Sunday, January 20, 2013

  • Sunday, January 20, 2013
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Al Ahram:
There were four times as many 'insulting the president' lawsuits during President Mohamed Morsi's first 200 days in office than during the entire 30-year reign of former president Hosni Mubarak.

This is the claim made by Gamal Eid, human rights lawyer and executive director of the Arab Network for Human Rights Information (ANHRI).

Moreover, the number of such lawsuits during the Morsi era is more than during the entire period dating back to 1909 when the law was introduced (originally for 'insulting the king'), Eid said via Twitter.

Members and sympathisers of the Muslim Brotherhood, the group from which President Morsi hails, have allegedly used the accusation to intimidate opposition figures in the media.
  • Sunday, January 20, 2013
  • Elder of Ziyon
Remember Dahi Khalfan, the police chief of Dubai who held daily press conferences blaming Israel for the assassination of Mahmoud Mabhouh, and whose claims became progressively crazier?

No one seemed to mind his increasingly unhinged comments.

Lately he has been on a more normal rant, warning against the danger of Islamists in the region.

Today, however, he said something that might really get him into trouble. Khalfan told Al Jazeera that if he had advanced notice of a terror attack in Tel Aviv, he would tell Israel about it  (indirectly, through the US or Jordan)  to save lives.

This might not sit well with his constituents.

UPDATE: This interview was from 2011; it is unclear why it is being reported now. Perhaps someone in the Egyptian media wanted to take heat off Islamist Essam al-Erian for his controversial seemingly pro-Jewish comments, and Khalfan has been an outspoken opponent of the Muslim Brotherhood, so he is being "smeared" with his own "pro-Zionist" comment.

Which tells you a lot,actually.

  • Sunday, January 20, 2013
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Ian:

Abbas plays both sides
A new book by Dr. Shaul Bartal shows that Fatah and the other Palestinian groups have a common goal — Israel's destruction The difference between "moderate" Abbas and terror organizations, as shown by Palestinian Media Watch, is only in the way they speak, but not in the way they think."Bartal's book, which was published recently, was completed in Nov. 2011. A year later, Bartal identifies exactly the same danger that Netanyahu warned against — the danger that Hamas could take over the West Bank as well. "Fatah officials say that the PA is collapsing and high-ranking Hamas officials are already saying that they are ready to take over the leadership."

Netanyahu hits back at Obama: I won’t capitulate
It would be easy to retreat to indefensible pre-67 lines and divide Jerusalem, prime minister says, ‘but we’d get Hamas 400 meters from my house’
"Days after President Barack Obama was quoted as castigating Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for ostensibly turning Israel into a pariah nation and threatening its long-term survival, Netanyahu hit back Saturday night, declaring that if he were to capitulate to demands for a retreat to the pre-1967 lines, “we’d get Hamas 400 meters from my house.

Netanyahu: Jerusalem Building is Not World’s Problem, Nuclear Iran Is
“Building in Jerusalem is not the world’s problem; a nuclear Iran is the world’s problem,” said Netanyahu, adding, “History will not forgive those who do not stop Iran’s nuclear program.”

Why Egyptian hate speech, and ‘NYT’ reporting on it, matter
Imagine if the 'New York Times' adequately held Palestinian leaders to account, as it did with the Egyptians.
"Might the Palestinian Authority – never mind Hamas – rethink its practice of celebrating terrorists in West Bank summer camps? Might they cease broadcasts on state-run television celebrating the turning of “heartbeats into bombs,” announcing that “with our rifle we will impose our new life,” and describing Jews praying at the Western Wall as “sin and filth”?
Unless the New York Times begins to treat not only Egyptian hate speech but also Palestinian incitement with the seriousness it deserves, we will never know."

Yemen halted funding for displaced Jews, NGO says
Human rights group calls for restoring property to dwindling Jewish community ousted from its home by al-Qaeda five years ago
"Most of the remaining Jews in Yemen now live in a guarded compound in Sanaa after they were driven from their homes in Saada by al-Qaeda-aligned anti-government forces in 2007. According to Sawa’a, media access to the compound is restricted, and, in October, several Sawa’a staff members were arrested during an attempted visit."

Rock Seriously Wounds 3-Year-Old in Adam
Three-year-old toddler seriously wounded after being hit on the head by a rock at the community of Geva Binyamin-Adam.
"A three-year-old toddler was seriously wounded on Saturday night, after being hit on the head by a rock at the community of Geva Binyamin-Adam in the Binyamin region, northeast of Jerusalem."

Police Arrest 9 in Arab ‘Snowball’ Attack on Two Jews
Police arrest nine Arab youth suspected of ganging up on two hareidi-religious Jews during snowfall in Jerusalem.
"Police have arrested six Arab youth suspected of attacking two young hareidi-religious Jewish men in Jerusalem. The six are believed to have been part of a mob assault that took place a week and a half ago during snowfall in the city."

Clashes at trial of security officers in Alexandria
Protesters demand retribution for those killed by security forces during 2011 Egyptian uprising
"Relatives of the dead say they have little confidence in the justice system or police investigations.
“It is one long chain of corruption,” said Ramadan Ahmed, whose 16-year-old son Mohammed was shot dead in clashes outside an Alexandria police station.
Since Mubarak was deposed on Feb. 11, 2011, nearly 100 police officers have been brought to trial on charges of killing and wounding protesters, although all were acquitted or received suspended sentences."

Four hurt in attack on Lebanese minister’s convoy
Pro-Syrian parliamentarian Faisal Karameh not hurt in fire caused by grenade; attack likely to fuel tensions in Tripoli

Israeli ambassador slams 'Der Spiegel' columnist
German envoy warns of "rising left-wing anti-Semitism"; calls comparison of Gaza to concentration camp, "shameful."
"Israel's Ambassador to Germany,Yaakov Hadas-Handelsman, weighed in on the heated row over the alleged anti-Semitism of Der Spiegel columnist Jakob Augstein and growing left-wing anti-Semitism in the Federal Republic."

IDF Blog: Introducing InstaIDF on Instagram
"The new year celebrations always mark the beginning of a change and innovation. People choose to change things about their lives, and set some new goals and to-do lists. We felt that our growing Instagram account needed a little bit of refreshing, and what could be a better time to launch our new Instagram campaign than in January 2013?"

Sacramento honors L.A. teen for his gift to Israel
"Robert Leeds, 13, never had much of a personal connection to Sacramento. He grew up and continues to live in Los Angeles. So why did the Sacramento City Council honor the teen in a special ribbon-cutting ceremony the morning of Jan. 8. Inspired by the city’s decision last summer to partner with Ashkelon, Israel as its newest sister city, Leeds decided that in lieu of gifts or money, attendees at his bar mitzvah should donate money to a fund that would go to Magen David Adom, Israel’s emergency response agency. He ended up raising enough money to purchase an ambulance to donate to Ashkelon."

Mariah Carey shows off her Hebrew
Pop superstar unveils some unexpected language skills on the season premiere of ‘American Idol’
“I hear you are from Israel, so shalom,” Carey told Shira Gavrielov, identified on the show as an Israeli expat living in Brooklyn. The “Fantasy” performer then wished Gavrielov “shana tova,” or happy new year, which makes sense when you realize the segment was filmed back in September, not long after Rosh Hashana.
It appears Carey will get more opportunities to demonstrate her Hebrew vocabulary: Gavrielov earned the approval of all four judges, meaning she’ll make it to the next round of the reality TV juggernaut."

In Safed’s fabled synagogues, myth and reality intertwine
Beautiful houses of worship star in tales, centuries old, of wondrous miracles befalling devout rabbis and faithful congregations
  • Sunday, January 20, 2013
  • Elder of Ziyon
From the Bethel College (Wichita KS) website:
Bethel College senior Renee Reimer wants to plant seeds of peace she hopes will take root in others.

On Feb. 1, she will stage the one-woman play My Name is Rachel Corrie at 7:30 p.m. in Krehbiel Auditorium in the Fine Arts Center.

Reimer has been preparing the play during this Bethel interterm, working with theater instructor Megan Upton-Tyner as director, along with senior Creigh Bartel, stage manager, and junior Jocelyn Wilkinson, sound and lighting design.

However, it really started two years ago, after another interterm experience in 2011. As a sophomore, Reimer was part of Professor of Bible and Religion Patty Shelly’s Jerusalem Seminar, offered every other January.

The Jerusalem Seminar was a pivotal experience for Reimer.

“Being [in Israel/Palestine] for three weeks really opened my eyes to a different view on the world,” she says. “I saw the conflict up close and was able to decide for myself how I felt about it, rather than having the media shape my opinion.”

All the Bethel students returned from that trip determined to take some kind of action in support of Palestinians and nonviolent peace activism in the region. They organized several public events on campus.
If you look at the itinerary of the Jerusalem Seminar trip this year, at first glance it appears to be even-handed - visits to Yad Vashem and the Kotel, for example - until you see the local people they are scheduled to meet.

The Israelis they meet are from the Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions and Zochrot, a Tel Aviv group to remember the "Nakba."

The Arabs are residents of Hebron - the most extreme Arabs in the West Bank - and Sabeel, a Christian group that promotes "Palestinian Liberation theology."

The entire trip is skewed to only meet local people who regard Israel as a criminal state. That way, you see, they can "decide for themselves."

It is no wonder that after this "balanced" trip, everyone who attends identifies with only one side of the conflict. And they get college credit for it!

Do you think that if a Jewish person living in Judea and Samaria would offer a tour that the professor who leads these tours would accept?

Notice also that this course/trip is not for the political sciences department, but as part of the Bible and Religion department. In other words, the students aren't being taught that Israel is in the evil politically - but that it is evil according to Christian theology.
  • Sunday, January 20, 2013
  • Elder of Ziyon
For all you anti-Zionist dogs!

I also found a video of a dog with a keffiyeh at an anti-Israel rally in Seattle in 2010.

Fittingly, it has a really irritating bark, and tried to start a fight with a much larger dog, but no one paid it much attention.

  • Sunday, January 20, 2013
  • Elder of Ziyon
Eurabia, from MEMRI:

Following are excerpts from a video of London Islamists protesting against the French military campaign in Mali. The demonstration, which was held outside the French Embassy, was posted on the Internet on January 12, 2013.

British Islamist Anjem Chaudary: We are here to expose the French regime and to say: Hands off Muslim land.
Crowd: Hands off Muslim land.
Anjem Chaudary: Hands off Muslim land.
Crowd: Hands off Muslim land.
Anjem Chaudary: Hands off Muslim land.
Crowd: Hands off Muslim land.
Anjem Chaudary: Hands off Muslim land.
Crowd: Hands off Muslim land.
Anjem Chaudary: Shari’a for Mali.
Crowd: Shari’a for Mali.
Anjem Chaudary: Shari’a for Mali.
Crowd: Shari’a for Mali.
Anjem Chaudary: Shari’a for Mali.
Crowd: Shari’a for Mali.
Anjem Chaudary: Jihad for Mali.
Crowd: Jihad for Mali.
Anjem Chaudary: Jihad for Mali.
Crowd: Jihad for Mali.
Anjem Chaudary: Jihad for Mali.
Crowd: Jihad for Mali.
Anjem Chaudary: What do we want?
Crowd: Jihad.
Anjem Chaudary: When do we want it?
Crowd: Now.
Anjem Chaudary: What do we want?
Crowd: Jihad.
Anjem Chaudary: When do we want it?
Crowd: Now.
Anjem Chaudary: Jihad!
Crowd: Jihad!
Anjem Chaudary: Jihad!
Crowd: Jihad!
Anjem Chaudary: Jihad!
Crowd: Jihad!
Anjem Chaudary: Jihad!
Crowd: Jihad!
Anjem Chaudary: Jihad!
Crowd: Jihad!
Anjem Chaudary: Say: “Allah Akbar.”
Crowd: Allah Akbar.
Anjem Chaudary: A caliphate for Mali, Somalia, Sudan, Afghanistan, Iraq... The Islamic nation is boiling. We got rid of some of our dictators – Ben Ali, Mubarak, and Al-Qadhafi. Now it’s time for the dictators in Mali, in Pakistan, in Bangladesh, and all over the Muslim lands to be removed and replaced by the shari’a, by Islam.
British Islamist: There is no god but Allah.
Crowd: There is no god but Allah.
British Islamist: Jihad for the sake of Allah.
Crowd: Jihad for the sake of Allah.
British Islamist: The call for the shari’a is a global call. It is a choice that these governments in the West will have to face up to. The shari’a is an inevitability. Therefore, you had better accept the shari’a, otherwise you will find us on your own doorsteps, outside your own embassies.
British Islamist: You talk about Freedom, you talk about democracy, but there is no freedom for Muslims to practice Islam. That is because their idols of freedom and democracy are false idols. They will burn in Hell, just like you.
Our leader is the final Messenger Muhammad. He is the Messenger. He gave us glad tidings: that we will conquer, we will lead, we will spread mercy, and we will spread justice, whether you like it or whether you don’t like it. Look to your own doorstep in France – your own French women are abandoning their Christianity and donning the hijab and the burqa.
The Muslims reached the gates of Vienna, I don’t think [unintelligible], because our eyes are on Paris, our eyes are on Brussels, our eyes are on London. We will not stop, as Muslims, until the whole world is governed by Islam.
British Islamist: My dear Muslims, for how long will we live under oppression? Isn’t it time that we united? Isn’t it time that we returned back to Allah and His Messenger? Isn’t it time that we showed support to the Muslims? Isn’t it time we support the mujahideen, because it is them who are fighting for the religion of Allah? Because of them we are able to walk with our heads high. Because of them we have honor, because of them we have dignity. Isn’t it about time, my dear Muslims? We gather together under one banner of: “There is no god but Allah,” and we support our Muslims. So French government, let that be a warning, or a piece of advice, to you. Take it the way you want, because you will never stop the army of the Muslims. You will never stop Muslims, because this nation is far too large to be stopped. This nation is like a tidal wave – when it starts, it doesn’t stop. It will conquer the east of the East and the west of the West, because that is the prophecy of our Prophet Muhammad.

Say: Allah Akbar.”
Crowd: Allah Akbar.
British Islamist: Say: Allah Akbar.”
Crowd: Allah Akbar.
Islamist (in French): What is happening today in Mali is an act of terrorism launched by François Hollande against the Muslims. This is an act of terrorism, launched by François Hollande, against the nation of Muhammad. Allah warns us in the Koran that the Jews and the Christians will never be pleased with the Muslims until they embrace their religion. What François Hollande is doing is exporting prostitution to Muslim lands, exporting homosexuality to Mali, exporting the exploitation of women to the Muslim lands. What we are saying to François Hollande is that the Muslims throughout the world will not rest until Islam dominates France, until Islam dominates the entire world. Islam will not dominate only Mali, Afghanistan, and Africa, but also France, Paris, and England. François Hollande, you must understand a few facts of life: You are a son of Pharaoh. The blood of Pharaoh courses through your veins.
The Islamic movement will become a system of life under your nose. Your wife, French women, the people of France, will live under the Islamic movement, even if you don’t like it. We will collect the jizya poll tax.
We are telling you to remove your soldiers, the unbelievers, who are in the Muslim world. But you don’t understand, you cannot see the message.
The nation of Muhammad loves death just as you love your pork. It loves death more than you love your pigs. It loves death more than you love prostitution, more than you love wine.
Shari’a for France.
Crowd: Shari’a for France.
Islamist: Shari’a for France.
Crowd: Shari’a for Paris.
Islamist: Shari’a for the world in its entirety.
Crowd: Shari’a for Europe in its entirety.
Islamist: Most of the residents of Paris are Muslims. Allah willing, most of the French system will be according to the shari’a. Most of the residents of France will be Muslims, Allah willing.
Say: “Allah Akbar.”
Crowd: Allah Akbar.

  • Sunday, January 20, 2013
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Hamas' Al Qassam site:
Al-Mezan Center for Human Rights stated that 232 Palestinians have died while 597 others have been injured due to the working accidents in the tunnels at the Palestinian-Egyptian borders in Rafah, since 2006.

...Al-Mezan Center demanded the government in Gaza to search into the feasibility of continuing working in the tunnels in light of the continuation of human losses and the decline of its contribution to the Palestinian economy in the Gaza Strip.
You mean, the tunnels aren't the lifeline for the economy of Gaza any more? Gaza is getting its needs met from imports from the Israeli side? The media seems to have missed that story.

Of course, closing down the tunnels means closing down the arms trade to Hamas and other terror groups. So it isn't going to happen anytime soon until Hamas finds an alternative method of smuggling in weapons.

Another story they missed:
Terrorist organization Hamas is preventing the importation of goods into the Gaza Strip, as part the group`s policy seeking to reduce the importation of goods both from Israel and other external markets, without taking into consideration the needs and desires of the local population of the Gaza Strip.

The Ministry of Economy of Hamas announced its decision to prohibit the importation of several types of goods into the Gaza Strip, via the the Israeli crossings. The list of goods includes: Office furniture, various types of food, hygienic products, gas pipes, plastic bags, plastic, and clothing.

The local population in the Gaza Strip has voiced discontent over this decision, mainly due to the fact that the Israeli goods brought into the Gaza Strip are regarded as high quality and much more durable and resistant products than the merchandise smuggled into the Gaza Strip via the smuggling tunnels in the Rafah region.
Since Hamas charges high taxes from the smuggled tunnel goods it is obvious that tax revenue is more important to them than the lives of mere tunnel workers. Too bad Al Mezan didn't notice that.

Here's another Gaza tunnel story that the media is missing:
Egyptian authorities seized over 50 tons of explosives and weapons in the Sinai that were to be smuggled in those same tunnels.

Meanwhile, exports from Gaza to Europe continue to increase, with over 300 tons of strawberries and 52,000 flowers exported only last Thursday. Last Tuesday, three buses were imported to Gaza and five trucks of strawberries were exported today.

And one more Gaza tunnel story you won't see in the mainstream media today:
A Sinai security chief said Sunday that Egypt had detained ten Palestinians entering illegally from Gaza in the past three days, and would act to round up all Palestinians without permission to enter the country.

Maj. Gen. Sameeh Bashadi told Ma'an a list of names and descriptions of Palestinians who had entered Egypt through the tunnels had been distributed to all security bureaus.

He said Palestinians on the list were involved in issues related to Egypt's national security, without elaborating.
While Egypt pretends to be Hamas' best pal, the Egyptians themselves - including their security services - look at Gazans as being dangerous.
  • Sunday, January 20, 2013
  • Elder of Ziyon
Dr. Ahmed Majdalani, a member of the Executive Committee of the PLO, said that it is expected that Hamas and Islamic Jihad would join the PLO after National Council elections.

This means that terror groups who urge the ethnic cleansing of Jews in the Middle East will be accepted as part of the international community at the UN. (The UN does not distinguish between the PLO and the "State of Palestine.")

The PA is subsidiary to the PLO, whose members are not elected by the people.

Islamic Jihad is even more extreme than Hamas, and their joining the PLO shows that the idea of "moderation" in that organization is a sham.

Interviewed in the Al-Quds newspaper, Majdalani said that the negotiations between Fatah and Hamas in Cairo are resulting in a mechanism for new elections not only in the territories but also for Palestinian Arabs who live abroad. In general, they are more radical.
  • Sunday, January 20, 2013
  • Elder of Ziyon
The anti-Israel crowd is pushing this video of supposed IDF cruelty in arresting a mother with her baby:

It looks to me as if they arrested her as gently as humanly possible while she was screaming and treating her precious child like a rag doll (see 0:53.)

Not to mention taking her baby to a closed military zone in the first place where she knows very well that there is the possibility of tear gas.

As far as I can tell, the IDF is being more careful with the welfare of the baby than her mother is. In fact, I'd say that the mother is using her daughter as a human shield.

I also notice that there are some unexplained edits in the video. Usually, that means that the "victim" is pushing or hitting the IDF soldiers but the "activists" are careful to ensure that she only appears as a victim so they carefully cut out the problematic parts.

UPDATE: Aaron Gross found a longer version, but it still has two crucial edits. And the women is shown using her baby more as a prop than as a child:

Even in this longer version, the IDF is extraordinarily careful not to use undue force.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

  • Saturday, January 19, 2013
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Ian:

Into the Fray: Liar
If integrity is a necessary quality for reputable journalism, Jeffrey Goldberg’s recent column is a disgrace to his profession – and an insult to Israelis’ intelligence.
"I apologize to my readers if the tone of this column is more abrasive that usual. But Jeffrey Goldberg’s column this week (January 14) published by Bloomberg titled “Obama: Israel Doesn’t Know What Its Best Interests Are,” is so infuriatingly impudent, so deceptively disingenuous, so maliciously misleading, so pretentiously pompous that it strains the bounds of civility to almost impossible limits."

Sarah Honig: Concern in Cairo
"The international community does not seem to care. Although they once honored and feted Mubarak, world leaders abruptly changed tack, branded him a tyrannical ogre and cheered his opponents as harbingers of the “Arab Spring.” The truth is that while hardly a democratic paragon, Mubarak was not the worst of Mideastern autocrats.
Furthermore, Morsi, who has officially put himself above the law, has seen demonstrators killed under his watch as well. Then there are his radical Muslim proclivities, including his recently disclosed past comments where he exhorted his compatriots to “nurse our children and our grandchildren on hatred.” Elsewhere, he depicted Jews and Zionists as “bloodsuckers” and as “the descendants of apes and pigs.”

Behind the Lines: A Gulf apart
Gulf monarchies are sharply divided on how to respond to the Muslim Brotherhood threat. While Saudi Arabia, UAE see the Brotherhood as a danger to stability, longevity of the monarchies, Qatar embraces it as an ally.

Algerian Terrorists Demand Swap of American Hostages for Blind Sheikh
"House Homeland Security Committee chairman Rep. Michael McCaul told Breitbart News on Friday that it’s “no surprise” Algerian terrorists are demanding a swap of the Blind Sheikh for American hostages."

France’s Jewish Security Service Warns Mali Operation “Significantly Increases” Threat Facing Jews
“The situation requires we raise the level of protection around our community and double the level of vigilance around synagogues, Jewish schools, community centers and gathering places,” said a communiqué by SPCJ."

French city Lyon briefly evacuates metro on bomb alert
France is on high alert and has stepped up army patrols of public buildings and transport networks as Islamist militant groups have threatened revenge attacks for France's military campaign against al Qaeda-linked rebels in Mali.

Hagel funded group pushing talks with al-Qaida
"Secretary of defense nominee Chuck Hagel sits on the small board of a peace fund that finances an international “crisis management” group that long has petitioned the Algerian government to cease “excessive” military activities against al-Qaida-linked jihadists, WND has learned."
"ICG petitioned for the Islamist group to participate in the Algerian government.
Hagel serves on the board of The Ploughshares Fund, a George Soros-financed fund that pushes for a nuclear-free world."

CAMERA: NYT Indicts Israel's Democracy... Again
"A social media campaign by Arabs aimed at Arabs is not a sign that Israel’s democracy is sick. It is evidence of the freedom of political speech enjoyed by Israeli Arabs. And a frustration with ineffective politicians is again not a symptom of a weak democracy. It’s the universal condition of voters. The thesis of the article is that voter turnout among the Arab minority might dip below 50 percent and this is evidence that Israel’s democracy is under threat."

Turkish Construction Firm Goes Bankrupt After Sponsoring Antisemitic Films
"A Turkish construction firm that sponsored an antisemitic film and has featured the film’s actors in advertisement campaigns has gone bankrupt. According to Turkey’s Hurriyet daily, a court has passed an injunction protecting Ukra İnşaat against its creditors. The Istanbul-based firm recently requested a delay in proceedings, which will be considered at the conclusion of the current legal process."
"Actors Necati Şaşmaz and Gürkan Uygun, both of whom star in the “Valley of the Wolves,” film series, played in the firm’s commercials. The company also sponsored films such as “Valley of the Wolves Palestine” and “Av Mevsimi” (Hunting Season). According to the report, the company spent $2.5 million on a commercial with Uygun that ran last November."

Christian stores burned in southern Egypt after Muslim girl allegedly sexually assaulted
Police fired tear gas to disperse hundreds of Muslim protesters outside a church in southern Egypt Friday. The demonstrators were demanding an investigation into allegations that a Christian man sexually assaulted a 6-year-old girl.

UN Security Council split on Syria war crimes
While some member states urge the world body to send the problem to the International Criminal Court, others remain undecided

Jordan’s Islamists, opposition rally against vote
Muslim Brotherhood members and youth activists call for boycott of parliament elections, saying freedom is ‘not a royal gift’

Bail $1.22M for Saudi sergeant in Vegas rape case
Aircraft mechanic jailed since New Year’s Eve on charges of raping a minor will plead not guilty, says defense attorney

From Ben-Gurion to Africa with Love
"A delegation including nine BGU students are currently in the city of Makele in Ethiopia, taking part in an extensive educational medical program which aims to eliminate neglected tropical diseases. The program, led by Prof. Zvi Bentwich for the last four years, is being implemented by the Faculty of Health Science’s Center for Emerging Diseases, Tropical Diseases and AIDS (CEMTA) with the assistance of other bodies, including UN organizations, local government agencies and the Israeli Foreign Ministry."

Israeli technology perks up new Corvette
Plasan Sasa’s cutting edge technologies took central stage with the unveiling of the 2014 king of American sports cars.
"Plasan is a Kibbutz Sasa company better known for its very dense plastic composite product that affords ballistic protection without significantly adding to the weight of the vehicle. For years, the Pentagon has looked to Plasan to keep American soldiers safe in Afghanistan and Iraq.
In a bid to win back some of the Corvette’s glory, General Motors turned to Plasan’s technology to reduce mass while increasing strength.
Plasan’s handprints can be found on C7’s front fenders, doors, rear quarter panels, and the rear hatch panel that were all made with the lighter-density sheet molding compound than the car’s previous generation."
  • Saturday, January 19, 2013
  • Elder of Ziyon
This is a photo essay of Islamic University in Gaza from Palestine Times:

More on this wonderful university, and its history with terrorism, here and here.
  • Saturday, January 19, 2013
  • Elder of Ziyon
Last week, Arabs Today came up with a new one:

A campaigner for the human rights group, the Hurriyat Centre has accused Israeli prisons of treating Palestinian prisoners who fall ill with dog medicine. In a statement Ibtisam Annata, a lawyer at the Centre said a prisoner had told her that he suffered with back pain during his detention in Raymond prison prompting the doctor in charge to prescribe him with medicine used to treat dogs.

He continued to take it for several years. Other inmates revealed that many of them had been prescribed the same medicine by prison doctors. Annata condemned the practice as “inhumane” and accused the doctors of“punishing and torturing the prisoners with a slow and painful death.”She added that she feared the prisoners put their lives at further risk by exposing these crimes to the media.
No worries on that last point, Ms. Annata. The only "media" to pick up on this laughingly stupid story was - you guessed it - Mondoweiss, where any anti-Israel rumor is swallowed and regurgitated no matter how obviously made up.

The website for the Hurryyat Center does not have this story, although it has plenty of unverified stories about how terrible things are in Israeli prisons. I'd love to hear a statement from them on this.

(h/t Dan)


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