-Arish, close to the border with Gaza. Clashes erupted after the convoy was refused entry to the crossing point at the town of Rafah, which is bisected by the border between the Gaza Strip and Egypt.

Egyptian authorities on Sunday said they would allow Galloway and members of the convoy to enter Gaza through Rafah, but that entry of the convoy itself would have to be coordinated with Israel. As members of the convoy refused to follow orders, they returned back to al-Arish where a row erupted with security police that led to the injury of two activists.
Peace activists sure like to start fights, don't they?

And once again we are left to ponder: if they are trying to bring aid to Gaza, why not coordinate with Israel? One must conclude that they don't give a damn about Gazans getting that aid, but only about their own political posturing against Israel.
  • Sunday, March 08, 2009
  • Elder of Ziyon
Today, three separate groups have descended on Rafah in Egypt, trying to get into Gaza to call attention to how evil Israel is, and to give some token humanitarian aid to Gaza:
American and European delegations attempting to enter Gaza via the Rafah border crossing remained at the gate Friday after being consistently denied passage.

The 10 members of the American delegation, titled the Gaza Medical/Mental Delegation, camped in front of the Rafah gate Thursday night but their efforts to pass through into Gaza have been repeatedly thwarted by authorities at the crossing.

“The answer is always no,” American activist from the delegation Inaya Khalil told Daily News Egypt in a telephone interview.

Besides the 10 Americans, there are 19 Italians, 14 British, two French and one Swiss national also at the crossing not being permitted entry into Gaza. The delegations are made up of doctors, social workers and filmmakers.

Despite the lack of success in their fourth attempt in four days to enter Gaza, Khalil indicated that the delegation had no intention of leaving and would remain at the crossing.

“Egyptian authorities are telling us that they have enough medical relief inside Gaza but that’s not what I’ve heard,” Bryant said. “This is a typical thing that the US and Israel have done in several areas, it’s ethnic cleansing. What’s a wall for? It’s collective punishment.”

Another 60-strong American delegation arrived at the gate Friday night, spearheaded by the Code Pink foundation, a grassroots women’s initiative, carrying with it 2,000 gift baskets for the people of Gaza. The delegation is traveling at the invitation of the UN Relief and Works Agency for its Gaza Gender Initiative. [This is the one that Rachel Corrie's parents are a part of - EoZ]

Another delegation headed by British Respect MP George Galloway entered Egypt from Libya Thursday and is expected at the crossing on Sunday.

Concerning the Galloway convoy, some interesting details from Al Arabiya:
“A lifeline from Britain to Gaza,” is the motto of Viva Palestina, which started out with 110 trucks from London but was doubled in Libya after the Gaddafi Foundation for Charity and Development donated 100 trucks laden with aid.

Yvonne Ridley, award winning journalist who accompanied the convoy, reported that Israel pressured Egypt to divert the convoy to go through Israeli borders.

"Israel is putting huge pressure on Egypt to force the convoy which is now doubled in size, a British-Libyan venture, through Israeli territory," she said at the conference.

Meanwhile, four Viva Palestina convoy volunteers were reportedly refused entry into Egypt for security reasons.

Stephen Gray, Richard Burton, Shams Suppin Razaq and Azam Hussein left to Tripoli, in Libya from where they will fly to the UK via Amsterdam Sunday.

Ridley, by the way, is there as a correspondent for - Iran's Press TV.

Today may be interesting as we see exactly what Egypt does with these terror-cheering moonbats.

  • Sunday, March 08, 2009
  • Elder of Ziyon
Another man died from a tunnel collapse a month ago.

The Corrie family is in Egypt en route to Gaza to celebrate the fifth anniversary of Rachel Corrie's death at the house she was "defending."

George Galloway's aid convoy has made it to Rafah after its incredibly long journey from England.

Hamas is said to have had a meeting with Islamic Jihad to clarify their policy of firing rockets at Israel.

Hamas is denying that there are any secret prisons in Gaza, inviting human rights agencies to visit - the non secret prisons.

Morocco severed diplomatic relations with Iran, based on Tehran's territorial ambitions towards Bahrain as well as Shi'ite proselytizing in Morocco.

The 2009 PalArab self-death count is now at 50.
  • Sunday, March 08, 2009
  • Elder of Ziyon
Yerushalimey sends me an interesting entry from a calendar of local Jerusalem events today:
From: McLean Eliyahu

Hello friends, Come join us on at 8PM for a special evening to honour the convergence of 2 holy days, the Jewish Holiday of Purim and the Muslim Holiday of Mawlid al-Nabi, the birthday of the profit Muhammad. In a time when politics tends to divide our peoples, the convergence of the holy days can perhaps can serve as a bridge. Come and share insights about these traditions and celebrations. There will also be teaching about these holy days by special Jewish and Muslim teachers. Also joining will be a special guest, David Heinemann - Author of Sufi Therapy of the Heart. Please bring: a kosher vegetarian dish to share, as this will be the last meal before the Fast of Esther. You are welcome to bring musical instruments in the sprit of celebration for this time of joy for the Abrahamic family.
Yes indeed, today is Mawlid, supposedly Mohammed's birthday (although I see it is also supposed to be the anniversary of his death, perhaps a final Islamic borrowing borrowing of a Jewish tradition about Moses.) According to Sunnis, Mohammed was born/died on the 12th of Rabi'-ul-Awwal, according to Shi'ites, on the 17th.

Notice that in Jerusalem, some Jews try to actually bridge the gap between Islam and Judaism, as misguided as they might be. As Yerushalimey points out, "I wonder how many Muslims thought to make a similar joint celebration..." After all, we are supposedly both "divine religions," right?

(Speaking of, I have finally heard a Jew refer to Judaism as a "divine religion." He was none other than "rabbi" Ahron Cohen of Neturei Karta, speaking in Iran at an anti-Zionist conference last week.)

Purim, for some reason, is called "Eid al-Msakr" in auto-translated Arabic. I couldn't figure out what word that might really be ( المساخر ) , although I would like to believe that it is meant to come from the word "masquerade."

The upshot of all this is that, just like wearing green on Purim is an interesting tradition when it coincides with St. Patrick's Day, wearing a Mohammed costume should be appropriate this Purim.

Saturday, March 07, 2009

  • Saturday, March 07, 2009
  • Elder of Ziyon
From the Palestine Post, March 7, 1949:

Dr. Solomon Zeitlin, considered the pre-eminent authority on the Second Jewish Commonwealth, dismissed a set of Hebrew writings found in Israel as "not an important discovery, and possibly a hoax."

Of course, these were the Dead Sea Scrolls.
  • Saturday, March 07, 2009
  • Elder of Ziyon
In a move that may indicate that a combined Hamas/Fatah unity terror government is closer to reality, PA prime minister Salam Fayyad has resigned. He is the only Palestinian Arab leader in history to not have been tainted by obvious associations with terror, and under his government the PA received billions in Western aid, and took concrete steps to show responsibilty for security. His reign was far from perfect - the PA continued to payroll Hamas and shield terrorists from responsibility for their actions, they continued to praise terror and even pay terrorists in Israeli jails - but the past few months showed the fruits of Fayyad's labors, as Israel loosened restrictions on West Bank Arabs and their economy started to bounce back after the disaster of the intifada. People will look back at the past two years as being the best chance that Palestinian Arabs ever had for some sort of autonomy, as they will now slide back towards the terrorism that is part of their historical DNA.

Firas Press reports on a video going around Israel that claims that Israeli rabbis killed Gamal Nasser with Kabbalh-based "black magic."

Israel has been flooding mobile phones in Gaza with offers of $10 million for information on the whereabouts of Gilad Shalit.

Hamas found and dismantled a bomb placed in front of Al Jazeera's Gaza offices.

Friday, March 06, 2009

  • Friday, March 06, 2009
  • Elder of Ziyon
"Mr. President?"

President Mitchell slowly turned away from the Oval Office window, to see his Chief of Staff, Bill Rojas. Rojas was clearly agitated, but these days, who wasn't?

"Bill, don't be so formal. Come in, sit down. Maybe Laura can get you a coffee."

"No, thanks, Rob. It's just that the Martians..."

"Yes, I know. They are almost here. Richmond just disappeared."

Rojas exhaled. "And Norfolk. And Raleigh-Durham."

President Robert Mitchell paled slightly, but quickly regained his composure. "They aren't invincible, you know. We just have to find out their weakness. And I think I know what we can do to stop them."

"Really, Rob? What is it?"

"Give them Minnesota."

The room was silent for a moment.

"Give them....."

"Yes, Minnesota. Look, they clearly want land, right? They aren't conquering us for fun. The Martians have legitimate grievances against us, and it is time we treat them like human beings. We have been disrespectful to them, you know, calling them "bug-eyed" and shooting rockets at their warships - warships which are legal under international law, by the way."

"But Rob..." Bill sputtered. "How do you know they would be happy with Minnesota?"

"Bill, Bill. You've known me for years. I didn't become President because I did things unilaterally. I understand people, Bill! I have crafted compromises in the State Senate, in the US Congress, and I am sure I can compromise with the Martians as well! They aren't that different from you and me, after all. They have two eyes, just like us. They like to eat, just like us...."

"Rob, they eat people!"

"Come on, Bill, have you never heard of cannibals? Or those people from the plane crash who were stuck in the Andes? Seriously, you have to stop being so judgmental."

"But, Mr. President - how do you know they would be happy with Minnesota?"

Robert Mitchell sighed. "It is a nice place - lots of lakes, healthy people to eat, and cold, just like their planet. Besides, Minnesota didn't vote for me," he added with a chuckle. "Seriously, Martians didn't build interplanetary spaceships because they are stupid. If they are that advanced, of course they will compromise with us. Minnesota is just a beginning position to bargain with. Maybe they'll want North Dakota, too...but we'll never know until we start a dialogue with them. And negotiation means compromise, so we have have to offer something in our opening stance."

Bill Rojas, hesitantly, asked, "And if we give them Minnesota - they'll leave us alone?"

President Mitchell straightened up to his full 6'2" height. He never looked so presidential.

"I am sure about it, Bill. They are an advanced people; they will negotiate with us and take only what's fair. They aren't savages, and they have their pride. Everything can be discussed between adults of good will.

"We, as a people, desperately want the fighting to stop. We will have to make painful compromises for peace. But the peace, when it comes, will last forever."
  • Friday, March 06, 2009
  • Elder of Ziyon
I don't know who has the money to do such great videos, but this is fantastic:
  • Friday, March 06, 2009
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Then There Was Light, quoting an eyewitness:

Tonight at the U of T [Israeli Apartheid Week] event, two Jewish students were assaulted by the Palestinian “Security” team for being “disruptive” (asking a legitimate question “does Israel have a right to exist”) The Palestinian “security” smacked a student in the head and grabbed him by his neck, while another “security” officer told a second Jewish student to “Shut the F**ck up or he’ll saw his head off”…All of this was done in a crowded lecture room with over 100 witnesses!!

I was there, there are no pictures, filming and taking pictures was prohibited (they seem to have a problem with the general public hearing what they say) it was reported to the police who chose (as usual) to do NOTHING…

And here is what the student who was assaulted wrote:
I attended the Israel Apartheid Week event with a few friends and was prepared to ask a couple questions. The girl sitting next to me asked a question to one of the speakers about the problems with Hamas’s Charter. The speaker answered the question by discussing occupation and Israel’s “racist” policies, etc, instead of actually addressing the issue of Hamas’s Charter and denial of Israel’s right to exist. A couple people in the crowd, including myself, shouted out to the speaker “answer the question!” (It is generally fair game at these events where there are more activists present than observers to request that the speaker focus on the question asked). At this point, one of the (probably unlicensed) private security guards hired by SAIA approached me from behind. When I turned around in my seat to look at him, he grabbed and squeezed the back of my neck and growled at me from about 10 inches in front of my face “you shut the fuck up! shut the fuck up!” At this point I kept my cool moved back and I was like “get away from me bro, don’t touch me!” One of the event organizers called for someone to ask the police standing outside in the hallway to come in to remove me for “causing a disruption” at which point I encouraged the police to come in to record the name and identity of the individual who assaulted me. I left the room promptly and reported the incident to the police. I will be filing a formal report later today with Metro Police.

I personally believe in freedom of speech and that students should be allowed to book lecture halls to present speakers who express radical, even extreme views. The presence, however, of (probably) unlicensed, private security gaurds wearing bullet proof vests and leather jackets who physicaly assault people who speak up against those radical, extreme views, must be confronted. SAIA must not be allowed to bring hired goons onto campus to intimidate people who oppose their views. I feel ashamed as a UofT alumnus.
Freedom of speech!
(h/t Israellycool)
  • Friday, March 06, 2009
  • Elder of Ziyon
Hamas police made a drug bust of methamphetamines and hashish smuggled in Gaza tunnels.

A Russian analyst is quoted in Palestine Today as saying that by 2011, the United States would break up into six separate nations and that a new world currency will emerge to replace the dollar as Russia and China will be the new superpowers. All media, not just Arab, like to quote "experts" that confirm their own wishful thinking no matter how nutty. (Here's the original article from Russia in English. The Arabs believe it more than the Russians themselves do.)

PalToday also has a photo essay from the funeral of the Islamic Jihad terrorist turned to worm food by the IDF.

A new English-language publication is supposed to start in Gaza any day now. Called the Palestine Telegraph, the Free Gaza people are already salivating over it.
The Palestine Telegraph editing team seeks the following types of articles:

1- Articles that tackle daring ideas and are controversial or unconventional; as long as they are supported by factual and logical evidence and do not violate general Arab cultural norms or common decency.

2- Articles that present unprecedented ideas.

3- Articles on current events and an analytical perspective that transcends the obvious and rises above superficial reasoning.

4- Dramatic or satirical articles with an interesting and entertaining style.
Hey, maybe I'll submit things to it when/if it appears! Oh, wait - I think my articles might violate general Arab cultural norms, because I do not support terrorism.

By the way, the "professional" who is starting this is a 23-year old Gazan with a bachelor's degree in English. If that doesn't scream "professional," I don't know what does.
  • Friday, March 06, 2009
  • Elder of Ziyon
Ahmed and Salim is a funny, South Park-type cartoon made by two Israelis that make wicked fun of Arab terrorists. Naturally, this offends...the terrorists.

This article from the Islamic Jihad mouthpiece Palestine Today tells the ummah about this scourge, and is almost as funny as the cartoon itself:
The cartoon series "Ahmed and Salim" shows that the Israelis are determined to use the media machine to further tarnish the image of the Arabs. The series creators are from the young Israeli generation, adopting modern means of communication to promote racism: Tom Trager and Or Paz are authors of a series which show every week on YouTube.

"Ahmed and Salim" is a comedy that portrays Arabs as "terrorists" who want to kill Israelis and Americans for kicks. But these «terrorists» are always just plain wrong, turning the fire of terrorism on themselves because they always fail to target the Israelis and the Americans! The series, which has four episodes so far; the first had a record half-million views on «YouTube». However, the remaining three episodes were much more serious, as it confirmed its determination of the creators to deliver the the message that the Arabs are just «stupid», will not be able to convince anyone of the legitimacy of their cause, and that the resistance would only lead to a dead end.
The article goes on to mention that the UAE version of YouTube banned the cartoon and then goes on to give a synopsis of every episode.

It is hilarious that so many Arabs are offended by a cartoon that is clearly mocking only terrorists. It's almost as if they identify with Ahmed and Salim's hapless terrorist father...

Here's Episode 3:

Thursday, March 05, 2009

  • Thursday, March 05, 2009
  • Elder of Ziyon
Yesterday, I reported on a controversy in Malaysia as to whether non-Muslims can use the word "Allah" in their writings. An interesting detail came out today:
A former grand imam of the National Mosque told the Dewan Rakyat today that the word "Allah" based on the belief of Muslims, cannot be used by the non-Muslims.

Taib Azamudden Mat Taib who is Pas representative for Baling, said this was because the meaning of Allah to other religions was different from the meaning of Allah to Islam.
I had never before heard a Muslim say that Allah was not the same as the God of Judaism or Christianity.

Either way, I would be remiss in not apologizing to the Muslims of Malaysia for using the word Allah in inappropriate, infidel ways. For example, these lyrics to the famous TV show "Allah in the Family":

Boy the way Mohammed prayed,
Dhimmi bodies getting flayed,
Nine year old brides getting laid,
Allah today!

Really tasteless, and I should be beheaded for writing such things.
  • Thursday, March 05, 2009
  • Elder of Ziyon
Occasionally, a fatwa can be surprising in a pleasant way:
The Grand Mufti of Dubai, the leading Islamic legal scholar, has ruled that women can hold the position of mufti and issue religious rulings relevant to both men and women on every aspect of life.

Dr. Ahmed al-Haddad, Director of the Dubai Fatwa Department, issued a fatwa stating women can apply alongside men for the position of mufti.

"If a woman reaches the level of education that enables her to issue fatwas, then she has the right to work as a mufti and issue fatwas on all possible issues," Haddad said in his ruling.

Since issuing fatwas means informing people of the laws of God, anyone who has the required knowledge has the right to do so, said Haddad, citing a verse from the Quran that requires those who know about God's laws never to withhold the knowledge they have.

"These instructions from the Quran include everyone, male or female" Haddad said.

Islamic scholars define the position of "mufti" as someone who is qualified to apply the laws of God and the teachings of the prophet to contemporary issues, and Haddad underscored that such an ability is not confined solely to men.
Of course, any woman that actually tries to do this will be placing her life in her hands.
  • Thursday, March 05, 2009
  • Elder of Ziyon
An 18-year old's body was recovered from a tunnel collapse a week ago.

The 2009 PalArab self-death count rises to 47.

UPDATE: Another body recovered plus one I had missed; 49.
  • Thursday, March 05, 2009
  • Elder of Ziyon
A couple of days ago, Syrian state-run media published this press release:
Iranian President , Mahmoud Ahmadinejad , has underlined the deep strong standing relations between Iran and Syria, and the necessity for boosting them to meet the national interest of both and for reinforcing their steadfastness in the face of the various challenges.

During his meeting with Prime Minister , Mohammed Naji Otri today, Ahmadinejad expressed appreciation of Syria's stances under the leadership of President, Bashar al-Assad , and of Syria's pivotal and important role on all regional and international levels.

He indicated that the developments in the region and in the world have proven the correct stances of the two countries , as well as their righteous joint vision regarding these developments.

Ahmadinejad was briefed by Otri and by Iranian First Vice President , Parviz Davoodi , on the outcome of the meetings of the Syrian-Iranian Higher Committee , which falls in the service of the joint issues of cooperation in various domains.
Does this sound like a country that is eager to join the West against Iran?

Well, John Kerry thinks so:
Senator John Kerry of Massachusetts, who recently returned from a Middle East trip that included stops in Damascus and Gaza, called yesterday for loosening sanctions on Syria, which he praised for opening a stock market and sending an ambassador to Iraq.

In his speech, Kerry urged the Obama administration to play a role in mediating ongoing peace talks between Syria and Israel - a move he said Syrian President Bashar Assad would welcome.

The Bush administration shunned Syria for more than four years, accusing the regime of fostering the insurgency in Iraq, meddling in Lebanon's affairs by assassinating its elected leaders, and supporting anti-Israeli militant groups Hezbollah and Hamas.

But the Obama administration has signaled a thaw in relations in an attempt to encourage Syria to make peace with Israel and to pry the regime away from its close alliance with Iran.
If the Assad family knows anything, it is how to play boths sides against the middle while avoiding any concrete changes in its own regime.

The reason that strategy has been so successful for so long is because of credulous dopes like John Kerry.


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