Sunday, July 23, 2006
- Sunday, July 23, 2006
- Elder of Ziyon
Today, there was a pro-Israel demonstration in London, attended by thousands of people.
So one would think that the media coverage of both demonstrations would be roughly similar?
Compare for yourself:
Yahoo photos with keywords "israel london"
Google news with keywords "israel london demonstration"
There is some coverage of the demonstration for Israel - in British news sources and in Israel. Very few other sources could be found.
But the coverage of the pro-terror, pro-Hizbollah rallies in London are plentiful - almost invariably called "peace" rallies. For example, a few paragraphs into this Australian news story "Global protests held for peace" comes this telling detail:
"Stop the killing, stop to the bombs. Israel out of Lebanon," shouted the peaceful protesters, many draped in Lebanese or Palestinian flags, while others yelled: "Hizbollah is here to stay. Zionism go away."Calling that a "peace" rally is something only news editors can do with a straight face.
- Sunday, July 23, 2006
- Elder of Ziyon
Thanks to Backspin, I have a list of a few more worthy organizations that need our help. Here are the ones that had easy-to-access web forms and can take credit cards:
One Family Fund - directly helps victims of terror and their families.
JNF Operation Security Blanket - send kids from the North to summer camps in central Israel for a few days at a time
WIZO Emergency Fund - provides shelters and food for displaced families
Meir Panim - feeds many poor Israelis; providing emergency food and medical equipment to victims
Israel Free Loan Association - helps families get back on their feet with dignity
Kids 4 Kids - program for kids worldwide to help Israeli child victims of terror
These are in addition to the five charities I listed before that you can see on the sidebar. Go to their websites, give generously, and email me at and I will match it until we hit our limit (currently $1000.)
- Sunday, July 23, 2006
- Elder of Ziyon
The great Yogi Berra once said, "In theory there is no difference between theory and practice. In practice there is."
I am not a columnist - just an ordinary American citizen living in Israel - but I have gained some insight into both cultures, some might say mentalities. Here is what many Israelis are feeling nowadays.
The first point concerns some unwritten American values I grew up with:
* Problems are solvable.
* Good will is returned in kind.
* In general, favor the underdog over the top dog (unless you're the top dog).
* If two sides are fighting, they must both have some justification.
* Be reasonable; split the difference.
But what if you are living in a neighborhood where they are not quite as reasonable as you? Where your attempts to reason and split the difference backfire? Or worse, where concession is laughed at as weakness.
The second point concerns Israel in particular. We are 6.6 million people, toughened but pragmatic. At 8,020 square miles, we have an area 25% smaller than Maryland. The difference is that, unlike America's vast power, with oceans and peaceful neighbors on all sides, the Jewish state is surrounded on several sides with people who actually want to kill us. Not subdue us - destroy our country.
It would be convenient to think that this must be because of something we did. But Hamas and Hezbollah say it out loud and crystal clear. The "occupation" is the whole works. Their final solution is the total destruction of Israel. Iran, a member state of the UN, holds conferences called "A World Without Israel."
This is the backdrop against which most civilized countries would have us turn the other cheek. As social writer Eric Hoffer once said, "We really do expect the Jews to be the only good Christians in the world."
To put things in perspective, imagine, if you can, that Arlington lobbed 1,000 shells at Georgetown. Or sent suicide bombers. How exactly would you react? Imagine that Mexico was calling for the destruction of the United States, backing it up with cross-border raids and missiles.
The third point is that Israel already withdrew from every last inch of southern Lebanon and Gaza, as the international community demanded. But the provocations and terror - violence aimed intentionally against civilian targets - continued. This is why we entered this conflict. Enough is enough.
This is a horrible situation to be in, fighting Hezbollah behind its human shields. But before bombing southern Lebanon and the Hezbollah neighborhoods of Beirut, Israel dropped leaflets encouraging evacuation. Confronted with terrible choices, we are trying to fight while minimizing civilian casualties.
It was wishful thinking to hope that joining the government would make Hamas and Hezbollah more responsible. Sometimes putting the bully in charge of the playground works, and sometimes it doesn't.
The operative emotion in Israel right now is sadness, sadness for what is being done to us, sadness for what we must do to defend ourselves. The missiles shot at Haifa landed a few miles from the research labs of Intel, IBM, Microsoft and Google. Israelis would much rather continue working on desalination, stroke treatment, and alternative fuels (see We would rather that our adversaries developed their own economies pragmatically.
We hate this conflict, but we will not commit suicide. As Golda Meir said, "We will have peace when our enemies love their children more than they hate ours."
My father was a survivor of Auschwitz and Buchenwald, was the most optimistic person I ever knew, but he once taught me, "Above all else, when someone threatens to kill you or your loved ones - just believe him!"
The lesson for America is simple. Do not hide from international responsibility. Do not assume the oceans offer protection. Iran is behind Hezbollah, Hamas, Syria, and, of course, the insurgents in Iraq. If Iran gets nuclear bombs, do you want to bet they won't sponsor a radical Islamic group to eradicate American cities?
You want to know what Israelis are thinking? Theory and practice are intertwined. We are on the front line, but we will show patience and strength. That's why 89% of Israelis, Left, Right and Center, support the army right now. A mere 61 years and 10 weeks after V-E day, we know that evil and blind hatred exist. And that they can be beaten.
-- Bob Rosenschein is CEO of (NASD:ANSW); he can be reached at rrosenschein at; this piece reflects his own views
- Sunday, July 23, 2006
- Elder of Ziyon
He links to my fundraising campaign for Israel where I will match your donations this week to 5 Israeli charities, up to $1000. The running total of donations is on my sidebar.
It's a great round-up, so check it out!
Saturday, July 22, 2006
- Saturday, July 22, 2006
- Elder of Ziyon
The Meron A-Ras area of southern Lebanon has been taken by IDF ground troops. The Hizbullah bunkers in, around and below the village have all been raided and the IDF has now stationed troops in the village. Security forces in the area report scores of Katyusha shells, missile storage areas and missile-launchers, which were concealed in the village's mosque.From YNet:
“We searched through the village carefully, we went house to house, and we found three sites where Hizbullah operatives had been hiding out. We could tell by the flak jackets, helmets, and even the cups of coffee still sitting on the table – but the Hizbullah men apparently fled when we entered. We also found a lot of ammunitions, including weapons, Lau rocket launchers in the yard of a mosque, binoculars, and various rockets,” said battalion commander Lt. Col. Wajadee.Just waiting for the massive worldwide Muslim protests in Pakistan and Indonesia that people actually use mosques for storing deadly weapons.
Wajadee said the terrorists used sites in the village to survey and collect information on Israeli communities across the border. An 80-year-old Lebanese man, who remained nearly alone in the town, told soldiers that residents did not cooperate with Hizbullah, but Hizbullah forced themselves on the village and used the residents in operations against Israel.
Just waiting for the freedom-loving protesters in Canada and Europe to show outrage over Hezbollah taking an entire town hostage.
I'm sure the protests are being organized right now. Any minute we will be seeing lots of photos and news coverage. Right?
Friday, July 21, 2006
- Friday, July 21, 2006
- Elder of Ziyon
Nevertheless, I am serious about wanting to match $1000 in contributions given to the Israeli charities listed by any readers. Other bloggers, feel free to repost the modified posting below:
Between now and July 28, for any money that you donate to one of the Israeli charities listed below, I will match it, up until we get to a total of $1000.
After you donate, copy your receipt and email it to (you should XXX out the credit card number.) Or we can use the honor system if you are paranoid; just let me know. Afterwards, I will match your contributions to the charity or charities you chose. I will try to keep updated blog entries throughout the week showing a running total.
At this time, the total is only $50, so let's please get moving!
Here are the organizations you can donate to, all via the web:
Special note to readers who claim to be anti-Zionist but not anti-Jewish: you should have no problem contributing to Zaka, Yad Sarah and MDA. Let's see you put your money where your mouth is! and delivers great food and morale to the brave soldiers defending their land.
Zaka is the world famous organization that offers first response service to terror attacks.
American Friends of Magen David Adom.
Yad Sarah is bringing medical equipment to the northern communities that are under attack.
Friends of the IDF provides equipment and morale-boosting for the soldiers.
(The email address will be disabled after the challenge is over.)
- Friday, July 21, 2006
- Elder of Ziyon
In Berlin...
San Francisco seemed to avoid showing pictures of Nasrallah, but their sentiments were clear as well...
But sometimes I don't mind seeing his picture. Like this one, found in the ruins of a building in Beirut hit by Israeli warplanes:
- Friday, July 21, 2006
- Elder of Ziyon
They are already there.
Since 1978, the UN has had UNIFIL (United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon) set up. And since 1978, they have not lifted a single finger to stop rocket attacks towards Israel.
Since then, they have not lifted a finger to stop Hizbollah from building a full army under their noses.
Since then, they have not lifted a finger when Hizbollah built military posts right next to UNIFIL posts.
Since then, they have been sipping tea with Hizbollah, they witnessed the fatal kidnapping of Israeli soldiers in 2000 and refused to even help in the investigation, and they have failed miserably to live up to their mandate:
* Confirm the withdrawal of Israeli forces from southern Lebanon;
* Restore international peace and security;
* Assist the Government of Lebanon in ensuring the return of its effective authority in the area.
In other words, they have been firm supporters of the terrorist Hizbollah organization and firm enemies of Israel (as well as Lebanon.) But Lebanon found them useful as well, because as long as they were in Southern Lebanon the Lebanese army could pretend that Hizbollah was not their problem.
Combine this with the fact that the UN refuses to declare Hizbollah a terrorist organization (perhaps they are a origami club?) and you have a completely immoral organization lecturing Israel about morality.
As Jed Babbin writes:
The U.N.'s years-long record on the Israel-Lebanon border makes mockery of the term "peacekeeping." On page 155 of my book, "Inside the Asylum," is a picture of a U.N. outpost on that border. The U.N. flag and the Hezbollah flag fly side by side. Observers told me the U.N. and Hezbollah personnel share water and telephones, and that the U.N. presence serves as a shield against Israeli strikes against the terrorists.
- Friday, July 21, 2006
- Elder of Ziyon
Once again Israel will be the first to take on a new kind of warfare:
- Where every single battle is a potential ambush
- Where there is no front line
- Where the enemy ignores the rules of war, but the army must adhere to them
- Where the enemy maintains the legal fiction of not being an organized national army yet is fully supported and directed by sovereign nations
- Where one side is unquestioningly doing the right thing but does not have the support of the world to actually win decisively
Once again, Israel must do the right thing even while being criticized by the very people who will benefit most from this war. Secretly there is rejoicing in the European world capitals but publicly they must adhere to their dhimmified Eurabian worldview out of fear of the same terror that Israel must face daily.
Once again, Israeli blood is being shed so that the world will do a better job when the real Islamist world war starts.
Thursday, July 20, 2006
- Thursday, July 20, 2006
- Elder of Ziyon
After you donate, copy your receipt and email it to . After Shabbos I will match your contributions to the charity or charities you chose. I will try to keep updated blog entries throughout the day showing a running total.
You can donate up until Shabbat in your time zone.
I also challenge other bloggers to make similar matching challenges to their readers. We're here in the blogosphere and people are reading - let's get the lurkers involved!
Here are the organizations you can donate to, all via the web: and delivers great food and morale to the brave soldiers defending their land.
Zaka is the world famous organization that offers first response service to terror attacks.
American Friends of Magen David Adom.
Yad Sarah is bringing medical equipment to the northern communities that are under attack.
Friends of the IDF provides equipment and morale-boosting for the soldiers.
- Thursday, July 20, 2006
- Elder of Ziyon
Results of Palestinian Public Opinion Poll 3-5 November 2004So 56.3% of Palestinian Arabs supported attacking Israel from Gaza at the time even after an Israeli withdrawal.
An-Najah National University
Center for Opinion Polls and Survey Studies
If Israel withdraws from the Strip do you support or reject launching attacks against Israel from inside the Strip?
- I strongly support 22.5 [Gaza Strip 30.2]
- I support 33.8 [Gaza Strip 20.8]
- I reject 26.5 [Gaza Strip 24.6]
- I strongly reject 10.4 [Gaza Strip 17.6]
- No opinion; I do not know 6.8 [Gaza Strip 6.8]
It's not like they didn't give adequate warning of their plans....
- Thursday, July 20, 2006
- Elder of Ziyon
Listened to an interesting audio blog post from Stuart Hughes, a journalist for the Beeb who is in Beirut now, covering the war. He woke up to find a larger-than-normal SUV in his hotel parking lot:My question is, why a hotel full of journalists don't feel this is newsworthy and only one of them mentions it in passing on his personal blog?A new arrival in the parking lot next, to my hotel, in the form of a Lebanese Army rocket launcher, I came out to work this morning to find a camouflaged rocket launcher sitting in the car park, pointing at the sky, and I thought “Well, that wasn’t there yesterday”. I think that tells you everything you need to know about the situation here.
Whether or not the launcher is Lebanese army or Hezbollah (no pictures to tell the difference, and it might be a loaner to Hezbollah or perhaps simply stolen) — the fact that it’s parked next to a hotel housing journalists speaks volumes about the kinds of tactics used to ensure civilian casualties.
What, precisely, is Israel supposed to do? Sit back and let the rockets be launched? Attack the missile battery, and risk hitting a hotel full of journalists? I’m sure this launcher is positioned next to journalists for all of the cynical reasons I can imagine.
Also consider: unless Israel uses a large enough explosive charge to ignite the warhead in place and destroy the missiles without igniting their propulsion element, the damage will be even greater as the missile fuel ignites and the rockets launch. Short of sending somebody down there to manually disarm the missiles, it’s actually worse to underuse munitions in destroying these missiles.
(H/T: Israellycool)
- Thursday, July 20, 2006
- Elder of Ziyon
TEHRAN –– Iran on Wednesday launched a major campaign urging consumers to stop buying "Zionist" products, ranging from Coca-Cola and Pepsi soft drinks, to Calvin Klein clothing and Nestle food products.As a public service, I would like to add a few companies to Iran's list that do business in Israel:
"Pepsi stands for 'Pay Each Penny to Save Israel", viewers in the Islamic republic have been warned in an oft-repeated three-minute infomercial on state television, prompted by Israel's ongoing assault against the Palestinian territories and Lebanon.
"Zionists are the biggest shareholders in the soft drinks industry, and each year they make billions of dollars for their colonialist aims," consumers with a thirst for fizz have been told. Coca-Cola is also not left unscathed by the new twist to the cola wars.
"This firm openly supports Israel and has even said that it is ready to allocate great deal of money to topple the Islamic republic," state television said.
Both Pepsi and Coca-Cola have factories in Iran, although state television gave no indication over whether their operations would be affected. (This may explain the cola boycott a bit more fully - EoZ)
A popular British high-street retailer, as well as a number of multinational firms, were also singled out for their links to the alleged international Jewish conspiracy to control the world. "Marks and Spencer has very close relations with the Israeli regime and one its primary aims is to help the development of the Israeli economy," the infomercial claimed.
"Nestle is a Swiss food processing firm which in 2000 announced that it will invest millions of dollars in Israel to build a factory there," it added, while neglecting to mention that Nestle also has a factory in Iran.
The world's largest chip maker Intel was also branded as "one of Israel's biggest supporters".
"Its first overseas branch was set up in Haifa in 1974. In 2000 it employed more that 4,000 Israelis. Its top managers have said that they are going to invest 6.5 billion dollars in Israel," would-be Intel customers have been told.
"McDonalds, Timberland, Revlon, Garnier, Hugo Boss, Tommy Hilfiger, Calvin Klein and L'Oreal are only some of the firms which belong to the Zionist regime," state television said, before taking a swipe at what it said were less vigilant Arab nations.
"Unfortunately most of the streets of Arab nations are filled with commercials which advertise Israeli products. For each purchase, the money is converted into bullets piercing the chests of the Lebanese and Palestinian kids," it fumed. –– AFP
- Microsoft - better stop using Windows!
- Motorola - all your cell phones are Zionist plants, recording your every move!
- Digital Equipment
- Sara Lee
- General Motors
- Holiday Inn
- Hyatt
- Cisco - how can Iran be on the Internet, anyway?
- Johnson & Johnson
- AT&T
- Chase Manhattan
- Citibank - they charge interest, anyway.
- Compaq
- Boeing
- General Electric
- Eastman Kodak
Don't be hypocritical, Iran - better boycott them all!