“European intelligence officials told the Guardian they now found it difficult to judge Tehran's "risk calculus".
"Until recently it was possible to see why they were doing what they have been doing," one intelligence official said. "Now it has become very unpredictable. It's very hard to see the
logic behind [the February bombings], other than perhaps demonstrate an ability to cause problems in the event of war or a desire for revenge of some kind." logic behind [the February bombings], other than perhaps demonstrate an ability to cause problems in the event of war or a desire for revenge of some kind."
Is the Palestinian Authority Losing Control in the West Bank? by Khaled Abu Toameh
"The security crackdown in the West Bank has nothing to do with combating terrorism. The arrests and confiscations of weapons are part of an effort by the Palestinian Authority to fight crime and dissension within its own ranks."
Russia to send ships and marines to Syria
“MOSCOW (AP) — The Interfax news agency said Monday that two Russian navy ships are to sail to Syria to protect Russian citizens and its naval base there. This would mark the first time since the uprising in Syria started that Russia is sending extra troops to its base in Syria.”
Even MoveOn thinks Charles Barron is bad news.
MoveOn raises concerns against congressional candidacy of Charles Barron“What Barron doesn’t want you to know is that rather than actually trying to fix problems, he’s spent his career specializing in divisive, offensive, and just plain outrageous statements and behavior,” MoveOn wrote.
Bonus - Tel Aviv Cats Video:
TNR - Sexy Cat Parody - LMFAO "Furry & I Know It" -Video
I'm furry and I know it Stray cats and their Tel Aviv strut
A group of IDC students parody sexy cats in support of the trap-neuter-return policy.
Also, another fascinating analysis by Diana Muir Appelbaum, "The Ottoman Footprint"