Monday, June 18, 2012

  • Monday, June 18, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From YNet:
Air Force aircraft fired at a Palestinian terror cell early Tuesday as its members were attempting to plant an explosive device near the central Gaza Strip border fence.

The army said the attack target was hit. Palestinian sources later confirmed that the strike left casualties on the Palestinian side; no further details were provided.

“The IDF will not tolerate any bid to harm the State of Israel’s citizens and IDF soldiers and will continue to operate against any element that utilizes terror against the State of Israel,” the military said following the strike. “The Hamas terror group is the address and it bears the responsibility.”

The latest attack marked the third Israeli airstrike in the Strip in the past 24 hours.

Earlier, the Air Force struck a terror cell as it prepared to fire rockets at Israel; two terrorists were killed in that strike, including a member of Hamas’ military wing, Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades. The strike was carried out after a rocket exploded in southern Israel, causing no injuries.
I haven't seen anything in the Arabic media yet about any casualties from the third strike on Monday; but Hamas confirms that one of its members was killed in the second airstrike. He is praised as having had a great career in Jihad.

Keep in mind that this current uptick started when Gaza terrorist snipers targeted an Israeli civilian driving a tractor on Israel's side of the border with Gaza. They weren't shooting to "terrorize," they were shooting to kill.

If this surge of Gaza strikes and Israeli counter-strikes continue, we can expect that Israel will kill ten terrorists or so before a Gaza civilian gets accidentally killed. Once that happens then the hate-Israel crowd will turn that person into a martyr for their cause of demonizing Israel. They'll be especially gleeful if it is a woman or a child. They will purposefully ignore all the events that will have led up to that death as well as the amazing - but not yet perfect - accuracy of the IAF in targeting terrorists.
  • Monday, June 18, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
But is mocking the people afraid of mocking allowed?

The United Arab Emirates Federal National Council (FNC) has issued a recommendation to the Cabinet to pass legislation on children’s toys that “mock Islam.”

The move has already created a round of sarcastic responses from parents in the Emirates, who say the effort on cracking down on toys seems “unwarranted.”

“These are children’s toys. What are they going to do? I think it’s ridiculous,” Kuwaiti mother of two Mona AbdelRahman told

But Mohammad Msallam Bin Ham, FNC member, called on the government to issue a legislation to tighten controls on imports of toys that are against Islam.

According to news reports, Bin Ham said that such toys should be prohibited from entering the country and to confiscate those found in the market.

“This is the responsibility of the ministry of economy, which should be in charge of securing the country’s borders and gateways through enhancing inspection on imported products,” Bin Ham said.

Bin Ham called on airport, seaport and all border access points to be vigilant.
What kinds of toys are against islam, you may ask?

Well, there's the toy gun that either says ""Go, go, go. Pull over. Save the hostages." or "Shoot Aisha!"

And there is the McDonald's Happy Meal Power Ranger toy with a squiggle that some people think says "Mohammed."

I think they might be insulted by a blow-up sex toy with one of Mohammed's names.

And we cannot possibly forget Mohammed, the Teddy Bear, a version of which you can buy here. But not if you are from the UAE.
  • Monday, June 18, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
Iran was behind bomb plot against Israeli diplomats, investigators find – The Guardian
“European intelligence officials told the Guardian they now found it difficult to judge Tehran's "risk calculus".
"Until recently it was possible to see why they were doing what they have been doing," one intelligence official said. "Now it has become very unpredictable. It's very hard to see the
logic behind [the February bombings], other than perhaps demonstrate an ability to cause problems in the event of war or a desire for revenge of some kind."
logic behind [the February bombings], other than perhaps demonstrate an ability to cause problems in the event of war or a desire for revenge of some kind."

Is the Palestinian Authority Losing Control in the West Bank? by Khaled Abu Toameh
"The security crackdown in the West Bank has nothing to do with combating terrorism. The arrests and confiscations of weapons are part of an effort by the Palestinian Authority to fight crime and dissension within its own ranks."

Russia to send ships and marines to Syria
“MOSCOW (AP) — The Interfax news agency said Monday that two Russian navy ships are to sail to Syria to protect Russian citizens and its naval base there. This would mark the first time since the uprising in Syria started that Russia is sending extra troops to its base in Syria.”

Even MoveOn thinks Charles Barron is bad news.
MoveOn raises concerns against congressional candidacy of Charles Barron“What Barron doesn’t want you to know is that rather than actually trying to fix problems, he’s spent his career specializing in divisive, offensive, and just plain outrageous statements and behavior,” MoveOn wrote.

Bonus - Tel Aviv Cats Video:
TNR - Sexy Cat Parody - LMFAO "Furry & I Know It" -Video
I'm furry and I know it Stray cats and their Tel Aviv strut
A group of IDC students parody sexy cats in support of the trap-neuter-return policy.

Also, another fascinating analysis by Diana Muir Appelbaum, "The Ottoman Footprint"
  • Monday, June 18, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
You know those ubiquitous keys that Palestinian Arabs love to create and draw for the benefit of the Western media, showing how they are holding on to their hopes to "return" to homes that haven't existed for six decades?

Well, in their own media, the keys sometimes have a different symbolism.

From PSNews:

  • Monday, June 18, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Open Zion last week:
Mira Anwar Awad, an Arab-Israeli, will be singing at a festival in Nazareth, a predominantly Arab-Israeli city on Saturday. The Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI), based in Ramallah, demanded the mayor cancel her appearance. Why? Because Awad represented Israel in the 2009 Eurovision song contest.

PACBI accused Awad of “participating in Israeli and Zionist propaganda… revealing her intentional choice to turn her back on her people’s difficulties.” But Awad will sing on Saturday night anyway and the isolationist attitude of PACBI is not doing Arab-Israelis any favors. As they have not removed Awad from the festival, the Nazareth city leadership seems to agree.
As you can see in this video, Awad gave the concert in front of a large crowd filling up Mary's Well Square (crowd shots start around 0:47)

Awad wrote on her Facebook page:
Nazareth concert last night was one of the best concerts I had in my life!! Thank you to all the audience that came, despite all the attempts for disturbance the concert went smoothly and the energy was amazing! I got a huge hug from you people of Nazareth yesterday, also from the people of my village Rameh who came, thank you:-)
And also:
Today's word in Arabic is Jadal (جدل) and it means Controversy. I know I evoke controversy, my complex identity, my nonconformism, it's all too complex of a message to be conveyed in one or two or three statuses. One must have the patience to follow me on the long run in order to get a clear picture of what I believe and what I do. However, the controversy exists around me and not inside me, and there came a time when I got tired of everyone wanting a piece of me, or the WHOLE of me to themselves or to their "side", and when I was asked for the one time too many to show where my loyalty lies, I came to the conclusion that I don't need to prove anything to anyone. It is clear to me that I have headed my own way, with the hope that "my way" would speak to some people out there. I never did anything in the purpose of being liked or accepted by others and am sure not going to start at the age of 37!!:-) This is who I am, woman, musician, humanitarian, animal lover, daughter and sister, funny girl who likes sushi, who knows how to live and let live, who happens to be half Palestinian half Bulgarian living in Israel. Not easy, but not impossible, life being just as complicated as we make it.
Obviously, Arab Israelis didn't boycott her concert and it was a smashing success.

This shows yet again that the boycotters don't represent how Arabs really think, but are instead an attempt to impose their own skewed viewpoints on the world. The people who claim that BDS represents what Palestinian Arabs want are, as always, lying.

(h/t Elias)
  • Monday, June 18, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From PalWatch:

On May 14, the day before Israel's Independence Day, PA TV broadcast the following political statements as printed text on the TV screen:

"Let all of humanity know that I'm not an immigrant"
"Let all religions know that I do not make truces"
"Let every person know that I do not compromise"
"Let all of humanity know that we are proud of [our] patriotism"
"Let all the nations know that we are proud of [our] aspirations"
"Let Palestine know that I am madly in love with it"
"Let Jaffa (Israeli city) know that I will return to it"
[PA TV (Fatah), May 14, 2012]

Each text appeared on the screen with pictures of mostly unidentified old buildings, implying that they, like Jaffa mentioned in the last statement, are inside "Palestine" and that the PA is claiming them.

Also significant are the political messages that the PA will neither agree to a truce nor compromise.
This is official Palestinian Authority TV, and nothing gets on the air without the approval of the PA.

Peace partners!

(h/t Andreas)
  • Monday, June 18, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From YNet:
The Israel Air Force struck targets in northern Gaza Strip Monday. Palestinian sources said two Islamic Jihad terrorists were killed in the attack.

According to Palestinian reports, the two were targeted while riding a motorcycle near northern Gaza Strip town of Beit Hanoun.

The IDF confirmed targeting a sniper cell, saying that the operation was unrelated to Monday's terror attack on the Israel-Egypt border, and came in response to recent sniper fire.
The sniper fire was, of course, not widely reported:
Gaza snipers opened fire Thursday morning on a tractor operator in a field located in the Negev's Eshkol Regional Council. The farmer hid behind the vehicle until he was rescued by IDF troops.
So for those reading this story on AFP will assume that Israel is randomly targeting Gaza for the Egyptian terror attack this morning.

Islamic Jihad is mourning the terrorists, Mohammed Shabat and Ismail Abu Odeh, both 24, saying that their blood will not be wasted.

Once again, the IDF targeted terrorists and killed only terrorists, exactly as they are supposed to, after an attempt to murder Jews.  Not that the fake moralists of the world will ever be OK with that.
  • Monday, June 18, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Egypt Independent:
According to Al-Masry Al-Youm's count, the Muslim Brotherhood's Mohamed Morsy garnered 51.13 percent of the vote, securing the post of the president, after a fierce runoff that pushed former Prime Minister Ahmed Shafiq out of the race with a slim difference.

Morsy gathered 12,322,549 votes, while Shafiq got 12,201,549, or 48.87 percent of the vote.
Morsi declared himself the winner overnight.

And early this morning:
Said Phashapshe, 36, from Haifa, a civilian working on the Israel-Egypt security fence, was killed Monday in a terror attack on the southern border. Golani soldiers that were called up to the scene engaged the cell, killing two terrorists.

The terrorists reportedly opened fire, fired an RPG rocket and attempted to use roadside bombs against two defense contractor crews building the new border fence.

GOC Southern Command Major-General Tal Russo ordered a full inquiry into the incident and its initial findings derived that the attack was well orchestrated.

According to IDF sources, three terrorists crossed the border trough one of the areas that has yet to be reinforced and stalked two vehicles used by the sector's defense contractor, before attacking the workers.

The IDF believes part of the terror cell remained lying in wait on the Egyptian side of the border.

The inquiry also established the initial reports of RGB fire at the crews – which luckily missed the cars – as well as the use of roadside bombs, as close as 30 meters from the vehicles.

Artillery fired at the vehicles caused one of them to flip over and land in a nearby ditch, killing its passenger.

According to the IDF, Golani forces deployed in the sector were on the scene within minutes and engaged the terrorists.

The gunfight caused an explosive device strapped to one of the terrorists to explode, killing him and another terrorist. It remains unclear whether a third terrorist was killed as well.

Security forces that canvassed the area found AK-47 rifles, grenades, uniforms and munitions, Brig.-Gen. Mordechai said.
Islamist terrorists love a vacuum, and the security vacuum that results from chaos is their favorite kind.

Right now the Muslim Brotherhood is effectively fighting the Supreme Court and the military for the right to rule Egypt, and things will get uglier before they get better.

If they get better.

UPDATE: Hamas mosques in Gaza erupted in celebration when Morsi declared victory.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

  • Sunday, June 17, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
AP reports:
Israel is forcing 120 South Sudanese to leave the country as authorities try to whittle the number of illegal immigrants.

Interior Ministry spokeswoman Sabine Haddad says all 120, who are being flown out on Sunday, agreed to leave voluntarily. She says they were told they faced arrest if they did not sign a form agreeing to leave.

She says adults will receive 1,000 euros ($1,300) and minors 500 euros ($650) per person.
This has been a big story for a couple of weeks now.

But I saw an interesting statistic accompanying President Obama's recent offer of amnesty for illegal immigrants in the US. As mentioned in this article from last year:
Nearly 400,000 people were deported from the United States in the past fiscal year, the largest number in the history of the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency, the government announced Tuesday.

The year-end removal numbers "underscore the administration's focus on removing individuals ... that fall into priority areas" such as lawbreakers, threats to national security and repeat violators, the agency said in a news release.

Overall in fiscal year 2011, immigration officials said, 396,906 individuals were removed....

"All told, this administration has deported nearly 1.2 million people, leaving a wake of devastation in Latino communities across the nation," Joanne Lin, ACLU legislative counsel, said in a news release.
Which news story has had bigger headlines: the 120 Sudanese who are getting paid to go back to their country, or the 1.2 million (10,000 times higher!) who were forcibly deported under the supposedly liberal Obama administration?

Had leftists been 10,000 times more indignant at Obama before his recent about-face? Or is there something about calling Israel "racist" that they just find irresistible?

  • Sunday, June 17, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon

The BDS crowd is going nuts over the upcoming Red Hot Chili Peppers show in Israel; you can show your support by going to this Facebook page and Like-ing it.

Meanwhile this video is well done:

(h/t Jennifer)
  • Sunday, June 17, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
Palestine Press Agency quotes Palestinian Contractors Union chairman Osama Kahil as saying that much of the cement smuggled into Gaza through Rafah is unsafe for building.

Kahil says there is a big risk of building without testing of the quality of cement, confirming that the Hamas government does not perform tests on building materials smuggled from the tunnels.

He claimed that the lab tests confirmed that the smuggled concrete is only half the strength of that necessary to build safe structures.
  • Sunday, June 17, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
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