Thursday, January 01, 2009

  • Thursday, January 01, 2009
  • Elder of Ziyon
One of my favorite websites on the Internet has seemed to have mysteriously disappeared.

The website of Hamas was acting a bit shaky earlier this week, redirecting itself from the Palestine domain to the .cc domain - which is in the Cocos Islands but is pretty much available to anyone. But now, alas, I cannot access the lists of martyrs and the hostile propaganda that I so looked forward to perusing now and again.

At the moment, attempts to get to the site are sometimes making it to a 3Com SuperStack Switch. If you should try to access it and see a Username and Password prompt, try "manager" and "manager" (the default.) If you are lucky you wil get to the switch interface, but so far my connectivity has not let me get past a skeleton of a page for that. A good network professional might have a lot of fun with full access to Hamas' Ethernet switch.

Not that I would advocate anything like that. No, hacking Hamas' web site and domain would be really, really wrong.

UPDATE: It is back up, on a new host.
  • Thursday, January 01, 2009
  • Elder of Ziyon
Standing Together helps cheer up IDF soldiers, bringing them food, music, and even charging their cell phones for them.

PizzaIDF likewise delivers pizza, burgers and other foods to IDF soldiers in the field.

Zaka is the amazing first-response organization that treats many injured citizens from terror attacks.

ARMDI - Israel's equivalent to the Red Cross.

Please comment on your favorite relevant Israeli charities that directly help soldiers and terror victims, along with their URL and what they do.


Operation Take-a-Break for Sderot families to take day trips up north.

Lemaan Achai, helping families all over Israel, has a program for those under attack.
  • Thursday, January 01, 2009
  • Elder of Ziyon
Sheikh Nizar Rayyan, a senior Hamas leader and cleric was killed along with several others on Thursday when an IAF aircraft dropped a bomb on his Jabalya home, the IDF said.

Channel 10 reported that Rayyan was the "mufti" of Hamas's military wing and had replaced Sheikh Ahmed Yassin as the organization's top clerical authority after Yassin's assassination in 2004.

In addition, the IAF bombed the homes of three senior Gaza terrorists.

One of the homes belonged to Mohammad Baroud, a top Popular Resistance Committees operative. The army said that there were anti-tank missiles, rockets and bombs in the home.

Another of the homes destroyed belonged to Hasim Drili, a northern Gaza Hamas operative. The army said that he had a manufacturing plant in his home for rockets, mortar shells and missiles.

The third home belonged to Tafik Abu Raf, a Hamas terror operative in the central Gaza Strip. The IDF said that he had a weapons laboratory in his house.
Palestine Today says that Sheikh Rayyan knew very well that his house was a target:
Over the past two days, Israeli aircraft bombed a number of the homes of Hamas leadersin the Gaza Strip, but most of the houses were empty

While aware of that, our Sheikh Rayyan refused to come out of his house and remained firm there with a number of his children.

Palestinians have long advocated that the homes threatened by Israeli bombardment should be protected by human shields, and it appears he chose for himself this fate.
Ma'an adds:
Local witnesses told Ma’an that Rayyan had not evacuated his house despite a warning from the Israeli military.

As sickening and twisted as the sheikh was, one can grudgingly admire someone who chooses not to hide from certain death. But when he purposefully sentences his children and (one of) his wives to the same death - or he uses them as human shields to protect himself - he proves himself to be pure, unadulterated evil.
  • Thursday, January 01, 2009
  • Elder of Ziyon
The World Food Programme has informed Israeli authorities that it has a full 2 week supply of food and does not want Israel to send any more food to them in Gaza.

In other humanitarian aid news, Israel allowed some 12 Gazans in yesterday for medical treatment. 2 of them were kids who were injured - by a Qassam rocket that fell short.

The UNRWA, as is to be expected, spins facts to make Israel look as bad as possible:
The power plant shut down on Tuesday because Israel has blocked fuel delivery through the main pipeline since Dec. 26, U.N. humanitarian chief John Holmes said Wednesday. This has forced hospitals to use generators, which have limited fuel supplies, and left many of the 650,000 people in central and northern Gaza with power cuts of 16 hours a day or more, he said.

"The situation remains alarming," Holmes said. "Hospitals are obviously still struggling very much to cope with the number of casualties. We have continued to get some medical supplies in and to help them cope, but this remains difficult and fragile."

Israel has, every day for the past few days, scheduled to open the Nahal Oz crossing for transferring fuel. And every day the Palestinian terrorists that the UNRWA refuses to mention have shot mortars at that very crossing - on Sunday, with fatal results. The despicable UNRWA is blaming Israel for "blocking" fuel shipments and cannot say a single word to their hosts in Gaza about stopping mortar attacks.

The daily Nahal Oz attacks are no longr even mentioned in the media, because mortars are so much more plentiful than Qassams and not as newsworthy as Grads. The Popular Resistance Committees have been the main terrorists to fire at Nahal Oz.

The UNRWA continues its one-sided blame game:

Karen Abu Zayd, commissioner of the U.N. Relief and Works Agency, which helps Palestinian refugees, told reporters by video link from Gaza that the agency has not distributed any food for two weeks because of the shortage of supplies and the Israeli bombardment.

"I think that means that 20,000 people a day have been without food that they expect — and probably is the bulk of what they get," she said. "So people are doing pretty badly. Everyone we know is sharing whatever they have, not just with their families but with their neighbors."

"We haven't seen widespread hunger. We do see for the very first time ... people going through the rubbish dumps looking for things, people begging, which is quite a new phenomenon as well," she said.

Aby Zayd is using anecdotes to do everything she can to blame Israel, but cannot really explain why there is "no widespread hunger" in Gaza.

And the UNRWA had food before the war - but refused to distribute food to Gazans because they didn't have enough flour. They did have rice, cooking oil and other goods. Now they are blaming Israel for their own pride.

Holmes said the Kerem Shalom crossing from Israel was open, with 55 trucks of food and medical supplies and five ambulances getting into Gaza on Tuesday, and about 60 trucks on Wednesday. That compares to 125 truckloads a day in October 2008 and 475 truckloads a day in May 2007, just before Hamas took control of Gaza, he said.
The real numbers were 93 trucks each day. He may be referring only to trucks meant for UNRWA.

Obviously, his comparison with October (when there were almost no rockets) and May 2007 (when all the crossings were still under control of the PA and Israel could easily coordinate the logistics) ignore the danger to Israelis put themselves in to send over humanitarian aid.

Some medical supplies, ambulances and generators also got into Gaza from Egypt through the Rafah border crossing, he said.
Yet he pointedly does not ask Egypt to increase its trickle of aid - only Israel. Isn't that interesting.
Abu Zayd stressed that her U.N. agency needs 100 trucks of flour a day to meet the needs of refugees.
And yet, after months of much lower numbers of trucks on the average, there is still "no widespread hunger" in Gaza in her own words. Still no one has starved to death. It is a miracle!
But she said Israel has closed down the Karni crossing, the main gateway for cargo into Gaza where it is normally delivered, for security reasons.

She said UNRWA was told by the Israeli humanitarian coordinator that all other crossings aren't open because "there is intelligence about serious preparations for security operations."

"We wonder if it's serious enough to really keep things completely closed and to keep people on their edge of subsistence," she said.

She wonders? While Israel coordinates with multiple aid agencies and countries, arranges to open crossings as much as possible at the same time as it is being attacked every few minutes with rockets, while her hosts brag about the effectiveness of their "resistance" and the number of fancifully named missiles they shoot towards these very crossings - she "wonders" if Israel is really trying hard enough? She "wonders" if perhaps Israeli lives are worthless and whether Israel should sacrifice a dozen or so people so she can get her aid to people who are not dying for lack of aid? Let's parse her colleague's next sentence:
Holmes said "the major needs, apart from medical supplies, remain ... grain and wheat flour and fuel — also cash would be very helpful to enable people to buy supplies."
Way down in their statements, after most people stop reading or listening, Holmes just happens to mention that, oh yes, they have plenty of medical supplies! [UPDATE: The English is ambiguous; a commenter mentioned that they probably mean that they need medical supplies. - EoZ] And guess what - there is access to other goods in Gaza - another miracle - but they just need money to buy it! I guess that the families that are sharing what they have, as Abu Zayd said, are not being as generous as the UNRWA says? Or perhaps Hamas is hoarding flour and then selling it at inflated prices - something that the UNRWA is silent about?

As usual, the UNRWA is being deceptive and it is spending more time blaming Israel for everything rather than actually trying to solve the root problems. Which is why it should be dismantled and replaced with something more effective and honest.

  • Thursday, January 01, 2009
  • Elder of Ziyon
Thanks again to all my readers! 

My visitor count in 2008 was more than double that of the previous year, and December was my highest month ever, averaging over a thousand visitors a day for the first time. I really appreciate that so many of you read my posts and come back, and especially those who contribute to the comments and make the blog into an intimate community as well.

Here is to hoping that 2009 is a great year for all of us!

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

  • Wednesday, December 31, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
A mathematician looks at the idea of proportionate response, from the ZioNation blog:

Whenever Israel undertakes a more incisive and forceful action to stop terrorist attacks, we hear the angry cries of condemnation for those who only seek to defend themselves and the cries of pity for those who attack, the poor Palestinian massacred.

Among the main charges and condemnations there is a topic that is always touched upon, the lack of proportionality between the Israeli reaction and the action which caused it. It's a cruel joke.

The mathematical concept of proportionality is expressed by the equality between two ratios:

a/b = c/d

Even in everyday language we do not speak of proportionality until after two ratios are compared. When we say, for example, that the weight of a person is (or is not) proportional to its height, it means that the quotient of dividing weight by height is (or is not) equal to that which is regarded as the standard for the people of his or her age. Without this standard it would be impossible to talk about proportionality.

It is obvious that such a standard does not exist when it pertains to the means to put an end to the deadly and systematic attacks. Humanity has not yet come to establish such a standard, despite its long history of conflict and war, international organizations are powerless to stop terrorist attacks. It is necessary to stop their agents, at all costs. The opposite would be to continue to kill until total annihilation. Nobody can demand such a sacrifice of an entire people in the name of preserving an imaginary indefinable proportionality.

But let's see what the Israeli reaction would have to be, in order for it to be proportional to the terrorist attack, as the world demands.

Consider the relationship between the measurements of the intensity of this reaction, we will call it “y”, and the intensity of the terrorist attack, we represent here by “x”. Without a standard to be used as reference to make the comparison, we will compare the ratio to that between the same “x” and “z” defined as the value of the intensity of the Israeli action which, by definition, would have given rise to the terrorist attack. Proportionality would be expressed by the equality between these two ratios:

But as the assault was arbitrary and does not correspond to any action that could be the cause, we have z = 0, from whence we then conclude that .

Or in common language: If we want to maintain proportionality, the intensity of the reaction to an unprovoked assault has no limitations.

Long live “Proportionality”!

Paulo dos Santos Ferreira

The author is a mathematician. Originally published as a letter to the editor in Brazil and translated to French by the author. Translation from French by Israel Bonan.

To put it in plainer language, Israel's response to provocation should be proportional to Hamas' response to provocation. Since Hamas has shot thousands of rockets without any provocation, that means that the amount of Israel's proportionate response is - infinity.
  • Wednesday, December 31, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh said that "victory is near."

Israel plans to open up Kerem Shalom tomorrow yet again, sending some 90 trucks filled with food and medicine.

A new website called Aid2Gaza is trying to keep track of all aid sent to Gaza; my earlier estimates of the number of tons a truck holds was way low. The trucks that Israel has been sending hold 30 tons each, which means that Israel has sent about 4500 tons of aid so far this week alone. The 3 tons that Free Gaza was trying to bring sure doesn't sound that impressive, does it?

The IDF bombed a mosque that had been used to store weapons and hide terrorists. Before it did so, it gathered data about the mosque for days, checked with international law experts, and got specific permission from the highest levels. Seems a bit...disporportionate.

Here's the video. Although clouds get in the way, you see the explosion from the IAF bomb followed by a secondary explosion and then a HUGE secondary explosion.

Iran announced it is shutting down a newspaper for publishing an article critical of Hamas. Free speech!

Hamas announced it will try to assassinate Tzipi Livni and Ehud Barak.

Arabs are disappointed that Hezbollah has not done anything to help Gazans - meaning they expected Hezbollah to open up a second front against Israel. Apparently, Nasrallah responded to this criticism by saying that it is not true that Israel could not fight on two fronts; in fact it has fought on three and four fronts in the past and won them all! Instead he instructed his fighters to be on the lookout for "treacherous plots" and he also criticized Egypt for its anti-Hamas stance.

Firas is reporting that Hamas policemen have stopped wearing their uniforms and khakis, and that Hamas members are all trying to lie low, not using cell phones - even Hamas' leadership in Damascus.

UPDATE: Commenter smoke_and_mirrors notices this from the Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs:
Despite ongoing rocket fire, Israel continues with the extensive humanitarian effort in coordination with the international organizations, Palestinian Authority and various donors. Ninety three trucks, with approximately 2500 tons of humanitarian aid, medical supplies and medication were conveyed through Kerem Shalom cargo terminal. The World Food Programme has informed Israel that they will not be resuming shipment of food commodities in to Gaza due to the fact that their warehouses are at full capacity and will last for approximately two weeks.
From starvation to overstuffed in only four days?
  • Wednesday, December 31, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
Well, that didn't take long.

Ha'aretz' Gideon Levy has written another of his predictable, sickening articles where Israel's evil is so taken for granted that he makes Al Jazeera sound like Arutz-7:
Our finest young men...set out to bomb the graduation ceremony for young police officers who had found that rare Gaza commodity, a job, massacring them by the dozen. They bombed a police station, hitting a doctor nearby...They bombed a university that we in Israel call the Palestinian Rafael, the equivalent of Israel's weapons developer, and destroyed student dormitories.
The point is that, according to Levy, there are no legitimate military targets in Gaza; every one is fraught with the possibility of hurting someone innocent nearby. Israel must tell its Sderot residents to go to hell, and that will solve the problem. By not doing that, this is all Israel's fault.
According to reports, about half of the people killed were innocent civilians.
Even the UN - hardly unbiased itself - puts the number at half that amount. So what is Levy's source for this bogus number? Here's my guess:
Hamas says some 200 uniformed members of Hamas security forces have been killed.
So Levy, uncritically believing Hamas' own statistics, goes beyond what Hamas is saying in trying to demonize his country. He doesn't even consider that perhaps Israel managed to kill some members of Islamic Jihad, the PRC or the DFLP, and according to Levy any non-uniformed member of Hamas don't count either - presumably because Hamas is so careful about adhering to international law concerning havng soldiers wearing uniforms.

A hint as to where Levy's, and Ha'aretz', mindset is at comes from an article today about that newspaper from Der Spiegel.
The irreverence of the Israeli daily newspaper Haaretz is visible from the first moment a visitor enters the paper's editorial headquarters.<
There in the foyer hangs an open pig's carcass, looking just as it would in a slaughterhouse. This one, however, is reproduced in pieces of candy -- red ones for the muscles, and yellow for the innards. The building's doorman is on hand to help interpret this installation. The sculpture, he says, is like the land of Israel itself: "Beautiful on the outside, rotten on the inside."
Putting aside the fact that the symbolism is exactly the opposite of the stated interpretation (the carcass is ugly on the outside and sweet on the inside), this is the best encapsulation of Ha'aretz' guiding editorial philosophy: Israel is an inherently rotten country, not dissimilar to Ahmadinejad's characterization of it as a "rotting corpse." The elites at Ha'aretz know best, and the 95% of the nation that is to its right are ignorant rubes - too religious or too nationalistic or too Jewish to be taken seriously.

They hate their own country, and they share that hatred with their readers every day.

(h/t EBoZ and Mohammed the Teddy Bear)
  • Wednesday, December 31, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
Israel Matzav found the much-anticipated CNN video report on the Free Gaza incident:

The inconsistencies/lies in the Free Gaza story keep adding up.

The first Free Gaza communique, to their email list, said:
The Dignity has been surrounded by at least half-a-dozen Israeli warships. They are firing live ammunition around the Dignity, and one of the warships has rammed the civilian craft causing an unknown amount of damage.

Another of their communiques said
The gunboats also fired their machine guns into the water in an attempt to stop the mercy ship from getting to Gaza.
The CNN report again doesn't say a word about gunshots. It says there were two Israeli patrol boats, although the video only shows a single spotlight. The CNN report says "They shadow us for a half hour, and then, with no prior radio warning according to the captain, one of the patrol boats rams the 'Dignity.' "

I cannot find them now, but I have previously seen reports where the captain claimed that the Israelis radioed to the boat and told them they were "terrorists,"

Video equipment is really cheap nowadays, You can get an HD video recorder that can fit in your pocket for about $150. Evry phone and digital camera has lower-resolution video capability as well. It is truly amazing that with a boat full of publicity-seekers and reporters, "shadowed a half hour" by the dreaded Israeli Zionist lying sons of apes and pigs, none of them have any video released that corroborates their fantastic tales of being shot at by six Israeli warships, or even of being rammed by a boat.

Maybe they all ran out of batteries. It couldn't possibly be because they are in fact the "inveterate liars" they accuse all Israelis of being.
  • Wednesday, December 31, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
Unknown assailants, believed to be Arab, attacked salespeople at an Israeli-owned stand in Denmark, the Foreign Ministry said Wednesday afternoon. Two Israelis reportedly suffered light injuries in the shooting attack.

"Two Israelis working a Dead Sea Products stand in a mall were fired upon," Dan Oryan of the Israeli Embassy in Copenhagen told Ynet. "We don’t know how many people were involved in the shooting, but several individuals were seen fleeing the scene.

Ma'an News Arabic:
Palestinians open fire on Israeli soldiers in Denmark

Israeli sources said that Palestinian youths entered one of the shops that sell Israeli products derived from the Dead Sea near the Denmark's capital Copenhagen opened fire on Israeli soldiers were inside the shop.

You see, if they were just store-owners it is a terror attack; but if they are soldiers than it is Jihad!

Life gets so much easier when you can justify terrorism through linguistics.

UPDATE: Commenter Henrik lives near where the shootings occured, he adds more details in the comments.
  • Wednesday, December 31, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
Gaza terrorists have been shooting rockets and mortars at Israel since 2001. Some months saw many attacks and some saw only a few, but the net effect is the same - because the rockets are instruments of terror, not of genocide.

Of course, the terrorists want to kill as many Israelis and Jews as possible. Even so, the main effectiveness of the Qassams is not the deaths that they cause, but the fear that they instill in residents who are in rocket range. This is the very definition of terrorism - to cause civilians to be terrorized. The fact that there were "only" three or ten rockets in a particular month does not lighten the psychological burden in Sderot, because the fear that a rocket is about to slam into your house is always there, constantly hanging over every aspect of the lives of residents of the Negev.

Many voices are being raised now that Israel has reacted disproportionately to the threat of Qassams. They don't kill that many people, goes this argument. They are an annoyance but not an existential threat.

But it is wrong to say that there were relatively few victims of Qassam rockets. The victims aren't only the people who were killed, injured or suffered damage - the victims are every resident of a community that is in rocket range. Their number is not in the dozens but in the tens of thousands - and now hundreds of thousands.

To give a more concrete example, if a terrorist group would explode a "dirty nuke" in a populated area, chances are that the number of casualties would be no higher than from a conventional explosive. The goal of a "dirty nuke," and indeed its very purpose, would be to cause panic out of proportion to its actual potential to damage. Qassam rockets are essentially the same as dirty nukes in their intent and effect. Asking people to live with this threat is not just inconsiderate; it borders on the malicious.

Israel's response has, for years, been to use patience. Israel has told the residents under threat to just wait - wait for the schools to be reinforced and for shelters to be built, wait for an anti-rocket system to be tested and deployed, wait to see what the results of a "cease fire" are, wait until after disengagement (and then we'll really let them have it!), wait to see how assassinating terrorist leaders will affect things, wait for the blockade to take effect and for the Gaza residents to kick Hamas out.

These half-measures have not worked.

More importantly, they might have in some ways backfired.

Counseling patience means that the status quo is, to some extent, acceptable (if not ideal.) Telling Sderot residents to live with their fear and to stop whining so much about it also means that you are telling the world that it is OK to live under the constant fear of your children dying in the school playground.

It is painful to say it, but Israel has been sacrificing Sderot and the other southern Negev communities for years to "patience."

Is it surprising that many otherwise well-meaning critics adopt the same mindset? If living with the rocket threat was considered acceptable to the government of Israel for years, then why should Israel suddenly decide that it is no longer acceptable?

What the critics understand is that even this Israeli government - one that has been trying like no other to make sacrifices for "peace," one that is risk-averse to the point of paralysis, one that will use any unethical and undemocratic methods it can to force Israel to give up strategic depth for an illusion of safety - even this government could no longer stand by and watch the rocket fire intensify yet again.

The price of this historical reticence is that, rather than "just" Qassams, the Israelis now have to deal with Katyushas and Grads; rather than "just" Sderot, there are now a million residents in rocket range.

It would have been painful to solve the problem years ago. Now it will be even worse.

Patience has a price.
  • Wednesday, December 31, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
Keeping up with the news is a bit overwhelming. I thank my commenters for linking to interesting stories. Here are a few that caught my eye:

The rocket that hit the school in Beersheba was made in China. Not quite homemade. It was also designed to spread lethal pellets over a large area, which would be considered yet another war crime for anyone who actually bothers to accuse Hamas of war crimes. (h/t busywolf)

Arutz-7 reported that Hamas executed at least 8 Fatah men (accused of"collaboration") trying to escape from prison during Israeli airstrikes on Sunday, quoting Yediot Aharonot. The New York Times mentioned the executions without saying how many deaths there were. I will add 6 to the self-death count to be as conservative as possible (I already had mentioned two.) (h/t henrik)

YNet published an "alert map" showing how many seconds Israelis have to find cover after hearing a Code Red alert. Notice that the range of rockets is now much larger than Gaza itself, which means that "buffer zones" would be meaningless.

Which brings up Moshe Arens' analysis of how to stop the rocket fire - he looks at all the possible alternatives that people suggest and that have been tried, and concludes that there is no alternative but IDF ground forces going in and taking full control of the rocket launching sites.

UPDATE: Commenter Henrik also pointed out an IHT article about executing "collaborators" in Gaza hospitals; I couldn't find his but found this version of it and it appears to be different people than the earlier article. So I am adding 6 more to the self-death count.
Most of the Grad/Katyusha longer-distance rockets are being shot by Hamas, a few from Islamic Jihad. The remaining "older" Qassams are from the PRC. Only a couple have been claimed by Fatah's Al Aqsa Brigades since the start of the war.

By the way, no one can claim that the rockets hitting Beersheba, Ashdod and Netivot are "home-made." They were all smuggled in during the "calm" while the media was fixated on consumer goods being sent from Egypt to Rafah underground.

Lebanese officials promised they would "forensically examine" the Free Gaza boat to figure out whether IDF boats rammed it. The FGM freaks still claim they were fired at, even though none of the journalists on board have stated that. The captain appears to be somewhat of a liar too (he said that the IDF told him on the radio that they suspected "terrorists" were on board, which makes no sense; today he says that the "attack" happened "without any warning, or any provocation.")

The number of wounded people crossing to Egypt to be treated remains a trickle - only 15 yesterday. The PA has stopped blaming Hamas, though, now saying that it is because of a shortage of ambulances. Of course, Israel sent in 10 ambulances a couple of days ago (from the MFA site.)

Qatar and Israel agreed that humanitarian aid will be flown from Qatar directly to Ben Gurion Airport, from where Israel will send it to Gaza. Apparently, Egypt refused to allow the Qatari aircrafts to land at El Arish in the Sinai. Three planes are en route.

Hamas is taking control of the food sent in aid convoys and is selling it for inflated prices. Qatari and Egyptian flour is being sold by Hamas for 140 shekels a bag.

Hamas fighters are waiting for the ground invasion "on pins and needles."

Fatah leaders, possibly from the Al Aqsa Brigades, are demanding that Hamas returntheir weapons to them for the coming ground war.

A Jenin man killed his 28-year old sister in a possible "honor killing," bringing the 2008 PalArab self-death count to 231. I do not have confirmation of rumors that a number of Fatah prisoners were killed while escaping prison on Saturday (besides the two I reported.)

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

  • Tuesday, December 30, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
Have you ever seen Hamas' jihadist music videos? They are cheesy propaganda with awful music and tacky special effects that would be funny if they weren't advocating genocide.

Anyway, here is my take on how an IDF video would look if it was directed by the same talent that Hamas uses...

Q=Qassam (may include Katyusha-style rockets)
QS=Qassam landing short in Gaza
F=Fatality (F=Gazan, F=Israeli)
(G)=Grad (included in Qassam count, not consistent yet)

M*- Apparently upgraded 120mm mortars
MS=Mortar landing short
P - unnamed "projectiles"
(Paren) indicates unconfirmed Palestinian claims

Yellow=day Israel sent aid to Gaza
Blue=day Egypt sent aid to Gaza via Israel, inspected by Israel at Kerem Shalom)
Green=Both Israeli and Arab aid allowed in under Israeli auspices

December 2008

Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa






1QS (2F)
64Q (1F)

30Q (5G)
73Q (11G, 2F)
15M (1F)

55Q (4G)

Previous calendars here.


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