Tuesday, July 18, 2006

  • Tuesday, July 18, 2006
  • Elder of Ziyon
Yesterday, the Iranian parliament speaker spoke:
The Iranian parliament speaker said on Tuesday the war against Israel has only just begun and there is nowhere in Israel safe from Hezbollah attacks.

“The war has just begun, today is the day of resistance, today is the day of liberation of Palestine and there will be no safe spot in the occupied territories (Israel) anymore from Hezbollah attacks,” Gholam-Ali Hadad-Adel said at a anti-Israeli gathering in the Palestine Square in downtown Tehran.

“The day has come when everybody returns home, the day when Palestinians return home, return to the land of their origins and its is also the day when the Israelis have to return to the countries where they originally came from,” the speaker added.

Thousands of Iranians attended the state-organized gathering and declared their readiness to be dispatched to Lebanon to fight against Israel.

“We call on the United States and the West to cut their support for the Zionist regime, otherwise there would never ever be peace and reconciliation with over 1.5 billion Muslims worldwide,” the speaker said.

Hadad-Adel, who is head of the Abadgaran (Development) party which currently dominates parliament and of which President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is a leading member, once again declared Iran’s full solidarity with Lebanon and the Lebanese militia group Hezbollah.

“There will be no help which we would not render to Lebanon and the resistance (Hezbollah),” the speaker said.

He compared Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah with the late leader of the Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, and said that ”the Ayatollah’s blood was running in Nasrallah’s veins.”

“Inshallah (so God wills), we will soon hold our thankfulness prayers in Qods (Jerusalem),” Hadad-Adel said.
Iran has ratcheted up its non-stop Israel bashing in the past week, with many daily speeches inciting the Muslim world to war, even during speeches about other topics. What interests me about this speech is that it could be interpreted two ways.

So far, even though everyone knows that Iran calls the shots for Hizbollah, Iran has publicly made it appear that they only support Hizbollah but are not the ones making the decisions. Otherwise, Iran would be admitting that they declared war on Israel, something they are not prepared to do.

But this speech can be interpreted as more than just support, rather as a description of Iranian plans for how Hizbollah should act. This comes very close to admitting that Hizbollah is an Iranian proxy.

The speaker added another twist of rabid, slobbering hate, from a different article:
"The Americans should know that as long as this filthy tumor lies in the body of the Islamic world, Muslims will not stop hating America," Hadad-Adel told thousands of regime supporters. "Either stop this support or do not expect any peace with the Islamic world."
This is almost comical, as he pathetically tries to convince the West that Israel is the only reason radical Muslims hate them. He also puts in a hint of the old "Arab street" (now "Muslim street") argument that has been used for decades as a blunt instrument to get Western powers to bend to Muslim will. (Not to mention he vastly exaggerates the number of Muslims in the world as a means of scaring the West.)

Because he knows that there is no shortage of Western dhimmis who are eager to believe his arguments and to submit to second-class status under an worldwide Islamic 'ummah.

Monday, July 17, 2006

  • Monday, July 17, 2006
  • Elder of Ziyon
A Palestinian Arab blog called "Sabbah's Blog" is indignant over a few wire service photos: (sorry, the permalink doesn't work, this is a link to the main blog)

Israeli girls write messages on a shell at a heavy artillery position near Kiryat Shmona, in northern Israel, next to the Lebanese border, Monday, July 17, 2006.

He comments:
Dear Lebanese/Palestinian/Arab/Muslim/Christians - Kids,
Die with love.
Israeli Kids

Hate, disgust, extreme…. I don’t know what word can describe these photos.

And they say that we are teaching our kids hate to Israelis!

He then goes on to a popular Palestinian Arab pastime - showing gruesome photos of dead children.

What righteous indignation! What a defense of the Lebanese!

What a crock!

Palestinian Arabs have a long and colorful history of celebrating the murders of innocents. Hell, they have a long history of murdering innocents. Just today, a crowd showed great happiness in front of cameras while playing with the body parts of a dead Israeli soldier. Palestinian Arabs celebrated 9/11, they created shrines to the Sbarro's pizza bombing, they put up posters of their heroes the murderers, they name sports stadiums and town squares after people who specifically targeted children, they encourage hteir own children to die as martyrs and hand out sweets when the martyrs manage to kill a few Jewish kids along the way.

Moreover, Palestinian Arabs were responsible for the murders of tens of thousands of Lebanese Christians during the civil war there. They killed more innocent women and children, on purpose, than Israel ever will accidentally. The sudden pretense of pain on behalf of the Lebanese is more than a little hypocritical on behalf of this suddenly moral blogger.

Here's where the fun psycho-analysis comes in.

Ask the children in the pictures who the rockets are earmarked for, and ten out of ten will answer the same thing: The Hizbollah murderers who are shooting rockets at these very children.

Who live in the same town that is on the front line, within reach of the shortest-range terrorist missiles.

Which are aimed squarely at these very children.

Not one will say they want to see innocent Lebanese children die. Not one of these girls would even crack a smile when they see the gruesome pictures that Sabbah likes to plaster all over. Not one of them would dream of celebrating the deaths of children the way that Sabbah's people do routinely.

In other words, Sabbah is projecting the behaviors and attitudes of his own disgusting people onto these Jewish kids for whom such thoughts are utterly foreign and repulsive.

One of the goals of the Hizbollah thugs is to make Israelis - specifically, Jewish Israelis - feel helpless. Whoever asked these girls to write messages on the rockets that will ultimately save them from terror was a genius. Israel changed the natural feelings of helplessness into action, into involving everyone in the nation to be a part of the solution.

The solution that will wipe the terrorists off the face of the planet.

UPDATE (7/1): I noticed that Slate just linked here, implying that the message is quite the opposite of what I am saying. But since you're reading, look closely at what the handwriting on the rocket says (I didn't notice this initially):

Dear Nazralah (sic)
From Israel
and Danielle

I wholeheartedly support sending personal messages to terrorists in this fashion. And it neatly proves that I was right, notwithstanding the funny Daily Show piece.
  • Monday, July 17, 2006
  • Elder of Ziyon
Hizbollah (via their partners at Al-Jazeerah) claimed earlier today that they had shot down an Israeli airplane, and that they had the plane parts to prove it.

It turns out that the parts they saw fall out of the sky were from their best Iranian Zelzal missile (reportedly 200 km range). Israeli planes struck a truck carrying these missiles en route to a genocidal attempt by Hizbollah to mass murder Jews, perhaps in Tel Aviv.

As a result of the bombing, one of the missiles flew up in the air and then came crashing down again - and that was what the Arabs saw.

Of course, a Syrian commenter on the Jerusalem Post article linked to above is certain that Hezbollah really did shoot down an IAF plane - with a Katyusha. Showing once again the amazing ability of Arabs to disregard facts when they interfere with their own fantasies.
  • Monday, July 17, 2006
  • Elder of Ziyon
This happened less than two years ago:
Ivory Coast’s latest crisis began when Gbagbo’s military broke a more than year-old cease-fire in the country’s 2-year-old civil war with airstrikes on the rebel-held north.

Warplanes bombed a French peacekeeping post in the north on Nov. 6, killing nine French peacekeepers and an American aid worker and plunging the country into chaos.

France wiped out Ivory Coast’s newly built-up small air force on the tarmac. The retaliation unleashed a violent loyalist uprising, with Gbagbo-allied Young Patriots popular militia leading looting, burning and attacks that targeted the French.

No deaths have been reported among French or other non-African foreigners targeted by the militia. France says attackers raped several expatriates.

The Associated Press and hospitals confirmed at least 17 deaths in the rioting, all or most among Ivorians.

Gbagbo’s government claims 62 of its supporters were killed, many of them when French forces opened fire on anti-French demonstrations in Abidjan.

France initially denied shooting protesters, but admitted it a couple of weeks later:
France has acknowledged that its troops in Ivory Coast killed about 20 people in early November during clashes with supporters of President Laurent Gbagbo.

A French defence ministry spokesman said the victims included both civilians and Ivorian soldiers.

The Ivory Coast government has put the number of Ivorians killed at 60 and condemned the French actions.
I don't know enough about the situation then to say whether the French actions were justified, but killing 20-60 people and destroying an entire air force in response to the killings of 9 sounds disproportionate to me! Why, it is a ratio of up to 6-1! And innocent civilians lost their lives!

Amazingly, the UN didn't condemn the French then.

Today, Chirac went beyond the "disproportionate" tripe and called Israeli actions "aberrant."

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Terror apologists in Britain are up in arms over a statement made by a British columnist and actress on the BBC:
Press release: CAABU condemns Maureen Lipman’s comments on the BBC

The director of the Council for the Advancement of Arab-British Understanding (CAABU), Chris Doyle, has written to the BBC to condemn the comments on the BBC television programme "This Week" by leading British columnist Maureen Lipman.

Unchallenged by the presenter, Andrew Neil, Lipman commented on the situation in the Middle East and denied that the Israeli actions were disproportionate.

"What’s proportion got to do with it. It’s not about proportion, is it? Human life is not cheap to the Israelis. And human life on the other side is quite cheap actually because they strap bombs to people and send them to blow themselves up."

The idea that somehow Arabs, whether Palestinians or Lebanese, do not value human life as much as anyone else is disgraceful.

In the letter, Doyle wrote:

"Is it acceptable that what most people would consider a racist comment is merely allowed to pass like this? It is simply outrageous. The comments were made in the context of discussing proportionality; therefore, implicitly she is saying that you could not measure proportion because there was no equivalence between an Israeli and an Arab life. All Arabs, like all other people, value human life.
Of course, Lipman is entirely correct. Arab life is, by their own definition, cheaper than Jewish lives.

Why else would they be asking to trade 1000 Arab prisoners for 1 Israeli?
Why else would they be killing their own civilians on the same scale that Israel is?
Why else would they produce TV shows encouraging their children to want to die?
Why else would they celebrate whenever they kill Jewish civilians in Israel, while no Jews celebrate the death of Arab civilians? (Here's Hamas' celebration of the Hebrew University massacre:

Why do they teach Palestinian Arab mothers to rejoice when their sons die while killing Jews?
Why does the Arab culture even consider the idea of honor killings?
When have the Arabs ever mobilized an entire country for the sake of a single soldier's life?

In fact, the one nation that seems to care the most about Arab lives is Israel. Israel spends enormous effort and money to minimize civilian deaths in its operations. Israel is still sending medical aid and food and electricity and water to Gaza even while at war with its people who overwhelmingly want to see Israel destroyed.

It is because of Israel that the Palestinian Arab mortality rate in the territories dropped a huge amount from 1967 to 2000 and the Palestinian Arab life expectancy shot up in the same time period. Hundreds of thousands of Palestinian Arabs are alive today because of Israel that would have been dead or never born had Jordan and Egypt kept the territories in 1967.

Above all - why do Arab terrorists like to hide their activities and weapons among the Arab civilians that you pretend that they love so much? It is because they themselves know that Israel values Arab lives more than Arabs do!

Mr. Doyle, as someone who claims to value Arab life, can you provide me with any press release or interview where you condemned Hamas and Hizbollah for hiding among civilians and endangering their lives?

So yes, Mr. Doyle. Arab life is cheap - to Arabs and to people like you. And because people like you blame the Jews for this phenomenon rather than do any serious self-examination about the psychotic culture of death in many Arab societies, you are part of the problem.
Those people who love wailing and shooting at funerals have added seven more self-inflicted deaths since my last update. These include:

A 12-year old girl who died from a PalArab rocket;
A 45-year old man who was shot during a wedding celebration;
A 16 year old boy who was shot during a funeral celebration;
3 killed in a Clan Clash®;
and one more who was killed in a different Clan Clash®.

So we now have 30 PalArab civilians killed by other Palestinian Arabs since Israel's incursion began.

None of which will ever be mentioned on CNN or the BBC. Because Arabs killing Arabs are like Israelis dying in auto accidents - it is just par for the course and hardly newsworthy.

Unless they blame the Jews, of course.
  • Sunday, July 16, 2006
  • Elder of Ziyon
As many people have already concluded, Iranian fingerprints are all over this Hizbollah operation. The Iranian missile attack on the Israeli navy boat as well as the Iranian rocket attack this morning in Haifa shows that pretty clearly.

What worries me is that Hezbollah/Iran are not yet showing all their cards. The initial attack was not just a kidnapping, but also an ambush. If this morning's rockets were Fajrs, their range extends far beyond Haifa. And from all accounts, Israel has not managed to kill too many terrorists yet by air.

Almost inevitably, Israel will commit ground troops to this operation. So far, Israel has been caught by surprise at least twice. Iranian war strategists are far more sophisticated than the enemies Israel has faced so far. And the Muslim definition of "victory" at this time is to inflict heavy casualties, not necessarily to win. Iran may also have a completely different agenda in which this entire theatre is a diversion - or bait.

I am no expert, but under these circumstances I hope that Israel is fully aware of what she is getting into before starting the ground war.
  • Sunday, July 16, 2006
  • Elder of Ziyon
Based on the reports that the terror rockets that hit Haifa this morning were Iranian Fajrs, and the report from al-Sharq al-Awsat that Iran has provided also 150 km. range missiles and rockets, here is my graphic of what parts of Israel are under direct threat from the terrorists.

One can draw one's own conclusions about the wisdom of giving up control of territory when the result looks like this.
  • Sunday, July 16, 2006
  • Elder of Ziyon
Iran has been increasing its insane rhetoric about Israel even more, if that is possible. Here's a sampling of the latest GoozNews:
Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki said, Israelis aggressive behavior has no conformity with any logic or principle.
Imam's grandson Seyed Hassan Khomeini said here Saturday the Zionist regime has proved that it is not committed to any international and human laws.
Ahmadinejad said the Zionist regime arrests and tortures defenseless people adding the powers, who claim to support democracy, independence and sovereignty are undermining all these cases in Lebanon and Palestine.
In a ceremony to open the traffic tunnel in Tehran which was held before a number of country's officials and foreign envoys on Saturday, President Ahmadinejad said, "The Zionists think that they are victims of Hitler, but they act like Hitler and behave worse than Genghis Khan."
Majlis Speaker Gholam-Ali Haddad-Adel here Saturday said that as an Islamic country Iran should enter the world equations, given its advanced technology....Turning to the crimes of the usurper Zionist regime in Gaza and Lebanon, he said that today technology has turned into an effective weapon in the hands of the Zionist vampires to shed the blood of ordinary people.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

  • Saturday, July 15, 2006
  • Elder of Ziyon

UPDATE 2: See my sidebar about the Elder Challenge - donate to the named charities and get matching funds!

BurgerIDF.org and PizzaIDF.org delivers great food and morale to the brave soldiers defending their land.

Zaka is the world famous organization that offers first response service to terror attacks.

American Friends of Magen David Adom.

Treppenwitz has much more, both monetarily and free, that you can do to help.

Yad Sarah is bringing medical equipment to the north. (H/T Muqata.)

Friends of the IDF provides equipment and morale-boosting (H/T View from a Height)

(To all the Truth Laid Bear visitors - sorry, but I cannot claim to be an Israeli blogger. I'm in the US.)

UPDATE 2: See my sidebar about the Elder Challenge - donate to the named charities and get matching funds!

Friday, July 14, 2006

  • Friday, July 14, 2006
  • Elder of Ziyon
But wait...it gets better!
THE nation's Islamic leader, Sheik Taj Din al-Hilali, has dismissed the Holocaust as a 'Zionist lie' in a series of fiery sermons in which he also lashed out at the West and the US-led occupation of Iraq.

Revelations that the nation's most senior Islamic cleric has been openly preaching extreme messages to his mainstream followers will be a major setback for the Howard Government.

Sheik Hilali is a senior member of the Prime Minister's Muslim advisory board.

In a February sermon, Sheik Hilali attacked the Western press for being afraid to admit that the Holocaust was "a ploy made by the Zionists".

He also trivialised the number of Jews killed by the Nazis.

"What's that six million all about? Is there six million?", said the Egyptian-born cleric, before calling on Muslims worldwide to boycott Danish goods over the publication of cartoons that offended Muslims for their depiction of the prophet Mohammed.

"The West say we have freedom and freedom of speech," he told thousands of his followers on February 3. "But journalism stops and shuts up when it discusses the burning of the Jews - the Holocaust -- the Zionist lie and the industry that the West deals in."

In another Friday sermon, delivered two weeks ago at Lakemba Mosque - titled The Zionists Murder Palestinians and the World Watches and the Muslims Are Silent - he called the US the breeders of oppression and labelled Israel a "cancer that is planted in the heart of the Ummah (Muslim community)".

Yes - this is one of those "moderate Muslims" we are always hearing about! At least, as long as he's not speaking Arabic.
  • Friday, July 14, 2006
  • Elder of Ziyon
Here is part of the current Ha'aretz news ticker:
17:24 Man seriously hurt when rocket hits Galilee village of Yesod Hama`alah (Channel 10)
17:20 Hezbollah anti-aircraft guns fire at IDF helicopters along Lebanon border (Channel 2)
16:31 Home Front Command to residents of Acre, Carmiel: Stay in bomb shelters (Haaretz)
16:26 Qassam rocket lands in western Negev; no injuries reported (Haaretz)
15:58 Three Katyusha rockets land in Kiryat Shmona; no injuries reported (Haaretz)
15:21 2 people moderately hurt, 8 lightly wounded in Katyusha strike in Safed (Haaretz)
14:49 Four Katyusha rockets hit Peki`in, several casualties reported (Haaretz)
14:45 Several casualties in Hatzor Haglilit lightly wounded by Katyusha rockets (Channel 1)
14:40 Three Katyusha rockets hit central Nahariya; several people treated for shock (Ch. 1)
14:25 Safed mayor: State should declare emergency situation here due to rocket fire (Ch. 1)
14:18 Two people lightly injured by rocket hits in Nahariya (Haaretz)
14:17 At least three people hurt, residential building damaged by rocket in Safed (Haaretz)
14:16 French President Chirac: Israel`s attack on Lebanon is `disproportionate` (Reuters)
14:12 Initial report: No casualties in latest Katyusha attack on Nahariya (Haaretz)
14:10 Katyusha rockets slam into Nahariya; sirens heard across the town (Haaretz)
14:08 Five Katyusha rockets land in Safed (Haaretz)
13:39 Five fires raging in Naharia environs following Katyusha hits (Haaretz)
13:18 Qassam rocket lands in an open area in western Negev; no casualties, damage (Itim)
13:06 Rockets near Naharia land in open areas (Haaretz)
12:53 Katyusha rockets hit Nahariya; no immediate report of casualties (Haaretz)
  • Friday, July 14, 2006
  • Elder of Ziyon
One of the overarching ironies of the Israel/Palestinian Arab conflict is the fact that Israel helps the day-to-day life of Palestinian Arabs more than any other nation on the planet. For all the Jew-hating morons who love to write articles about Israel's supposed "ethnic cleansing" and "genocide" against "Palestinians", Israel - even when it is at war with them - still bends over backwards to help the people who want to see it destroyed.

From Vital Perspective:
Despite ongoing terror attacks from Gaza aimed at the civilian population of Israel, supplies continue to be transferred to the Palestinians through several crossings. Today, reports are that over 30 containers and 140 trucks brought in the following supplies:
  • 1080 tons of grains
  • 800 tons of sugar
  • 140 tons of dairy products
  • 520 tons of flour
  • 420 tons of fruit
  • 169 tons of oil
  • 120 tons of salt
  • 160 tons of rice
  • 40 tons of eggs
  • 100 tons of meat and fish
  • 7 truckloads of medicine and medical equipment
  • Several heavy duty generators
  • 25,000 liters of chloride
  • 350,000 liters of diesel
  • 50,000 liters of gasoline
  • 100 tons of cooking gas

People on the ground tell us that water and electricity supply remains uninterrupted.

As I've said before, never in history has a nation cared so much about the civilian population of its enemy than Israel is today.

And the final irony is that Israel's enemies truly do intend to perform a complete and total ethnic cleansing and genocide against the Jews in the Middle East.
  • Friday, July 14, 2006
  • Elder of Ziyon
When looking through Yahoo's list of wire service photos from the Middle East, the ratio of pictures evoking sympathy for Arab civilians outnumbers those that show Israeli civilians under siege by a ratio of about 30-1.

Most of the pictures from the Israeli side show soldiers preparing to do battle with large weapons; most of the pictures from the Lebanese and Gaza side show families and civilians "inspecting damage." One would get the clear impression that Israel is a warmongering state hell-bent on punishing innocent people.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

  • Thursday, July 13, 2006
  • Elder of Ziyon
Any moment now, I'm sure that those noble folks who volunteered to be human shields to protect Saddam's Iraq are flying to Israel as we speak to protect Israeli citizens from Hizbollah rockets. These are, after all, fearless people with a strong sense of justice, who are against all forms of aggression.

Any moment now, I expect we'll be hearing about peace rallies against Hizbollah's unprovoked attack, where the masses of moderate Arabs will be speaking for justice.

Any moment now, op-ed pages will be filled with strong words from famous leftists and peace activists strongly condemning Hizbollah, and Lebanon for not acting against them in accordance with UN resolutions.

All these things are imminent, I just know it. Because these people truly care about all humanity.

UPDATE: I've got to give credit where credit is due. Israel's Peace Now members will spend the weekend in the north in order to support residents on the frontline. Saudi Arabia has rebuked Hizbollah.


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